Japanese branch here. Tanks of Japan World Of Tanks. Should I download Japanese heavy tanks in WoT?

Led by STB-1. Many people ask themselves the question: "Do you really need to download them?" I will try to answer this question.
I started pumping out the "Japanese" as soon as they appeared. Moreover, there was an action for the "Masters" with a prize in the form game gold... To be honest, I managed to get only one, but "free" 500 gold is also good.
I must say right away that I didn't like the "Japanese" before. Perhaps only 6 lvl Chi-To more or less corresponds to its level. They have no armor, weak dynamics and low penetration and one-time damage, which makes the gameplay very difficult, especially for inexperienced players.
Here is lvl 8, the STA-1 tank, is already starting to please. The main advantage is the high penetration of the main shells (218mm), which allows you to save silver even in high-level battles. Also, the tank has excellent angles. vertical guidance(hereinafter referred to as UVN), which even better allows you to use an excellent penetrating weapon showing the enemy only the tower. However, here you need to remember that the tank has practically no armor and it is penetrated by everyone that comes across in battles in any projection. Is that the mask sometimes "catches" non-penetration. Particularly dangerous are artillery land mines, which can STA-1 even head-on with a bunch of "crits", which complicates the game, given the not very high dynamics of the tank. Comparing with classmates, we can say that STA-1 is very good. Its playing style is comparable to the American Pershing. The only difference is better dynamics, larger dimensions and better tools. We can definitely say that STA-1 is one of the best medium tanks at its level and is capable of "dragging" battles to the top of the list.
Next comes the Type 61 at level 9. I must say right away that I really liked the tank and I consider it the best item at level 9, on a par with the T54. What is he good at? He is the owner of a unique weapon. And the most interesting thing is the "stock" one. The one that stands on the STA-1. Therefore, pumping to the "top" gun will not be so burdensome. This "gun has a rate of fire of 12 rounds per minute! With the rammer and brotherhood, the CD is about 4 seconds, which allows you to simply shoot any enemy, and sometimes even two. The only drawback of the gun is its relatively low penetration, which is compensated by premium shells. Well, the main the highlight is the "top" gun with a penetration of 257mm, with which you can pierce "head-on" almost all tanks in the game (targeting especially armored ones) without using the "gold." The only difference is that the Japanese are better at everything. He has better penetration, the same average damage, higher damage per minute, the same elevation angles, better dynamics. However, again it is worth remembering about weak armor and large sizes. land mines no longer pierce as much as his younger brother, but all the same, the full damage from "art" can upset. In general, I really liked the tank, since at the top of the list you can "drag" almost any fight. After all, the Type61 penetrates any classmate, which allows you to use the auto-sight, especially since the "Japanese" has excellent stabilization on the move and personally I often used it. The tank is great in capable hands and is capable of a lot even at the bottom of the list. The main thing is not to climb forward and play on the second line or because of the hillocks or hills using the UVN.
And finally the crown japanese branch long-awaited STB-1. The tank is ambiguous. It has many huge pluses and huge minuses. Let's start with the good. STB-1 has one great plus - crazy DPM. He is able to simply shoot any item 10 lvl, except for the French "drummer" of course. The interval between shots with "alpha" 390 with rammer, fraternity and ventilation is 6.6 seconds. Even the T62-A, which was previously out of competition, cannot oppose anything to the "Japanese" in close combat. However, there is one "But" here. The gun has a too long retraction of 2.7 seconds. and is characterized by "obliquity" at long and even medium distances, so the DPM is not always possible to fully implement. The pluses also include excellent dynamics, UVN and a low silhouette with high camouflage, which sometimes allows you to "jerk" and "shine". Of the bad moments, I will single out the same oblique "cannon" and still poor booking for level 10. Although the tower is a recochet, it also contains a lot of weak points, into which shells fly through. Although, 8 levels will give recochets not only from the tower, but also from the hull. The tank is unusual and its potential has not yet been fully explored. It is best to use it in a platoon game with other PTs, when you can fully use its DPM in close combat, and taking into account its dynamics, you can "carousel" enemy PTs and heavy tanks.
Whether it is worth downloading Japanese medium tanks is up to you. Personally, I liked the 8-10 levels. It is interesting to play on them, since on tanks without armor, real skill is best manifested.

28.3.2017 3032 views

The developers of the World of Tanks game have always tried to ensure that all nations are present in the game, one way or another that accepted fighting during the Second World War. Therefore, the introduction of the Japanese branch of tanks into World of Tanks research was only a matter of time.

Like everything in this eastern country, the Japanese technique turned out to be unusual and quite interesting for the players. On the this moment The Japanese branch of tanks is represented in the game only by medium and heavy tanks. Information about the introduction of light vehicles, as well as tank destroyers and artillery was not reported.

Medium tanks of the Japanese branch

Japanese medium tanks can be roughly divided into two periods - before the capture of the island by the Americans and after. So, at the low levels are cars that were built during the Second World War. They are easily recognizable by their "square" hull shapes and riveted armor.

This vehicle has a rather mediocre armor thickness, a rapid-fire cannon with low penetration and damage per shot, and quite good mobility among single-tier medium tanks of other nations.

High levels were developed under the impression of Western tanks. At the eighth level, a Japanese vehicle is presented, which is mounted on a chassis from a Patton tank. Almost all high tier vehicles boast excellent mobility and good depression angles.

Medium tanks of the Japanese branch have great damage per minute and good gun accuracy. The disadvantages of such machines include poor stabilization. There is practically no armor, and only sometimes the shell can ricochet off the tower.

The Japanese project to create heavy tanks was launched in 1936 and lasted 45. Japanese engineers created many variants of super-heavy combat vehicles, but there is no reliable information about the construction of at least one prototype of such vehicles.

IN game World of Tanks presents a full-fledged branch of Japanese heavy tanks that could be built by Japan. The equipment of this country in many respects resembles German super-heavy tanks and many people believe that at some points the Japanese designers tried to create a car similar to the German Mouse.

All heavy tanks of the Japanese branch in World of Tanks boast excellent frontal armor. The game presents a choice of weapons for these vehicles. So, the player can put a "land mine" instead of the usual weapon that shoots armor-piercing shells. When using an alternative weapon, the need to target vulnerable points of enemy tanks practically disappears. But all of these guns have poor stabilization, accuracy and a rather long reload time.

The disadvantages also include the enormous size of these tanks, which completely deprives them of any camouflage. Their mobility on the battlefield leaves much to be desired, which is why these vehicles are the favorite targets of artillery. Also, many of the Japanese tanks have rather poor elevation angles in the frontal projection.

Japanese premium cars are presented in the game in two classes - medium and heavy. Players who decide to upgrade Japanese medium tanks can purchase the premium STA-2 vehicle. It is similar in its characteristics to its counterparts and is ideal not only for earning silver, but also for honing your playing skills in this class of technology.

While everything is clear with the Japanese premium medium tank, the heavy premium tank in the game is represented by the German tiger. Of course, this machine differs significantly from its German counterpart not only in its low performance characteristics, but also in the level of battles. The Japanese tiger is located at level 6 and is much worse than the pumped analogue. It has significantly less safety margins, worse gun stabilization and a lower armor penetration rate. Also, this vehicle has a rather mediocre mobility and becomes an easy target for enemy artillery.

Players often buy premium vehicles not so much for earning credits as for speeding up the crew. But this tank will not cope with this task, because to play on heavy tanks of this nation, you need to have either two radio operators or two loaders. But a Japanese tiger can only train one crew member for these specialties. Therefore, this tank is not in great demand among players.

Patch 9.10 brings good news for World of Tanks players - a new portion of "meat" is being introduced into the game. Yes, this is how the Japanese heavy tanks were dubbed, which are about to knock on the door of the random. “Wangyu that this will be the most unpopular branch in the game” - this is how the Amway921 guidebook dubbed the introduction of the TT Japan, and we completely agree with him.

Japan TT list: Type 89-I-Go / Chi-Ro, Type 91 Heavy, Type 95 Heavy, D-I Experimental, D-I, O-Ni, O-Ho, Type 4 Heavy, Type 5 Heavy.
To be more correct, the second tier is occupied by a medium tank, Type 89-I-Go / Chi-Ro, and then heavy ones.

Each nation of World of Tanks has its own distinctive feature. For example, y is “German precision”, y is cardboard and portability, and so on. In Japanese TT, this feature reflects the gameplay - shedding and mobility, or rather the lack of it as such. Anything that can mean huge is suitable for the designation of these tanks - a barn, a bucket, a booth, meat ...
The players have found and still will find words to designate these ingenious machines.

To find information about heavy tanks in Japan, the game developers have put a lot of effort in order to get at least a grain of information. All TTs in Japan are paper projects that have never been implemented, and besides that, the developers “thought out” a lot of details, focusing on the style of the cars.

Typical blacks for these "moving boulders" are slowness, moderate armor, mass and presence of towers, moreover, several of them. Weaknesses of this kind make it difficult to play on already complex machines, but the towers are not the main problem of these machines. The main thing that will not give new Japanese people life is this. Well, let's compare these vehicles with the tanks of other nations.

Comparison with other nations

Recently, there have been indignations among the players. They demanded that Wargaming began to introduce unique vehicles into the game, and not replicas of tanks in each nation. For example, the branch is similar to the branch, the new French STs without drums are similar to German medium tanks ... Even the first Japanese TT premiere is, in fact, the German Tiger I, which, according to mythical stories, fell into the hands of the Japanese, or even never got to - a controversial issue. And as for the similarity with other nations, let's face it - there are no analogues to the mastodons of Japan, they are unique! There is really nothing to compare them with - no nation of heavy tanks is even close to the Japanese. But was this what the players wanted? ...

Features and disadvantages

Let's start with the advantages of cars, of which there are very few. The first plus is the gun depression angles. Due to the fact that the cars are tall, then the guns bend well here - from 8 to 15 degrees, depending on the car. Of course, this is a plus, but this plus will not brighten up all the minuses ...
The main problem for the Japanese is size. Any artillery, of any level, will punish these. After all, with a mass of 80-160 tons and similar dimensions, it is simply impossible to survive on maps like “”, “” and similar ones. And if there are more opponents in the team than 1-2 artillery, then the Japanese will not live up to the middle of the battle - it is easier to hit him than miss.
Another obvious mistake of the developers is the lack of "gold" ammunition in the 8-ki O-Ho. With a penetration of about 230mm BB, it will be difficult to survive with 10s to put it mildly.
Also, the disadvantages include machine-gun turrets, of which 2-3 units in units from the 4th level.

The sad thing is that the cars came out of cardboard - low-level cars up to 5th level with 20mm armor are forgiven, since these millimeters are typical for many nations, but vehicles from the 5th level are also characterized by the fact that they do not have strong armor. Something appears on the ninth and tenth levels, but, again, any artilleryman will multiply your tanking "by 0".

Tactical application

All that the heavyweights of Japan can do is play from the tower, but that depends on many factors. Firstly, there should be a map where there are such places - boulders, mounds, fences, walls and pillboxes - this is a “lifeline” for cars of this branch, but there are far from such places. Secondly, even if there is such a place, it should not be shot through by the ART-ACS, because the place where you meet your “first light” will be the last for you. And third - even if you got to a map where there are places of this type, you still need to get to that place. With a mass of 100-150 tons and a specific power of about 8-10 horses, this lesson will turn into a test for the driver of the car.


As a result, I would like to repeat the phrase of the same Pasha Amway, whom we already mentioned at the beginning of the article: The branch of heavy tanks in Japan falls into a different climate than in our game at the moment. In a world where everything that moves is punishable by art, these machines will not survive and will not take root in World of Tanks
This phrase epitomizes the situation in which the new Japanese find themselves. Perhaps these machines would find their application in battles, playing the role of plugs and pears that absorb damage, but as long as there is an ART-ACS in the game, these machines will not have life ...

Japanese combat vehicles in World of tanks brought patch 0.8.10, which added medium tanks of this nation. Japanese STs in WoT boast excellent gun elevation angles, among the weaknesses it is worth noting the thin armor of most combat vehicles. For now World players of tanks, light and medium tanks of Japan are available with the top-end ST - STB-1.

Among the most notable fighting vehicles Japanese development branch in WoT It is worth noting the Tier 5 Type 5 Chi-Ri tank, which has a drum loading mechanism that allows you to fire at a high rate. Fighting vehicles of 8-10 levels: STA-1, Type 61, STB-1 are quite comfortable, well-balanced tanks with good guns.

Japan Tech Tree in the World of Tanks

The Japanese development branch is shown in the figure. To see a larger image, click on the picture.

Should I download Japanese medium tanks in WoT?

It is not easy to play on Japanese medium tanks, because you need to skillfully use the terrain and obstacles in order to cover the weakly protected hull of combat vehicles. If you know how to successfully use good vertical aiming angles, then feel free to tackle the pumping of Japanese combat vehicles.

For beginners to download japanese branch development of medium tanks is not worth the first, because these machines of this branch do not forgive a mistake, and the game can turn into torment. In addition, there are only two classes of vehicles in the Japanese tank development tree, and a beginner should try playing tanks of all available classes in order to choose the most suitable type of vehicle.

Japanese heavy tanks

Japanese heavy tanks development branch was added to World of tanks in patch 0.9.10. And these combat vehicles fully live up to the name of their class. They are protected by thick armor, and their mass is enormous.

It will be difficult to penetrate Japanese heavy vehicles, especially in the forehead, where the thickest armor plates are installed.

The top Japanese heavy tanks are well-protected. Type 5 Heavy, the frontal armor of this tank reaches 250mm. Perhaps a serious drawback of this tank will be the lack of cumulative and sub-caliber shells.

Should I download Japanese heavy tanks in WoT?

If you know how to competently use armor and transform the protection of your tank into victory, then you should try to upgrade the Japanese heavy.

When playing on them, you should also be wary of artillery, because you are a large, not agile, which means a convenient target.

When playing World of Tanks, everyone wants to get more damage. But this does not always work out. New tanks appear in the game, which are difficult to defeat. It is necessary to find out where to pierce the Japanese heavy vehicles, because these are the most armored vehicles in WoT. They are not "sewn" anywhere, you need to know certain areas. But first, let's take a look at their history.

History of Japanese tanks

They appeared in 1918. These were cars created and brought specifically for this country. In the late 1920s, Japanese designers decided to create their own prototypes, and in 1929 the first tank was produced. Despite the low level of funding, the production of iron machines grew. By the end of World War II, Japan ranked fifth in the world in tank production.

The new armored cars were used in both the Japanese-Chinese and World War II. The problems began when funding became even less and the cars were getting lower quality. Moreover, their number has decreased significantly. This largely influenced further military operations. Tank troops could not continue to be impact force in battles, and the country capitulated.

A new breath of tank building in Japan began already in 1954. At the same time, the designers had to create projects of armored vehicles from scratch.

Type 4 Heavy

This is a Japanese heavy tank that existed in real development. In World of Tanks, it is level 9. In life, it has a second name - Type 2604. The main task in battles is to break through fortifications and defense.

Before we figure out where to pierce the Japanese heavy, we need to consider the Type 4 Heavy and other "Japanese" in terms of tactical and technical characteristics. As already became clear, the tank has a high armor rate and a pretty good weapon. The main task is to slowly go ahead, absorbing all the enemy damage.

Small tanks remain dangerous for the Type 4 Heavy, which can snuggle up to the hull and shoot at the Japanese, while the gun will not go down to take aim at a small enemy. The advantages include good DPS, a large number of shells, excellent average damage and penetration. Also, the tank can see a lot and convey to the allies.

But the main drawbacks, of course, are the turret traverse speed, prolonged mixing, weak dynamics, reloading and, of course, dimensions. If the tank is in the light, then the artillery will easily shoot it, since it is not difficult to get into it.

Where to punch Type 4 Heavy?

When the Japanese heavy "Type 4 Heavy" appeared in the game, no one knew where to punch it. It was later that players began to find weak points on their own or simply charged gold. Of course, if you don't have a lot of resources, it's better to find out the weaknesses of the tank.

It is worth noting that the Type 4 Heavy is an O-I redesigned in its own way. If he met you head-on, he’s gone. In front, the weak points of the heavy weight cannot be found, since the booking here is from 260 mm. But if you are a little more careful, you can see the plane of the case. If an iron monster is placed with a rhombus, its armor is reduced to 200 mm.

The sad thing is that there is a BC next to it, which can be blown up and taken out of the battle tank. Of course, as mentioned earlier, it can be pierced with gold shells. If you are on a level 10 car, then the chances of causing damage are even greater.

Other Japanese strands

Before and after Type 4 Heavy, there were other equally powerful tanks that players have problems with. Next, we will find out where to pierce the Japanese weights, but first we will get to know them a little.

It is worth mentioning that the Japanese heavy tree line starts at the 3rd level of the Type 91 Heavy. Further behind it was the Type 95 Heavy. These tanks are quite similar to each other, so there is no point in talking about them separately. The fifth level, O-I Experimental, was cardinal and completely different. Of course, now everyone already knows what kind of colossus it is and how to deal with it. But immediately after appearing, this monster caused a shock.

Behind him are two strong armored vehicles: O-I - the sixth level and O-Ni - the seventh. The powerful O-Ho can also be added here. Sometimes confusion happens with these tanks. Inexperienced players do not know how to deal with them, and often receive land mines from them to full health.

The ninth and tenth levels were taken by Type 4 Heavy and Type 5 Heavy. These vehicles are well-armored, and fireflies cannot afford them. Only levels 9-10 can fight them, and in some cases even gold shells in WoT. Where to pierce the Japanese strands, let's figure it out further.

Where to punch?

Experienced players always find themselves weaknesses new tanks. Where to punch Japanese heavy 3-4 leveled, now everyone knows, and it's easy to do on any machine. But older tanks can already bring a lot of problems. The least harmful is the O-I Experimental of the fifth level. If the tank is sideways, it can be pierced at right angles without difficulty. If he rushes to you head to head, then it is better to aim at the turrets of the radio operators.

When O-I was added to the world of tanks, no one knew where to pierce the Japanese heavy lines. If other armored vehicles could be targeted at some default places, then starting from the 6th level of the Japanese TT branch, questions began to arise. If you are faced with this monster head-on, aim the bar under the main tower, otherwise you can try to shoot at the tank, or at the sides at right angles.

Basically, the armor scheme of the tank, starting from the fifth level, practically does not change for the heavy vehicles. The roof of the "Japanese" remains cardboard, a little stronger than its stern, and not the lower part, but the middle. If the heavy has become a diamond, you need to aim at the near corner of the upper armor plate, or the near part of the tower.

In theory, Japanese heavyweights are scary and rebellious, but in practice they are easy to defeat and knock the enemy out of the battle.