Interactive questions for children feed. Interactive games in the development of children. Interactive games for preschoolers

Anna Firsova
Interactive games in children's garden

New children's Garden Games(interactive games) .

Participation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) In the educational process in a preschool educational institution - one of the new and relevant directions in the domestic preschool pedagogy.

The modern development of society is closely related to the expansion of the information space, an increase in the importance of information resources. Skill work with a computer and interactive The board is gradually becoming a requirement not only in elementary school, but also a preschool institution.

Information and communicative technologies develop in children the ability to navigate in information flows, teach working with information, introduce modern technical devices. The child ceases to be a passive learning object and becomes an active participant. pedagogical processWhat contributes to the conscious learning of knowledge.

New information technologies allow you to build a training process at a higher level due to visual (graphics, animation, text, auditory, video, tactile (keyboard, interactive board) perception.

Compared with traditional educational forms of preschoolers, information and communication technologies possess advantages:

1. Fashionable information is more understandable to preschoolers.

2. Bright picture, movement, sound attracts children's attention

3. In the process of its computer, about interactive Boards The child acquires self-confidence, that he can.

We will consider the possibilities of working in Dow with interactive SMART Board board - information system consisting of touch screen, computer and projector.

Tasks solved when working with interactive Plaques:

1. Development of cognitive and creative activity of the child, imagination, figurative thinking

2. Formation of the readiness of the child to school

3. Acquaintance of children with computer technology capabilities, formation of work skills with interactive Plaques

The technology of the board, based on the principle of the resistive matrix, is the most common in the world and the safest for health. The board allows you to write and draw electronic ink on it and save all records made. Feature interactive Smart-tactful control boards, which helps to implement various learning styles, including work with children with disabilities. The board reacts to the touch of a finger (or any other subject) As pressing a computer mouse.

The large surface area of \u200b\u200bthe board turns joint activities with children in dynamic and fascinating game. In class, children become full participants interactive learning: Use large bright images, move letters and numbers, make up words and suggestions, move geometric shapes and various objects simply with your fingers. Preschoolers that perceive the information visually and kinesthetically understand and assimilate the material in this way much more efficiently than only visual image perception and a well-known repetition method.

To work on interactive Board educators should own computer elements literacy: Knowledge of the computer, the ability to work in programs: Word, Power Point, Smart NoteBoK, work practice in Internet(to search for images and training programs). Via software Smart NoteBOK You can save your records, snapshots from the screen or video, which will then be the reporting material and make up the library kindergarten.

Creating games using interactive Board.

Material for working with interactive The board is carefully selected by teachers in accordance with the age of children and is built on the promising thematic plan. IN Internet exist ready-made interactive games and exercisesAvailable to free use, but if necessary, it is not difficult to create its own product independently, or recycle already existing material.

To prepare for classes using interactive The boards exists a specific algorithm that simplifies the work of the teacher.

Algorithm of creation interactive games:

1. Determine the topic, type and purpose of occupation.

2. Create the structure of the classes, in accordance with the main purpose of setting the tasks and the necessary stages to achieve them.

3. Think out the stages where it is necessary to use interactive Board. With a lack of computer illustrated or software material, a search is carried out in the library or Internet Or draws up the author's program.

4. Approbation of classes. Consider the expediency of using computers compared to traditional means.

5. Selected materials Rate by of time: their duration should not exceed sanitary standards. It is recommended to view and clock all the materials, given interactive nature

6. Make a compensation plan

7. Make a final scenario

8. Prepare children in advance.

9. Conduct a lesson.

Work with the interactive board allows you to use new educational activities didactic games and exercisesCommunicative games, creative tasks. Application interactive boards in kindergarten Allows you to develop in children the ability to navigate in the information flows of the surrounding world, to master the practical skills of working with information, develops versatile skills, contributes to the conscious absorption of knowledge by preschoolers and increases the level of readiness of the child to school.

Publications on the topic:

Games on holidays in kindergarten Music chair. This option is different from everyone known the fact that when music suddenly stops, a player who did not have enough.

Interactive Didactic Games Video ICT are a promising tool in developing work with children. The advantage of the computer before the classical activity is that animated.

Interactive games "Find an extra object" Interactive games "Find an extra object" Interactive games are created to consolidate knowledge by themes: - "Garden plants"; (Slide number 2) - "Berries";.

Currently, children grow and develop in the conditions of the post-industrial information society. Since birth, they face.

Master class: Moving games in kindergarten "We will go to the fair - Russian folk games in the body will collect their own!" Purpose: 1. Fastening the skills of the game in Russian folk Games: "Burleys", "Bag", "Bear's Bear", "Geese - Swans", "Carousel". 2. Development.

For children from 3 to 7 years, an unusually efficient and effective method of learning is an interactive game. It allows in a mild form to tell the kids about the world around them, to acquaint with the heroes of fairy tales and at the same time teaches them to interact with each other to achieve the ultimate goal. What types of interactive games for preschoolers come about how to conduct them, you can read in this article.

What it is?

Modern society is based on communication. Career, leisure, family depends on interpersonal relationships - all the most important spheres of a person. "Do not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends" - this saying just supports the need for interactive games. So what is it? Interactive format games are the activities of preschoolers, which is under the control of the educator and is aimed at knowledge of the surrounding world and the solution of the tasks with the help of collective work.

Such a game format allows you to train children with conflict and productive communication with peers, become benevolent and tolerant. Children are the main entity in the interactive game. It is best to provide them with a convenient position and the complete absence of distracting factors. After explaining the rules of the game, children must interact among themselves, the task of the educator is to gently direct the process in the right direction.

Do not confuse interactive game with role or business. In the first version, certain roles and situations are awarded, the second is aimed at the development of business qualities and negotiation skills. Interactive games, in turn, teach a completely different way to constructive communication with others.

Types of games

Among the variety of games for preschoolers with an interactive element, you can allocate the following types:

  • Games based on fairy tales are popular in children preschool institutions. Such stages are understandable to the kids, because they feature characters known from childhood. Just in case, before carrying out such a game, you need to conduct a preparatory lesson, which will remind children about the heroes of history. Supposing questions from the teacher will help the kids to remember the plot and the meaning of the fairy tales.
  • Games, acquainting children with the outside world. For preschoolers, themes are taken simpler: "Pets", "solid-soft", "who lives in the forest", etc. For schoolchildren, the topic may be more difficult: games for the development of self-control, which are learning group support and help better learn classmates, Go to first place. With the help of a poetic form (it is best perceived by hearing), the teacher greets with children and explains what the rules will be concluded.
  • Games using presentations or interactive boards successfully complement the occupation and make it more exciting and visual. For schoolchildren, a collection tasks for literacy or arithmetic can be included in the presentation, and for children shame - images of animals and various quizzes. However, using the computer, do not forget about the main goal of an interactive game - to establish communication between children.

Objective and benefit

Interactive games for children set themselves clear tasks:

  • Enhance the communicative skills of the child.
  • Allow it is better to know himself and the children around him.
  • Teach to achieve tasks with the help of collective activities.
  • Master the main life rules of the Company.
  • Learn better educational material.

But the main goal of a children's interactive game remains the development of a skill of successful and productive communication with peers. After all, communicating, the child is not only studying together to achieve the intended task, but also gets feedbackwhich forms his idea of \u200b\u200boneself. The value of this type of activity is difficult to overestimate, and in many kindergartens and other educational institutions this communication method is a mandatory part of the program.

Interactive games for preschoolers

The easiest option of the game is the variation on the theme of the folk "Rack". Children learn to communicate with each other with the help of facial expressions and gestures. After a small preparatory work, during which students recall the heroes and the plot of fairy tales, the main part occurs. During her, children are given: to build cards with characters in the same order, in which they appear in the fairy tale. A complicating element is a ban on the use of words: only gestures and facial expressions should use kids.

Another option of an interactive game is the lesson "Pets". With the help of cartoons, poems or fairy tales of children preparatory lesson Meet the selected animals. The next stage begins: the kids in their full disposal are provided with a table with paper, glue and paints. Children are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Together they need to make an image of an animal or bird. The teacher at the same time should not interfere in the game, he is given the role of an observer. After the game there is a discussion of the results, the pupils exchange with each other impressions and discuss mistakes and acts of each other.

For children of younger school age

The game with interactive elements will be completely different for children in the elementary school schools. At this age, the guys already know a lot and know how to make an order of magnitude harder for them. Here is an example of several interactive games for school:

  • Topic: "What can be dangerous in the outside world." Schoolchildren need to host the groups: "Dishes", "household appliances", "clothes" and "furniture". Each group of children should, with the help of a teacher, to name dangerous items that can cause harm with improper handling. Then the children browse the presentation on this topic, fixing the knowledge gained.
  • For kids school age Interactive games associated with cartoons are very well suited. Using the heroes of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", you can attract the attention of children of junior classes and make them more actively turn on in the game. After a small preparatory activity, which covers the topic of the interactive game "Where the air" works, children are divided into groups and go along with Masha and a bear in a fabulous journey around the world. Each group should call the inventions of a person who work with air. Accompanies the interactive presentation process.

Board games

Interactive board games acquired great popularity, which everyone is glad to play - from Mala to Velik. It requires a certain perfection and concentration, so the minimum age of children for such classes is 4-5 years. Modern world Board games offers a wide range of classes that not only entertain the company, but also help to learn a new or consolidate the material. The word "interactive" in the title indicates feedback or any interaction. Often, such board games react to the actions of children and encourage their agility to develop them, small motor and coordination. Here is an example of such benefits:

  • All famous game "Operation" in which the child needs to carefully remove the disease, not hurt healthy organs. Such entertainment is not only developing coordination, but also helps to learn the names of the internal organs of man.
  • "Akuly Hunting" - is board game, which consists of gaming field, chips, four fish and hungry shark. Players take turns throw chips. Fallen colored sides on cubes indicate fish of the same color. They need to have time to move before they eat a hungry shark. The game does not carry a special training load, but it really likes the children.
  • "Crocodile Dentist" - cheerful gameIn which the crocodile patient needs to be pressed in turns on all the teeth, if possible, avoiding the patient. If you get on it, then the crocodile will immediately shut the mouth, which will mean loss. The game trains agility and coordination.

Games complemented by a presentation

Modern funds that are staffed by schools and kindergartens significantly increase the efficiency of interactive games. Due to the specifics of the concentration of attention, computer presentations are advisable to apply already in classes with younger schoolchildren. They can increase the degree of mastering the material and the effectiveness of the entire lesson. The presentation can also be used as an addition to an interactive game, and as an independent part with tasks, questions and quizzes. On the this moment There are many examples in the network. interactive presentations on any topics.

Didactic games

Do not confuse interactive games for classes with didactic. In the first or otherwise there is a communication, interaction. In the second major element, active knowledge is actively evaluating. Examples of the didactic interactive game can be considered:

  • Games with objects. Children need to choose the items of the same form, size, etc.
  • Wonderful didactic games Usually aims to improve the pronunciation, the expansion of the dictionary reserve of children.
  • Disposable games are held using visual benefits. Most often these are paired cards and Memori, who train the memory and observation of the child.

Algorithm for creating games

All interactive games contain a specific algorithm that must be followed when creating a script. In the game of the game, children must follow the following points:

  • Obtaining knowledge - before the lesson, it is necessary to explain the foundations of constructive communication, ways and ways to achieve the desired result.
  • Analysis of the behavior of other children during the game helps the child to realize other people's intentions and develop sympathy and empathy towards others.
  • Then the child must build a strategy to achieve the result of him and stick to it during an interactive game.
  • Finally, when with the help of collective efforts and the guidelines of the educator, the goal will be achieved, the game is considered completed.

Using this method, you can come up with an interactive game for any topic. A little imagination and creativity - and you will have a unique method of raising a child.

Scientists have long established that a person is 80% of information absorbs with the help of eyes, and only 15% - with a hearing. Therefore, in the recommendations of teachers strongly advise using visual printed materials or presentations. They increase the motivation of children and help them better master the art of interpersonal communication.

It is also no need to forget that children should achieve the task with the help of collective work, and an adult intervention in this process should be minimal. The task of the teacher includes to prepare the kids to the lesson, put the goal in front of them and only a little bit if necessary to direct them during the game. In the case of these conditions, the benefits and the effect of an interactive game will not wait long to wait.


Each educator and teacher would like to see his pupils successful and prepared for serious tests behind the walls of the School. To effectively solve problems in adulthood, only one thing is often necessary. Interactive Games for Primary School help develop these qualities in preschoolers and thus lay the foundation in their successful future.

Often educators use an interactive game on their classes. The educator develops a classes plan, explains to children what an interactive game is watching and corrects during the game of children so that they can achieve the goal.

What is an interactive game? How is the word interactive?

The word "interactive" came from of English language And means a dialogue with someone, a conversation, the ability to interact.

In an interactive game, the interaction between children and the educator takes place, in the game, children learn not only new, but also to communicate, understanding each other, they acquire their own experience during the game, which will be applied in the future.

There are several options for interactive games for children, but an interactive game algorithm remains almost the only one.

Algorithm for conducting an interactive game

    The educator is preparing exercises and tasks for children. It is better to first spend the trial game, and in the next lesson to spend the final game.

    Before children put the goal of the game, and what they need to get the result at the end of the game, the educator gives detailed instructionsWhat should happen during the game. It is necessary to explain to children in detail and intelligibly so that the children understand the whole essence of the game.

    From the beginning and until the end of the game, children interact with each other, the teacher follows the progress of the game and corrects children, if necessary, helps them, directs them to achieve the goal.

    When the game is over, give children a little rest so that they can focus and listen to your advice and analysis of the game.

The educator must necessarily discuss the course of the game, difficult moments, what actions took children during the game and the result of the game.

Most importantly, make children not just play and forget about your game, and so that they enjoy the game and from the interaction with each other.

Several options for interactive games for children

Option 1. Tale "Rust"

First, you need to hold a preparatory activity, where you read the Fairy Tale "Rust" discuss it with children.

What are the questions to discuss the fairy tale?

For example:

    What is repka? Answer: This is a vegetable.

    Where growing robes? Answer: in the garden.

    Why did the grandfather could not pull the repkah? Answer: My grandfather could not pull the repayment, because she grew very big.

    Who helped my grandfather pull out a repkah? Answer: grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse.

    What does the tale of "Rust" teach? Answer: It is necessary to help and difficult things to do together.

For the next stage of the game, you already have drawings or figures with the heroes of the fairy tale, distribute one hero from the fairy tale to each child, and in the center of the room, put a repka.

Option 2. Tale "Teremok"

First, you need to hold a preparatory lesson, where you read the Teremok fairy tale discuss it with the children.

What could be the questions for discussing the tale "Teremok"?

For example:

    Where is the teremok? Where it is located? Answer: in the field.

    Who was the first to settle in teremok? Answer: Mouse-Nomushka.

    What animals came to live in teremok after mouse-norushka? Answer: Frog-cuckoo, bunny-shoot, chanterelle-sister, top-gray barrel.

    Why did the bear climb on the roof of the teremka? Answer: Because the bear is very big and he could not get to the teremok.

Divide all children for teams from six people.

Now offer children to draw and color one of the heroes of a fairy tale or to make it from plasticine.

For the next stage of the game, you already have drawings or figures with the heroes of the fairy tale, distribute one hero from a fairy tale to each child, and in the center of the room, put teremok.

Each child must independently be the right to place his hero of the fairy tales.

After the game, the teacher talks with children, analyzes the game spent, which turned out that it did not work out, who could not cope with the task, why it was difficult to fulfill the task and so on.

You can also use for the development of a child's home-based educational games in the child will develop attention attention and thinking.

Educational games for children

Game 1 "Submarines"

The "Submarines" game develops the child's attention.

Submarines are moving into the sea in directions: left, right, down, up. The question appears on the screen: "Where do boats point?", "Where do the boats move?". Read carefully question on the screen, follow the movement of boats and their direction. With the help of arrows located at the bottom you should correctly answer the question. For the correct answer you get glasses and play on. If you have three not correct answers, the game ends.

2 "Temple Eye" game

The game "Temple Eye" is developing attention.

The main essence of the game to remember where the bird, ship and sun are located and then indicate where they were.

A few seconds the screen opens, a bird, ship and sun are drawn on it. We must remember where they are. Then the question is highlighted: "Click where the ship was." You must specify where the ship was. Then the question is highlighted: "Click where there was a bird." You must specify where there was a bird. Then the question is highlighted: "Click where the sun was." You must answer where there was a sun and so on. If you answered correctly, you pick up glasses and continue playing further.

Game 3 "Airport"

The game "Airport" develops attention.

The main essence of the game indicate where the blue plane flies and where the red flies from.

Helicopters, aircraft and different aircraft fly across the sky. The aircraft is drawn in the center, it is necessary to answer the questions correctly and specify: "Where the plane flies" and "where the plane flies from" Arrows you can answer the question by clicking on them with the mouse. If you answer correctly, you continue to score glasses and play on.

4 "Concentration" game

The "Concentration" game develops attention.

The main essence of the game needs to be remembered where there are pairs of identical objects and cursing after cells close.

In this game, objects are given to remember, these objects where they are, then the cells are closed. You need to remember where these objects were and with the help of a mouse to curse these cells. If you answer correctly, then you continue to score glasses and play on.

Game 5 "Movement"

The game "Movement" develops thinking and memory.

Main essence of the game Message Moving the treasure chest on the map.

In this game, the treasure chest moves on the map, you need to remember where the chest is located and carefully follow the arrows, where they show, with the help of the arrows, you will define where the chest moved. If you answered correctly, you dial the glasses and continue playing further.

Game 6 "Complex geometric switching"

The "complex geometric switching" game develops thinking and memory.

The main essence of the game on the field is the object whose property should be specified.

This game appears on the screen. geometric figure Or another object. Low on the screen there are two buttons "Yes" and "No" using a mouse, you can answer the question by clicking on the desired button. Take the question carefully on the screen. If you answered correctly, you continue to score glasses and play on.

Game 7 "Pathfinder"

The "Pathfinder" game develops memory.

The main essence of the game needs to remember the traces of animals and repeat them.

In this game, traces of animals appear on the screen, look carefully and remember, in what order traces appear. Then you need to show what the next one appeared, and what's second or vice versa. Read carefully question on the screen. If you answered correctly, you continue to score glasses and play on.

8 "BrainFud" game

The game "Brainfud" develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game in each round is the set of elements, you need to choose from the set one that has not yet been chosen in previous rounds.

In this game, drinks and food are offered on the screen. It is necessary to choose something one. In each next round, you need to choose another dish, which differs from the previously selected. It is necessary to memorize and choose different dishes and drinks. If you answer correctly, you dial points and continue to play further.

Game 9 "Super Memory"

The game "Super Memory" is developing memory and attention.

Main essence of the game Each round on the screen appears a new object. You need to specify it by clicking on it.

In this game, the round begins and the picture appears on the screen, another picture appears in the next round and the old picture is saved. You need to press only a new picture. If you are responsible correctly, you dial points and play on.

Game 10 "Find a couple

The game "Find a couple" develops memory and attention.

Main essence game Find a picture of the twin.

In this game, there is a field filled with different pictures, you need to find and mark a picture having a twin picture. If you answer correctly, you dial points and go to play further.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that perfectly pump your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration of attention:

Development of memory and attention from a child 5-10 years

The goal of the course: to develop memory and attention from the child so that it is easier for him to learn at school so that it can be better remembered.

After passing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to memorize for a longer period
  3. The speed of memories of the desired information will increase.

Secrets of the brain fitness, train memory, attention, thinking, account

If you want to dispersed your brain, improve its work, swing up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in gaming form And solve interesting tasks, then write down! 30 days of powerful fitness brain are guaranteed :)

Super memory for 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course - a powerful 30-day training of the development of super memory and brain pumping will begin.

Within 30 days after the subscription, you will receive interesting exercises and developing games to your mail that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that have occurred during the day, week, month and even road maps.

Money and thinking Millionaire

Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, will look deep into the problems, consider our relationships with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what to do to solve all your financial problems, start accumulating money and investigate them further.

30 days

You would like to quickly read interesting books, articles, mailing and so on.? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop a speed and synchronize both brain hemispheres.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work at times faster, which opens up much more opportunities. Attention, concentration, speed \u200b\u200bof perception Strengthen repeatedly! Using photography techniques from our course, you can kill two hares at once:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, since with quick reading they are extremely important
  3. Read on the book on the book and faster

Accelerate an oral account, not mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and Lifehaki will even suit the child. From the course you will not just recognize dozens of techniques for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, divisions, calculating interest, but also work them in special tasks and educational games! The oral account also requires a lot of attention and concentrations that are actively trained in solving interesting tasks.


The development of children should be engaged at any age, starting from birth and until he becomes an adult. Developing games help develop a child additionally, even if you are busy, you can explain the essence of the game to the child and it will play yourself. Engage in the development of their children. We wish you good luck.

Interactive educational game for senior preschoolers "Let's play"

purpose Creating an interactive learning game for preschoolers and their parents by Microsoft Office Power Point.
The relevance of the work is to disseminate the possibility of presentations as a universal form of obtaining knowledge that owns its task to create an informational presentation, social order.
Tasks solved during the performance of work:
Pick up illustrative and sound material;
Collect a manual into a single document using hyperlink;
Get and Improve Knowledge by Microsoft Office Power Point, Adobe Photoshop.
Practical significance:
Availability for each user. The game will allow the preschooler to prepare for school, get the necessary basic knowledge of school subjects initial class, it is better to know the world, learn how to handle computer.
Attracted sources: Global Internet, electronic textbooks and literature on Microsoft Office Power Point, Adobe Photoshop, Voice Changer, to create and edit background drawings - Adobe Photoshop.
In the century of technical progress, the computer's work tool becomes a computer, and the ability of the computer is not limited, because you can revive the articles of the textbook paragraph in the computer image, make them bright, colorful and volumetric, using sound effects and video and modern advances in pedagogy, so that children are interested in learning .
In order to create a shell of the game recognizable by children, a poll of the popularity of animated series among children preparatory Groups kindergarten 82 "Zhuravlik", school early Development "Spring" house of creativity. 75 children participated in the survey. It turned out that the highest rating of popularity among children's 6 years old is a cheerful, resourceful and nonsense resident of the underwater city Bikini-Bottom Sponge SpongeBob Square Pants. For his fun adventures together with the inhabitants of the fictional city, adults and children are watching Bikini-Bott.
In the game you will meet with the main characters - spongebob and his friends. With them you will travel on a trip, which is interesting developing game assignments for kids who develop memory, imagination, logic. The game contains tasks about the year, months, time of day, days of the week, animals, birds, spelling, mathematics.
The first page contains information about the name of the game. Image of characters, music from a cartoon, a link to information about the literature used, an invitation to the game on the second slide is the playing field, on which the Heroes houses are located. Clicking on any house with the left mouse button, a character appears from the house. To play with the hero that appears, you need to click on his portrait the left mouse button. To hide the portrait of the hero to click on a house again.

The game navigation is simple and is carried out using control buttons, allowing you to move on to the next setting of the section (slide), or come back after performing the Hero tasks (partition) on the playing field card with houses and choose for further travel you liked the characters (sections).

The use of triggers in the presentation gives the interactivity of the presentation. Now pictures, texts, individual words can not appear in order, but in an arbitrary order in my intent and as the task is done.
Using the example of the task "remove unnecessary" -temes (slide 44) by clicking on them with the left mouse button so that vegetables need to be removed, and leave fruits. In order for children to make a choice of randomly and even allow an error, fruit - an exit animation, vegetables - a selection animation, as they must remain on the slide when an erroneous response is displayed, but they will show the error in the selection - resizing and sound.
Based on the technology of triggers, both more active tasks are created using moving triggers, the tasks of "Impnis bubble!" (Slide 8) and "catch a swimming jellyfish (slide 38) The task of the player to have to burst the desired bubble cursor with the mouse cursor, or catch a jellyfish with the correct answer until it sails past.
With this game, parents will be able to better know the ability of their child. The preschooler will easily cope with these tasks that will help him improve attention and logical thinking. A five-year or six-year-old child already knows the numbers and can write them, for the development of mathematical abilities, account skills and memory are proposed to solve mathematical puzzles: Catch up butterflies (slide 44), collect a bouquet for Sandy (slide 17), using the code, the example (slide 12).

The game includes tasks for the development of care and perfection, they will help the kid faster to adapt to the school regime. Such tasks like: One towel is different from everyone (slide 38), find 7 differences in pictures (slide18), find the right shadow of the computer (slide 24), one bird without a pair (slide 7), help catch a jelly (slide 38).

Tasks - labyrinths will teach children to logically lay the moves, sort out all possible options, it will help the preschooler to come to the right solution.

Created computer game Available for children of 5 -7 years and their parents who have initial work skills on the computer. The game is in demand. The educators of the kindergarten and teachers of the creativity of creativity took my game and apply it in classrooms, children with great pleasure performs tasks, parents of the School of Early Development "Rodnichok" House of Children's Creativity are asking for personal use after teachers tested the game in the school at school of early Development of "Spring".
When creating the game, I tried to answer the question: "Learning in the game, do not children dream about it?"

The following literature was used during the work:
Strelnikova S.D. "Mukosolki", Malinovka, 2008
Svetlova I.E. "Enhance intelligence and erudition", Eksmo - Press, 2001
Zemtsova OM "Tests for children 4-5 years old", Mahaon, 2008
Beloshesky A.V. "Large Training", Act, Moscow, 2008

Interactive educational game for preschoolers "Let's play"

When working with preschoolers, the choice of interactive games, as a method of learning, remains discussion. Its use in kindergarten may depend on the level of preparedness of educators, mastering the peculiarities of this technique. All aspects of this problem will be analyzed will be difficult, but the article will allow the educator to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of the use of interactive games in educating preschoolers.

A small historical excursion

The English word "interactive" means the ability to talk, interact with anyone. Compared to active methods, interactive is focused not only on the extensive interaction of the educator with preschoolers, but also on the interaction of the last one with each other, and the role of the preschooler becomes dominant in the learning process. The role of the educator here comes down to developing a plan for classes and the direction of the activities of preschoolers to achieve the proposed goals.
In organizing interactive games with preschoolers, the creation of such conditions in which they would acquire an important experience of social behavior becomes the most important. Here, under an interactive game, not only the interaction of children with teacher and each other, but also organized activity of knowledge in the social direction. In these games, children not only comprehend new, but also learn to understand other people and themselves.

Principle of interactive games

There are many such games invented, but they are all like and based on a specific algorithm:

  • The teacher picks up for a group of children exercises and tasks. Sometimes a preparatory occupation is required.
  • Before children, a problem is brought to solutions or the goal that needs to be achieved.The educator should be able to clearly formulate the purpose of the task so that children do not have the feeling of incomprehensibility and even the unnecessaries of the classes offered by him. They need to explain the rules of the game and clearly instruct.
  • To achieve the goal, children have to interact during the game.In case of difficulty at some stages, the teacher is connected and adjusts their actions.
  • At the end of the game, you need to give some time to removing the tension for some time, after which it is necessary to analyze the results with them and summarize. When analyzing, you need to concentrate on the emotional side - the feelings experienced by children, and also to discuss what they liked, and what was difficult, as the situation developed, what did the participants, and what the result turned out.

It is important that the children who have tried in the new situation received pleasure from the game. Interactive game should not be confused with business or role playing. The latter looks like the theater: the solution to the problem in it is not the main thing, just there characters and observers. For business game Professional skills are formed on the basis of personal qualities and acquired experience.
Next will be offered several options for typical interactive games for the middle and older category of preschoolers.

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Curiously, that entertaining mathematics For preschoolers, not only kids are interested, but sometimes fascinates adults. Cognitive and at the same time int ...

Game based on Russian folk tale about rep

At the preparatory lesson, the preceding game, children need to be acquainted with this fairy tale and discuss it with them.
Issues for discussion:

  • What is repka (grown in vegetable vegetable)?
  • Why did the grandfather failed to pull the park alone (she succeeded very big, so grandfather and could not cope with her alone)?
  • Who my grandfather helped (first grandmother, then granddaughter, bug, cat and finally mouse)?
  • What does a fairy tale teach (a difficult thing can only be mastered together)?

Next, the teacher offers to color the illustrations of this fairy tale. To go to the game, you need to collect 2-3 teams with a number of 6-7 children. It is necessary to prepare several identical card sets in advance, where the characters from the fairy tale are depicted, as well as markers, pencils and plasticine.
Then the teacher must be clearly articulated to the task. In the next room on the table there is a real or clay clay, plasticine or painted repka. When entering turns in this room, each child remembers a fairy tale, and then all children together are engaged in compiling a mosaic, having characters in the manner described in the fairy tale. Each team is issued a set with cards of heroes. The team player chooses hero and puts it on the table in the sequence that existed in a fairy tale.
Next, the teacher warns the participants of the game that certain conditions must be observed:

  • time is limited to 10 minutes;
  • you can not talk, but to communicate only with gestures and faith.

When the task is fulfilled, the children are invited to start the next stage: each child should make or draw a repka in the next room. When the game ends, the teacher with children together analyze its results: they are divided by what happened, and what is not very, who and why it was difficult, whether they managed everything.

The game based on the folk tale "Teremok"

The game is carried out on the same algorithm. Before it starts, a preparatory occupation takes place, where children get acquainted or recall the plot of this Russian folk tales and discuss it. Questions offered for discussion:

  • Where was the teremok (in the field)?
  • Who was the first there settled (Mouse-Norushka)?
  • What other animals lived in Teremka (frog-cuckoo, chanterelle-sister, bunny-shooter, wolf-gray barrel)?
  • Why did the bear on the roof climb (he couldn't get to the teremok, since was too big)?

After that, children need to be offered to paint the pictures to the fairy tale, which are chosen by the teacher. Next comes the next stage of the interactive game (see Previous Option). When the task is completed, the kids are proposed to independently build terems from the materials prepared by the teacher or the materials brought by children. When the game ends, proceed to analyzing its results.
Speaking when teaching preschoolers for interactive games, the teacher may face a weak motivation of children ("loss" from the game, lack of interest, etc.). There are problems with the methodical literature and game development.

Memory is the most important property of the personality and the process passing in the brain. Without it, it would be impossible to develop intelligence in principle. Fortunately, & NB ...

Game "Homemade Pet"

It also begins with the preparatory classes, where the kids get acquainted with the proposed animal (here - chicken), referring to any kind of art. Offer to call Russian folk tales With this animal, guess the riddles, remember the poems, cartoons, patterings, where the hero is chicken.
Examples of riddles:
Appeared in a yellow fur coat.
Farewell, two shells! (Chick.)

White round lay for a long time,
Suddenly shook ... (egg and chicken.)

There was a white house
Wonderful house
And something stored in it.
And he crashed, and from there
Live ran out a miracle -
Such a warm, so fluffy
And gold. (Egg and chicken.)

I woof everyone in time
Although I do not start the clock. (Cock.)

Before all rises,
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" - sings. (Cock.)

After reading the verse "Chicken" K. Chukovsky, teacher asks for her.
Krascavitsa lived with me.
Oh, what a smart chicken was!
Sheel caftans, sewed boots,

Sweet, ruddy baked me pies.
And when I manage, sit down at the gate -
A fairy tale will tell, the song will sing.

After reading the children a tale "Ryaba", the teacher asks what she is. After that, the Tale of K. Chukovsky about the chicken with subsequent issues: "As a chicken behaved and why, who comforted him?".
"He lived in the light of chicken. He was small. This is.
But he thought he was very big, and importantly looked up his head. Like this.
And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was this.
Mom fed his worms. And these worms were these.
Once the black cat flew to mom and drove her away from the courtyard. And there was a black cat here.
The chicken remained at the fence alone. Suddenly he sees: Takes off his beautiful big cock on the fence, stretched her neck like that. And he shouted to all the throat: "Kukareku!". And it was important to looked around: "Am I not delets? Are I not well done? " Chicken really liked it. He also pulled the neck. Like this. And that was the strength, was wrote: "Pi-Pi-Pi! I also delete! I am also well done! " But stumbled and plipped in a puddle. Like this.
A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed: "Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Far to you to the rooster! ". And there was a frog here.
Here the mother ran to chicken. She regretted and stick it. Like this".

Then the next stage of the interactive game begins, the goal of becoming more closely to introduce children with a pet.
One half of the children is going around the table with white and colored paper lying there, glue, plasticine, scissors and details of the designer. They will jointly create an image of a chicken. At the same time, children should not communicate verbally. Teacher can change the game depending on the preparedness of children. If it is difficult for them to fulfill the task, they are offered to choose the manufacture of individual parts of chicken from any material (paws from plasticine, wings of paper, body and head from the elements of the constructor). The teacher should not invent anything for children, but only to send their creative fantasy to the right direction. After graduating, the children appreciate the results and share their impressions.And the second group of preschoolers guess that the children of the first group were created.

The world of any child is filled with necessary things for him: pyramids, a variety of toys, cartoons and shooters. It is not surprising, because for ...

Interactive game "Forest Animal"

At the preparatory lesson, children introduce animals (let it be protein), read a fragment from the Pushkin "Tales of Tsar Saltan", the fairy tale of "Squirrel and Wolf" L. Tolstoy, offer riddles about the protein:
Who with high dark pines
In the guys bump threw
And in bushes through the pencils
Flashed like a light? (Squirrel.)

I go to the fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest,
In the voupel on the old oak
Nuts I rodz. (Squirrel.)

The animal found out with you
For two such signs:
He is in the fur coat in winter in winter
And in red fur coat - in summer. (Squirrel.)

* * *
Know, this is not a bass:
Spruce in the forest, under the fir protein,
Squirrel song sings
And all the nuts nibble
And nuts are not simple,
All gold shells,
The kernel is pure emerald ...
"The squirrel jumped from the branch to the branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat it. Protein began to ask:
- Let me in.
Wolf said:
- Well, I will let you down, just tell me, why are you, proteins, so cheerful. I am always bored, and you look at you, you play everything upstairs and jump.
Squirrel said:
"Let me first on the tree, I'll tell you from there, otherwise I'm afraid of you."
The wolf was allowed, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:
"You're bored that you are angry." You will burn angrily anger. And we are cheerful from the fact that we do not do good and no one. "
After the tales of Tolstoy, ask children that they learned from here about the protein, how did the squirrel behaved with the wolf?
At the end, children read another poem about the protein.