Codes from the game GTA Vice City. Codes for GTA Vice City. Codes causing vehicles

Codes for PC version Grand Theft. AUTO: Vice City.

PreciousProtection. - Get 100% armor.
Aspirine. - Get 100% health.
Thugstools. - Killer-sadist weapon set.
ProfessionalTools. - A set of professional weapons for killing.
Nuttertools. - Set of weapons for a real psycho.
YouwonttakeMealive. - increase the crime rate of 2 stars (Level Wanted).
Leavemealone. - fully remove the crime level (all stars of search disappear).
ONSPEED - Tommy goes faster.
Booooooring - Tommy goes slower.
FannyMagnet. - All women love you.
Travelinstyle - Lightweight cars.
Bigbang. - blow up all the cars in the field of the player's visibility.
Wheelsareallineed - Leave from cars visible only wheels.
Icanttakeitanymore. - End of suicide.
Seaways. - code for riding water.

Apleasantday - Clear weather.
Alovelyday - Romantic weather.
Abitdrieg. - cloudy weather.
Catsanddogs. - rainy weather.
Cantseeathing. - Fog.
Lifeispassingmeby. - accelerate the course of playing time.
Fightfightfight. - People begins to fight with each other.
Nobodylikesme. - People fall, if you push them.
Ourgodgivenrighttobeararms. - to give the crowd a weapon (dangerous!)
ComEflywithme. - Fly begins with a circle.
GreenLight - All traffic lights become green.
Miamitraffic. - Accelerate urban traffic.
Certaindeath - Sygarette in your teeth.

Panzer - Code on the tank.
Thelastride - Coffin.
Rockandrollcar. - Limousine.
Rubbishcar. - garbage truck.
GetTherefast. - Saber Turbo.
GetTherequickly. - Old racing car.
GetThereVeryFastindeed. - Machine Ponuhee.
GetThereamazinglyFast. - rally machine.
Betterthanwalking. - Golf machine.

Stilllikedressingup. - code on the cyclical shift of the skins player on any of the peds.
Looklikelance - Skin Lance.
Mysonisalawyer. - Skin lawyer.
Ilooklikehilary.- Skin Hilary.
Rockandrollman.- Skin Rock "H" Roller.
OneArmedbandit. - Skin "Single Bandit".
IdontHaveTheMoneySonny. - Skin Mafios.
FoxyLittleThing. - Skin mafii daughter.
WeloveourDick. - Skin "Scots".

Here you will find everything cheat codes on GTA: Vice City and Deluxe version of the game for PC (Personal Computer).

You can enter codes on GTA Vice City right in the game or putting the game pause (ESC). Some cheats can not be canceled.

Cheats in GTA: Vice City Deluxe on cars

The code causes a tank
Hotring Racer №1
Roll Tachala
Hotring Racer №2.
Racing Car (type F1)
Bloodring Racer.
Old racing car
Bloodring Banger.
Packed Tacula
Sabre Turbo.
Tuned hatch
Limousine Rockandrollcar.
Garbage truck Rubbishcar.
Coffin Thelastride
Black cars
All cars in the city will be black
Pink cars
All cars will be one time

What did the resulting machines look like in this video:

GTA codes: Weiss City on weapons, armor and health

Gameplay Codes in Grand Theft AUTO: Vice City for PC

Acceleration of Time
Everything happens faster, you can enter several times
Slow time
Slow Mo, you can enter several times
Tommy will die
Blow all the cars
Machines near the hero will explode after entering this code
Flying cars
Not the code on the plane, but still :)
Improved management
Code improves transport management
Always green light
Traffic light burning green
More intense movement
The code will increase traffic in the city, drivers riding will be more aggressive
Only wheels
Removes machine textures. Only wheels and passengers are visible inside cars
Enlarge wheels
Some cars will have big wheels
Fly in water
You can swim on the water by car
Flying boats
Boats will be flown after entering the code
All women love Tommy
The chicks will run behind Tommy. Living shield;)
Rent a chick
Arrive by car to the girl and enter the code - Baiba will sit down to you in the car
Passersby fight
You can not disable
Passely you are disliked
Passersby attack you. You can not disable.
Arrivate passersby
You can not disable
Tommy snacks cigarette
Fat tommy
The chief chief will be thicker
Skinny Tommy
Tommy will be very thin
Media Level.
The code works after receiving two stars of the search. Shows your current criminal status. Displays also in statistics. Perhaps debug code of developers.

Cheat codes for changing weather

Codes for the shift of the main character GTA Weiss City

If you are looking for an aircraft code, helicopter, money or immortality, then you are forced to disappoint you - they do not exist.

How to enter GTA codes: Vice City for Android and iOS?

The codes must be approached for mobile version Weiss City on devices running Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad).

For iOS devices, you need to connect a Bluetooth keyboard and enter codes from it.

For Android devices codes can also be entered using the application GameKeyboard. From Google Play, which can output a virtual keyboard over the game.

If you were able to enter codes in some other way - let us know about it in the comments.

Video: Using codes in Weiss City

Enter these codes or right during the game GTA Vice City, or, if the situation is too gun, in the menu, after pressing Escape. Just take into account - some codes cannot be turned off and often they sprinkled saved games.

PreciosProtection - 100% armor
Aspirine - 100% health
Thugstools - Killer Sadist Weapon Set
ProfessionalTools - Professional Murder Tools
Nuttertools - all weapons for a real psycho
YouWontTakeMealive - Add 2 Stars Wanted
Leavemealone - Remove all wanted stars
ONSPEED - Tommy goes faster
Booooooring - Tommy goes slower
FannyMagnet - Women love you
TravelinStyle - Lightweight Machines
Bigbang - blow up the nearest cars
Wheelsareallineed - leave from cars only wheels
Icanttakeitanymore - finish the life of suicide
Apleasantday - Clear Weather
Alovelyday - Romantic Weather
Abitdrieg - cloudy weather
Catsanddogs - rainy weather
Panzer - Freezing Tank falls from heaven!
Thelastride - from heaven falls a sombrope
RockandrolLCar - Limousine falls from heaven
Rubbishcar - garbage truck falls from heaven
GetTherefast - Sabre Turbo falls from heaven
GetThereQuickly - Old racing car drops from heaven
GetThereVeryFastindeed - From Heaven Finding Machine
GetThereamazinglyFast - Rural car drops from heaven
Betterthanwalking - Golf machine drops from heaven
Lifeispassingmeby - speed up the course of playing time
Fightfightfight - People begins to fight with each other
NobodylikeSme - People fall, if you push them
Ourgodgivenrighttobeararms - to give the crowd a weapon
ComeFlyWithme - Fly Begin Friends
GreenLight - All traffic lights become green
Miamitraffic - speed up urban traffic
CERTAINDEATH - shove into a cigarette's teeth
Stilllikedressingup - cyclically changing the skin player
NobodylikeSme - the people attack only on the player
Seaways - cars can float water
AirShip - Boats will fly!

In the game you can double the number of weapons:

1. We buy weapons.
2. We go to the golf club.
3. Perelasimize through a barrel with flags into the club's territory (we fit the car to the barrel, and then pierce first on the cars, then on the barrel).
4. We go outside through the doors.
Weapon that you had to double.

Secrets for GTA Vice City

In Russian versions of GTA. Vice City has some problems with the names of machines that need to be signed to fill the task list in the sunny yard (Sunsine Autos). Here is some of them:
Virgo - "Virgo"
Stailon - "Stallion"
Caddy - Golf Machine
Baggage - "Head of Luggage" from the airport
Voopy - Machine with ice cream from Fabirki on the West Island
The rest of the cars can be viewed in the Russian-English dictionary.

In order to pass the game, you need to pass missions until the mission "hold your friends closer" will not appear in your mansion. She is the last mandatory. Her passage will give you a Hunter helicopter (similar to Apache with a machine gun and two rockets) at the military base near the airport. In order to get there, you need to deal with the cop of the cop of the police department (see the Mission "Earth Kopov"). In addition, there are 100% passage. It will give the double strength of your tack, 200 hits, three bodyguards, etc. To do this, it is necessary:
1. Complete all major missions.
2. Buy all property.
3. Complete all real estate mission.
4. Complete all unique jumps.
5. Complete all rage.
6. Rob all stores.
7. Collect all secret packages.
8. To pass the mission on the cars of urban services (ambulance, etc.).

Secret packages - cool thing. For their opposite quantity, your mansion / hotel will appear prizes (ATTENTION! Verified!):
For 10 - armor
20 - Chainsaw (Doom Forever !!!)
30 - Revolver
40 - flameth
50 - sniper
60 - Minigan (oh-oh!)
70 - Grenadomette
80 - For your mansion (former Diazovsky), a "Sea Sparrow" helicopter will appear, sitting on the water and firing from the machine gun
90 - Tank at the military base
100 - "Hunter" on a military base (if you have passed "keep your friends closer", then he will appear on the helicopter rattle near the house, not subsidize from the hotel and the pier).

Stores are robbled like this: you go to the store, you put the sights on the seller, wait, take money, go under the Howl Siren. My advice is not wait until the seller comes down. Take money and urine from his first shot. Then you will get one star, not two.

Missions on urban services are a fairly tedious occupation, except for the police. And they look like:

Type - Police
Machines - Police, Furgon Special Forces, "Cheetah" with Flashing, FBI "Washington" and Jeep, Army truck, Tank, "Hunter"
The goal is to kill criminals
Outcome - After level 12, you get 150 armor
Note - Better Take "Hunter"

Type - Ambulance
Machines - "Ambulance"
The goal is to save patients and bring to the hospital (you will kill - lose)
Outcome - After level 12, you can run a sprint run to infinity
Note - the car is easily turned over and it includes only 3 people

Type - Firefighter
Machines - fireman
The goal is to stew hot cars and people (kill - lose)
Outcome - after level 12 will become incomplete
Note - the car can not be fixed in repainting

Type - Pizza
Machines - Pizza Scooter
Purpose - deliver pizza
Outcome - after level 10 you get 150 hits
Note - the scooter includes only 6 pizzas

Type - Taxi
Machines - Taxi, Taxi Kaufman, Taxi Zebra
The goal is to deliver customers
The result - after 100 passengers (you can not in a row) on all taxis will appear a device for jumping - overclocking, cheer the beep and take off the meter for three!
Note - you need to repair the car, otherwise you can refuse to ride
Many people in GTA are concerned about helicopters by airplanes, etc. But not everyone can fly.
First you need to find a helicopter or aircraft. The helicopter can be found in the mansion of Verchetti. And the plane can only be obtained if you bought the portory and passed 2 missions (it lies with the fence).

For a conventional helicopter:
1. Sit down to the helicopter and keep the "w" button
2. After the helicopter scored a certain height, expand it to the side in which you want to fly to this use the "Q" and "E" keys
3. Press 9 to add. The keyboard and the helicopter will start moving forward, but the height will decrease so much long ago 9 do not press. In addition, the helicopter is "afraid of" water and quickly breaks with collisions.

For aircraft:
1. Sit down to the plane and press "W", so that he gained speed.
2. When accelerates press 6. It will make it rise in the air.
3. You can manage horizontally with the "A" and "D" keys, but do not turn sharply - it can fall.
4. For landing, shutter speed and slowly land with the 9 key.

For the board of the aircraft:
A combat aircraft appears on a military base (near the airport) after passing the last mission - "Keep friends nearby." Do not rush to the database - the military shoot. Take the best form of a policeman in a plot on Washington Beach. Have taken? Go to the database and treat the Hunter's combat helicopter. It is also necessary to manage it as usual, but you can shoot:
1. 0 for extra. Keyboard or left mouse button - rocket.
2. Space or right Ctrl - self-driven machine gun.
In addition to all this, you can work as a cop and make money not twisted money, pursuing and destroying criminals, and reaching 13 mission bonus - +50 to the maximum of armor.

Successful flight!
Equipment ride on the front wheel is very simple. Anything you need:
1) Moped
2) Find the brake button and balance balancing on the front wheel
3) at least some kind of skill games in Vice City

So, we take a moped, drive (preferably gently) to the airport.
We leave for the longest runway. We accelerate and brake brake (not vacation gas) + weight on the front wheel. Then quickly remove the fingers from the buttons (except for the weight balancing) and and press the gas again. I so happened to drive more than 3 minutes.

1) It is for those who want to get a billion !!!
This requires a tank (Panzer). Sit on it, press + and catch the gangsters. Very easy. And at the landfill, there is a Hunter helicopter, who has a rocket launcher, and on a Ctrl machine gun. Fly - one pleasure!

2) if at night shoot from sniper rifle On the moon, it changes its sizes.

3) There is a house opposite the golf course. So, exactly at 23.00 windows light up on it and form a very cool picture. This will last not forever, and will end in 23.59

4) If you come to the very northern part of the right island, there will be an intimate screensaver.

5) If you walk for a long time that the brother in statistics will come back, then the house of Versetti will bring 500,000 !!!

6) Exactly at 16.00 you can meet Mercedes near the apartment.

7) If you urgently need a boat, then there is a light on the beach. Near him there is a cliff. Go to him. You need to dial 2 times the code YouWontTakeMealive. When the cop boat will jump on it close!

8) You can download Garage ADITOR. And choose, standing in place, what cars will be in your garage.

9) And at the end of the list of all machines in the game:
130 \u003d Landstalker
131 \u003d IDAHO.
132 \u003d Stinger
133 \u003d Linerunner.
134 \u003d perennial
135 \u003d Sentinel
136 \u003d Rio - Boat
137 \u003d Firetruck.
138 \u003d trashmaster
139 \u003d Stretch.
140 \u003d Manana.
141 \u003d infurnus.
142 \u003d Voodoo.
143 \u003d Pony
144 \u003d Mule.
145 \u003d Cheetah
146 \u003d ambulance
148 \u003d Moonbeam.
149 \u003d Esperatorto.
150 \u003d Taxi.
151 \u003d Washington.
152 \u003d Bobcat.
153 \u003d Mr. Whoopee
154 \u003d BF Injection
155 \u003d Hunter - Helicopter
156 \u003d Police.
157 \u003d Enforcer.
158 \u003d Securicar
159 \u003d Banshee.
160 \u003d Predator - Boat
161 \u003d bus.
162 \u003d Rhino - Tank
163 \u003d Barracks OL
164 \u003d Cuban Hermes
165 \u003d Invisable - Crashes Game When You Get In.
166 \u003d Angel - Bike
167 \u003d COACH
168 \u003d Cabbie.
169 \u003d Stallion.
170 \u003d Rumpo.
171 \u003d Rc Bandit - Crashes Game When You Get In.
172 \u003d Romero "S Hearse
173 \u003d Packer
174 \u003d Sentinal XS
175 \u003d Admiral.
176 \u003d Squalo - Boat
177 \u003d SEA Sparrow - Helicopter
178 \u003d Pizza Boy - Bike
179 \u003d Gang Burrito
182 \u003d Speeder - Boat
183 \u003d Reefer - Boat
184 \u003d Tropic - Boat
185 \u003d Flatbed.
186 \u003d Yankee.
187 \u003d Caddy.
188 \u003d Zebra Cab
189 \u003d Top Fun
190 \u003d Skimmer - Plane
191 \u003d PCJ 600 - Bike
192 \u003d Faggio - Bike
193 \u003d Freeway - Bike
194 \u003d RC BARON - Crashes Game When You Get In.
195 \u003d RC RAIDER - Crashes Game When You Get In.
196 \u003d GLENDALE.
197 \u003d oceanic
198 \u003d Sanchez - Bike
199 \u003d Sparrow - Helicopter
200 \u003d Patriot.
201 \u003d LOVE FIST
202 \u003d Coast Guard - Boat
203 \u003d Dinghy - Boat
204 \u003d Hermes.
205 \u003d Sabre.
206 \u003d Sabre Turbo
207 \u003d Phoenix.
208 \u003d Walton.
209 \u003d Regina.
210 \u003d comet.
211 \u003d Deluxo.
212 \u003d Burrito.
213 \u003d SPAND Express
214 \u003d MARQUIS - Boat
215 \u003d Baggage Handler
216 \u003d Kaufman Cab
217 \u003d MAVERICK - Helicopter
218 \u003d VCN MAVERICK - Helicopter
219 \u003d Rancher.
220 \u003d FBI Rancher
221 \u003d Virgo.
222 \u003d Greenwood.
223 \u003d CUBAN JETMAX - Boat
224 \u003d Hotring Racer 1
225 \u003d Sandking
227 \u003d Police Maverick
228 \u003d Boxville.
229 \u003d Benson.
230 \u003d Mesa Grande
231 \u003d RC RAIDER - Crashes Game When You Get In.
232 \u003d Hotring Racer 2
233 \u003d Hotring Racer 3
234 \u003d Bloodring Banger 1
235 \u003d Bloodring Banger 2
236 \u003d FBI Cheetha.

Additionally, the GTA Vice City game can be viewed.

Enter these codes during the game or in the menu, after pressing Escape.

PreciousProtection. - 100% armor
Aspirine. - 100% health
Thugstools. - Killer Sadist Weapon Set
ProfessionalTools. - Professional murder guns
Leavemealone. - Remove all wanted stars
ONSPEED - Tommy goes faster
Nuttertools. - All weapons for a real psycho
YouwonttakeMealive. - Add 2 stars Wanted
Booooooring - Tommy goes slower
FannyMagnet. - Women love you :)
Travelinstyle - Lightweight cars
Bigbang. - blow up the nearest cars
Wheelsareallineed - Leave from cars only wheels
Icanttakeitanymore. - finish the life of suicide
Apleasantday Clear weather
Alovelyday - Romantic weather
Abitdrieg. - Cloudy weather
Catsanddogs. - Rainy weather
Cantseeathing. - Tuma-A-en
Panzer - Freezing tank falls from heaven!
Thelastride - ... Coffins
Rockandrollcar. - ... Limousine
Rubbishcar. - ... garbage truck
GetTherefast. - ... Sabre Turbo (LLC!)
GetTherequickly. - ... old racing car
GetThereVeryFastindeed. - ... Machine Ponyae
GetThereamazinglyFast. - ... rally machine
Betterthanwalking. - ... golf machine
Lifeispassingmeby. - accelerate the course of playing time
Fightfightfight. - People begins to fight with each other
Nobodylikesme. - People fall, if you push them
Ourgodgivenrighttobeararms. - to give the crowd a weapon (dangerous!)
ComEflywithme. - Muhi begins around the circle
GreenLight - All traffic lights become green
Miamitraffic. - accelerate urban traffic
Certaindeath - shove in teeth cigarette
Stilllikedressingup. - cyclically changing the skin player
Looklikelance - Skin Lance
Mysonisalawyer. - Skin lawyer
Ilooklikehilary. - Skin Hilary
Rockandrollman. - Skin Rock \\ "H \\" roller
OneArmedbandit. - Skin "Single Bandit"
IdontHaveTheMoneySonny.- Skin Mafiosa
FoxyLittleThing. - Skin Daughter Mafios
WeloveourDick.- Skin "Scots"

Secrets to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Equipment ride on the front wheel is very simple. Anything you need:
1) Moped
2) Find the brake button and balance balancing on the front wheel
3) at least some kind of skill games in GTA: Vice City

So, we take a moped, drive (preferably gently) to the airport.
We leave for the longest runway. We accelerate and brake brake (not vacation gas) + weight on the front wheel. Then quickly remove the fingers from the buttons (except for the weight balancing) and and press the gas again.
I so happened to drive more than 3 minutes.

IN GTA: Vice City You can double the number of weapons:
1) We buy weapons.
2) We are going to the golf club.
3) Perelasimize through a barrel with flags to the club's territory (we fit the car to the barrel, and then pierce first on the cars, then on the barrel).
4) We go outside through the doors.
The weapon that you had to double.

Codes to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

During the game, enter:

Thugstools - gangster weapons (1 level in power)
ProfessionalTools - Professional Weapon (2 Power Level)
Nuttertools - Weapon (3 levels in power)
PreciouusProtection - full armor
Aspirine - Full Health
YouWontTakeMeALIVE - +2 to Wanted Level
Leavemealone - Wanted Level \u003d 0 (no one is looking for you)
Apleasantday - good weather
Alovelyday - good weather
Abitdrieg - Tuchi
Catsanddogs - Rain
Cantseeathing - fog
Panzer - get a tank
Lifeispassingmeby - speed up time
Bigbang - blow up nearby cars
Stilllikedressingup - Change Skin (skin) player
Fightfightfight - Pedestrians begin to fight
NobodylikeSme - Pedestrians fall when you knock them down
OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS - All pedestrians have a weapon
ONSPEED - speed up time
Booooooring - slow down time
Wheelsareallineed - only wheels remain from cars
ComeflyWithme - Machines fly
GreenLight - all traffic lights on green
Miamitraffic - aggressive road traffic
TravelinStyle - Flying Machine With Bloodring
Thelastride - get a grave
RockandrollCar - Get Limousine
Rubbishcar - Get garbage truck
GetTherefast - Get Saber Turbo
Betterthanwalking - Get Caddy
DeepfriedMarsbars - Fat Character
Programmer - Lucky Character (Cool Hands)
Stilllikedressingup - change clothes
Looklikelance - Skura - Lance Vance
CheatshavebeenCracked - Skura - Ricardo Diaz
MySonisalawyer - Skura - Lawyer (Ken Rosenburg)
ILOOKLIKEHILARY - Skura - Hilary King
Rockandrollman - Singer from LoveFist 1
WeloveourDick - Singer from LoveFist 2
OneARMEDBANDIT - Skura - Bandit (Phil Cassidy)
IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY - Skura - Mafiosis (Sonny Forrelli)
FoxyLittleThing - Skura - Moafiosis Daughter (Mercedes Cortez)
GetThereQuickly - Fast Machine
GetThereVeryFastindeed - the fastest machine
GetThereamazinglyFast - the fastest car
FannyMagnet - female magnet (all women walk for you)
CERTAINDEATH - with a cigarette in the teeth
Seaways - Ride with the car by sea
LoadSoflittleThings - Enlarge tires at sports cars
Ahairdresserscar - All Machines - Pink
IwantitpaintedBlack - all cars - black
GRIPISEVERYTHING - Improved Machine Management
ChaseStat - Show Media Level
SHICKSWITHGUNS - from pedestrians weapons only in women
AirShip - opportunity to fly by boats
Hopingirl - Versetti's gang turns into girls
Pedestrians will be seen in your car

Examine the car:
If your machine caught fire, type aspirine and
The car will stop burning.

Endless ammo:
Score Nuttertools until the minigan has 10,000 rounds.
Then in all cheats weapons will appear endless ammo.

Easter eggs.:
Near the club bikers, between film studio and island,
In the water floats a drowned with concreted legs a la goat Nostra.

On Starfich Island in one of the mansions there is a pool without water. In him
It lies the ball to whom you can play - just come close to him.

Opposite the club of bikers (downwall) there is a store for bikers,
and in the shop window is a cool motorcycle - break the glass and ride
On him on health.

Helicopter hang over a golf course, from 11 to midnight,
Now look in the direction of the 1st city, on the building and see ...

Chip with cars:
On one of the islands, there is a huge garage, 3-4 cars, and shove
You can only 2 vehicles. From this position there is a way out!
Need to do this:
Go to the garage, sit down in any wheelbarrow and go to her half to the street,
Once again I repeat half into the street, half must stay in the garage.
Now the garage door will be convulsively move, trying to close
(But it will not close!) Then you sit down in 3 cars, and we enter the garage,
Then we drive back to the garage, the one car, which is half on the street.
Now you have three cars in the garage.

During the game "Gta Weiss City" enter:

Thugstools - gangster weapons (1 level in power)
ProfessionalTools - Professional Weapon (2 Power Level)
Nuttertools - Weapon (3 levels in power)
PreciouusProtection - full armor
Aspirine - Full Health
YouWontTakeMeALIVE - +2 to Wanted Level
Leavemealone - Wanted Level \u003d 0 (no one is looking for you)
Apleasantday - good weather
Alovelyday - good weather
Abitdrieg - Tuchi
Catsanddogs - Rain
Cantseeathing - fog
Panzer - get a tank
Lifeispassingmeby - speed up time
Bigbang - blow up nearby cars
Stilllikedressingup - Change Skin (skin) player
Fightfightfight - Pedestrians begin to fight
NobodylikeSme - Pedestrians fall when you knock them down
OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS - All pedestrians have a weapon
ONSPEED - speed up time
Booooooring - slow down time
Wheelsareallineed - only wheels remain from cars
ComeflyWithme - Machines fly
GreenLight - all traffic lights on green
Miamitraffic - aggressive road traffic
TravelinStyle - Flying Machine With Bloodring
Thelastride - get a grave
RockandrollCar - Get Limousine
Rubbishcar - Get garbage truck
GetTherefast - Get Saber Turbo
Betterthanwalking - Get Caddy
DeepfriedMarsbars - Fat Character
Programmer - Lucky Character (Cool Hands)
Stilllikedressingup - change clothes
Looklikelance - Skura - Lance Vance
CheatshavebeenCracked - Skura - Ricardo Diaz
MySonisalawyer - Skura - Lawyer (Ken Rosenburg)
ILOOKLIKEHILARY - Skura - Hilary King
Rockandrollman - Singer from LoveFist 1
WeloveourDick - Singer from LoveFist 2
OneARMEDBANDIT - Skura - Bandit (Phil Cassidy)
IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY - Skura - Mafiosis (Sonny Forrelli)
FoxyLittleThing - Skura - Moafiosis Daughter (Mercedes Cortez)
GetThereQuickly - Fast Machine
GetThereVeryFastindeed - the fastest machine
GetThereamazinglyFast - the fastest car
FannyMagnet - female magnet (all women walk for you)
CERTAINDEATH - with a cigarette in the teeth
Seaways - Ride with the car by sea
LoadSoflittleThings - Enlarge tires at sports cars
Ahairdresserscar - All Machines - Pink
IwantitpaintedBlack - all cars - black
GRIPISEVERYTHING - Improved Machine Management
ChaseStat - Show Media Level
SHICKSWITHGUNS - from pedestrians weapons only in women
AirShip - opportunity to fly by boats
Hopingirl - Versetti's gang turns into girls
pedestrians will be seen in your car

Examine the car:
If your machine caught fire, type aspirine and
the car will stop burning.

Endless ammo:
Score Nuttertools until the minigan has 10,000 rounds.
Then in all heights of weapons will appear endless cartridges.

Easter Eggs:
Near the club bikers, between film studio and island,
in the water floats a drowned with concreted legs a la goat Nostra.

On Starfich Island in one of the mansions there is a pool without water. In him
it lies the ball to whom you can play - just come close to him.

Opposite the club of bikers (downwall) there is a store for bikers,
and in the shop window is a cool motorcycle - break the glass and ride
on him on health.

Helicopter hang over a golf course, from 11 to midnight,
now look in the direction of the 1st city, on the building and see ...

Chip with cars:
On one of the islands, there is a huge garage, 3-4 cars, and shove
you can only 2 vehicles. From this position there is a way out!
Need to do this:
Go to the garage, sit down in any wheelbarrow and go to her half to the street,
once again I repeat half into the street, half must stay in the garage.
Now the garage door will be convulsively move, trying to close
(But it will not close!) Then you sit down in 3 cars, and we enter the garage,
then we drive back to the garage, the one car, which is half on the street.
Now you have three cars in the garage.

Do you need health? But the hospital is far? At night, try to find a lady
prostitute. She sits to you in the car and speake you like your
health is increasing

At the Hyman Memorial Stadium stadium, you can perform any tasks
(What exactly, you can see on the poster over the entrance). Gate for
you are open from 20:00 to 00:00. Good way to earn deckures.

In the store North Point Mall on the shop window there is a steep wheelbarrow.
Come in it, go and ride. Still there in the stalls
top up your health by paying a little bit.

On the passage of the game in your hotel Ocean View (it is the most
where you lived at the very beginning of the game). There are figurines, posters,
magazines, bags with money, barrels with alcohol ... (and there is still there
broken statuette, see what she is inside and you will understand
why do you need to collect them ...)