Minting of souvenir coins to order. Manufacturing of coins to order. Equipment for the manufacture of souvenir coins

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Manufacturing souvenir coins on an individual project is an opportunity to present a solid present that will become a valuable memento. Coins made according to a special sketch can be with any image on the obverse and reverse.

  • Commemorative coins are dedicated to important dates, anniversaries, historical events.
  • Portraits are presented to outstanding personalities as a special gift.
  • Branded gold or silver coins are designed to enhance the company's image and brand awareness. Such souvenir products with a logo will be a special gift for exhibition guests, conference participants or other events.

We also offer gift coins to order in an exclusive design for other occasions. For example, it can be congratulations on the current holiday or just a wish of good luck. In addition, coins made of precious metals can become not only an expensive gift, but also an excellent investment.

Our company offer

Order any volume of products from us, and you will receive undeniable benefits from cooperation with professionals.

  • Our work begins with thinking through the concept, creating a sketch and agreeing it with the customer.
  • The production of coins in a circulation of any volume is carried out in a pre-agreed time frame. On average, the duration of the production process is at least three to four weeks. There is also an opportunity to make souvenir coins urgently according to individually agreed conditions.
  • Available to the customer various materials: gold, silver, jewelry brass, enamel inserts of different colors.
  • The possibility of stamping or casting a product with a non-standard shape is a professional approach to the creation of each coin.
  • Selection of original packaging.
  • Delivery across Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia.
  • A guarantee of high quality products, which are controlled at all stages of production.

Take advantage of our offer by contacting us by contact phone or by other possible means, and after specifying the details, we will calculate the cost of ordering a souvenir coin and start production.

The post was changed:

Minting coins - a serious business, or just another "scam"?

Minting coins, or to be more precise (so that you don’t think that I am suggesting that you compete with the Central Bank of Russia), minting souvenir coins - is it possible to turn this business idea into a source of solid, and most importantly, stable income? What do you think?

Business brief analysis:
Business setup costs:60,000 - 90,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with population: from 70,000
Industry situation:the entertainment industry is developed
Complexity of business organization: 1/5
Payback: 2-4 months

At first glance, projects of this kind often look like "one-day", and even outright "scam". But while some are looking for better ideas or sitting in thought about the moral principles of business, others have turned the making of souvenir coins into a lucrative business. Many entrepreneurs across the country have proven that you can make great money from the souvenir trade!

Wedding coins

Souvenir coins can be minted at weddings, and the names of the newlyweds and wedding symbols can be depicted on them. This idea can be adopted by wedding agencies, or companies involved in the design of the holidays.

Memorable souvenir + company advertisement

The company logo can be minted on the coins. As an example, I can cite one restaurant owner who installed special equipment for minting coins in his establishment. For a small symbolic fee, anyone can mint a coin with the restaurant's logo for themselves.

There is no end to the guests "warmed up" with strong drinks. Not only does a very “immodest” amount “accumulate” as a result of this “modest” payment by the end of the working day, but the owner also receives free advertising for his restaurant. It is simply a pity for many of the visitors to throw away a coin made with their own hands, and therefore it is safely stored somewhere in the pocket of the purse. And at every opportunity it is shown to friends and acquaintances.

Such "know-how" can be introduced by the owners of catering establishments, hotels and hotels, amusement parks, etc.

Creative "business cards"

Souvenir coins can act as business cards. On which the contact details of the company will be minted. In one of my past publications, I talked about how you can organize a business for the production of exclusive and creative business cards. You can only come up with something more original than a business card-coin if you try very hard. Visitors can play with the situation of handing such a "business card" in different ways.

One of the options may look something like this: equipment for minting souvenir coins can be placed near the exit, and, seeing off the visitor, you need to offer him fun for the sake of hitting the anvil with a hammer (or do it yourself), and - wow! Here it is - a ready-made business card for your company. It is unlikely that someone will get rid of such a "gift".

But most often, the manufacture of coins is still used as attractions.

Attractions for minting souvenir coins

St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Murom, Nizhny Novgorod, Altai resorts, many cities in Karelia - this is just an incomplete list of those cities that I was lucky enough to visit, and where I personally saw (and even took part) in such attractions. I even have a small collection of souvenir coins from various regions of Russia.

Almost everywhere, minting of coins is presented in the form of a colorful performance - a show in which any passer-by is invited to participate. This is the basis of a delicate psychological calculation of the business - the more reckless the offer is, the more there will be those who want to receive their "prize". People, seeing the crowd around the attraction, will definitely come up and take an interest in what is happening, some of them will want to take part.

The production of souvenir coins is a mobile business, this is its undoubted advantage. It doesn't "go" in one place, after 20-30 minutes you can try on another, after another half an hour - on the third. Where can such spectacles be held?

  • in city parks
  • in the squares
  • in entertainment and shopping malls
  • just at crowded intersections

After gaining some work experience and making the first profit, you can think about opening another point where minting of coins will be offered.

The Coin Attraction company in Altai, over 6 years of its activity, has turned from 2 mobile points where coins were produced using only 3 clichés, into one of the largest enterprises in the country in this area, offering its services to purchase franchises (read about the franchise in detail at this link -), equipment for attractions and cliche production, etc. - everything that may be needed at the "start" of a business.

Equipment for the manufacture of souvenir coins

Equipment and tools for organizing the minting of coins can be purchased from companies that manufacture them. Demand gave rise to supply, and now, in order to get contacts of such organizations, it is enough just to type in any search engine the phrase: "Buy equipment for the production of souvenir coins."

By the way, his list is small, and includes only a few items:

  • anvil
  • sledgehammer
  • special mounts
  • cliché for minting
  • and blanks for coins made of copper or aluminum (as an option, you can consider using blanks made of silver)

The last point is the most troublesome. To work for a long time with one or two designs of coins will not work - it will quickly become boring for the visitors of the attraction. Therefore, from time to time it will be necessary to change the design of the cliche for the manufacture of coins with a different minting pattern.

The production of cliches can be ordered "on the side", or, by purchasing additional simple equipment, you can make them yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • mini press
  • and stamp for minting

A preliminary sketch of each embossing pattern is drawn, which, after approval, is converted into a vector image, after which engraving is performed on unhardened metal (you can learn more about laser engraving on metal), then the matrix is ​​heat hardened and polished.

As you can see, the process is quite painstaking, but, nevertheless, quite accessible for a beginner entrepreneur. After 1-2 trial runs of cliche production, this process will no longer be difficult for you. However, I repeat - you can order the production of cliché coins in third-party companies, since there are a lot of them now.

By the way, Having mastered the skills of making cliches, you can provide yourself with additional income offering its services in the development of design for coins to those who are just taking their first steps in this business, or who prefer to use "purchased" blanks.

Few numbers

How much will it cost to organize a business, and how much income can it bring?

The purchase of equipment will have to spend from 50 to 85 thousand rubles. The purchase of equipment for the production of cliches will add another 100-150 thousand rubles to the costs. Meanwhile, an order for the production of one cliche will cost you within 1 thousand rubles.

The price of blanks today looks like this:

  • copper blank - 30-35 rubles (depending on the thickness, diameter, polishing, the presence of a edge (inscription on the edge), and an ear)
  • aluminum - 18-22 rubles
  • brass - 32-36 rubles

Prices for ready-made coins vary widely, it also depends on the parameters of the coins, the minting pattern on them, and the “greed” of the owner of the attraction. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod souvenir coins cost from 150 to 300 rubles, and in St. Petersburg - from 150 to 700 rubles.

By the way, in the USA the minting of coins by hand a few years ago it was replaced by the use of vending machines (read about the vending business here -), on which you can make a souvenir coin for yourself. In the States, this idea is very popular. Will it take root in our country, we'll see ... In any case, you can always return to the more familiar hammer and anvil ...

At the request of the customer, we can produce:

  • business card coins;
  • commemorative copies issued on the occasion of a company anniversary or other important event;
  • souvenir coins with images of attractions;
  • promotional coins, which are an effective marketing tool;
  • coins with a portrait likeness of their owner.

Like badges, coins are universal souvenirs. Their release can be timed to any important event for the client. We are ready to work according to your sketches, and can offer professional assistance in design development.

Coin making: technology

In "MKznak" you can order coins from different, including precious materials. In addition, we do not impose on our customers the diameter and thickness of the souvenir - they can vary greatly, depending on your desire. Of course, all this would have been impossible without modern equipment. And that is why our company does not stop for a moment in its development: every day we improve technological processes, test the most modern production methods and look for new opportunities to implement even more daring ideas.

Today, in the production of custom-made coins, we use stamping technology, which allows us to significantly save the customer's budget. If the design of the coin implies relief, and the client's requirements for the quality of the finished product are high, the casting technology can be used, which ensures the maximum clarity of the image, including in the production of large batches. To make the multilevel image more expressive, custom-made souvenir coins at MKznak are sandblasted or textured.

At the request of the client:

  • copper, steel, brass, made of various alloys, coins can be coated with a thin layer of nickel, gold and silver;
  • the edge (edge) can be either smooth or decorated with notches or microtext;
  • the souvenir can be decorated with soft or hard enamels.

MKznak strictly monitors the quality of its products. For the production of personalized coins to order, the company's employees even developed their own technology.

Coins to order: souvenir price

MKznak works strictly according to individual orders. The cost of the service can be influenced by: the complexity of the design, the circulation, the selected production technology and the loading of equipment in this moment... Therefore, if you need to make coins to order, send an application using the feedback form or contact the company's manager by phone free of charge.

We always meet our customers halfway, and are ready to offer the best option for cooperation.

We guarantee:

  • high quality,
  • fairness of pricing policy,
  • making souvenir coins exactly on time!

Making a table bust for the CEO of a large Russian company. Materials: metal, marble.

Manufacturing of tokens-coins in an individual minimalist style. Materials: metal.

Production of overlays for belt buckles according to the customer's 3D model. Material: metal.

What are souvenir coins usually made for?

According to statistics, 8 out of 10 business cards received are mercilessly thrown away by potential customersas unnecessary garbage for several days after being in your pocket or purse. Accordingly, they are unlikely to ever contact you.
A business card is the most important point of contact with your client. It is the original idea embodied in a non-standard format that guarantees the maximum return!


You can make pleasant signs of attention to friends and family, reflecting something meaningful and valuable to you in your coin. Such a creative approach will emphasizeYour individuality and will always keep a good memory of you.


The timing depends on the complexity of the project and the speed of approval of the layout with the prototype. On average, it takes 8 to 20 days to prepare production tooling and the first finished sample. Subsequent copies in circulation, from 3 days, depending on the quantity.