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What is OMS? What are you entitled to under the CHI policy? How to get or change the CHI policy? How to be treated by non-residents in Moscow?

If you live in another city and want to come for planned treatment

In this case, there are two scenarios for how you can be hospitalized for free under the MHI policy in a Moscow hospital.

Option 1. Get a referral to a Moscow hospital from the hospital where you live

If you live in another city and want to get planned treatment in a Moscow hospital for free, you can get a referral from a medical institution at your place of residence. You come to your doctor, and if there is evidence, he writes you a referral to one of the hospitals in the capital.

Then you need to make an appointment at the polyclinic department of a Moscow hospital (by referral) and get additional information from the doctor of this hospital about the possibility of hospitalization, the date of hospitalization and a list of necessary tests and documents.

Option 2. Call the hotline for planned hospitalization of patients from other cities "Moscow - the capital of health"

To date, the websites of all Moscow hospitals operating under compulsory medical insurance indicate the number of the hotline for free assistance in obtaining planned hospitalization of patients from other cities "Moscow - the capital of health".

To contact the hotline of the project "Moscow - the capital of health" you need to have only an officially established diagnosis and a compulsory health insurance policy in your hands.

The curators of the project "Moscow - the capital of health" take into account the patient's wishes regarding planned hospitalization and select a hospital according to the profile of his disease.

The rest depends on the availability of places in the selected hospitals at the time of the desired date of hospitalization.

In addition, you can get a distance consultation on choosing a medical institution even before your arrival in the capital. Doctors first assess the patient's condition according to medical documents, recommend a hospital, and then he comes to Moscow for hospitalization.

In any case, a decision on hospitalization will require an on-site examination to diagnose diseases of unknown origin and comorbidities.

Documents required for hospitalization:

- insurance policy (original and copy);
- birth certificate (for children's hospitalization);
- medical documents.

Hotline specialists supervise the patient until his discharge.

All services are provided free of charge.

This scheme is valid only for receiving assistance under the CHI program. High-tech medical care is directly funded by the state. To receive high-tech treatment, you must apply for a federal quota.

To whom is the policy issued and what to do with it?

The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued at birth and is required for every citizen of the Russian Federation. If you have not changed your old policy to a new version, you should not worry. Any officially registered policy is valid.

But if the policy is completely absent, you will not be able to use free medical care (except for emergency). You will not even be able to consult at the district clinic or simply apply for a sick leave.

Therefore, if for some reason you do not have a CHI policy at all, we strongly recommend that you apply for it at any compulsory health insurance company in the city at the place of residence, work or actual residence. You can find out which insurance companies operate in your region on the website of the territorial CHI fund in your region. A complete list of territorial funds websites can be found here.

Both working citizens and unemployed persons, children and pensioners are equally entitled to receive a CHI policy.

The policy must be presented at the time of making an appointment and a face-to-face visit to the clinic, to doctors when calling an ambulance, when registering for planned hospitalization, etc.

Insured persons have the right to receive standard dental care, they can do many tests and examinations free of charge, and as part of the additional examination during treatment, computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

What is the right of a citizen under the MHI policy?

According to the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in Russian Federation» An insured citizen has the right to receive emergency and planned care in any medical institution of the Russian Federation (operating under the CHI program), even outside the region of his permanent residence.

For example, you can come from the region to a Moscow hospital according to your profile and receive free conservative and surgical treatment of a wide range of diseases, such as: cholecystitis, urolithiasis, stomach ulcers, hypospadias and phimosis, progressive spinal deformities, valgus flat feet, Crohn's disease, arrhythmia, adenoids, etc.

A complete list of diseases that can be treated in Moscow under compulsory medical insurance, as well as analyzes and studies, can be found on the website of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Also, a list of services provided in hospitals in your region under the MHI policy can be found in the Territorial Program of State Guarantees of Free Provision to Citizens medical care.

Treatment is free, but it is only free for you. The hospital and medical staff receive money for your treatment from the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. This money, which is formed from taxes paid by citizens and employers.

In any unclear situation, call the insurance company

If you are denied medical care or are required to pay for treatment, and you did not ask for any paid services, your first resort is yours. Insurance Company. They are responsible not only for financing the services provided, but also for their quality and timely delivery of assistance.

The current number can be found on your new policy (A4 card or document) or on the website of the indicated insurance company.

What you are not entitled to under the CHI policy

The OMS does not include:

Treatment without a doctor's prescription, simply because I "want";
- cosmetic services;
- treatment with homeopathic preparations and traditional medicine;
- installation of dentures, veneers, etc.;
- accommodation in a superior room and a personal nurse to boot.

If you are a non-resident, but live in Moscow

The possibility and ways of receiving treatment in a Moscow hospital free of charge under compulsory medical insurance for a nonresident patient depend on his goals, capabilities and life circumstances.

For example, being a non-resident living in Moscow, it will be more convenient for you to get a Moscow CHI policy.

Its presence will provide you with the right to attach to any city clinic operating under the CHI program.

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the selected medical insurance organization and provide:

Application for the choice / replacement of an insurance company (application form can be downloaded here);
- an identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, birth certificate, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of issuing a passport);
- SNILS (for persons over 18 years old).

At the time of issuing the policy, the insurance company is obliged to issue a temporary certificate that provides the opportunity to use similar services of compulsory health insurance. The certificate is valid for 30 working days.

Having a Moscow policy makes it possible to freely attach to a Moscow medical institution and the right to a full range of medical care, including outpatient care.

More information about all the possibilities can be found on the website of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Hello comrades. Once upon a time, when I was still regularly releasing new content, I was asked to sort out the scandal that had just died out around Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite. Why did a game with such incendiary gameplay fail with such a deafening crash? But at that moment the soul did not lie to such reasoning. Then I wiped away a mean male tear and commemorated the untimely deceased ... However, today the situation is repeating itself! In a different genre, and in a slightly different format - but the essence has not changed a bit. The players decided to get together and bury Warcraft III: Reforged. Looks like it's time to open up old wounds.



It happens that a long time ago forgotten game revives in the soul thanks to one - seemingly insignificant - event. Each of us strives to find something of our own in our favorite genre: someone craves mind-blowing combos, others trudge through the tournament hype. Personally, my secret desire is to see how the “weak” defeats the “strong”. To feel that the victory goes to the most deserving, and not the “cheapest”… In short, I love it when the low-range wins 😉 And it was precisely such a rare pleasure that Tekken gave me World Tour 2018, where the Korean fighter Rangchu was a resounding success. He dragged the tournament with his Panda - beat the best of the best on the character that is usually chosen, only to troll the noobs! In general, today we guide on bears. Here I will tell you how to play for them, and how to deal with fluffy mischief-makers.


Comrades, training in Dead or Alive 6 is broken! And it's just hilarious 🙂 Glitch was not discovered by me, but it is obvious that it does not cause much harm (except sometimes it crashes the game!). But it can bring a lot of good mood.


The main mechanics migrated to Dead or Alive 6 from previous parts series. Punches beat throws, throws grab holds, holds counter punches - this triangle has been the foundation of local combat since ancient times. But DoA number six has significant innovations, and here I want to talk about perhaps the most important of them.


Check out the new story mode trailer Mortal Kombat 11. Soundly, funny, expected. As I said earlier, the mod story will be filled with a bunch of characters from all timelines - this is what the fans of the series are waiting for!


I don’t want to swear in my blog - this is not the format. But it doesn’t work in another way ... Before they were completely fucking there, f#$%b!? Once again we were given an UNFINISHED fighting game! Okay, DoA5 was just a crooked port on PC, but with the release of the new part, as far as I know, consoles also sucked. In short, you will not be able to drive this fighting game with friends!


Let's be honest with each other, best fighting game. Don't be fooled by feelings of nostalgia or loyalty to a certain series of games. And this does not mean that the rest of the fighting games are bad. for five years now (including arcade machines - six) has been showing everyone how to make 2D fighting games with three-dimensional characters. As you know, fighting games do not live that long, just look at the meager online colleagues in the shop. But the series has never been embarrassed. It is clear that the original would not have lived so long if it were not for updates. So another "update" has arrived; The king did not think of dying.

The best thing is that "" is not sold as a standalone game, but as a DLC that updates the game. However, you can also buy, which includes the game, a new addition and sets of costumes. The whole thing costs 300 and 500 rubles, respectively.

The most important innovations are the fighters. Four already familiar characters came to "": the infamous Poison, Rolento, Elena and the big guy Hugo, as well as the newcomer Decapre, who could not be played in previous games in the series. The developers also added a nickel of slightly corrected arenas from , made it possible to publish matches on YouTube and made changes to combat system, which made it possible to study the game from a new perspective, even for those who already know the mechanics from cover to cover. Now no one will feel like a fish in water.

The most interesting innovation in combat is the ability to use two Ultra-combos at once in a match. For some, this is an opportunity to end the battle in a few moves, for others it is a great chance to control the enemy. It is worth being more careful and attentive, because now danger awaits both on the ground and in the air: you never know where you can get an "ultra".

The next important novelty is the ability to absorb blows, which can disrupt the plans of the enemy. Some fighters are able to absorb the "ultra", and then finish off their own, even if there is only nothing left of health. Also, the game now allows you to rise from the ground with a slight delay, which destroys the rogue tactics of continuously controlling the victim.

The game is still not friendly to a novice player unfamiliar with . Roughly speaking, this is a fighting game that you need to be able to play. The method of pressing all the buttons in the hope that cool combos will work and tricks practically does not work here - you have to sit in the training or test mode and literally teach the character. The appearance of Poison makes it easy to learn, as it is one of the easiest characters to study, which you can understand exactly how it works. Well, do not forget that Poison is ready to please the eye with juicy forms. However, it is important to understand that canon has been rewritten and Posion is now 100% female, so there is no reason to be homophobic anymore.

In general, training has become much easier, new settings can save combos for certain moment or simulate online lags. You can always call a friend for training, which makes the process of learning the basics or consolidating what you have learned much more fun.

Ultra street fighter 4 is a perfect example of how to support fighting games so that both old fans and newcomers who have just bought SF or are playing more recently will be happy. This is an ideal fighting game that requires a certain skill, where you always need to assess the situation and quickly take action. Also, with innovations, the effect of unpredictability has increased.

This list contains Special Moves, ex-Moves and all standard moves.

Accepted designations:

P - Punch (Punch "any" hand)

LP - Low Punch (Weak punch)

MP - Medium Punch

HP - Hard Punch ( Swipe hand)

K - Kick (Kick "any" leg)

LK - Low Kick (Weak kick)

MK - Medium Kick (Medium Kick)

HK - Hard Kick (Strong kick)

D - Down (Direction "down")

DB - Down/Back (Direction "down-back")

DT - Down/Towards (Direction "down-forward")

T - Towards (Direction "forward")

B - Back (Direction "back")

UB - Up/Back (Direction "up-back")

UT - Up/Towards (Direction "up-forward")

U - Up (Direction "up")

#(for direction) - the time in seconds for which you want to delay the corresponding direction on the controller. For example, 2D, DT, T + P….hold "down" for 2 seconds, then execute the rest of the list of commands.

# (for punch or kick) - indicates the number of kick or punch buttons to be pressed at the same time. For example, 3P means pressing three punch buttons at the same time, 2K means pressing 2 kick buttons at the same time.

Abel Change of Direction (Quick Combo Grapple) Move:

Abel Hoyle Kick (Flip Kick) Move:

Abel Marceaux Rolling Move:

Abel Tornado Slew (Head Twirl Throw) Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+P

Abel Sky Fall (Throw) Move:

Abel Ex-Change of Direction:

Abel Ex Hoyle Kick (Flip Kick) Move:

Abel Ex-Marceaux Rolling Move:

Abel Ex-Tornado Slew (Head Twirl Throw) Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+2P

Abel Ex-Sky Fall (Throw) Move:

Abel Super and Ultra Moves:

Abel Mushin (Multiple Punches and Head Twirl Throw) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Abel Muga (Ultra Head Twirl Throw) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Abel Elbow (Launcher) Move:

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Akuma playability activation: When all standard characters are unlocked (not Akuma, Gouken or Seth), complete Arcade mode with your favorite character and get at least two Perfects with at least two Ultra Finishes. After you are prompted to fight Akuma after defeating Seth, you must defeat this duel to unlock the character.

Akuma Gou Hadouken (Fireball) Move:

Akuma Zankuu Hadouken (Air Fireball) Move:

D, DT, T + P (while in the Air)

Akuma Shakunetsu Hadouken (Red Fireball) Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+P

Akuma Hyakki Shuu (Demon Flip) Move:

Akuma Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:

Akuma Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Air Hurricane Kick) Move:

D, DB, B + K (While in the Air)

Akuma Shoryuken (Dragon Punch) Move:

Akuma Ashura Senkuu (Teleport) Move:

T, D, DT + 3P (or) 3K

Akuma Ex-Gou Hadouken (Fireball) Move:

Akuma Ex-Zankuu Hadouken (Air Fireball) Move:

D, DT, T + 2P (while in the Air)

Akuma Ex-Shakunetsu Hadouken (Power Fireball) Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+2P

Akuma Ex-Hyakki Shuu (Demon Flip) Move:

Akuma Ex-Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:

Akuma Ex-Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Air Hurricane Kick) Move:

D, DB, B + 2K (Airborne)

Akuma Ex-Shoryuken (Dragon Punch) Move:

Akuma Super and Ultra Moves:

Akuma Sun Goku Satsu (Super-Raging Demon) Move:


Akuma Shun Goku Satsu (Ultra-Raging Demon) Move:


Akuma Overhead Chop Move:

Akuma Dive Kick:

Balrog (Boxer)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Balrog Dash Straight (Running Punch) Move:

Balrog Dash Grand Straight (Running Low Punch) Move:

Balrog Running Overhead Punch Move:

2B, DT+P(Hold)

Balrog Dash Smash (Running Uppercut) Move:

Balrog Dash Grand Smash (Running Low Uppercut) Move:

Balrog Buffalo Headbutt Move:

Balrog Turn Punch or Turn Uppercut Move:

3P (hold) or 3K (hold)

Balrog Ex-Moves:

Balrog Ex-Dash Straight (Running Punch) Move:

Balrog Ex-Dash Grand Straight (Running Low Punch) Move:

Balrog Ex-Dash Smash (Running Uppercut) Move:

Balrog Ex-Dash Grand Smash (Running Low Uppercut) Move:

Balrog Buffalo Headbutt Move:

Balrog Super and Ultra Moves:

Balrog Crazy Buffalo (Super Running Punch or Super Running Uppercut) Move:

2B, T, B, T + P or K

Balrog Violent Buffalo (Ultra Running Punch or Ultra Running Uppercut):

2B, T, B, T + 3P or 3K

Balrog Normal Moves:

Balrog Foot Punch Move:

Balrog Ducking uppercut Move:

Balrog Punch Sweep Move:

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

2-button tricks require a 2-second hold.

Blanka Electric Thunder Move:

Blanka Rolling Attack (Beast Roll) Move:

Blanka Backstep Rolling (Hop Back Arching Roll Attack) Move:

Blanka Vertical Rolling (Upwards Beast Roll) Move:

Blanka Hop Move:

Blanka Beast Slide Move:

Blanka Duck Move:

Blanka Ex Moves:

Blanka Ex-Electric Thunder Move:

Press 2P Rapidly

Blanka Ex-Rolling Attack (Beast Roll) Move:

Blanka Ex-Backstep Rolling (Hop Back Arching Roll Attack) Move:

Blanka 2Ex-Vertical Rolling (Upwards Beast Roll) Move:

Blanka Super and Ultra Moves:

Blanka Grand Shave Rolling (Super Beast Roll) Move:

Blanka Lighting Cannonball (Ultra Beast Roll) Move:

2B, T, B, T+3P

Blanka Normal Moves:

Blanka Cross Up Kick Move:

UT + MK (While in the Air)

Blanka Anti-Air Claws Move:

U + HP (While in the Air)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

2-button tricks require a 2-second hold.

Chun Li Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Lightning Leg Kicks) Moves:

Chun Li Kikouken (Fireball) Move:

Chun Li Hazan Shuu (Overhead Flip Kick) Move:

2T, DT, D, DB, B+K

Chun Li Spinning Bird Kick Move:

Chun Li Command Combo Kicks Moves:

Chun Li Air Throw Move:

LP + LK (airborne)

Chun Li Ex Moves:

Chun Li Ex-Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Lightning Leg Kicks) Moves:

Press 2K Rapidly

Chun Li Ex-Kikouken (Fireball) Move:

Chun Li Ex Hazan Shuu (Overhead Flip Kick) Move:

2T, DT, D, DB, B+2K

Chun Li Ex-Spinning Bird Kick Move:

Chun Li Super and Ultra Moves:

Chun Li Senretsu Kyaku (Super Lightning Leg Kicks) Move:

Chun Li Housenka (Ultra Lightning Leg Kicks) Move:

2B, T, B, T+3K

Chun Li Normal Moves:

Chun Li Crouching Medium Kick of Death Move:

Chun Li Head Stomp Move:

2D + MK (airborne)

Chun Li Backflip Kick Move:

Chun Li Flip Cross Up Kick Move:

Chun Li Hop Kick Move:

Chun Li Wall Jump Move:

2T (in air)

Crimson Viper

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Crimson Viper Thunder Knuckle (Flashing Fist) Move:

Crimson Viper Burning Kick (Flame Kick) Move:

Crimson Viper Aerial Burning Kick (Air Flame Kick) Move:

D, DB, B + K (airborne)

Crimson Viper Seisumo Hammer (Explosive Ground Pound) Move:

Crimson Viper Super Jump Move

Crimson Viper Ex-Moves:

Crimson Viper Ex-Thunder Knuckle (Flashing Fist) Move:

Crimson Viper Ex-Burning Kick (Flame Kick) Move:

Crimson Viper Ex-Seisumo Hammer (Explosive Ground Pound) Move:

Crimson Viper Super and Ultra Moves:

Crimson Viper Emergency Combination (SuperFlashing Fist and Kick) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Crimson Viper Burst Time (Ultra Flashing Fist) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Crimson Viper Normal Moves:

Crimson Viper Hard Punch Move:

Crimson Viper Overhead Attack Move:

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Dhalsim Yoga Fire Move:

Dhalsim Yoga Flame Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+P

Dhalsim Yoga Blast (Upwards Fireball) Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+K

Dhalsim Yoga Teleport Move:

T, D, DT)or) B, D, DB + 3P (or) 3K

Dhalsim Foot Drill (airborne) Move:

Dhalsim Head Drill (airborne) Move:

Dhalsim Yoga Tower Move:

Dhalsim Ex Moves:

Dhalsim Ex-Yoga Fire Move:

Dhalsim Ex-Yoga Flame Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+2P

Dhalsim Ex-Yoga Blast (Upwards Fireball) Move:

T, DT, D, DB, B+2K

Dhalsim Super and Ultra Moves:

Dhalsim Yoga Inferno (Super Yoga Flame) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Dhalsim Yoga Catastrophe (Ultra Yoga Fire) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Dhalsim Normal Moves:

dhalsim Slide Move:

Dhalsim Jumping Hard Punch (airborne) Move:

Dhalsim Hook Arm Move:

Dhalsim Anti Air Knee Move:

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

2-button tricks require a 2-second hold.

E. Honda Hyakuretsu Harite (Hundred Hand Slap) Move:

E. Honda Super Zutsuki (Flying Headbutt) Move:

E. Honda Ooichou Nage (Throw and Butt Smash) Move:

2T, DT, D, DB, B+P

E. Honda Ex-Moves:

E. Honda Ex-Hyakuretsu Harite (Hundred Hand Slap) Move:

Press 2P Rapidly

E. Honda Ex Super Zutsuki (Flying Headbutt) Move:

2B, T + 2P - Hold B 2 seconds

E. Honda Super Hyakkan Otoshi (Sumo Splash) Move:

2D, U+2K - Hold D 2 seconds

E. Honda Ex-Ooichou Nage (Throw and Butt Smash) Move:


E. Honda Super and Ultra Moves:

E. Honda Onimusou (Super Flying Headbutt) Move:

E. Honda Super Onimusou (Ultra Flying Headbutt) Move:

2B, T, B, T+3P

E. Honda Normal Moves:

E. Honda Jumpin Hard Punch (in air) Move:

E. Honda Jumping Splash (in air) Move:

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

El Fuerete Habanero Dash (Running Forward) Move:

Add any of the following:

LP - Stop the Dash

MP - Body Splash

HP - Flying Throw

LK - Stops Run and Backward Dash

MK - Jumping Kick

HK - Sliding Kick

El Fuerte Habanero Back Dash (Running Backwards) Move:

Add any of the following:

MP - Body Splash

HP - Flying Throw

K - Hops towards Wall

K (Hold 2 seconds) - El Fuerte Quesadilla Bomb (Chest Buster) Move.

El Fuerte Guacamole Slew (Air throw) Move:

El Fuerte Wall Jump Move:

T (While in the Air)

El Fuerte Ex Moves:

El Fuerte Ex Habanero Dash:

El Fuerte Ex Habanero Back Dash Move:

El Fuerte Ex-Guacamole Slew (Air Throw) Move:

El Fuerte Super and Ultra Moves:

El Fuerte Dynaite (Super):

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+K

El Fuerte Flying Gigabuster (Ultra) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3K

El Fuerte Normal Moves:

El Fuerte Overhead Kick Move:

El Fuerte Anti Air Punch Move:

El Fuerte Jumping Hard Punch Move:

HP (airborne)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

2-button tricks require a 2-second hold.

Guile Sonic Boom Move:

Guile Somersault Kick (Flash Kick) Move:

Guile Air Throw Move:

LP + LK (airborne)

Guile Ex-Sonic Boom Move:

Guile Ex-Somersault Kick (Flash Kick) Move:

Guile Super and Ultra Moves:

Guile Double Somersault (Super Flash kick) Move:


Guile Somersault Explosion (Ultra Flash Kick) Move:

2DB, DT, DB, UT+3K

Guile Normal Moves:

Guile Overhead Punch Move:

Guile Anti-Air Kick Move:

Guile Crouching Uppercut Move:

Guile Bazooka Knee Move:

Guile Cross Up Knee Move:

LK (airborne)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Ken Haduken (Fireball) Move:

Ken Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:

Ken Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:

Ken Ex-Haduken (Fireball) Move:

Ken Ex-Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:

Ken Ex-Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:

Ken Super and Ultra Moves:

Ken Shoryureppa (Super Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Ken Shinryuken (Ultra Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Ken Normal Moves:

Ken Cross Up kick Move:

MK (airborne)

Ken Forward Kick Move:

Ken Spinning Side Kick Move:

M. Bison (Dictator)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

2-button tricks require a 2-second hold.

M. Bison Psycho Crusher Attack (Flaming Torpedo) Move:

M. Bison Double Knee Press (Scirssor Kicks) Move:

M. Bison Warp (Teleport) Move:

T, D, DT + 3P or 3K

M. Bison Ex-Moves:

M. Bison Ex-Psycho Crusher Attack (Flaming Torpedo) Move:

M. Bison Ex-Double Knee Press (Scirssor Kicks) Move:

M. Bison Head Press & Somersault Skull Diver (Head Stomp and Body Splash) Move:

M. Bison Devil's Reverse (Aerial Fist Dive, Flying Chop) Move:

M. Bison Super and Ultra Moves:

M. Bison Knee Press Nightmare (Super Scissor Kick) Move:

M. Bison Nightmare Booster (Ultra Scissor Kick) Move:

2B, T, B, T+3K

M. Bison Normal Moves:

M. Bison Standing Medium Kick of Death Move:

M. Bison Jumping Medium Kick Move:

MK (airborne)

M. Bison Anti-Air Kick Move:

M. Bison Slide Kick Move:

M. Bison Double Air Punch Move:

MP MP (airborne)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Rufus Kyuuseishu Kick (Flying Kick) Move:

Rufus Ginga Tornado (Spinning Body Punch) Move:

Rufus Jatotsu Nature (Rapid Aerial Punches) Move:

Rufus Aerial Dive Kick

T or B + K (airborne)

Rufus Overhead Kick Move:

T or B + MK (airborne)

Rufus Ex-Kyuuseishu Kick (Flying Kick) Move:

Rufus Ex-Ginga Tornado (Spinning Body Punch) Move:

Rufus Ex-Jatotsu Nature (Rapid Aerial Punches) Move:

Rufus Super and Ultra Moves”

Rufus Spectacular Romance (Super) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Rufus Opera Symphony (Ultra) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Ryu Haduken (Fireball) Move:

Ryu Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:

Ryu Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:

Ryu Ex-Haduken (Fireball) Move:

Ryu Ex-Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:

Ryu Ex-Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:

Ryu Super and Ultra Moves:

Ryu Shinkuu Hadoken (Super Fireball) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Ryu Metsu Hadoken (Ultra Fireball) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Ryu Normal Moves:

Ryu Dash Punch Move:

Ryu Overhead Punch Move:

Ryu Crouching Medium Kick Move:

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Sagat Tiger Shot (High) Move:

Sagat Grand Toger Shot (Low) Move:

Sagat Tiger Uppercut Move:

Sagat Tiger Knee Crush Move:

Sagat Ex-Tiger Shot (High) Move:

Sagat Ex-Grand Toger Shot (Low) Move:

Sagat Ex-Tiger Uppercut Move:

Sagat Ex-Tiger Knee Crush Move:

Sagat Super and Ultra Moves:

Sagat Tiger Genocide (Super) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Sagat Destruction (Ultra) Move:

D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3K

Sagat Normal Moves:

Sagat Crouching Light Kick Move:

Sagat Standing Hard Kick Move:

Vega (Claw)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

2-button tricks require a 2-second hold.

Vega Rolling Crystal Flash (Rolling Claw Attack) Move:

Vega Flying Barcelona Attack * Izuna D|rop (Wall Dive and Throw) Move:

Vega Sky High Claw (Awerial Claw Attack) Move:

Vega Scarlet Terror (Flip Kick) Move:

Vega Flip Back Move:

Vega Focus Attack Move:

Vega Claw Throw Move:

Vega Mask Throw Move:

Vega Ex-Rolling Crystal Flash (Rolling Claw Attack) Move:

Vega Ex-Flying Barcelona Attack & Izuna Drop (Wall Dive and Throw) Move:

Vega Ex-Sky High Claw (Aerial Claw Attack) Move:

Vega Ex-Scarlet Terror (Flip Kick) Move:

Vega Super and Ultra Moves:

Vega Flying Barcelona Special And Rolling Izuna drop (Super Wall Dive and Throw) Move:


Vega Bloody High Claw (Ultra Wall Jump and Slice) Move:


Vega Normal Moves:

Vega Leaping Kick (Launcher) Move:

Vega Medium Punch Claw Move:

Vega Slide Sweep Move:

Vega Kara Throw Move:

Vega Air Throw Move:

LP + LK (airborne)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Zangief Screw Piledriver Move:

B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+P (360motion)

Zangief Banishing Flat (Green Glove) Move:

Zangief Double Lariat (Quick Double Lariat with Kicks) Move:

Zangief Flying Powerbomb (Running Grab and Slam) Move:

B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+K (360 motion)

Zangief Ex-Moves:

Zangief Ex-Screw Piledriver Move:

B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+2P (360motion)

Zangief Ex-Banishing Flat (Green Glove) Move:

Zangief Ex-Flying Powerbomb (Running Grab and Slam) Move:

B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+2K (360motion)

Zangief Super and Ultra Moves:

Zangief Final Atomatic Buster (Super Screw Piledriver) Move:

B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U, UB, B, DB, D, DT, T+P (720 Motion)

Zangief Ultimate Atomic Buster (Ultra Screw Piledriver) Move:

B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U, UB, B, DB, D, DT, T+3P (720 Motion)

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Activating the ability to play as Seth: Complete Arcade Mode with all characters (except for "initially hidden").

Seth Sonic Boom: D, DT, T+P

Seth Shoryuken: T, D, DT + P

Seth Hyakuretsukyaku: D, DB, B, + K

Seth Tandem Engine: D, DB, B+P

Seth Yoga Teleport: T, D, DT (or DB) + 3P(or 3K)

Seth Spinning Piledriver: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+P

Seth EX-Sonic Boom: D, DT, T+2P

Seth EX-Shoryuken: T, D, DT + 2P

Seth EX-Hyakuretsukyaku: D, DB, B+2K

Seth EX-Tandem Engine: D, DB, B+2P

Seth EX-Spinning Piledriver: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+2P

Seth Super and Ultra Moves

Seth Tandem Storm: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Seth Tandem Stream: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Gouken Playability Activation: After unlocking the Akuma character, complete Arcade mode with your favorite character and get at least two Perfect and three Ultra Finishes. You will be prompted to defeat Gouken after defeating Seth, defeat him for an opening.

Gouken Gohadouken: D, DT, T+P

Gouken Senkugoshoha: D, T, DT+P

3Gouken Tatsumaki Gorasen: D, DT, B+K

Gouken Kongoshin: B, D, DB + P (or K)

Gouken Hyakki Shu: D, T, DT + K

Gouken EX-Gohadouken: D, DT, T+2P

Gouken EX-Senkugoshoha: D, T, DT + 2P

Gouken EX-Tatsumaki Gorasen: D, DT, B+2K

Gouken EX-Kongoshin: B, D, DB + 2P (or 2K)

Gouken EX-Hyakki Shu: D, T, DT + 2K

Gouken Super and Ultra Moves

Gouken Forbidden Shoryuken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Gouken Shin Shoryuken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Gouken Throw Launcher B, LP + LK

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Activating the ability to play as Dan: Complete Arcade Mode using the character Sakura.

Dan Gadouken: D, DT, T+P

Dan Koryuken: T, D, DT+P

Dan Dankukyaku: D, DB, B+K

Dan Kuchu Dankukyaku: d, DB, B + K (while in air)

Dan EX-Gadouken: D, DT, T+2P

Dan EX-Koryuken: T, D, DT + 2P

Dan EX-Dankukyaku: D, DB, B+2K

Dan EX-Kuchu Dankukyaku: D, DB, B+2K (While in Air)

Dan Super and Ultra Moves

Dan Hissho Buraiken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Dan Legendary Taunt: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P+K

Dan Shisso Buraiken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Activating the ability to play as Cammy: Complete Arcade Mode using the character Crimson Viper.

Cammy Spiral Arrow: D, DT, T+K

Cammy Cannon Spike: T, D, DT+K

Cammy Quick Spin Knuckle: T, DT, D, DB, B+P

Cammy Hooligan Combination: DB, D, DT, T, UT + P (LK + LP close to throw from air)

Cammy Cannon Strike: D, DB, B+K (While in Air)

Cammy EX Spiral Arrow: D, DT, T+2K

Cammy EX Cannon Spike: T, D, DT + 2K

Cammy EX Quick Spin Knuckle: F, DF, D, DB, B+2P

Cammy EX Cannon Strike: D, DB, B+2K (While in Air)

Cammy Super and Ultra Moves

Cammy Spin Drive Smasher: (D, DT, T) x 2 + K

Cammy Gyro Drive Smasher: (D, DT, T) x 2 + 3K

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Fei Long Playability Activation: Complete Arcade Mode using the character Abel.

Fei Long Rekka Ken: (D, DT, T+P) X 3

Fei Long Flame Kick: B, D, DB + K

Fei Long Flying Kick: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT+K

Fei Long Flip Grab: T, DT, D, DB, B + K (close to opponent)

Fei Long EX Moves

Fei Long EX-Rekka Ken: D, DT, T+2P, D, DT, T+P, D, DT, T+P

Fei Long EX-Flame Kick: B, D, DB + 2K

Fei Long EX-Flying Kick: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT + 2K

Fei Long EX-Flip Grab: T, DT, D, DB, B + 2K (close to opponent)

Fei Long Super and Ultra Moves

Fei Long Rekka Shin Ken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Fei Long Rekka Shin Geki: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Gen Playability Activation: Complete Arcade Mode using Chun-Li.

Gen Change Fighting Style (Punch): 3P

Gen Change Fighting Style (Kick): 3K

Gen Rapid Slap (Punch Style): P, P, P

Gen Air Kicks (Punch Style): T, D, DT + 2K

Gen Rolling Attack (Kick Style): B, T + P

Gen Off the Wall Jump (Kick Style): D, U+K

Gen EX-Rapid Slap (Punch Style): 2P, 2P, 2P

Gen EX-Air Kicks (Punch Style): T, D, DT + 2K, K

Gen EX-Rolling Attack (Kick Style): B, T + 2P

Gen EX-Off the Wall Jump (Kick Style): D, U+2K

Gen Super and Ultra Moves

Gen Zan'ei (Punch Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Gen Zetsuei (Punch Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Gen Jyakoha (Kick Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+K

Gen Ryukoha (Kick Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3K

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Rose Playability Activation: Complete Arcade Mode using M. Bison.

Rose Soul Spark: B, DB, D, DT, T+P

Rose Soul Spiral: D, DT, T+K

Rose Soul Reflect: D, DB, B+P

Rose EX-Soul Spark: B, DB, D, DT, T+P, P

Rose EX-Soul Spiral: D, DT, T+K, K

Rose EX-Soul Reflect: D, DB, B+P, P

Rose Super and Ultra Moves

Rose Aura Soul Spark (Super): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P

Rose Illusion Spark (Ultra): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Full list of moves and combos in Street Fighter IV

Sakura Playability Activation: Complete Arcade Mode using the Ryu character.

Sakura Hadouken: D, DT, T+P

Sakura Shoryuken: T, D, DT+P

Sakura Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+K

Sakura Air Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+K (While in Air)

Sakura Sakura Otoshi: T, D, DT + K, P

Sakura EX-Hadouken: D, DT, T+2P

Sakura EX-Shoryuken: T, D, DT + 2P

Sakura EX-Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+2K

Sakura EX-Air Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+2K (While in Air)

Sakura EX-Sakura Otoshi: T, D, DT + 2K, P

Sakura Super and Ultra Moves

Sakura Karu Ichiban: D, DB, B, D, DB, B+K

Sakura Haru Ranman: D, DB, B, D, DB, B+3K

The version of the game you can in our store!

Street Fighter 4, your attention is a complete list of moves and combos that you can use in the game. The list contains both basic characters and "special" ones, indicating the requirements for opening them.

This list contains Special Moves, ex-Moves and all standard moves.

Accepted designations:

P - Punch (Punch "any" hand)
LP - Low Punch (Weak punch)
MP - Medium Punch
HP - Hard Punch
K - Kick (Kick "any" leg)
LK - Low Kick (Weak kick)
MK - Medium Kick (Medium Kick)
HK - Hard Kick (Strong kick)
D - Down (Direction "down")
DB - Down/Back (Direction "down-back")
DT - Down/Towards (Direction "down-forward")
T - Towards (Direction "forward")
B - Back (Direction "back")
UB - Up/Back (Direction "up-back")
UT - Up/Towards (Direction "up-forward")
U - Up (Direction "up")

#(for direction) - the time in seconds for which you want to delay the corresponding direction on the controller. For example, 2D, DT, T + P….hold "down" for 2 seconds, then execute the rest of the list of commands.

# (for punch or kick) - indicates the number of kick or punch buttons to be pressed at the same time. For example, 3P means pressing three punch buttons at the same time, 2K means pressing 2 kick buttons at the same time.


Abel Change of Direction (Quick Combo Grapple) Move:
D, DT, T+P
Abel Hoyle Kick (Flip Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+K
Abel Marceaux Rolling Move:
D, DT, T+K
Abel Tornado Slew (Head Twirl Throw) Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+P
Abel Sky Fall (Throw) Move:
T, D, DT+P
Abel EX Moves:
Abel Ex-Change of Direction:
D, DT, T+2P
Abel Ex Hoyle Kick (Flip Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+2K
Abel Ex-Marceaux Rolling Move:
D, DT, T+2K
Abel Ex-Tornado Slew (Head Twirl Throw) Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+2P
Abel Ex-Sky Fall (Throw) Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Abel Super and Ultra Moves:
Abel Mushin (Multiple Punches and Head Twirl Throw) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Abel Muga (Ultra Head Twirl Throw) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P
Abel Elbow (Launcher) Move:
D + HP


Akuma: When all standard characters are unlocked (not Akuma, Gouken or Seth), complete Arcade mode with your favorite character and get at least two Perfect with at least two Ultra Finishes. After you are prompted to fight Akuma after defeating Seth, you must defeat this duel to unlock the character.

Akuma Gou Hadouken (Fireball) Move:

D, DT, T+P
Akuma Zankuu Hadouken (Air Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T + P (while in the Air)
Akuma Shakunetsu Hadouken (Red Fireball) Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+P
Akuma Hyakki Shuu (Demon Flip) Move:
T, D, DT+K
Akuma Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+K
Akuma Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Air Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, DB, B + K (While in the Air)
Akuma Shoryuken (Dragon Punch) Move:
T, D, DT+P
Akuma Ashura Senkuu (Teleport) Move:
T, D, DT + 3P (or) 3K
Akuma Ex-Moves:
Akuma Ex-Gou Hadouken (Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T+2P
Akuma Ex-Zankuu Hadouken (Air Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T + 2P (while in the Air)
Akuma Ex-Shakunetsu Hadouken (Power Fireball) Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+2P
Akuma Ex-Hyakki Shuu (Demon Flip) Move:
T, D, DT+2K
Akuma Ex-Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+2K
Akuma Ex-Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku (Air Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, DB, B + 2K (Airborne)
Akuma Ex-Shoryuken (Dragon Punch) Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Akuma Super and Ultra Moves:
Akuma Sun Goku Satsu (Super-Raging Demon) Move:
Akuma Shun Goku Satsu (Ultra-Raging Demon) Move:
Akuma Overhead Chop Move:
Akuma Dive Kick:

Balrog (Boxer)

Balrog Dash Straight (Running Punch) Move:
2B, T+P
Balrog Dash Grand Straight (Running Low Punch) Move:
2B, DT+P
Balrog Running Overhead Punch Move:
2B, DT+P(Hold)
Balrog Dash Smash (Running Uppercut) Move:
2B, T+K
Balrog Dash Grand Smash (Running Low Uppercut) Move:
2 B, DT+K
2D, U+P
Balrog Turn Punch or Turn Uppercut Move:
3P (hold) or 3K (hold)
Balrog Ex-Moves:
Balrog Ex-Dash Straight (Running Punch) Move:
Balrog Ex-Dash Grand Straight (Running Low Punch) Move:
Balrog Ex-Dash Smash (Running Uppercut) Move:
2B, T+2K
Balrog Ex-Dash Grand Smash (Running Low Uppercut) Move:
2B, DT+2K
Balrog Buffalo Headbutt Move:
Balrog Super and Ultra Moves:
Balrog Crazy Buffalo (Super Running Punch or Super Running Uppercut) Move:
2B, T, B, T + P or K
Balrog Violent Buffalo (Ultra Running Punch or Ultra Running Uppercut):
2B, T, B, T + 3P or 3K
Balrog Normal Moves:
Balrog Foot Punch Move:
Balrog Ducking uppercut Move:
D + HP
Balrog Punch Sweep Move:


2-button tricks require 2 seconds of holding.
Blanka Electric Thunder Move:
Press P Rapidly
Blanka Rolling Attack (Beast Roll) Move:
2B, T+P
Blanka Backstep Rolling (Hop Back Arching Roll Attack) Move:
2B, T+K
Blanka Vertical Rolling (Upwards Beast Roll) Move:
2D, U+K
Blanka Hop Move:
B or T + 3K
Blanka Beast Slide Move:
Blanka Duck Move:
Blanka Ex Moves:
Blanka Ex-Electric Thunder Move:
Press 2P Rapidly
Blanka Ex-Rolling Attack (Beast Roll) Move:
Blanka Ex-Backstep Rolling (Hop Back Arching Roll Attack) Move:
2B, T+2K
Blanka 2Ex-Vertical Rolling (Upwards Beast Roll) Move:
2D, U+K
Blanka Super and Ultra Moves:
Blanka Grand Shave Rolling (Super Beast Roll) Move:
2B, T, B, T+P
Blanka Lighting Cannonball (Ultra Beast Roll) Move:
2B, T, B, T+3P
Blanka Normal Moves:
Blanka Cross Up Kick Move:
UT + MK (While in the Air)
Blanka Anti-Air Claws Move:
U + HP (While in the Air)

Chun Li

2-button tricks require 2 seconds of holding.
Chun Li Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Lightning Leg Kicks) Moves:
Press K Rapidly
Chun Li Kikouken (Fireball) Move:
2B, T+P
Chun Li Hazan Shuu (Overhead Flip Kick) Move:
2T, DT, D, DB, B+K
Chun Li Spinning Bird Kick Move:
2D, U+K
Chun Li Command Combo Kicks Moves:
D, U+K
Chun Li Air Throw Move:
LP + LK (airborne)
Chun Li Ex Moves:
Chun Li Ex-Hyakuretsu Kyaku (Lightning Leg Kicks) Moves:
Press 2K Rapidly
Chun Li Ex-Kikouken (Fireball) Move:
Chun Li Ex Hazan Shuu (Overhead Flip Kick) Move:
2T, DT, D, DB, B+2K
Chun Li Ex-Spinning Bird Kick Move:
2D, U+2K
Chun Li Super and Ultra Moves:
Chun Li Senretsu Kyaku (Super Lightning Leg Kicks) Move:
2B, T, B, T+K
Chun Li Housenka (Ultra Lightning Leg Kicks) Move:
2B, T, B, T+3K
Chun Li Normal Moves:
Chun Li Crouching Medium Kick of Death Move:
Chun Li Head Stomp Move:
2D + MK (airborne)
Chun Li Backflip Kick Move:
Chun Li Flip Cross Up Kick Move:
Chun Li Hop Kick Move:
Chun Li Wall Jump Move:
2T (in air)

Crimson Viper

Crimson Viper Thunder Knuckle (Flashing Fist) Move:
D, DB, B+P
Crimson Viper Burning Kick (Flame Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+K
Crimson Viper Aerial Burning Kick (Air Flame Kick) Move:
D, DB, B + K (airborne)
Crimson Viper Seisumo Hammer (Explosive Ground Pound) Move:
T, D, DT+P
Crimson Viper Super Jump Move
D, U
Crimson Viper Ex-Moves:
Crimson Viper Ex-Thunder Knuckle (Flashing Fist) Move:
D, DB, B+2P
Crimson Viper Ex-Burning Kick (Flame Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+2K
Crimson Viper Ex-Seisumo Hammer (Explosive Ground Pound) Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Crimson Viper Super and Ultra Moves:
Crimson Viper Emergency Combination (SuperFlashing Fist and Kick) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Crimson Viper Burst Time (Ultra Flashing Fist) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P
Crimson Viper Normal Moves:
Crimson Viper Hard Punch Move:
Crimson Viper Overhead Attack Move:


Dhalsim Yoga Fire Move:
D, DT, T+P
Dhalsim Yoga Flame Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+P
Dhalsim Yoga Blast (Upwards Fireball) Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+K
Dhalsim Yoga Teleport Move:
T, D, DT)or) B, D, DB + 3P (or) 3K
Dhalsim Foot Drill (airborne) Move:
Dhalsim Head Drill (airborne) Move:
Dhalsim Yoga Tower Move:
Dhalsim Ex Moves:
Dhalsim Ex-Yoga Fire Move:
D, DT, T+2P
Dhalsim Ex-Yoga Flame Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+2P
Dhalsim Ex-Yoga Blast (Upwards Fireball) Move:
T, DT, D, DB, B+2K
Dhalsim Super and Ultra Moves:
Dhalsim Yoga Inferno (Super Yoga Flame) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Dhalsim Yoga Catastrophe (Ultra Yoga Fire) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P
Dhalsim Normal Moves:
dhalsim Slide Move:
Dhalsim Jumping Hard Punch (airborne) Move:
Dhalsim Hook Arm Move:
Dhalsim Anti Air Knee Move:


2-button tricks require 2 seconds of holding.
E. Honda Hyakuretsu Harite (Hundred Hand Slap) Move:
Press P Rapidly
E. Honda Super Zutsuki (Flying Headbutt) Move:
2B, T+P
2D, U+K
E. Honda Ooichou Nage (Throw and Butt Smash) Move:
2T, DT, D, DB, B+P
E. Honda Ex-Moves:
E. Honda Ex-Hyakuretsu Harite (Hundred Hand Slap) Move:
Press 2P Rapidly
E. Honda Ex Super Zutsuki (Flying Headbutt) Move:
2B, T + 2P - Hold B 2 seconds
E. Honda Super Hyakkan Otoshi (Sumo Splash) Move:
2D, U+2K - Hold D 2 seconds
E. Honda Ex-Ooichou Nage (Throw and Butt Smash) Move:
E. Honda Super and Ultra Moves:
E. Honda Onimusou (Super Flying Headbutt) Move:
2B, T, B, T+P
E. Honda Super Onimusou (Ultra Flying Headbutt) Move:
2B, T, B, T+3P
E. Honda Normal Moves:
E. Honda Jumpin Hard Punch (in air) Move:
E. Honda Jumping Splash (in air) Move:

El Fuerte

El Fuerete Habanero Dash (Running Forward) Move:
D, DT, T+P
Add any of the following:
LP - Stop the Dash
MP - Body Splash
HP - Flying Throw
LK - Stops Run and Backward Dash
MK - Jumping Kick
HK - Sliding Kick
El Fuerte Habanero Back Dash (Running Backwards) Move:
D, DB, B+P
Add any of the following:
LP - Stop Dash
MP - Body Splash
HP - Flying Throw
K - Hops towards Wall
K (Hold 2 seconds) - El Fuerte Quesadilla Bomb (Chest Buster) Move.
El Fuerte Guacamole Slew (Air throw) Move:
T, D, DT+K
El Fuerte Wall Jump Move:
T (While in the Air)
El Fuerte Ex Moves:
El Fuerte Ex Habanero Dash:
D, DT, T+2P
El Fuerte Ex Habanero Back Dash Move:
D, DB, B+2P
El Fuerte Ex-Guacamole Slew (Air Throw) Move:
T, D, DT+2K
El Fuerte Super and Ultra Moves:
El Fuerte Dynaite (Super):
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+K
El Fuerte Flying Gigabuster (Ultra) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3K
El Fuerte Normal Moves:
El Fuerte Overhead Kick Move:
El Fuerte Anti Air Punch Move:
D + HP
El Fuerte Jumping Hard Punch Move:
HP (airborne)


2-button tricks require 2 seconds of holding.
Guile Sonic Boom Move:
2B, T+P
Guile Somersault Kick (Flash Kick) Move:
2D, U+K
Guile Air Throw Move:
LP + LK (airborne)
Guile Ex-Moves:
Guile Ex-Sonic Boom Move:
Guile Ex-Somersault Kick (Flash Kick) Move:
2D, U+2K
Guile Super and Ultra Moves:
Guile Double Somersault (Super Flash kick) Move:
Guile Somersault Explosion (Ultra Flash Kick) Move:
2DB, DT, DB, UT+3K
Guile Normal Moves:
Guile Overhead Punch Move:
Guile Anti-Air Kick Move:
Guile Crouching Uppercut Move:
D + HP
Guile Bazooka Knee Move:
Guile Cross Up Knee Move:
LK (airborne)


Ken Haduken (Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T+P
Ken Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:
T, D, DT+P
Ken Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+K
Ken Ex Moves:
Ken Ex-Haduken (Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T+2P
Ken Ex-Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Ken Ex-Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, BD, B+2K
Ken Super and Ultra Moves:
Ken Shoryureppa (Super Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Ken Shinryuken (Ultra Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P
Ken Normal Moves:
Ken Cross Up kick Move:
MK (airborne)
Ken Forward Kick Move:
Ken Spinning Side Kick Move:

M. Bison (Dictator)

2-button tricks require 2 seconds of holding.
M. Bison Psycho Crusher Attack (Flaming Torpedo) Move:
2B, T+P
M. Bison Double Knee Press (Scirssor Kicks) Move:
2B, T+K
2D, U+KP
2D, U + P P
M. Bison Warp (Teleport) Move:
T, D, DT + 3P or 3K
M. Bison Ex-Moves:
M. Bison Ex-Psycho Crusher Attack (Flaming Torpedo) Move:
M. Bison Ex-Double Knee Press (Scirssor Kicks) Move:
2B, T+2K
M. Bison Head Press & Somersault Skull Diver (Head Stomp and Body Splash) Move:
M. Bison Devil's Reverse (Aerial Fist Dive, Flying Chop) Move:
2D, U + 2P P
M. Bison Super and Ultra Moves:
M. Bison Knee Press Nightmare (Super Scissor Kick) Move:
2B, T, B, T+K
M. Bison Nightmare Booster (Ultra Scissor Kick) Move:
2B, T, B, T+3K
M. Bison Normal Moves:
M. Bison Standing Medium Kick of Death Move:
M. Bison Jumping Medium Kick Move:
MK (airborne)
M. Bison Anti-Air Kick Move:
M. Bison Slide Kick Move:
M. Bison Double Air Punch Move:
MP MP (airborne)


Rufus Kyuuseishu Kick (Flying Kick) Move:
D, DT, T + K K
Rufus Ginga Tornado (Spinning Body Punch) Move:
D, DT, T+P
Rufus Jatotsu Nature (Rapid Aerial Punches) Move:
T, D, DT+P
Rufus Aerial Dive Kick
T or B + K (airborne)
Rufus Overhead Kick Move:
T or B + MK (airborne)
Rufus Ex Moves:
Rufus Ex-Kyuuseishu Kick (Flying Kick) Move:
D, DT, T + 2K K
Rufus Ex-Ginga Tornado (Spinning Body Punch) Move:
D, DT, T+2P
Rufus Ex-Jatotsu Nature (Rapid Aerial Punches) Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Rufus Super and Ultra Moves”
Rufus Spectacular Romance (Super) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Rufus Opera Symphony (Ultra) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P


Ryu Haduken (Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T+P
Ryu Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:
T, D, DT+P
Ryu Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, DB, B+K
Ryu Ex Moves:
Ryu Ex-Haduken (Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T+2P
Ryu Ex-Shoryuken (Dragon Punch Uppercut) Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Ryu Ex-Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) Move:
D, BD, B+2K
Ryu Super and Ultra Moves:
Ryu Shinkuu Hadoken (Super Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Ryu Metsu Hadoken (Ultra Fireball) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P
Ryu Normal Moves:
Ryu Dash Punch Move:
Ryu Overhead Punch Move:
Ryu Crouching Medium Kick Move:


Sagat Tiger Shot (High) Move:
D, DT, T+P
Sagat Grand Toger Shot (Low) Move:
D, DT, T+K
Sagat Tiger Uppercut Move:
T, D, DT+P
Sagat Tiger Knee Crush Move:
T, D, DT+K
Sagat Ex-Moves:
Sagat Ex-Tiger Shot (High) Move:
D, DT, T+2P
Sagat Ex-Grand Toger Shot (Low) Move:
D, DT, T+2K
Sagat Ex-Tiger Uppercut Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Sagat Ex-Tiger Knee Crush Move:
T, D, DT+2K
Sagat Super and Ultra Moves:
Sagat Tiger Genocide (Super) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Sagat Destruction (Ultra) Move:
D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3K
Sagat Normal Moves:
Sagat Crouching Light Kick Move:
Sagat Standing Hard Kick Move:

Vega (Claw)

2-button tricks require 2 seconds of holding.
Vega Rolling Crystal Flash (Rolling Claw Attack) Move:
2B, T+P
Vega Flying Barcelona Attack * Izuna D|rop (Wall Dive and Throw) Move:
2D, U+KP
Vega Sky High Claw (Awerial Claw Attack) Move:
2D, U+P
Vega Scarlet Terror (Flip Kick) Move:
2DB, T+K
Vega Flip Back Move:
3P or 3K
Vega Focus Attack Move:
Vega Claw Throw Move:
T, D, DT+P
Vega Mask Throw Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Vega Ex Moves:
Vega Ex-Rolling Crystal Flash (Rolling Claw Attack) Move:
Vega Ex-Flying Barcelona Attack & Izuna Drop (Wall Dive and Throw) Move:
Vega Ex-Sky High Claw (Aerial Claw Attack) Move:
Vega Ex-Scarlet Terror (Flip Kick) Move:
2DB, T+2K
Vega Super and Ultra Moves:
Vega Flying Barcelona Special And Rolling Izuna drop (Super Wall Dive and Throw) Move:
Vega Bloody High Claw (Ultra Wall Jump and Slice) Move:
Vega Normal Moves:
Vega Leaping Kick (Launcher) Move:
Vega Medium Punch Claw Move:
Vega Slide Sweep Move:
Vega Kara Throw Move:
Vega Air Throw Move:
LP + LK (airborne)


Zangief Screw Piledriver Move:
B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+P (360motion)
Zangief Banishing Flat (Green Glove) Move:
T, D, DT+P
Zangief Double Lariat (Quick Double Lariat with Kicks) Move:
3P or 3K
Zangief Flying Powerbomb (Running Grab and Slam) Move:
B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+K (360 motion)
Zangief Ex-Moves:
Zangief Ex-Screw Piledriver Move:
B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+2P (360motion)
Zangief Ex-Banishing Flat (Green Glove) Move:
T, D, DT+2P
Zangief Ex-Flying Powerbomb (Running Grab and Slam) Move:
B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+2K (360motion)
Zangief Super and Ultra Moves:
Zangief Final Atomatic Buster (Super Screw Piledriver) Move:
B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U, UB, B, DB, D, DT, T+P (720 Motion)
Zangief Ultimate Atomic Buster (Ultra Screw Piledriver) Move:
B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U, UB, B, DB, D, DT, T+3P (720 Motion)


Activation of the ability to play forSeth: Complete Arcade Mode with all characters (excluding "initially hidden").

Seth Sonic Boom: D, DT, T+P
Seth Shoryuken: T, D, DT + P
Seth Hyakuretsukyaku: D, DB, B, + K
Seth Tandem Engine: D, DB, B+P
Seth Yoga Teleport: T, D, DT (or DB) + 3P(or 3K)
Seth Spinning Piledriver: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+P

Seth EX-Sonic Boom: D, DT, T+2P
Seth EX-Shoryuken: T, D, DT + 2P
Seth EX-Hyakuretsukyaku: D, DB, B+2K
Seth EX-Tandem Engine: D, DB, B+2P
Seth EX-Spinning Piledriver: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT, U+2P

Seth Super and Ultra Moves

Seth Tandem Storm: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Seth Tandem Stream: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P


Activation of the ability to play forGouken:After unlocking the Akuma character, complete Arcade mode with your favorite character and get at least two Perfect and three Ultra Finishes. You will be prompted to defeat Gouken after defeating Seth, defeat him for an opening.

Gouken Gohadouken: D, DT, T+P
Gouken Senkugoshoha: D, T, DT+P
3Gouken Tatsumaki Gorasen: D, DT, B+K
Gouken Kongoshin: B, D, DB + P (or K)
Gouken Hyakki Shu: D, T, DT + K

Gouken EX-Gohadouken: D, DT, T+2P
Gouken EX-Senkugoshoha: D, T, DT + 2P
Gouken EX-Tatsumaki Gorasen: D, DT, B+2K
Gouken EX-Kongoshin: B, D, DB + 2P (or 2K)
Gouken EX-Hyakki Shu: D, T, DT + 2K

Gouken Super and Ultra Moves

Gouken Forbidden Shoryuken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Gouken Shin Shoryuken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P
Gouken Throw Launcher B, LP + LK


Activation of the ability to play forDan: Complete Arcade Mode using the character Sakura.

Dan Gadouken: D, DT, T+P
Dan Koryuken: T, D, DT+P
Dan Dankukyaku: D, DB, B+K
Dan Kuchu Dankukyaku: d, DB, B + K (while in air)

Dan EX-Gadouken: D, DT, T+2P
Dan EX-Koryuken: T, D, DT + 2P
Dan EX-Dankukyaku: D, DB, B+2K
Dan EX-Kuchu Dankukyaku: D, DB, B+2K (While in Air)

Dan Super and Ultra Moves

Dan Hissho Buraiken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Dan Legendary Taunt: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P+K
Dan Shisso Buraiken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P


Activation of the ability to play forCammy: Complete Arcade Mode using the Crimson Viper character.

Cammy Spiral Arrow: D, DT, T+K
Cammy Cannon Spike: T, D, DT+K
Cammy Quick Spin Knuckle: T, DT, D, DB, B+P
Cammy Hooligan Combination: DB, D, DT, T, UT + P (LK + LP close to throw from air)
Cammy Cannon Strike: D, DB, B+K (While in Air)

Cammy EX Spiral Arrow: D, DT, T+2K
Cammy EX Cannon Spike: T, D, DT + 2K
Cammy EX Quick Spin Knuckle: F, DF, D, DB, B+2P
Cammy EX Cannon Strike: D, DB, B+2K (While in Air)

Cammy Super and Ultra Moves

Cammy Spin Drive Smasher: (D, DT, T) x 2 + K
Cammy Gyro Drive Smasher: (D, DT, T) x 2 + 3K

Fei Long

Activation of the ability to play forFei Long: Complete Arcade Mode using the character Abel.

Fei Long Rekka Ken: (D, DT, T+P) X 3
Fei Long Flame Kick: B, D, DB + K
Fei Long Flying Kick: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT+K
Fei Long Flip Grab: T, DT, D, DB, B + K (close to opponent)

Fei Long EX Moves

Fei Long EX-Rekka Ken: D, DT, T+2P, D, DT, T+P, D, DT, T+P
Fei Long EX-Flame Kick: B, D, DB + 2K
Fei Long EX-Flying Kick: B, DB, D, DT, T, UT + 2K
Fei Long EX-Flip Grab: T, DT, D, DB, B + 2K (close to opponent)

Fei Long Super and Ultra Moves

Fei Long Rekka Shin Ken: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Fei Long Rekka Shin Geki: D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P


Activation of the ability to play forGen: Complete Arcade Mode using Chun-Li.

Gen Change Fighting Style (Punch): 3P
Gen Change Fighting Style (Kick): 3K
Gen Rapid Slap (Punch Style): P, P, P
Gen Air Kicks (Punch Style): T, D, DT + 2K
Gen Rolling Attack (Kick Style): B, T + P
Gen Off the Wall Jump (Kick Style): D, U+K

Gen EX-Rapid Slap (Punch Style): 2P, 2P, 2P
Gen EX-Air Kicks (Punch Style): T, D, DT + 2K, K
Gen EX-Rolling Attack (Kick Style): B, T + 2P
Gen EX-Off the Wall Jump (Kick Style): D, U+2K

Gen Super and Ultra Moves

Gen Zan'ei (Punch Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Gen Zetsuei (Punch Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P
Gen Jyakoha (Kick Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+K
Gen Ryukoha (Kick Style): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3K


Activation of the ability to play forRose: Complete Arcade Mode using M. Bison.

Rose Soul Spark: B, DB, D, DT, T+P
Rose Soul Spiral: D, DT, T+K
Rose Soul Reflect: D, DB, B+P

Rose EX-Soul Spark: B, DB, D, DT, T+P, P
Rose EX-Soul Spiral: D, DT, T+K, K
Rose EX-Soul Reflect: D, DB, B+P, P

Rose Super and Ultra Moves

Rose Aura Soul Spark (Super): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+P
Rose Illusion Spark (Ultra): D, DT, T, D, DT, T+3P


Activation of the ability to play forSakura: Complete Arcade Mode using the character Ryu.

Sakura Hadouken: D, DT, T+P
Sakura Shoryuken: T, D, DT+P
Sakura Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+K
Sakura Air Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+K (While in Air)
Sakura Sakura Otoshi: T, D, DT + K, P

Sakura EX-Hadouken: D, DT, T+2P
Sakura EX-Shoryuken: T, D, DT + 2P
Sakura EX-Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+2K
Sakura EX-Air Shunpukyaku: D, DB, B+2K (While in Air)
Sakura EX-Sakura Otoshi: T, D, DT + 2K, P

Sakura Super and Ultra Moves

Sakura Karu Ichiban: D, DB, B, D, DB, B+K
Sakura Haru Ranman: D, DB, B, D, DB, B+3K