Dragon Age Who is better to play. Passage of Dragon Age: Inquisition - useful notes, recommendations and advice. What class best in Dragon Age Inquisition

In large well-worked game projects there is one important feature - a huge number of a wide variety of elements that should be considered when the game passages. Most of them can be described in a pair of paragraphs, so it would not be reasonable to create a separate post for each advice or recommendation. Here I decided to describe all the elements, details and minor moments that can seriously relieve you. passage Dragon Age: Inquisition and make it more fascinating.

Almost any large role-playing game is quite difficult to start. Thoughts in the head begin to be confused - you first think about choosing a race, then immediately go to the class consideration, and after a couple of minutes, interesting ideas for the murder of higher dragons begin to climb, and at this time on the monitor screen still "hanging" with character editor. In general, from such great possibilities, sometimes, hands are lowered, since sometimes you really do not know what exactly start. I hope my advice will help you overcome this minor crisis.

Use the capabilities of Dragon Age Keep
Team BioWare. Launched a special Internet portal for its new project, allowing more detailed to study gaming eventsWhat happened in the first two games of the series, as well as choose, as if you enrolled in certain situations. After that, you can import the created world in Inquisition. This is a very innovative solution, because before that no one has created a similar system yet.
Choose a thorough race
When choosing a race, it is worth relying not only on your own tastes and preferences, but also on distinctive features races That is, if you like to play a robber, it is best to choose an elf, as representatives of this race are perfectly shied away from distant attacks. Kunari have increased resistance to attacks in the near distances, so there are excellent warriors from them. Dwarfs are not terrible magic attacks, as they have a considerable resistance to magic, but at the same time they cannot become magicians. People are issued an additional point of skill, so they are a universal race and an excellent choice for beginners.

Should not also forget that the choice of race will depend relations game characters To the main hero. In the Universe, Dragon Age people are still towering over the rest of the races, the elves do not put anything, the dwarves are practically not noticed, as they are rarely chosen to the surface, and the kunari are considered strangers with incomprehensible many culture and traditions.

Pretty think about the game for the magician
Each class in Dragon Age: Inquisition is interesting in its own way and is very different from another multitude of characteristics. However, magicians still have a peculiar advantage. If you decide to play for the magician, you can experience a global conflict that arose between temples and magicians. This confrontation was shown in almost all the games of the series, and watch him much more interesting, having a direct attitude towards him. In addition, magicians have a great set of spells, thanks to which you can easily change the composition of your party depending on the situation.

Plus, magicians have an interesting specialization that gives the game to the knight-sorcerer, that is, your magician one finely turns into a powerful melee fighter. Something similar was presented in Dragon Age: Origins.

Change the composition of your party
In the first and in the second parts of Dragon Age, most of the time I ran with a party collected at the very beginning of the game. In Inquisition, things are somewhat different. Naturally, I also appeared in the game Pets with whom I would like to spend much more time than with other satellites. However, somehow, going to a non-hazardous region, I decided to change my already consisting of a party and take a couple of "newcomers." As a result, I saw them completely on the other. First, new conversations and dialogues appeared, allowing better to understand the motives and the identity of the characters. Secondly, at higher levels, the battle style they turned out to be more efficient than I considered before. In general, you should not constantly walk with the same heroes - change them when you hike in a non-hazardous location and, possibly, the passage will be even more interesting for you.
Hold proper attention to the editor of the character
The guys from BioWare managed to develop excellent character editorThanks to which you can create a truly unique main character, and not to extend the next "Buratino" and will start into battle immediately. Do not be lazy and pay proper attention. Naturally, it is not necessary to go to the extreme, coming over the editor for all day, trying to create perfection itself.
Do not be afraid to start all over again
Everyone can make a mistake, but not everyone tries to fix it. If, after passing the entry, you realized that the character created is absolutely not suitable for you (I do not like his appearance, class or race), then start the game again. It is better to pass a prologue again than playing more than one hundred hours a character that you do not like.
Do not be lazy to use the search button
The search button will be useful not only for collecting " luTa"The fact is that it is capable of highlighting all important items surrounded, and therefore using it you can easily find things that you need on the task.
Turn off the gloss on the lips in the editor
When creating a character, be sure to turn off the gloss function on the lips. To do this, go to the "Makeup" section and deliver the corresponding indicator to zero. If you do not make it or install a gloss, then the lips of the hero created will be strongly overflowing in the rollers, which personally annoyed me.
Almost free to redistribute the ability of your character only once
Not far from the forge, located in the shelter, you can find a small stall - it is on the right side of the exit. In it you will find an amulet, which makes it possible to redistribute skills from the main character. For the first time you will be taken with only one coin. Thus, you can already change the skills at the very beginning, if some do not like you. However, I advise before doing it to keep the game. This will help you several times to redistribute to find the optimal skill set.
First of all, study the territory of refuge
Very soon after the start of the passage of Dragon Age: Inquisition you will be allowed to go through your new home to the shelter. Formally, you can already go to internal lands, in order to start performing minor tasks, the study of new locations and so on. However, I recommend you to stay for a while in shelter. Be sure to check which quests are available in the "Refuge" section, and try to execute them. This will lead to the emergence of new missiles associated with asylum when you go to internal land. These tasks can be an excellent source of experience at the initial stage of the game.
Knowledge is power!
In Dragon Age: Inqusition is highly informative codexwhere you can find a lot of useful information about the characters, creatures, kingdoms and events of the world Tedas. Be sure to get acquainted with it, especially if you have not played in the first two parts of the series or forgot about what happened in them. It will also be worthwhile to look into the wiki. This will help you quickly get used in the universe and create personal attachment to game world. Pass the game in this case will be much more interesting.
Do not forget to use items for research on appointment
In the shelter in the josephine office, you can find a character who heads various research projects. She takes yellow objects for researchwho are needed to receive additional experience and damage. Therefore, by returning to the fortress, be sure to visit this NPC. You can even write to some sheet or in the smartphone a reminder, as it is very easy to forget about it.
Runes can be replaced
Runes are incredibly useful supplements for equipment. In most weapons, it is possible to establish only one rune, adding a unique type of damage to it (cold, spirit, electricity, and so on). Rune is used only once, That is, by setting it into weapons, you will not be able to remove the rune back. But it can be replaced by a stronger manual.
Bianca improvements are sold in the market
Bianca is the Crunger Gnome Crunger. Fortunately or, unfortunately, it is the main weapon for this character, so it should be constantly improved, because otherwise the effect of the crossbow decreases sharply. By the way, the chief fedender in the refuge will give you one way of every improvement for Bianchi completely free. After that, you can go to the forge and put these improvements on the crossbow. This procedure can be excellent mini-learning in improving its own arms.
Perform any available operations.
Inquisitor satellites can at once do three operations at once. As soon as the operation is executed, you will immediately get the appropriate message. You can easily forget about this and continue the game. So try immediately return To the military table, in order to join their comrades in new operations.

Some of the operation can go for quite a long time, as the game takes into account real time. Therefore, on the night, leave your advisers to perform the longest of them. It is not necessary that the game is enabled - the missions continue to be performed and when the Inquisition is turned off.

Take care of the helmets
In the game you can enable or disable the display of the helmet on the character. This means that formally, the hero will wear a helmet and receive all the advantages of his wearing, but at the same time it will become completely invisible in the cat-scenes of the game. This feature is very useful, because many want to see the face of the character, whose creation some could spend a couple of hours.
Do not forget to visit your base from time to time
Explore new regions and perform missions - this is, of course, well, however, do not forget to visit your base from time to time. There is a huge number of things you can only do in Skyhold and who are capable of helping you on the battlefield. Therefore, after performing some quest or completing the goal, think about whether it is worth returning to the fortress now to rate the situation and plan further actions.
Do not weapon and armor
Most good weapons You will most likely find on the corpses of the killed enemies or in the chests. I do not argue that this is applied for everyone, since no one has canceled random. However, for me, the creation of weapons was not very profitable, so I switched to armor. In addition, when I started hunting for dragons, I had a lot of valuable items from which excellent armor turned out.
Develop improvements for your equipment
Good improvements for equipment in the external lands almost never came across, so I recommend create them on their own. Such add-ons can save you life or help defeat a particularly strong enemy. For this reason, it is not worth throwing the creation of improvements in a long box, and better deal with this as early as possible.
Constantly communicate with your companions
It is sometimes incredibly fun to fight around the district, but you should not forget that we have a role-playing project from BioWare, in which conversations with their companions are encouraged. The developers tried to fame - each satellite turned out to be unique, and to talk with many of them no less exciting than handing out the tumaki to the left and right. With the right conversation you can open various quests And additional abilities in comrades in arms, and with some even start a novel.
Check out the outlets in Orlesian cities
In the first half of the game in the plot you have to go to the big city, located in Orleai. There are activities of the best Dragon Age merchants: Inquisition. For example, in this city you can find a merchant who practically sells clean rheuen stones in this city.
Take everything that is not screwed to the floor
Be sure to select things that fell out of enemies or lying in the chests. Even if you got a "trash", it will still be possible to sell it, and the deckures of our Inquisitor are very necessary. In addition, it is often possible to detect quite the valuable materials necessary for the crafting of powerful weapons or durable armor.
Listen to the bard in the tavern
In the shelter's tavern, you can find a wonderful girl-bard, which can sing for you several different songs. You can significantly expand her repertoire, gathering words from other songs for her. It affects a lot to the plot, but it raises the atmospheric of the game.
Do not leave your comrades without control in the battle
The normal level of complexity allows you to focus all your attention only on the main hero, allowing the rest of the party to act independently. However, in some battles, for example, with higher Dragons, without additional control of satellites is better do not leaveSince only you can put the characters correctly, draw up competent tactics and deviate well from flying shells. In addition, managing his companions, you will learn what it is like to play by other classes in this RPG. endo when walking on wild lands Your hero or satellites can drop the phrase like "look good around". It means that there is some secret object next to you. You can find it using the search button. In addition, such areas are usually highlighted on the mini card. However, they are easy to miss, so always listen to what your arms comrades tell you, because there may be excellent armor or useful materials in the nearest bushes.
Do not overestimate your capabilities
Each zone has a recommended level range. Therefore, if you decide to go to the region for high-level characters in a low-level hero, then you will most likely have to endure with your legs forward. But it is also not worthwhile to wander around low-level locations, otherwise certain moment You will simply develop unexplored zones, and it will take them much more boring, because the items found there will not correspond to your parameters, and the monsters will not be able to oppose anything.
Look for Astrarium
Astrarium - These are mysterious devices created during the true power of the empire, the TEVENTIR and scattered throughout the Tedas. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player can find the Astrarium to get in the award pentagonal chests.

The task on the Astrarium is issued in almost every more or less large location in the game. To do this, find the Astrarium on the map, which is indicated special icon: four-pointed star in a circle. Most of the Astrarium are located on the hills, so you try to find a trail leading to the top of the hill near the hills.

After activating the Astrarium on the screen of your monitor, the menu will open with the constellation. Your goal will be to enter connection All stars as indicated in the figure in the lower right corner, and it is prohibited for each line to pass more than once.

Some constellations can cause you difficulties, but if you know exactly how the system works, it will open them much easier. The main thing is to find stars in it, where it converges odd number lines. When they are detected, it should be started with one of them, and end with the other, otherwise the task is not solved.

However, in a number of constellations such stars can do not turn out. Then you can start a solution to a puzzle from any star, but you will have to finish your way. Sometimes constellations come across unnecessary stars, that is, to them at all not necessary Lines. In order not to get caught on the trick carefully read the scheme below the screen below. After all lines, click on the "Finish" button, located on the left and then you will open the true appearance of the constellation.

After activating its first Astrarium, you will immediately be issued a quest for the search for other constellations. All of them will be marked on the map. To complete this task, you will have to activate them all. The last of the Astrarium will indicate the approximate location of the cave, where you will be waiting for the work reward. Exactly the place is not marked, and therefore you most likely have to carefully examine the location. Entrance to the cave is usually hidden among trees or small hills. Inside there may be different opponents: ranging from gigantic spiders and ending with nasty alive dead. Here you will find pentagonal chestswhere rare equipment is stored.

Total in Dragon Age: Inquisition is represented fifteen astrariums - three for each of five game levels: Rhind, storm coast, inner lands, emerald graves and the western limit. For the activation of all constellations, you will be given the achievement of "starvature".

Hurry - people rush
Do not hurry and make reckless solutions. Plan your subsequent step carefully and put a few targets in front of you. You do not need to hide in the plot of the steam locomotive, otherwise, miss a lot of interesting things prepared for you by developers. In addition, in this case, you will not be able to bother the world and personally feel all the adversity, joy and loss of the Inquisitor. Try to also explore new zones in which you can meet a lot of interesting characters and perform a couple of exciting quests. Some side tasks In terms of passion and unexpected turns are practically not inferior to the main story branch.
In complex battles, use tactical mode
Most of the battles at the middle level of difficulty will not be particular problems for you. But in some battles still have to be pretty sweat. Easy serious battle is capable tactical modeWith which you can assess the situation and plan your further actions. Therefore, they should not be neglected.
This is not a flight! This is a tactical retreat!
Anything can occur in the game, including hitting a situation in which it is impossible to win. In this case, it can not be much wiser to die along with your comrades on the battlefield, and try to escape, group your strength and join the battle. Remember, this is not a flight, but just a tactical retreat, so it is not necessary to edit yourself for such actions.
Before replenishing the potions, drink the remaining in the inventory
Quite often, when passing tasks, you will notice boxes with elixirs on Earth. They are very useful, since the potions are one of the most effective ways of treating the hero during battles. But before you replenish your reserves, let your companions have to drink all the elixirs that remain their satellites. This will fill their health scale and maximizes the total number of points of life before you take new potions.
Keep satellites related to different classes
There are many closed locations in the tedas, which can be obtained in several ways. For example, locked doors can open robbers, fragile walls are capable of breaking only warriors, and remove magical barriers - only magicians. Therefore, I recommend to keep in my batch as a different command as possible.
Conquer mountain peaks
Finally in the game from Bioare the main character can jump. Now fences and falling trees for you no obstacle. Moreover, if you wish, you can even climb to the top of the nearby mountain. The main thing is not to give up when scolding and continue to jump towards a dream. When you get to the very top, the members of your party will automatically be transferred to you.
In the later stages of the game you can skip ordinary gear
Closer to the end to pick up simple equipment will become a disadvantage, as they will be purchased in stores, but they will take a useful place in your inventory. Collect only purple and blue items.

On this I, perhaps, finish. If you have too useful adviceYou can write them in the comments to the post.

Start the game, and the more so large and long-awaited, always not easy. And now you are sitting at the table and you think - what to choose a class? What race? How to collect a team who takes anyone? What to buy from merchants, find, or do it yourself? Well, finally, how to recruit such an right experience as soon as possible?
In this sense Dragon Age.: Inquisition is no different from any other game. Yes, she is huge, she, apparently, is good, but ... From the very beginning, there are so many that all this avalanche can paralyze, and now you notice that you have passed several hours, and you are sitting and watching On the screen, even without creating a sense of the character.

We will try to collect together different advice to beginner players and offer you the first part of a small manual, written by tears of players on keyboards and gamepads for those who do not know where to start. Spoilers in the first part will be the minimum quantity, as the author who collected these grains of truth in the grains itself, he didn't reach the game itself (due to the way, it was the stupor on the topic "where to start", after which it arose Thought about this manual.) Well, ready? Go!

Do not neglect Laura

And you knew where the name "Tedas" came from? Word Thedas. It was a working term and meant it was a reduction from " TH.e. D.ragon. A.gE. S.etting. " So here. If you do not know who Empress Selina, and what kind of relationship with Gaspar, do not know why the cheval is worn by a mustache, do not understand where the apostates come from and do not surprise, seeing the fence without escorting faithful Mabari ... then if you We are sure that you just played in the first two games of the series, you can look into the section "", and in the knowledge of your inquisitor there will be no single space. Hope to save him from many terrible situations, like those in which Shepard got, if you start playing in Mass Effect. immediately from the second part. (You remember this awkward moment when completely unfamiliar people are suitable for you, or not people, and begin to clap on the back and call the hero.)

Take a look at Dragon Age Keep

If you still played in the first two parts, and you have saves - you are lucky. But if you belong to those crawling, which prohappgried their cars specifically in prison exit new game, And the saves to move forgotten ... Then the BioWare specially for you came up with Dragon Age Keep. This site will spend you straight through the events of the first two games, providing the opportunity to make the choice that you did four and two years ago, or pretend that they were not you, and imperceptibly change the decision. After that you can import a ready-made world, with all the consequences of your solutions straight into a new game.

Choose any race

Races in the "Inquisition" differ only to how others include. To people, the attitude of more or less neutral, elves degrade everything except the elves themselves, the gnomes cannot use magic, and the kunari are simply alone and incomprehensible. But note that each race has one bonus, which is best suited to a specific selected role. In the Hermit Elf, it is harder to get from the distance, which makes it a good archer, the kunari, on the contrary, have a bonus to hand-to-hand combat, so that of them will have excellent warriors, gnomes, of course, have high resistance to magic, and a person gets one bonus point of abilities And is, therefore, relatively universal. But otherwise - the choice is entirely and completely yours.

At least once play the magician

No, no, no one is going to impose the style of the game, and if you are used to being chammed in heavy warriors or a communion, able to shut up for the Belt of Warric with Zevran, you will not lose anything. Nearly. Because, nevertheless, the magician will be more involved in one of the central conflicts of the whole world of Dragon Age (magicians against the Tempers.) Well, in addition, there are many spells, they are funny, and, apparently, in the way you will come across more. Intelligent soldiers than sensible magicians. So the magician you will need in any way. Well, something I heard somewhere about some very interesting specialization just for the magician, but until we will not get ahead.

Do not take the time to create a character

Here and there they say that the editor of the characters in the "Inquisition" - sucks, and that all the inquisitors go out as freaks, so such that those heroes that we created in Vanilla "Oblivion" will be easily dragged from on any beauty contest. I do not know. Probably, these people simply lazy to work hard or did not show any curiosity in terms of - what else can the editor? Do not spare time, screw the lever. I would like to be, perhaps a little more hairstyles, and the ability to increase tits edit and the body of my inquisite, but in general - there are no complaints.

Feel free to start first

Come on. We are all starting again. Show me a hardcore fan of BioWare games that, losing the introductory part, would not solve that "for nothing will pass the whole game with this chuck." We have ahead long gameSo if something did not like it - rework. My first inquisitor was terribly similar to the Shepard Commander - and immediately on John and Jane. I thought I could, but a couple of cat-scenes - and I still had to go back to the beginning. "This is just a couple of hours from one and a half hundred, that I will spend behind the game," - I thought. (This is at my pace, they say, you can put in 80.) And the mood has become completely different, and the attitude towards the game too.

Remove the "lip gloss"

Maybe subsequently, this bug fix, but kind people It is said that if the gloss lever for the lips to leave at least 1 percent, then in the cat-scenes the lips will be blocked by all the colors of the rainbow.

Do not forget that the helmets are disconnected

As in other Games Bioware, and not only, the Hero helmet can be disabled. That is, technically your character will still wear it and get all the necessary bonuses, but in the game and cat-scenes the character will be without a helmet, which is very nice if you, for example, are going to make screenshots, and just from aesthetic point of view. (This, of course, if you did not neglect the editor of the characters.)

Characteristics can be redistributed

Kuznetsov in the shelter you will find a shopping tent - in the forefront of the corner, how to come. The amulet is sold there, with which you can redistribute your characteristics. The first such amulet is one golden coinSo if you immediately didn't like something in your characteristics, you can change them (archer to the kinzhalser, or one-handed to two-handed, for example.) But still advise you to preserve such a serious matter and test changes in battle. And then you never know what, then you have to spend money on Remap.

Redistribute the characteristics at the later stages of the game.

After some time you will understand that some abilities did not use you, and then the time will come for a real redistribution of characteristics! Although, on the other hand, every subsequent redistribution costs 345 coins, you can afford yourself.

Light in the shelter

Wise players from foreign sites advise first to get used in shelter. This is our home, our base, and although technically you can immediately go to the inner lands (which I personally did it.) But, apparently, it makes sense to return back, see the log entries and see which quests are worth performing "at home" before than to move on. Thus, you will earn a couple of top three, and you will look more readier in battle.

Return home more often

Although the temptation to escape unknown to explore the world great, still makes sense, especially, again, in the early stages, it is more often to return to the shelter. There are always at home something to do, and the most attractive thing in all this is that your homework significantly facilitates your field life. Completed a few quests in the fields - do not be lazy to reach asylum and see how things are there. Sure to appear something new.

V - So ... Things!

Push the studies button more often - by default on the PC, this option is in the letter V. Everything can not be found at once, and the developers have come up with a button that highlights what we are interested. Helps, really. Especially when the circle of mini-card begins to highlight, pressing V, you will see the road to hide

Do not forget about research

Right in the office (although it is better to say, in the chambers) Josephine you will find a researcher who should hand out all the "yellow items" that you find in your travels. Studies give you experience, and also increase damage against the things you have learned, so it is not worth neglected by this. Try to write down somewhere on your feeder: Conduct research every time you are at home. Such things are very easy to forget.

Let's task advisors

In the boardroom, you can simultaneously carry up to three operations - one for each adviser. Upon completion of the operation, you will receive a notice, but the temptation to ignore it and continue the research of the world is very large. So, do not do so. Try to visit advisers as often as possible and watch them all have been busy.

Spend long operations at night

Your advisers work in real time, and do not sleep even when you are not in the game. Therefore, logically longer operations are assigned to the time when you sleep. You sleep, yes?

On this, the tips on the first time end, and I go to the game for a new portion. If you notice something that will be interesting to include in the second and, if the tips are many, the third part of our manual - write directly in the subject! And if you have not bought the game, then do not miss your chance - it is still for sale

Selection of tips for passing dragon games Age: Inquisition with secrets, video games, tricks Dragon Age: Inquisition.

How to pump out in the game Dragon Age: Inquisition

The pumping system is not much different from other similar projects in the RPG genre. Your actions are a source of experience in the game. Constantly, collecting herbs, closing a spill, etc., you will receive experience.

With each new level, your character will increase its basic characteristics. Skills glasses are included here, with which you can open new skills and talents.

With the level of level, you are performing quests that were previously closed, or destroy the most dangerous enemies. By the way, all the same before the start of the task, you should always look at the level specified in the recommendations.

The main thing is to remember that pumping your hero is not the most grateful occupation in the world, because it is necessary to do it for a long time and stubbornly. Let's figure it out more.

Remember the fault

At the beginning of the game, if you remember, the shadow faults were shown, and you are the only one who can close them. So in the world they need to be found everywhere. For the closure of faults, you will receive experience points, but the number of these glasses depends on the location in which the rift is located. On average, the number of points varies from hundreds to thousands.

Do not be afraid and kill opponents to the level above you

There is one of complex options Get your experience, but get a lot. Try yourself in battle with opponents level higher than you. If we overpower the enemy with a high level, then you will get more experience. The main thing is not too self-confident, but to prepare well - buy equipment, potion and only then enter the battle.

Dragons will also give experience

In Dragon. Age Inquisition It is clear from the name that there should be dragons, so in the game there are only 10 games. Escape and save, because the dragons are the most dangerous enemies. A cool gear drops from the dragon, in addition, of course, a lot of experience, and the whole group.

Fortress and capture

The fortresses will always be on the protection of opponents, but they will all be mainly high. But you remember that a high level is an opportunity to get a lot of experience. Find on the locations of the fortress that you approach the level and forces only look at those that are a bit above you.

Remember to study the world

It's all about time and so in everything. The more you invest your time in the game more game Provide you in response, so people free from work will know all the chips of the game. The Order of the Inquisition proposes to collect herbs and hunting - it seems that there are minor classes, but for them you will get a good share of experience. Remember that the Games of the RPG genre are always packed by a lot of secrets, documents, treasures, etc. Therefore, do not be lazy to explore MR carefully.

Let us know the secret that will help you get experience from reading documents. Josephine has a member of your order, there is an inquisition skill, which allows you to receive experience from documents. Use this if you want to explore the world more.

Quests and tasks

Finally, I will say that naturally, the most clear way of pumping is the fulfillment of basic and minor quests. There are cases that you can't play scene companyIf not enough advanced by level. For this exist side Quests, only pay attention to the inner circle.

How to get a specialty

Remember that classes in the game three, and they are all classic - magician, warrior, robber. But each of these classes can improve their abilities. For this there is a specialization that will help you strengthen your character. In front of you will be interesting elections - playing for the robber, you can either beat the enemy from the back, or from afar.

The next time, when you again in Skayhold, then try to call the coaches - there must be 3. The main thing is to complete the quest "specializations for the Inquisitor operation."

All three coaches will offer you special tasks, for completing which you can choose a specialization. But remember that of the three you will choose only one specialization.

If you have problems with quests, then try to ask Vivienne.

Robber / Rogue.

Mechanic specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must task the three-chapter. To complete the task you need to gather various subjects, among which are obsidian and tools. The spikes can be found in the canyon, the passage of Nazayir or on the old prison road. Scriptures will be able to find in the things of Warric or in the merchant books in Val Ruayo.

Specialization implies the installation of you traps, blood allowing and applying a large damage.

Killer Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must task Heyra. Tokens you must find in the Rattle of Eastern Hills or on the plain. Scriptures Find from Cool in things or a merchant to Val Ruayo.

Specialization implies a huge damage with a decrease in recharging abilities if you apply a critical strike.

Storm Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must task the kim. Essences Find in the river length or in the thunderstorm fortress on the thunderstorm coast. Scriptures find in the things of sulfur or at the merchant to Val Ruayo.

Specialization involves using bottles with fire, cold, etc., which act on the radius.

Warrior / Warrior.

Vityaz Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must task the Lord Cancer. Find the champions in the grove of Gilanayna, Hail'Sulan and alone shore. Scriptures Find in the things of Blackwall or from a merchant to Val Ruayo.

Specialization implies the use of protection by radius, a strong physique and bonuses to recharge skills.

Specialization of the Ripper in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must task the tram. Find tokens in the hills of the Eastern side or on the plains, or in Rattle. Scriptures will find in the things of the Iron Bull or at the merchant to the village of Ruaya.

Specialization implies the applying of a large damage in the coefficient of missing health. Looks like a berserka.

Temperature Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must task sulfur. The remains of the temples will find in the witch forest, on the western road or in the Chayna Valley, which is on inland lands. Scriptures in the things of Cassandra or the merchant in the village of Ruayo.

Specialization implies the burning of the opponent's mana and various bonuses for attacks and health.

Mago / Mage.

Specialization Knight-Correce in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must perform the task of the Helayn commander. Essence will be found in granite point, crying spiers and in the old pass.

Scriptures will find in the things Vivienne or the merchant in the village of Ruaya.

Specialization implies charge accumulation and additional damage is applied to shields.

Specialization of necromancer in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must perform the task of Vius Anaksas. The skull of the Dead will find in a small grove and a thunderstorm coast, also on the site of the apostate. Scriptures in the things of Dorian or the merchant Val Ruaio.

Specialization implies control. Uses stupor and nightmares to slow down opponents.

Specialization Maga Fault in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must perform the task of the remaining coach. Three volumes will be found in Gilena's grove, on the shore of loneliness and in Khalin'sulan. Scriptures in Solax things or a merchant in the village of Ruayo.

Specialization implies powerful hits on the area and additional critical strikes.

Video and secrets

Hidden Cave (Secret) in the game Dragon Age: Inquisition

Hyde for the equipment of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition


Whoever spoke to, but - almost completely linear role-playing game with corridor locations, so it will be very difficult to get lost here. Consequently, questions related to "I do not know where to go" disappear by themselves. The same can be said about dialogues. Conversations in the game more for a tick and a real load on the plot are carried only in rare cases. Developers scattered, finally converting this RPG towards the adventure-action, well, oh well.

With the choice of character, there are also no problems and can not be. No matter how hard you try, you will be offered several classes of absolutely typical heroes, which differ only external species. Even if you wish to initially develop the hero aside, say, two-handed swords, or onions, it's all the same in the early stages of the game you will come to find a one-handed and two-handed and firing and other weapons. So try to block your character can be directly in the game.

It is quite another thing with the transfer of preservations from the previous parts. This feature, as such, no. Instead of traditional transfer in BioWare, a little bitten with a tambourine and offered us Dragon Age Keeper: the service on the transfer of your completed plot. At the end of the game, when the results are sweeping, all your past merits and acts will be covered.

The main character will have to close the green portals. The more you will close them, the more influence points you can get. Influence points are a key resource, without which you will not be able to advance through the plot. It is noteworthy that the mandatory closure of the portal pair is waiting for us only at an early stage of the game. The further we move on history, the less the developers will bring us and poke the nose in the portals. Everything will have to find yourself.

As for the karma of the character, this indicator is not critical for passage. You can go through the good and completely evil hero. At the same time, your allies will not be angry and will not leave you, weakening the group. At the very least, the author of this material is displaced in a similar manner of arms comrades and failed. Instead, the characters around you will show the reaction to your actions and your words. From that, approve your actions or do not approve, the moral scale depends. Honestly, the indicator of this scale on the plot, if it has, is absolutely insignificant influence, so how is it, when you consider it necessary and not under anyone, you will not fit, you will get away with your hands.

Approximately the same situation and sentencing. We remind you that you are an inquisitor, designed to save the world. And, periodically, while you run in the rank of the Savior of the world, collect herbs on behalf of some village pharmacist, you will be given different defendants. Their fate depends on you. You can exercise cruelty, or you can, on the contrary, be the riding humanism: no consequences will be raised, so you can judge the conscience.

Initially, we mentioned that locations in the game corridor. Not only the locations are corridor, but the world itself is closed. We only give the illusion of freedom movement, but this is just an illusion. You will not be allowed to run, where it will take into my head, it's not The Elder. Scrolls, however, there are open spaces and will have to move. Therefore, as soon as you have the opportunity to get a horse, be sure to do it. With a horse, the case will move significantly in beyrea.

Now, since we touched the world and the environment should be told about what. Developers more than once and not two told that the game would turn out to go no less than 70-100 hours. Naturally, gamers are appreciated by those games in which you can play longer, plenty of adventure. However, that some tricky citizen does not pass the game in a couple of hours in her introduced glasses of influence, which was previously said. Without these glasses, you will not be able to make it further on the plot. And so it turned out that, then the influence that you earn in the process of passing the main scene lineYou will not have enough. Consequently, you will have to run around the fields and springtimes, in order to harm in the most ungrateful and dirty work. Simply puts: perform primitive quests, not at all suitable for your status of the chapter of the Inquisition, and Grint, Grint, Grint.

Behind this occupation, you just have to run on all the banks of the Tedas. Locations in the game are divided into corridor-scene and spacious. Here at these very umbrelors you will need to walk from the label to the label, take and complete the tasks. This maneuver in BioWare was killed by another hare: you will have to search for adventures that enlist the effects of influence, get to want in such deaf places in which you would not get closed in life without need. There will be many surprises. So, traveling through the tedas does not need to always go on the road. Go to the nearest bushes and go along with winding, outgrown paths.

You still have to periodically go to the headquarters of the Inquisition. This is a fairly useful place, first of all because of the possibility of distributing the instructions to your subordinate. You do not remove a lot of benefit from this, but it will not be worse. After a while, depending on the complexity of the task, the subordinates will work. The secret is that to speed up this process, you can translate the clock on your computer. Save the game, came out, transferred time, went, and all your instructions have already been completed. Saving time and strength.

Well, most importantly in Dragon Age: Inquisition - Fights. Humanitarian skills here play the minimum role, however, as in two previous parts. The main thing is to learn to fight, and in particular, learn how to manage a combat team. One of the main skills is the ability to dispose of the benefits that the tactical pause gives you. A pause can be taken, both before the fight and already in the process of the fight. And if at first such an opportunity may seem unnecessary, unnecessary, then later, when the enemy will go stronger, without the tactical pause it will be very bad. Using a pause allows you to see weak sides Your enemies. Take a pause and distribute roles. Let each hero will do what he knows how to: The archer shoots from afar, the tank takes on the damage and causes sensitive blows, and the magician casts the spell.

By the way, about spells. In Dragon Age: Inquisition There are no attending spells. This is, in his own kind, a unique situation, when in Roller Fantasy, where magicians are present in excess, can be treated exclusively in potions. This innovation was dictated by the need to make the game more difficult, and the battles are more dangerous. Now the price of each error increases at times, and the magicians do not become indispensable.

Now on opponents. In principle, big problems with addiction to the behavior of enemy mobs will not have. Everything is pretty trite, especially since teammates are not a burden, but help in battles quite actively, sometimes at all taking the initiative on themselves. The exception in this regard is the battles with bosses. Bosses in Dragon Age: Inquisition is a separate song. main feature All bosses are that it is not recommended to approach them close or at all. At the same time, bosses are divided into two parts: those that can still approach and solve their tasks, and those that are completely impossible to approach. In this light, the heroes of the warriors with cold weapons of melee, who show themselves in battle, especially when enemies are great, they surround, and the surrounding sceners are ralling and do not allow maneuvering. There, armor and the sword will play an excellent service, but remontorenits are more coming against the bosses.

As examples, let's give three typical bosses: a pride demon, a giant, whismering stones and dragon.
Demon Pride - the very first boss. It swings greatly with his hands and hits electric whip, so it is not recommended close to him, especially since it is completely invulnerable to shock. At least until you begin to destroy the result: a green glowing ball. From it you need to pump out energy. At the same time, your rest of the team should not so much beat the boss, how much to distract while you suck energy from the ball. Slightly weakening a spill, you will deprive the boss of inviolability. Then you need to approach close and beat it with all the superatars, which there are. After he leaves half of his lives, he will begin to call for a face. Here you need to disperse on the sides again, give the team an indication of destroying the attended assistance, while the main character will rely on the spill. After the demon remains a quarter of life, it will be available for any blows. Consequently, it is again needed to surround and enter into a nearby battle.

It is quite another thing - a giant rushed by stones. The giant is pretty still and it is really better to kill at a distance, but it is quite useful to run away from the back and apply a few shots on the ankles. The giant will turn the long time, but when it turns out, be prepared for that he will pick up a stone from Earth and throw it in you. Throws stones he is very taller. To avoid hitting, you need to run from all my legs, while switching to that hero, in which the throw is planned. In general, Giant is the boss that can be defeated in the near battle and shelling from a safe distance, but you need to be prepared for the fact that your safe distance is not so secure.

Well, and a dragon, which sinks with ice breathing, uniquely needs to be killed only by remote attacks. If you attack him from behind, you will not have time to make a pair of blows, as he wilges the tail, and you fly to good three meters. It's even more difficult to attack him, because the dragon is a dragon, although not a fire, but it will not seem to you. The dragon is the boss that you need to install from afar, while you still have to hide behind obstacles that will collapse one after one, so if you tighten the battle, then risks greatly complicate the situation.

Well, finally, some tips.

Be sure to distribute your assistants to the task headquarters. Recreation assistant is useless.

Be sure to collect resources starting from plants and ending with metals. Closer to the middle of the game, all this is very useful for you.

In Dragon Age: Inquisition The world is not very interactive. There are often villages, where they are not talking to anyone with whom, but if you have found the NPC talking, then do not lag behind it until you pull out everything you can.

Be sure to break the camps. There are quick movements between camps. One thing will save you a lot of time.
Be sure to pump up the castles. In the home-grown localization, this skill is called skillful hands.

Be sure to supply your magician three stamps: red, blue and purple. With their help, he will be able to break up the magic barriers that there will be a lot of interesting things. Barriers will be different colors. Selecting the Sources to the Barriers by the type "Stone, Scissors, Paper" you will significantly expand your own capabilities.

That's all. We hope that our modest guide by Dragon Age: Inquisition will help you in hard wanders on the Tedas.

IN Inquisition BioWare gathered everything that he learned during the years, and moved on. Here, the studio first experiments with large scale and open world - with Tolkovo, and not as with skiing on Mako in the first . However, this is not so important, as it may seem. IN Inquisition The prescribed universe and characters are still dominant, and open world It has little value.

You will never be better than the Inquisitor

Dragon Age 2. surprised by a very not characteristic of BioWare history about local conflict, racism and intolerance, but Inquisition Returns to where the series began. Here again there are all and all saving infusoria-Shepard and an ancient terrible evil - this time in the form of rumor demons of spatial faults opening around the world.

The closure of faults is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to earn an effect. Most often it is done by going while we walk and glazing on the sides. But if you do this purposefully - rot with longing.

And, unlike previous games of the series, here you almost immediately recognize the last hope of humanity. The hero wears an ominous label on the palm and does not remember where it came from, but only with its help you can turn the faults. And therefore, the people believed in his glory and proclaimed the phewers of Andrasthe. Now, under his beginning, a new inquisition is collected, and a new campaign on the salvation of the world begins. As usual, it begins with the search for allies.

From this point on, and then the divanctural pathos of the main fabul in a typical manner typical for Bioare is diluted with small parts, shades and even household sketches from the life of the Inquisitor. Scriptwriters gently prescribe characters and images and make a tedax with its cliffs, villages, luxurious castles and mannered French (that is, with orlers) in masks alive and plausible. The main thing is to look carefully and listen, otherwise you will miss it all.

Friends of the Inquisitor

The story would be incomplete, do not be at the inquisitor of satellites. For each of them, a large-scale writing work is visible: conversations with them do not just reveal their character, they complement the picture of the world, which is not so far from the same forgotten kingdoms. Zai, but the intelligent Elf Solas will tell you that he has been aware of the shadows and a complex spiritual organization of spirits, and from Dorian's souse, you will learn everything that you wanted to learn about the villain (although in fact no more villainous than everyone else) Empire Tevinter - Up to the device of its church and the tops of power.

Some attracts with eccentric behavior: with the robber Sara, for example, you get acquainted in the battle of the battle with the squad of the guards without pants. She stole them. What for? "Well, cool, guards without pants!" She seems to be completely knotted, although in fact she just says what he thinks.

Iron Bull - Head of the Mercenarial Council and the Kunari Spy. Over time, it becomes his own in the board and introduces the Inquisitor with simple soldiers. Experience is pre-latter.

Coula does not get to understand, he is spirit or a person. Almost always goes with such an expression of the face. "Do not pay attention to the ass in the sky, the sunshine" - and then in the text. Sir's replicas force translators to balancing on the verge, sometimes standing barely for her.

As usual B. Dragon Age., the attitude of the partners to your actions ("Warrick approves") replaces the familiar scale of "morality". Solutions here are not divided into good and evil, everything is much more difficult. A couple of times Inquisition I managed to drive us into a stupor. For example, how to do it better: to leave alive who alive would bring more benefits, or to whom do we experience warm feelings from the time of the second part? Both options to some extent correct, but which one is more correct - we do not have the slightest presentation.

However, often choosing an answer options, you only specify the tone of the conversation. About the really significant choice you are notified in advance, and it happens much less frequently than I would like. A truly large-scale reaction to your actions you will feel when you choose between the magicians and temples somewhere in the first third of the game, and again at the very end.

The rest will be remembered only in the final roller, where the alignment in the world after your actions. Inquisition remembers everything - including what was in previous games series. Only here not to all the main plot gives a significant response.

Instead of direct import of saving BioWare made the Dragon Age Keep service. There you can view the synopsis of the events of the first two parts and remember which choice your heroes did. There is also a pretty text line from the creators.

One of the phenomena associated with our past adventures. King Alister, whole and satisfied with life, - according to the results Origins. He survived and did not sleep. From time to time, the Inquisitor customize people to court. What happens from our sentences, however, is really not told.

Inquisitor for walking

InquisitionUnlike the second part, seeks to create an impression of scale, inspire you, as if you were in the very center of something great and again decide the fate of the whole planet. And the ability to quit everything and just take a walk through the kilometers of forests, swamps and deserts strengthens the feeling of significance with the fact of availability. So he, Tedas, for which you answer.

One problem - open locations here are almost doried from context. The overwhelming majority of important events for the narrative event occurs on small modified levels, and in a purely field we walk just to accumulate experiences before the next storyline. Open territories are huge and amazingly beautiful, but it does not occur pathologically - only you run from side to side, find materials to create items, cover faults and perform dilute postal-collective quests. "Hello, I am the head of the Inquisition, and Selyan just asked me to get ten pieces of meat, because no one can do this in addition to me."

One more step, and from the cliff on the horizon flies a huge dragon, next to which dragons are ridiculous birds. Such meetings in the open world rarely happen, but they produce a pretty impression and make them run into full support. Until pore

Without a horse B. open locations No - too large spaces. So do not miss one of the quests in the first large location. Settlements In open locations, there are rarely, and there is almost nothing interesting. Sometimes the townspeople discuss the latest events, but only.

However, the inquisitor to face humility - and you will have to do this. To open up new locations and advance further along the plot, you need "influence glasses", and to earn them, you must perform side quests. And do it - not because you want, but because it is necessary. Corruption over the map of the area, looking for marks, run from the marker to the marker, cry, outer, but do not stop.

And then whether from boredom, whether from hopelessness start to wander in his headquarters. Finally, talk with all the partners and pay the time to their troubles, read the texts, listen to the songs in Taverns, open new locations and look around. And through all these little things gradually fold the picture of the universe. Find actually all that were good previous Dragon Age.- peace and history.

It turns out wild: instead of carefully hint, where the most important thing is Inquisition Earls in front of you a deaf wall. In trying to bypass it with the smallest losses, you find everything yourself - the strict need to save the points of influence makes you turn out of the way and look for what you would not find in my life, going straight dear.

This is clearly not the most elegant way that it was possible to arrange an open world: monotonous orders and the search for any small things here is strictly in order to locate somethingand that something In most cases, it is easy to neglect.

While you are in the headquarters of the Inquisition, you can distribute tasks advisors that will automatically be performed after a few minutes of real-time. You will not get anything particularly valuable from there, but if you really want to, the system can be deceived, twisting the clock.

Inquisitor kills

In the first two parts, bouts also happened: remember the dwarf tunnels from ORZAMMAR from Origins. or repeating bands of obstacles with reviving opponents from Dragon Age 2.. IN Inquisition All monotonous classes have dated voluntarily comprehensive open locations, but each plot jerk is an extended, balanced, rich hike in length per hour or two.

None of the missions (except, perhaps, Kutya Final) can not be called too long, nor too short: total - battles, dialogues and searches - in them as much as you need. The catch can begin a boring pretext in the spirit "We have to take the storming fortress such something", but almost always to her middle of the event change drainly, and what you could not expect.

Always everything, however, comes down to fights, and here very by the way, that after Dragon Age 2. combat system Digitically looked. The essence remains the same: you are vigorously fighting in real time or pervad the tactical pause and calmly attach further actions. But in DA2, the planning mode was tangible cut, and now it was pulled up almost to the level Origins.. Inquisition is very pleased to play, combining both modes: in real time you feel the contamination to the bones, but at the same time you can always, without breaking, inspect the battlefield on top and coolly think over the tactics. One problem - somehow tactical mode to pain is crookedly controlled from the keyboard and mouse. It seems that, instead of human adaptation, the developers simply forced the keyboard to emulate the gamepad.

But otherwise everything is wonderful. Putting the battle by pause, you distribute orders - say, ask the "Tank" of Blackwall to turn the shield to the Passage, Doriana - to wrap a fire storm to the avant-garde, and send your inquisitor-robber to the rear, cut the archers and magicians - and then, if something goes Not so, again one button stop the time and adjust the instructions.

In tactful mode, you see all weaknesses and advantages of opponents. At more or less high levels of difficulty without this in any way.

The skills have become smaller, but everyone has an unambiguous scope. Each attack, each skill is of great importance and felt fit. Instead of repeating once again, the same order of activation of skills, you pay more time to competent positioning and timing. Especially positioning - that is, attacks from the flanks, the catch of archers and magicians, bypassing fighters with shields that can take on all damage, intended for some of the rear rows.

And the elimination of attending spells, as practice has shown, is still a good idea. It increases the price of error. There is no regeneration here, it is necessary to be treated with a strictly limited margin of potions, but almost any injury can be avoided, competently planning the course of combat and distributing protective skills. It is only strange that the game is closer to the end the game of someone is cleared on the scrimp with potions and the problem of saving resources becomes less relevant. Therefore, the most interesting contractions fall on the middle of the game.

Another combat system exhibits itself well in a cooperative built in the image and likeness of a multiplayer from Mass Effect.But his problem is in the absence of weighty motivation. You just pass the polygons similar to the instances from online role-playing. For them, you are awarded with experience, equipping, open new classes ... and, by and large, everything. Mechanics in sharing work perfectly, but nevertheless it is entertainment to an amateur.

Inquisition and meat glamor

Visually previous Dragon Age. Did not stand out anything, except that the spray of blood, abundantly covered heroes from the legs to the head about and without. At the same time, for example, many characters had neat, clean, almost perfect features. IN Origins. This could be written off on technical limitations, but in the second part it turned into a tendency, and in the third it turned out as it turned out.

Inquisition Looks ... interesting. She has a style. She looks expensive. It is nice to look at - all, every little thing: landscapes, costumes, armor, carnival masks, quirks of architecture, illustrations and abstract portraits of the heroes "under modern" - not yet climt and not fly, but already a thing in themselves. Inquisition Bright, catchy, shiny, licked. In this, she is unpacable reminds "Legend", one of the early films of Ridley Scott.

Character illustrations - bright and stylish. And they change when you establish a relationship with satellites.

Inquisition Effectively refers to the visual arts. Even in the very poor hut, you risk finding some pictures, and they are not less common than you expect. Persons characters clearly paid a lot of attention, but with glitter Inquisition Sometimes it moves. Some heroes look as if they sweat.

At the same time, in the mood, the world remained as dark and aggressive: the magicians are still balanced between wisdom and obsession, the temples still suffer (enjoy) dependence on Lyrima, the gray guards retain the status of unfortunate damned renegades, conspiracies bloom in stormy, and heroes Battered in the blood. It turns out the perfect combination of beauty and merciless, not like anything from what we saw in role-playing games. BioWare finally understood how their fantasy should look like.