Top LT in World of Tanks. Choose the best light tank in World of Tanks. Easy tank enemy in the rear of the team

As you know in the world of tanks there are light level 10 tanks. And what exactly will be the new "Svelli"? What characteristics will LT 10? What tank will be the most powerful, and what is the fastest? Which martial car is the most armored, and what is the strongest? We will try to answer all these questions right now. We present to your attention the final tactical and technical characteristics of all level 10 tanks presented in World of Tanks.

Dry numbers TTX we diluted for you a fair share of analytics. Taking advantage of our advice, you can already from the first minutes in battle on a new tank to choose the right tactics and get the most out of the easy tank. In addition, due to the introduction of light tanks, there were changes in the development trees of all nations of the world of tanks, which were added. Table of changes in development trees, see at the very end.

TTH LT 10 in World of Tanks

1. Rheinmetall Panzerwagen Rheinmetall Panzerwagen Tactical and Technical Specifications

As you notice from a table with characteristics, the light tank Rheinmetall Panzerwagen has a number of features and advantages. Locking the frontal and lateral armor allows the tank to repel the shell labby on a complete move. Move towards the opponent at an angle of armor at 45 degrees will easily reflect most of the shells. High time information makes it possible to conduct aiming fire from the tank Rheinmetall Panzerwagen. Quickly changing goals. The speed of rotation of the tower significantly increases the capabilities of this combat vehicle in the near battle, especially against such classes of equipment as PT-SAU and SAU. This tank in LT 10 line is the most powerful due to which Rhinemetal Panzerwagen has a better speed of 75 km / h.

2. TTH Soviet light tank 10 level T-100 LT

As can be seen from the data on the characteristics of the T-100 LT tank, presented in the screenshot, the range of the Soviet light tank is the best among all new levels of level 10 in World of Tanks. It is also worth noting the impressive thickness of armor as a corps and the towers, giving a Soviet combat vehicle. T-100 LT The best survival rate in battle. With such a protection of 1500 units of strength, we will seek opponents to an insurmountable obstacle to the destruction of this Firefly. The tank tower is significantly understated and to get into it is not a simple task. It gives a tank a high imperceptibility rate.

3. Characteristics of the American Light Tank 10 levels XM551 Sheridan

One-time damage is terrified by its power. For one shot, the American lightweight tank XM551 Sheridan can easily be destroyed, then remove no less than half of the points of damage to any low-armored tank. As you understand, there is both the fee for the power of the gun. At Tanka XM551 Sheridan. The weakest armor among all tanks is not only level 10, but even 9, 8 and 7th levels! Without stretching, you can call this tank with the weakest link of the booking team. Fishka: Any large-caliber headile for this tank is a pen. For SAU Tank Sheridan will be an easy goal. For him, only a long-range tactic or battle on the middle distance in the second half of the battle will come up. Low breakdown of the projectile practically drives to zero chances to punch armor armor-piercing projectile. The best option The use of the XM551 SheriDan tank in WOT will be shooting with fragmentation fecal shells.

4. Tactical and technical characteristics of LT 10 level of the French tank AMX 13 105

As for the French Light Tank AMX 13 105 - this is the only combat machine of this class at a 10 level with a drum drum. The drum charges only 3 projectiles in more than 30 seconds. The time between the shots is 2.73 seconds, which in full charge of the sight for 2.21 seconds makes it possible to discharge the drum of shells in 8.19 seconds with a maximum efficiency in 878-1464 damage. An impressive indicator, agree. Good light level 10 AMX 13 105. Could certainly replaced so loved players in World of Tanks French light tanks.

5. TTH Chinese light tank 10 level WZ-132-1

And now we will focus on the characteristics of the Chinese light tank WZ-132-1, which has the best among the level 10 levels of the average damage per minute. This combat machine in skillful hands can produce fantastic 2712 points of damage. Maximum bar for classmates WZ-132-1 Specifies according to the characteristic of armoredness. The projectile of the Chinese top fireflock is easily amenable to armor to 308 mm thick Chinese LT 10 perfectly suitable for sabotage in the enemy. Also, PT-132-1 will not badly cope with the task of conducting aiming fire from the gun covering the body and peeping only the tower from the shelter.

Table changes of trees development world. Of Tanks in connection with the introduction of LT level 10 in the game.

As can be seen from the table of development tree, many lightweight tanks will change their places.

Lightweight tanks in World of Tanks are used by most players only as "light". Since the last arthonerf, the number of light tanks in the game has significantly decreased, since the main purpose of LT was the destruction of the art. Reducing the number of artillery in the game led to a decrease in the number of LTs. But the lovers of "enjoy" in the game continue to roll out the light tanks from the hangars. Many believe that the best Svetle in WOT is T71. Is it really, you will learn, reading the article to the end.

Characteristics of the best "Svellok"

Undoubtedly, T71 is good in everything, but in the game 10 levels, and on each of them there is a "Svetlyk". True, before starting to determine the best fireflies on each Level, you need to highlight the characteristics that should have a tank to light the enemy.

  1. Any Svetle must have good dynamic characteristics, high maximum speed and permeability. This category fits the class of "light tanks", which, in fact, were created for the exploration of the position of the enemy. But not all LTs are high maximum speed and excellent dynamic characteristics. Even inside french branchwhich is characterized by tanks at high speed, there are exceptions. For example, the French light AMX40 tank although it belongs to the LT class, in its parameters more similar to heavy tanks: good circular booking, bad dynamics and terrifying permeability.
  2. A tank designed to light the enemy should be a good review (ideally 400 meters) and a radio station with a large radius of action (minimum 700 meters). The overview allows you to detect the enemy, and the radio station transmits data on detection to long distances.
  3. Not everyone takes into account the possibilities of the gun when choosing a light, but for the extermination of the art it will necessarily need. The top artillery has high booking, and to shoot it with a "weak gun" will not work. And the faster you kill Art, the better for you. In this regard, many players prefer fireflies with a drum tool.

Choosing the best exploration tank

For these three criteria, three tanks are most suitable: American light tank T71, French lightweight AMX 1390 tank and a medium tank of French production BAT.-Chatillon 25 T 10 level. With the first two tanks, everything is clear: excellent dynamic characteristics, a high-class survey of 400 meters, excellent indicators of the range of radio stations, drum tools for 6 shots. On the side of the T71 - the seventh Level (less throws to 10 levelas) and the faster charging of the drum. In favor of 1390, an instrument with a good alpha in 240 units and a higher strength in comparison with T71 is performed.

For many players, the top middle tank of the French is the best Svetle in World of Tanks. You can not disagree with them: a review of 400 meters, a radio station with a range of 750 meters, a magnificent drum weapon by 5 shots from 2000 damage from the drum, high maximum speed of 65 km / h and good dynamic characteristics, as well as high strength in 1800 hp. If you choose the best firework among top 9-10 levels, then, undoubtedly, Bat.-Chatillon 25t will be out of competition.

But this is the average tank, the purpose of which is not the intelligence of the opponent's positions, and breakthroughs in the rear of the enemy, the destruction of separate goals. Therefore, it is wrong to count the batchers. Among the top lights (7-8 lefts), which includes T71 and AMX 1390, the best, perhaps, is an American "stool".

Among the mid-light lightweight tanks (5-6 levelas) can be distinguished by American Chafth (M24 Chaffee) with an overview of 400 m and the French Christmas tree (ELC AMX) with a good maximum speed of 65 km / h. If the T50-2 was not removed from the game, then the laurels of the best light would get it. It is about the fact that his replacement (MT-25) - good easy Tank is quite difficult.

At low levels (2-4), undoubtedly, the best firefly is PZ. I C, which has a high maximum speed, a radio station of 700 m and a good overview of 350 meters for the third level.

However, among the premium cars there are quite good "Svelli". Thus, the German LT T15 of the third level will perfectly cope with the role of the scout on the battlefield due to a long-range radio station and a review of 350 meters.

Of course, each person has its own opinion on this. The author of the article believes that T71 is the best scout in WOT. His review can be viewed in the following video:

What do you think you think? What kind of light, in your opinion, is the best in the game?

We continue our parade the best tanks on their damage and its class, and in the last, fifth part,

We continue our parade of the best tanks on your damage and in your class, and in the last, fifth part, we will look at light tanks. Let's start the review, of course from level 1, and we will finish, respectively, the 8th.

Who could doubt about the first level? Once before changing the format of the KB, it was indispensable, because it was hung out almost the outcome of the battle. These were the eyes of the team, and in some cases an excellent invader, and his crushed machine gun could deliver noveliness, weaving and borscht a good damage by modules, and even death. Yes, yes, and again, yes it is T1 Cunningham, no MS-1, no British medium or French Renault. Only T1, only hardcore. A machine gun in skillful hands is able to destroy even some 2 levels. Dynamics Although not the best, but for the first level it is enough for the throat. Booking we calmly postpone dust on a high shelf and even a word about it, because it will be funny to talk about armor at 1 level. We will not fall asleep you with a long praise of this charms and simply summing up, let's say that the tank is universal, playful, and in skillful hands, he is still crushing and label.

- Magnificent 20mm machine gun
- acceptable dynamics
- rear layout of the tower, which gives us to travel from around the corner and causes Damag
- High rapidity inside the drum

- Long reloading drum (about 10 seconds)
- Front engine location

About this tank say ... so they say nothing. It takes 2-3 battle and forget as a uninteresting dream. But in vain, since the tank is very interesting and can delight when playing it. The Pazik is quite versatile, having a speaker acceptable for the 2nd level and a very good weapon. 37 mm with a punch of 42 mm, recharge about 2.5 seconds. and note in 1.7 sec., very good indicators. Booking gives repulsion only with some weak machine guns, and occasionally implements with a break of 25 mm and more. Overclocking our 11 tons of 220-strong engine, so you do not dare to complain to the maximum speed. Finally, let's say that the tank is very interesting and we advise everyone to play it in passing a branch, or just at leisure.

- good maneuverability and dynamics
- Front armor for the level 2 keeps a blow
- Decent review (290 m)
- rapid mixing of the gun (1.7 seconds)

- Long turn tower
- Board and feed pretty cardboard

Imp level 3, because otherwise you can not say. A 8-Milmeter machine gun can increasing tanks at 1 level higher than we. Booking for 3 levels is weak, but looking at the maximum speed, we boldly, let's say that the booking is not important for him, because the maximum driver is 79 km / h. Not every enemy will be able to get along us, well, if it falls, that is, percentage of 20-30, which will follow the ricochet or impetuation. But all this is the case of the case and only you decide how to end the battle, but in the end, let's say that the tank with its passage will deliver a lot of pleasure and fan.

- Magnificent maximum speed (79 km / h)
- crushing machine gun
- Small and compact sizes
- Good review

- average armor
- Low armored

Surely you thought that the Chinese would coach us, but it was not there. Fast, rapid, with excellent overview and just a great tank. M5A1, delivers trouble only when it pumping into the top state, and then we simply move to the next tank without sharp movements. The gun has acceptable indicators for 4 levels: 81 mm breakdowns, which at our level is quite good, damage in 70 units with a recharge in 2.5 seconds. Stabilization, of course, is blinking, but in the near battle the tank is very sharply coping with the enemy. Booking with us as always, in the taste of a light tank, that is, no. Sometimes we are still and can get a ricochet because of our 45 degrees of the tilt of the armor, but it happens quite rarely. And so we get a very playful and frisky tanger, which puts it in the first place among Lt 4 level.

- Good speaker
- Not bad UGN
- Size compactness
- an acceptable review of 330 m

- frequent engine crites
- weak boards of sides and feed

Baby Chafth deserves the honorary title of the best LT level 5. He is good, of course because of his review in 390 m and good maneuverability. The gun also does not bring us, because CD in 2.5 seconds and Damag in 110 with a break of 96 mm is like a bee sting that bites weakly, but often. Pateuries and speakers are generally impressive, as we feel freely in different soils. Based on the wonderful dynamics and review, we get a wonderful tank for lighting and in some situations to support allies. The passage of the tank will not give you problems and waste of nerve cells.

- Great speaker
- Best Overview at the level
- Excellent stabilization
- best maximum speed (77 km / h)

- lack of armor as such in all projections
- weak armored

Newbie, but already conquered good glory. The tank copes perfectly with his work, namely, the work of the Fireflock. Yes, and it can also shoot, thanks to the tool with a break in 150 and a damage of 115 units. Recharge in the area of \u200b\u200b3 seconds, and stabilization at an acceptable level. The maximum speed of the tank is 66 km / h what is very nice for a light tank. The review also did not pump up - 385 m, so we will not deliver work to highlight the enemy being like in the bushes, that and swarming throughout the battlefield.

- Wonderful speed and maneuverability
- rainflash gun
- Good review

- Bad reservation
- Extreme mediocre body sizes

The tank that is unheard of popularity, a tank who is tormented by his enemies with his drum, a tank that brings a lot of pleasure and fan. Yes, this is our mad stool - T71. The magnificent drum on 6 shells of 150 damag units and a break in 175. The unsurpassed maximum speed of 64 km / h with a mass of 18 tons. On the booking, of course, silent, as 25 mm in the forehead, although under the tilt, but we will not give anything For it is to fight to be from 8, 9 and 10 levels. The tank is quite interesting and will bring you pleasure when it passes.

- the presence of a drum on 6 shells
- High maximum speed and turning
- Small sizes
- Great Overview

- Bad stabilization of guns
- the lowest in the level of safety

Quite a lot of disputes will cause this choice, because at 8 levels almost every LT can be in the first place, but nevertheless neither ninema, nor T49, nor anything else, namely unsurpassed handle with its magnificent maximum speed of 80 km / h, acceptable and universal instrument, low silhouette and wonderful UGN. And now there are few numbers: Publishes 190 mm, damage in 240 units, minimize 2.1 seconds, scatter 0.36, and CD for about 6 seconds. Pretty average indicators, but they are enough completely. Dynamic indicators We have such: 80 km / h Maximum speed, turnover 38 degrees / s, and accelerating capacity at the highest level. Booking in the magnitude of the light tank: 25 mm of the housing forehead and 20 mm in a circle of the tower, that is, everyone who goes to us, breaks us. But our business is certainly not tanning, but there will break opponents and assistance to the allies. The tank is quite pleasant when it passes it, but still requires the skill of the game on LT, otherwise you will simply merge on it and not open the potential of this tank in battle.

- Universal tool
- magnificent maximum speed
- Overview of 400 m
- Low profile

- Pretty picky for soils
- Long flight of the projectile (in contrast to single-level LT)

According to this article, I want to say that you should not forget about the main purpose of the light tank, and do not fly at the beginning of the battle to the center of the map for instant drain. Tactics on LTs much more difficult than on other classes, because you are not only shining, but also help the allies, holding a rink or distracting the enemy. A light tank should always bring the team about the location of the enemy, otherwise the team simply justs on the base or by leaking in the same direction will lose the capture of its base. Be alert playing on LT and successful fights!

Want to feel behind the levers of the combat vehicle, feel her power? By giving full gas, rush through rough terrain, taking off on the hillock and raising the cloud of splashes, overlooking small rivers. Then online wORLD game Of Tanks. Just created for you. Heavy tanks They are marked due to badness, SAU and PT-SAU are used for other purposes. The most suitable - light tanks.

So how is it all the same to play lung tanks?

Intelligence - Our vocation in WOT

The main task lung tanks (In the game they are called LT.) - intelligence. Start. There is a countdown of recent seconds. "Boy begins." For these moments, the player must decide where to go to designate the allies possible options for the direction of the enemy movement.
Lasville Map Games "World of Tanks", "Gut" (narrow corridor separated from the main space of a mountain varnish). "Yes, a group of technician enemy will move here." Breaking out of the general building "firefly" rushing to the height to take his position. The part of the Allies team is slowly moving after it. Managed. The enemy has not yet appeared. By hiding behind the stone hill, the player periodically travels to an open area for reconnaissance.

"All, fire contact."

There were enemy armored vehicles. One of the enemies is rapidly crazy at the Budgorm, falling into the field of visibility of the "Svetlock". He immediately transmits the coordinates to the allies. A red dot appears on the mini-card command. In the sights of the Allied Machines, an careless silhouette of the enemy appears. Shots, breaks. A fatty ctensity puts the point in this fight. One less. But others do not sleep. An intelligence tank and himself fell into "litter". A strong beat. A rumble of the exploded Fugas, a sharp voice in the headphones: "The caterpillar is damaged, the movement is impossible." The painful seconds of expectations are repaired. At this point, several units of the armored vehicles immediately begin the roller storms. The defense line does not withstand, breaks. It's time to retreat. Trying not to get under the shelling LT. rushing to his base. There is nothing crazy about it. It makes no sense with the guns of the enemy. Lightweight tanks almost always fall into battle with the machines a lot above themselves in the class. The endings of this battle may be somewhat: "Svetlyk" did not have time to leave the dangerous plot and was destroyed; went to another flank and began to help allies there; He died in an unequal battle with medium tanks, broken to the database.

What else can LT Hero in World of Tanks?

It turns out a lot. There is at least three more versions of combat operations.

General litter

In this case, you will only work for your experience for yourself, dear. Allies from your jerk will not get almost nothing, except that "art" will have time to go and make a shot-other on the enemy.
At the very beginning there is a sharp throw toward the enemy's base or to the place of its intended dislocation (in the case of counter combat or assault). Selects the most short route. And the maximum speed is squeezed. Task: How can I contact the enemy as soon as possible and detect as much as possible armored vehicles. It is a pity that many enemies are waiting for such and keep the guns at the ready. Maneuver when you give up a few trunks immediately, it is extremely difficult. The death of "Svellok" in this case comes very quickly. But in the end. Allies won? A large number of experience gaming currency And the "Scout Medal" for the fact that they discovered at least 9 units of the enemy. Loss Team? Some experience and "silver" game "World of Tanks". But, in general, it is also good.

"Beware," Art "

At the beginning of the battle, the list of opponent teams is carefully visible. Finally, self-propelled artillery installations appeared. Little PT-SAU. And almost alone tanks. So, the most detached and you can hunt. The goal is artillery. Why "Patshka" - a formidable enemy? They have a better range of review and accurate guns. They used to "flow" the scout and destroy it. In the same case, there is a chance to break through the line of defense and go into the rear, walking in all places where it loves to occupy Sau's position. In case of detection of such a goal - the main thing, very quickly go to the flank of the enemy's gun. If "Arta" you noticed you on time and moved to the direct tip mode, then ... the walls of the native hangar you will see almost instantly. If you managed to go to her at an angle, then first of all "put on a husvag" (destroy the chassis) so that the enemy can not turn to you. And then ... the feast begins. Shot in front (rear) rink, in the housing, again on the rink. Do not forget to constantly move. Stop in place - death for "Svellok". Art "Disassemble". Moving in search of the next target if they still have. In such a battle, the "friendly fire" often happens. Allied artillery is reduced to the "highlighted" target and gives a volley that gets you. Do not judge strictly, everyone wants to earn silver and experience points, and what they missed and got into you? That's that.

"Forward, eagles, and I'm yours" or as can be as possible.

The study of the list of participants in the battle says that SAU is missing, and everyone else is almost equally equal. You can try to help allies, highlighting the direction of movement of the enemy, but there is another opportunity.
The first two minutes of battle can be just standing and watching who went to. Then choose the direction of movement of the majority and follow them without distilling. It is very important. Tank groups entered the battle contact. Here it begins the work for the "Svetlyak". Opponents clung to each other, attention only to each other. And at this time, the Sky and Fast LTs is pushing between steel bulk and makes his "dirty" case. He knocks the caterpillar, displays the engines, damages fuel tanks. The armored vehicles are almost no armored vehicles. It is better not to come up with a small caliber. Shot, position change, shot again. Even a sniper aiming mode can not be used. The main thing is to constantly move. Sooner or later, some of the enemies pay attention to your actions and decide to destroy the annoying "fly". We hope you figured out how to play LT With the help of our guide. See you in the battlefields!

2-04-2017, 10:56

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Friends, now we are talking about the most recent and latest news related to the discovery. test Server Updates 0.9.18. Now you are the Soviet light tank of the tenth level and this T-100 LT Hyde.

The news that the game will appear in the game of the ninth and tenth levels thundered for a long time, these cars have rolled super sensors for a long time and finally happened, the long-awaited update is 0.9.18, which appeared T-100 LT World Of Tankswith whom we will now meet a closer look.

TTH T-100 LT

We will begin with the fact that compared to the eighth level, our top lightwell has a much more pleasant safety margin, however, the amount of HP is still low, compared with other techniques. In addition, T-100 LT Overview Even the basic truly worthy of respect and bring the already available 390 meters to the maximum indicators can easily.

In terms of the survivability, this device also has something to be proud, because in fact, this is almost the strongest LT-10 of the available. If you look only on "naked" numbers, then T-100 LT characteristics The reservation is not so good, but due to the fact that the VLD has an excellent angle of inclination, the shift here reaches 230 millimeters, so that the ricoes will delight you often, especially if you do not stand still and trigger the body.

Lob Tower in our case more vulnerable, although nominally armor T-100 LT WOT It's better here. The thing is that the sites and slopes of the tower are worse, that is, it is much easier to break through, but you just look at her form, it is so low that it still needs to be reached.

But on the side projection hopes not worth it, because from this side it is very thin, except that the husl will periodically "eat" damage, but not more.

Separately, it is worth noting the nonsense coefficient of our firefly, because it is incredibly high. The fact is that T-100 LT World Of Tanks It has an incredibly low silhouette, it is for this reason that the disguise is very good. But do not forget that the tank has a long housing, which is why we are more vulnerable to artillery and hide completely will not always be easily.

Another strong, no, the strongest side of this unit is mobility. T-100 LT Tank He received cosmic maximum speed, crazy dynamics, as well as serious maneuverability, will still need to cope with such anchion.


As always, the armament of the combat vehicle deserves separate attention and I want to immediately say that our gun is really good, in any case, to fight in the top will be much more pleasant on the car of the tenth level, rather than the eighth.

Let's start with the fact that T-100 LT tools It has a very good alfactory, although the lowest among newly-made classmates. Regarding rapidity, everything is also very worthy, you can apply about 2190 units of damage per minute clean. Of course, this is not a record, but the result is not bad.

Bracket parameters T-100 LT World Of Tanks Also please. Yes, you will not have the opportunity to pierce with standard subcalibal shells, most tens of ten-level tanks in the forehead, but this is not required by such mobility, because it's nothing to call for an opponent. In addition, at our disposal there are very evil armorberry, moreover, their normalization is higher.

As for accuracy, scatter T-100 LT Tank Received really big, however, on our side there are decent stabilization, which can still be improved by peppers and equipment, and the speed of the gun is wonderful. Stabilization is at the moment amazing, even at high distances of 8 shots out of 10 on no information enter the target, so you can wait for at least a small nerve, time will show.

A truly serious problem is only angles. vertical navigationsince your barrel light tank T-100 LT WOT It can omit just 5 degrees down, you can't call such an angle of declining, but you can get used to it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Technique in our hands is completely new and incredibly interesting from the point of view of the gameplay. However, for a more complete implementation of the combat potential of this novice, it is not enough to know its TTX, it will be much better to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages. T-100 LT World Of TanksWhat we now will do.
High surge distance;
Rica Top Love Detail;
Very low silhouette and magnificent disguise;
Excellent running characteristics;
Acceptable breakage;
Worthy damage per minute;
Excellent stabilization and speed information.
Low margin of safety;
Long housing;
In general, reservation is mediocre;
Alfactors lower than classmates;
Bad angles of vertical tip;
Large scatter.

Equipment for T-100 LT

Now we have a really very strong apparatus with great potential. But to implement this potential it was easier, it is necessary to complete additional modules. I will say right away, the choice will be quite standard, that is, on tank T-100 RT Equipment Sets the following:
1. - Damage per minute we have a good, but it is difficult to call it difficult, so it is extremely important to increase this parameter.
2. - We will make tools stabilization even better that we will make the process of damage in motion much more efficient.
3. - This module will make it possible to achieve a maximum review indicator without much difficulty, which may be more important for a light tank?

However, the third option is a very good replacement -. It is better to establish it when the crew already knows the peppers on the review, in this case you will be also far away, but at the same time improve your firepower and accuracy.

Education crew

Tankists sitting inside the tank are also trained by the most familiar and familiar majority scheme. However, in our case, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the crew consists of only three people, which is superimposed by serious restrictions. You will have to look for a balance, so for T-100 LT Person You can pump in that order:
Commander (radist, charging) - ,,,
Powder (charging) - ,,,
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for T-100 LT

But in the arrangement of priorities when buying consumables, everything is absolutely standard and if you want to go into minus as much as possible or just try to save, take,. Otherwise it is better to give preference to reliability, that is, to buy for T-100 LT Equipment From, where the last option can be replaced by, but be careful, there are flammable tanks in the sides, which are pretty vulnerable.

Tactics games for T-100 LT

The new tank The tenth level is an unusually cheerful, very universal and strong machine that a skillful player can find many applications. Of course, first of all, as in the case of most lights, for T-100 LT tactics It may be in the extraction of intelligence, that is, ensuring litter.

To do this, you can act in two famous scenarios:
1. First, the car is so fast and dynamic, which is capable of overcome any distances in a very short time. Thanks to this, shining is actively very convenient, because you can "fly" throughout the map, "dive" in the area reliefs and so on, discovering the enemy. At the same time, it will be very difficult for you due to low silhouette and mad speed.
2. Secondly, thanks to the magnificent disguise soviet light tank T-100 LT Can shine passively. Standing on a key position in a bush, not moving and not opening fire, detect us hard even at close range.

Of course, the most correctly combines two styles, but playing actively incredibly fun and interesting. Thanks to excellent stabilization T-100 LT World Of Tanks Created to masterly apply damage absolutely without slowing the speed. That is, it is possible to implement your DPM directly in motion.

This method is more effective also because you can quickly call the enemy in vulnerable boards or feed, in this case T-100 LT Tank Do not even feel problems with a break. In addition, never miss the opportunity to twist the enemy, but be careful, it is necessary to do it clearly, and also it is worth sure to make sure that no one will help your opponent from your opponent.

Otherwise, as already mentioned, you can do anything. It makes no sense to paint all the combat situations, depending on the situation there may be many. Surely we can say that the player is on T-100 LT in WOT Must be constantly concentrated, you must follow the mini-card and the situation around, feared the art, and you still have to get used to the speed of this Svetlik and learn how to make the right solutions as quickly as possible.