Dragon age 2 game over. Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy

what is the ending Dragon games Age 2. and how many more missions in this game dragon age 2 and got the best answer

Answer from Vladislav[guru]
The main plot of the game Dragon Age 2
1. The death of Lothering (to settle in the city, we choose who we will work for, I chose Miiran, whom I later slammed)
2. A friend on guard (Aveline, having brought her boss to clean water, with our participation, by the way, led the city guard)
3. Business conversation
4. New house?
5. Pacification (oh yes, Anders is with us. I must say that she did everything during the game in order to finally start a romantic relationship. She saved magicians, was rude to Fenris, did not maintain romantic relations with anyone else from other heroes)
6. Enemies are among us (we are looking for the missing templar Keran, at the end we check if the spirit has moved into him, and then we strongly ask his head templar to take Keran back.)
7. Long way home (we go to the elves, wander with Merril, release the witch from the Talisman. Nothing supernatural)
8. Friends in poor places
9. Expedition to the Deep Roads (probably the most bloody mission, I really liked it. I have to make a choice: whether to trust the demon, I sent him, otherwise Anders is very indignant. of course, as soon as he starts to beat with electricity or drag him into a whirlwind, just step aside for a while, when he releases his servants, quickly interrupt them, Anders did a great job and healed, GG, Varric and Fenris drenched the monster)
1. Family matters (We find a will in which everyone left the mother of GG, after a hike along the Deep Roads, GG will settle with his mother on the estate.)
2. A portrait from the past (by the way, so far the only gift that I gave in the game)
3. Talk to Anders
4. Questions and answers
5. Understanding Isabella
6. Just the way it should be
7. Fenris is accepted into the squad
8. Welcome home
1. Madmen will not go around
2. First victim
3. What fell from the cart
4. Free cheese.
5. Bone pit
6. Return to work
7. Undelivered letter (the daughter of one of the characters is possessed by demons, she writes a letter to her father-templar. I handed over the letter, I kept its secret)
8. Orders of the judge (the son of the judge went the wrong way, sort of killed a bunch of people, and captured the elf, hiding in a cave. As it turned out, he seemed like a normal boy, even the elf stood up for him, let him go to his father.)
9. Herbalist Quests
10. Unfinished business
side quests
1. "Wine scar" vintage 5:34 exalted age
2. Difficulties on the pier
3. Secret meetings
4. Small injections
5. The remains of the robber Bearded Beast
6. Grimoire Apprentice
7. The remains of the robber Silsam Polkosa
8. Map of Occupied Kirkwall
9. Seal of House Talwein
10. Treatise on castes and housekeeping
11. Remains of Sister Plint
12. Dark phenomenon
13. Special red flower
Walkthrough and description of the game, see here-

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They do not greatly affect the development of the plot in Dragon Age 2. The developers, apparently, did not seek to closely intertwine the plot stories of the two games. Echoes are heard only in a few episodes. Alistair: If he is expelled from Ferelden at the moment, he can be found in the first chapter in the Hangman's Inn. In the second chapter, during a conversation with him, Bann Teagan approaches him with the news that Alistair can return back to Ferelden. After that, a record of the event will appear in the Codex. If Alistair stays in the ranks Gray Wardens, he can be found in Kirkwall during the Qunari Revolt in the Lower City at the end of Chapter 2. He will be accompanied by Bethany or Carver (if he survived in the Deep Roads after the expedition). If he becomes the king of Ferelden, in the third chapter a letter will come from him asking him to come to a meeting in the governor's fortress (task "King Alistair").

Zevran: in the third chapter, he will receive an order from (task "Killing Crows"). Isabella at the end of the assignment is able to pretty surprise with her act, regardless of the stage of the relationship. Leliana: Meeting with her will occur in the third chapter during the mission "Faith" (DLC "The Prince in Exile"). Without installed add-on you can see it in the final video. Stan: Not in the game, but his name is used by the Qunari as a military rank. : if he survived, then in the third chapter it will be possible to take the task “In Search of Nathaniel” from his sister in the Upper City, and re-go to. If he died - the task "Not all is gold." Dalish elves and werewolves: can lead to two extremes - if it was decided to kill the Dalish and accept the help of the werewolves, then in the first chapter in the Dalish camp on Shattered Mountain, it will be possible to take the "Change of Essence" quest. If the curse was lifted from the werewolves, a Dalish will meet on the Ragged Shore, accusing the former werewolf of killing her mother.

Renville Harrowmont: if Prince Belen has taken possession, in the first chapter, in the eastern warehouse quarter of the port, you can meet the worried Lord Renvil of Harrowmont and complete the "Last of the Kind" quest. : if the ashes were not defiled, and Brother Genitivi returned to Denerim, then the quest "Wonderworkers" is activated in the Lower City Market. : if the city fell from the invasion of the creatures of darkness, then the tavern will have the opportunity to take the task "Conspirators". : if Avernus is still alive in the Keep of the Guardians expansion, then the quest "A Dark Apparition" is issued. If Sophia Dryden was lucky enough to survive, the quest "A Nightmare on the Shore" is issued.