Dragon age origins gray guardians. Passage of the quest "Guardian of the Reach" in Dragon Age: Origins. Codex Entries on the Gray Wardens

Guardian of the Limit in Dragon age: Origins is a quest that you can start during the main campaign when you are in the tower of the Circle during the quest "Broken Circle". To start on the first floor, you need to find one of the notes of an unknown student. You can complete it at any time during the game.

You will find the first three notes on the ground floor in these locations:
- the first room outside the door that the templars will close;
- the next room behind the same door that you entered before;
- the second section of the library - you need to search in a heap of books. It is highlighted so it won't be too difficult.

Big hall- go to the room with statues and find a note at the far side.

Now, in the same room with statues, you need to take the following actions in turn:
1) click on the statue with a bowl;
2) then the statue raising the sword:
3) behind her, lowering the sword;
4) and the last one holding the shield - you can find it in the central room of the floor.

After that, you have to go down to where you met Wynne and try to enter the vault - at this moment the demon of anger will appear. It is worth knowing that if you took the side of the magicians, then three more people will help you in the battle, if not, then you will have to accept the challenge yourself.

The peculiarity of this battle is that you cannot activate invisibility by a robber - the enemy will appear out of nowhere and hit from behind.

Ultimately, after the battle, you can get the following items:
- Yusaris - two-handed sword;
- malachite;
- fluorite;
- quartz;
- chain mail.

Naturally, at the end of the quest, you will have another entry in the code of the defeated demon.

Yusaris Sword marked by the game as unique and, in addition to a good attack, it also gives protection from fire and a decent additional damage to dragons.

Chain mail common and not of particular value. This is worn by the temporary companions of the Guardian in the introduction before initiation. You can safely sell it if, of course, you have it no worse.

It can be useful malachite which, if given to the emissary Fellhammer, will increase the number of dwarves in the final battle.

Quest bugs

If the demon Shah Wird kills all three mages, then the wrong record of Wynn's death will be displayed in the codex.

There is a bug on PS3 when the player tries to complete the quest a little later and does not have a chance to go to the third floor through the rooms of the senior magicians. To eliminate it, you need to approach from the other side of the wall.

Also, if you are going to go through additions, then you will probably be interested in articles that tell about all that came out as well as full walkthrough- one of the extensive DLC for the game.

The side quest Guardian of the Reach in Dragon Age: Origins can be completed during story mission Broken Circle. The action of this quest will take place in the tower. And it will be possible to complete it during and after the completion of the "Broken Circle" mission.

Start task

To activate the quest "Guardian of the Reach", go to the student rooms. One of them got to ancient mystery and now everyone is in danger. To neutralize it, find six student notes. Please note that there are many possessed and demons in the location.

And even if these are not the strongest opponents, there are still many of them. In addition, in this location you will have to fight with the Rending Shadow. And at the very end you will meet with the boss Shah Wird. Please note that as soon as you enter the rooms, the door will close behind you. And until you clear the area, there will be no way out. Therefore, before going to dangerous adventure, stock up on everything you need from the quartermaster.

Passage of the quest "Guardian of the Limit"

To get started, you need to find six student notes. If you are playing the PC version, it is easier to do this, because active items are highlighted by pressing the TAB key. In any case, the quest notes are hidden in the following locations.

  • The first floor is student rooms. You will find one note in the first room behind the door, which is closed by the templars. Until where you meet Wynn. The next one is in the next room. You will find the last note on this floor if you dig through the pile of books piled up in the second section of the library.
  • The second floor is the chambers of the senior magicians. You will find one of the notes in the room in which three wizards are fighting with the possessed. Find the second in the upper room on the map.
  • Third floor - Great Hall. You will find the last required note in a room with three statues. The item lies next to the distant statue.

Now that all the notes have been collected, you need to solve the riddle. To solve the puzzle, activate the statues in a specific order. The algorithm looks like this.

  1. Statue with a bowl.
  2. Statue with a sword pointing up.
  3. Statue with a sword pointing down.
  4. Statue with a shield. This statue is located in the central room, from which there are steps to the upper floor.

After activating the statues, you will hear a click. Now you need to return to the student rooms.

Boss fight

In the room where you met Wynn, the vault door will open. Shah Wird - Demon of wrath will come out of him. Long ago, he was imprisoned in the lower floors of the Citadel. But now that you have activated all the statues, the magic shackles from the demon have been removed. And Shah Wird broke free to destroy all the wizards in his path.

It is difficult to fight this enemy only with a non-pumped hero. If the stealth skill is less than the fourth level, then do not even try to activate it. Combat tactics are similar to those of other Demon of Wrath. He has a high level of attacks. Apply warm balms to reduce damage. And of course, remember that such opponents are vulnerable to cold, and they have high immunity to fire.

Petra, Kayleigh and Kinon will help you in the fight. And this is very useful at high levels of the game. But if in the story mission, you sided with the templars, then during the passage of the "Guardian of the Limit" these magicians will not be in place. Therefore, you will lead the battle alone.

If the magicians become allies in the battle, then do not let Shah Wird kill any of them. Otherwise, the wrong entry about Wynne's death will appear in the code. After defeating the demon, the "Guardian of the Reach" quest in Dragon Age will be completed. And you can go in search of new adventures.


For completing the "Guardian of the Reach" quest, you will receive the unique Yusaris Greatsword. Crafted from Silverite, this artifact adds +20 fire resistance, and +10 damage to dragons. Plus, it deals 16 and a half damage and has a 2.25% crit chance. Therefore, this award cannot be called useless.

Another valuable item that you will find when completing the quest is Malachite. This gem is quite rare and can be sold to a merchant for 60 coins. In addition, the emissary Fellhammer will accept Malachite, in exchange for an increase in the Dwarf troops for the final battle. The next reward is Fluorite, refer immediately to the merchants, because this gem is not used in quests or recipes. But for it you will help out 50 coins.

A bonus to previous awards will be a regular chain mail. This armor will be very useful for acquisitions in the early stages of the game. Plus, it can always be exchanged for gold.

“Victory in the war.

Vigilance in the world.

Sacrifice in death ”.

The motto of the Gray Wardens.

Are an ancient order of warriors with exceptional abilities who have dedicated themselves to fighting the Spawn of Darkness throughout Thedas. The main body of the order is located in the very place where it was founded - Fortress Weishaupt in Anderfels, but small units are also present in most other countries.

FROM Some Guardians are notorious for being oblivious to race, social status, nationality and even criminal background of the recruit, if his personal qualities or his abilities are considered valuable for the order.

H Despite their small numbers, the Gray Wardens have always contributed to the victories over the Mora, and thus made it possible for the whole world to survive. Most of Dragon Age's products (books, games, and comics) are closely related to the Gray Wardens.

History of the Order.

* From Codex Entry: Gray Wardens *

The first Blight had been going on for 90 years. The world was plunged into chaos. In the devastated Anderfels, a meeting took place at Fortress Weishaupt. The soldiers of the Empire, battle-hardened warriors who knew nothing in their lives but a hopeless war, gathered together. When they left Weishaupt, they renounced their vows to the Empire. They were no longer soldiers, they were Gray Wardens.

The First Blight and the Founding of the Order.

IN-395 Antiquity (395 years before the advent of the Church calendar) or 800 TE (800 years from the founding of the Tevinter Empire), the plague spread throughout the world. The Deep Paths, underground roads built by the dwarves, were filled with hideous creatures that became known as the "Darkspawn". These creatures seemed countless, and spread the filth that poisoned other living creatures, turning them into monsters, and defiled everything around them.

P Creator cult followers claimed that this was the result of the Tevinter sorcerers entering the Shadow using a group ritual of passage and attempting to take over the Golden City, although the gnomes and races other than humans were skeptical about this theory. However, this invasion - dubbed Blight - soon destroyed most of the Dwarf Underground Kingdoms and burst out to the surface. Thedas fell into chaos and entered a dark age. It has been observed that the darkspawn are led by an unimaginably powerful dragon, poisoned by their filth; this creature was called "archdemon" and was believed to be one of the Old Gods worshiped in Tevinter.

IN-305 Antiquity (890 TE), after nearly a century of harsh battles with the Darkspawn hordes, a group of experienced warriors gathered at Weishaupt Fortress in Anderfels, in the west of the Tevinter Empire. They somehow discovered the Ritual of Initiation, and used it to found a brotherhood whose members renounced everything, dedicated exclusively to fighting the darkspawn. They called themselves the Gray Wardens, and began to accept, regardless of race or past, without exception, everyone who wanted to join the Order.

FROM The Gray Wardens first appeared on the battlefield during the attack on Nordbotten. They arrived astride griffins, and began to plunge into the ranks of the enemy so that each Guardian destroyed groups of ten, or even twenty creatures of darkness at once. Incredibly, they defeated the horde and won the battle. They became such a desperately needed ray of hope in the darkest times, and they quickly gained prominence. The Gray Wardens began to receive financial aid, supplies and recruits from all lands; they increased the size of the Order, began to build fortresses and act as elite warbands, delivering quick and devastating blows wherever the Spawn of Darkness appeared, rallying and inspiring other armies of the world to the greatest feats.

IN over the next hundred years, humanity slowly rose to its feet and pushed back the Pestilence. Finally, in -203 Antiquity (992 TE), the Gray Wardens assembled an allied army of the Tevinter warriors, the Shirain (future Orlais), and Rivaine tribes to confront the main horde of darkspawn led by an archdemon now identified as Dumat. A massive battle ensued in the Silent Plains, now divided by southern Tevinter and northern Nevarra, and Dumat was defeated by the Gray Wardens. It took several years to exterminate the remaining darkspawn, but a great feat was accomplished and the Gray Wardens became legendary. After the Battle of the Silent Plains, they became incredibly famous and many countries made official promises of support to the Order during further incursions by the darkspawn. The Gray Wardens have also gained the Summoning Right to recruit enough recruits.

Second Blight and the Church.

IN 1: 5 Divine, about 200 years after the destruction of Dumat, the archdemon Zazikel rebelled with a new Blight. The entire city of Nordbotten - the very place where the Gray Wardens first appeared - was destroyed before they could organize its defense. The Tevinter Empire, abandoned Anderfels, abandoned it in an attempt to defend central Tevinter. Serious problems began in Anderfels, and even the headquarters of the Gray Wardens at Weishaupt Fortress were under siege by the darkspawn.

TO Fortunately, the armies of the newly founded Orlesian Empire under the command of Emperor Cordillus Drakkon * I proved to be motivated enough to withstand Blight. After several victories over the darkspawn, the Drakkon armies lifted the siege of Weishaupt at 1:33 Divine, and continued to save what was left of Anderfels along with the Gray Wardens. Underfels was annexed to the Orlesian Empire, and the Gray Wardens were sufficiently impressed by the Drakkon's actions to convert to the Andrastian Church. It cannot be denied that this religious change may have influenced some of their views on the darkspawn.

IN In the decades that followed, the Blight was slowly suppressed again and the Gray Wardens assumed command of the war. Archdemon Zazikel was finally defeated and destroyed by the Gray Wardens at 1:95 Divine at Furious Haven in Free Marches.

* In the original Drakon, as well as the river and the Drakon fort in Ferelden, in order to avoid confusion in Russian with dragons (English - Dragon), a second "k" is added to proper names.

Third and fourth Mora.

T The Second Mor began with the awakening of Thoth at 3:10 Towers, again almost two hundred years after the previous one. It all started with attacks by the darkspawn in the center of Thedas - Tevinter and Orlais - but despite the hordes being larger than before, a swiftly organized defense led by the Gray Wardens helped push them back. The darkspawn attacks began to focus on the less defended Free Marches, and Tevinter and Orlais tried to keep aloof for a while, but pressure from the Gray Wardens forced them to act. The Darkspawn Horde was defeated at Hunter Mountain in the Free Marches at 3:25 Towers, and it was destroyed by the Gray Wardens. Everything was thought out, and the third Blight turned out to be a relatively short-lived event.

H Much was said about the Gray Wardens over the next two centuries, before the awakening of Andorhal and the beginning of the fourth Blight at 5:12 Exalted. The greatest damage was done in the eastern territories under the tutelage of the Gray Wardens - the Free Marches, Antiva and Rivain - but Anderfels was also attacked, and Hossberg, a city near Weishaupt, was under siege. At the same time, attacks began on Tevinter and Orlais, and they refused to send help. The hero of the fourth Blight was an elf from the Gray Wardens named Garakhel, who led the liberation of Hossberg at 5:20 Exalted and then gathered an army in the Free Marches to help the Gray Wardens. Garakhel's army marched north and met the main horde at 5:24 Exalted at the Battle of Eisley, where Garakhel was lost after personally destroying Andorhal.

From the Sublime Age to the Age of the Dragon.

P After the fourth Blight, the influence of the Gray Wardens has diminished significantly. 400 years later, many began to think that Blight would never happen again. Despite being a constant threat to the gnomes, the spawn of darkness very rarely came across those living on the surface, and the Gray Wardens began to slowly be forgotten.

IN Let's go back in time: shortly before 7:10 Storm, there was an unpleasant incident in Ferelden involving the local Sentinel Commander - Sophia Dryden, who had previously claimed the crown of Ferelden - involved in a planned coup d'état. The result was a battle between the Gray Wardens and the royal army, the loss of Commander Sophia and her squad at Soldier's Peak, and the subsequent expulsion of the Order from Ferelden by King Arland - despite the fact that fewer than a hundred Gray Wardens virtually defeated Ferelden's entire army. The Gray Wardens were re-admitted to Ferelden by King Maric at 9:10 Dragon and were able to slowly begin rebuilding the order, but by 9:30 Dragon their presence was negligible and the order was not well known.

Fifth Blight.

IN 9:30 Dragon, the fifth Blight finally began with the awakening of Urtemiel. The darkspawn invaded the Korkari Wilds in southern Ferelden, where they were met by the Ferelden army under the command of King Kaylan and Loghain Mac Teer, as well as the local Gray Wardens - only about two dozen. After several minor victories over the darkspawn, the royal army suffered a crushing defeat and was destroyed in the main battle - near Ostagar - when Loghain unexpectedly withdrew his troops to take advantage of the situation to seize the throne, and left King Kaylan and the Gray Wardens to be torn apart by the horde. Only two Gray Wardens survived, both of whom were only recently accepted into the order.

H Despite the hardships, the remaining Gray Wardens were able to muster an allied army to oppose Blight, and with the help of a senior Warden from Orlais, they succeeded in destroying Urtemiel during the siege of Denerim. The Fifth Blight lasted less than a year. In deep gratitude for their accomplishments, the Gray Wardens have been granted the erling Amaranthine, where they can restore their order and its former glory.



D The heraldic mark of the Gray Wardens is a silvery griffin set against an azure background. Guardian Commanders, at least in the days of Sophia Dryden, had their own heraldic insignia. Their symbol was depicted in the form of two connected griffins, with wings spread in opposite directions and woven branches under them. On the armor of the Sentinel-Commander Sophia Dryden, the classic symbol appears in a slightly modified form on a black background. The artistic interpretation of the symbol on this armor is somewhat different from how it appears on heavy metal shields.

Guardian Commander

Sentinel Commander Armor

ABOUT the order of the Gray Wardens is ruled by the First Warden in Weishaupt. The hierarchy of the order looks like a system of national units, each of which is subordinate to the Sentinel Commander or Commander of the Gray. Obviously, the small number of posts serves to simplify the hierarchy, and no other ranks are mentioned; other members of the order follow the less formal, prevailing long years the order of subordination by seniority (determined by the duration of the Initiation).

IN During Dragon Age: Beginning, at 9:30 Dragon, the forces of the Gray Wardens are distributed as follows:

ABOUT about a thousand members of the order in Anderfels, several hundred in Orlais, and about two dozen in Ferelden.

Right of Summons

IN by necessity the Gray Wardens are given the Right of Summons; they can call anyone into their ranks - from a king to a criminal. However - especially in Ferelden - this Law is rarely used due to possible political conflicts. Moreover, due to some difficulties, the Gray Wardens do not accept everyone in a row. Only the best are honored with an invitation, regardless of race or social status.

D The Unkan used the Right to take Alistair away from his templar training when the Reverend Mother refused to let him go. Also, the Right can be used in the Backstories of the main characters of the game to ensure that they join the Order.

IN addon Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, the Sentinel Commander can use the Right of Summoning to recruit Anders and Nathaniel.


Join us brothers and sisters.

Join us, hidden in the shadow, where we watch vigilantly.

Join us, for we have a duty that cannot be denied.

And if you are destined to die, know that this sacrifice will not be forgotten.

And one day we will join you.

Words spoken in the Initiation since the time of the first Gray Guardian.

H To become a member of the Order of the Gray Wardens, a recruit must undergo a ceremony called Initiation. Part of the reason the Gray Wardens are scarce is that few experience this ritual. Only those who have a good chance of surviving the Initiation can be recruited. The ritual and all information about it are kept in the strictest confidence by the order, because during the Initiation, recruits drink from a goblet containing a mixture of the blood of the creatures of darkness, lyrium and a drop of the archdemon's blood. Few survive this, but those who manage to survive become Gray Guardians - forever associated with the darkspawn and forever tainted by the blood they drank.

FROM Becoming a Gray Warden requires a dose of darkspawn corruption in a certain proportion for immediate effect, rather than slowly transforming the drinker into a ghoul. While the blood of the archdemon is used in its normal form, the blood of other darkspawn can be magically processed for use in rituals. However, some darkspawn already have insufficient filth in their blood to trigger the ritual.

R The Initiation tool grants the Gray Wardens several abilities: they become associated with the group mind, allowing them to sense the presence of the darkspawn, and they become immune to the filth spread by the Blight. However, they also suffer from the influence of drunken filth: bad (sometimes prophetic) dreams, insatiable hunger and a shortened life span. In addition, besides the fact that they can sense the darkspawn, the darkspawn can feel them. So, in addition to the benefits that this dark gift brings to the Gray Wardens, it also puts them in the position of a game for the hunt of the darkspawn.

BUT Vernus, when asked, declares that the filth given by Initiation contains incredible powers, and the ability to feel the creatures of darkness is only a small part of them. He believes that the use of energy and blood can unlock these powers, and is trying to mimic with the help of alchemy this process leading to the emergence of a branch of abilities called Power of Blood.


TO As the Gray Wardens keep the secrets of Initiation from outsiders, they also keep the true nature of the Call from the members of the order. As described in the book Dragon Age: The Calling, it is painful to assume that the Calling was a ritual invented by the early Gray Wardens to prevent the Guardians from dying from the fel. Contrary to the belief prevalent among members of the order, the Gray Wardens do not die of filth, but succumb to it until they begin to resemble the darkspawn, and the darkspawn do not attack them, and according to their intentions and goals, they become the darkspawn, as is the case with Genevieve and Bregan.

P The calling begins with nightmares or the voice of the Archdemon, the same call that those who seek the Old Gods for the spawn of darkness hear, about 30 years after the Initiation. According to the ritual, the Gray Warden descends underground and celebrates before leaving for the Deep Paths and destroying as many of the darkspawn as possible before being killed at their hands. The Secret of the Vocation begins to take shape when Alistair confesses that the filth will kill the Gray Wardens, although this is not true.

H It is not known if the truth is being kept secret from all the Gray Wardens, or only from young members of the order like Alistair, but it seems that only the first Gray Wardens, with the exception of the characters of the Calling, knew about the true nature of this phenomenon.

R Jordan suggests that even if the Gray Warden escapes, at some point all the Wardens will find themselves on the Deep Paths, seaward lands or haunted spawn of darkness, because the Guardians and the darkspawn are bound by the filth that pulls them together. Thus, it can be assumed that almost any Gray Guardian will die at the hands of the creatures of darkness.

H Several of the Guardians, under the leadership of Commander Genevieve, suffered an untimely Calling at the beginning of the Dragon Age. Their Calling and the ensuing alteration of their organism - akin to a hideous rash - was caused by magical amulets designed to accelerate the poisoning of the fel. Fiona, a Gray Warden of Duncan's age, was one of those affected, and was healed of the accelerated spread of the corruption shortly after completing a mission on the Deep Roads. Weishaupt's wizard-guards believed that she might have been freed from the Calling forever; whether this is true or not has not yet been established.

Members of the order.

TO When the order was formed in 890 TE - more than a thousand years before the Dragon Age - it consisted primarily of Tevinter veterans of the battles against the darkspawn during the First Blight.

T Now the history of the Order of the Gray Wardens includes great amount men and women - humans, elves and dwarves - who gave their lives to protect Thedas from the threat of the darkspawn. Here are just a few of them, and what is now known about their fates:

Age of Victory

Six to seven centuries before the Dragon Age.

Asturian: The Gray Commander in Ferelden, submitted to the Summoning shortly after completing Soldier's Peak at 2:34 am Victory Day.

Frida Halwick: Accepted duties as Sentinel-Commander after Asturian's Calling.

Sublime Age

Three to four centuries before the Dragon Age.

Garakhel: The elf guardian who rallied Thedas against the Fourth Blight and died leading a murderous attack on Archimedon Andorhal at 5:24 Exalted.

Age of Steel / Storm

Two centuries before the Dragon Age.

Avernus: A Gray Guardian mage who unnaturally extended his life with blood magic to contain the demon he inadvertently released from the Shadow during the Battle of Soldier's Peak.

Sofia Dryden: took over as Warden-Commander after being forced to join the order after a failed conspiracy against King Arland. She later led a rebellion against Arland that led to the 200-year expulsion of the Gray Wardens from Ferelden. Sofia died during the rebellion, possessed by a demon that still controlled her body two centuries later.

Note: On the wall in Soldier's Peak, the Guardian can find a list of the Gray Guardians who fought alongside Sofia against Arland.

Age of the Dragon.

The beginning of the Dragon Age.

After Sofia's rebellion, the Gray Wardens were rarely seen in Ferelden until a group of Wardens from Orlais approached King Maric Theirin for help on an expedition to the Deep Roads in the early years of the Dragon Age.

Bregan: Commander of the Grays in Orlais, until his Calling at the beginning of the Dragon Age. Died in the Circle Tower.

Duncan: was recruited in the streets of Val Royeaux, later became Deputy Commander and finally Commander of the Guard in Ferelden. Killed while fighting side by side with King Kaylan at the Battle of Ostagar.

Fiona: Orlesian elf mage and Gray Warden. Returned to Fort Weishaupt after a perilous journey to the Deep Paths with Genevieve, Maric and Duncan.

Genevieve: Bregan's sister and successor to the role of Commander of the Grays in Orlais. Died in the Circle Tower.

Guy: Orlesian Gray Warden. He was the fiancé of Genevieve before his murder in Val Royeaux.

Julien: Orlesian Gray Warden wielding a large two-handed sword. Died saving Duncan's life from a dragon in the Deep Paths.

Kell: one of the Avvars, became the Orlesian Gray Warden and Genevieve's second lover. He and his war dog, Hafter, distracted a large number of the darkspawn in order to allow Marik, Duncan and Fiona to escape. Presumed dead on the Deep Paths.

Martin: The Gray Warden who fought the darkspawn along the Deep Paths alongside the dwarves of Orzammar.

Nicholas: Gray Guardian warrior using a mace and shield. Unable to come to terms with Julien's death, Nicholas allowed himself to be trapped in the illusion of a demon in the Shadow.

Uta: The Gray Dwarf Guardian and the Silent Sister who killed with her bare hands. Uta joined the Architect and fled the Circle Tower with him.

Fifth Blight.

Duncan on a reconnaissance mission in the Deep Paths and three Ferelden Gray Wardens, allegedly killed at Ostagar.

Alistair: a young Gray Warden recruited by Duncan from the Templars. He survived the Battle of Ostagar and became the Sentinel's companion in the battle against the Fifth Blight.

Davet: Growing up near the Korkari Wilds, Davet became a pickpocket on the streets of Denerim until he was recruited by Duncan. Davet did not survive the Initiation.

Gregor: A burly Gray Guardian of Anderfels, with a large curly beard and an amazing ability to drink a lot of alcohol. Presumably died at Ostagar.

Jory: Radcliffe's warrior with a young pregnant wife, Jory was immensely proud that Duncan had chosen him as a recruit. However, upon seeing Davet's death, Jory panicked, drew his weapon and was killed by Duncan.

Loghain: friend and advisor of Maric, Loghain by his actions at the beginning of the fifth pestilence provoked civil war... The Guardian was forced to choose whether to execute Loghain or make him the Gray Guardian.

Richu: An experienced Guardian who fought alongside Duncan.

Riordan Originally from Hayver, Riordan joined the Guardians in parallel with Duncan, but remained in Orlais to become the senior Guardian of the Jeder. He died, crippling the wing of the archdemon of the fifth Blight, forcing him to descend to the ground, where he could be killed by a group of the Guardian.

Tamarel: a young elf recruited by Duncan for her keen eye and bow skills. Tamarel's fate is unknown, but she left the Guardians six months before the Battle of Ostagar.

Tarimel: the only Elf Guardian who accompanied Duncan to Ostagar. Presumed dead in the Battle of Ostagar.

Guardian: One of the two Ferelden Guardians (the other being Alistair) who survived the Battle of Ostagar. Leads the battle against the fifth Blight.


Gray Warden of Orlais

Anders: a human magician who escaped from the Circle of Magicians seven times, but was always caught. The female templar in the Awakening trailer states that he is a murderer and cannot be trusted. She blames him for the death of the templars who guarded him in the Tower of Vigil when the darkspawn attacked.

Velanna: an elf mage who traveled with her clan of the Dalish elves. She is very aggressive and knows how to animate trees that look like sylvan. She hunts merchants in Vending Forest, believing they have kidnapped her sister, and attacks the Guardian for killing her clan friends. Why the merchants need her sister, Velanna is unknown.

Sigrun: gnome robber, member Of the legion of the dead... She fought the darkspawn in the Deep Paths with her group and was the only survivor. She believes that something strange is happening at the ancient fortress of Kal Hirol.

Mkhairi: a female warrior who admired the two Guardians who "single-handedly" defeated the archdemon, and jumped at the opportunity to help them rebuild the order. Mkhairi did not survive the Initiation.

Nathaniel Howe: the robber and son of Earl Rendon Howe. The player finds him in the dungeon of the Tower of Vigilance.

Other Guardians.

The names and some of the accomplishments of the other Gray Wardens are known, but the years of their lives and the details of their stories are shrouded in darkness.

Foral Edukan: Mace-wielding Gray Warden of House Edukan.

Coral Bemoth: Gray Guardian Dwarf from House Bemoth. It is believed that he single-handedly defended the gate of Orzammar from the invasion of the darkspawn with a crossbow.

Codex Entries on the Gray Wardens:

Codex Entry: First Blight, Chapter 4.

Codex Entry: Gray Wardens.

Codex Entry: First Sentinel.


None of the cutscenes directly show the death of the Gray Wardens.

Book by David Gaider Dragon age: the calling(Vocation) gives more Full description many aspects of knowledge about the Gray Wardens.

The Gray Wardens bear some resemblance to the Night's Watch in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series by George RR Martin.

The Gray Wardens are also somewhat similar to the Gray Knights from the Warhammer 40,000 setting.

You will receive this task, provided that you have installed the "Guardian Fortress" add-on. When you install this add-on, then soon a character named Levi Dryden appears in your camp. He asks you to go with him in search of the legendary fortress of the Gray Wardens, in which his probabot Sophia fought a long time ago. Sofia was the Guardian-Commander of Ferelden at the time. You need to find proof that she was a hero and restore the long-lost name of the Drydens.

A location called Soldier's Peak will soon appear on your map. In the courtyard of this fortress you can see a vision of the past - these visions will haunt you throughout the entire exploration of this fortress and give you a clear picture of what happened in the last days defense of the fortress. Soon, the lying corpses in the yard will come to life and start attacking you. From the body of an elite commander, you can take a very good crossbow.

Go to the fortress. Clear the first and second floor. Along the way, you will learn a lot from the history of this fortress. Here you can collect various records and books. In a huge hall on the first floor, you will see the last battle with the participation of Sofia, after which a demon of rage will sharply attack you. Please note that he will heal himself as long as there are corpses of the guards next to him, so it is best to first deal with the Guardians, and then with the demon himself.

The exit from the second floor is temporarily locked for you, so go to Sofia's room and talk to what is left of her. Here you have to make your choice. If you refuse, then you will have to fight with her, if not, then go through the previously locked doors, and then across the bridge. Be careful - there are traps here. Through the bridge you will find yourself in the tower of a magician named Avernus. If you do not kill Sophia, then you need to kill Avernus, if you kill her, then together with Avernus you will have to patch up the holes in the Veil. Regardless of which side you choose, you still have to block the path of the demons. At the end of the ritual, you will have to fight the Demon of Desire.

After you close the Shroud, you can either kill your ally or let go. If you leave them alive, then you will not hear anything about them anymore, except for Avernus - Levi will tell you that he will not climb out of his tower. Also, if you leave an ally alive, then you will not receive a set of armor of the Commander of the Shooting - this is Sofia, and you will not receive a mantle from Avernus.

In the end, Levy will talk to you and your assignment will be completed. Of course, the Drydens' good name could not be restored in any way, but for that they can use the fortress as their base. Also, in Soldier's Peak you will be given a chest in which you can store your things, in addition to this, you will have a merchant - Levi and his brother the blacksmith. The blacksmith will be able to forge you an excellent weapon, or rather the Starfang sword, but on condition that you find a meteorite during one of the random encounters, but of course this does not happen every time. And by the way, at the entrance to the hall of Avernus, you can find a bottle that gives the skills of Blood Magic. When you drink the contents, you get two additional skills- which skills, depends only on the class of your character.

Ancient history

You need to find four sources of information that are hidden in the fortress, and then find the treasure. This quest is activated after you find any source of information:

- a statue located in the western part of the courtyard.

- a book, which is located in the archive of the fortress, on the first floor.

- a jar of raspberry jam, which is located on the second floor of the fortress.

- a corpse that is on the wall in the tower of Avernus.

We recommend that you activate the statue first. When you finish the task Soldier's Peak, then you will not be able to return back to this fortress, just wander around, so you will not get the treasure. When you find all the information, then move to the second floor and find the largest picture that should be above the fireplace. There you need to repeat the oath of the Gray Wardens and soon a chest will come out of the wall, in which there are very good things. Here it is worth noting the sword of Asturian - a one-handed weapon that has one slot and the ability to weaken the fiend.

This completes the passage of this DLC.