Skyrim where to take armor heads of the guild of thieves. Armor head of the guild thieves Skyrim. Set of elven armor

The Elder. Scrolls V: Skyrim is an interesting role-playing game, from open worldcreated by Bethesda Game Studios and localized by Bethesda Softworks. It's 5th account famous game The Elder Scrolls. There are 10 races in the game, among which there are argonians, broont, imperials, Nords, Orcs, Forest elves, Kajiti, dark elves, Higher elves., Redgars. The main feature This game is that the player is offered the opportunity to choose his own path of development itself, which does not limit any framework. You can become anyone: thief, merchant, mercenary, magician. The main character can travel throughout Tamriel as a new "desirable".

Basic story line associated with the Dragon Aldyin, which the main character Must kill, thereby preventing the invasion of dragons on the mainland. The game has more than 10,000 different tasks and orders that never end.

The game is highly appreciated in the Game community, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was awarded many awards.

What armor will fit the Warmer?

Armor Challenges of the thief guild Skyrim is an improved armor that differs from the standard equipment of the thieves guild not only by color, but also improved additional abilities. The main protection parameters are identical to glass armor, but they are not so heavy as glass, which is undoubtedly plus. Get them, by the way, much more difficult than the same

Glass armor

Such a armor can be seen on some key members of the thieves guild, for example, on: Mercer, Spex, Delwin, Brignolfe.

Each part of the armor has unique characteristics that can:

  • Increase the load capacity of 50 units at the breastplate;
  • increase the chance of hacking by 35% of gloves;
  • pocket thefts are becoming easier by 35% (at boot);
  • prices are becoming more profitable by 20% (at the hood).

To get these armor, it is necessary to pass a number of tasks, which, together with an increase in the level of the hero, will be easier and easier.

These tasks include:

  • "Summetetskaya Darkness" in Windhelm.
  • "Special track" in solitude.
  • "Hand-made amnesty" in Waitran.
  • "Silver blank" in Marcard.

After that, Tonylla will give a quest, in which it will be necessary to establish the delivery of goods, find Kajita Ri-Garda and give him the lunar sugar. After the fulfillment of all tasks, you will be prescribed by the head of the thieves guild and will be given artifact: "Armor chapter of the guild of the thieves", pendant and the key from the chest.

These armor cannot be improved on the souls pentagram or enchant new effects, but can be improved on the table at the blacksmith (only in the presence of a "blacksmith-enclosure" skill and after passing the setting "Changing Guide"). Upon receipt of this kit, the main character becomes the head of the Skyrim's thieves guild, from which some preferences appear in the satellite search plan, as well as access to special asylum, where in passing tasks, the main character can get an even more powerful set of enchanted armor than Armor head of the guild.

It is difficult to find more suitable clothes for the thief than the armor of the chapter of the thieves guild, so hurry to meet the adventures to search for armor!

In Skyrima, there are various guilds. Each has its own unique items. For example, ammunition. Each player can join the thieves guild. In this case, the character will be able to pass the appropriate task line, develop theft skill and like the community armor. This is a light kit that includes gloves, hood, boots and armor of the thieves guild. It is about the last subject will be speech. What is the corresponding armor in Skyrima? How to get it?


The armor of the thieves Guild is an easy and rare armor founding on Skyrim's expanses. In the course of passing the quest chain, the thieves can be exchanged for an improved ammunition. It differs from the previous armor only by connecting.

The usual armor of the thieves guild has such parameters:

  • weight - 7;
  • cost - 665;
  • protection - 29.

Additionally, the character will be able to increase the size of the bag for 20 units of weight.

Superior Armor

And what about the improved armor of the thieves guild? She, as we said, issued as the appropriate quest chain passing.

On the arm of the improved type, there are enchantments that increase the capacity of the bag for 35 units.

Important: To improve the subject, uses skin. Ammunition spells are not removed.

Obtaining an ammunition

Initially, the armor of the thieves Guild issues Tonilla. To get it, the player will have to join the thieves and start the quest "Clarity".

You can exchange the kirace on the improved in Tonylla. Unfortunately, the full improved set of armor of the thieves guild will not be able to collect. You will have to choose something one - or armor, or hood, or gloves, or boots.

More nowhere to get studied ammunition. It will not be possible to create it too.

Use the console

But there is a small secret that greatly simplifies the players. Gamers can use codes in Skyrim. Armor of the thieves guild and a complete set of relevant ammunition are issued without any problems.

To make yourself kiraça, during the game in Skyrim, the player needs:

  1. Press the keyboard key "~".
  2. Print player.additem.
  3. Through the gap to write 000d3ac3.
  4. Put another space and write the number of armor issued by the character.
  5. Click on "Enter".

Armor in Skyrim is one of the types of clothing that increases the protection of the character. Armor in the game is divided into two classes: light and heavy armor. Lightweight armor provide low protection, but high speed of movement and shocks and maneuverability in battle. Heavy armor, on the contrary, provides better defenseBut has a greater weight and limits the movement of the character. The light armor includes: fur, elf, flip, leather, raw, glass, elven gold-plated armor, lamellar, lamellar gold-plated and dragon armor armor. It belongs to heavy armor: iron, steel, dwell, ornory, steel, ebonite, dragon pacarne, plate, daederic armor. A set of armor is divided into: helmet, shield, boots, armor, gloves and bracers. Armor can be bought from merchants, get as a trophy or make himself, mastering the skill "blacksmithing". Enhancing armor skill increases the effectiveness of the wearing of armor. So how to find good armor The game is quite difficult, you can easily facilitate this process, applying the following cheats.

Getting the required set of armor: Player.additem [code_Bronic] [Number]

For example, to get some dwell boots, click Claw [~] and enter: player.additem 0001394С 1

Example: Player.additem 0001394E 1 - Get 1 Delmer Gloves

Crue armor kit:

0001394F - helmet
. 0001394C - Boots
. 00013950 - Shield
. 0001394E - Gloves
. 0001394D - Armor

A set of daederic armor

000D7AF6 - heat shield - to cold resistance + 70%.
. 000D7A8B - Silence boots - silent movement.
. 000D7A8C - Fire suppression boots - to the resistance of the fire +50.
. 000D7AF9 - Grounding shield - to electricity resistance + 70%.
. 000D7A8A - Mammoth boots - to "Magnifier" +50 ..
. 0001396B - Armor 0001396D - helmet
. 0001396C - Gloves
. 0001396A - boots
. 0001396E - Shield
. 0010DFA3 - negation shield - to the resistance of magic + 22%.

Set of leather armor

00013921 - violation
. 00013920 - Boots
. 0003619E - Armor
. 00013922 - Helmet

Set of glass armor

0001393C - Shield
. 00013938 - Boots
. 0001393A - Gloves
. 00013939 - Armor
. 0001393B - helmet

Kit dragon scaly armor

0001393E - Armor
. 0001393D - Boots
. 0001393F - Gloves
. 00013940 - Helmet
. 00013941 - Shield

A set of imperial armor

000135BA - Shield
. 000136D6 - Boots
. 000136D5 - Armor
. 000136D4 - violation
. 00013EDC - helmet

Kit Dragon Pacar Body

00013967 - Gloves
. 00013966 - Armor
. 00013965 - Boots
. 00013969 - helmet
. 00013968 - Shield

Set of elven armor

0001391A - Boots
. 000896A3 - Armor
. 0001391D - helmet
. 0001392A - Gold Plated Armor
. 0001391C - Gloves
. 0001391E - Shield

Embonite armor kit

00013962 - Gloves
. 00013961 - Armor
. 00013963 - helmet
. 00013960 - Boots
. 00013964 - Shield

Set of row of armor

00013959 - helmet
. 00013946 - Shield
. 00013957 - Armor
. 00013956 - Boots
. 00013958 - Guidelines

Bronkov reservation kit

0004B28D - Gloves
. 0004B288 - Boots
. 0004B28F - helmet
. 0004F912 - Shield
. 0004B28B - armor

Kit armor Izoev

000D8D4E - boots
. 000D8D52 - helmet
. 000D8D50 - armor
. 000D8D55 - violation

Set of nightingian armor

000FCC12 - Hood
. 000fcc0f - armor
. 000FCC11 - Gloves
. 000fcc0d - boots

Set of ancient Nordic armor

00056B17 - Gloves
. 00056A9D - Boots
. 00018388 - Armor
. 00056A9E - helmet

Reference book set.

000CEE7C - Boots
. 000CEE7E - Gloves
. 000CAE15 - Armor
. 0004C3D0 - helmet

Set of officer armor brothers storm

00086981 - Boots
. 0008697E - Armor
. 00086983 - Gloves
. 00086985 - helmet

Tim Guild Bolt Set

000D3ACC - armor
. 000D3ACE - Hood
. 000D3AC4 - Gloves
. 000D3AC2 - Boots

Reservation Guild Chapter

000E35D8 - Gloves
. 000E35D7 - Armor
. 000E35D9 - Hood
. 000E35D6 - Boots

Unique armor with bonuses

000F9904 - Helmet "Diadem Scientist" - All spells spend less magic.
. 000295F3 - Ingola helmet - + 30% cold resistance.
. 0007C932 - Armor "Odine Archima" - + 100% to the recovery rate of magic; Mana consumption less than 15%
. 000E41D8 - "Isgramore" shield - + 20% Magic resistance; +20 units. Health.
. 000FC5BF - Shield "Tarch Bloodthience" - a blow to the shield causes 3 units. damage per second for 5 seconds.

Accessories with bonuses

000С8911 - "Amulet Akatosh" - to the recovery rate of magic + 25%
. 0002D773 - "Amulet of Handira" - +30 units. Health, Silma stock and.
. 000C891B - "Amulet Mary" - recovery spells spend 10% less magic. We are necessary for the wedding.
. 00100E65 - "Necklace of immunity and diseases" - immunity to diseases + 100%

Helmets (masks) with different bonuses

00061CA5 - "Maskap Schrin" - spend 20% less mana to spells of school recovery and destruction; Adds 50 units to mana
. 00061CAB - "Volsung Mask" - Discounts for all goods increase by 20%; +70 to breathing under water
. 00061CC9 - Mask Vobun - School School of Illusion, Changes and Witchcraft Spend 20% less mana
. 00061CB9 - "Mask Crosis" - + 20% for hacking skills, archery and alchemy
. Loading
. 00061CC2 - "Otar Mask" - increases electricity, resistance to fire and cold
. 00061CCA - "Wooden Mask"
. 00061CC0 - "Ragot Mask" - to the reserve unit +70 forces.
. 00061C8B - "Mask of Frosts" - to the speed of restoration of mana + 100% to
. 00061CC1 - "Mask Hevnokara" - Immunity appears for diseases and poisons
. 00061CD6 - "Mask Konarik" - with a low amount of health mask heals the carrier and causes damage to nearby enemies.