Dragon Age Captive Walkthrough Dragon age: origins: guides and walkthroughs. This is our last

After you have collected all possible allies, Earl Eamon will decide that it is time to convene the Meeting of the Lands, and you will go with him to Denerim. In Denerim, you will be greeted by Loghain and Ser Coutrain, his assistant. After talking with them, go to Eamon's office.

Note: Although the earl's palace is theoretically considered your base in Denerim, there will be no more conversations with companions there than in any other location. For frank conversations and loving conversations, you still need to go to camp.

Go to Earl Eamon's Office. There you will meet Erlina, the maid of Queen Anora. According to Erlina, Anora is a prisoner in Earl Denerim's palace and fears Howe is going to kill her and blame Earl Eamon. It doesn't matter how you react to Erlina's statement - as a result, you will still be assigned the honorable mission of rescuing Anora from captivity.

Go to the location "Earl Denerim's Palace" that appears on your map. It is better not to take Sheila with you, since according to the plan you must pretend to be Howe's soldier, and it will be difficult to mistake her for a guard. Erlina will be waiting for you near the entrance. At the door to the palace, a meeting of workers is taking place, to whom Howe owes a fee, so you will not be able to get inside through it. Go around the building, on the way fighting off not very many guards (they appear from behind, so be careful). When you get close to the back door, Erlina will distract the guards so that you can slip inside.
You can go through the palace in two ways - just kill everyone and everything there, or put on the uniform of Howe's soldiers stored by Erlene and go without a fight. It does not appear in your backpack, but is put on during a conversation with Erlina. If you want to take it off, talk to it again.

You can actually go through the first floor without any adventures, with one exception - in one of the rooms, behind the room with the queen, a meeting between a soldier and a maid takes place - if they notice you, they will raise the alarm. However, they do not automatically notice you when you enter the room, but only if you go inside a few steps, so this can be completely avoided - just close the door and move on.

Upon reaching the door to the queen's room, you will find out that magical protection is imposed on it, which cannot be removed by the currently available means other than "persuading" to do this the magician who applied it. The magician is in the company of Howe, who is currently in the dungeon of the palace. Go there. Before entering the dungeon, you will find a chest with the Documents of the Gray Wardens, and a little further - Riordan, the Gray Warden, whom Howe is holding (or rather, kept) behind bars. Riordan will free himself when the guard is distracted by your arrival and confirms that Howe recently proceeded to the dungeon. If you ask Riordan about the documents he found, he will tell you about the secret warehouse of the Gray Wardens in Denerim, but this does not have to be done at the moment - you can ask him later. After your release, you can find Riordan in the study next to Eamon in the Earl's palace.

Go to the basement. Here, your disguise will not help you - the very first group of guards will lead you out into the open and from now on you will have to fight your way through the guards.

In Howe's dungeon, in addition to Howe himself, you can meet several people who can affect the outcome of the Lands Meeting: the templar Irminrik, Vaughn - the son of the former Earl Denerim (he will not be in the dungeon if you play the City Elf and killed him in the prologue) and Oswin, son of Bann Sigurd. If you help them to free themselves, it will bring you additional votes in the Meeting. Vaughn can also be shaken for an additional 40 gold bribe - this will not be reflected in his vote at the Meeting. (If you free Vaughn, then Zevran will not approve.)

In addition to them, you can find Soris in the dungeon. He will not be there only if you play as a City Elf and in a conversation with the guards you took all the blame on yourself in the Prologue. If you release him, you will get Zevran's approval, but, in principle, his release does not significantly affect anything.

Howe himself, accompanied by a guard, which includes two magicians, will give a short speech when he sees your delegation - a little more personal if you are playing a Noble Man - and then attack you. It is impossible to end this meeting with peace. After you deal with Howe and his guards and free everyone you decide to free, head back to the first floor to the queen's room.

Anora and Erlina will join you, but Ser Koutren with numerous guards will be waiting for you at the entrance. You can surrender to her without a fight, you can attack right away, or you can try to persuade her to let you pass, motivating your behavior by the fact that you saved Anora. The last attempt is always doomed to failure, so if you wish to avoid a fight, your only option is to give up right away.

Ser Coutrain is considered one of the strongest opponents in the game, but if you immediately retreat into the corridor and one of the side rooms, then only she and, possibly, one or two guards will usually follow you, which will greatly simplify your task. If during the battle (regardless of whether you have already won Koutrain or not) your group loses consciousness at full strength, then in this case you will not be considered dead, but captured, and the scenario will develop in the same way as if would you give up voluntarily.
If Alistair is in your group, then he will be captured along with you. The rest will be released, since Koutrain is only interested in Gray Wardens.

Note: If Sten or Ogren is in your party, they will not approve of your decision to surrender.

Give up whether you do not - will not affect the overall plot line. Ser Coutrain has a good two-handed sword with him, but a little later you will have another opportunity to get it. And the conversations at Fort Dragon are very funny and worth listening to.

If you are captured, then your next task is to free yourself. This can be done in two ways - to escape from the Dragon Fort on your own, or to wait for your companions to rescue you.
Keep in mind that only associates with a high disposition to you will be sufficiently interested in your fate to go to your aid.

If you decide to run yourself, then the first thing you need to do is get out of the cell. There are many ways to do this - you can seduce the guard, you can pretend to be sick, you can open the lock yourself if you have the appropriate skill, you can even knock him out through the bars if you have good Strength, etc. After that, you can leave the fort in the usual way - that is, demolish everything that moves on your way, or ... leave quietly and unnoticed - after all, the soldiers, after all, are not to blame for anything. All your belongings are in a chest near your cell. You need to go past a couple of guards and a mabari a little further, but after that it is possible to leave the fort without spilling anyone's blood. To do this, you need to go to the weapon room and put on the uniform of the guards. Like Howe's soldier uniform, it does not appear in your backpack, but is dressed by "talking" - this time with an armor stand. If you decide to take them off, then go back and "talk" to her again.

As soon as you put on the uniform, all opponents in the fort will cease to be hostile. Now you need to go past the guards at the door, who will only let you in if you know the password. A piece of paper with a password can simply be stolen from the pocket of one of the guards talking in the warehouse, but if your GG is not a master of pockets, then there is another way. He will help you if you have a developed conviction.
After you put on the uniform, go to the colonel's office, who will mistake you for recruits and tell you to find two more guards. He means the very same couple in the warehouse, from one of which you can steal the password. The guards will explain that you need standard swords, which they cannot get due to a small spat with the Quartermaster. Go to the officer's weapons room. You can bribe the quartermaster or persuade him to give you the weapon you need. Alternatively, you can visit him before talking to the guards and convince that you are his replacement - then he will leave and later you can pick up the swords without any hindrance.
Having received the swords, go to the colonel for an inspection. If he asks what a soldier needs, answer "Discipline" or "Honor." After that, you can leave the fort without interference, since the guards accompanying you know the required password.

If you decide to wait for someone to come to your aid, then in a conversation with Alistair you have to choose who will do it (the list will only consist of comrades-in-arms who have high approval).

Your saviors can follow the same two paths as you - to kill everyone and everything in their path, or try to go quietly and peacefully and without unnecessary bloodshed. With the first method, everything is clear, as for the second, in order not to arouse suspicion, they have two conversations in which they must convince the interlocutor that they are who they claim to be - a conversation with the guards immediately at the entrance to the fort, a conversation with the captain the guards right after that. The third conversation with the guardian Tanna, who guards the door to the dungeon itself, is intended to force her to leave the post so that your saviors can slip inside without any problems.

Each time you have a conversation, you will have a choice of which of the two will lead it. Each companion can persuade at least one of the three interlocutors. Leliana and Zevran are able to successfully bluff on all three occasions. Wynne can go through all three conversations except if the dog is with her. Alistair is able to successfully pass the first two, but not Tannu. The dog is able to lead the guards and the captain, but he does not have the option to "talk" with Tanna. Stan will not be able to get through the first two conversations, but can force Tanna to step down. An exception is the case if his partner is a dog, in which case Stan will be able to pass the first post with the guards. Morrigan is able to force Tanna to leave, but cannot bluff on the first two occasions if her partner is Wynn, Leliana, or the dog. Ogren can go through the first conversation if his partner is Zevran, Sten or a dog.

If you cannot persuade Tanna to leave her post, then there is another way - provocation by firing one of the ballistae located inside the large hall. Shoot a ballista - and Tanna will run to find out what the matter is, and you can safely go inside. In the dungeon you will have to fight with several guards and mabari, since your presence in this part of the fort is not justified by anything, but, fortunately, the guards there are not too numerous. After your saviors free you (and Alistair, if he is with you), you can leave the fort - for some reason the corridors and halls will be empty, so you won't have to fight. (Although, if you wish, you can, of course, completely clear the fort from the soldiers).

In any case, after rescuing from Fort Dragon or after the battle with Ser Koutren, go to Earl Eamon's palace and talk with Anora. This will complete the quest "Saving the Queen" and will give you the next one - "Elvenage Riot".

Actually, what exactly is happening in Elvenage - Anora does not know, but she is sure that it has something to do with Loghain. Go there. If you freed Soris from Howe's dungeon, then he is in the house of Sirion (your father, if GG is a city elf). Soris will advise you to talk to Shianni.

Shianni rallies near the hospital. She will be slightly more friendly towards you if you freed Soris from the dungeon, but this, in principle, will not affect anything. If you are a City Elf and you didn't accept Vaughn's offer in the prologue, she'll be more than happy to see you.

After talking with Shianni, you need to find out what happens to the elves, whom the Tevinter magicians take away under the pretext of quarantine. If your GG is an elf (it doesn't matter, urban or Dalish), then you can pretend to be sick and then you will be taken inside the hospital. The problem is that inside your bluff will open up and you have to deal with the guards all alone. Alternatively, you can bribe the guard at the back door to let you in (or kill him) or provoke the Tevinter mages to attack in conversation. (If you slipped inside without a fight, then you will still have to fight them when you leave the hospital).

Inside the hospital, you need to take a note from the table, pick up a key that will come in handy a little later, and talk to the captive elves. Elder Valendrian will not be among them - he had already been taken somewhere else before. Go to an apartment building nearby (you can show Shianni's note first, but this is optional). There you can bribe the elf tenant to tell you what is happening, but he will not say anything that you yourself could not have guessed. Go through the house and exit through the back door, opening it with the key you received in the hospital. Tevinter guards will be waiting for you in the alley. Deal with them and go to the door of the next building.

A group of guards led by the elf Devera is waiting for you right at the entrance. If you have developed Conviction, then you can avoid the fight and force them to retire. In any case, make your way to the last room, where the head of the Tevinter magicians, Caladrius, awaits you. He will offer you a deal - he gives you documents incriminating Loghain in the slave trade for a bribe, after which you release him and his captives in peace. If you have a developed conviction, then you can persuade Caladrius to leave all the captive elves with you, or give you the documents for free. If deals with the slaver are not in your plans, then fight him - and he will offer you an alternative deal after you have removed almost all of his lives - use Blood Magic and sacrifice captive elves to raise your health (i.e. Body type). If you accept his proposal, then almost all of your associates (especially Wynn) will not approve of it, with the exception of Morrigan. If you do not accept him, then finish off Caladrius and remove the necessary documents from his corpse. The physique in the case of accepting the proposal will rise by only one, so decide for yourself whether it is worth it or not. After Caladrius dies or leaves, talk to Valendrian (if you are playing a city elf, then with your father). If Caladrius did not take the slaves and did not kill them, then talk to Valendrian (Sirion) in his house before leaving Elphinage and go to Earl Eamon with a report.

Earl Eamon tells you to take Alistair with you and go to the Lands Collection. Complete those quests that remain open - especially those related to Radcliffe, since later you will not have this opportunity. Before the Meeting, you will be greeted by Koutrain - unless you killed her earlier. She can also appear if you defeated her in Howe's palace, but were defeated in a further battle with the rest of the guards. Koutrain can simply be killed or - with high Persuasion and Cunning - persuaded to let you pass in peace.

The Lands Collection can go in two ways, depending on how the nobles vote. If the majority speaks in your favor, Loghain will refuse to obey their decision, and you can offer him a one-on-one duel as a way to solve the problem. (You can fight him yourself or choose any of your group except for the dog.) If the Assembly votes not in your favor, you will have to fight not only with Loghain, but also with his guards, plus the guards of those nobles who did not support you. In this case, you will still be forced to go to a duel with Loghain after you have removed most of his lives from him.

How to convince the Assembly to support you:

Use the Belief, if you have it developed, and state that the main problem is not Orlais, but Mor.

Raise the issue of the slave trade in Elvenage.

Mention the torture of the innocent by Earl Howe (only if you freed Oswin and spoke to his father after that).

Mention Earl Eamon's poisoning (only if you freed Irminrik and gave the ring to his sister).

Freeing Vaughn from Howe's dungeon will give you an extra voice in your support.

If you've completed the last hostage-related Antivan Ravens quest, this will give you an extra voice in your support.

In any case, after several statements, Loghain will raise the issue of Queen Anor, after which she will appear herself. Anora's support means a lot and counts as more than one vote. It is almost impossible to win the vote without her. However, if you have completed all side quests, which brought you the votes listed in the previous paragraph, you can do without her support.

Anora will support you if you spoke to her before your return from Elphinage and promised your support for her claim to the throne (alternatively, you can persuade her and Alistair to rule together, or rule with you if your GG is a noble). You don't have to keep your word - even if you promise her support, you will still have the opportunity to put Alistair on the throne.

Anora will not support you if you did not speak to her at all, if you told her that you support Alistair and if you said that Loghain should pay for his crimes.

After the fight with Loghain, you have to decide what to do with him. If you spare him, then Alistair will leave your group. If you tightened him up during your personal quest and persuaded him to rule with Anora before the Meeting, then he will become the king of Ferelden. Unless you toughened him up or offered him to marry Anor, he will disappear in an unknown direction and you will not hear about him again until the epilogue. Alternatively, without your intervention, Anora can execute him in order to destroy a potential contender for the throne.

If you decide to execute Loghain, you can do it yourself or cede this right to Alistair. If you expected to marry Alistair to Anor or marry her yourself, then keep in mind that she will not marry the one who personally killed her father, so if you decide to marry her off to Alistair, then kill Loghain yourself and vice versa. Alistair may in turn refuse to marry Anora if she betrayed you and supported Loghain during the Meeting.

After the death of Loghain, you have to make the final choice who will be the ruler of Ferelden. Alistair will remain in your group in any case - as the future king or as simply the Gray Guardian. If you decide to make him king, then Earl Eamon will offer Anora to swear allegiance to him and abandon further claims to the crown both for himself and for possible descendants. Anora will resolutely refuse, after which she will be put under arrest. (It is interesting for her remark to Alistair that if they had changed places, she would have treated him much harder.) You cannot persuade Anora and Alistair to marry, if you have not already persuaded them to do it before the Meeting.

If the GG is a noblewoman, then she can become queen and rule along with Alistair, if at the question "Who will rule over Ferelden?" will answer that it will be Alistair with her help. This can be done even if the GG was not in a love affair with Alistair, but has a good Persuasion and his friendly attitude towards her is high enough. However, if Alistair enters a duel with Loghain, then the dialogue leading to the engagement may not appear, so it is better if someone else fights with Loghain. (It doesn't matter if the GG herself or Alistair will kill him after the duel.)

If the GG was in connection with Alistair and is not a noblewoman, he can break off relations with her or not, depending on whether you toughened him up during his personal quest, and on her answers in a conversation after the Meeting. (See the Companions article for details.)

This completes this quest and now you have the last part of the game - the final battle.

Non-story quests

In the shopping District in Denerim near Gorim, Ser Landry will hail you. He wants to avenge your betrayal at the Battle of Ostagar. If you can convince him that the Gray Wardens are innocent (or threaten him), he will leave in peace. If not, he will challenge you to a duel. Then you need to go to the alley behind the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern and defeat him in a fight.

In order for this quest to appear in your journal, you need to collect three notes about the mysterious "Unchained". You can get one from the Frightened Adventurer at the tavern in Orzammar. One can be removed from the Adventurer's corpse in the second level of Elven Ruins in the Brecilian Forest. The corpse lies in a large hall with skeletal archers, which is stuffed with traps. The last entry is on the Adventurer's corpse on the first level of the Shattered Temple.

After you collect all three entries and receive the quest in the journal, you need to travel to the Dirty Nook in Denerim. Knock on the closed door of one of the houses, say you won't leave, and mention Gaxkang. After you walk inside, after a short conversation, Gaxkang will attack you.

This battle is considered one of the most difficult in the game. Gaxkang fights in two forms - revenant and Sorcerous Horror - respectively, in one he inflicts great damage in melee, and in the second he casts various spells. Equipment with high spell resistance can be very useful in this case. Cone of Cold also works well on both shapes.

After the battle, among other pleasant things, you will receive a wonderful one-handed sword, Cleaving Blade with three slots. Sometimes you can also get one of the best shields in the game - the Wall of Shadow. (It falls very rarely and almost always at the highest difficulty level.)

Note: fans of the game Baldurs Gate have surely noticed a hint of one of the most powerful opponents of the second game of the saga - the demi-lich Kangax.

In the southwestern part of the first level of the Abandoned Temple, you will find ancient cipher texts. Take them to Sister Justina, who is standing by the Church building, and she will recognize in them the records of the last days of Maferat, Andraste's husband, and she will gladly pay you about 7 gold for the ability to decipher them.

Talk to the blacksmith Wade, who dreams of creating armor from exotic materials - for example, the skins of drakes (young male dragons), so that this quest appears in your journal. If you don't, the quest will appear after you receive your first Drake Skin.

When clearing the second level of the Abandoned Temple, you must find 6 drakes. Be careful and inspect every corner - some of them are sitting in ambush and will only attack if you go to a certain point in the room / cave, and if you, deciding that there is nothing interesting, turn back, then they will not appear. From these skins, Blacksmith Wade can make you two sets of armor - first normal, then improved. Note: some sources claim that other drakes can be found in the game besides those in the temple (for example, in random meetings on the world map) - but this has never happened in my games.

If you kill High Dragon on the top of the mountain after passing through the Ruined Temple, Wade will craft you a choice of armor from it - medium, heavy or massive armor. If you previously paid him at least once for the Young Dragon Skin Armor, although he agreed to make it for you for free, then you will receive the Improved Dragon Skin Armor from him. Wade will only forge this armor if he has already made at least one set of young dragonskin armor for you.

Note: after Wade has made all three sets of armor for you, you will no longer be able to use the services of his shop, so if you want to purchase any of her goods, do it before completing the quest.

You will receive this quest when you find a templar named Irminrik in the dungeons of Earl Howe's palace, where you will go on the story quest "Save the Queen". The poor fellow is a little crazy, so you will have to take the ring from him and give it to his sister, Bann Alfstanna, in the tavern "Bitten Nobleman".

You can kill Irminrik, but in this case, you will not receive a reward from Alfstanna. This quest can also affect how the vote at the Lands Meeting ends - although it is not a prerequisite for its success.

You will receive this task if you free Erl Denerim Oswin, son of Bann Sigard from the torture chamber in the palace. Speak with Bunn Sigard at the Bitten Noble Tavern to complete this quest.

This quest can also affect how the vote at the Lands Meeting ends - although it is not a prerequisite for its success. If you ask for a deed reward (40 gold) instead of giving it up, it will not affect Sigard's bann in any way.

If you took the Painted Casket from Irving's office in the Tower of Mages, then in order to receive the reward, it should be taken to the southern part of the Trade District, to the cul-de-sac where the Miracles of Thedas shop is located. Knock on the door and give the chest. Do not ask for explanations, as you will not get them anyway.

This quest appears after you find the corpse of Sera Friden in the Abandoned Street. Go to the "Abandoned Building" location that appears on the map of Denerim and kill the malefic and their bodyguards. The quest will be considered completed after the death of the leader of the Blood Mages.

Be careful - there are many traps in this building.

This quest will be given to you by Ser Otto. As a templar, he senses the presence of an evil force somewhere in Elvenage, but is not sure where exactly. To help him, explore the area around. A raving beggar woman will mention something strange happening in the orphanage building, and on the ground near the orphanage you will find blood stains and a corpse of a dog. Tell Seru Otto about this, and he will decide to inspect the shelter personally - with your help.

Go to the orphanage building. After making your way through several mabari and ghosts, you will meet a demon. After a short battle, the demon will disappear, and Ser Otto will announce that this is not the end - he still feels the presence of evil. Go further, fighting off ghosts and shadows along the way. In the last room you will meet the same demon - which this time will be stronger. You will have to defeat him twice - and the second time he will call other demons to his aid. Ser Otto, alas, will fall after the first battle. There is no way to save his life.

After you finally defeat the demon, your quest will be completed.

Services to interested parties

You can get these quests from the bartender in the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern, if you ask him if there is any not too legitimate work for you. You will receive a reward from him when you report on what you have done.

You need to somehow get rid of three corpses, which appeared as a result of not too correct actions of subordinates D. parts of the Shopping District. All three (or each in turn - as you like) - you need to throw it into the well near the Church building.

Find 12 love letters. Unlike other quests that ask you to find a certain number of items, there are exactly 12 letters in the game, so you should find them all.

Location of letters:

1. In a chest near Varathorn in the Dalish elf camp.
2. In a chest on the first floor of the ruins in the Brecilian Forest, to the left of the entrance, behind a fake brick wall.
3. In a box inside the mill in Redcliffe.
4. In a chest in the basement of Radcliffe Castle.
5. In a chest at the Pampered Princess Tavern by Lake Kalenhad.
6. In the chest on the second floor of the Mages Tower.
7. In the chest in the house in the village Shelter.
8. In a chest in Jarvia's lair in Orzammar.
9. In a chest in one of the rooms in the palace in Orzammar.
10. In a chest in Wade's shop in Denerim.
11. In a chest in one of the rooms of the "Pearl" in Denerim.
12. In a chest in one of the rooms of the palace of Earl Eamon in Denerim. (This is an unlocked chest, so you can take a letter from there without even being a rogue.)

Travel to West Brecilian Forest and fire the signal arrow. To do this, your GG must be armed with a bow. After that, an ambush of Denerim mercenaries will attack you - deal with them and go back with a report.

Deliver 15 Poisonous Extract to the Bartender of the Bitten Nobleman (if you cannot find it, remember that it is in unlimited quantity sells Varathorn in the Dalish camp).

Deliver 10 grenades (gem, not bombs) to the Bitten Noble's bartender. Unfortunately, you can't just buy the required amount - you need to collect grenades throughout the game. If you've already sold them all, try to bypass the merchants and buy the stones back.

K wants you to put a reward for his "workers" in a few caches. Caches are located:

1. Not far from Dvin's house in Redcliffe;
2.In Frosty Mountains not far from the Arena;
3. In the "Spoiled Princess" tavern by Lake Calenhad;
4. In the central square in the Denerim Shopping District.

Sometimes (although not always as a result of a bug) you will be offered a choice: to disarm the caches and not invest a fee in them, and thus substitute K in the eyes of his subordinates. If you do this, K will no longer give you any quests.

D is convinced that his subordinates are plotting against him and you need to remove three witnesses from the road who allegedly do not intend to testify against him. Witnesses are located: by Lake Kalenhad, in the Frosty Mountains, in the shop "Curiosities of Thedas" in Denerim.

The last quest differs slightly depending on whether you betrayed K while completing his "Secret Reward" quest and whether you completed the D "False Witnesses" quest.

If you did not complete the quest on false witnesses and did not betray K, then you will receive the Seizure of Power quest, in which K announces that, thanks to D's paranoia, he decided to get rid of his assistant, and K has no choice but to pre-empt the blow and get rid of D first.

You have to give a signal (wink in a special way) to three allies of K - the gnome-trader Gorim, Sister Teohild at the Church building and the Subdued - the owner of the shop "Curiosities of Thedas". After that, talk to the guard who is standing near the city gates.

On your next journey across the Denerim map, you will come across Lieutenant D and his assistants, who decided to punish you for treason. After the battle, pick up papers from the lieutenant's body indicating the location of D.'s secret hideout. A new location will appear on the Denerim map - go there and deal with D and his associates.

If you have completed the False Witnesses quest (and no matter how you completed the Secret Reward quest), D will ask you for your help in getting rid of K, who he suspects is about to take his place. While traveling on the Denerim map, you will come across Lieutenant K and his assistants. After the battle, pick up papers from the lieutenant's body indicating the location of K.'s secret hideout. A new location will appear on the Denerim map - go there and deal with K and his associates.

Wave of Crime

These quests are given to you by a notable person named Slick Coldrie. He will only appear in the Trade District next to Goldanna's house if your GG has at least one point in either Hide or Theft. If you have at least one point in Theft, you can get all of Coldrie's quests, even if your GG is not a rogue. The ability to Hide without Theft will give you only one of the two lines of his quests - "predatory". You will have to pay Coldry for leads each time - but the final proceeds will always exceed your costs.

Task number 1.

The cost of a tip is 1 gold. Loot the chest in Lady Sophia's room at the Bitten Noble Tavern. To do this, you don't even need to hide - the bored bodyguard in the corridor doesn't care about you - you can safely go into the room and loot the chest. This is the only Coldrie quest you can complete before you receive it - if you've already looted Sofia's chest, tell Coldrie about it - and he'll refund your money.

Task number 2.

The cost of a tip is 4 gold. Loot Earl Howe's treasure chests in a warehouse in the Trade District near Thedas Wonders at the end of this dead end. This quest includes a battle, since you won't be able to steal silver bars from chests unnoticed - Howe's guards in the warehouse will immediately notice you.

Task number 3.

The cost of a tip is 10 gold. It is up to you to plunder Bann Fraderel's treasury. Go to the Denerim that appears on your map new location... If you always prefer to kill everything that moves (and that does not move too), then simply march with the whole squad to the quest mark on the map. Did you find it suspicious that there is not a soul around? It seemed right. As soon as you open the chest, guards will appear around - Coldry's tip turned out to be a trap. Now you need to fight your way back to the exit.

If you still prefer to "keep your brand" and quietly slip past the guards thirsty for your blood for you - a matter of honor, this is also quite possible to do. Leave all members of the squad except your robber where you entered the palace. Send the robber to the right place. When the guards appear around, just switch to one of your group members at the entrance and calmly exit the palace. In both cases, Slick Coldry will be extremely upset that his tip turned out to be false and will honestly return your money, promising that he will get something really worthwhile for you in the future.

Task number 4.

In order to receive this task, you need to complete the story quest "The Collection of Lands". Weasel Coldri will send you back to where you were last time, for the sacred relic of the Church - Andraste's Tears. Since his last tip was an ambush, this time he will give you information for free. You have to go to almost the same place as before, find a secret passage not far from the room with an empty chest and go a little further, where the real treasure is located.

This time, the corridors are not only teeming with guards, but there are also quite a few traps on the floor, so be careful. You can act on the same principle as last time - just break through to the desired place with a fight, or slip by one robber unnoticed. After that, you can give the Tears to Andraste Church (in person or through Weasel Coldrie) or keep them for yourself.

Note: if you overhear the conversations of the guards in the palace, then this will finally convince you that Slick Coldry was not to blame for the ambush that awaited you earlier.

Task number 1.

The tip price is 50 silver coins. Steal the bag of gems from the Maid in Green. She will appear at the trading stalls after receiving the quest.

Task number 2.

The price of a tip is 1 gold. Steal the sword from Sera Nanshin in Thedas Curiosities. You can steal a sword by not only pulling it out of her pocket, but also using other skills, such as Persuasion or Herbal Lore. To use them, you need to talk to her and convince her that you are a merchant (then she will take off her armor and weapons to try on your goods) or that she is sick and needs help - then she will undress for examination and you can not only pick up the sword, but also to sell her medicines for a couple of gold pieces.

Task number 3.

The price of a tip is 3 gold. You have probably already noticed two chests near the shopping arcade, which cannot be opened without a key. Completing this task will give you required key... It is in the pocket of a certain Tilver, who walks in the northern part of Denerim, accompanied by two guards. You can use the Hide Skill and steal the key stealthily, or speak to Tilver and steal the key during the conversation (this requires a high Conviction). You can distract the guards with the help of a nearby messenger boy, if you pay him a few silver coins - in this case, you will have the best chance to sneak up on Tilver unnoticed.

Task number 4.

The price of a tip is 6 gold. Steal Loghain's Crown from the Seneschal in the Bitten Noble Tavern. If the guards notice you at the entrance, you can use Threat and they will leave, and you can take the crown from the Seneschal. You can also ask the waitresses for help and either send the guards a large amount of booze (so they fall asleep) or poison their drinks (if you have sufficient knowledge of Poisons). Alternatively, if you are noticed, you can simply kill everyone and take the crown from the seneschal's corpse.

Trials of the Ravens

These quests will only become available after you meet Zevran. Whether you left him alive or not does not matter.

Talk to a certain master Ignacio at the shopping arcade and he will assure you that he does not need your services at the moment. However, after a while, the messenger boy will bring you a note inviting you to meet with Master Ignacio at the Bitten Noble Tavern. There Ignacio will reveal himself as a representative of the "Antivan Ravens" organization.

You don't have to agree to his offer. If you refuse, Ignacio will be removed and will not appear again. You can kill him if you like. However, completing the Ravens' quests will help you in story quest The "Assembly of Lands" when voting - although not a prerequisite for its success.

Task number 1.

Read the leaflet on the wall at the gate to Elphinage about a certain organization supporting the Gray Wardens, and go to the Pearl. Knock on the locked door and, as a password, answer "Griffons will soar again." After that, talk to Loghain's mercenaries and kill them. If you have already killed them before receiving the assignment, just tell Ignacio about it - and you will still receive a reward.

Task number 2.

Go to the new location that appears on the world map and kill all the Qunari mercenaries from the Kadan-Fe organization.

Task number 3.

Travel to the Royal Palace in Orzammar and kill Ambassador Gainly. If you sided with Belen, then the rooms you need will be available to you immediately after an audience with Belin, if you sided with Harramont, you will have to wait for his coronation. The ambassador is clearly expecting an attack, as she will have numerous bodyguards with her.

Task number 4.

Travel to the meeting place with Earl Howe's men who stole the son of a dignitary in order to hand over the ransom to them and get the boy back. The ransom will turn into a battle between you and Hou's people, and after it you will find no trace of the alleged hostage. When you return to Ignacio, he will assure you that everything went as planned - you were a distraction, and the boy was saved and delivered to his father, who is very grateful to you for this.

After that, Ignacio will be removed, and you will gain access to the "special goods" of a merchant named Cesar. You can kill Ignacio if you want - but in that case, Cesar as a merchant will no longer be available to you.

Sergeant Kylon's Missions

Sergeant Kylon stands near Wade's shop. If you ask if he needs your help, he will gladly accept your offer.

The first task is to go to the local brothel "Pearl" and calm down - preferably, without bloodshed - the raging mercenaries from the group "White Falcons". If you have a developed conviction, then you can easily persuade the brawlers to leave (or threaten them). If your speaking skills leave much to be desired, then you will have to fight with them - after you flutter them in order, they will surrender and you can let them go or still finish them off.

If the White Falcons survived, then when you move out of the Pearl you will meet Sergeant Kylon, who will be very pleased with you. But before you can finish the conversation, a group of angry mercenaries from the White Falcons attack you. After the battle, you can remove a very good ax with two slots "Aod".

If you killed the Falcons in the Pearl, then the meeting on the Denerim map will not occur, and the sergeant will be very unhappy with you.

The second task of the sergeant is almost the same as the first - to go to the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern and calm down the raging mercenaries - this time from the "Crimson Oars" group. This time it doesn't matter if you kill them or convince them to leave peacefully. Alternatively, you can talk to them and decide that they have the right to stay in the tavern, but in this case, you will not receive a monetary reward from the sergeant.

Our hero presented an ancient treaty to the king of the dwarfs (who had to be found and placed on the throne before), delivered the castle of Radcliffe from the curse, visited a temple lost in the distant mountains and returned from there with a particle of sacred ashes. But it is too early to gather advice: there is still no confirmation of the agreement from the Brecilian elves.

Human to human elf

I'm ready to do what suits a man

But lose the guise of a man

W. Shakespeare, Macbeth

At the location marked on the map, we found a patrol of the Dalish elves who, after a short bickering, escorted us into the Brecilian Forest.

If you were told that elves live in a land of unimaginable beauty and wonders, you should know: this is a shameless lie. The village of free elves, of course, is prettier than the ghetto elf, but there is definitely something in common. Among the ancient columns and statues are dull, leaky tents, which would be ashamed of the wild Qunari. If necessary, they can be turned into carts in half an hour and transported to a new location. Crooked tables have been assembled from sticks and skins - the wounded and the sick lie on them. There are many wounded and sick.

Without further ado, I presented the papers Zatrianu, the elder. Zatrian narrowed his eyes. Do you want help? From U.S? Look around you. We have a curse here in the forest, werewolves attack the elves day and night, what kind of army can we send you? Now, if someone (we will not name names, although this is a gray guard) found the main werewolf, Crazy Fang, and brought Zatrian his heart, then perhaps ...

Well, no one expected them to agree right away, did they?

Out of good old habit, before going into the forest, I interviewed the locals - does anyone want anything from the gray guard? Who should be found in the thicket, to avenge the death, to bring ears from the dead genlock? Oddly enough, there were few customers. Someone Atras asked to find his wife Daniela in the forest. A girl with a galla (this is such a half-deer-half-goat, on which elves ride) was looking for a medicine - but I did not have enough forestry skill for this. The young hunter could not marry his chosen one, because he did not pass the test - it was possible to find a skin for him in the forest, but it turned out to be easier to persuade the girl to give up the test.

On a note: as usual, to settle local affairs it is better not to hire Morrigan on the team. She will not be pleased with fussing with young lovers. But, however, with her, you can lie to a girl with a Gaul, as if the animal is incurably ill, and get horns as a reward ... But do you need it?

The local merchant Varathorn turned out to be, firstly, the owner of the most valuable thing in Ferelden - a backpack, and secondly, he ordered us to get iron bark for making armor.

Battle for the acorn

Village, fish it out!

West Brecilian.

In the Brecilian forest, as you might expect, there are many wolves (ordinary and werewolves), there are bears, as well as an unprecedented creature - Sylvanas. This tree man successfully pretends to be a plant until you approach him point-blank, and skillfully entangles him with roots. But, as often happens with tree-people, it burns like straw.

The werewolves sent us a meeting committee headed by Mr. Runner. This nervous werewolf told us that he saw humanoids in general and us in particular in the coffin, so we would go back to the elves and refuse the assignment, otherwise he will certainly see us there. After a short conversation, the Runner justified his name and hid, and his friends honestly perished from our swords and spells.

West Brecilian divided by rivers into three parts - western, overlooking the camp (1) , central and eastern; and in the south of the eastern strip (2) we found an amazing talking tree. This oak, instead of following the example of its aggressive brethren, entered into a conversation with us; however, the mysterious laws of botany forbid him to express himself in prose. (Doesn't the elf Faydaen, the victor of the vampire Nicholas, live here nearby with an unkind memory? However, no matter how mediocre Oak's verses are, they cannot be compared with Faydaen's nerve-paralytic verses.)

The tree said that, of course, we can walk around Brecilian and harvest wood, but where we need to, the magic barrier will not let us through. But he, Oak, can miss. If we give him back the acorn stolen by some madman from eastern Brecilian.

How I jump out, how I jump out!

"What kind of creature, good or evil, came to the ancient oak?"

On a note: a log is thrown across the northern part of the eastern river (3) from which you can collect iron bark for Varathorn. There is a sarcophagus about halfway between the log and the Oak. (4) (two ogres will attack you near him): if you disturb him and defeat the undead that escaped from there, you can get a piece of a set of juggernaut armor, which is almost equal to the armor of the legion from the gnome (the rest of the armor can be found in the eastern part of the forest). Finally, in the south of the central forest belt (5) you can save the wounded elf.

After that we headed to the eastern part of the forest; two roads lead there (6, 7) .

East Brecilian resembles a starfish in shape with wriggling tentacles. In the center of it is a ring-shaped clearing, from which five rays-paths depart. The two western ones come from western Brecilian; in the northwest I found the poor thing Danielou... Alas, she was already bitten by a werewolf, and she asked to tell her husband that she died and that she loved him before last days... And she asked to make the first statement true ...

On a note: Unfortunately, Daniela cannot be saved. If you refuse to kill her, she herself will attack and force you to do it.

The northern road was densely populated with ogres and their henchmen, and they guarded the next tombstone with part of the juggernaut's armor. On the east side, an acorn thief was found.

The old man, who broke his den here, at first glance seemed even more crazy than the oak; he asked meaningless questions, giggled, and when I remembered Oak, he asked if anyone would be so kind to disassemble the accursed tree for firewood. However, when I ran my hand into a stump in his clearing and found an acorn there, the old man suddenly came to his senses ... and began to call on demons for his help. So remorse for his death did not torment me afterwards.

On a note: you can also negotiate with the hermit. Either really destroy the Oak, or offer him something in return for the acorn. An amulet made from the horns of a slain Gaul or Daniela's scarf will do. If you kill the Oak, then through the barrier you will pass under the guise of werewolves.

Returning to the Oak, I received from him a staff for passing through the barrier. However, the usefulness of the staff was not limited to this - it turned out to be quite a worthy weapon for a magician.

Animal essence

Behind the barrier, the Runner greeted us again - and again, after a short thrashing, switched to plan "B". A short path led us to ruins.

The upper level of the ruins was a simple dungeon, which had to be passed through in a straight line from east to west, after which the corridor turns at right angles to the south. All branches are chock-full of venomous spiders and skeletons; neither one nor the other posed a particular threat.

But at the southern end of the floor settled, no less, a dragon - not one of the strongest, but quite decent. And, I would say, not poor ... The warehouses of the dragon master were found at the very door downstairs.

The lower level of the ruins.

Air raid!

On a note: watch out, the dragon's lair is mined! And there will be no time to remove the traps. A good method is to send a skeleton there, if any of the magicians can do that.

The lower floor was also covered with skeletons and spiders. Shortly after entering (0) , in the place where the corridor turns to the left, the spiders set up an organized ambush.

A little bit farther (1) we met the ghost of a child; and next to it, on a tablet, they read a description of the ritual. What the ritual led to was not yet very clear; however, just in case, we found the source described in the ritual (2) and did everything that the tablet required (fill the jug with water, move away from the source, look at the altar standing next to it, put the jug on the altar, pray, examine the jug, take a sip of water, take the jug, move away from the altar, examine the source, pour into the source water from a jug).

The ritual just opened the way to the sarcophagus (3) , where, after the fight with the ghosts, we completed the collection of the Juggernaut armor set.

But a more important find awaited us in a side nook (4) , and it was easier to easily overlook. In a precious stone on the floor was hidden the soul of a warrior-sorcerer, with whom he was able to speak; she asked to destroy the stone, but gave in exchange the specialization of a battle mage.

A difficult battle awaited us in the southern corridor (5) : it is all covered with traps, so the easiest move was to send a scout skeleton forward so as not to engage in sapper work under the arrows. But finally we got to the bones ... a big puddle on the floor (6) , plunging into which we got into the lair of werewolves.

“Greetings mortal.
I am the Mistress of the Forest. "

And now - the third meeting with the Runner. This time he wanted to talk - apparently, attempts to stop us by force instilled in him a common sense of his own capabilities. I agreed and we were escorted to The mistress of the forest.

The hostess told us a simple and eerie story about where Madfang came from. How the humans attacked the Dalish elves ... and what Elder Zatrian did to protect his people.

To be honest, I have already begun to guess about it. Nevertheless, he invited Zatrian to a confrontation: he was walking nearby, unable to wait in the wings. Zatrian, in turn, tried to "open my eyes": "You have already understood who the Mistress of the Forest is?"

Alas, the old scoundrel refused to remove the curse. But I had good reasons for him. Unfortunately, not verbal ...

With his first spell, Zatrian paralyzed the Mistress of the Forest and the werewolves (we could have been hit too, but we immediately rushed to him), and then called on allies for help. However, we did not block his friends with Alistair, as is usually done, but sent the templar to the werewolves - so that he would dispel the magic and free them. In this balance of forces, things went much more fun.

At the end of this sad story, the former werewolves wandered about their business, and the new leader of the Dalish vowed to send her archers to war with the archdemon.

It is important: if you take Zatrian's side and kill the Mistress of the Forest, the elves will still join the ranks of your army. But there is another way, for those with the highest eloquence: “I have a different plan. Kill Zatrian and all the elves! " After that, you will carry out a massacre in the Dalish village, and as an army you will receive deadly but vulnerable werewolves instead of elven archers.

Scary judgment

Let the platform be high

They will lay the corpses in full view of everyone;

And I will tell the ignorant light

How it all happened; then there will be a story

Inhuman and bloody deeds

Accidental punishment, unexpected murders,

Deaths rigged by cunning in need,

And finally, the treacherous intrigues that have fallen

On the heads of the instigators. All this

I will lay it out to you.


Let's hurry to hear

And we will call the noblest to the assembly.

W. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

Earl Eamon.

And now all the treaties have been presented and confirmed, the armies are ready to march, and Earl Eamon is to convene Collection of lands... As soon as we arrived at his place in Radcliffe, he sent a proclamation to the Teirns, and we all moved together to his palace in Denerim.

A surprise awaited us there. I only managed to look into the chambers assigned to me and return to Eamon, and he had a guest - a servant Queen Anora... It turns out that the queen is imprisoned by the commandant Denerim - Lord Howe.

On a note: if your hero started out as Human Noble, this day should be remembered for a long time ... Finally, it's time to get even for everything!

Stolen queen

On the way to Lord Howe we met with old friends. But not mine, but Zevran: one of the Antivan ravens, Taliesin, brought Zevran the news that the ravens had no claim to him - and a kind offer to return to his own. Or take it easy now. Probably, if Zevran was at odds with me, he would have joined Taliesin - and so we killed the ravens together, and after a short persuasion Zevran remained in my squad.

Lord Howe's castle.

The servant had a plan for how to get into the estate: enter from the back door, disguise as guards and avoid unnecessary bloodshed. True, the guards at the back door know all Howe's fighters by sight, so we hid in the back in the garden while the elf distracted the guards, and entered without hindrance. castle (1).

Inside, the main thing was not to linger anywhere and not to catch the eyes of the officers (2) ... Common soldiers mistook us for recruits and ignored us.

To the room where the queen is locked (3) , we reached without incident, but the door was blocked by a magic barrier. Anora said that it was necessary to find the battle mage Howe, with his death the protection would subside.

We walked through the lord's bedroom (4) , where a curious book and many important documents were found, and before descending into the dungeon, a prisoner was found, whom Howe preferred to keep right next to the bedroom. It was someone Riordan - our colleague, the gray guard. Now there are three of us ...

Lord Howe's dungeon.

It is important: don't miss the treasury (6) ... If you don't have a very experienced burglar with you, return here with Howe's keys. This lord lives extremely not poor.

Having freed Riordan (for the sake of truth, he coped well without us), we went down the stairs to dungeon (1)“Howe preferred to spend his time there, as did his mage. We had a lot to do for both ...

Guards and war dogs Howe jumped out to meet us from each room, but the real difficulties began only in the southern part of the dungeon. (2) - the corridor there was equipped with a powerful flamethrower trap, and next to (3) , in addition to the guards, the same magician was found. True, if you walk very carefully along the southern wall, you can avoid disturbing the trap, but in practice it is very difficult.

Against (4) Howe set up a torture room. We reared not just anybody, but Oswin, son of Bann Sigard, a powerful lord; we once met his father in The Bitten Nobleman. It doesn't look like Sigard has cast his vote to Loghain now ...

Some of the team suggested that we return - we have already found the magician, but somehow, you know, it is inaccurate to leave the case unfinished. I had a lot of questions for Howe, and I wanted to ask them personally.

Nearby (5) we also found the caretaker of this institution - the jailer, from whom the keys were posthumously removed and the clients of two more cells were freed (6) ... Finally we got to Hou (7) .

Lord Howe's workplace.

Oddly enough, Howe is truly convinced that he is right ...

Earl Howe turned out to be full of hidden talents: not only is he a master of torture and conspiracy, but also an experienced killer, to the envy of the Antivan crows. At the same time, it is wonderfully well protected for a robber ... The guards did not last long, but with him there was enough trouble. Again, we took the lord's keys from him posthumously.

Finally, in the far corner of the dungeon (8) two more guests of the lord were found: Bann Vaughan, the one that provoked the elven uprising (for once, and Howe imprisoned the one who followed). And next to him is a tortured templar Irminrik that his sister was looking for; as soon as I was outside, I did not fail to go into the tavern and tell my sister about everything.

Now you could go out, look into the treasury and free Anora. Alas, in the next room (on the way to the exit) they were already waiting for us: the loyal officer Logain, madam Katrien(the translator, at times, forgetting himself, calls her Koutrain). And a dozen of her fighters.

On a note: here three options are possible - to attack Katrien, surrender (so that Anora would be saved) and try to explain herself. The latter will not work. It is very difficult to defeat the entire team, but in case of defeat, you will find yourself in the same place as in case of surrender - in Fort Drakon.

Fort Drakon

Fort Drakon.

Only two of the squad are captured - the main character and Alistair. And here a very multivariate piece of the game awaits us, so we will return the word to the hero later, but for now we will deal with the situation from a bird's eye view.

Inspection by the colonel.

First, you can choose yourself, or you can leave the rest of the squad (without the hero!) To help us out.

If we get out ourselves, the first thing we need to do is open the camera. (1) ... This is not a problem for a cracker; a girl with at least some persuasive talent can seduce a guard (and a man too, but with very high talent of persuasion ...), after which you will have to fight with him, but he, like you, will be naked, without armor. You can also pretend to be sick or try to convince the guard that enemies are nearby.

Next - take the equipment (6) , now things will go easier. You can and break through the post (7) , but there is a simpler and more beautiful way. Put on the uniforms of the soldiers (2) , go to the colonel (4) , take the order to prepare for the show, take with you two boobies-recruits (3) ... They have no swords, so you have to ask the storekeeper (5) ... He has problems cleaning rust, and if you give him acid lubricant, he will easily part with weapons for recruits (the alternative is to threaten or bribe).

After that, you can go through a survey with the colonel (on the security question, what is the main thing in the army, the answer, of course, is "order") - and pass the post. Why this whole circus? Because the recruits, although they are dunce, but know the password.

The alternative is to enter the fort from the outside and smash everything brick by brick. The trick here is to enter: further, if the deception breaks down, scatter the guards - four, not two! - not difficult. There seem to be a lot of options, I managed to find three quite effective ones:

    Leliana + Winn + whoever comes in as ministers of the church;

    Dog + anyone enter under the pretext of "bringing a new dog to the kennel";

    Ogren + Zevran + anyone comes in as ... circus performers.

Pest doctors

Eamon had an interesting conversation awaiting me ... Gathering advice is a good thing, but who do we want to see on the throne? There are two obvious candidates: Anora and Alistair. Or Anora is married to Alistair ... Alistair, however, saw the throne in the coffin. But would it be right to leave it to Anora?

On a note: if after your visit to Goldanna you told Alistair that it should be so - every man for himself, it will be much easier to persuade him to conquer the kingdom. If your main character is a man and a nobleman, you can try to offer your hand and heart to the queen yourself. And if the hero is a lady and is on good terms with Alistair ... accordingly. In any case, your task at the Lands Gathering will be simplified if you promised Anora some form of support. If not, you will have to dial a lot of other arguments. But by no means tell Anora that Loghain must die for what he has done!

Queen Anora.

In principle, after returning, it was possible to convene the Assembly of Lands, since Anora was saved from the Howe estate; but I was distracted by another matter - the rumors brought by the queen about some problems in the elfinage.

The problems were visible at first glance: a crowd of elves in the street in front of a dilapidated building were arguing with a couple of healers from Tevinter. As it turned out, quarantine was declared in the ghetto, and the elves - without disassembling whether they were sick or healthy - were gradually gathered in the orphanage. And they don't let you go back.

After discussing this matter with the elf Shianni, I walked around the shelter from behind and, overcoming the resistance of a lone guard, went inside. My arrival did not please the "doctors": they rushed at me with weapons and soon died from an excess of iron in the body. I released the captive elves, but it was clearly not all ...

I told everything to Shianni (alas, the healers in front of the building were so upset by this news that they also suddenly died from cut wounds and burns), and she showed us another building related to the orphanage. There a battered elf was washing the floor; pressing him a little, we found out where his relatives were being taken, and followed the same route.

The Tevinters were no longer hiding here. Yes, the most commonplace slave trade, in Ferelden is completely illegal (and in Tevinter - the norm of life). And in just a few strokes, we cut the road to their leader - Caladrius.

Caladrius was determined to bargain. He did not want to wind up a profitable business. Why don't I go off with the documents incriminating Loghain? Why don't I take these documents from the corpse and close the shop once and for all?

It is interesting: not far from the "hospital" is an elf beggar. If you give him a coin, next time he will bring a friend, then several comrades ... It's even surprising why the Tevinters did not use this much simpler technique to collect clients!

A rare shot: this is how the demons see us.

A business man from Tevinter shuts down his business.

After a scuffle with Caladrius (he is a magician, moreover, a blood magician) and his retinue, he was forced to make a more generous offer: using the blood of captive elves to increase my health to an unimaginable value. But something I'm into recent times acquired an allergy to blood mages ...

I went to the rescued elves, talked to them and headed to the Meeting.

On a note: in one of the nooks and crannies of the ghetto, you can find a blind templar who “senses evil” somewhere nearby. In order for him to find what he is looking for, it is necessary to inform him about a dead dog nearby, about a pool of blood and about an insane beggar girl; then he will lead us to an abandoned orphanage, where demons and undead have proliferated. But in order to cleanse the orphanage, it is necessary to protect Otto's life to the last.

Collection of lands

Now it was definitely time to collect teyrns. Earl Eamon did it, and I headed to the palace. An old acquaintance, Catherine, tried to block my way; but this time there was no such convincing entourage with her.

It is important: the main components of our success at the Meeting are: rescued from the estate of Hou Irminrik and Osuin (and the mission must also be surrendered), an agreement with Anora and proof of the slave trade. If you weren't too lazy to clear Howe's dungeons completely, you can safely refer to his crimes. But by no means remember Howe's deeds, if for some reason not gave Irminrik's ring to his sister! You should also not rush to talk about Alistair or the death of King Kaelan - it is more profitable to show yourself concentrated on the duty of the gray guard and talk about the Sea, as well as about the crimes of Logain here in Denerim. And if you told Anora that you intend to get Loghain executed ... then it could cost you dearly.

I gathered enough evidence against Loghain and the lords voted against him; as a last chance, he chose a duel with me.

And the end would have been simple and obvious if it had not been for the intervening Riordan. He offered an unexpected solution: let Loghain redeem everything perfect by joining the gray guard. I knew that if I agreed, Alistair would be furious - after all, Loghain was actually the killer of his father and Duncan; and if I refuse, I will become the murderer of Anora's father. That's it...

Logine McTeer

If you decide to let Logine wash away your crime and enter the gray guards, the angry Alistair will leave you; and Logain will take the place of the detachment "tank". He is also a specialist in the sword + shield technique, but he does not have the talents of a templar, although he possesses the skills of a knight.

His characteristics are so-so: his strength is low, his will is for some reason overestimated, however, he is in good health.

Gifts dear to Logain - geographic Maps of all sorts. Some of them can be bought immediately after the meeting (two in the market, one in the ghetto). There are a couple more in the locked chests of Radcliffe Castle.

On a note: before the last fight, it makes sense to quickly run through the market - money, as they say, "you can't take with you" ... You can buy another bag from Gorim, if you think it's relevant. You can replenish stocks of potions, learn an additional spell (book in the ghetto) or buy from Bodan Feddik. In general, see for yourself. With Feddik we will have another rendezvous, and with the rest we say goodbye.

This is our last

Nabat! Blow the wind! Come on, end!

Let's die, at least as a fighter.

W. Shakespeare, Macbeth

After the Lands Gathering, all that remained was to advance to meet the archdemon. Our army has gathered at Radcliffe Castle; and only on the eve of the release, Riordan decided to tell why the gray guard alone can deliver the killing blow to the archdemon. If the archdemon falls, his soul will pass into the nearest spawn of darkness. And the gray guard in a way ... remember what the trial consisted of?

But the gray guard has its own soul - and therefore at this moment both will perish.

Riordan himself volunteered to deliver the final blow; but if he falls in battle, I will. Sorceress Morrigan offers me a way that can leave me in the world of the living, but ... I don't know.

Goodbye just in case.

Say hello for me to the archdemon. He completely stopped writing to me, and it is so upsetting ... And ... look after yourself there. Don't let yourself be devoured. Unless, of course, you decide that it is necessary for the case.


The last battle begins with a battle at the city gates; all your friends participate in it (except those with whom you broke up), but you cannot control them - you command only yourself. The fight is not a tricky one: most of the opponents are the so-called Hurlok / Genlok Grunts, whom the translator, with inimitable grace, made a "grunt of a garlock / genlock". These guys are cannon fodder, several times weaker than the usual "white" enemy: they fall from 1-2 hits or one simple spell. Until the end, you will meet a lot of these - you must immediately distinguish them from serious enemies and not waste gunpowder on them.

After that, we choose our squad for the entire subsequent battle - as well as the one who will command the rest. And after a touching farewell to the rest, we set off on a final tour of Denerim, captured by the archdemon.

It is important: in the last battle, the robber will be very useful. Perhaps Leliana is better than Zevran, because the bow against the archdemon is more effective than blades.

The first step is to defeat the two Garlock generals - in the market and in the elfinage. That is, you can not do this ... if you believe that the battle with the archdemon will be decorated with the participation of two "orange" generals who wield combat magic.

In the interval between the two platforms, the easiest way is to reflect
reap the attack on the elfinage.

From now on, in every battle in the open, you can take with you one of the allied armies that we have collected. But keep in mind: one of them must be kept intact until the archdemon himself. And it is desirable that these are the best of the best. First of all, the Orzammar gnomes come to mind (especially if you have agreed on the participation of the Legion of the Dead - then some of the gnomes will be brutally tenacious legionnaires) or golems, although, perhaps, you can try your luck with elves or magicians. Werewolves not I recommend - in contact with the archdemon, they recover like flies. Redcliffe's infantry is also not resilient enough.

In the market, the general makes a brawl with the ogres; Human infantry or werewolves are good support here. The fight here is not the most difficult, although the open space makes it difficult to effectively hide the mages behind the backs of the warriors.

Combat in elfinage will be difficult if you try to attack, but it will be quite simple if you take a position between two platforms - where there is a barricade at the beginning of the battle - and not try to go outside. You can do it without support at all. While the barricade is still standing, a riot of elements is being arranged behind it - hell, blizzard, thunderstorm - which not only mows the small fry, but also brings the "yellow" offspring to a semi-ready state. However, this is not all - reinforcements will arrive, including ogres, and there will be more of them if the battle drags on or goes beyond the barricade.

After that, a battle for the city gates awaits us - the rest of the group is fighting there. Ogren commanded him, but he should not fight at the very gates - he will not have time to swing at the enemy. Let Ogren deal with the "yellow" opponents, and the dog and someone else hold the gate (Leliana is ideal, her enchanting song shackles everyone in place, and the dog neatly gnaws at the throats; but Leliana may be necessary in the main squad).

The "singing Leliana + dog" link holds back the onslaught at the city gates.

The next station is Fort Drakkon. In the courtyard of the fort, I recommend taking rifle support: this courtyard is a convenient shooting range. In the very first seconds we destroy three groups of "grunts" with fireballs and cones, focusing the fire on the dragon (also exquisitely translated). We do it quickly, because soon the second will be "born" and the genlocks will come running. Mages should be blasted on the steps, the elves will easily shoot them.

Now - the interior of the fort, there we are alone. The first battle will take place in the main hall of the lower floor: the genlok-"creator" (or in English conjurer) summons seven ghosts, after which he actively conjures. But if you do not get distracted and quickly rush to the magician, then the rear ghosts will not have time to see us (they are not born immediately, until they are formed - we are already beyond their view). And it will simplify things. You should not devote a lot of energy to the ghosts, for example, one Morrigan can cope with them; the magician is much more dangerous.

Further, an ambush awaits us where the corridor abuts the road from west to east. There is no need to go there, there is a trap; it is worth immediately launching into both side corridors of gehenna or blizzards. Let their inhabitants die without seeing you.

To the east of here, in front of the door to the second floor, Sandal awaits us - this is the last chance to buy or enchant something (father's goods with him).

On the second floor, there is one difficult fight - with the master assassin and his apprentices. They are invisible before striking ... but vulnerable, and if, at the same time as opening the door to the south in the eastern wing of the castle, they begin to conjure something massive, as well as to put a rune of repulsion under themselves in advance, the killers will prove themselves without harm.

And finally - the archdemon.

Let's go to the bad bastard with a bunch!

The archdemon spits with the energy of the spirit, hits with his tail, tramples and sometimes flies from place to place. As health decreases, he changes his behavior:

    after losing 25% of his health, he begins to summon a "funnel" that removes health and weakens everyone around him;

    after losing 50% of his health, he flies to a place where he cannot be reached in close combat, and summons a crowd of spawn for help; in addition, he has a very long-range attack;

    after losing 75% of his health, he returns to reach and begins to detonate his soldiers in the manner of the "walking bomb" spell. The offspring are knocking down.

The most powerful weapon against the archdemon is the ballistae standing around; they are fairly rapid-fire but break soon. This is exactly what a robber is needed for, he can repair tools (although not indefinitely). And do not stand in front of the ballista - a volley is considered fair, so you can inadvertently shoot yourself.

Spells and normal arrows are good too, and hand weapons work. Gnomes or golems will take over most of the problems with the offspring, but they should be treated. Pay attention to another ally, which is also recommended to be healed - Arch Sorcerer Irving.

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Main plot
Now that all allies to fight the pestilence have been collected, it's time to go to Denerim to gather the lands together with Earl Eamon. In the capital of Ferrendel, we will be greeted by Loghain himself with his vile companions: Lieutenant Coatrain and Earl Howe. Answer his taunts with the utmost polite but truthfulness. Howe can threaten that he has not long left (this is the truth). Then Eamon will go to his mansion, and you can complete tasks for the benefit of the city and your own pocket. When you come to the mansion to Eamon, he will give you the first task.

Save the queen
The maid of Queen Anora (Kaylan's widow) will tell us that her mistress is being kept locked up in Earl Howe's estate. She sent her on purpose to persuade us to save her. Eamon will say that Anora's help would be useful to us at the gathering of lands, so we go to visit the bloody earl. At the main entrance to the estate, you will see what looks like a workers' strike. This noise plays into your hands. Anora's maid Erlina will offer us to go through the back door, behind the house. Just start walking around the house on the left side and you will certainly find it.
On the way, four soldiers will attack you, getting rid of them, continue on your way. At the very entrance Erlina will give you the uniform of Howe's guards and ask you to wait in the bushes. She herself will distract the two stupid guards from the door. Everything, the way is free, go to the estate!
Be careful inside. Do not inadvertently talk to someone from the guard, otherwise you will quickly be bitten. Slowly we ransack every room in search of badly lying things and the queen. Upon reaching the room where Anora is imprisoned, you will see that the door is protected by a magical barrier, which obviously only Hou himself can remove. We go to the earl's office and we clean the contents of his chests. Be careful, in one of the nearest rooms the chief of the guards is sitting, who is going to have fun with one of the maids. if you disturb him, he will raise the alarm. From Howe's office, go straight to the basement (the door is here in the office). We watch the video, as the languishing prisoner breaks the neck of the guard. We release the prisoner and talk to him. This is Riordan, he is also a gray guard. We give him the documents from Howe's chest, stolen a minute earlier, and say goodbye. We explore the dungeon further. Here, disguise will not work. The first post will sound the alarm, so we begin to take out our hatred on Howe's soldiers. Soon you will free two more prisoners, in gratitude they will help you with their votes at the land meeting, if you later visit them in the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern. Now we go to beat Hou himself. It is especially pleasant to do this for those who act out the history of a noble person from the Cousland family. After killing this vile butcher with special cruelty, taking from him the key to the main entrance to the basement and from the prison of Anora, we return to the main rooms of the mansion. We release Anora and go with her to the exit. Here Lieutenant Coutrein with a huge crowd of soldiers will block our way. We have two options, either fight the whole company or surrender. Anora, by the way, will betray us, saying that we are kidnapping her. Then she can be found in the estate of Earl Eamon.

Give up
We find ourselves in a prison at Fort Drakon. There are again two options: either we storm the prison with friends of the GG, or we ourselves are released. With the assault, everything is clear: massacre, meat and a lot of blood. Much more interesting is the personal release option. Alistair and I will be in prison. We call the guard and break his neck (as Riordan showed us). We take the key, open the camera and the chest with all our belongings. We arm ourselves to the teeth and move on. In the next room there will be a hunter, we kill him and the dogs, after which we search the rack with armor. We change into the armor of the guard and go to the colonel. He will take us for recruits and send us on patrol. Several soldiers will go with us, who will accidentally mention that the quartermaster does not give swords. We go to the villain and threaten to tell the colonel about everything. We have the swords. To the colonel's question, "What cannot a soldier live without?" we answer "no discipline, sir." We go to the exit. One of the soldiers will tell the gate guard the password "rabbit". We leave the fort and go to Eamon's mansion.

Battle with Coutrain
Defeating this warrior is like defeating a dragon. She has insane damage and accuracy. Plus, her archers have all the skills that can be pumped to the shooters. Forehead to forehead to cope will not work. It is better to have two warriors in the party (at least one of them must be a shieldman) and two mages (Morrigan and Wynn). If you made a tough archer out of Leliana, then she will do too. First of all, cast a blizzard or a storm on the archers with the help of Morrigan (it is better that she did it from the corridor, because there it will not be reached by enemy arrows and will not interrupt the spell). Leave Leliana (Winn) in the hallway too. Wait for Koutren to run up to you and beat her with soldiers. Use healing poultices with warriors as soon as the health is about half. Koutrain is quite capable of killing your buddy or even you with that amount of HP from a crit. It is better if runes of paralysis are inserted into the weapon, I also recommend periodically freezing Koutren with a cone of cold (Morrigan spell). As soon as Loghain's personal bodyguard is dead, you can start shooting archers. By the way, if Leliana is in your party, then she can quite calmly do it herself, while the rest of your friends are fighting with Koutren. As soon as you kill the whole squad, go to Eamon's mansion. As a reward for the victory, you will receive the weapon Couthren Summer Sword (very powerful contraption).

Elfinage riots
At the mansion, Anora will apologize to you for the betrayal and offer cooperation. She will tell Eamon about the riots in Elphinage, and he, in turn, will send us there to figure out what exactly is the matter. We agree. You can try to immediately convince Anora to give her vote for us, then everything will be much easier at the meeting. Don't forget to talk to Guardian Riordan. He will tell you a lot of interesting things about the order, as well as tell you about the cache of gray guards in the warehouse of Denerim's trading square. There you will find Duncan's shield, which can be gifted to Alistair. Go to elfinage. Talk to Sheani's girl there. She will tell you about the plague and that the Tevinter mages seem to be going to help. Only here is the question: not all the elves who ended up in the hospital returned back. The circumstances of their disappearance are kept secret. We go into the hospital from the back door, after killing the guard. There we find a gold piece and a letter. We go out into the street. The Tevinters will attack us immediately. Having dealt with them, we again speak with Sheani, she will give us a second tip, this time to the old house of the landowner (it will be immediately behind the hospital). We go there. We pass through the building and find ourselves in the courtyard, where we deal with several more guards. We go inside and talk with the guard Devera. If we fail to convince her not to interfere with us, we kill her and move on. In the end, you will find a long, narrow corridor that will lead you to the lair of the leader of this gang. It will be the blood mage Caladrius, who is going to drive the elves into slavery. He will offer you a deal of 100 gold in exchange for incriminating evidence about Loghain, while he takes the elves for himself. We send him to hell and start a fight. Better to kill Caladrius' minions first, and then deal with him yourself. Being dying, he will make us one more offer: he will increase our health at the expense of the lives of the caught elves, give the papers to Loghain, and wash himself off. For a deal with a blood mage, many companions will be offended by you, so it's better to just slaughter him, take your money and papers, and save the elves. We get out, carry out a couple of secondary tasks and return to Eamon.

Collection of lands
After reporting to Eamon about your adventures in Elphinage, gather for the land rally. Beforehand, you can talk to Anora again. Depending on what you tell her, there may be different layouts in the future. She will initially offer you to support her in exchange for her support, in which case she will vote against Loghain. You can also deepen this deal and thereby become king with it (Anora will also vote for you). But if you decide to support Alistair or marry Anora and Alistair, she will vote for Loghain. And depending on who will kill him (or not kill him at all), a number of layouts are possible for the division of the throne. However, first things first. First, you will conduct debates personally with Loghain. Things will go much easier if you have a well-trained conviction. You often remember what happened in Ostagar to the teirnu, mention the elf slave trade and the assassination attempt on Earl Eamon. tell the congregation that the main enemy is the pestilence, not the Orlesian Chevaliers. Then Anora will speak. no matter who she supports, it will still end in a massive brawl in the meeting room. As soon as Loghain has a few lives left, the great reverend mother will insist on God's judgment. You have to fight Loghain. You can choose for this you yourself, Alistair or one of the two remaining friends whom you took with you to the meeting. If Alistair fights, then there will be only one outcome for the Thayrne - death. In this case, Anora will never agree to marry Alistair (but she may agree to marry you, if you have previously discussed this). Other layouts are also possible.
King Alistair
This option is possible both in the case of the murder of Loghain by Alistair, and in any other. Just call your friend king after Eamon asks you. If Loghain was killed, then Anora would be imprisoned.
Queen Anora
This option is also possible in any case, regardless of Loghain's fate. Just call Anora queen after Eamon asks you.
Particulars: Loghain can stay alive if you spare him, but do not initiate him as a guard (in this case, Alistair will leave your group).
The king is Alistair, the queen is you
This is only possible if wagering for female character and despite the fact that you and Alistair have love (relationship above 70%). This alignment also does not depend on the fate of Loghain.
The queen is Anora, the king is you
This alignment is possible only if you have discussed all the subtleties with Anora in advance. In this case, you can do whatever you want with Loghain. Even Alistair can kill him, you can make him a guard or just send him to hell.
King - Alistair, Queen - Anora
This option has 2 hands.
1. You can arrange her marriage with Alistair in advance. But she will offer herself as the first violin, and Alistair will only have to fight for the glory of Ferrelden. In this case, Anora will vote for Loghain at the meeting, but after his death (by the hand of anyone but Alistair), she will agree to marry him.
2. Everything is the same, with only one small subtlety. Anora will consider Alistair a full-fledged king and reckon with his opinion. This is possible only if, when completing Alistair's personal quest about his sister Goldanna, you made him reevaluate something in life. For this, it is necessary not to calm Alistair down, but to say that everyone is trying for himself. After that, he will become much more rigid. This is what you need to hit Anora.

Once you have ended the civil war - go to general engagement with the creatures of darkness.

The denouement and the final battle
First we go to Redcliffe. As soon as we arrive at the place, we learn that the city was attacked. It is not difficult to recapture the city, tk. the spawn of darkness die at once or twice. After our little victory, we go to the castle and talk to Earl Eamon. It turns out that the horde of the darkspawn is not going to Redcliffe, as was supposed, but turned to Denerim (which is protected only by a small city garrison). At dawn, you need to move with the army towards the capital of Ferrelden.
After talking with Eamon, go to the second floor to Riordan. He will tell you and Alistair (Loghain) that only the gray guard can kill the archdemon, after which he will die himself. The outlook is bleak. We leave for our room. There Morrigan will be waiting for us, who will say that there is a way to keep the guard alive. To do this, with the help of blood magic, the soul of the archdemon must pass into a child conceived by a gray guard. This begs a reasonable and logical question "where to get the child from?" With this, everything is simple: if your character is a man, then the child will be born from you and Morrigan, if a woman, then from you and Alistair / Loghain.
If you agree to Morrigan's proposal, then you will have a night of love with her (or with Alistair / Loghain, if you are playing as a woman). If you refuse her offer, then Morrigan will be offended and leave the detachment, and you will die immediately after the death of the archdemon.

And so the next morning we are in Denerim. All your companions will fight alongside you. Kill all the enemies, then talk to Riordan (he will be in the center of the location). You will receive a task from him to kill two Garlock generals. We are recruiting a party that will be with you until the end, leave one of your friends to command the defense of the gates of Denerim and go on to fight.
Now you will be joined by those armies that you collected the whole game:
Gnomes- good infantry, capable of distracting the attention of the enemy. If you managed to persuade the legion of the dead to take part in the battle, then things will go much faster (these gnomes do good damage);
Golems- strong and tenacious, capable of smashing everything to smithereens. It is better to use their services in the most difficult moments in the battle;
Dalish archers- real snipers. They beat me far and hurt. Better save their help for the battle with the archdemon himself;
Werewolves- useless meat, they die very quickly, they are suitable only to distract the attention of the enemy;
Magicians- crazy damage, spells hitting the area. These guys, too, are best kept until the meeting with the archdemon;
Templars- similar in strength to the gnomes from the legion of the dead;
Knights of Redcliffe- excellent helpers in battle with crowds of small creatures of darkness;
You will have 4 squads available:
- knights;
- elves or werewolves;
- magicians or khamovniks;
- gnomes or golems;
Each of them can be used only once.
Let's go back to the generals. The first of them will be in the market square, the second in the elfinage. After you are done with them, go to the palace area of ​​the city. You will see a video in which Riordan tries to kill the archdemon, but, alas, he can only injure his wing and die himself. The wounded leader of the darkspawn will settle on the roof of the Dragon Fort. Now you go there. We cut through the crowds of creatures of darkness to the gate leading to the fort. The help of gnomes, knights or templars can come in handy here. After you make your way to the door to the fort, events will be transferred to the city gates. Your characters remaining at the gate will need to repel the onset of the creatures of darkness. Once this is done, you will be transported back to your main character. Make your way through the first and second floors of the fort to the roof. Your final opponent will be waiting for you there.
The fight with the archdemon can be roughly divided into 3 rounds:
1. This is a normal battle. Shorten from his fiery breath and watch the flights;
2. When the archdemon has less than half of his health, he will begin to summon the spawn of darkness. Now is the time to use the help of archers.
3. When the archdemon has only a quarter of his health, he will inflict crushing damage and make walking bombs from his minions. It's time to use the help of magicians.
In the end, you will still kill this epic villain and watch the final scene.

Secondary tasks
Debt of honor
In Denerim's shopping district, you will meet the Knight Landry, who believes in Loghain's tales that the gray guards killed King Kaylan. This knight wants to take revenge on you. It will be possible to convince him otherwise only with the persuasion skill 3. And so, in the most successful scenario, you will fight with him one on one. Landry is not a weak opponent. He wears good armor and weapons, and also has the abilities of a knight. After you defeat the knight in a duel, his entourage will disperse, and the quest will be closed.

Friends of redhead Jenny
In the tower of the circle, you will find a painted box. Give it through the door to the so-called friends of red-haired Jenny (it's like a password). Get some gold as a reward.

Trial of the ravens
A representative of the Antivan Ravens will find you in Denerim. Zevran belonged to this guild until the moment you took him with you (or did not take him). Master Ignacio will suggest you work for him a little. There are several options:
1. You can fulfill Ignacio's orders (Alistair and Leliana will not approve of this);
2. You can convince Ignacio to leave you alone;
3. You can send Ignacio in a rude manner, and then kill in a fight.
Either way, the quest will be completed.
Note: If you decide to work for Ignacio, the Antivan Ravens will support you in the land gathering.

Ignacio orders
Kill Pedan
The quest is taken from the flyer on the wall next to Elvenage. We go to the Pearl, call the password (the griffins will rise again), kill Hou's mercenaries and return to Ignacio. If you have already killed - just tell him about it.

Mercenary hunt
A new location opens on the map. We go there and kill all the Qunari mercenaries.

An audience with the ambassador
We need to kill Ambassador Gainly. The target is in the royal palace under the castle. The quest will be available as you complete the quests in Orzammar (if you play as Belen - immediately after talking to him, if for Horoumont - after the coronation).

Kidnapped nobleman
Earl Howe's men have stolen the son of a rich man. We go to a meeting with Howe's people to give them the ransom and get the boy back. Instead of ransom, we get into a fight. Returning to Ignacio, we learn that we were a set-up, the hostage was released, the boy's dad thanks us.
Note: After completing these quests, merchant Cesar will have additional goods.

Pearl and pigs
Sergeant Keilone will ask you to deal with the White Falcons mercenary gang. They are sitting in the Pearl brothel. You can immediately get involved in a fight with them (in this case, kill them, and then return to the trading quarter to the sergeant). And you can convince to leave in an amicable way. True, in this case, as soon as you meet with Kilone, the White Falcons will come up to you and attack (there will be a group battle, your squad + Kilone's squad against a gang of falcons). The quest will end as soon as you deal with the villains.

Last request
In one of the bandit areas of Denerim, you will find the corpse of a knight of the era of Fredan. Having searched it, you will learn about the whereabouts of the secret society of Malificars. Go there and nail everyone you can.

Bloody oars
Another mission from Sergeant Kelowna. Go to the Bitten Nobleman tavern and take out the raging band of Blood Oars mercenaries. These guys are more judicious than the late White Falcons. They can be persuaded to leave the bar in an amicable way. However, you can kill them, experience is never superfluous. Once everything is settled, return to the sergeant for a reward.

Forgotten poems
You learn from Sister Justina, the priest, that she collects Andraste's ancient artifacts. In the temple of the prophetess on the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes" you will find an ancient scroll. Give it to Justine. She will translate it and reward you generously.

On your travels, you will find dead adventurers carrying strange letters with them. The last note will lead you to one of the gangster districts of Denerim in a strange house. There you will talk to the magician Wilm Madon, who turns out to be the supreme demon Gaxkang. Kill him and the quest will be completed.

Dragonscale Armor
As soon as you pass the "Urn of the Holy Ashes" quest, be sure to drop in with all the collected dragon trophies to the Master Wade. He'll be damn happy to make dragon scale armor for you. And it's free. Do not pay attention to the dissatisfaction of his assistant. True, if you want to buy something from him, then do it right away, because after your return for the armor, the shop will close. And so, Wade set to work. Now you can go about your business to other cities and regions. Once you return back to Denerim and visit Wade, the armor will be ready. Be sure to place a second order right away. After that, Wade's assistant will stop trading with you. Walk again to another area on the map (you can just go to the camp) and return to Wade. He will make you armor similar to the first, only with higher parameters. Save (!!!). Now, if you have already killed the ice dragon in the temple of Andraste, then show her scales to Wade. As a reward, he will make you a choice of perfect medium, heavy or massive armor (and again for free). This time, you don't have to sit out in a camp or walk around the world. The armor will be obtained immediately. After which the quest will end.

The Lost Templar
In the dungeon of Earl Howe's mansion, you will meet the Templar Irminrik. he will ask you to give the amulet to his sister Banna Alfstanna (she is sitting in the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern). As a reward for this, she will support you in the land gathering.

Nobleman under torture
In the dungeon of Earl Howe's mansion in the torture room, you will meet a nobleman who turns out to be the son of Bann Sigarad. Inform the bann that his son is alive. He can be found in the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern. As a reward for this, he will support you in the land gathering.

In the elfinage you will meet the blind templar Sir Otto, who will ask you to tell him about the strange things happening in the area. Near the old shelter we will find a dead dog and a pool of blood. As soon as we tell Sir Otto about this, he will want to investigate this ominous house. Inside you will need to find and kill two demons. And the last of them will kill Otto himself. Finding critters is not difficult. Just ransack every room. After killing the main demon, be sure to take the blue amulet. You will need it for the next quest.

Hearing voices
Leaving the shelter, give the amulet to the mad girl standing next to you. She will not be insane by that time, tk. the demon will be dead, but the amulet used to belong to her grandmother and the little girl will be happy that the family heirloom has returned to her.

Preacher's board
Justice in the back streets
It is necessary to kill all the gangs in the sleeping areas of Denerim. Just go to all such places and eliminate the criminals.

You need to find the knight Rexel, who disappeared after the events in Ostagar. You can find him in the dungeon of Howe's mansion. He will be a little out of his mind from everything he has experienced, but the quest will still be completed as soon as you tell the priest about your find at the preacher's board.

Fuzzil's Request
You have to find the sextant of the sailor Fuzzil. You can find the item by traveling through Elphinage during the quests of the main storyline.

Loghain's advance
The task is simple. The location will appear on the map " Civil War". We go there and help" ours "against" not ours. "

Thieves' missions
1. The price of the tip is 50 silver coins. Grab the bag of gems from the maid. She stands in the marketplace (indicated by a quest icon)
2. The price of a tip is 1 gold. Steal the sword from Lady Nensin in Thedas Curiosities.
3. The price of a tip is 3 gold. Steal from Master Tilver's silversmith. He stands behind the houses. Steal the key from him (my GG rushed to hug him, "remembering" how they drank together). The key opens two chests in the marketplace.
4. The price of a tip is 6 gold. Steal Loghain's Crown from the Seneschal at the Bitten Noble Tavern. You can kill all the guards and take the crown from the seneschal's corpse, you can use the "persuasion" skill and send them home.

robbery quests
1. The cost of a tip is 1 gold. Loot the chest in Lady Sophia's room at the Bitten Noble Tavern. If you have already robbed Sofia's chest before, Coldrie will return the money to you.
2. The cost of a tip is 4 gold. Earl Howe steals from the treasury and puts silver bars in the warehouse (you have been there, for sure). We break in, kill the guards (she attacks herself) and take the ingots.
3. The cost of a tip is 10 gold. It is up to you to loot Bann Franderel's treasury. Go to the new location that appears on your map of Denerim. This will turn out to be a trap. The guards will attack you, make your way to the exit, return to the Weasel. He knew nothing about the setup and will return your money.
4. In order to receive this assignment, you need to complete the "Lands Collection" quest. Weasel Coldri will send you back to where you were last time, for the sacred relic of Andraste's Tears. Since his last tip-off turned out to be an ambush, this time he won't take money for a tip-off. There are a lot of guards and traps on the way to the treasury, so you can leave your friends and sneak in with one robber. Coldree will give the relic to the church.
After completing the chain, you will receive the title of a cool thief with a beautiful name.

Author Diego1987
For help in describing the quests of thieves, special thanks to nn

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Our hero presented an ancient treaty to the king of the dwarfs (who had to be found and placed on the throne before), delivered the castle of Radcliffe from the curse, visited a temple lost in the distant mountains and returned from there with a particle of sacred ashes. But it is too early to gather advice: there is still no confirmation of the agreement from the Brecilian elves.

Human to human elf

I'm ready to do what suits a man

But lose the guise of a man

W. Shakespeare, Macbeth

At the location marked on the map, we found a patrol of the Dalish elves who, after a short bickering, escorted us into the Brecilian Forest.

If you were told that elves live in a land of unimaginable beauty and wonders, you should know: this is a shameless lie. The village of free elves, of course, is prettier than the ghetto elf, but there is definitely something in common. Among the ancient columns and statues are dull, leaky tents, which would be ashamed of the wild Qunari. If necessary, they can be turned into carts in half an hour and transported to a new location. Crooked tables have been assembled from sticks and skins - the wounded and the sick lie on them. There are many wounded and sick.

Without further ado, I presented the papers Zatrianu, the elder. Zatrian narrowed his eyes. Do you want help? From U.S? Look around you. We have a curse here in the forest, werewolves attack the elves day and night, what kind of army can we send you? Now, if someone (we will not name names, although this is a gray guard) found the main werewolf, Crazy Fang, and brought Zatrian his heart, then perhaps ...

Well, no one expected them to agree right away, did they?

Out of good old habit, before going into the forest, I interviewed the locals - does anyone want anything from the gray guard? Who should be found in the thicket, to avenge the death, to bring ears from the dead genlock? Oddly enough, there were few customers. Someone Atras asked to find his wife Daniela in the forest. A girl with a galla (this is such a half-deer-half-goat, on which elves ride) was looking for a medicine - but I did not have enough forestry skill for this. The young hunter could not marry his chosen one, because he did not pass the test - it was possible to find a skin for him in the forest, but it turned out to be easier to persuade the girl to give up the test.

On a note: as usual, to settle local affairs it is better not to hire Morrigan on the team. She will not be pleased with fussing with young lovers. But, however, with her, you can lie to a girl with a Gaul, as if the animal is incurably ill, and get horns as a reward ... But do you need it?

The local merchant Varathorn turned out to be, firstly, the owner of the most valuable thing in Ferelden - a backpack, and secondly, he ordered us to get iron bark for making armor.

Battle for the acorn

Village, fish it out!

West Brecilian.

In the Brecilian forest, as you might expect, there are many wolves (ordinary and werewolves), there are bears, as well as an unprecedented creature - Sylvanas. This tree man successfully pretends to be a plant until you approach him point-blank, and skillfully entangles him with roots. But, as often happens with tree-people, it burns like straw.

The werewolves sent us a meeting committee headed by Mr. Runner. This nervous werewolf told us that he saw humanoids in general and us in particular in the coffin, so we would go back to the elves and refuse the assignment, otherwise he will certainly see us there. After a short conversation, the Runner justified his name and hid, and his friends honestly perished from our swords and spells.

West Brecilian divided by rivers into three parts - western, overlooking the camp (1) , central and eastern; and in the south of the eastern strip (2) we found an amazing talking tree. This oak, instead of following the example of its aggressive brethren, entered into a conversation with us; however, the mysterious laws of botany forbid him to express himself in prose. (Doesn't the elf Faydaen, the victor of the vampire Nicholas, live here nearby with an unkind memory? However, no matter how mediocre Oak's verses are, they cannot be compared with Faydaen's nerve-paralytic verses.)

The tree said that, of course, we can walk around Brecilian and harvest wood, but where we need to, the magic barrier will not let us through. But he, Oak, can miss. If we give him back the acorn stolen by some madman from eastern Brecilian.

How I jump out, how I jump out!

"What kind of creature, good or evil, came to the ancient oak?"

On a note: a log is thrown across the northern part of the eastern river (3) from which you can collect iron bark for Varathorn. There is a sarcophagus about halfway between the log and the Oak. (4) (two ogres will attack you near him): if you disturb him and defeat the undead that escaped from there, you can get a piece of a set of juggernaut armor, which is almost equal to the armor of the legion from the gnome (the rest of the armor can be found in the eastern part of the forest). Finally, in the south of the central forest belt (5) you can save the wounded elf.

After that we headed to the eastern part of the forest; two roads lead there (6, 7) .

East Brecilian resembles a starfish in shape with wriggling tentacles. In the center of it is a ring-shaped clearing, from which five rays-paths depart. The two western ones come from western Brecilian; in the northwest I found the poor thing Danielou... Alas, she was already bitten by a werewolf, and she asked to tell her husband that she was dead and that she loved him until her last days. And she asked to make the first statement true ...

On a note: Unfortunately, Daniela cannot be saved. If you refuse to kill her, she herself will attack and force you to do it.

The northern road was densely populated with ogres and their henchmen, and they guarded the next tombstone with part of the juggernaut's armor. On the east side, an acorn thief was found.

The old man, who broke his den here, at first glance seemed even more crazy than the oak; he asked meaningless questions, giggled, and when I remembered Oak, he asked if anyone would be so kind to disassemble the accursed tree for firewood. However, when I ran my hand into a stump in his clearing and found an acorn there, the old man suddenly came to his senses ... and began to call on demons for his help. So remorse for his death did not torment me afterwards.

On a note: you can also negotiate with the hermit. Either really destroy the Oak, or offer him something in return for the acorn. An amulet made from the horns of a slain Gaul or Daniela's scarf will do. If you kill the Oak, then through the barrier you will pass under the guise of werewolves.

Returning to the Oak, I received from him a staff for passing through the barrier. However, the usefulness of the staff was not limited to this - it turned out to be quite a worthy weapon for a magician.

Animal essence

Behind the barrier, the Runner greeted us again - and again, after a short thrashing, switched to plan "B". A short path led us to ruins.

The upper level of the ruins was a simple dungeon, which had to be passed through in a straight line from east to west, after which the corridor turns at right angles to the south. All branches are chock-full of venomous spiders and skeletons; neither one nor the other posed a particular threat.

But at the southern end of the floor settled, no less, a dragon - not one of the strongest, but quite decent. And, I would say, not poor ... The warehouses of the dragon master were found at the very door downstairs.

The lower level of the ruins.

Air raid!

On a note: watch out, the dragon's lair is mined! And there will be no time to remove the traps. A good method is to send a skeleton there, if any of the magicians can do that.

The lower floor was also covered with skeletons and spiders. Shortly after entering (0) , in the place where the corridor turns to the left, the spiders set up an organized ambush.

A little bit farther (1) we met the ghost of a child; and next to it, on a tablet, they read a description of the ritual. What the ritual led to was not yet very clear; however, just in case, we found the source described in the ritual (2) and did everything that the tablet required (fill the jug with water, move away from the source, look at the altar standing next to it, put the jug on the altar, pray, examine the jug, take a sip of water, take the jug, move away from the altar, examine the source, pour into the source water from a jug).

The ritual just opened the way to the sarcophagus (3) , where, after the fight with the ghosts, we completed the collection of the Juggernaut armor set.

But a more important find awaited us in a side nook (4) , and it was easier to easily overlook. In a precious stone on the floor was hidden the soul of a warrior-sorcerer, with whom he was able to speak; she asked to destroy the stone, but gave in exchange the specialization of a battle mage.

A difficult battle awaited us in the southern corridor (5) : it is all covered with traps, so the easiest move was to send a scout skeleton forward so as not to engage in sapper work under the arrows. But finally we got to the bones ... a big puddle on the floor (6) , plunging into which we got into the lair of werewolves.

“Greetings mortal.
I am the Mistress of the Forest. "

And now - the third meeting with the Runner. This time he wanted to talk - apparently, attempts to stop us by force instilled in him a common sense of his own capabilities. I agreed and we were escorted to The mistress of the forest.

The hostess told us a simple and eerie story about where Madfang came from. How the humans attacked the Dalish elves ... and what Elder Zatrian did to protect his people.

To be honest, I have already begun to guess about it. Nevertheless, he invited Zatrian to a confrontation: he was walking nearby, unable to wait in the wings. Zatrian, in turn, tried to "open my eyes": "You have already understood who the Mistress of the Forest is?"

Alas, the old scoundrel refused to remove the curse. But I had good reasons for him. Unfortunately, not verbal ...

With his first spell, Zatrian paralyzed the Mistress of the Forest and the werewolves (we could have been hit too, but we immediately rushed to him), and then called on allies for help. However, we did not block his friends with Alistair, as is usually done, but sent the templar to the werewolves - so that he would dispel the magic and free them. In this balance of forces, things went much more fun.

At the end of this sad story, the former werewolves wandered about their business, and the new leader of the Dalish vowed to send her archers to war with the archdemon.

It is important: if you take Zatrian's side and kill the Mistress of the Forest, the elves will still join the ranks of your army. But there is another way, for those with the highest eloquence: “I have a different plan. Kill Zatrian and all the elves! " After that, you will carry out a massacre in the Dalish village, and as an army you will receive deadly but vulnerable werewolves instead of elven archers.

Scary judgment

Let the platform be high

They will lay the corpses in full view of everyone;

And I will tell the ignorant light

How it all happened; then there will be a story

Inhuman and bloody deeds

Accidental punishment, unexpected murders,

Deaths rigged by cunning in need,

And finally, the treacherous intrigues that have fallen

On the heads of the instigators. All this

I will lay it out to you.


Let's hurry to hear

And we will call the noblest to the assembly.

W. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

Earl Eamon.

And now all the treaties have been presented and confirmed, the armies are ready to march, and Earl Eamon is to convene Collection of lands... As soon as we arrived at his place in Radcliffe, he sent a proclamation to the Teirns, and we all moved together to his palace in Denerim.

A surprise awaited us there. I only managed to look into the chambers assigned to me and return to Eamon, and he had a guest - a servant Queen Anora... It turns out that the queen is imprisoned by the commandant Denerim - Lord Howe.

On a note: if your hero started out as Human Noble, this day should be remembered for a long time ... Finally, it's time to get even for everything!

Stolen queen

On the way to Lord Howe we met with old friends. But not mine, but Zevran: one of the Antivan ravens, Taliesin, brought Zevran the news that the ravens had no claim to him - and a kind offer to return to his own. Or take it easy now. Probably, if Zevran was at odds with me, he would have joined Taliesin - and so we killed the ravens together, and after a short persuasion Zevran remained in my squad.

Lord Howe's castle.

The servant had a plan for how to get into the estate: enter from the back door, disguise as guards and avoid unnecessary bloodshed. True, the guards at the back door know all Howe's fighters by sight, so we hid in the back in the garden while the elf distracted the guards, and entered without hindrance. castle (1).

Inside, the main thing was not to linger anywhere and not to catch the eyes of the officers (2) ... Common soldiers mistook us for recruits and ignored us.

To the room where the queen is locked (3) , we reached without incident, but the door was blocked by a magic barrier. Anora said that it was necessary to find the battle mage Howe, with his death the protection would subside.

We walked through the lord's bedroom (4) , where a curious book and many important documents were found, and before descending into the dungeon, a prisoner was found, whom Howe preferred to keep right next to the bedroom. It was someone Riordan - our colleague, the gray guard. Now there are three of us ...

Lord Howe's dungeon.

It is important: don't miss the treasury (6) ... If you don't have a very experienced burglar with you, return here with Howe's keys. This lord lives extremely not poor.

Having freed Riordan (for the sake of truth, he coped well without us), we went down the stairs to dungeon (1)“Howe preferred to spend his time there, as did his mage. We had a lot to do for both ...

Howe's guards and war dogs popped up to meet us from every room, but the real difficulties began only in the southern part of the dungeon. (2) - the corridor there was equipped with a powerful flamethrower trap, and next to (3) , in addition to the guards, the same magician was found. True, if you walk very carefully along the southern wall, you can avoid disturbing the trap, but in practice it is very difficult.

Against (4) Howe set up a torture room. We reared not just anybody, but Oswin, son of Bann Sigard, a powerful lord; we once met his father in The Bitten Nobleman. It doesn't look like Sigard has cast his vote to Loghain now ...

Some of the team suggested that we return - we have already found the magician, but somehow, you know, it is inaccurate to leave the case unfinished. I had a lot of questions for Howe, and I wanted to ask them personally.

Nearby (5) we also found the caretaker of this institution - the jailer, from whom the keys were posthumously removed and the clients of two more cells were freed (6) ... Finally we got to Hou (7) .

Lord Howe's workplace.

Oddly enough, Howe is truly convinced that he is right ...

Earl Howe turned out to be full of hidden talents: not only is he a master of torture and conspiracy, but also an experienced killer, to the envy of the Antivan crows. At the same time, it is wonderfully well protected for a robber ... The guards did not last long, but with him there was enough trouble. Again, we took the lord's keys from him posthumously.

Finally, in the far corner of the dungeon (8) two more guests of the lord were found: Bann Vaughan, the one that provoked the elven uprising (for once, and Howe imprisoned the one who followed). And next to him is a tortured templar Irminrik that his sister was looking for; as soon as I was outside, I did not fail to go into the tavern and tell my sister about everything.

Now you could go out, look into the treasury and free Anora. Alas, in the next room (on the way to the exit) they were already waiting for us: the loyal officer Logain, madam Katrien(the translator, at times, forgetting himself, calls her Koutrain). And a dozen of her fighters.

On a note: here three options are possible - to attack Katrien, surrender (so that Anora would be saved) and try to explain herself. The latter will not work. It is very difficult to defeat the entire team, but in case of defeat, you will find yourself in the same place as in case of surrender - in Fort Drakon.

Fort Drakon

Fort Drakon.

Only two of the squad are captured - the main character and Alistair. And here a very multivariate piece of the game awaits us, so we will return the word to the hero later, but for now we will deal with the situation from a bird's eye view.

Inspection by the colonel.

First, you can choose yourself, or you can leave the rest of the squad (without the hero!) To help us out.

If we get out ourselves, the first thing we need to do is open the camera. (1) ... This is not a problem for a cracker; a girl with at least some persuasive talent can seduce a guard (and a man too, but with very high talent of persuasion ...), after which you will have to fight with him, but he, like you, will be naked, without armor. You can also pretend to be sick or try to convince the guard that enemies are nearby.

Next - take the equipment (6) , now things will go easier. You can and break through the post (7) , but there is a simpler and more beautiful way. Put on the uniforms of the soldiers (2) , go to the colonel (4) , take the order to prepare for the show, take with you two boobies-recruits (3) ... They have no swords, so you have to ask the storekeeper (5) ... He has problems cleaning rust, and if you give him acid lubricant, he will easily part with weapons for recruits (the alternative is to threaten or bribe).

After that, you can go through a survey with the colonel (on the security question, what is the main thing in the army, the answer, of course, is "order") - and pass the post. Why this whole circus? Because the recruits, although they are dunce, but know the password.

The alternative is to enter the fort from the outside and smash everything brick by brick. The trick here is to enter: further, if the deception breaks down, scatter the guards - four, not two! - not difficult. There seem to be a lot of options, I managed to find three quite effective ones:

Leliana + Winn + whoever comes in as ministers of the church;

Dog + anyone enter under the pretext of "bringing a new dog to the kennel";

Ogren + Zevran + anyone comes in as ... circus performers.

Pest doctors

Eamon had an interesting conversation awaiting me ... Gathering advice is a good thing, but who do we want to see on the throne? There are two obvious candidates: Anora and Alistair. Or Anora is married to Alistair ... Alistair, however, saw the throne in the coffin. But would it be right to leave it to Anora?

On a note: if after your visit to Goldanna you told Alistair that it should be so - every man for himself, it will be much easier to persuade him to conquer the kingdom. If your main character is a man and a nobleman, you can try to offer your hand and heart to the queen yourself. And if the hero is a lady and is on good terms with Alistair ... accordingly. In any case, your task at the Lands Gathering will be simplified if you promised Anora some form of support. If not, you will have to dial a lot of other arguments. But by no means tell Anora that Loghain must die for what he has done!

Queen Anora.

In principle, after returning, it was possible to convene the Assembly of Lands, since Anora was saved from the Howe estate; but I was distracted by another matter - the rumors brought by the queen about some problems in the elfinage.

The problems were visible at first glance: a crowd of elves in the street in front of a dilapidated building were arguing with a couple of healers from Tevinter. As it turned out, quarantine was declared in the ghetto, and the elves - without disassembling whether they were sick or healthy - were gradually gathered in the orphanage. And they don't let you go back.

After discussing this matter with the elf Shianni, I walked around the shelter from behind and, overcoming the resistance of a lone guard, went inside. My arrival did not please the "doctors": they rushed at me with weapons and soon died from an excess of iron in the body. I released the captive elves, but it was clearly not all ...

I told everything to Shianni (alas, the healers in front of the building were so upset by this news that they also suddenly died from cut wounds and burns), and she showed us another building related to the orphanage. There a battered elf was washing the floor; pressing him a little, we found out where his relatives were being taken, and followed the same route.

The Tevinters were no longer hiding here. Yes, the most commonplace slave trade, in Ferelden is completely illegal (and in Tevinter - the norm of life). And in just a few strokes, we cut the road to their leader - Caladrius.

Caladrius was determined to bargain. He did not want to wind up a profitable business. Why don't I go off with the documents incriminating Loghain? Why don't I take these documents from the corpse and close the shop once and for all?

It is interesting: not far from the "hospital" is an elf beggar. If you give him a coin, next time he will bring a friend, then several comrades ... It's even surprising why the Tevinters did not use this much simpler technique to collect clients!

A rare shot: this is how the demons see us.

A business man from Tevinter shuts down his business.

After a scuffle with Caladrius (he is a magician, moreover, a blood magician) and his retinue, he was forced to make a more generous offer: using the blood of captive elves to increase my health to an unimaginable value. But something I have recently acquired an allergy to blood mages ...

I went to the rescued elves, talked to them and headed to the Meeting.

On a note: in one of the nooks and crannies of the ghetto, you can find a blind templar who “senses evil” somewhere nearby. In order for him to find what he is looking for, it is necessary to inform him about a dead dog nearby, about a pool of blood and about an insane beggar girl; then he will lead us to an abandoned orphanage, where demons and undead have proliferated. But in order to cleanse the orphanage, it is necessary to protect Otto's life to the last.

Collection of lands

Now it was definitely time to collect teyrns. Earl Eamon did it, and I headed to the palace. An old acquaintance, Catherine, tried to block my way; but this time there was no such convincing entourage with her.

It is important: the main components of our success at the Meeting are: rescued from the estate of Hou Irminrik and Osuin (and the mission must also be surrendered), an agreement with Anora and proof of the slave trade. If you weren't too lazy to clear Howe's dungeons completely, you can safely refer to his crimes. But by no means remember Howe's deeds, if for some reason not gave Irminrik's ring to his sister! You should also not rush to talk about Alistair or the death of King Kaelan - it is more profitable to show yourself concentrated on the duty of the gray guard and talk about the Sea, as well as about the crimes of Logain here in Denerim. And if you told Anora that you intend to get Loghain executed ... then it could cost you dearly.

I gathered enough evidence against Loghain and the lords voted against him; as a last chance, he chose a duel with me.

And the end would have been simple and obvious if it had not been for the intervening Riordan. He offered an unexpected solution: let Loghain redeem everything perfect by joining the gray guard. I knew that if I agreed, Alistair would be furious - after all, Loghain was actually the killer of his father and Duncan; and if I refuse, I will become the murderer of Anora's father. That's it...

Logine McTeer

If you decide to let Logine wash away your crime and enter the gray guards, the angry Alistair will leave you; and Logain will take the place of the detachment "tank". He is also a specialist in the sword + shield technique, but he does not have the talents of a templar, although he possesses the skills of a knight.

His characteristics are so-so: his strength is low, his will is for some reason overestimated, however, he is in good health.

Gifts, dear to Logain, are geographic maps of all sorts. Some of them can be bought immediately after the meeting (two in the market, one in the ghetto). There are a couple more in the locked chests of Radcliffe Castle.

On a note: before the last fight, it makes sense to quickly run through the market - money, as they say, "you can't take with you" ... You can buy another bag from Gorim, if you think it's relevant. You can replenish stocks of potions, learn an additional spell (book in the ghetto) or buy from Bodan Feddik. In general, see for yourself. With Feddik we will have another rendezvous, and with the rest we say goodbye.

This is our last

Nabat! Blow the wind! Come on, end!

Let's die, at least as a fighter.

W. Shakespeare, Macbeth

After the Lands Gathering, all that remained was to advance to meet the archdemon. Our army has gathered at Radcliffe Castle; and only on the eve of the release, Riordan decided to tell why the gray guard alone can deliver the killing blow to the archdemon. If the archdemon falls, his soul will pass into the nearest spawn of darkness. And the gray guard in a way ... remember what the trial consisted of?

But the gray guard has its own soul - and therefore at this moment both will perish.

Riordan himself volunteered to deliver the final blow; but if he falls in battle, I will. Sorceress Morrigan offers me a way that can leave me in the world of the living, but ... I don't know.

Goodbye just in case.

Say hello for me to the archdemon. He completely stopped writing to me, and it is so upsetting ... And ... look after yourself there. Don't let yourself be devoured. Unless, of course, you decide that it is necessary for the case.


The last battle begins with a battle at the city gates; all your friends participate in it (except those with whom you broke up), but you cannot control them - you command only yourself. The fight is not a tricky one: most of the opponents are the so-called Hurlok / Genlok Grunts, whom the translator, with inimitable grace, made a "grunt of a garlock / genlock". These guys are cannon fodder, several times weaker than the usual "white" enemy: they fall from 1-2 hits or one simple spell. Until the end, you will meet a lot of these - you must immediately distinguish them from serious enemies and not waste gunpowder on them.

After that, we choose our squad for the entire subsequent battle - as well as the one who will command the rest. And after a touching farewell to the rest, we set off on a final tour of Denerim, captured by the archdemon.

It is important: in the last battle, the robber will be very useful. Perhaps Leliana is better than Zevran, because the bow against the archdemon is more effective than blades.

The first step is to defeat the two Garlock generals - in the market and in the elfinage. That is, you can not do this ... if you believe that the battle with the archdemon will be decorated with the participation of two "orange" generals who wield combat magic.

In the interval between the two platforms, the easiest way is to reflect
reap the attack on the elfinage.

From now on, in every battle in the open, you can take with you one of the allied armies that we have collected. But keep in mind: one of them must be kept intact until the archdemon himself. And it is desirable that these are the best of the best. First of all, the Orzammar gnomes come to mind (especially if you have agreed on the participation of the Legion of the Dead - then some of the gnomes will be brutally tenacious legionnaires) or golems, although, perhaps, you can try your luck with elves or magicians. Werewolves not I recommend - in contact with the archdemon, they recover like flies. Redcliffe's infantry is also not resilient enough.

In the market, the general makes a brawl with the ogres; Human infantry or werewolves are good support here. The fight here is not the most difficult, although the open space makes it difficult to effectively hide the mages behind the backs of the warriors.

Combat in elfinage will be difficult if you try to attack, but it will be quite simple if you take a position between two platforms - where there is a barricade at the beginning of the battle - and not try to go outside. You can do it without support at all. While the barricade is still standing, a riot of elements is being arranged behind it - hell, blizzard, thunderstorm - which not only mows the small fry, but also brings the "yellow" offspring to a semi-ready state. However, this is not all - reinforcements will arrive, including ogres, and there will be more of them if the battle drags on or goes beyond the barricade.

After that, a battle for the city gates awaits us - the rest of the group is fighting there. Ogren commanded him, but he should not fight at the very gates - he will not have time to swing at the enemy. Let Ogren deal with the "yellow" opponents, and the dog and someone else hold the gate (Leliana is ideal, her enchanting song shackles everyone in place, and the dog neatly gnaws at the throats; but Leliana may be necessary in the main squad).

The "singing Leliana + dog" link holds back the onslaught at the city gates.

The next station is Fort Drakkon. In the courtyard of the fort, I recommend taking rifle support: this courtyard is a convenient shooting range. In the very first seconds we destroy three groups of "grunts" with fireballs and cones, focusing the fire on the dragon (also exquisitely translated). We do it quickly, because soon the second will be "born" and the genlocks will come running. Mages should be blasted on the steps, the elves will easily shoot them.

Now - the interior of the fort, there we are alone. The first battle will take place in the main hall of the lower floor: the genlok-"creator" (or in English conjurer) summons seven ghosts, after which he actively conjures. But if you do not get distracted and quickly rush to the magician, then the rear ghosts will not have time to see us (they are not born immediately, until they are formed - we are already beyond their view). And it will simplify things. You should not devote a lot of energy to the ghosts, for example, one Morrigan can cope with them; the magician is much more dangerous.

Further, an ambush awaits us where the corridor abuts the road from west to east. There is no need to go there, there is a trap; it is worth immediately launching into both side corridors of gehenna or blizzards. Let their inhabitants die without seeing you.

To the east of here, in front of the door to the second floor, Sandal awaits us - this is the last chance to buy or enchant something (father's goods with him).

On the second floor, there is one difficult fight - with the master assassin and his apprentices. They are invisible before striking ... but vulnerable, and if, at the same time as opening the door to the south in the eastern wing of the castle, they begin to conjure something massive, as well as to put a rune of repulsion under themselves in advance, the killers will prove themselves without harm.

after losing 50% of his health, he flies to a place where he cannot be reached in close combat, and summons a crowd of spawn for help; in addition, he has a very long-range attack;

after losing 75% of his health, he returns to reach and begins to detonate his soldiers in the manner of the "walking bomb" spell. The offspring are knocking down.

The most powerful weapon against the archdemon is the ballistae standing around; they are fairly rapid-fire but break soon. This is exactly what a robber is needed for, he can repair tools (although not indefinitely). And do not stand in front of the ballista - a volley is considered fair, so you can inadvertently shoot yourself.

Spells and normal arrows are good too, and hand weapons work. Gnomes or golems will take over most of the problems with the offspring, but they should be treated. Pay attention to another ally, which is also recommended to be healed - Arch Sorcerer Irving.

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Passing quests in Denerim - Dragon age: Origins


So you are in Denerim. As soon as you appear, Loghain will immediately stop you and begin to interrogate Eamon. If you answer politely, you will have a chance to put Alistair on the throne of Ferelden. After the conversation, you will have free time, which you can spend on completing side quests, or immediately head to Eamon's office, where from Queen Anora's maidservant, who is also Loghain's daughter, you learn that Howe, Earl of Denerim, locked the queen in the mansion and she asks for help. Go to Earl's house, rescue the queen.

Arriving at the place, you will find that a crowd of people has gathered at the entrance. You will have a talk with the servant of Anora, she will tell about the back door. Follow the path to the left. You will stumble upon a soldier, you will have to kill them. After reaching the back door, talk to Erlina, she will distract the guards at the door, and you hide, use disguise, and then hide in the bushes and wait for the guards to leave. Now you can go inside.

Do not speak to anyone, otherwise the disguise will disappear, just walk through the rooms. When you reach the desired door, you will see that the door is sealed with a magic seal, because of which the queen cannot leave. Go to Howe's office and then to the basement door. The guard will be very surprised what the prisoner will immediately use and strangle him. The prisoner turned out to be the Gray Guardian Riordan, he will dress in the uniform of the killed guard. He needs to return the papers found in Howe's office. Also from him you will learn about the cache in the Denerim market. Let go of him and run to the basement. Here your disguise will come to an end, and from that moment you will have to get rid of everyone in your path.

In the basement, you will find two more prisoners, free them. Now you can go to Howe. Note that the freed captives will later help you fight Loghain. To do this, go to the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern. They will be there.

After you get rid of Howe and the mages, go through the dungeon to the end. There you will find two more prisoners, free them, and get two more votes for you at the Lands rally. Now you can free the queen. Go with her to the exit, there you will be met by a patrol led by Sir Catherine. Here you will have two options, either fight them or surrender. Let's consider both options:

if you said you surrender, you will be taken to Fort Drakon.

You can either go on the assault with your friends, or free yourself with the help of cunning. After waking up in prison with Aleister, call the guard and kill him. Take the keys from him and go out. There is also a chest next to it - there is your equipment. Go further, in the next room you will see a guard with dogs, get rid of them. There is also a mannequin, try on the clothes of the guard. Now go to the colonel, he will take you for recruits and order you to prepare for patrolling. More soldiers will go with you, who will say that the quartermaster refuses to give out swords. Go to him yourself, and threaten to tell everything to the colonel. He will give swords, give them to the soldiers. When the colonel asks the question "What can't a soldier live without?" you must answer "No discipline, sir." Now go to the exit. If you have the skill of pickpocketing, you can steal a sheet with a passcode from one of the soldiers. If not, go and listen carefully. One of the recruits will tell the security guard - Rabbit. Exit the fort and go to Earl Eamon.

Here you say that you came to save the queen, but women are strange creatures ... she will say that it was you who stole her. We'll have to fight, but Anora will slip away. After you have dealt with the soldiers of Loghain, go to Eamon's mansion and talk to him and the queen there. It is best if you get her to vote for you at the Meeting.

Eamon will say that something incomprehensible is happening in the elven quarter, and you need to understand what's what. Go to the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern, talk to the liberated and get votes in your favor at the Meeting. Now you can go to the elfinage.

Arriving there, it will be immediately clear that the plague is raging here. Talk to Shianni in the main square, she will tell you about the so-called "hospital", which was built by the magicians of the Tevinter empire, and from which no one has yet left alive. Accordingly, you now go there. Find the back door and go inside through it. You must find a letter and money. That's it, there is nothing else to do. At the exit, the owners of the hospital will attack you. After getting rid of them, go back to Shianni and find out that the elves disappear in the landowner's office, located behind the hospital. Let's go there.

Go through the building and exit into the courtyard. There you will meet a group of soldiers, after the conversation, kill them. Go to the warehouse located right there. You will see the elf Dever, who you need to try to convince that she should not fight you. If you still need to use force, clear all the rooms and go into a long narrow corridor. On it you will come to another room, which also needs to be cleaned. Ahead of you awaits the leader of the Tevinter - Caladrius. He will offer a deal - you let him leave with the captives in exchange for compromising material on Loghain. Disagree, choose a battle and kill the guards first. Then focus on Caladrius himself. He would prefer surrender. Now you can scare him, take money, documents and slaves. Do not forget to search the chests, then go outside and talk to Shianni. Having received her thanks, return to Eamon and inform him of the news.

Dragon age origins: Lands Collection walkthrough

Walkthrough "Gathering Lands"

There are several important points in our conversation with Loghain.

Loghain cannot be allowed to tarnish you. In conversation, try to drive him into a dead end as soon as possible. For example, you can ask why he left under Ostagar, mention the Spawn of Darkness. If the outcome is successful, most of the audience will vote for you. Loghain will start to rebel and you will have to calm down his supporters. When Loghain's health level drops to 10-15%, the Head of the Church will propose not to brawl, but to solve the matter with an honest duel. Then you will have a choice - who will go to fight against Loghain? I think you, too, will decide to fight on your own, not relying on companions. I want to warn you that Loghain is a dangerous opponent, he is well equipped. Use all the most powerful spells / hits to deal with it. Don't forget about first aid kits. After defeating him, you will be given a choice - to spare Loghain and force him to join your team, or kill him.

In the event that you decide to spare Loghain and leave Anora on the throne, then Alistair will most likely leave you. In principle, Loghain may well replace him in the role of a tank.

If you do decide to kill him, then you will have several options for dividing the throne:

Alistair kills Loghain, hides Anora in a dungeon and rules alone,

If your main character is a girl, then provided that Alistair's disposition to you is more than 70%, he will rule with you,

If you left Loghain alive, but did not take him to your team, Alistair will rule with Anora. If you were taken to the Gray Wardens, then it will be very difficult to persuade Alistair to marry Anora, for this your Speech skill must be at the maximum level,

If Alistair does not agree to take power into his own hands, Anor will rule alone, this is in case you did not initiate Loghain into the Gray Wardens,

If your character is a man and you have previously discussed everything with Anora, then it is possible that Anora will rule with you. In this case, Alistair can kill Loghain.

Well that's all, it's time to prepare for the final battle. Good luck!

Interesting Facts