Week cheerful games and fun target. Week of winter games and fun in kindergarten. Material on the topic. Construction Material Games

Love Olegovna Semenov
Calendar and thematic planning on the topic "Week merry games And fun. "

Group: Senior speech therapy

Purpose: To form in children skills to arrange your leisure. Introduce a variety of games and entertainment. Develop game skills. Educate in children the desire to get joy from joint Games with peers and adults.

Monday - "Day of Board Games"


Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "Diverse World of Games" (to form in children Understanding the variety of games, introduce them to their classification. To educate the ability to plan and negotiate joint games.)

Approaching and discussion of proverbs:

Play, play, yes, you know the matter.

In the game, in a touch of people will learn.

D / and "yes - no" (on the development of auditory attention, excerpts)

Care of plants in the corner of nature (spraying, watering, soil loosenings)


Photo exhibition "Play all together."

Board game "Merry Racing"

Individual work: Drawing up a story about his beloved desktop game


Observation of plants in beds

Research activities (within the project). Find out: where in beds the earth dried is stronger, why? (Develop cognitive research, the ability to independently conclude, on the basis of seen.)

P / and "We are funny guys", "knocked ball"

(Formation of the skill of motor activity of children, attention development, dexterity, skill, upbringing skills to play the team)

Work on the plot - watering the garden

D / and "What is this game?" (Game Classification)

A situational conversation "Where can I play?"

S / R game "Family" - "on vacation"

(Develop the ability to distribute roles, develop scene line, ability to organize your leisure. Educate friendly attitude to members of the team.)

Game with a mirror "Sunny Bunny"

Individual work: Jumping on one leg - on the development of coordination of movements

Work before bed

Reading E. Schwartz "Tale of the Lost Time"

2 Half of the day

A moment of health - wellness gymnastics after sleeping: "Pulling", "Firing-Charging"

Game - Presentation "My Favorite table game"- To form the ability of children to draw up a connected story about his beloved game with the help of mnemotables, develop the interest of children to board games.

Labor - Washing Puppet Lingerie

S / R game "Toy store" - "Purchase of a friend game"

(Develop the ability to conduct role-playing dialogue, help in developing the plot, the ability to express your desire, to raise the desire to deliver the joy to other people, educate the cultural communication skills)

Individual work on the task of the speech therapist


Watching the weather condition, work with weather calendar.

P / and on the development of coordination of movements and agility "knocked ball".

Board game at the request of children.

Independent gaming activities with balls

Work with parents: Consultation for parents "Developing Wednesday Child at home." Individual consultations with parents for the presence of headlife in children.

Tuesday - "Sports Day"


Joint activity of adult and children:

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "Why do physical education and sports?"

(Contribute to the formation of a realization of the value of a healthy lifestyle in children, develop ideas about the usefulness, feasibility of physical activity, physical education and sports)

Reading and discussion S. Marshak "Dremot and Zevot"

Labor work

Cutting slides in sandbox, sand moisturizing

Organization of independent activities of children:

Consider illustration of sports

Game "Learn the game according to the words"

Independent interest in interest


Individual work:exercises in the definition of the first and last sound in the word


Observation of plants in a flower bed

(Forming the ability to decide independently, which care is required by plants).

N / and "football", "throw the ball through the grid" - form the skill of the motor activity of children, develop the ability to play the team

Labor: assistance to the tutor in the tie, loosening and watering flowers on the flower bed.

D. Game "1,2,3 - to the run tree" - develop orientation in space, the ability to find a tree by distinctive features.

Etude "Learn Mood" (Working with pictograms)

S / R Game "Family" - "Home Holiday Organization"

(Develop the ability to organize leisure your guests, distribute roles, build dialogue)

Independent Gaming Activity Children

Individual work: Develop the ability to jump through a short rope with rotation back and forth

Work before bed

Reading V. Kataev "Tsvetik-Semichetics"

2 Half of the day

A moment of health - learning a new fizminutka

You need to do sports

Every day to train.

We will start without progress

And legs together to stall

And hands loudly clap.

Turns left to the right

We carry out the fame.

Now jumping in place.

Well, together, well, together.

We will be healthy,

We all are strong.

We will be from gymnastics

The most beautiful.

Labor order "give order to DID. games »

Situation for communication "What is personal hygiene?"

(Development of understanding the importance and necessity of hygienic procedures)

S / r Game "Polyclinic" - "Calling a doctor on the phone for grandmother" to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue by phone, use polite speed of speech, develop the ability to interact).

Drawing on the topic "Sports emblem" (development of fantasy, imagination)

Individual work on the task of the speech therapist


Observation of nature (develop the ability to see beautiful, notice the characteristic signs of the summer, transfer their impressions in speech)

P / and on the development of auditory attention, the speed of the reaction "Paints"

Independent children games

Wednesday - "Day of your favorite toys and games"


Joint activity of adult and children:

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "My favorite toy"

(introduce children with a variety of toys, materials of which they are made)

Discussion of the proverb:

Yun - with toys, and old - with pillows.

Who in the dolls did not play, though did not see happiness.

D / game "Who will remember more?" (Development of hearing memory and attention)

Labor help to the janitor in cleaning the site

Organization of independent activities of children:

M / n game "Spoiled Phone"

Independent games with favorite toys


Individual work: Exercise in the selection of words definitions for the word "toy"


Observation of the janitor's work

(Education of hardology, formation of the habit of compliance with purity)

Discussion of the proverb: "Pure is not there, where the sweepage, and where they do not sort!"

N / and "day and night", " Sea figure"- Formation of the skill of motor activity of children, the development of the speed of the reaction and running

D. Game "Fourth Excess"

Labor work

Assistance to the janitor in cleaning the territory

Sand Experimentation (as part of the project) - Painting Sand Gouache

S / r Game "Let's go on the bus"

(Develop the ability of children to carry out elementary rules of behavior in public transport Through game situations, independently distribute the role of the driver, controller, passengers with children, the elderly, develop role-playing dialogue, educate politeness, modesty)

Independent Gaming Activity Children

Individual work:high jump exercise

Work before bed

Reading J. Rodari "Magic Drum"

2 Half of the day

MINUTE OF HEALTH - Boscoration on the massaging surface

D / and "tangram" (development of constructive skill, logical thinking)

Game - Presentation "Guess my favorite toy"

Develop auditory attention, thinking, to form the ability of children to describe the favorite toy.

S / R game "Friend's Birthday" (Discuss with children the rules of conduct on a visit, remind you how to give and take gifts properly; encourage children to develop the plot yourself, use polite speech turns, develop a dialogic speech)

Individual work on the task of the speech therapist


Watching the clouds (determine which clouds in the sky, what they look like, to offer children to think why clouds float)

M / n game on the development of auditory attention and the logic "Edible - Inedible"

Situation for communication "I hurt a friend"

Drawing on asphalt by plan

Independent children games

Work with parents: Booklets for parents "Play with children!". Individual consultations "Lightweight clothes for children in summer."

Thursday - "Folk Toy Day"


Joint activity of adult and children:

Morning gymnastics.

The story of the teacher "People's Toy"

(To acquaint children with the concept of "People's Toy", tell about the folk toys of "Dymkovskaya and Bogorodskaya". To educate the desire to learn the history of the native country).

Consider the exhibition "Folk dolls"

A situational conversation "What does it mean to infer"

Organization of independent activities of children:

Consider albums "People's Toy of Russia"

Russian folk game "Wonderful bag"

Independent gaming activities for children in interest.

Dining room duty (table setting, adult help in cleaning dishes)

Individual work: Exercise "The same, more, less than 1"


Watching birds on the plot

(Continue to acquaint children with birds living on the site. Exercise in recognition in appearance, voice, habits. Education of the careful attitude to the pennate)

Research activity: Find the nest of birds on the plot.

P / and "Mousetrap", "Pass the ball" (relay) - the formation of the skill of motor activity of children, the development of the speed of the reaction, coordination of movements

Labor - weeding garment

S / R game "Family - Holidays on the Lake"

(Help the children to develop the plot, form the skills of safe behavior in water, develop the ability to conduct a role dialogue)

Experimental activities (within the framework of the project) - Drawing on the sand

Independent Gaming Activity Children

A situational conversation "When the sand is dangerous"

Individual work: Exercise on the development of movements "Drinks with advancement."

Work before bed

Reading r. n. Fairy tales "Elena Premone"

2 Half of the day

MINUTE OF HEALTH - Boscoration on a ribbed surface

Creative activity - painting of folk toys

D. Game "Collect a fairy tale"

S / R Game "Family - Rest on the Lake" - Continued

Production of toys with its sleeves - origami.

Individual work on the task of the speech therapist


Wind observation

(Observation with children Behind the signs of windy weather, compare the summer and winter wind, offer to children to determine the direction of wind with the help of the turntable)

P / p games for the development of accuracy, exercise in the race "Hares in the garden", "knocked ball"

Labor help to the tutor in washing toys

Independent children games

Work with parents: Organization of the exhibition "Folk Doll". Individual consultations and conversations at the request of parents.

Friday - "Ball Day".


Joint activity of adult and children:

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "Such a different ball"

(To introduce children with a variety of balls, their classification for the purpose and materials of which they are made).

Reading "What is good and what is bad" in Mayakovsky (conversation for read)

D / Game "The word went on the road - we split it on the syllables"

Organization of independent activities of children:

M. p. Game with the ball "Edible - not edible"

Coloring coloring, work with stencils and templates.

Independent activities in activity centers


Individual work: Exercise "Count the wagons at the train" (the composition of the number from units with the help of kuizher's sticks)


Insect observation


Observation of the tool on peppers and shrubs (introductory children with the name of pests on plants, ways to combat them).

Conversation "Logic chains in nature"

P / and "Prongs do not drop", "get into the basket" - to form the skill of the motor activity of children, develop coordination of movements, accuracy

Labor work

Washing the leaves of peppers with soap water from the Tly.

S / R Game "Young Protectors of Nature" - "Cleaning ambient From garbage. "

Develop the ability to build a storyline, distribute the roles, invent a dialogue. Educate careful attitude towards nature)

Laying figures from stones (development of fantasy, shallow motility hands).

Individual work: "Jumping, not back"

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale of Andersen "Princess on the Pea"

2 Half of the day

Minute health

What a miracle - miracles:

Once hand and two hand!

Here is the palm right,

Here is the left palm.

And I will tell you, not tai

Everyone needs hands, friends.

Strong hands will not be thrown into a fight.

Good hands plunder the dog.

Smart hands are able to sculpt.

Cute hands are able to be friends.

Competition of children's drawings "I am playing"

Scene-role games at the request and place of children

Labor - guidance of order in the bookcard, if necessary, repair books.

Individual work on the task of the speech therapist


Western observation (weather comparing day and evening, its characteristic)

P / and on the development of agility, attention, run- "Geese - Swans"

Situational conversation "We meet mom (dad, grandmother and) in the evening children's garden»

Games with hoops and skumps

Physical feast - a special, joyful event in the life of a child. The holiday contributes to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, has a positive effect on the development of motor skills and mental qualities.
Physical Science - sports holiday - Form of active recreation of children and adults, including a variety of physical exercise (gymnastics, mobile and sports games, exercises).
The holiday is always joy, fun, good mood and a lot of interesting things.

Week of winter games and fun in kindergarten.
- to organize an interesting, diverse activity of children on a walk;
- Strengthen the health of children.
- Develop physical qualities and enrich the motor experience of children;
- to form in pupils the need for motor activity and physical improvement;
- Save and strengthen the physical and mental health of children by means of a motor, gaming and cognitive activity;
- develop free communication of children in various forms and activities and admission to elementary standards and rules of relationship with peers and adults;
- Teach children with different sports.
"Taking a snow fortress"
- develop the motor activity of children;

- develop expressiveness of speech and facial expressions of children;
- to bring up a sense of partnership.
1st half of the day
1. Long gymnastics.
2. Conversation with children on the topic: "How we play in winter."
3. Creative activity:
- Production of snow buildings "Fortress", "Barricades".
4. Merine activity:
- Movable game "Taking a snowy fortress"
- Movable game "Hares and Wolf"
- to teach children carefully listen;
- perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text;
- Learn to navigate in space, find your place.
2nd half of the day
Reading fiction. (S. Marshak "Eskimo dog").
Creative activity:
Drawing with chopsticks on the snow.

3. Gaming activity:
- games in snowballs with the children of the middle group;
-What game "Who will throw on the snowball?"
- to learn the rules of odds in the game requiring the same actions with one common subject;
- Exercise in throwing rates.
"Day of winter fun"
- create a positive emotional attitude from joint activities;
- intensify the knowledge and skills of children;
- consolidate knowledge about snow properties;
- care in the area orientation;
- A compliant desire to decorate the world.
1st half of the day.
1. Long gymnastics.
2. Conversation on the topic "Ice Security"
3. Creative activity:
Game with snow "Build a bunny house".
4. Merine activity:
- Movable game "Sparobushki and car", mobile game "Snowballs and wind",
Riding dolls on sledding.
- To teach children to run in different directions, not pushing at each other, start moving and change it by a tutor signal, find their place;
- develop the imagination of children, attentiveness, the ability to play the team;
- Exercise in running, turns around yourself, squat.
2nd half of the day.
Reading fiction ("Forest Bear and Razbar Mouse" ed. Yu. Vanag, Per. With Latvian. L. Voronkova).
Creative activity: drawing in the snow gouache.
Gaming activity:
- Movable game "Santa Claus Red Nose."
- develop the ability to perform characteristic movements;
- Exercise children in running;
- Movable game "Snow Carousel".
Purpose: Exercise in the area orientation.

"Multicolored ice floes"
- develop aesthetic feelings and artistically - creative abilities of children;
- Create previously obtained in different types knowledge of knowledge;
- teach children to joint actions and compliance with the rules in the collective
- bring up courage and determination;
- exercise in jumps on two legs with the promotion forward;
- Total speech breathing.
1st half of the day
Morning gymnastics.
Conversation with children on the topic "Winter on a hill".
3. Music:
- creation of snow buildings and ice sculptures, their decoration;
- Fill forms for multicolored ice.
4. Game activity:
- Moving game "Bunny white sits."
- teach children to act across the signaler;
- Learning to follow the simplest rules in the game.
- Movable game "Beware - Corrosion".
Purpose: Exercise in action by signal.

2nd half of the day.
Reading fiction literature (J. Chapek "Difficult Day".
Creative activity:
- Drawing up a pattern of multicolored ice floes.
Gaming activity: Snowflakes game.
Purpose: develop speech, thinking, memory.
- Movable game "Quick Strips".
Purpose: Training running through the snow, strengthen the reference - proprietary machine.

"Fabulous Kaleidoscope"

- develop imagination, interest in fairy tales, fabulous heroes;
- Learning to conduct a game dialogue according to the role and plot, interact in the game with other participants, follow the game rules.
- Secure the ability to sculpt and create a shape of snow.

1st half of the day.
Morning gymnastics.
Conversation with children on the topic "Winter Forest" (album viewing).
Purpose: to educate in children love for the nature of the native land, see the beauty of the winter forest, the desire to take care of the trees, cares about the hornets of our forests.
Gaming activity:
- Playing the courtyard "Frost and Wind".
- create conditions for collaborative with educators and peers of a gaming nature;
- to accomplish accompany the poetic speech of adults of illustrating nature;
- form the right posture, develop a sense of equilibrium.
- plot - role-playing game.
2nd half of the day.
Reading fiction (Russian folk fairy tale "Geese - Swans".
Creative activity:
- Exhibition of joint works of children and parents "Winter Tale";
-belivery of a festive cake from snow.
Purpose: learn to sculpt and create a shape of snow.
Game activities.
- game "Get to Snowflakes";
Purpose: Exercising children in walking in a given direction (on the street).
- Movable game "On Sanki".
Purpose: exercise in running in different directions, the ability to navigate
in space.

"Family Health Day"
- create a positive emotional attitude in children;
- develop game skills in children;
- teach moving on the smooth surface of the ice;
- develop agility and coordination of movements.
1st half of the day.
Morning gymnastics.
Conversation with children on the topic: "What clothes do people wear in winter?".
A visit to the Mini-Museum "Health".
Gaming activity:
- Physical leisure with parents "Funny Bunners";
- Game "Snowflakes."
2nd half of the day.
Reading fiction (V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?").
Creative activity:
- Creating creative teamwork "Winter games and fun for boys and girls of our group" (photos and pictures).
3. Gaming activity:
- Movable game "Do not fall on ice!"

Promotion to folk traditions expands the horizons of children, raises patriotic feelings, develops cognitive interest. One of the bright, original Russian holidays is the carnival walking, passing on the eve of the Great Post. Joint leisure shares the family, gives the warmth of communication. The ritual games and contests on the carnival are of interest to physical exercises, bring up purposefulness, perseverance, endurance, responsibility, dexterity.
We present you a sports event "Maslenitsa!"

"Together we strengthen the health and celebrate the carnival!"
(Family sporting event for the group preparatory for school).
- to introduce children and parents to healthy image Life.
- expand knowledge about Russian folk culture.
- to expand the knowledge of children about the folk traditions of the wires of the Russian winter and the meeting of spring;
- Improve the ability to play games, accompanying carnival walking;
- to bring up a sense of respect for the traditions and rites of the Russian people;
- preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children;
- Improve motor skills and kids skills,
- to educate interest in games - relay;
- develop the ability to interact with each other in joint games;
- enrich the dictionary of preschoolers with old, original Russian words:
Slashka, scaffolding, carnival, comprehend, reacker, guest, Triarshnaya, double, lapties, spheres, etc.
- develop and love interest in folk music;
- form a singing skills.
Preparatory work:
- To familiarize yourself with the traditions and customs of the Russian people on Maslenitsa.
- to learn the shafts, folk songs and dances, games associated with this holiday;
- learn to jump in height, to keep the puck with the key between the kite's kegles and score it into the gate, fall into the goal, jump on two legs with the promotion forward;
- attract parents to organize sports stations, role execution.
Equipment: Music Center, Microphones, Audio Research Melody "Shines Month", Costumes of the Squares, Winter, Spring, Shawls with Traditional Patterns, Scarecrow Carnival, Multicolored Ribbons, Tokens, Route Sheets, Slim Rope With Tied Prizes (Candies), Washer, Kryvo, Snowballs in the number of participants, multicolored bag, sledge, rope, trays, pancakes, samovar.
Boyar and Boyari!
Sudari and Sudari!
We hurry to us for a holiday!
Spoite and blame with us!
What holiday?
Didn't hear about him?
There will be a big holiday here -
Winter will meet with the spring.
How does spring come to us?
Did it get on the snow?
No, you wrote something!
And tell you hunting
Meet that to see?
Children. Yes!
Well, then you have to call
Maslenitsa - Skump,
Because only with her
This meeting will take place.
Children perform the "Carnival"
Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa!
Pancakes a twist
Come wound
Let's meet you well:
Cheese, oil and pancake,
And ruddy pie!
The grinders are brought by carnival, girls go around her round and sing the Russian folk song:
Oh, and the carnival goes into the courtyard,
Oh, wide on the courtyard drives.
And we, the girls, will comprehend it,
And we, red, we bring it.
Oh, wide, guest week.
And we, the girls, will comprehend it,
And we, red, we bring it.
Children (choir). Maslenitsa arrived! (praise it).
Dear our guest carnival!
Avdotyushka Ivanovna!
Belaya Dunya, Dunny Rusky!
Spit is long, TRIRRANINE.
Tape alaty, two-tette.
White scarf, new man.
Black eyebrows, posted.
Blue fur coat, red swallows.
Napty frequent, naked.
And who is the Guest big?
(Invent winter with spring).
And here and winter met with the spring.
Hello, all the people are honest!
The day today is not simple.
I came to say goodbye to you!
Over forests over the fields
To this day was the hostess.
I did not have time to see
What is finished by my turn.
Following me, Spring is coming.

Hello, cute winter,
I replaced for you.

Hello, cute spring,
Home to north it's time for me.

You, sister, do not rush.
Together with us from the soul
Play Yes!

I'm glad to stay with you.

We invite everyone
On carnival walking
Open funny contests!
Disassemble the tokens of any color!
Who wake up.
(Children choose tokens. Participants with constructions of one color are combined into teams.)

And now every team should come up with a name associated with the holiday of Maslenitsa.
(Children come up with names)
What good names! Now it's time for each team to get a route list. According to him, the teams will have to go through all stations and collect as many tokens as possible to exchange them into pancakes. Good luck!
(Parents meet at the stations of children - leading, combine tasks and distribute to the correct task tokens).
Station "Provision".
Purpose: Improve the ability to jump in height.
Two parents hold the rope on which the prizes hang. Children in turn should jump and disrupt the prize.
Station "Hockey".
Purpose: develop coordination of movements.
Parents offer children in turn to hold a washer between the "snake" kegles and score her into the gate.
Station "Tagged shooter"
Purpose: Training accuracy. Adult holds a basket, and the children take turns throw in the basket of snowballs.
Station "Jumping in bags".
Purpose: Improve the ability to jump on two legs with the promotion forward.
The child climbs into the bag on the belt and, holding it with two hands, jumps on two legs to the kegley noting the finish. Then the child gets out of the bag, runs to the team, holding it in his hands, and transmits the relay.
Station "Fast Sanoks".
Purpose: Create a joyful mood in children.
Pope ride children on sleds, and then the whole team roller dad.
(After visiting all stations, the team is returned to the sports site).
It is time to check the silicone Bogatyr.

General station "Talking a rope".
Purpose: develop strength.
Adults and children are divided into two teams and drag the rope.
Farewell, people, and sorry.
Oh, something pancas smelled! And for us to find, you need to sing a song about pancakes.
Parents (Moms, Grandma) make trays with pancakes and samovar. Children expenditate tokens on pancakes. Starts common tea party.

Gymnastic games and exercises for the children of the second year of life
(Recommendations for parents)
Currently, a family priority in the development, socialization and teaching of the child is growing in Russian society. It is known that to ensure the favorable living conditions and education of the child, the formation of a full-fledged, harmonious personality requires a joint work of kindergarten and family.
Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the OOP in accordance with the GEF to imply the active inclusion of the family in organized educational activities. Parents full participants in the pedagogical process.
Dear Parents! By organizing collaborative activities with children, try to find a child in yourself, remember the warm and gentle world of your childhood, relatives and your favorite mother's and father's hands, and then you will break into the atmosphere of happiness, give yourself joy and new impressions of physical culture.
Gymnastic exercises for adult and child
Walking along the track.

Mark the path with a width of 35-40 cm and 2m long. Make the baby to go through it by observing the balance. Repeat 3-4 times.

Step over the stick.
Put two sticks at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Make the baby to overplay first through one stick, then through another. Repeat 3-4 times.

Possiping under the rope.
Stretch the rope at an altitude of 25-30 cm. Showing the toy on the other side, encourage the baby to crawl under the rope and take the toy. Repeat4-5 times.

Perelezing through an obstacle.
Put the bench (you can log on the street).

State Educational Institution Average Educational School No. 932,

pre-school compartment number 1.

Southern District Department of Education Department of Education of Moscow.

"Week of fun games and fun"

Amounted to and held an educator

in physical culture

Zheleznova E.V.

"Week of fun games and fun" MONDAY THE FIRST HALF OF THE DAY



    reception of children

    morning begins with charging

    conversations with children (about the weekend spent, where they were that they saw what they learned)

    didactic game "Cutting pictures"

    little-moving game "Hot - Cold"

    fingering game - Exercise "Good Morning, Hello, Ivan"

    scene-role-playing game "Children's World"

    movable game: "Love your house"


    observation and work in nature

    didactic game: "Phone"

    scene-role game: Zoo

    moving games: "Find a couple of yourself"; "Geese - Swans" and others at the request of children

The second half of the day


    gymnastics awakening

    wallpaper didactic games (mathematical content)

    didactic game "Learn a fairy tale in illustration"

    reading a fairy tale "Winged, shaggy and oil"

    creative composition (motor actions on the fairy tale "Winged, shaggy and oil"


    moving games at the request of children.





    reception of children

    morning begins with charging

    conversations with children: "What is health and how to save it and multiply?" (What children about health, their body, how they try not to hurt.)

    didactic games: "Remember, name", "What has changed"

    the low-live game "Find every place."

    competition for the best funny figure "DIY", "DIY - Two"

laughed by children

    finger game: "In kindergarten"

    scene-role game: "Dr. Aibolit"

    moving games: "Who called"; "Learn voice"


    observation and work in nature

    games with the ball "Who knows more polite words"

    conversations with children (what are the signs of November they know)

    didactic game "What has changed?"

    scene-role game "Visiting a fairy tale"

    moving games: "Functions"; "Fishing rod"

    independent gaming activities with remote material.

The second half of the day


    gymnastics awakening

    board games "Lotto", " Children's domino"," Lacing "

    didactic Games: "Name the Word", "Unknown Story"

    who will quickly collect puzzles

    scene-Role Games: "Hospital"; "Firemen"; "Barbershop"

    moving games: "Fly, doves"; Who is the most attentive? "

On the evening walk:

    game - fun "OSLICH-SERVICE"

    moving games: "Fox on the hunt" and others at the request of children

    independent gaming activities with remote material





    reception of children

    morning begins with charging

    conversations with children: "How do you help around the house." (Do you help your mother to clean your crib? Wash dishes? Making cleaning in the apartment?)

    finger game: "Brothers"

    scene-role game "My family"

    didactic games: "arrange a doll room", "Birthday", "Washing underwear"

    moving games: "Cat and mice"; "Go along the track"


    observation and work in nature

    games - Attractions "Who will most like items?"; "Who turns the cord rather?"

    conversations with children: "Who is saving from frost" (hare, fox, bird)

    didactic game: "Travel to the forest"

    scene-role game: "Garage"

    moving games: "Third extra"; "Fishing rod"

The second half of the day


    gymnastics awakening

    who will quickly collect puzzles

    wallpaper - didactic games: "Who to be"; "Awesome doll"

    games amusements: "clappers"; "Who will reach the middle before?"

    scene-role game: "Store"

    moving games: "Circle!"; "Hold the ball"

On evening walk

    moving games at the request of children

    plot role-playing game: "Police takes us"

    independent gaming activities with remote material





    Morning begins with charging

    Respiratory exercise "Grasshopper" - 1 min.

    Exercises for hands with a wand - 3 min.

Alternated rotation of the rod of hands with hands;

Rolling sticks between palms back- back, upwards;

Rolling sticks in hand, starting with finger tips before forearm.

    Walking snake, walking with the stop. On the signal to close
    eyes, work out, resist the place with eyes closed.
    Running on site - 2 min.

    Movable game "Pumps" - 3-4 min.

    Relaxation - 1 min.

    Conversation with children

"How and what can be pleased with loved ones"

Purpose:Clarify the presentation of children about good and evil deeds and their consequences; Teach children to be attentive to surrounding adults and peers, relatives; Enrich the experience of children with actions and deeds that can please lovely; Develop a dialogic speech of children.

The teacher offers to gather a semicircle on the chairs and tell about how good actions children please their loved ones.

    Fingering gymnastics

Purpose:development of mobility of fingers.

Children are sitting in front of adults on chairs. The educator reads poetry, accompanying reading the fingertips to the sequential bending on both hands. Children repeat.

My little girl, where have you been?

With nameless soup was cooked

And with medium porridge ate.

With index squeeze.

And I met a big me

And candy treated.

Index to right

Led to the campaign of us with all Orava.

Middle brother carries backpack,

Unnamed walks so

And the little finger began to play,

Brothers listen to invite.

The right big danced

And the dance invited.

One two three four five!

    Board games

1. Game "Fisherman"

Purpose: Development of shallow motors of fingers, attention, visual eyelasor, resourcefulness, perfection.

2. "Mosaic - puzzle"

Purpose: Formation of visual - figurative thinking, imagination, attention, development of shallow motility fingers.

3. Mini - "Puzzle"

Purpose: Development of attention and observation, logic and amplification, shallow motors of the fingers of the hands, color perception and spatial orientation.

    Scene - role-playing game

"In the animal world".

Purpose:consider knowledge of children about nature, activation of working on speech development: Children should feel the need to speak beautifully and correctly, to be interested in listening to other people.

Equip into a mini-source group. Each of the children acts as a guide, telling about a particular animal.

    Didactic games

1. "Remember Movement"

Purpose:development of motor-hearing memory.

2. "Respond quickly"

Purpose: The development of speed and flexibility of thinking, exercise in the classification of objects.


  • Sports Leisure "We are creators, masters and fantasies"

Games - attractions

1. "Whoever moves the items"

On one side, the platform is put at a short distance from each other two chairs, on which there are equal amounts of objects (cubes, pyramids, handkerchiefs).

Opposite these chairs at a distance of 8 - 10m there are two more empty stools.

Two children become near the chairs in the objects and after the signal begin to transfer objects to empty chairs. Wins the one who will transfer all items.

2. "Do not drop the ball"

The child must convey the ball in a spoon, without dropping it to the conditional place, at a distance of 6 - 8m.

3. "Who will collect items more"

The second half of the day


    gymnastics awakening

    board games: "Domino", "Seasons", "Botanical Lotto"

    games with a ball

    games of small mobility: "The sea is worried about", "Once, two, three zersers"

On the evening walk:

    construction of snow figures

    games of children in "snowballs" with each other

    moving games: "Who is faster", and others at the request of children


Theme of the day:"Theatrical Games"



    reception of children

    morning begins with charging

    conversations with children "My favorite fairy tales"

    competition of CHTERS

    puppet show



    weather observation (sun, sky, snow, wind)

    take the track from snow

    games with snowy buildings "Fortress"

    moving games: "Race of washers", "catch up with me", "Pass to another"

    walk through the territory of the kindergarten.

    didactic Games: "What has changed", "Round, Square"

The second half of the day


    gymnastics awakening

    games with large building materials

    theater fairy tales "Three Bear"

    didactic Games: "High, Low", "Small, Big"

On evening walk

    riding children on sledding (snow scams)

    building "Labyrinth"

    mobile Games: "Cat and Mice", "Hares jump on the clearing"

Theme of the week "Merry games and fun"


Provide a full-fledged active vacation for children, provide them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and entertainment activities;

Assist teachers of pre-school educational institutions and parents in the organization of various gaming activity, sports entertainment for walking in the summer;

Enrich the experience of educators through mutual visits to various practical events organized in a preschool educational institution;

Expand the list sports games, fun and entertainment, the use of which will enrich the content of walking in the summer;

Identify the most rational techniques for organizing entertainment and motor activities for a walk in the summer, to summarize the best experience of teachers and pre-school institutions;

To attract parents to the creation of conditions for spending summer events.

Monday "Ball Day"

Opening of the Week "Cheerful Games and Fun"

Conversation with children on the themes: "What are you familiar to the air games?" What is a game of love and why?

Games with a ball on a walk:

- "Score Goal!"Punch to the foot sock on the stationary ball in the gate.

Children pushed his feet

He will ride forward!

We will help them

The ball will give them!

- "Jugglers" Switching the ball to each other.

Time! Two! Three! - Mostly take the ball!

4-5-6 - here it is! Here it is here!

7-8-9 - Who knows how to throw?

Movable game "Catcher With Ball" The presenter catch up with children and stifins them with the ball. Who they stained, he becomes the lead and takes the ball to himself.

Iga with the ball "Cat-mouse" Children stand, forming a circle. Two children on the opposite sides are given on the ball: a cat and a mouse! Task to transfer the ball from the child to the child so that the cat caught the mouse!

Tuesday "Day of soap bubbles"

Allowing soap bubbles is one of the most uncomfortable, but at the same time the most fun children's fun! Best of all this idea is suitable for walking on fresh air! The breeze helps to send multi-colored soap balls in a distant journey!

Time! Two! Three! - I let bubbles!

Soap, air, obedient breeze!

Time! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Bubbles fly again!

Over houses, over forests, over green gardens!

Games: "Who info the biggest bubble?", "Cut the bubble and burdocks!" other.

Respiratory exercise: "breeze blowing"

How beautiful - look!


Flock in the wind fly

And on the sun shine!

Movable game "Bubble"

Wednesday "Sand Fantasy"

Playing with sand, children feel real creators and artists! Children build their own world! World full wonders! One of your favorite funny fun!

Competition of sand buildings for all groups. Flight fantasy I. creative abilities For everyone and everyone! Let the sections appear on the sites and birds, marine inhabitants, palaces and castles! Buildings can be beaten with toys and any other material! Photo - the report and attracting parents is welcome!

Thursday "Draw on asphalt!"

Drawing on asphalt is not only cheerful occupation while walking. This is creativity, and the knowledge of the world around the world. After all, it is not the same as to draw asphalt crayons that led on paper with a pencil or tassel. There are very different sensations here. But for preschoolers, creativity is not so much the result as the process.

Children draw summer on asphalt!

Who will answer me? Who will tell me?

What color will summer say?!

Drawing summer landscape, sand, water, butterflies and everything that is capable of children's fantasy!

Drawing (collective) Sun! The educator draws a large circle, and the children draw a rayon to him!

Drawing rainbow! To acquaint children with a poem to memorize the colors of the rainbow. Every hunter wants to know where the Pheasant is sitting!

Friday "Merry Outfith Day"

We invite older I. preparatory groups Take part in fun starts in the sports site!

Younger groups are held by the "Movable Games Day" to choose and at the request of children.

Prepared: Stepanova N.V., Maslova S.V.

Week of winter games and fun.

01/09/2018 Tuesday.


Conversation "Fun in winter".

Tasks: clarify the presentation of children about winter fun games; Expand the dictionary at the expense of nouns (sledge, skiing, skates, skiers, skiing, rink).

Scene-role-playing game "Winter Journey".

Tasks: Teach children to unite into game groups. To form the ability to reckon with the interests of comrades.

Expand the presentation of children about the phenomena of nature in the winter season, winter fun.

Drawing "Zimushka-Crystal".

Purpose: clarify the knowledge of children about the winter. Continue to learn to draw a landscape using expressive wax chalk and watercolor paints. Teach the aesthetic perception of nature, to show creativity and fantasy.


Observation "Snow is spinning, flies, flies." Tasks: to draw the attention of children on a variety of snowflakes, turn out once again on the properties of snow, expanding vocabulary: fluffy, shiny, sticky, crumbly

Outdoor games "Fullies-Christmas Tree", "Two Frost".

Tasks: To form in children the ability to navigate in space.

Labor: clearing the veranda from snow.

Didactic game "Draw as much" (drawing in the snow).

Tasks: Fix in children the skill to establish matches between the number of objects, the number and number.

Construction of snowy buildings, a snow fortress. Games with snowy buildings.

2nd half of the day.

Sparkling coloring on the topic: "Winter sports".


01/10/2018 Wednesday


Conversations On the cultural traditions of winter games in Russia.

Tasks: to acquaint children with the traditions of their people, cause the desire to learn more about them; expand the horizons of children, introduce folk games and fun.

Lrack. "Merry snowmen."

Objectives: Learning to sculpt a snowman, observing the proportions, develop small motor Hands, educate accuracy, sense of partnership.


Welcome observation.

Tasks: to offer children to characterize the weather and reply: "Is it always frost on a sunny day?" Or "always during thaw overpace?"

Observation "freeze water"

Purpose: Show children that liquid water in the frost changes its state - turns into solid ice, and not in the snow.

Folk Games "Gori, Gori clearly", "Golden Gate", "Colepko".

Tasks: improve the ability of children to perform correctly gaming actions. Develop the speed of movements and reactions, dexterity.

Sport exercises

"Between the snow"

2nd half of the day.

Reading Russian folk fairy tale "Winter beasts"

Tasks: Development of interest in fairy tales, fabulous heroes; Creating an emotional positive mood; Development of imagination.

Evening mysteries "You will learn winter"

Objectives: to educate the ability to understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases, to educate the love of Russian folk art.

"Winter fun" (consultation for parents)

Objectives: give presentation to parents about the types and values \u200b\u200bof winter fun, give recommendations for their conduct.

01/11/2018 Thursday


Conversation with children on the topic "If you want to be healthy!"

Tasks: To acquaint with winter sports; Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of exercise for the body in the winter.

Reading tales S.Ya. Marshak "Twelve Months"

Objectives: deepen and expand the knowledge of children about creativity S.Ya. Marshak, to educate the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative fairy tale content.

Design: "Snowmen of stripes."

Objectives: Continue to acquaint with winter sports, teaching a snowman from strips by gluing edges. To summarize the knowledge of children about the winter.


Observation of wildlife. Observation of bastards.

Tasks: expand knowledge and ideas about appearance And cowrs, read poems and riddles about bullfding.

Outdoor games "Paramia", "Obstacle track", "Who is faster?"

Tasks: Teach children follow the rules of the game. Develop speech, dexterity and speed of the reaction.

Labor: decoration of structures with colored water.

Sports hockey game with ball.

Tasks: Teach children keeping the ball with a stick, inclusion obstacles, the execution of passes to the partner. Develop the coordination of movements, dexterity, bring up exposure.

Snow games: Building a snowy house.

2nd half of the day.

Reading The story of F.Gubina "Gorka".

Tasks: Continue to teach children to listen to stories; Helping children to correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with his heroes.

Literary quiz "What? Where? When?"

Objectives: clarify the presentations of children about winter sports, teach to act in accordance with the rules of the game.

01/12/2018 Friday


Conversation on the topic "Forest Tale".

Tasks: consolidate the knowledge of children about the forest, its inhabitants. To generate a skill to transmit a fairy tale content in the figure.

Consider paintings by Russian artists with the image of winter landscapes, illustrations to the fairy tales of winter.

Painting " I am fun to rush under the mountain in a snowdrift. "

Objective: Teach children to transfer the plot available graphics. Develop composite skills: to draw through the entire sheet of paper, conducting the horizon line, transmit proportional and spatial relations between objects (I.A. Lykov, page 116).


Observation: Nature in winter.

Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with the characteristic features of nature in the winter. Teach children to admire the beauty of winter nature and talk about their feelings.


"Get talu water"

Purpose: Show children that snow brought to the warm room is gradually melting, melt water is formed from it.

"Snow facilities" - The joint work of educators with children on the construction of a slide for riding and track for sliding, followed by watering them with water.

Outdoor games "Frost red nose", "catch snowflake",

"Burleys", "Zarya - charge"

Objectives: maintain interest in Russian folk rolling games, learn to fulfill the rules of the game, to show friendship and mutual assistance, raise the organization, friendly relations.

Printing in the snow.

Tasks: develop fantasy, accuracy of movements, a sense of rhythm when drawing up a pattern on the snow (on a flat surface of the snow using different forms to make a pattern or picture, tell what happened).

2nd half of the day.

Exhausting poems dedicated to winter.

Tasks: work on improving the expressiveness of the speech of children. Develop memory, artistic abilities.

Experimenting game. Experiments "Snow, ice and water", "footprints in the snow".

Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with snow properties, develop observation, attention and speech of children.

Week of winter games and fun.