Games with minor for preschoolers. Entertainment "Traveling with Linking to Games Country". Logic games for the development of mental functions of preschoolers. Scenario of extracurricular activities

Audience: Children from 6 to 14 years old.

Event flow:

Participants are divided into two teams, come up with names for them. For the victory in the game teams get a score. At the end of the event, points are calculated, and the team is determined - the winner.

During the event, the presenter reads fragments from the book N.Nosov « Dunno In the sunny city.

Leading:Guys, we continue to get acquainted with the book N.Nosov « Dunno In the sunny city, "and today we will go on a journey through an adorable factory. At this factory, the shorteys of the Sun city produce the most different clothes. But before we go to the factory, I offer you such a game. I will call things that a certain fashionista wears, and you have to clap your hands if you can wear things, and if you can not wear them, then you should turn loudly. So, start!

Game "Fashionista"

So, I saw a skirt at Modnice ( clap)

Not one, but at once two ( hang

On the shoulders of fish fur coat ( hang

And pot on the head (Top)

On her legs boots (clap)

On high heels (clap)

And in the ears hang earrings (clap)

And tights on hand (Top)

Scarf dangles on the neck (clap)

On the nose - glasses like shadow (clap)

In the hair fan (Top)

And on the belt - belt (clap)

And there is a blouse on it (clap)

Umbrella - cane in hand (clap)

On the shoulder weighs jellyfish (Top)

And briefcase on a leash (Top)

Eat on the cholemko's finger (clap)

And on the neck - a bowler (Top)

And the pendant is heart (clap)

Batiste (clap)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this disadvantage.

I want to wish you

There are no such fashionless!

Leading:Well we sink with you! Now you can go on the journey! Tell me guys, on what transport Dunno And his friends cool, the cube, the button and the Pierce arrived at a relative factory? (children's responses)Right, by car. Imagine that we sit down in a car and quickly go to the factory. (Children imitate the sound of the motor)And here we stop "Near a round ten-story building painted very beautiful paint of corporal color." Let's enter inside. We are with you "I found yourself in a big round room with a brilliant white tiled floor and the same white walls and a ceiling. From all sides, the muted buzz of the mechanisms and the soft rustle of the fabrics made. ... On the first floor of the factory there is a large textile boiler engineer of cylindrik, in which various fabrics are created from the threads. "

I have a thread from this boiler in my hands, let's see them.

Game "Smeat Thread"

Players compete in pairs. According to the signal of the leading participants, it is starting to divert the thread, the one who fulfills the task first wins.

Leading:Our journey in the factory continues, and I invite you to go to the second floor. "... a variety of jackets, jackets, coats and jackets are manufactured here. But here the threads, before getting into the weaving machine, pass the process of color, that is, continuously stretched through the vessels with staining solutions. "

Guys, I suggest you to participate in the process of coloring fabrics.

Game "Dreamers"

At the distance from the team shawged pieces of white fabric. Each team gets tassel and paint. According to the signal of the lead the first players of each team, the brush in the paint are faded to the fabric, make a brush with a brush, return to the command and transmit the next player to the relay. The team that painted the fabric is faster.

Leading:And I invite you to the third floor. As you can see here "Pants of different styles and sizes are manufactured." Let's check how comfortable pants produced here are.

Game "Trouses"

Each team gets along large pants. All participants are divided into pairs. One player puts on one pant, another other. Each couple must reach the bow and back, passing the trousers to the next players. The team wins, whose participants will fulfill the task faster.

Leading:And our journey continues. "The fourth, fifth and sixth floors are engaged in the production of various dresses, skirts, blouses and blouses." And there are many beautiful buttons on the shorty blouse. I suggest you fasten here these blouses for all buttons.

Game "One Button, Two Button"

One player from each team puts the blouse / shirt and becomes a few meters from his team. At the signal of the leading teams, the first team players put on gloves, run to their player, fasten one button on the blouse, returned back and transmit gloves to the next participant. The team wins the first fastening all butt on the blouse.

Leading:And we climb the seventh floor of the factory. Here "We are made of leggings, stockings, socks, ties, bows, ribbons, laces, belts, and a similar trifle and handkerchiefs." Guys, I have a sock in my hands, made on this floor, and in it riddles about clothes. Try to guess them.

Game "Dead Riddles"

Teams in turn pull out of the sock on one riddle. The team is defeated, guessing more riddles.

Leading: Guys, see what beautiful ribbons produce short ones on their own factory. And now I suggest you make a bows from these ribbons.

Game "Bow-time, bow two"

At some distance from the teams stretching the rope. Each player receives a ribbon. According to the signal of the lead, the first players run to the rope, tie a ribbon tape on it, return to the team and transmit the relay to the following participants. The team wins the task first.

Leading:And we climb on the eighth floor of the factory where they produce "All sorts of hats". For example, here are such hats (The presenter shows a hat). With this hat can be played in an interesting game.

Game "Music Hat"

All participants get up in a circle, and while music sounds, they transmit a hat to each other. When the music is silent, a player, in the hands of which will be a hat, must perform any task: sing a song, tell the poem, to dance, jump, etc. By completing the task, the player drops out, and becomes the viewer. The last participant remaining in the circle brings his team a victorious score.

Leading:Our journey continues, and we get up to the ninth floor of a delete factory, where the shorteys produce shoes. "Here were in the go ... Tolstonity, multilayer and pressed fabrics, of which in the sunny city loved to do shoes." Guys, what shoes do you like to wear most? (children's responses)And now I will check how quickly you can argue!

Game "Shoe Trouble"

All participants remove shoes and fold it into a large box or a passage to a piece of fabric. At the signal of the leading players of both teams run up to the shoes, find their own, shovel and lined up in a rank teams. The team that built the first wins.

Leading:Guys, we passed nine floors of a delete factory, but "Not a single short one, as all processes, up to the packaging of finished products, are performed by machines. But on the tenth floor, the opposite is, that is, there are no cars at all, and the kids and babies are many. Some of them are behind the easels and draw something, others sit beyond the tables and something drawn, others are sterling from different materials. There are mannequins around in a set, that is, large, in real root height, the dolls on which they produced fitting dresses. " On the tenth floor of the factory, guys, there is an art department, where the shorteys - artists come up with drawings for fabric, and also invent new clothing styles. It works here the most famous artist thread. "Now it is working on creating a picture for a new fabric, which is called" Morning in a pine forest ". And recently, the thread created a sample of the fabric called the "Ladybug". Another time, the thread came up with even more interesting matter called "four times of the year". It was printed in eight colors, for which there were eight new printed rollers. The whole city dressed up in these dresses with pictures. "

Guys, I suggest you become artists and create your own drawing for fabric.

Game "Artists"

Each team gets a sheet of watman and paint. Their task in 10 minutes to create a drawing. The team wins, who made the most interesting, unusual drawing.

Leading:Guys, our journey along the relative factory approached the end. We hosted all the ten floors, and now let's go down to the first floor. On the first floor of the factory, the finished products are packaged and fold in the boxes to dilute the shores of the sunny city. And now I suggest you try yourself as parsers.

Game "Packers"

Each team is issued for 10 things and newspapers. At the signal of the leading players pack every thing in the newspaper, fold them into the box and when the box is filled, bring it the lead. The team wins the task first.

Leading:Well done boys! Our journey through the relative factory ended, you brilliantly coped with all game tasks. Let's now we calculate the points and determine the team - the winner. (the presenter considers points)Wins the team (name)! Let's congratulate them and loudly climb the winners.


  1. Nosov N. Everything about Lekhanka and his friends: Tale. - SPB.: ABC, ABC-Attikus, 2013. - C.293-302.
  2. Turygina S.V. Desktop book of Entertainer: Adults and children's concert programs. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. - C.172-173.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School No. 4" Kaluga Cities

Scenario of extracurricular activities

teacher primary classes Makarova Natalia Nikolaevna

The literary game "The Adventures of Justice and His Friends. N. Nosov. "

(2 class)

2014 - 2015 academic year

"Day, leaving without a book, is a lost day."

Purpose: Development of emotional responsiveness when reading artistic works, artistic and creative and cognitive abilities.

Tasks: develop interest in the work of N. Nosov; Develop the skills of communicative communication, bring up a sense of collectivism, cohesion, skills to work in a team.

Equipment:a computer; projector; presentation; Exhibition of books N. Nosova; Attributes from the fairy tale N. Nosov "Adventures of Link and His friends"; command emblems; diplomas.

Event flow:

Slides 2-5

Round field hat

And in the pants to the knees,

Busy different things

Only learn to him too lazy.

He is the famous artist,

He is known to all the poet,

Remarkably raised

He is very fashionable.

Who he is, quickly guess!

What is his name? ..

Lead (Dunno): Hello, guys! They guessed, what is my name? True, Dunno. What kind of fairy tale are I from? And why is me so called? No, I know a lot, you don't know anything, and I'll prove you. I will ask a lot of questions from my fairy tale where I the main character, and you will answer. I think you do not love to read.

Teacher: Guys, agree to play with little one? But before Dunno starts asking his tricky questions, listen to an interesting story about the author of the fairy tale "Adventures of Links and his friends"

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kiev. In 1932 he graduated from the Director of the Faculty of State Institute of Cinematography. From 1932 he worked as a film director and a multiplier artist. Literary debut N. Nosova took place in 1938

Fame to the children's writer brought the story "Vitya Maleyev at school and at home", published in 1951 and was honored in 1952 by the State Prize of the USSR. In 1955, the story was filmed "two friends". To this day, the trilogy about the minor - "Adventures of Link and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny Town", "Dunno on the Moon" is enjoying a great success. The first book saw the light in 1954, and the last one in 1964. According to these fabulous stories, several animation films have been delivered. In addition to literary activities - and Peru Nikolay Nosov belongs to the "story about my friend Igor", the plays, many stories, "the writer took part in the creation of filmcensenaries, according to which, in particular, films" Adventures of Toli Shuvin "and" Fantashers "were delivered.

Slides 6.

Teacher: We got acquainted with the brief biography of N. Nosov, now Dunno Your turn. Ask your questions, and the guys will try to answer.

Dunno: In order to find out who knows all the heroes of the book "Adventures of Link and His Friends," I propose to play a literary game. To do this, share for 3 teams (when preparing for a literary game, children crashed in advance to teams, made their team emblems, gave her name, prepared drawings, questions for rivals teams). For each correct answer you will receive points. Which team will gain more points, she will win.

Task 1. "How was Dunno?". (Slide 7)

Bright blue hat, yellow canary pants, orange shirt, green tie.

Task 2. "In which city did Dunno and his friends lived?".(Slide 8)

In a flower town.

Task 3. "Locking house and his friends were located ...». (Slide 9)

a) on the avenue of gladiolus

b) on the street bells

c) on the alley of daisies

d) on the Boulevard of Vasilkov

Task 4. "Pooh riddles".(Slide 10-16)

We all love books from childhood
About funny brief
Gusly, donut, minor ...
Who is who - you're deposit!

1.This - Master Draw
Paints and brush.
Maybe it will draw
And portrait and leaves. Tube

2. This is very, very important.
He's bravely with the castor
The disease rushes
Everyone is trying to treat. Pilyulkin

3.This boy eternally gloomy,
He brings and angry.
Sweet to give him medicine
Let the smile glow! Vorshun

4. This is a friend of Links faithful.
Very modest he probably
He is a otmnaya musician,
Him big Talent. Husl

5. We decided to ride
With a breeze in the car
The truth in the fairy tale was told
We ourselves created it.
After all, this is not anywhere:
It goes on gas - water. Vicky and Shpuntik

6. Pretty baby
Blue eyes.
She loves books very much -
And poems, and fairy tales. (Sinegolase)

Task 5. "Find out who owns these things." (Slide 17)

A lot of things came to the find room. It is necessary to find their owners. All of them are your old familiar. So, start:

    Leather Jacket (Vicky, Towder)

    First aid kit (Pilyulkin)

    Suit without a single button (Toroping)

    Kleaksa (Dunno)

    Checkered costume (syrup)

    Sugar Sug (Donut)

    Borotographer (fur screw)

    Magnifying glass (glassshkin)

    Feather (flowery)

    Jar with honey (Medianship)

Task 6. "Find out the hero on the description."(Slide 18-25)

He came up with a special jumpsuit, in which there was not a single button. It is fastened from above on one button. Toropany

In his costumes were mainly pockets. The more pockets were, the better the costume was considered. His best suit consisted of seventeen pockets. Donut

He had a little dog Bulka and there was a rifle that fired traffic jams. Bulka.

He was dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put his glasses on his nose and began to read some book, it was very similar to the professor. Digger

He always walked in checkered costumes. And his pants were checkered, and the jacket is checkered, and the checkered cap. The shorteys said: "Look, look, there is a chessboard." Sypropchik

They were similar to each other, only one was a little higher, and another little bit down. Both went to leather jackets. From the pockets of their jackets forever stuck wrenches, ticks, files and other iron tools. Shpunter and Victor

He always walked in a white coat, and on his head wearing a white cap with a tassel.


Task 7. "Crossword".(Slide 26)


    What is the name of the city in which the shorteys lived?

    What name did the baby worn?

    How did the residents of the flower city named for their little height?

    Name the name of the friend is minor


    The name of the baby who loved plant plants and bring their new varieties

    What was called the city in which travelers got

    Toddler name, masters for all hands: repair, saw, planing, rivet, solder

    From him babies received several sirop barrels

    What was the name of a dog hunter

Dunno:I know the guys that you picked up questions on the fairy tale N. Nosova "Adventures of Locking and His friends" and drew pictures. Now you

The task. "Question of the opponent's team." "Guess the fairy tale in drawings."

(children prepared in advance drawings and questions about the fairy tale for rivals)


Dunno: Well done, now I feel free to call you the rinks.

Like you like literary game On the fairy tale N. Nosov "Adventures of Links and his friends"? (Children's responses)

And what did you like more? (Children's responses)

I say goodbye to you to the new literary game "Dunno in the sunny city".


N.NOSOV "Adventure Links and his friends" (literary game)

Equipment: Book N.Nosov and illustrations for it, other books from the Trilogy "Dunno in the Sunny City" and "Dunno on the Moon". Portrait of a writer, a crossword puzzle.

Game traffic:

So, guys, I invite you to the "Tournament of the Merulous Shorty". Two teams of kids and two kids teams participate in the tournament. Let's get acquainted.

1 tour. "Sprint - Questions"

1) in one city there were shorteys. Why were they so called? (They were very small, with a small cucumber)

2) And in what city did they live in? (in a flower city)

4) Dunno wanted to become a musician. What musical instrument he chose? Why? How did other kids react to this? And Dunno himself? (My music does not understand, did not grow even before my music)

5) Dunno is an artist. Whose portrait did he paint first? (Gunka) What other kids did Dunno drawn and how to "artist" treated in the artist? (strangers liked the portraits, and not)

6) Dunno - Poet. What is the most important thing for the poet? (rhyme) And what is rhyme? (When the word or phrase ends the same and to be folded). Remember what a poem, who became minted. Read it.

7) What was the balloon made from? (from rubber) And how to get it in short? (from the plant, the flowers of which are like ficuses, it gave white juice)

8) What else was needed for a balloon? (Silkonic cocoons - made of her mesh for a ball and a large basket of fine birch bark)

9) What were the kids parachutes when they jumped from a balloon?

(from dandelions)

10) What is the reason forced a balloon to fall? (The higher, the colder). What should the kids make to prevent an accident? (skydive). And first was who? (Sign)

So, Dunno is the most famous shortcut of the flower city. Why the most famous, what do you think? First, because after seeing it at least once, it is impossible to forget. Defiantly bright and pedestrous outfit; Non-standard behavior allocate it in any crowd. In addition, he is famous for the lies, Bouncen and Lazy. In addition, Dunno is moving, curious, open, sociable and not devoid of talents. Judge for yourself: the first time I took paints in my hands and drew portraits of all my friends in one night. Although it worked rather in the cartoon genre.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a "minor" N.Nosov pushed the book Anna Wollyson "Kingdom baby Adventures of Murzilki and Forest Men " (1883) based on comic Palmers Cox. Heroes of her book were small forest elves With funny names. Murzilka in this book is very similar to our minor.

The noses came up with his brief because he had many ideas, but did not have enough heroes. He had a whole country where tiny adults live with the features of the child's character. Plants in this country "Giant" - the size of the house, insects too. But the beasts are the same small as the shorteys.

2 tour. "Search". Wanted "are" literary characters. According to their descriptions, you need to find portraits.

1. "This kid knew a lot, because he read different books. These books lay on his desk, under the table, on the bed and under the bed. In his room there was no such place where the books would not be. He became very smart from reading books, so everyone listened and loved him. He was dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put his glasses on his nose ... "(Slip)

2. "He always walked in a white coat, on his head a white cap with a brush, heals the brief from all diseases." And what he treated the brief? (Dr. Pilyulkin)

3. "This kid wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary pants and an orange shirt with a green tie. He loved bright colors at all. Drops out with such a parrot, he wanted all day in the city, composing different non-liberty and told everyone. " Remember: What kind of unfinished Dunno told?

4. "This kid knew how to make magnifying glass from fragments of broken bottles. When he looked into the magnifying glasses on various subjects, then the items seemed more. From several such magnifying glass, he made a large pylon pipe, which could be viewed on the moon and on the stars. Thus, it became ... (astronomer). What was his name? (Glassshkin)

5. "These were very good masters. They were similar to each other, only one of them was a little higher, and the other - a little lower. Both went to leather jackets. From the pockets of their jackets forever stuck wrenches, ticks, files and other iron tools. They also had leather caps with glasses - canned food. (Mechanic Vicky and his assistant Shpunter) What did they make? (carbonated car)

6. "There were two babies in front of the mirror and talked. One was in a blue dress made of brilliant silk maternity, with the same silk belt, tied behind the bow. She had blue eyes dark hair braided into a long braid. Another was in a pedestrian dress with pink and purple flower. Her hair was bright, almost white, descended on the shoulders waves. She put on in front of the mirror hat and rush all the time as forty "(bluebell and snowflake)

7. "She had chubby ruddy brushes, gray eyes strictly looked from round horns. She was in a white coat and in a white hat with a small suitcase. " (Dr. Moudunitsa) Why did it be so nicknamed? (treated sick honey)

8. "I wanted to see someone who argues there. He jumped out of bed and quickly opened the door. There was a deaf blow, and Dunno saw two kids in front of him. They bounced aside, grabbed his arms around his foreheads and looked at meek with fright. One on the angle was embroidered a green bunny, and the other is a red squirrel. They both, as a team, froze through their eyes and cry ... "(Zainka and Square)

9. "He became famous for the fact that he loved the gashed water with syrup very much. He was always very polite "(Sypripchik)

10. "The door opened, and a new baby looked into the room. She had hair curls; Funny mischievous eyes and a shook face with a hot span "(dragonfly)

11. "He came up with a special suit in which there was not a single button. It is known that when dressing and undressing is spent the fasigation of buttons most of all time ... Therefore, this costume stamped on one button ... "(Toropbow)

12. "When he was taken for some reason, he did not do it as it should, and he had all the collapse - the opposite. He learned to read only in warehouses, and I could write only with printed letters "(Dunno)

Competition for viewers. "Cities and villages"

A) "On both sides of the streets stretched the fences, woven from thin venti-roths. The fences were visible beautiful houses with red and green roofs ... The trees grew in the courtyards and on the streets. The whole city was drowned in greenery "

B) "Turning the corner, travelers found themselves in a musical alley, where all houses were built in the form of musical instruments. One house was in the form of piano, the other - in the form of a piano, the third - in the form of a harp ... "(Sunny city)

C) "They had very beautiful in the city. Around each house there were flowers: daisies, chamomiles, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers ... "(Flower City)

3 round. "Professions of Brief"

(on a separate card task for each command: connect the name and profession of the shorteys)

Almost every short one was a profession, but what about Dunno? Did he have a profession?

If Dunno was taken for some business, that did it not as necessary , and it all operated a shivo-across. Dunno really wanted to learn something, but did not love to work. He wanted to learn immediately and without any difficulty, but from this nothing happens if you do not have patience and adjacent.

First, Dunno decided to become ... who? That's right, a musician. Husl suggested that she was not enough ... what? On balalaica. But he chose - the pipe and he was kicked out of the city.

Then he decided to become an artist. And the tube gave him paints and brushes. Dunno Drew ... What? Portraits of their friends. Attention - Task: Remember ...

A) Who woke up first and saw his portrait on the wall? (Pilyulkin)

B) Whom painted too fat? (Donut)

C) who is on thin legs and with a dog tail? (Toroping)

D) who is riding on the bulence? (Pulka)

E) who with donkey ears? (Sign)

The artist from him also did not work. Dunno decided to become a poet. And his teacher Tsvetics told him about the fact that the most important in poetry ... is Rhyme. And Dunno composed several "poetic masterpieces" at once. Remember and read any of his poems.

(for each poem - 2 points)

And we let's try to choose rhymes To the words: stove (candle), stick (daw), book (bump), duck (joke), Corjik (Morzhik), Pakle (Sakla)

4 round "Bag of lost things." Fill over the crossword.

Task: learn the owner on things and fill the crossword.

1. Paints (tube) 2. Wrench 3. Tablet (Medianship) 4. Book (Sign)

5. Magnifying glass (glassshkin) 6. Bun (donut)

7. Sparkling water (Sypropic) 8. Boot (Molchun) 9. Mirror (Snowflake)

10. Button (button)

5 round. " WHO SAID THAT?"

1. "You're just a sick. You happened to you with my eyes. When did you see it, so that I have a thermometer instead of the nose? You will have to give you on the night of the Caster "(Pillkin)

2. "Well, capable, capable, only leave! My head bothered. Compound so that there is a meaning and rhyme. Here you and poems "(flowers)

3. "Brothers, what does he compose about me? I did not swallow any cold iron! " (Toroping)

4. "This is because you are not used to my music. Here you get used to, and the ears will not be sick "(Dunno)


6. "Goodbye, brothers! He shouted. - We fly away in the distant edges. After a week, we will return back. Bye!" (Sign)

7. "We just think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge split ball. I saw it in a pickle pipe "(glassshkin)

8. "Aware after all that our treatment method is much better than yours. Different abrasions, wounds, scratches and bruises should be smeared by honey "(Medianship)

6 round "Buggy Minutes"

(Each team sets 10 questions. How long is the right answers - so many points)

1 team: 1) Why could not tolerate a tooth powder? (it is not tasty)

2) What river was the flower city? (on the cucumber river)

3) What kind of "the law of nature was invented by Dunno? (above the clouds always up

Feet flying)

4) What kind of fuel was used for your car a screw and a tower?

(carbonated water with syrup)

5) What was the difference in a green city from other cities in which the shorteys lived?

(its purity)

6) What was the water pipe in the Green City? (from cane stalks)

7) What was the name of the city where the kids lived? (Drink)

8) What do the kids of the snake loved most? (Different adventures and

make a boredom)

9) Cause of quarrels of kids and kids? (invited to her Christmas tree and

Threw girls in snow)

10) For what kids raise watermelons? (made sweet syrup from them)

2 team: 1) Who brought the sweetest variety of watermelon? (Straw - the smartest of kids)

2) The bridge was extended through the watermelon river. What was he made from?

(his splurs of bass from the stalks of flax)

3) Why did the plaster appear to the forehead on the forehead? (She snanked her

ruler so that there is no bruise)

4) why the first of the hospital discharged the screw and tongs? (They have to

were to start faster to repair the car)

5) on what musical instrument Clell to play the musician Guusl?

(on flute)

6) What was the name of the mechanics from the city of the drill? (Fur screw)

7) Where was this town of Drink? (on the beach, near the river)

8) Why did the city of the serpent so called? (kids love to run in it

city \u200b\u200bof kites)

9) What was the name of the driver with whom the Vicky and Shpunter got to the snake?

10) What song about charging complaining flowers? (Go out in order

Be chaling. Start with charging day. Accelerate Movement

3 team: 1) What is the house of the mechanics of a screwdriver differed from all the others?

(everything was in the buttons)

2) What is an interesting car, invented by a veil? (8 Wheels in the corners,

you can ride how everyone goes, and you can on my side and even upside down)

3) Who is Smekylo? (writer)

4) And what kind of thing is this - a bummist? (a valid car)

5) Portrait Which baby Tube painted first? (Snowflakes)

6) What was the name of the poetess from the Green City? (Bravetics)

7) Who is in the assistants brought the artist Tubik? (Avoska)

8) What did the tube and waist deal? (made templates for


9) Which of the bus is discharged with the latter? (Pulka)

10) that they decided to make babies from the flower city on "occasion

return to construction »Brief from the flower city? (ball)

4 team: 1) Why did the badge advised not to go to the green city to their friends?

(there they ate the stoker dragon)

2) who interrected for a launder when everyone learned that he was not, and I came up with a sign

balloon? (Sinegolase)

3) What song was sang on the balls of the kids from the flower city?

("In the grass Grasshopper sat…")

4) What is the name of the most best friend Locking? (Gunka)

5) How was it decided to travel back to the flower city? (on foot)

6) What did Nunno promised to send Sieglase when he returns home?

7) How did the residents of the flower city meet their kids? (with joy)

8) Did the bleb be found after traveling in a balloon?

(Yes, he himself returned home)

9) Find and read the verses that the flowers have composed in honor of arrival

travelers home.

10) After the trip, Dunno changed very much. That he began to do every

write beautifully writing)

Today we remembered the most interesting moments From the book N.Nosov "Adventures of Links and his friends." But this book has a continuation and if you want, you can continue to get acquainted with these heroes and get acquainted with new ones. (show two books - continuation of the series) to new meetings!

Summing up and rewarding winners.

Appendix number 1.

1. "This kid knew a lot, because he read different books. These books lay on his desk, under the table, on the bed and under the bed. In his room there was no such place where the books would not be. He became very smart from reading books, so everyone listened and loved him. He was dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put his glasses on his nose ... "

2. "He always walked in a white coat, on his head a white cap with a brush, heals the brief from all diseases." And what he treated the brief?

3. "This kid wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary pants and an orange shirt with a green tie. He loved bright colors at all. Drops out with such a parrot, he wanted all day in the city, composing different non-liberty and told everyone. " Remember: What kind of unprecedented he was told?

4. "This kid knew how to make magnifying glass from fragments of broken bottles. When he looked into the magnifying glasses on various subjects, then the items seemed more. From several such magnifying glass, he made a large pylon pipe, which could be viewed on the moon and on the stars. So he got ... How was his name?

5. "These were very good masters. They were similar to each other, only one of them was a little higher, and the other - a little lower. Both went to leather jackets. From the pockets of their jackets forever stuck wrenches, ticks, files and other iron tools. They also had leather caps with glasses - canned food. What do they smear?

6. "There were two babies in front of the mirror and talked. One was in a blue dress made of brilliant silk maternity, with the same silk belt, tied behind the bow. She had blue eyes dark hair braided into a long braid. Another was in a pedestrian dress with pink and purple flower. Her hair was bright, almost white, descended on the shoulders waves. She put on a hat in front of a mirror and cracks like forty "

7. "She had chubby ruddy brushes, gray eyes strictly looked from round horns. She was in a white coat and in a white hat with a small suitcase. " Why was it so nicknamed?

8. "I wanted to see someone who argues there. He jumped out of bed and quickly opened the door. There was a deaf blow, and Dunno saw two kids in front of him. They bounced aside, grabbed his arms around his foreheads and looked at meek with fright. One on the angle was embroidered a green bunny, and the other is a red squirrel. They both, as a team, froze through their eyes and cried ... "

9. "He became famous for the fact that he loved the gashed water with syrup very much. He was always very polite. "

10. "The door opened, and a new baby looked into the room. She had hair curls; Funny mischievous eyes and a shook face with a sharp nose "

11. "He came up with a special suit in which there was not a single button. It is known that when dressing and undressing is spent the fasigation of the buttons more than all time ... Therefore, this costume stalled on one button ... "

12. "When he was taken for some reason, he did not do it as it should, and he had all the collapse - the opposite. He learned only in warehouses, but I could write only with printed letters. "

Appendix number 2.

1. Znayka Dr. 7. Tsvetics Astronomer

2. Donut Mechanic 8. Medician Writer

3. Merchant postman 9. Tube hunter

4. Victor Scientist 10. Poket poet

5. Pill Cook 11. Glasskin Doctor

6. Avoska shoemaker 12. Smekylo artist

Appendix number 3.

1. "You're just a sick. You happened to you with my eyes. When did you see it, so that I have a thermometer instead of the nose? You will have to give you on the night of the Caster

2. "Well, capable, capable, only leave! My head bothered. Compound so that there is a meaning and rhyme. Here you and poems "

3. "Brothers, what does he compose about me? I did not swallow any cold iron! "

4. "This is because you are not used to my music. So you get used to, and ears will not be sick "

5. "Please, please have a more comfortable. Spot in a balloon enough for everyone "

6. "Goodbye, brothers! He shouted. - We fly away in the distant edges. After a week, we will return back. Bye!"

7. "We just think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge split ball. I saw it in a pickle pipe "

8. "Aware after all that our treatment method is much better than yours. Different abrasions, wounds, scratches and bruises should be smeared with honey "

"Bag of lost things"

Once, the mechanic of Vicky and his assistant tower turned on the vacuum cleaner, which swallowed all the things of the brief. They got things, but we need to help return them to the owners.

The task : Learn the owner by things and fill the crossword.

Horizontally :

1. Mirror

2. Wrench

4. Sparkling water

5. Bun

Vertically :

2. Sapochok

3. Tablet

4. Magnifying glass

5. Butvitsa

Crossword words:


1. Snowflake

2. Vicky

4. Sypripchik


3. Medicine

4. Glasskin

Intelligent game "Znika-Dunno"

for students of grades 1-2

Motto: "Let me still small we grow, we want so much we know! To be a badge is not easy, but it's so nice to know!"

Purpose: develop cognitive abilities Pupils, visual perception, attention, interest in knowledge of the surrounding world.

Stroke Game

Good afternoon guys. Today we are conducting the intellectual game "Znayka", in which two teams "Troophot" and "Erudites" participate

Today we spend the marathon,

Check our knowledge he

How interesting is - to know a lot!

All friends have their own reducing show!

We k interesting contests ready!

Forward, friends! To the victories of new!

The first contest of our game is the "warm-up"

    In the mug of frustrated Marina

10 berries of raspberry,

5 gave her girlfriend.

How many berries has become in the circle? (five)

    Planted grandma in the oven

Patties with cabbage stove.

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

Pies are ready,

Yes one more cake

Cat under the bench of wilts,

Yes, in the furnace - 4 pieces.

Pieces consider grandchildren.

If you can help

    Sit fishermen,

Elag floats.

Fisherman roots

Caught 3 perks

Rybak Evsey -

4 karas

A fisherman Mikhail

2 soms caught.

How many fish fishermen

Skat out from the river? (nine)

    7 geese flying over us

7 others - for the clouds,

2 went down on the stream.

How many people were all geese? (sixteen)

The second contest of proverbs. Insert missing words to proverbs:

(They are distributed to the commands of envelopes in which proverbs with missed numerals, children must insert them and read)

For all, and all for one.

Do not have .......... rubles, and I have .................. friends.

Once, for example, and ................. once a revenue.

The mind is good, and .................. better.

Competition logical

Collect the name of a fabulous character from the letters using all the letters.

(Commands get envelopes with a task. You need to collect the name of a fabulous character using all letters)

    Mermaid 1. Babratino

Task "Anagram"

Anagram - this isthe literary admission, consisting in the permutation of letters or sounds of a certain word (or phrase), which as a result gives another word or phrase.

Atlas - Salad.

Bank - Kaban.
gate - grass

Coach - Rocket

Competition "Guess the fairy tale."

    She flew Arrow and got into the swamp.
    And in that swamp caught her someone.
    Who, having sneaked with green leather
    Made a cute, beautiful, pleasant.(Princess Frog)

    There is no river nor a pond.
    Where to get drunk?
    Delicious water
    In a hole from the cooler.(Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka)

    Opened the door of Kozdyat
    And everything was gone somewhere.(Wolf and kids)

    On the window he confessed
    Took it later and gave himself
    To eat fox.(Kolobok)

    What a miracle what kind of evidence
    Do you ride sleigh without horses?(By magic)

    Sisser played.
    They took the brother of the bird.(Swan geese)

Fizminutka "The most attentive"

Children are distributed balloons (Yellow, green, red, purple, blue) and explains the rule of the game.

Hearing in a short phrase the name of the object, the color of which coincides with the ball. The child raises the ball up take a step forward and waving a ball.

Ready? Be careful.

    On old kadushka
    Danced frogs.( Green )

    Dummy sun
    Lucking golden.(J. yellow )

    Ah Beautiful flower
    My favorite vasilek. (G. oluboy )

    On the edge of the forestry
    Strawberry under foliage.(TO common )
    - The child must raise the ball.

    Wind on the sea walks
    And the boat wings.(Purple)

Competition "Flies from the barrel"

    What are the tree-symbol of Russia?(Birch) - Poems, message

    What kind of animal living in water builds dams?(Beaver) - message, slide with coat of arms

    Name the colors of Rainbow? (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue, Purple) - Message

    Call the device to define the side of the horizon?(Compass) - message

    Device for measuring temperature?(Thermometer) - message

The game "Pythagoras". Message about Pythagore, video

This game is called "Pythagoras" - named Greek scientist - mathematics.

Of geometric figures Speak figures for sample. (Figures are attached)

Our marathon came to the final,

You worked everything to fame.

It's time to bring the results,

Not a sin of the team award