The witcher 3 wild hunt card collection. Football Mode: Collect a complete collection. How it works

Since your main character Geralt is famous for his excellent player in the card mini-game Gwent, then you simply have to collect a collection of cards in the Witcher 3. And in today's article we will tell you about how to complete the task when passing the game in the Witcher 3 to collect complete collection kart.

We will also tell you what problems may arise when completing this task to collect a complete collection of cards in Gwent, and with whose help (or by what means) they can be solved.

For starters, it's worth noting that the first cards you get by playing with all kinds of merchants. This will lay the foundation for the fact that, of course, you will have a collection of cards in the Witcher 3. The total number of cards you can get from merchants is limited. When you receive all the cards available from the merchants, then after winning from them you will not be given any reward. This will be a wake-up call to the fact that you have already collected all the cards available from merchants. Naturally, at the initial stage of the game, for every first won game of Gwent from each merchant, you receive one new card. Naturally, you can lose. But do not despair, but try again, and after the victory, you will earn a new card.
The second way in the Witcher 3 to collect a collection of cards is to complete tasks. In some quests, the reward is cards in Gwent, and in some quests you get new card in the process of passing.

The third way to get cards for the collection is to buy from individual merchants and innkeepers. Be sure to buy all the cards that come across from the very beginning of the game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" so that you do not come back for a purchase later.

Pay special attention to the card "Execution", which appears on Skellig at the innkeeper in Kaer-Trold when you approach him for the first time. You buy it. Then come up a second time - he will again have the "Execution" card available. And so three times. You need to buy three "Execution" cards. If you still lack such cards in your collection, then contact this innkeeper and buy more cards.

When it seems to you that you have already beaten all the merchants, complete all the tasks, and the collection is still not collected. We must go in search of the latest problem maps.

Follow to the village of Glinnik, which is not connected with any plot or additional tasks... In this village, there is a merchant by the house, from whom you can buy the last five cards for a complete collection in the game Gwent. However, this merchant does not stay in this place all the time. He needs to be brought by freeing him from the bandit camp not far from the island.

That is, if you lack five cards for a complete collection. Go to the bandits' camp, free the merchant from the cage, who will invite you to the village of Glinnik.

Thus, you know how to collect a complete collection of cards in The Witcher 3. To navigate in numbers, the complete collection consists of 196 cards, 16 of which are leader cards, 29 neutral cards, 3 decks of 37 cards, 40 cards in the monster deck. By pressing the "H" button on the keyboard, you can call up the entire list of collected cards.

We hope this article will help you complete the quest for the complete collection of cards in Gwent.

The third part cult game appeared to the world in 2015 and immediately became popular among fans and newcomers of the trilogy. The plot will again bring a lot of impressions and surprises to the players, as well as introduce new exciting passages. But what gamers have problems with all the time is with a mini-toy - "Gwent".

Acquaintance with "Gwent"

The previous two versions delighted us with poker and dice, but now there is a more difficult stage in the passage of the game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" - "Gwent". This card puzzle is a separate task, after completing which, the gamer will receive a lot of "goodies". You can find out the rules in the quest "Lilacs and gooseberries": there a wise scientist in a hat helps all newcomers to deal with this difficult task. By the way, it is worth noting that those who like the game will have a massive tournament in Novigrad.

In The Witcher 3 Trilogy, playing Gwent may be familiar to those who love Blizzard Entertainment's famous Hearthstone. Here, cards represent units whose strength is measured in points. Points are accumulated, thus resembling blackjack already. Well, now, in order, let's figure out the role-playing RPG "The Witcher 3": how to play gwent and what secrets this fun hides.

Collection of cards

First of all, in the game "The Witcher 3" cards for "Gwent" are presented in 4 basic sets and one additional one. After completing training with Aldert Geert, a new task appears in the magazine - collecting the complete collection of "The Witcher 3". You can collect cards for "Gwent" in gambling battles with amateurs, thanks to completing special tasks, as well as buying them from the inns of Velen, Novigrad, Skellig and Ochsenfurt.

As a result, over time you will receive a complete collection, which contains 180 cards: this includes 37 pieces each in the "Kingdom of the North", "Nilfgaard" and "Scoya'taeli" decks; 40 - belong to the collection "Monsters" and the remaining 29 - are in the collection "Neutral" and "Special". Starting the game, first of all, you will have to fight with the help of the "Kingdom of the North". As you level up and increasingly difficult opponents, you will need powerful cards. If you don’t devote time to collecting and chasing rare units, then by level 12 you will easily have two more decks: "Nilfgaard" and "Scoya'taeli".

But over time, you will feel the difficulty in the battle against the collection of "Monsters". And then there will be a need to collect a complete collection. But before we get to the main question of the game "Gwent" "The Witcher 3": where to find the cards, let's get acquainted and understand all the existing decks.

Basic decks

The first and most balanced deck is the Kingdom of the North. There are three "Spies" and some other units that can double your points, and there is also the option of choosing an additional card after the round. The most strong point this collection is considered to have catapults.

"Skoya'taeli" is a deck of elves. Few people love this collection, as at first glance it seems simple and weak, but in fact, in the right hands, it can defeat any rival.

The "Nilfgaard" deck is quite powerful, contains, in addition to three "Medics", also 4 "Spies". There is a large number of "tens" and quite strong units in all three rows.

But the strongest and most difficult deck is considered - "Monster". The collection itself is very difficult for both you and your opponent. The only thing that can control all the monsters is "Frost". But since this spell is quite rare, then in the absence of it you will have to rely on fortune. Well, before we deal with one of the main questions of the "Witcher 3" trilogy: how to play "Gwent", let's find out about the types of cards.

Types of cards

In addition to the existing decks, it is worth dividing the entire collection into three types: warriors, artillery and arrows. In addition to their main responsibilities, they can be endowed with additional abilities.

Special cards or spells do not have combat points, but can affect all units. "Frost", "Mist", "Rain" or "Clear Weather" will help reduce the strength of the warriors or remove any weather spells. But despite their strength, it should be borne in mind that these effects will hook not only enemy cards, but also affect yours, so they should be used in special cases.

Leader cards are the smallest row. Usually, there is only one leader in each deck. Moreover, his ability is used only once for the entire party.

But to find out the answer to the question of the game "Gwent" "The Witcher 3": where to find the heroic cards, you will have to right away. These are the most powerful units and you won't be able to buy or get them just like that, but you will want to. Hero cards can be won against other rivals or side missions.

Game process

Having learned some basic details, it is worthwhile to deal with our main question in the role-playing RPG "The Witcher 3". How to play "Gwent" knowing all the above facts is very simple. Before starting the party, you will need to complete. First, we choose the leader of the deck and add at least 22 unique cards of various denominations there.

You will need to add 10 more special units / spells to your deck and start your journey. The playing field is represented by several zones: three from your side and three from the enemy. The first row is filled with melee units, the second with long-range units, and the third with siege units. As you already know, each of the lines can be influenced by special cards. The round will be won by the one with the most points. The game itself continues in three stages, of which at least two must be won in order for a complete victory.

Regardless of how many cards you have in your starting deck, you only have 10 random cards in the beginning. You can change a couple of them, with the rest you will have to engage in battle. The first move will belong to the player to whom fortune will smile. Further, you next launch one card into battle. Combat Strength is added up, thus making up the total number of points. In general, in "The Witcher 3", the passage of "Gwent" is a fairly simple test, the main thing is to first understand and understand the principle of this online fun.

Looking for cards

So, to answer the question of the game "The Witcher 3": where to buy cards for "Gwent", it means to tell all the most interesting and take away from the gamer best experience and vivid emotions. But nevertheless, several places can be told in secret. Rare cards are scattered throughout all the kingdoms and for the sake of them you will have to fight the villains well.

In the "Northern Kingdom" you can complete several quests, for example, the quest "Players of Velen" will bring you a powerful card with a power of 10. Quest " Dangerous game"offers after passing money or a unit, of course, select" Jan Natalis "with a strength of 10. By the way, the quest" Gwent: Games in Novigrad "also prepared an excellent rare card for you.

"Nilfgaard" also gives you the opportunity to compete in the above quests for rare cards: "Summer from Gulet", "Morvran Vorhis" and Each of these units also has a strength of 10 and will be useful in your collection.

In addition, having defeated Stefan in "Oxenfert", having completed several interesting quests, you will collect unusual neutral cards, the strength of which can reach 15. In general, fight and get a reward for your efforts.

Exciting additions

Before moving on to revealing some of the possibilities, it is worth mentioning the addition to the game The Witcher 3: Hearts of stone"." Gwent "in this gift will expand a little and become even more exciting. Here you will finally meet new rivals and even be able to get unique cards. You will receive two real decks for playing Gwent by mail.

"Gwent" and his little secrets

And now, closer to the secrets: if at the initial stage it is difficult for you to fight some rivals, you can buy the "Commander's Horn" set "At the Crossroads" and thanks to it, double the strength of units in one row. Don't forget about the "Scarecrow" card - the return of useful units can drastically change the outcome of the game.

Remember that "Gwent" is a rather tricky puzzle, and at first, by deliberately succumbing to your opponent, you can knock out all the powerful cards from the enemy by laying out your weak units. And even if he takes the victory in the first round, do not despair right away, because then he simply will have nothing to fend off your strong warriors.

Usually, weather maps are held for the end of the game. But do not forget that these spells also harm enemy units, and therefore will help you win the round, even if everything, in your opinion, is already lost. Do not pass, but fight to the last.

If you come across a rival with the "Monsters" collection: don't despair right away. Despite the fact that this deck can really frustrate you, there is a great control against it: the spell "Frost". Also use as many archers, artillery and weather maps as possible. This deck will perfectly cope with all the warriors of the "Monster" and will lead you to victory.

Insidious and clever fun

Gwent is not a balance game. Here you can perfectly manage the "Spies". If this unit takes you a third of the deck, then thanks to the additional two cards after each turn of the "Spy", you will replenish the number of soldiers in your hand and be able to defeat your opponent in large numbers.

Basically, it's easy to understand in the action RPG The Witcher 3: how to play Gwent. The main thing to remember is that this puzzle is tricky and clever. Here you need to be a real strategist in order to think through moves in advance, to win against the enemy and receive rewards for your efforts. Play and Win! May the power of the Witcher be with you!

There are several quests in the game that will allow you to play with skillful rivals, the victory over which will bring you special cards. You cannot get such cards in any other way.

ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠList of quests:

Gwent: The Tavern Play

You will receive this quest after the tutorial match in the White Garden. It is necessary to fight with Stepan in Oxenfurt (Tavern), the owner of the tavern "At the Crossroads" and Oliver (in the tavern "Kingfisher", Novigrad). This quest must be completed before starting the Now or Never quest (Oliver, in Kingfisher, may disappear).

Gwent: Velenian Players

You will receive this quest after viewing the bulletin board at Vronitsa Castle. We must defeat the Bloody Baron, the soothsayer, the boatman and the boy Ugly. The quest must be completed before "Family Matters" (the baron will not be able to play with you, due to some family troubles)

Gwent: Games in Novigrad

You will receive this quest after defeating Vivaldi or after viewing the bulletin board in Novigrad. You must defeat Vivaldi, Marquis Serenity in Passiflora, Dijkstra and Scoy "Tael" (east of Lucien's Mill). The quest must be completed before "Cause of State Importance" (Dijkstra cannot play with you due to unforeseen circumstances)

Gwent: old comrades

The quest starts after playing with Zoltan or Roche. We must defeat: Zoltan (Sage and Rosemary) Vernon Roche (Shelter of the Temerian partisans), Lambert (you must complete the quest "Unraveling the Ball") and Thaler (after completing the quest "Deadly Conspiracy"). Complete these quests before the Battle of Kaer Morhen (Lambert will ride off in a fit of love) and Cases of State Importance (Roche will probably be busy feeding the worms)

  • Zoltan or Roche after defeating them (one of them) gives a tip to the next one (Zoltan on Roche, and Roche on Zoltan). And after defeating the next one, he gives a tip to Lambert and one "merchant" (Thaler, who is still on assignment; 0).
    Those. the chain of this quest looks like this (as an example): the victory over Zoltan is the beginning of the quest "Old comrades". Zoltan gives a tip to Roche. Victory over Roche. Roche gives a tip to Lambert and the "merchant" (Thaler). And only after this personal tip from Geralt, immediately after completing the quest "Unraveling the ball" (with either of the two options for completing it), a line about gwent appears in the conversation menu with Lambert.
Gwent: Skellig Games
Get this quest after playing with Crach en Krayt or Mousehover. Defeat Ruin, Myshovur, Gremist (after completing the High Alchemy quest), Seust, and Lugos the Mad. This quest must be completed before the last battle with the Wild Hunt. If you accidentally killed Lugos, then look for his map in his castle.

The Question of Life and Death

Additional quest from Triss. You will be invited to a masquerade ball. There will be a table on the upper terrace, at which the gwent fans have gathered. It is necessary to win in three games and you will receive a Buttercup card.

If you completed this quest and did not receive a map, then you will have to load.

Dangerous game

Additional quest Zoltan, you can get after saving Buttercup. At the end of the quest, you can choose: three cards or 2000 crowns.

Shock therapy

Additional quest. Skellige Islands, Gedinate Oak.

The druid will ask you to return the gosol to his friend Egil. You will receive a card as a reward.

High stakes

Additional quest. It can be started in Passiflora, but 1000 CZK is required. You must defeat three opponents in an elite tournament. If you lose at least one match, you will not be able to receive cards. Build a good deck before starting this quest. (I will write in more detail about the passage of this quest in the next section).

The rest of the cards can be obtained by defeating various merchants, gunsmiths, blacksmiths and inns. From each of them you can get only one random map... If you have already received a card, then for subsequent victories you will only be given resources.
Itinerant traders do not play gwent.

This guide will help you find a dedicated book on finding Gwent maps, as well as point out where to look for some of the unique maps for Gwent. Collecting all this stuff is very simple. It is enough to follow the instructions of this guide.

Everyone knows that in The Witcher 3 available card game Gwent. The cards for this game are easy to find in many different places, but to collect the entire collection, you will have to work hard. This is where the guide begins.

Search Guide Gwent game card collection

Not everyone knows, but there is a book in the game that provides you with information on how many Gwent cards you have not collected in each zone. If you get hold of this book, it will become much easier to collect a collection of cards.

So, in the game there are two ways to get collection of cards game Gwent:
1 ... The first NPC who has this book lives in a tavern in the White Garden. The same merchant who teaches you to play Gwent. It is enough to defeat him and he will give it to you.
2 ... The second NPC lives in Novigrad, near the St. Gregory Bridge. We move to the sign and go to the nearest square, which is in the southeast. The store we need is located in the western part. The collection of maps of the game Gwent is cheap, buy and use for health. By the way, in the same store you can buy such a rare thing as a reset potion.

You now have the book you want. You can go looking for missing cards, or you can read a little more and find out where to find rare cards in The Witcher 3.

Guide to finding rare / unique cards for the game Gwent in the game The Witcher 3.

Neutral cards
1. Yenifer Map(Strength: 7) - You can get it for defeating Stefan in Oskenfert.
2. Dijkstra Map(Strength: 4) - A Spy-type card is won in Velen from the Bloody Baron. It is not very easy to win, but it all depends on your luck.
3. Buttercup Card(Strength: 2) - During the passage of Triss's quest "The Matter of Life and Death", you can play Gwent with bones. We defeat three and the card is with us.
4. Geralt of Rivia Map(Strength: 15) - Quest Gwent: Old Comrades. Can be obtained by defeating Thaler, after defeating Roche.
5. Triss Merigold Map(Strength: 7) - Quest Gwent: Old Comrades. Can be obtained by defeating Lambert.
6. Cyril Map(Strength: 15) - Quest Gwent: Games in Novigrad. Can be obtained by defeating Scoyatael.
7. Vesemir Map(Strength: 6) - Quest Gwent: Games in Novigrad. You will get it for winning at the Vivaldi bank.

Northern Kingdoms Maps
1. Vernon Rocher Map(Strength: 10) - Quest Players of Velen. Can be won against the Ugly boy in Midcops (Velen).
2. Jan Natalis Map(Strength: 10) - Quest: A Dangerous Game. We help Zoltan to get cards and, of course, when choosing cards or money, we take cards.
3. Estard Thyssen Map(Strength: 10) - Quest Gwent: Games in Novigrad. Can be obtained by defeating Dijkstra.

Skoy`tael cards
1. Eitne Map(Strength: 10) - Quest Gwent: Old Comrades. Can be obtained by defeating Zoltan.
2. Saecentessis Map(Strength: 10) - Quest Gwent: Old Comrades. Can be obtained by defeating Roche.
3. Isengrim Faoiltiran Map(Strength: 10) - Quest: A Dangerous Game. Same as Jan Natalis card.

Nilgaard Maps
1. Summer Card from Guleta(Strength: 10) - Quest: Players of Velen. We need to win the match in Oreton. Your opponent will have a very strong deck with all types of troops at least strength 6.
2. Morvran Vorhis Map(Strength: 10) - Quest Gwent: Games in Novigrad. Can be obtained by defeating the Marquis Serenity.
3. Fringilla Vigo Map(Strength: 6) - Quest: A Dangerous Game. Same as Jan Natalis card.

The third part of the cult game was released to the world in 2015 and immediately became popular among fans and newcomers of the trilogy. The plot will again bring a lot of impressions and surprises to the players, as well as introduce new exciting passages. But what gamers have problems with all the time is with a mini-toy - "Gwent".

Acquaintance with "Gwent"

The previous two versions delighted us with poker and dice, but now there is a more difficult stage in the passage of the game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" - "Gwent". This card puzzle is a separate task, after completing which, the gamer will receive a lot of "goodies". You can find out the rules in the quest "Lilacs and gooseberries": there a wise scientist in a hat helps all newcomers to deal with this difficult task. By the way, it is worth noting that those who like the game will have a massive tournament in Novigrad.

In The Witcher 3 Trilogy, playing Gwent may be familiar to those who love Blizzard Entertainment's famous Hearthstone. Here, cards represent units whose strength is measured in points. Points are accumulated, thus resembling blackjack already. Well, now, in order, let's figure out the role-playing RPG "The Witcher 3": how to play gwent and what secrets this fun hides.

Collection of cards

First of all, in the game "The Witcher 3" cards for "Gwent" are presented in 4 basic sets and one additional one. After completing training with Aldert Geert, a new task appears in the magazine - collecting the complete collection of "The Witcher 3". You can collect cards for "Gwent" in gambling battles with amateurs, thanks to completing special tasks, as well as buying them from the inns of Velen, Novigrad, Skellig and Ochsenfurt.

As a result, over time you will receive a complete collection, which contains 180 cards: this includes 37 pieces each in the "Kingdom of the North", "Nilfgaard" and "Scoya'taeli" decks; 40 - belong to the collection "Monsters" and the remaining 29 - are in the collection "Neutral" and "Special". Starting the game, first of all, you will have to fight with the help of the "Kingdom of the North". As you level up and increasingly difficult opponents, you will need powerful cards. If you don’t devote time to collecting and chasing rare units, then by level 12 you will easily have two more decks: "Nilfgaard" and "Scoya'taeli".

But over time, you will feel the difficulty in the battle against the collection of "Monsters". And then there will be a need to collect a complete collection. But before we get to the main question of the game "Gwent" "The Witcher 3": where to find the cards, let's get acquainted and understand all the existing decks.

Basic decks

The first and most balanced deck is the Kingdom of the North. There are three "Spies" and some other units that can double your points, there is also the option of choosing an additional card after the round. The strongest point of this collection is the presence of catapults.

"Skoya'taeli" is a deck of elves. Few people love this collection, as at first glance it seems simple and weak, but in fact, in the right hands, it can defeat any rival.

The "Nilfgaard" deck is quite powerful, contains, in addition to three "Medics", also 4 "Spies". There is a large number of "tens" and quite strong units in all three rows.

But the strongest and most difficult deck is considered - "Monster". The collection itself is very difficult for both you and your opponent. The only thing that can control all the monsters is "Frost". But since this spell is quite rare, then in the absence of it you will have to rely on fortune. Well, before we deal with one of the main questions of the "Witcher 3" trilogy: how to play "Gwent", let's find out about the types of cards.

Types of cards

In addition to the existing decks, it is worth dividing the entire collection into three types: warriors, artillery and arrows. In addition to their main responsibilities, they can be endowed with additional abilities.

Special cards or spells do not have combat points, but can affect all units. "Frost", "Mist", "Rain" or "Clear Weather" will help reduce the strength of the warriors or remove any weather spells. But despite their strength, it should be borne in mind that these effects will hook not only enemy cards, but also affect yours, so they should be used in special cases.

Leader cards are the smallest row. Usually, there is only one leader in each deck. Moreover, his ability is used only once for the entire party.

But to find out the answer to the question of the game "Gwent" "The Witcher 3": where to find the heroic cards, you will have to right away. These are the most powerful units and you won't be able to buy or get them just like that, but you will want to. Hero cards can be won against other rivals or side missions.

Game process

Having learned some basic details, it is worthwhile to deal with our main question in the role-playing RPG "The Witcher 3". How to play "Gwent" knowing all the above facts is very simple. Before starting the party, you will need to complete. First, we choose the leader of the deck and add at least 22 unique cards of various denominations there.

You will need to add 10 more special units / spells to your deck and start your journey. The playing field is represented by several zones: three from your side and three from the enemy. The first row is filled with melee units, the second with long-range units, and the third with siege units. As you already know, each of the lines can be influenced by special cards. The round will be won by the one with the most points. The game itself continues in three stages, of which at least two must be won in order for a complete victory.

Regardless of how many cards you have in your starting deck, you only have 10 random cards in the beginning. You can change a couple of them, with the rest you will have to engage in battle. The first move will belong to the player to whom fortune will smile. Further, you next launch one card into battle. Combat Strength is added up, thus making up the total number of points. In general, in "The Witcher 3", the passage of "Gwent" is a fairly simple test, the main thing is to first understand and understand the principle of this online fun.

Looking for cards

So, to answer the question of the game "The Witcher 3": where to buy cards for "Gwent", it means to tell all the most interesting and take away the best impressions and vivid emotions from the gamer. But nevertheless, several places can be told in secret. Rare cards are scattered throughout the kingdoms and for the sake of them you will have to fight the villains well.

In the "Northern Kingdom" you can go through several quests, for example, the "Players of Velen" task will bring you a powerful card with a strength of 10. The "Dangerous Game" task offers after passing money or a unit, of course, we choose "Jan Natalis" with a strength of 10. By the way , the quest "Gwent: Games in Novigrad" has also prepared an excellent rare map for you.

"Nilfgaard" also gives you the opportunity to compete in the above quests for rare cards: "Summer from Gulet", "Morvran Vorhis" and "Fringilla Vigo". Each of these units also has a strength of 10 and will become useful in your collection.

In addition, having defeated Stefan in "Oxenfert", having completed several interesting quests, you will collect unusual neutral cards, the strength of which can reach 15. In general, fight and get a reward for your efforts.

Exciting additions

Before moving on to revealing some of the possibilities, it is worth mentioning the addition to the game "The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone". "Gwent" in this gift will expand a little and become even more fun. Here you will finally meet new rivals and even be able to get unique cards. And if you decide to buy the add-on not in electronic version, then along with the box by mail you will receive two real decks for playing Gwent.

"Gwent" and his little secrets

And now, closer to the secrets: if at the initial stage it is difficult for you to fight some rivals, you can buy the "Commander's Horn" set "At the Crossroads" and thanks to it, double the strength of units in one row. Don't forget about the "Scarecrow" card - the return of useful units can drastically change the outcome of the game.

Remember that "Gwent" is a rather tricky puzzle, and at first, by deliberately succumbing to your opponent, you can knock out all the powerful cards from the enemy by laying out your weak units. And even if he takes the victory in the first round, do not despair right away, because then he simply will have nothing to fend off your strong warriors.

Usually, weather maps are held for the end of the game. But do not forget that these spells also harm enemy units, and therefore will help you win the round, even if everything, in your opinion, is already lost. Do not pass, but fight to the last.

If you come across a rival with the "Monsters" collection: don't despair right away. Despite the fact that this deck can really frustrate you, there is a great control against it: the spell "Frost". Also use as many archers, artillery and weather maps as possible. This deck will perfectly cope with all the warriors of the "Monster" and will lead you to victory.

Insidious and clever fun

Gwent is not a balance game. Here you can perfectly manage the "Spies". If this unit takes you a third of the deck, then thanks to the additional two cards after each turn of the "Spy", you will replenish the number of soldiers in your hand and be able to defeat your opponent in large numbers.

Basically, it's easy to understand in the action RPG The Witcher 3: how to play Gwent. The main thing to remember is that this puzzle is tricky and clever. Here you need to be a real strategist in order to think through moves in advance, to win against the enemy and receive rewards for your efforts. Play and Win! May the power of the Witcher be with you!

Velen .
Skellige Islands: Basic, Additional tasks.
Kaer Morhen: Basic, Additional tasks.
Final missions. Endings .

Gwent game

Gwent - card collectible game in the world of "The Witcher 3". You can play this game in almost any tavern. The general meaning in gwent, as in blackjack, is that you need to score more points than your opponent, but do not overdo it. But this is a collectible card game, and it has a lot of its own little nuances.

You can view your deck of cards at any time. We enter the main menu of the game ("Esc" key), select the line "Deck for playing gwent".

The rules of the card game Gwent

Each player has their own deck of cards. Finding and collecting new, more effective cards for the deck can significantly increase your chances of winning.

The game party is divided into separate rounds. To win the entire game, you need to win two rounds. Defeat is counted in the same way - for two lost battles.

Whatever large deck you did not make it, only 10 random cards from your deck are used in one game. (But during the game, the number of cards in hand can be increased).

At the beginning of the game, you can change 2 out of 10 issued cards if you do not like them.

Players take turns playing one card each turn. Who goes first is randomly determined by a coin toss.

The main unit cards have combat strength. The laid out cards accumulate on the battlefield and their combat strength is summed up.

Instead of any move, you can pass (hold down the "space"), after which the opponent can continue to lay out cards until he also passes.

The number of cards laid out in a round is chosen by the player himself. (If you spend a lot of good cards in one round, then they may not be enough in the second or third round).

When both opponents have passed, the combat strength of the laid cards begins. Whoever has more combat strength wins the round.

Game controls Gwent
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Passing

At the beginning of the game when we choose which cards to replace:

Double click on the map - replacement.

Right click - the end of the replacement mode.

During the round:

Right click to take a closer look at the map.

Left click on the map - select the map (the map will fit in the right corner).

Left click on the battlefield - place the selected card.

(Controlling mouse clicks is not the most convenient, you need to manually indicate where to lay out the card. It is much more convenient to lay out the card like this: move the cursor over the card, press Enter twice on the keyboard, the card will be laid out in the required row of the battlefield).

Pinch the "gap" - pass, end of the round.

Types of cards
Walkthrough The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Unit cards

Unit cards are divided into three types:

The unit type is indicated in a yellow circle on the left side of the map.

The division into types is not taken into account in the calculation of the total strength in any way. Separation becomes important only when using ability cards, since they can only affect certain types of unit cards.

Also, unit cards can have their own bonuses that are triggered under a certain condition and affect the overall combat strength. Abilities, if any, are marked on the card in a white circle on the left side of the image.

Abilitythe effect
SpyThe card is placed on the enemy's field. All the power of the card is transferred not to us, but to the enemy, but for this we receive two additional cards from the deck in our hands.
MedicPutting such a card, select one more card from the already played ones, and place it on the battle field. (It works only if there are repulsed cards. That is, healer cards are useless in the first round, they must be used in the second or third).
Strong bondPlacing two identical cards with the same pattern doubles their strength.
AgilityYou can choose a map type and put it in any row.
DoubleTogether with this card, all exactly the same cards from the deck are laid out on the field.
A surge of strengthThe card gives an increase to the strength of all cards of the same type on the battlefield.

Special cards

Such cards do not have their own combat power, but can change the power of all card units. Most often, these cards represent weather, but there are also spell cards.

Certain weather only affects certain types of units.

Moreover, the weather map affects both the enemy and our troops. Then how can you use them in general? For example, "Rain" reduces the strength of archers, both enemy and ours. To effectively use such a map, we need to put more melee units when the enemy is putting up archers, and then the rain will greatly damage the enemy, and will not affect us in any way.

Leader cards

A player can only have one required leader card, it is displayed on the left side of the screen. Leaders have one special ability. This card can be used on any turn, but it can only be used once per game.

(Initially, we have a deck of Northern Kingdoms, the leader in it is Foltest. His ability is “Call the haze.” We must add the “Darkness” card to our initial deck, but if it falls into our hands, then we replace it with another, no need to spend there is a place for her in 10 game cards, because we can always get her with the ability of the leader).

Each suit has four leader options for a total of 16 leader cards. You can change the leader card on the deck selection screen by pressing the "X" key.

Hero Cards

Very powerful cards that can change the course of the battle. Their combat strength is adorned with thorns in the images. The peculiarity of the heroes is that they are not affected by massive effects: weather, spells. Heroes are especially good to use when the enemy has a lot of weather maps.

At the very beginning, we do not have hero cards, and you cannot simply buy them in stores. Each hero card will have to be won against experienced gwent players. There are several side missions associated with this.

Card suits
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Passing

The cards are divided into different suits. In the beginning, only the Northern Kingdoms deck is available to us, all other suits will have to be collected for a very long time in stores and from other players.

SuitSpecial skill
Northern KingdomsHaving won the round, take 1 additional card from the deck.
Empire NilfgaardIn case of a tie, the victory goes to the Nilfgaardians.
Scoya "taeliWe get the right of the first move if a deck of a different suit is against us.
MonstersAt the end of the round, one of the cards remains on the playing field and is used in the next round.
NeutralsNeutral cards such as "Geralt", "Yennefer", "Ciri" play the role of jokers that do not belong to any of the suits. They can be added to a deck of any suit if there are not enough ordinary cards for the set.

Game tricks
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Gwent

The game developers tried to create a solid, interesting and addictive minigame inside The Witcher 3, and they succeeded. The only drawback in the gwent is that computer opponents are not able to make real competition to the player. There are serious flaws in the tactics and behavior of computer opponents, understanding which, you can easily defeat even stronger enemy decks.

In the initial stages, it is very difficult to defeat opponents, not yet good cards... We buy two cards “Commander's Horn” in the tavern “At the Crossroads” and add them to the deck. These cards double the strength of our troops of a certain type, such a bonus will greatly facilitate the game of gwent. With such cards, you can even defeat the baron, and after that we will already get access to hero cards.

The "Scarecrow" card is very useful, it allows you to return the laid out card from the battlefield and replace it with a scarecrow without combat strength. If the enemy puts us a spy, we can take him with the help of a scarecrow, and also use it to our advantage - put the enemy and get two cards from the deck. We can lay out a healer card, revive one of the cards, then pick up a healer with the help of a scarecrow, lay it down again, and revive another card.

If the opponent has the Execute card (the destruction of our strongest card), he always puts it first. Therefore, first we need to lay out the weakest cards.

The opponent leaves the weather cards at the end of the round. He uses them, even if it is not beneficial to him, he can lose even more strength from them than we do. You need to use your cards to the end, and not pass, even if the situation seems hopeless. The enemy on the last turn can suddenly help us by laying out a weather map that does not suit him at all.

The balance in the gwent is lame. Cards with the "Spy" ability are much more effective than all the others. Ideally, you should build your deck so that Spy cards take up one third of the deck. By laying out spy cards, we significantly increase the number of cards in our hands, and the enemy simply does not have enough of even the most strong cards to fight back.

The opponent always plays to win, he does not know how to recognize the giveaway. In order to deceive the opponent, we lay out the spy cards and, possibly, our weakest cards in the first round. We are not even trying to fight back, but we are completing the round. The opponent will win, but at the same time he will lose some of the good cards, and at this time, on the contrary, we will increase the number of cards at the expense of spies. It remains only to correctly distribute your cards for the second and third rounds, the enemy will have nothing to fight back with.

If the opponent wins in the first round, it often happens that in the second round he does not even resist and immediately passes. We lay out the weakest card and win.

In a battle against a deck of monsters, it is better to take more cards"Frost" and use only archers and artillery. The monsters have a lot of melee warriors, almost all of them have the "double" property. Monsters win in numbers, you can't beat them in a fair battle, but with the "Frost" card you can easily disable all their army.

In the battle against the elves, take more cards "Frost" and "Mist". Elves often come across cards with the "double" property, both among archers and among warriors. We neutralize large concentrations of enemies using weather maps.

Or maybe a party in gwent?

Wonderful guide to gwent

CD Project RED did an excellent job of bringing the gwent mini-game to life, carefully stacking each of the four decks suitable cards perfectly complementing each other. However, no matter how self-sufficient the decks turn out to be, they are not even able to help cards that are not bound to a certain card faction. Such cards are called neutral or universal... These maps include weather maps, maps with unique abilities, special character maps, and more. This article will focus on where exactly you can get all the available in basic version games are neutral cards, and the author will also reflect on which deck this or that card could belong to, personifying certain characters.

Let's conditionally divide neutral cards into three categories:

  1. Special cards
  2. Weather Maps
  3. Character Cards

Special cards

Map Card name Method of receiving the card Map features
  • One card can be bought from Elsa, the hostess of the inn in the White Garden
  • One card can be bought from the owner of the "Seven Cats" tavern located near Novigrad
  • One card is sold by the Quartermaster of Vronitsa Castle in Velen
Replaces one card of your choice already on the table and returns it to the player's hand
  • One card can be bought from the innkeeper in the village of Uriall on Skellig
  • One card can be purchased from the harbor tavern owner at Caer Trolde on Skellig
  • One card can be bought from the owner of the "Goose Guzka" tavern near Novigrad
Removes the card or cards with the highest strength from the table, regardless of their row. Works on both enemy cards and player cards
Commander's horn
  • One card can be bought from the owner of the "At the Crossroads" tavern in Velen
  • One card can be bought from the owner of the Oxenfurt tavern "Alchemy"
  • One card can be bought from the Marquise Serenity in the Passiflora brothel in Novigrad
Doubles the strength of all cards in the row on which it was placed

Special cards do not have an indicator of strength, are not tied to a specific row and, mainly, are third-party units on the table. The Scarecrow card is the only exception. It is worth noting that the Execute card instantly goes to retreat after being used and cannot be reused even after using a card with the Medic ability.

Note to the "Scarecrow" card: Along the way story quest"Gooseberries and lilacs", the owner of the inn in the White Garden, Elsa will leave the village forever, and the opportunity to trade with her will be lost. In this case, her goods will become available for purchase from Brahm, a merchant who was met by the witcher on the way to the White Garden and saved by him from the griffin, whose shop is located not far from the inn.

Weather Maps

Map Card name Method of receiving the card Map features
  • One card is
Weakens the melee ranks of both the player and the enemy, while lowering the strength of all cards to a value of one
  • One card is
Weakens the ranged ranks of both the player and the enemy, while lowering the strength of all cards to a value of one
  • Two cards are in the starting deck
  • One card is a random reward for defeating opponents with no special fame or skill
Weakens the siege ranks of both the player and the enemy, while reducing the strength of all cards to a value of one
Clear sky
  • One card is in the starting deck
  • One card is a random reward for defeating opponents with no special fame or skill
Clears all active weather maps from the table

Weather maps are both best friends, and worst enemies fans to play gwent. Acting both on the opponent's row and on the player's row, they can leave the first in a winning position if the weather effect was imposed on a weak or unused row at all. So, the Skoy deck of taels is not at all afraid of the Rainfall card, having no siege row cards, but the owner of the Kingdoms of the North deck in the same party risks being left without very strong cards. Note that even though weather cards lower the base card strength up to one, this value may increase depending on whether the command's horn is used on the row or cards with the abilities "Surge of Strength" and "Strong Connection".

Character Cards

Mysterious elf

Belonging to the series: melee row.

How to get the card: reward for defeating Gremist during the quest "Gwent: A Skelligian Game".

Features of the card: a hero card with the "Spy" ability. The Mysterious Elf card is the most useful spy card, because, having zero strength, it does not strengthen the opponent's melee squad, and due to the status of the hero card, it cannot be replayed by the opponent when using a card with the Medic ability or the card of the leader of the Monster deck. " Oberon's killer. "

So what decks could this card belong to? First of all, it is worth clarifying that under the mask and attire of a mysterious elf is Krevan Espane aep Kaomhan Maha, whose name he also abbreviates to Avallac "x" - a powerful elven Knower and a representative of the Alder people. Like all representatives of Aen Elle, literally living in their own world, is not at all interested in the problems of the kingdoms of a world that is not his own, so the possibility of getting into the decks of the Kingdoms of the North and Nilfgaard is zero. For the same reason, the card "Mysterious Elf" cannot belong to the Scoi deck of taels, because although it belongs race, the world of Aen Elle is alien to the views of "squirrels" and the need to fight for their freedom and recognition by other species. There remains only a deck of Monsters, but even here it is not so simple. Formally, Avallac "x" is an ordinary elf, and is not physically a monster. That time, under the influence of the spell, he was in the guise of the freak Uma. Therefore, although with a stretch, the "Mysterious Elf" card could be attributed to the Monsters deck.


Standard illustration and illustration from the Heroes of Ballads expansion

Belonging to the series: melee row.

How to get the card: a reward for defeating one of the opponents in the gwent tournament held in the Vegelbuds estate during the quest "A Question of Life and Death". However, please note that the defeat of at least one opponent promises a departure from the tournament and the loss of the opportunity to win this map. Do not forget that the tournament is only available before talking to Albert.

Features of the card: possesses the Commander's Horn ability. From point of view game mechanics, outperforms the normal neutral Commander's Horn card due to its two-point strength; on the other hand, it can only be applied to a melee row, whereas a regular card is applied to all rows.

There are several quests in the game that will allow you to play with skillful rivals, the victory over which will bring you special cards. You cannot get such cards in any other way.

ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠList of quests:

Gwent: The Tavern Play

You will receive this quest after the tutorial match in the White Garden. It is necessary to fight with Stepan in Oxenfurt (Tavern), the owner of the tavern "At the Crossroads" and Oliver (in the tavern "Kingfisher", Novigrad). This quest must be completed before starting the Now or Never quest (Oliver, in Kingfisher, may disappear).

Gwent: Velenian Players

You will receive this quest after viewing the bulletin board at Vronitsa Castle. We must defeat the Bloody Baron, the soothsayer, the boatman and the boy Ugly. The quest must be completed before "Family Matters" (the baron will not be able to play with you, due to some family troubles)

Gwent: Games in Novigrad

You will receive this quest after defeating Vivaldi or after viewing the bulletin board in Novigrad. You must defeat Vivaldi, Marquis Serenity in Passiflora, Dijkstra and Scoy "Tael" (east of Lucien's Mill). The quest must be completed before "Cause of State Importance" (Dijkstra cannot play with you due to unforeseen circumstances)

Gwent: old comrades

The quest starts after playing with Zoltan or Roche. We must defeat: Zoltan (Sage and Rosemary) Vernon Roche (Shelter of the Temerian partisans), Lambert (you must complete the quest "Unraveling the Ball") and Thaler (after completing the quest "Deadly Conspiracy"). Complete these quests before the Battle of Kaer Morhen (Lambert will ride off in a fit of love) and Cases of State Importance (Roche will probably be busy feeding the worms)

  • Zoltan or Roche after defeating them (one of them) gives a tip to the next one (Zoltan on Roche, and Roche on Zoltan). And after defeating the next one, he gives a tip to Lambert and one "merchant" (Thaler, who is still on assignment; 0).
    Those. the chain of this quest looks like this (as an example): the victory over Zoltan is the beginning of the quest "Old comrades". Zoltan gives a tip to Roche. Victory over Roche. Roche gives a tip to Lambert and the "merchant" (Thaler). And only after this personal tip from Geralt, immediately after completing the quest "Unraveling the ball" (with either of the two options for completing it), a line about gwent appears in the conversation menu with Lambert.
Gwent: Skellig Games
Get this quest after playing with Crach en Krayt or Mousehover. Defeat Ruin, Myshovur, Gremist (after completing the High Alchemy quest), Seust, and Lugos the Mad. This quest must be completed before the last battle with the Wild Hunt. If you accidentally killed Lugos, then look for his map in his castle.

The Question of Life and Death

Additional quest from Triss. You will be invited to a masquerade ball. There will be a table on the upper terrace, at which the gwent fans have gathered. You need to win three games and you will receive a Buttercup card.

If you completed this quest and did not receive a map, then you will have to load.

Dangerous game

Additional quest Zoltan, you can get after saving Buttercup. At the end of the quest, you can choose: three cards or 2000 crowns.

Shock therapy

Additional quest. Skellige Islands, Gedinate Oak.

The druid will ask you to return the gosol to his friend Egil. You will receive a card as a reward.

High stakes

Additional quest. It can be started in Passiflora, but 1000 CZK is required. You must defeat three opponents in an elite tournament. If you lose at least one match, you will not be able to receive cards. Build a good deck before starting this quest. (I will write in more detail about the passage of this quest in the next section).

The rest of the cards can be obtained by defeating various merchants, gunsmiths, blacksmiths and inns. From each of them, you can get only one random card. If you have already received a card, then for subsequent victories you will only be given resources.
Itinerant traders do not play gwent.

Since Hearthstone is a collectible card game, building a complete collection is one of the greatest achievements for a Hearthstone player. And building a complete gold collection is an outstanding achievement (especially if you haven't spent a cent on the game).

Let's start with the dust counts, and how many boosters you need to open to get the entire collection.

Let's take a look at what cards are in Hearthstone:

Booster "Classic"

Booster "Goblins vs. Dwarfs"

How many packs do you need to get a collection? Here's a count without dust:

To complete the regular Classic Collection, you need to open 446 boosters (± 34 boosters).

To collect the complete Gold Classic Collection, you need to open 2260 boosters (± 79 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of common and gold cards from "Goblins vs. Dwarfs", you need to open 2178 boosters (± 93 boosters).

To collect the full usual collection of "Goblins vs. Dwarfs", you need to open 278 boosters (+32 boosters).

To collect the complete gold collection "Goblins vs. Dwarfs", you need to open 1316 boosters (± 75 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of common and gold cards from Goblins vs. Dwarfs, you need to open 1414 boosters (± 71 boosters).

Naturally, no one will play 2000 arenas to get a gold collection (it takes 2 years, 3-4 arenas per day). There are several ways to get gold cards:

  • Since August 2015, you can get gold cards and dust by reaching high positions in the ladder (game mode).
  • Gold cards can be obtained as a reward by completing the arena with 8-12 wins.
  • Receipts from boosters (which you buy for gold or at the end of the arena).
  • Dust crafting.
  • Booster as a reward for winning the first brawl.

Chances of getting cards from boosters.

Booster "Classic"

Rarity Frequency of regular cards Frequency of gold cards
Regular 3.5 cards in a booster
Rare 1.06 cards in a booster 1 card in every 14-15 booster
Epic 1 car in each 4-5 booster 1 card in every 80 pack
Legendary 1 card in each 18-19 pack 1 card in each 180 pack

Statistics are based on opened 11'359 Classic boosters in the period after the beta test. Chance to reveal at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 booster.

Booster "Goblins and Dwarfs"

Rarity Frequency of regular cards Frequency of gold cards
Regular 3.48 cards in a booster 1 card in every 13-14 booster
Rare 1.16 cards in a booster 1 card in every 13 pack
Epic 1 card in a 4-5 booster 1 card in every 80 pack
Legendary 1 card in every 18 pack 1 card in every 282 pack

Statistics are based on 847 open boosters. Therefore, the statistics on gold legendary cards may be erroneous, it is better to focus on the chance, as from a classic booster. Chance to reveal at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 booster pack.

The queue for creating maps.

First of all, you will need to create a simple collection of cards. I recommend spending dust on creating only legendary cards... You will get common and rare cards pretty quickly: 97 ± 8 boosters for Classic and 46 ± 7 boosters for GvG. Therefore, you do not need to create common and rare cards.

After all the useful legendary cards have been created, I advise you to switch to epic ones. Only after that you can complete a non-gold collection, create missing cards.

The gold collection should also start with the creation of legendary cards, and gradually descending to the usual gold cards.

If your goal is to collect a complete collection, then you shouldn't dust the cards. Exceptions are extra cards (a collection can have 2 common, rare and epic cards and 1 legendary). It is at the expense of extra cards that you can quickly collect dust to create cards.