Witcher 3 All gunsmiths on the map. Where to find masters. Grandmaster Silver Sword Manticari School

Master - gunsmith

He Hattor's name and he lives in Novigad, but so just not to find it. Talk to other gunsmiths of the city and ask to make a workshop. They will tell you that some cook once was the most famous Musicist Master.

Your task to talk with him and perform a number of tasks. The recommended level is not lower than 21, for and enemies will have a much greater level, and not to attack one. First you have to negotiate with the king of the poor about the supply of materials. Opponents from 24 levels await on the way, to fight with which they will have not only with the help of a steel sword, but also relying on their fists.

For one of this quest, the total time of the cat-scenes is calculated almost 40 minutes. In a reward you get a good steel SwordSo try on the eve of the task chain not to acquire and not spend money on new weapons. When you talk with the king's assistant, Tin, start bargaining, and at the moment when he decides to get away from you and conversations - choose the phrase "no, so no." Tin agrees to all the conditions. At the time of the conversation with the former bodyguard of Hattori, Sukrus, it absolutely no matter what kind of help you will choose: dissect goods or take money from a merchant-tight. You still can continue to convince the guard warehouse to skip you. If you have entered the merchant earlier, you can meet it just at the warehouse guards later. In order for you to be missed inside, you can: Enchant the guard, tell him the truth (which is why it is possible not to bribe it, and the guard itself also will tell you the password) or remind him of Higher Sigrine and put a pouch with 200 gold in your hand.

Recall that Zigrin's Zigrin is not only Krasnolyud and a friend of Gerasta, he is also a monster hunter, served as the king of Caedwen, was in war under the war. After completing all the tasks and hacking off once again from the enemies, on returning to the guns, we find out that in a few days it will be ready for us "sword from cropping."

Please note that the quest is planned by the developers for level 20 players, so by filing it before, you will not get a lot of experience. Moreover, the sword damage itself will also be raised (adjustable) under your level and it is possible that you will have a better weapon at that time. But the main goal of unlocking the ability to craft workshop weapons will be achieved!

Master - Bronnik

Talk to him, ask to make a workshop armor, and he will tell that he can allegedly, but his assistant will wake into the conversation and will tell all the details of the case. Tools are located on the main island of the Skelliga archipelago in the cave. You can get there without earlier how you have to go to the islands in the plot, at the time of the search for cursions.

When you arrive at the cave, keep the right side, for the left tunnel is now simply not needed, but you will return here later on a different task. For a blacksmith with tools will not guard anyone else, and the troll (26 level) and it will have to kill, unfortunately. Therefore, if you have a small level, prepare for battle in advance.

After that, this blacksmith will be needed to find acid, which means our goal is Griffon, which is located in the north of the Baron Castle. There will be no direct pointer, you will have to use flair. Path: From the forest to the top of the hill to a briffst nest.

To kill Griffin, use Kven to protect, Igni for damage, constantly shy away from attacks, for it spits precisely with acid. Beat his sword better immediately after it falls and hangs. From the corpse you will fall mutagens and acid from Gand. The reward will be the hunter armor behind the wonders level 27. Unlike sword, it will not be scalded.

Next who can assist us, this is a friend's druid. We will find it in the Druid camp, where we have already been. Momotovide will not remind us of the tricks of Yennifer, because he is also associated with Cirins with long obligations. Obligations that, as well as the collapse of En Chiut, they took even before the Grandma Cyrus, Queen Cultra, Lioness Calanthe. Therefore, he will agree without unnecessary conversations. Collect different grass and go to Caer Morhan. And of course, the children of Krahti, Keris and Hyalmar. First of all, in order to get their support, we are at the very beginning, we will have to agree to help, the collapse of En Chuta with his children. We will have to turn on the race for the throne of Skeliga. Firstly decide which of the children to put on the throne. Tip: If the Krutt's throne does not fall at all - Skeliga expects civil War, civil workers and other charms of stormlessness. If Hyalmar Anray Child - Skelliga will be touched on the throne, will continue to fight with everyone with anyone, and for a long time they are enough?

With the passage of the game, many newcomers are wondering the Witcher's question 3 where to find the masters. By throwing around cities and villages, from location on the location, they are looking for, where and as coolers can be cooled and armed, especially collecting a full-set of one of the witches schools.

All the master is not worth listed today, as it will take a lot of time. Let us dwell on the most necessary.

One of these is the NPC in the game is the master Bronnik. Where to find Master Bronnik Witcher 3? You need to go to Velen and visit the Castle of the Blood Baron, where you will find Fergus.

This specialist will ask you to get tools for the manufacture of armor on the Skelliga Archipelago. When you bring tools, and they will come to you in the cave after a fight with a troll, then Fergus will need to still produce acid at the griffon that lives the north of the castle. After that, you will get a good armor.

You can also use the knowledge master runes Witcher 3 where to find, since this mater creates miraculous runes, which impose the magic effect on the hero gear. In order to use the services of the Master Rune, you must pay five thousand gold and perform the task search for jade stone. This jade is needed to create a special handling apparatus. Fly Masters Run is completely easy. It is necessary to go east of Novigrad to the lake, near which there will be a village Bronovitsy. Inspect the nearby territory near the village, and you will find the location of a specialist in the magical runes in Tent.

Information when passing gaming Mira Witcher 3 Blacksmith Master Where to find too will play a good service. Without a master of a blacksmith, you will not be able to make either armor, no boots, nor gloves with pants for found drawings. Look for the Master-blacksmith near the gate in Oxenfurt in the West. He moves, so I'll go comfortably in meditation near his anvil and wait for the return. Such blacksmiths work in the east of Novigrad and in Steamommuncti.

On the game Witcher 3 where to find the masters of gunsmith. You can help the gunmaker from Novigrad named Hattori. To go to him, you need to talk to any other gunsmith and ask for the blame better than you have in stock. He will answer you that one of the cooks was a long-time glorious master - the manufacturer of swords.

Go to it and execute several quests. Only earlier than 21 lvl do not drive, because the enemy will be strong and do not overcome it in small levels. The reward for the fulfillment of the tasks of the Hattori will be a sword, which in its stats may be lower than the one you use at the moment. But it is not important. The main thing is that now you can make workshop weapons from this weapon.

    IN game quot; 3quot Witcher; A special place is paid to the quality of armor and weapons of Geral, since throughout the path the main character has to fight with monsters.

    There are several places where we can find gunsmiths / Bronnapor / Blacksmith with apprentice skills:

    If there is no blacksmith / gunsmith in place, the meditation will help in this situation for an hour, after which the blacksmith / gunsmith will appear.

    In the game Witcher 3 wild Hunt There are several gunsmiths. These guys can help you improve your weapons and armor. The coolest of gunsmiths is the master of the gunsmith. To meet it, you need to reach 26 levels and execute the Baron quest.

    Find gunsmith in the game 3quot Witcher; Can be found in several places. If you need a sword, it will be better to go to the gunsman from the city of Novigrad. It is located on the fish market. How to do it can be viewed on the video.

    The gunsmith is needed primarily to improve armor characteristics. With the passage of tasks from Baron you will get a fergus. It can be asked about the gun-gunsman. But just so he will not do anything - you have to get tools for him. Master Mistroke is located in the southern part of Novigrad. Call his Hattori, but so that he will do something for you, you will also have to perform tasks.

    There is an option to visit the city of Novigrad and the fish market, there can be seen there and the necessary gunsmith.

    And even better, the best thing that managed to find is to look at the map and go straight to the place where the player is specified:

    For those who did not understand, this is of course Novigrad.

    In total, the game has a lot of different complex schemes, sometimes it is necessary to spend quite a long time for clarifying questions similar to this.

    In the game Witcher 3 Without gunsmiths, do not do, they are needed to improve the armor Gerasta.

    For the first time with the gunsman you will meet during the Baron quest.

    Inside the castle you will meet gunmakers initial level, name is his fergus. But in order to help you, you will have to gather and bring him tools, then he will make you the Master armor. Fergus will tell you that the tools can be found in the cave, in the northern part of the island.

    The master-gunsmith is in Novigad, but that he would help you, you will also have to task.

    In the game Witcher 3 Improve Gerasta armor can Joan, a companion of the organizer of the initial level of Fergus. It can be found in the castle. To do this, you need to pass the quest Master gunsmith And Joan bring tools for blacksmith and acid. Heralt's tools can be mined on Undwick's island.

    The master of the gunsmith for the manufacture of swords of Hattori lives in the city of Novigrad.

    In the game Witcher 3 You will need to improve armor in Herald. To do this, you need to look for a gunsmith. The very first gunner of the entry level will meet in Quest about Blood Baron in the castle. You will need to meet him, his name is Fergus. Then to collect tools for him - so he can make armor masters.

    In order for the herald armor to be at the highest level professional gunsmith. When passing the quest of Baron, you will be able to get acquainted with the Master of Arms for the first time Fergius And ask him help. True, the gunsight will give you a task to collect the tools that you have to perform. Only after that he will solve your problems with the Armor Witcher.

    In Novigrad, there is also a master of weapons, whose name is Hattori. But here it will not cost without tasks - the gunsight will definitely ask you to perform them.

    To improve the armor Gerasta in Witman 3, it is required to find the gunsmith masters. This can be done during the passage of Baron. In the castle, you will meet with an enlarge-level gun. Ask Fergius about the gunsmith master you can immediately. Make the Master's armor can Fergus, but for this you need to bring him tools.

    The gunsmith masters for the manufacture of swords is the name of Hattori. It is necessary to search for it in Novigrad. Perform the quest for it will also be necessary.

Weapons, armor and things in the "Witcher 3" Created according to drawings. The best are considered. In each drawing listed necessary components and ingredients. These can be different bars, ore, gems, plates, skins and other handicraft materials. Full list Available drawings are on the "Craft" tab ([O] key). For the manufacture of things, it is enough to choose a drawing, check the presence of the desired components in the inventory and press the [E] key. The process of creating things is very similar to the process. The main sources of receipt of components and ingredients in the "Witcher 3" serveFirst, the monsters, secondly, unnecessary things that can be disassembled into components with artisans, thirdly, merchants, gunsmiths and Bronnikov. A thorough inspection of chests falling on the way during the fulfillment of the main and secondary tasks, also brings a tangible result. Turns under the protection of high-level monsters usually contain many rare componentsbut the largest number different materials Hidden in the chests with smuggling in the waters of the Skeliga Archipelago, where Geralt arrives in search of cereals, but not everyone will endure tedious transitions on the boat.

Increase the number of merchants in the "Witcher 3" Allow the tasks for the destruction of monsters in empty villages and the release of hostages from the bandit camps, the location of which is marked on the map with special icons in the form of houses and prison cells, initially hidden under the signs of questions (appear after viewing the announcements boards). Keys from cells with merchants Are in the leaders of gangs, which are easily calculated in the crowd with a witch alone (clamp the [PKM] key): After the crucifixion above the body, there is a white glow, if there are no glow, you need to replay an episode with an attack, restarting the saving, otherwise the cell without a key does not open . After the liberation, the former prisoner goes home and after a while he starts to lead an active trade. The merchants and artisans appear in the workplace from the early morning, and the night disagree at home. The range of products for merchants is periodically replenished. Reduced waiting time helps long-term meditation or key game events. The struggle against the bandits also leads to the appearance on the roads of the worst merchants with backpacks. Very much place in the inventory occupy animal skins, at the first opportunity they should be disassembled into components or selling.

Location of merchants and Kuznetsov in Wheel, Novigrad, Oxenfurt and Skelliga in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

  1. Fergus (master Bronnik): In the courtyard of the castle of the Bloom Baron, pests in the northwestern part of the velin.
  2. Blacksmith (student): In the village there are big bitch in the western part of the ordinary.
  3. Bronnik (student): In the village of Pomesa in the western part of the ordinary.
  4. Blacksmith (student): In the village of Zalipier in the central part of the velinist.
  5. Bronnik (student): in the village of Zavornik in the northern part of the ordinary.
  6. Blacksmith (student): In the village of the mine in the southern part of the ordinary.
  7. Blacksmith (student): In the village on the slope of the Lysa Mountain, on which a hefty oak grows, in the southeastern part of ordinary. Blacksmith appears before the second meeting with witch.
  8. Blacksmith (subset): In the forge in the central part of the oxenfurt.
  9. Bronnik (Podmaster): On the market square in the northern part of the oxenfurt.
  10. Bronnik (subset): on the market on the hierarch area in the central part of Novigrad.
  11. Blacksmith (Podmaster): On the market near the bridge south-west of the market on the hierarch area in the central part of Novigrad.
  12. Hattori (Master-gunsmith): On the square from the Gate of Fame in the southern part of Novigrad.
  13. Bronnik and Kuznets (Apprentices): In the courtyard of Kaer Tolde fortress in the northwestern part of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  14. Blacksmith (student): in the village of Ferlund on the west coast of the main island of Ard Skellig. For the appearance of a blacksmith, it is necessary to free it from the cage in the robbers camp.
  15. Blacksmith (student): In the village of Arinbjorn on the west coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  16. Bronnik and Kuznets (apprentices): In the courtyard of the fortress of Caer Mur at the top of the mountain on the south-west coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  17. Blacksmith (student): in the village of Firdatal on the southern coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  18. Blacksmith (student): In the village of Harviken on the island of Fariores southeast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  19. Bronnik and Kuznets (Pupils): In the village of Larvik on the island of Hindarsfyal, east of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  20. Bronnik and Kuznets (disciples): In the village on the pier Urihalla on the island of An Skellig north of the main island of Ard Skellig.
  21. Blacksmith (student): In the village of Svorala on the island of speakerogo to the north-west of the main island of Ard Skellig.

List of components and ingredients for sale by artisans in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

Almost all gunsmiths and Bronnikniki have things from the table below. If there are no things on sale at students, check the range of products from the submarines or masters. Most things understand the components: from an impeccable diamond, for example, you can get a diamond and diamond dust. To do this, contact the artisan with the phrase "I want you to do something for me," then press the key to move the "Disassemble" tab twice. By selecting a component from the list on the left, you must confirm the [E] key. First of all, it is necessary to disassemble easily accessible components that can be bought from merchants, rare components are practical to leave prosa to create best weapons and armor.

Drag. Stones and dustMetals and oreRight stones and drawingsAdditional components
Impeccable amberDark steel ingotBig Rune Stone StrobogFortified tree
Impeccable amethystDark Steel PlateLarge Rune LaybogFortified leather
Impeccable diamondIngot of meteoric silverBig Rune Stone DevanChitina shell
Impeccable emeraldMeteor Silver PlateRivestonePearl
Impeccable rubyGold OreGreat Rune StoneBlack Pearl
Impeccable sapphireIngot of steelBig Rune Stone TriglavCrumbled pearls
Smoky crystalSteel plateLarge Rune Stone SvarogDust of black pearls
AmberRuda Dark Iron.Big Rune Stone VelesCotton
Shard amberDark Iron ingotBig Rune Stone PerunDravel
AmethystSilverBig Rune Stone ChernobogLace
DiamondSilver oreSmall Rune Stone ChernobogCanvas
EmeraldSilver plateSmall Rune Stone PerunSilk
RubyMeteoric oreSmall Rune Stone VelesFiber
SapphireFrance of meteorite ironSmall Rune Stone MarenaWood
Smoky fragmentsIron oreSmall Rune Stone TriglavCoal
Smoky dustiron ingotSmall Rune Stone SvarogPaint
Amber dustLuminous oreSmall Rune StoneButter
Amethyst dustPure silverSmall Rune Stone DazhbogThe juice
Diamond dustgold barSmall Rune Stone StrobogResin
Emerald dust Small Rune Stone DevanWax
Rubin dust Repair set of apprentice-gunsmithPen
Sapphire dust Repair set of apprentices-gunsmithLeather straps.
Repair set of masters-gunsmithSkin trimming
Skury scraps
Steel wire
Steel fishing line
Draconid skin
Fifth Essence