The Witcher 3 Console Mod 1.31 Codes. DLC "Hearts of Stone"

Version: 1.24/1.30/1.31

This plugin is a simple dll file that enables console debugging in The Witcher 3 game, in other words, the console will be available for entering console commands.

Update: 1.24
- Added support for game version 1.24 / 1.30 / 1.31

Update: 1.22
- Added support for game version 1.22

Update: 1.21.1 (textbook with commands for DLC)
- By additional link added full list console commands for the Blood & Wine and Heart of Stone DLCs in a text file. (the list of teams is huge, 3283 teams, all in English)
- By additional link added "List of console commands for the main game" (all in Russian, there are 16 different readme in the archive with different themes). Thanks for the commands provided.

Update: 1.21.1
- Added support for game version 1.21
- Enable console "F2" or tilde ~ default, free camera mode "F1"

Update: 1.12
- Added support for game version 1.12
- Enabling console is now "F4" by default

Update: 1.10
- Added support for game version 1.10 and higher

Examples of commands:
replaceplayer ("Ciri") - change Geralt to Ciri, or to another person, enter the desired name for example
addmoney (11) - add money, you can experiment with the number in brackets
removemoney (11) - remove money, you can experiment with the number in brackets
eatapple () - eat an apple
god () - different options for god mode
god2 () - different options for god mode
god3 () - different options for god mode
testpause () - enable pause
testunpause () - disable pause
addexp (1000) - get experience, the value in brackets changes
setlevel (5) - make the specified level of the hero
addskillpoints (2) - add skill points, the value in brackets changes
winGwint (true) - Win Gwint
killall (50) - kill enemies in the specified radius
makeitrain - enable rain
stoprain - turn off rain
xy (posX, posY) - teleport to the desired coordinates. posX and posY are changed to vertical and horizontal coordinates. We turn on the god mode, since at some points on the map Geralt can fall from a great height
shave () - shave
healme () - restore health
secretgwint () - Runs a game in Gwent
additem ("item name", 1) - add item

1. If your game does not start, download and install
2. Some anti-virus programs can delete the dsound.dll file from the \ x64 \ folder in the game, this happens because this file is detected as "false positive", but this is not the case, so add this file to the exceptions in the settings of your anti -virusberry.

The console in The Witcher 3 is intended exclusively for developers who tested the game with it. Of course, such a tool should not be available in the standard version of the game, so it is impossible to call the console without additional mods. Fortunately, the craftsmen managed to "hack" The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Now anyone can enter cheats The Witcher 3, with which you can get absolutely any item. You will be able to fully concentrate on the passage game plot and not spend tens of hours pumping Geralt.

To call the console in the game The Witcher 3, you need to install a special mod. You can download it on our website. Detailed installation of the mod is described on the download page.

After you have installed the Debug Console Enabler mod, go into the game and press the F2 or ~ (tilde) key. With the F1 key, you can turn on the free camera mode, which is great for creating videos or screenshots.

F2 will call the console, into which you need to enter commands, activation occurs after pressing the Enter key. Remember that the codes in The Witcher 3, like the console commands presented in this article, must be entered in the same way as on our website, with all the signs and quotes.

Controlling the main character:

  • god - become invulnerable
  • healme - restore the health of the witcher
  • Ciri - Complete the main story with Ciri
  • Geralt - return to Geralt or complete Ciri's quests as a witcher

Performance management:

  • setlevel () - indicate the level that the main character will receive in brackets
  • levelup - Increase Level by 1
  • addexp () - in brackets, you must specify the amount of experience that the character will receive
  • learnskill () - allows you to instantly learn any skill; the list of abilities will be posted in a separate article
  • Cat (1) - enable night vision
  • Cat (0) - Disable Night Vision
  • setbeard (1) - maximum beard length
  • setbeard (0) - Geralt's small beard
  • shave - completely removes facial hair
  • seatattoo (1) - transfer tattoo from Witcher 2
  • seatattoo (0) - remove tattoo from The Witcher 2

Inventory management:

  • additem (name, #) - get any item. Enter the name first and then the quantity. The list of available items will be posted in a separate article.
  • addmoney () - in parentheses, enter the amount of money that Geralt will receive
  • removemoney () - remove any amount of money

Game commands:

  • spawn (name, #) - spawn any character or monster. You can also specify the amount you want. We will present the list in a separate article.
  • killall - instantly kill all opponents in battle
  • makeitrain - enable rain
  • stoprain - stop rain

Map commands:

  • gotoNovigrad - Instantly move to Novigrad
  • gotoSkellige - Travel to Skellige Islands
  • gotoKaerMorhen - Teleport to Kaer Morhen
  • gotoProlog - Go to the White Garden
  • gotoPrologWinter - Get into the White Garden in winter
  • ShowAllFT (1) - open all points for fast movement
  • ShowPins (1) - show all icons on the map

Commands for Gwent:

  • secretgwint - Start Gwent's party anywhere
  • winGwint () - specify the number of points to win the game of Gwint
  • addgwintcards - Adds any card to your deck
  • additem (card, #) - enter the name of the card and its amount to instantly add to your deck. We will present the list of cards in a separate article.

Complete list of console commands The Witcher 3:

  • spawn (‘katakan’, 3, 10, true)- creature spawn
    • spawn names patch0 \ bundles \ gameplay \ globals \ resources \ gameplay.xml (open patch0.bundle via quickbms
  • replaceplayer (‘Ciri’)- if you want to play for Ciri
  • addmoney (11)- add money
  • removemoney (11)- remove money
  • additem (‘gwint_card_eredin_gold’, 1)- add a thing
    • item names in patch0 \ bundles \ gameplay \ items (unpack patch0.bundle via quickbms
  • eatapple ()- eat an apple
  • god ()
  • god2 ()
  • god3 ()
  • learnskill (‘sword_s10’)- learn the skill
    • names patch0 \ bundles \ gameplay \ abilities (unpack patch0.bundle via quickbms
  • testpause ()- test pause
  • testunpause ()- remove test pause
  • likeaboss ()
  • spawnenemy ()- spawn the enemy
  • buffme (EET_KillerWhale, 60)- get a buff
  • addexp (1000)- gaining experience (enter the amount)
  • winGwint (true)- Win Gwent
  • setlevel (5)- set the level of the Witcher
  • addskillpoints (2)- add experience points
  • killall (50)- kill everyone in the area
  • makeitrain- make it rain
  • stoprain- stop the rain
  • usage: xy (posX, posY) posX and posY coordinates for teleportation. Part of the coordinates in the startup.bundle file (game / fast_travel.csv) turn on god mode so as not to die when falling
  • shave ()- shave Geralt's beard
  • settime (TIME)- set time
  • changeweather (WT_Heavy_Clouds)- list weather conditions in startup.bundle file (/engine/environments/weather_YOURREGION.csv), for example snow: WT_Snow
  • healme ()- restore health
  • secretgwint ()- launches a party in Gwent
  • addbolts
  • addcraft
  • addsteelswords
  • addsteelswords2
  • addwolfdlc
  • addsilverswords
  • addsilverswords2
  • addcrossbows
  • addarmor
  • addarmor2
  • addpants
  • addboots
  • addgloves
  • addsets
  • addbooks
  • addlore
  • addlore2
  • addfood
  • adddrinks
  • addtrophies
  • addmiscaddhorseitems
  • addupgrades
  • addcraftingingre
  • addCraftingItem
  • learnallschematics
  • addcraftedsteel
  • addcraftedsilver
  • addcraftedsteelrelic
  • addcraftedsilverrelic
  • addcraftedranged
  • addcraftedboots
  • addschematicsboots
  • addschematicspants
  • addschematicsgloves
  • addschematicsarmor
  • addschematicscomponents
  • addschematicsupgrades
  • addschematicsbolts
  • addmutagens
  • addmutageningredients
  • addmutagenrecipes
  • addrecipesoils
  • addrecipesbombs
  • addrecipespotions
  • addrecipespotions2
  • addherbs
  • addkeys
  • addvaluables
  • additemfood
  • additemalchemy
  • additemcrafting
  • additemleather
  • additemmetals
  • additemrunesupgrades
  • additemmonstrous
  • additemsprecious
  • addjunk
  • addjunk2
  • addquestitems
  • addquestitems2
  • addquestitems3
  • addtreasurehuntitems
  • addcharacterdecorations

In such a large-scale and complex game like The Witcher 3, you can't do without a special tool for testing the stability and performance of all game elements... The developers used the console during testing, which allowed them to enter commands to change the parameters of the world or heroes. Players also have the opportunity to use a tool that will help in the passage. Next, you will learn how to open the console in The Witcher 3 and what to do with it.

How to activate?

Before the release of the game, the developers blocked the opportunity and released the project for sale without a console. However, after a while, fans found out about this chip and released an amateur mod that allows you to open the tool.

Before opening the console in The Witcher 3, you must download the special Debug Console Enabler patch, which is distributed free of charge on most mod sites (for example,

Run the patch and install the contents of the archive into the directory with the game. For the mod to work correctly, you need to download and install Visual C ++ from the official Microsoft website.

How to use?

If you did everything correctly, you can easily launch the game with this modification.

Start "The Witcher" by any method and load the save. In game, press the F2 or ~ key to launch the console. Also, the mod has an additional function - free camera mode. To go to it, press the F1 key. With this mode, you can freely move the camera and view the world and characters from any angle.

If you use a licensed copy of Steam, the game can automatically download new patches. In this case, the console will be disabled again. To fix it, repeat the procedure with the mod on the console. Now you know how to open the console in The Witcher 3. Let's move on to the codes.

Console commands

With the help of the console, the average player will be able to access hidden opportunities, add new items, go to closed locations, and so on. Below are the main codes that will help you in the passage.

Controlling Geralt and changing his abilities:

  • God allows you to become immortal;
  • Healme restores all health to the hero;
  • Ciri replaces Geralt with Ciri during the main storyline;
  • Geralt is the opposite.

Cheats to change the characteristics of the main character:

  • Setlevel () - change the level (the number of the level is indicated in brackets as a number);
  • Addexp () - adds the specified amount of experience points;
  • Cat () - 1 or 0 disables and enables the witcher's night vision;
  • Setbeard () - changes the length of Geralt's beard.

Map changes:

  • showAllFT (1) - allows you to open the door through the console in The Witcher 3 or get to any point on the map;
  • gotoNovigrad / Skellige / KaerMorhen / Prolog / PrologWinter - Sends the player to one of the specified locations.

Items. This is:

  • additem () - before opening the console in The Witcher 3 and entering this command, find the name of the item with its numeric code;
  • addmoney () - credits the specified number of orens to the hero's account;
  • removemoney () - removes the amount.

Now you know how to open the console in The Witcher 3. wild Hunt"and what codes can be activated through it. We recommend that you save the game in a separate slot before using cheats, in order to avoid losing progress if game elements break.

Maud Debug Console Enabler- includes developer console in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, this console allows you to use cheats in the game.
This console was used by the developers and allows you to execute various commands, i.e. execute certain cheat codes.
In fact, with the help of the console and commands (cheats), you can create whatever you want in the game, get any things, summon any enemies or allies, pump your hero as you want. If you are bored of playing The Witcher, download the mod to your console and have fun playing not fair.

A small list of functions that can be done using the developer console in The Witcher 3:
1) Show the entire map, all fast travel points.
2) Ability to quickly move from anywhere on the map.
3) Get a lot of experience, get required level, add skill points, get money.
4) Get mutagens, runes, swords and armor, and indeed any game items.
5) Cure Geralt.
6) Win gwent.
7) Summon heroes, soldiers and monsters.
8) God mode, change the weather, teleport to the desired coordinates.
9) Free camera.
10) Various other features, in general, control the game as you want.

Screenshots of the mod:
You can turn on a free camera and fly around the world:

You can spawn Yenifer:

And even slightly undress her:

Controlling the console in the Witcher 3 Debug Console Enabler:

F1 - enable / disable free camera.
F2 - open / close the console.
Copy the command or type it, paste into the console (Ctrl + V), press Enter.

How do I install the Debug Console Enabler?

If after installation the game does not start or the console does not work , you need to install the Instructions for launching the console and the list of available console commands. Cheats for armor, weapons, items, characters

How to start the console

The console in the game is present exclusively for testing by developers, so it is blocked for ordinary players. But it is still possible to turn it on, however, the most reliable way involves the installation of unofficial third-party software.

Mod installation method (reliable): download the mod from the link. The page indicates old version games, but the mod works on more recent ones. Then unzip the downloaded archive and copy the resulting files to The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt \ bin \ x64 folder.

Method without installing the mod (less reliable): Find the general.ini file in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt \ bin \ config \ base folder and open it with notepad. Enter the line DBGConsoleOn = true.

After completing the steps in the first or second method, try starting the console with the F2 key or tilde (~). If successful, you can use the codes listed below. Free camera mode is now enabled with the F1 key, a special console command is not needed for it.

ATTENTION! To get items (armor, weapons, potions, etc.) use the additem ("***") command, where instead of asterisks you need to insert the name of the desired item (the list is given below). If the additem ("***") command is already specified, you DO NOT need to re-specify it.

Basic commands

  • testpause - Pause the game
  • testunpause - Remove pause
  • mainmenu - Call the main menu at any time in the game
  • witchcraft - Add everything in the game (be careful, the game may crash or freeze)
  • god - god mode
  • healme - restore the health of the main character
  • replaceplayer ("Ciri") - change Geralt to Ciri's model
  • replaceplayer ("Geralt") - return Geralt
  • Cat (1/0) - enable / disable night vision
  • Drunk (1/0) - enable / disable the drunk main character
  • activateAllGlossaryCharacters - adds all entries to the Glossary
  • activateAllGlossaryBeastiary - Opens all entries in the Bestiary
  • cleardevelop - reset the character (Geralt will return to the state in which he was at the beginning of the game)
  • setlevel (*) - set the required level (specify the desired level instead of an asterisk)
  • levelup - increase the character level by 1
  • addexp (*) - add experience (specify the required amount of experience instead of an asterisk)
  • addskillpoints (*) - add skill points (specify the required number of points instead of an asterisk)
  • additem ("Clearing Potion") - reset all skill points - now they can be redistributed
  • addmoney (*) - add money (specify the required amount of money instead of an asterisk)
  • removemoney (*) - reduce the amount of money (specify the required amount of money instead of an asterisk)
  • killall - kill all opponents in the current battle
  • killall (50) - kill enemies in the specified radius
  • makeitrain - enable rain
  • stoprain - turn off rain
  • ShowAllFT (1) - open all pointers
  • ShowPins (1) - open all locations and icons on the map
  • ShowKnownPins (1) - show all question marks on the map
  • setbeard (1) - grow a beard
  • shave - remove all hair
  • seatattoo (1) - activate the tattoo from the second part
  • seatattoo (0) - remove tattoo
  • gotoNovigrad - teleport to Novigrad
  • gotoSkellige - Teleport to Skellige Islands
  • gotoKaerMorhen - Teleport to Kaer Morhen
  • gotoProlog - Teleport to White Garden


  • secretgwint - play a game of gwint at any time
  • winGwint (true) - win gwint
  • winGwint (*) - win a game with the number of points specified instead of an asterisk
  • addgwintcards 258 - add 258 cards
  • gwint_card_albrich - Albrych - Ranged combat (2)
  • gwint_card_arachas - Glavoglaz 1 - Melee (4)
  • gwint_card_arachas_behemoth - Giant Head Eye - Siege Force (6)
  • gwint_card_arachas2 - Glavoglaz 2 - Melee (4)
  • gwint_card_arachas3 - Glavoglaz 3 - Melee (4)
  • gwint_card_archer_support - Archery support 1 - Ranged combat (10)
  • gwint_card_archer_support2 - Archery support 2 - Ranged combat (10)
  • gwint_card_assire - Assire var Anagid - Ranged combat (6)
  • gwint_card_avallach - Mysterious elf - Hero, melee (0)
  • gwint_card_ballista - Ballista - Siege squad (6)
  • gwint_card_ballista_officer - Redanian Marshal
  • gwint_card_barclay - Barclay Els - melee / ranged (6)
  • gwint_card_black_archer - Brown Banner Archer 1 - Ranged Combat (10)
  • gwint_card_black_archer2 - Brown Banner Archer 2 - Ranged Combat (10)
  • gwint_card_botchling - Igosha - Melee (4)
  • gwint_card_bruxa - Vampires: Brooks - Melee (4)
  • gwint_card_catapult - Catapult - Siege squad (8)
  • gwint_card_celaeno_harpy - Keleno Harpy - Melee / Ranged (2)
  • gwint_card_ciaran - Kiaran aep Easnillen - Melee / Ranged (3)
  • gwint_card_ciri - Cirilla - Hero - Melee (15)
  • gwint_card_clear_sky - Clear sky - weather
  • gwint_card_cockatrice - Vasilik - Ranged (2)
  • gwint_card_crinfrid - Rubies 1 of Krinfrid - Ranged (5)
  • gwint_card_crinfrid2 - Rubails 2 from Krinfrid - Ranged (5)
  • gwint_card_crinfrid3 - Rubails 3 from Krinfrid - Ranged (5)
  • gwint_card_crone_brewess - Witch: Cook - Melee (6)

Character characteristics

  • addabl (Mutagen16Effect) - increase the weight limit by 20
  • addabl (HorseBag1) - increase the weight limit by 30
  • addabl (HorseBag2) - increase the weight limit by 70
  • addabl (HorseBag3) - increase the weight limit by 100
  • addabl (Mutagen28Effect) - increase durability by 15%
  • addabl (ShrineResistancesPermanentBuff) - increase resistance by 20%
  • addabl (MistCharge) - increase durability by 100%
  • addabl (Mutagen17Effect) - increased damage and intensity of signs by 50%
  • addabl (attack_explosion) - increased damage and intensity of signs by 200%
  • addabl (DamageBuff) - increase overall damage
  • addabl (sword_s11) - Increase Damage by 30%
  • addabl (attack_heavy_stagger) - increase damage by 50%
  • addabl (q101_wilddog) - increase damage by 140%
  • addabl (GeraltMult) - increase damage by 1000%
  • addabl (ForceCriticalHits) - critical hit chance 100%
  • addabl (Ciri_Q205) - increased damage by 250 units.
  • addabl (Ciri_Q403) - increased damage by 500 units.
  • addabl (Ciri_Q111) - increased damage by 600 units.
  • addabl (Mutagen09Effect) - increase the intensity of signs by 25%
  • addabl (AardShrineBuff) - increase the intensity of signs by 50%

Spawn characters

  • spawn ("cirilla") - Ciri stands still
  • spawn ("ciri") - Ciri follows Geralt
  • spawn ("yennefer") - Yennefer
  • spawn ("triss") - Triss
  • spawn ("keira") - Keira
  • spawn ("vesemir") - Vesemir
  • spawn ("zoltan") - Zoltan
  • spawn ("grenn") - Grenn
  • spawn ("eredin") - Eredin (king of the wild hunt)
  • spawn ("imlerith") - Imlerich
  • spawn ("caranthir") - Caranthir
  • spawn ("wildhunt_sword") - Wild Hunt Warrior
  • spawn ("wildhunt_minion") - Wild Hunt Hound
  • spawn ("_ quest__witch_1") - Whisperer
  • spawn ("_ quest__witch_2") - Cook
  • spawn ("_ quest__witch_3") - Spinner


Wolf School Armor

  • Wolf Armor * (replace the asterisk with a number from 1 to 4) - Armor
  • Wolf Boots * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Boots
  • Wolf Gloves * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Gloves
  • Wolf Pants * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Pants

Bear School Armor

  • Bear Armor * (replace the asterisk with a number from 1 to 4) - Armor
  • Bear Boots * (replace the asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Boots
  • Bear Gloves * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Gloves
  • Bear Pants * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Pants

Griffin School Armor

  • Gryphon Armor 0 1 2 3 4 - Armor
  • Gryphon Boots * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Boots
  • Gryphon Gloves * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Gloves
  • Gryphon Pants * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Pants

Cat School Armor

  • Lynx Armor * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) 4 - Armor
  • Lynx Boots * (replace the asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Boots
  • Lynx Gloves * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Gloves
  • Lynx Pants * (replace an asterisk with a number from 1 to 5) - Pants

Ophir Armor (Hearts of Stone DLC)

  • Ofir Armor - Armor
  • Ofir Boots - Boots
  • Ofir Pants - Pants

Snake School Armor

  • EP1 Witcher Armor - Armor
  • EP1 Witcher Gloves - Gloves
  • EP1 Witcher Pants - Pants
  • EP1 Witcher Boots - Boots

Manticore School Armor (Blood and Wine DLC)

  • Red Wolf Armor - Manticore Armor
  • Red Wolf Gloves 1 - Manticore Gloves
  • Red Wolf Pants 1 - Manticore Pants
  • Red Wolf Boots 1 - Manticore Boots

Legendary Manticore School Armor (Blood and Wine DLC)

  • Red Wolf Armor 2 - Legendary Manticore Armor
  • Red Wolf Gloves 2 - Legendary Manticore Gloves
  • Red Wolf Pants 2 - Legendary Manticore Pants
  • Red Wolf Boots 2 - Legendary Manticore Boots

Armor from Hen Hydet (DLC "Blood and Wine")

  • q704_vampire_mask - Mask
  • q704_vampire_armor - Armor
  • q704_vampire_gloves - Gloves
  • q704_vampire_pants - Pants
  • q704_vampire_boots - Boots

Tournament armor and weapons (DLC "Blood and Wine", quest "Song of the Knight's Heart")

  • sq701_geralt_armor - Armor of Geralt of Rivia
  • sq701 Geralt of Rivia sword - Sword of Geralt of Rivia
  • Geralt of Rivia Crossbow - Geralt of Rivia's Crossbow
  • Tourney Geralt Saddle - Geralt of Rivia Saddle
  • sq701_geralt_shield - Shield of Geralt of Rivia
  • sq701_ravix_armor - Ravix's Armor of Chertorog
  • sq701 Ravix of Fourhorn sword - Ravix of Chertorog Sword
  • Ravix of Fourhorn Crossbow - Ravix of Chertorog's Crossbow
  • Tourney Ravix Saddle - Ravix of Chertorog Saddle
  • sq701_ravix_shield - Ravix's Shield of Chertorog


Relic swords

  • additem ("Aerondight EP2")
  • additem ("Angivare")
  • additem ("Arbitrator")
  • additem ("Ardaenye")
  • additem ("Barbersurgeon")
  • additem ("Beannshie")
  • additem ("Blackunicorn")
  • additem ("Caerme")
  • additem ("Cheesecutter")
  • additem ("Dyaebl")
  • additem ("Deireadh")
  • additem ("Vynbleidd")
  • additem ("Gwyhyr")
  • additem ("Forgottenvransword")
  • additem ("Harvall")
  • additem ("Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword")
  • additem ("Karabela")
  • additem ("Princessxenthiasword")
  • additem ("Robustswordofdolblathanna")
  • additem ("Ashrune")
  • additem ("Longclaw")
  • additem ("Daystar")
  • additem ("Devine")
  • additem ("Bloedeaedd")
  • additem ("Inis")
  • additem ("Gwestog")
  • additem ("Abarad")
  • additem ("Wolf")
  • additem ("Cleaver")
  • additem ("Dancer")
  • additem ("Headtaker")
  • additem ("Mourner")
  • additem ("Ultimatum")
  • additem ("Caroline")
  • additem ("Lune")
  • additem ("Gloryofthenorth")
  • additem ("Torlara")
  • additem ("WitcherSilverWolf")
  • additem ("Addandeith")
  • additem ("Moonblade")
  • additem ("Aerondight")
  • additem ("Bloodsword")
  • additem ("Deithwen")
  • additem ("Fate")
  • additem ("Gynvaelaedd")
  • additem ("Naevdeseidhe")
  • additem ("Bladeofys")
  • additem ("Zerrikanterment")
  • additem ("Anathema")
  • additem ("Roseofaelirenn")
  • additem ("Reachofthedamned")
  • additem ("Azurewrath")
  • additem ("Deargdeith")
  • additem ("Arainne")
  • additem ("Havcaaren")
  • additem ("Loathen")
  • additem ("Gynvael")
  • additem ("Anth")
  • additem ("Weeper")
  • additem ("Virgin")
  • additem ("Negotiator")
  • additem ("Harpy")
  • additem ("Tlareg")
  • additem ("Breathofthenorth")
  • additem ("Torzirael")

DLC "Hearts of Stone"

  • EP1 Viper School steel sword - Serpent's poisoned steel sword
  • EP1 Viper School silver sword - Serpent's poisoned silver sword
  • Wolf School silver sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Silver sword Wolf schools
  • Wolf School steel sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Steel sword of the Wolf school
  • Gryphon School silver sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Silver sword of the Griffin school
  • Gryphon School steel sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Steel sword of the Griffin school
  • Lynx School silver sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Cat school silver sword
  • Lynx School steel sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Cat school steel sword
  • Bear School silver sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Bear School silver sword
  • Bear School steel sword * (insert a number from 1 to 4) - Bear school steel sword
  • Red Wolf School steel sword - Manticore school steel sword
  • Red Wolf School silver sword 1 - Manticore school silver sword


  • additem ("Dancing Star 3") - Dancing Star workshop
  • additem ("Devils Puffball 3") - Master Devil's Puffball
  • additem ("Dragons Dream 3") - master Dragon Dream
  • additem ("Dwimeritium Bomb 3") - Workshop Dwimeritium Bomb
  • additem ("Grapeshot 3") - Workshop Grapeshot
  • additem ("Samum 3") - workshop Samum
  • additem ("Silver Dust Bomb 3") - Moon Dust workshop
  • additem ("White Frost 3") - Master North Wind
  • additem ("Snow Ball") - snowball
  • additem ("Tutorial Bomb") - training bomb


  • additem ("Black Blood 3") - excellent Black Blood
  • additem ("Blizzard 3") - great Blizzard
  • additem ("Cat 3") - great Cat
  • additem ("Full Moon 3") - great Full Moon
  • additem ("Golden Oriole 3") - excellent Oriole
  • additem ("Maribor Forest 3") - excellent Maribor Forest
  • additem ("Petri Philtre 3") - excellent Petri Potion
  • additem ("Swallow 3") - great Swallow
  • additem ("Tawny Owl 3") - excellent Owl
  • additem ("Thunderbolt 3") - great Thunder
  • additem ("White Honey 3") - excellent White honey
  • additem ("White Raffards Decoction 3") - Excellent Potion of White Raffar

Olesya Klimchuk