2012 Thermal protection of buildings. SP50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings SP 50 thermal protection of buildings

Results of calculating the energy efficiency of the project
multi-apartment large-panel building of a standard series, satisfying
requirements of Resolution No. 18 and SP 50-13330-2012

As an example, a typical large-panel 17-storey 4-section residential building with the 1st non-residential floor of the Moscow P3M / 17N1 series for 256 apartments was taken:

  • heated floor area of ​​the building A S= 23310 m 2;
  • total area of ​​apartments without summer premises A square= 16262 m 2;
  • useful area of ​​non-residential, rented premises And the floor= 880 m 2;
  • total area of ​​apartments, including usable area of ​​non-residential premises A kv + floor= 17142 m 2;
  • living area (area of ​​living rooms) Well= 9609 m 2;
  • the sum of the areas of all external fences of the heated building envelope And ogre. sum= 16795 m 2;
  • heated building volume Vfrom= 68500 m 3;
  • compactness of the building And ogre. sum/Vfrom = 0,25;
  • the ratio of the area of ​​translucent barriers to the area of ​​the facades is 0.17.

Attitude A S/A kv + floor = 23310/17142 = 1,36.

Construction is being carried out for the Moscow region with GSPP = (20 + 3.1) ∙ 214 = 4943 ° C · day. According to the table. 9 SNiP 23-02-2003 standardized specific consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation of the building, referred to m2 of floor area of ​​apartments without summer rooms and degree days of the heating period - 70 kJ / (m2 ° С it should be q h. y.req= 70∙4943/3600 = 96 kWh / m 2. The occupancy of the house is assumed to be 20 m 2 of the total area of ​​apartments per person, then, in accordance with the above methodology, the normalized air exchange in apartments will be 30 m 3 / h per inhabitant, and the specific value of household heat input is 17 W / m 2 of living space.

The heating system is a vertical single-pipe with thermostats on heating devices, it is connected to the intra-quarter heating networks from the central heating station through an elevator, the coefficient of efficiency of automatic regulation of heat supply in heating systems is z = 0.85. Exhaust ventilation system with natural motivation and a "warm" attic, individual duct fans are installed on the last two floors; inflow - through transoms with fixed opening to ensure standard air exchange.

First, let's calculate the energy efficiency of this house according to SNiP 23-02-2003, the requirements of which in terms of thermal protection and the specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation are taken as base values ​​(Table 2, column 3), for the calculated values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance of the main structures : outer walls R pr about, st = 3.13 m 2 ° C / W; windows R pr about, approx = 0.54 m 2 ° C / W; overlapping of a warm attic R pr about, attic = 4.12 m 2 · ° С / W; basement overlap over the technical underground R pr about, basement = 4.12 m 2 ° C / W. According to the results of the calculation, the estimated specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation of the building was q h. y.des = 95,4 kWh / m 2, which corresponds to the required according to SNiP 23-02-2003 - no more q h. y.req = 96 kWh / m 2, and in accordance with MPP order No. 161, the building can be assigned a normal energy efficiency class " WITH».

Table 2. Results of calculating the specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating
and ventilation (OV) of an apartment building for various design options
solutions for thermal protection of fences and automatic heating control


Requirements and calculation results

SP 50-13330-2012

SNiP 23-02-2003

RF Resolutions No. 18

since 2011

since 2016

from 2020

Required specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating water,q h. y.reqkW ∙ h / m 2

no norm





Reduced resistance to heat transfer, m 2 ° С / W:

Rstr, walls with an area of ​​11414 m 2

ROKr, windows of non-residential premises (104 m 2) *

ROKr, apartment windows (2270 m 2) *

ROKr, LLU windows (167 m 2) *

Rdvr, entrance doors (36 m 2) *

Rerr, ceilings under the bay window (16 m 2) *

Rch.pr, attic floors (1151 m 2) *

Rpokr, LLU coatings (251 m 2) *

Rc.pr, basement floors (1313 m 2) *

Rn.gr, floors on the ground of entrances (73 m 2) *

Reduced transmission coefficientheat transfer,Ktr, W / (m 2 ° С)

Heat loss through external enclosing structuresfor the heating period of the OP,Qogreyear, MWh

Heat loss with infiltration airfor OP,Qinfyear, MWh

Occupancy of apartments, m 2 of the total area per person

Specific value of household heat,qeveryday life, W / m 2

Household heat input for the heating period,Qeveryday lifeyear, MWh

Heat gain through windows from solar radiation,Qinsyear, MWh

Estimated heat consumption of buildings for heating water for the heating periodQ, MWh

Estimated specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating water,q h. y.des, kWh / m2






Thermal power of the heating system,QfromR, kw

Specific thermal power of the heating system,qfromR, kW / m 2

AttitudeQ year fromToQ year fromSNiP 23-02

Energy efficiency class **




B +

B ++

* in brackets - the area of ​​the outer fences of the house

** according to the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 161.

If we accept the same initial data when calculating according to the updated SNiP 23-02 as amended by NIISF (SP 50-13330-2012), and take the true value of the volume of the heated building, referred to the area of ​​heated floors, at least 35% higher than the area of ​​apartments in house, then with the same heat consumption as a building built according to SNiP 23-02-2003, near the building according to SP 50-13330-2012 specific annual heat energy consumption for heating will be:

q h. y.des= Q year from / (1.35 General + gender) = 1635 · 10 3 / (1.35 · 17142) = 70.6 kW · h / m 2.

Since the value q h. y.des= 70.6 kWh / m2 lower q h. y.req= 96 kWh / m2 by (70.6-96) 100/96 = -26.5%, in accordance with clause 5.2 of SP 50-13330-2012, it is recommended to reduce the reduced heat transfer resistance of wall structures to R pr o , st = 3.13 · 0.63 = 1.97 m 2 · ° C / W; attic and basement floors - 4.12 0.8 = 3.3 m 2 ° C / W, windows - 0.54 0.95 =
= 0.51 m 2 ° C / W, the rest of the enclosures remain unchanged, the heat loss with infiltrating outside air, heat gain from internal sources and with solar radiation, and the efficiency of automatic regulation of the heating system remain unchanged.

Then the estimated annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation of the building according to the calculation results (column 2, Table 2) was 1980 MWh, and the specific consumption for SP 50-13330-2012 was q h. y.des.SP= 1980 10 3 / (1.35 17142) = 85.6 kWh / m2, which is still below the required q h. y.req= 96 kWh / m 2, and therefore the reduced parameters of thermal protection of buildings according to SP 50-13330-2012 are legitimate. In the dimension adopted in SP 50-13330-2012, these values ​​will respectively be:

q from. R= 85.6 · 10 3 / (2.8 · 4943 · 24) =
= 0.257 W / (m 3 ° C)

and q from. tr= 96 10 3 / (2.8 4943 24) = 0.29 W / (m 3 ° C).

Column 2 of the table. 2 shows the true values ​​of the specific consumption related to the area of ​​apartments - q h. y.des= 1980 10 3/17142 = 115,5 kWh / m 2 and the corresponding energy efficiency class - reduced " D As a result, it turns out that SNiP, updated in 2012, recommends an increase in thermal energy consumption for heating by (1980-1635) · 100/1635 = 21% compared to the previous SNiP 2003. - What, then, is its actualization?

Justification of achieving the requirements of the resolution 1) by increasing
thermal protection of buildings

Let us consider what results will be achieved by improving the energy efficiency of buildings by increasing the thermal protection of non-transparent external fences by 15% compared to the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003, which is implemented on the example of the Moscow region in accordance with the requirements of Resolution 1) (respectively, R pr o, st = 3.13 1.15 = 3.6 m 2 ° C / W) in apartments and built-in non-residential premises with a reduced resistance to heat transfer R pr about, approx = 0.8 m 2 ° C / W (windows and balcony doors of the LLU remain the same) and connecting the heating system to heating networks through an automated control unit (AUU) instead of an elevator or through an automated ITP (z = 0.9). Heat losses from the infiltrating outside air and heat gains from internal sources also remained the same, and heat gains from solar radiation are reduced due to the use of emission-coated glasses in the windows to increase their resistance to heat transfer.

The estimated specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation of the building according to the calculation results (column 4, table. 2) was q h. y.des= 78,2 kWh / m 2, which is lower than required by decree 1) - q h. y.req= 81,6 kWh / m 2 and -18% below the base value, which allows the building to be assigned a high energy efficiency class " V". If, instead of this progressive solution, the document updated by NIISF prevails, then the heat consumption of buildings for heating will increase in comparison with the already achieved by 115.5-78.2 = 37.3 kWh for each m2 of apartment area or by 37.3 100 / 78.2 = 47.7%, almost 1.5 times. Accordingly, residents will pay for heating in houses built according to the updated joint venture 50.13330.2012, 1.5 times more than is possible under the proposed solution.

From 2016, it is planned to increase the thermal protection of non-translucent external fences by another 15% compared to the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 (respectively, R pr o, st = 3.13 1.3 = 4.07 m 2 ° C / W, R pr about, loft = R pr about, tsc = = 4.12 1.3 = 5.35 m 2 ° C / W, and, as shown in, this is still lower than normalized in the Scandinavian countries on the surface, despite the fact that their severity of winter is 1.5 times lower than that of us in the central region: the resistance to heat transfer of walls along the surface is 6.67 m 2 ° C / W, we have 4, 07 / 0.67 = 6.07 m 2 ° C / W); switch to windows in apartments and built-in non-residential premises with reduced heat transfer resistance = 1.0 m 2 ° C / W, which is also not the limit. Therefore, the statement of the author of SP 50.13330.2012 that the proposed increase in the resistance to heat transfer of external fences exceeds the norms of European countries is not consistent.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 261 "On Energy Saving", "apartment buildings put into operation from January 1, 2012 after construction, reconstruction, must be additionally equipped with individual metering devices for the heat energy used", which, according to experts , will allow at least 10% to reduce heat consumption for heating (ξ = 0.1 in the formula (1) of the Appendix). Taking into account the inertia of the implementation of measures, we attributed the implementation of this norm only since 2016.

Taking into account the foregoing, the estimated specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation of the building according to the calculation results (column 5 of Table 2) was 62,9 67,2 kWh / m 2 and 34% lower than the base value, which allows the building to be assigned a high energy efficiency class " B +". Thus, the requirements of the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 18 on increasing the energy efficiency of apartment buildings by 15% now and by another 15% since 2016 compared to the current SNiP 23-02-2003 fencing, switching to windows with heat transfer resistance 0.8 and 1.0 m 2 · ° С / W and using optimal solutions for automatic regulation of heat transfer from the heating system and metering of the energy used.

It is interesting to note that the requirements of Decree No. 18 on increasing the energy efficiency of apartment buildings by only 40% from 2020 will not require additional energy saving measures, since by this year it is assumed that the average norm of the total area of ​​an apartment per person will reach 25 m 2 (now by statistical data in Russia 22.5 m 2 / person, in European countries - 45, and in the USA and Canada - 70 m 2 / person). As a result, as calculations show (column 6 of Table 2), due to a decrease in the required air exchange in apartments due to less dense occupancy, and, accordingly, the infiltration component of heat loss, despite a slight decrease in heat input from internal sources (specific household heat emission decreased from 17 up to 15.6 W / m 2), the estimated specific annual consumption of heat energy for heating and ventilation of the building was 53,8 kWh / m 2, which is lower than required by decree 1) - no more 57,6 kWh / m2 and -44% lower than the base

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Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation

Slyunyaev I.N.

Our institute receives inquiries from various organizations regarding the "Notification of the beginning of public discussion of the draft set of rules" (hereinafter referred to as the Notification). This notice indicates that the draft Amendment No. 1 to SP 50.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings” has been developed. At the beginning, the following were indicated as developers: Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy), Scientific Research and Design Institute of Educational, Public and Residential Buildings LLC (Spelling saved from the text of the Notice), 10 days after the placement of LLC "…………" has been removed from the add-on developers.

NIISF RAASN federal state budgetary institution for more than fifty years has been the author and developer of the head of SNiP "Construction heat engineering", which in 2003 was renamed into SNiP 23-02-2003 " Thermal protection buildings ". On the basis of NIISF RAASN, a unique team of specialists has formed, capable of comprehensively considering the issues of standardization of thermal protection of buildings. Domestic standards for thermal protection of buildings have always been the most advanced in the world and have been appreciated by Western experts. For the first time in the world, in the USSR in 1979, norms were introduced to take into account the effect of heat-conducting inclusions ("cold bridges") on heat loss through enclosing structures (most European countries have not completely solved this problem even now).

Since 2010, the specialists of NIISF RAASN, with the involvement of leading scientists from other institutes, have been updating SNiP 23-02-2003. The scientific supervisor of the work on the document is corresponding member of RAASN, professor, doctor of technical sciences V.G. Gagarin. Updating was carried out with a wide public discussion of the document. It should be noted that this SNiP affects the interests of a large number of construction organizations and firms - manufacturers of thermal insulation materials, as well as House-building factories throughout the Russian Federation. In this regard, balanced and compromise decisions were made on the main issues, taking into account the state policy in the field of energy conservation, utilities and construction. The draft document was presented at more than 30 specialized conferences; more than 20 publications in specialized journals were made according to the updated edition. The final discussion of the draft document took place on November 2, 2011 at SIC Construction (a short report on this discussion was placed in two central journals), as well as on December 21, 2011 at the Ministry of Regional Development. 338 comments and suggestions were received on the draft edition, which were fully or partially taken into account. The updated version of SNiP 23-02-2003 was approved by the Order of the Minister of Regional Development No. 265 on June 30, 2012. The document is currently in the set.

And now, without notifying the developer of the updated edition of SNiP, Amendment No. 1 to this SNiP was developed. The developer of this Change No. 1 is unknown to anyone, his site is practically absent and Change No. 1 is not posted on the site. There is no information about its managers and specialists who are the authors of the changes. In addition, it is not known what the proposed changes are based on, since the prerequisites that justify them are not known. The Public Comment Notice itself is printed with errors and is not being sent out officially. Change No. 1 implies a significant change in SNiP, right down to its name. And most importantly, it did not go through the procedure of public discussion that such a document should go through and that the original document went through.

The text of Amendment # 1 contained in the Notice of Public Discussion is careless and unprofessional. It contains errors, both in essence and in essence.

First of all, the incorrectly proposed title of the document “Requirements for energy efficiency. Thermal protection of buildings, structures and structures "due to the following circumstances:

1. The proposed addition to the title “Energy Efficiency Requirements” does not comply with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”. According to clause 4 of Article 2 of this law "energy efficiency is characteristics reflecting the ratio of the beneficial effect from the use of energy resources to the costs of energy resources produced in order to obtain such an effect, in relation to products, technological process, legal entity, individual entrepreneur." This concept is economic. Energy efficiency has nothing to do with the requirements proposed in Amendment # 1, which require a reduction in energy consumption. During the discussion of the project SP 50.13330.2012 "SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings" the concept of energy efficiency was removed from the Document and from the Appendices to it.

2. The document proposed for amendment does not address the issues of thermal protection of buildings and structures, but only thermal protection of buildings is considered. The fact is that structures such as bridges do not need thermal protection, and those structures that need thermal protection, such as pipelines, are designed in accordance with special joint ventures that contain requirements for their thermal protection and methods for its calculation and design. These objects are designed according to other regulatory documents by other specialists, and it is at least inappropriate to combine the norms and rules for the design of thermal protection of these objects in one document. In addition, the principle of harmonization with similar European standards is violated, which also do not consider the issues of thermal protection of structures.

The following can be noted regarding the new requirements.

1. Requirements in the proposed Amendment No. 1 to the "Standardized specific characteristic of heat energy consumption for heating and ventilation of buildings" are not substantiated either by theoretical calculations or by experimental construction. They will lead to an increase in the cost of construction and to the failure to comply with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 "On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improve the quality of housing and communal services", which requires "a reduction in the cost of one square meter of housing by 20 percent ... ".

2. New requirements will lead to an increase in the use of expensive thermal insulation materials with untested durability, as well as to a sharp decline in the use of new effective building materials, which have proven themselves in construction practice, such as products made of porous ceramics, autoclaved aerated concrete, etc. The matter is complicated by the fact that foreign investors have invested in the development of the production of these materials, and artificially reducing the volume of their use in construction will undermine the credibility of our country foreign investors. From this point of view, the requirements in the proposed Amendment No. 1 contradict the aforementioned Decree of the President of the Russian Federation regarding "prevention and suppression of monopolistic activities and unfair competition of business entities in the areas of housing construction and production of building materials."

3. The introduction into the technical regulatory document of the requirements scheduled by the time of introduction (from 2013, from 2016 and from 2020) is not consistent with common sense... If the authors know how to ensure these requirements since 2016, then the justifications must be presented and introduced immediately. If methods of ensuring these requirements are unknown, then it is not necessary to declare them ahead of time, when it is still unknown whether they will be found. technical solutions to meet these requirements. Such requirements can be introduced by orders of the ministry, and not into technical standards without specifying ways to achieve them. If the ways of achieving the requirements are not known, then cases of falsification of their implementation will become more frequent, which will lead to “paper” energy savings and corruption.

The revision of Table 15 - "Classes of energy saving of residential and public buildings" presented in the draft Amendments No. 1 is worsened in comparison with Table 15 of the approved revision of the updated document. In the approved document, the boundaries of the energy saving classes coincided with the data specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2011 No. 18. In the presented Amendment No. 1, these boundaries are of a random nature and do not say anything, including do not correspond to the data of the specified decree and the requirements given in the Amendment No. 1 itself.

Analysis of the text of Amendment No. 1 to SP 50.13330.2012 "SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings", as well as related circumstances, shows that the Amendment was drafted unprofessionally, and its discussion is taking place with gross violations of the established procedure. Given the severe consequences for the construction industry of the country, which will be caused by this Amendment No. 1, the attempt to introduce it should be considered an economic sabotage. In this regard, we consider it necessary to reject the proposed changes No. 1 to the updated edition of SP 50.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-02-2003“ Thermal protection of buildings ”.

Director of NIISF RAASN,

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Shubin I.L.


UDC 697.1

Use of SP 50.13330.2012 "Thermal protection of buildings" in the design of public buildings

P. V. Vinsky, and about. Head of the OVKiD sector of OJSC "Mosproekt-2" named after M.V. Posokhin

The features of determining the specific characteristics of heat energy consumption for heating and ventilation of a building and calculating its specific ventilation characteristics in accordance with the updated edition of SP 50 are considered. , leads to an overestimation of the building's energy efficiency class. It is noted that the requirements of SP 50 do not take into account the specifics of modern sealed fillings of light openings when calculating the infiltration component of the ventilation characteristic, and solutions are proposed to eliminate this problem. The disadvantages of SP 50 in terms of the possibility of using the coefficient of efficiency of recuperators and changes in the resistance to heat transfer of window blocks during the heating period are revealed. The presentation is illustrated with numerical examples.

Keywords:specific ventilation characteristics, air exchange, energy saving class, recuperator, translucent structures.

UDC 697.1

Using Set of Rules (SP) 50.13330.2012 “Thermal performance of the buildings” at the design of public buildings

P. V. Vinskii, Acting Chief of the HVAC section of “Mosproject-2 named after M. V. Posokhin”, Ltd.

The peculiarities of determination of specifi c characteristics of heat consumption for heating and ventilation of the building and calculation of the specifi c ventilation characteristics in accordance with the updated version of the SP 50 are concerned. It is shown that the divergence in the account of air fl ow between the actual value and unit of 1 m 2 taken in the methodology of the SP 50, leads to an overestimation of the energy class of the building. It is noted that the requirements of the SP 50 do not take into account the specifi cs of modern air-tight window units in the calculation of the infi ltration component of ventilation characteristics, and the solutions to this problem are proposed. The defi ciencies of the SP 50 in terms of the use of the coeffi cient of effi ciency of heat exchangers and changes in the resistance to heat transfer of window blocks during the heating period are identifiable. The presentation is illustrated by numerical examples.

Keywords:specific ventilation characteristic, air flow, energy class, heat exchanger, transparent constructions.

The features of determining the specific characteristics of the heat energy consumption for heating and ventilation of a building and calculating its specific ventilation characteristics in accordance with the updated edition of SP 50 are considered. leads to an overestimation of the building's energy efficiency class. It is noted that the requirements of SP 50 do not take into account the specifics of modern sealed fillings of light openings when calculating the infiltration component of the ventilation characteristic, and solutions are proposed to eliminate this problem. The disadvantages of SP 50 in terms of the possibility of using the coefficient of efficiency of recuperators and changes in the resistance to heat transfer of window blocks during the heating period are revealed. The presentation is illustrated with numerical examples.

With the release of the Russian Code of Rules (SP) 50.13330.2012 (updated version of SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings", hereinafter referred to as SP 50), the approach to determining the reduced resistances to heat transfer of external enclosing structures and the specific characteristics of thermal energy consumption has changed. The calculation of these values ​​is carried out by design engineers in section 10.1 "Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used" in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87-PP "On the composition of the sections of the project documentation and the requirements for their content. " Often, to shorten the pronunciation, this project is referred to in one word - "energy efficiency".

Estimated specific characteristic of heat energy consumption for heating and ventilation of the building q from p [W / (m³ · ° C)] should be determined according to the mandatory Appendix G SP 50:

where k vent, k everyday life and k rad [W / (m³ · ° C)] represent, respectively, the specific ventilation characteristic of the building, the specific characteristic of the building's household heat and the specific characteristic of the heat input into the building from solar radiation.

In this article, I would like to draw attention to the calculation of the specific ventilation characteristics of a building and express an opinion regarding its shortcomings using the example of public and office buildings. In determining k ventilation, the average rate of air exchange of the building during the heating period is used n in [h -1], which is calculated by the total air exchange due to ventilation and infiltration according to the formula (D.4):

In the draft of the subsection "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks" of section 5 "Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions", air exchange is determined from the conditions for ensuring the parameters of the air environment: air exchange per person, according to standard rates according to regulatory documents, according to tasks for the assimilation of harmful gas emissions or heat emissions from adjacent sections (TX, EO, SS, ITP).

But for the amount of supplied air with mechanical ventilation in the section "Energy efficiency" is not taken its actual value, but normalized depending on the purpose of the building for 1 m² of the calculated area. In this case, there may be a discrepancy between the two projects, since in the first case the air exchange will be greater than in the second. A simple example is that the calculated area does not include the corridors into which the supply air is supplied to compensate for the exhaust air from the bathrooms and showers. Another example: supply ventilation chambers, which are also not included in the calculated area, but air is supplied to them to prevent the formation of mold.

For clarity, you can cite the supply air flow rates calculated for an administrative building (address: Moscow, Central Administrative District, Kalanchevskaya st., Vl. 43, p. 1-1a), which received a positive conclusion from the IGE. In the section "ОВ" the total consumption of the supply air is 142,665 m³ / h, and in the section "energy efficiency" - 58,240 m³ / h.

The discrepancies in air and, accordingly, in heat consumption are almost 2.5 times higher in the first case!

Why SP 50 does not offer us to use the actual air flow rates for the calculation, when they have already been determined, seems incomprehensible. So, this circumstance leads to an underestimated value of the specific ventilation characteristics of the building, and this, in turn, to an overestimated energy saving class, up to "very high". But in this case, a very high class of energy saving can be assigned only on condition of the mandatory fulfillment of paragraph 10.5 of SP 50, otherwise the class C + is assigned - normal. Thus, clause 10.5 of SP 50 gives us the opportunity to protect ourselves and indicate the energy saving class two levels lower in the energy passport.

It would be reasonable to exclude the calculation of the specific characteristic of the building's thermal energy consumption from the “Energy efficiency” section and include it in the “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks” subsection, that is, for this calculation to be regulated by SP 60.13330.2016 (updated edition of SNiP 41-01 -2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", hereinafter - SP 60).

Now I would like to talk about the infiltration component in the formula (D.4) of SP 50. Modern energy-efficient translucent structures, as a rule, are very airtight, have low air permeability, and there is no talk of infiltration through them, as was the case in Soviet times.

It should be noted that, depending on functional purpose premises of the building, translucent structures can be deaf and even bulletproof, and therefore infiltration in the volume that SP 50 suggests to us will in fact be absent. For example, we can cite the project of a public building for special purposes, for which, in order to protect information, the terms of reference indicated that all translucent structures should be deaf, without the possibility of natural ventilation, but, despite this fact, infiltration was taken into account in the calculation.

Therefore, we can formulate proposals for solving this issue:

1. If the translucent structures are deaf, and there is no possibility of natural ventilation, then the amount of air infiltrated into the premises of a public building through leaks in the fillings of the openings (assuming that they are all on the windward side) should not be taken into account, but only the effect of the mechanical ventilation system should be considered.

2. If natural ventilation is possible with the mechanical ventilation system turned off and with the values ​​of the resistance to air permeation of translucent structures, confirmed by the certification test protocols, providing infiltration through leaks, the calculation should be made according to the method described in paragraphs G3 and G4 of SP 50.

3. When installing a ventilation valve in translucent structures, to ensure a constant flow of air into the room, it is necessary to take the flow through the valve as a calculated value.

In addition, it should be noted that the efficiency coefficient of the recuperator was introduced into the new edition of SP 50 k eff, which is currently assumed to be zero, and, literally taking its definition, it does not depend on the availability of ventilation systems with the possibility of heat recovery. Direct-flow ventilation system, supply and exhaust system with a rotary heat exchanger, with a plate heat exchanger or with an intermediate heat carrier - for all these systems, it must be considered equal to zero.

It can be accepted as nonzero only during field tests, when the average air permeability of the premises of public buildings (with closed supply and exhaust ventilation openings) provides air exchange rate during the test period n 50 ≤ 2 h -1 (at a pressure difference of 50 Pa outside and inside air and with mechanical ventilation). With such an interpretation, it turns out to be incomprehensible why this reduction factor was introduced, if in practice it cannot be used. Apparently, the fact is that when the updated edition of SP 50 is released, the text of the paragraph following formulas (D.2) and (D.3) containing explanations to the value k eff, was mistakenly transferred from the previous version (SNiP 23-02-2003), where it referred to a completely different parameter regarding natural ventilation in residential buildings.

At the same time, "neglect" k eff can lead to a significant underestimation of the energy efficiency class of buildings, including, in some cases, residential ones.

Note also that new edition SP 50 explicitly does not take into account the equipping of the building with water air curtains, which serve to prevent cold air "bursting" into the building. Heat consumption for heat supply also does not appear anywhere. This circumstance can also lead to an underestimated value of the specific characteristic of the building's thermal energy consumption.

An additional disadvantage of SP 50 is that the resistance to heat transfer of translucent structures is taken according to the certification test protocols equal to the value measured in accordance with GOST 26602.1-99 “Window and door blocks. Methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer "at the design temperature of the outside air, which corresponds to the temperature of the coldest five-day period t h5, but not higher than -20 ° C, and the assessment of energy consumption and energy efficiency is carried out at an average temperature for the heating period. So, in the work during the experiment, the authors found that at a temperature t n5 for Moscow, equal to -28 ° C (at the time of validity of SNiP 23-01-99 * "Construction climatology" of 2004), and at an outside air temperature of -10 ° C, corresponding to the average temperature of January-February, the heat transfer resistance of the window blocks differ by 12-18%. In the publication, the authors showed that for a number of constructions of fillings of light openings, such a discrepancy can be even higher. In view of this circumstance, a noticeable error arises in the calculations of heat consumption, and "neglect" of this circumstance can lead to an underestimated energy saving class, which was also demonstrated by the authors in the publication, since, as noted, for example, in, the share of transmission heat losses through the windows is very significant and comparable to losses through non-transparent fences. This is also evidenced by the data of a number of foreign authors, for example,.

I would also like to note that when calculating the specific characteristics of heat input into a building from solar radiation k rad [W / (m³ I 1 , I 2 , I 3 and I 4 [MJ / (m² · year)] under actual conditions of cloud cover falling on vertical surfaces oriented along the four facades of the building, respectively.

These values ​​of SP 50 suggests that we determine "according to the methodology of the Code of Rules," although, in turn, it does not contain the method itself. If we consider the Code of Rules 131.13330.2012 (updated edition of SNiP 23-01-99 * "Construction climatology", hereinafter - SP 131), then in table. 9.1 shows the total solar radiation (direct and scattered) on a vertical surface, but with a cloudless sky and for each calendar month, that is, these data cannot be used directly either.

The only document that contains the necessary information for the city of Moscow is the canceled MGSN 2.01-99 "Energy saving in buildings" (Table 3.5). But there the values ​​are given in terms of [kWh / m²], and for the SP 50 methodology [MJ / (m² · year)] is required, therefore, to calculate them, they must be multiplied by a conversion factor equal to 3.6. Perhaps it would be advisable to transfer the specified MGSN table to SP 50 with the addition of similar data for other cities, or to correct the table. 9.1 SP 131, so that it contains information about solar radiation under actual cloudiness conditions as a whole for the heating period, or give an indication in the comments to the formula (D.8) of SP 50 to take into account the existing data of SP 131 with a reduction factor on the effect of cloudiness.

I would also like to draw your attention to the obvious drawback of SP 60. Unfortunately, this document does not explicitly state anywhere that to calculate the heat loss of the premises of a building, the actual values ​​of the heat transfer resistances of external enclosing structures, calculated according to the methods of SP 50 and SP 230.1325800.2015 " Fencing structures of buildings. Characteristics of heat engineering inhomogeneities ", except for paragraph 6.2.4. In this paragraph, the only reference to SP 50 is presented, and only in relation to the calculation of the resistance to heat transfer of internal walls separating an unheated staircase from residential and other premises. Because of this, the design engineer of the "OV" section often uses the specified regulatory gap in "his" SP 60 and accepts for the calculation simply normative (more precisely, basic) values ​​of the heat transfer resistances of external fences according to table. 3 SP 50, thereby increasing or decreasing the real heat consumption for the heating system.

Therefore, in our opinion, it would be advisable to include in SP 60 a reference to clause 5.4 of SP 50 for its unconditional execution, especially since this clause by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1521-PP is classified as such, as a result of which on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations "On the Safety of Buildings and Structures" is ensured. In this case, there would be a harmonization between the two sections of the project and the normative documents themselves, and the results of the development of the section "Energy efficiency" would be the initial data for the design of the heating system.

Thus, SP 50 and SP 60 need to be discussed and further adjusted.

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