Fallout 4 improved graphics. ULG - Ultra-low graphics for weak PCs

ULG ( Ultra-low graphics) (BETA)

This mod is designed to improve performance on older / weaker PCs and most laptops. You should not notice any strong changes compared to low graphics settings, however, the quality of shadows and their number have been reduced, like grasses, fewer cells for loading have been set, the draw distance has been reduced, AA and AO have been removed, multithreading ... etc. .d. On average, I got a 5 FPS boost over low settings.

Why isn't she as good as Skyrim ULG?

Many settings Fallout graphics 4 seem to be "hardcoded", that is, we cannot change them. For example, shadows cannot be completely disabled, like grass, even if all the parameters responsible for them are disabled. For example, bAllowDrawGrass = 0, bAllowCreateGrass = 0 ... etc. Textures also cannot be "skipped" as they could in Skyrim.

In any case, do not expect to be in Runescape when starting the game as you did with mod Skyrim ULG. This is a small optimization, which, however, can give quite a tangible increase in FPS.

A.) Make sure you have Java installed

B.) Select the method of launching the program using the console (ULGF4 + Console.bat), or without it (ULGF4.jar). **1

C.) Install (or uninstall) and you're done! ** 2 ** 3

D) Edit Fallout4.ini and change Lang from "en" to "ru"

** 1: If you run ULGF4.jar and nothing happens, open it via ULGF4 + Console.bat
and the program will show you error messages so you can sort out the problem.

** 2: DO NOT OPEN OPTIONS FROM THE LAUNCHER. Even if you just click on "Options" in the launcher, the settings made by the mod will be reset. If it's installed, don't mess with the settings.

** 3: If the installation freezes for some reason, try dropping the graphics settings in the launcher and restarting the program.

We've already covered how to improve the performance of the new Bethesda Games Studios project, and now it's time to talk about improving the graphics with ENB and ReShade effects.

For those who do not understand what these graphic frameworks are, let's make a small remark. ENB and ReShade are actually sets of shaders that allow you to implement many high-tech effects in the game, such as Depth of Field, Bloom and others. Conventionally, all shaders presented in each preset can be divided into two types - correcting the original post-processing and, in fact, new effects.

This material will highlight the most popular and high-quality presets that can be used in Fallout 4 to improve the graphical component. You can also find links to the corresponding pages of the NexusMods repository, where you can quickly download them, as well as get comprehensive information from the creators of these mods.

During the modification, we need frameworks. In order not to insert a large number of links in the main text, we list them below:

Before we start, it is worth noting that each preset has a certain load on the computer, since in addition to rendering the game picture, your video card and processor also receive an additional load in the form of a bunch of shaders. The more effects, the more complex they are, the more your system is loaded. However, some effect configurations are in some sense "sparing" and do not require first-class components, we will also touch on them in this article.


V this moment this shader kit is the most popular among gamers. According to the description, it aims to make graphics Fallout 4 is more realistic and atmospheric. In order to achieve this, the author uses a large number of effects from different sets:

  • Color Correction (ENB);
  • Depth of field (ENB);
  • Lighting Effects (ENB);
  • Highlights (ENB);
  • Glow (ENB);
  • Anti-aliasing SMAA (ReShade);
  • Sharpening (ReShade);

Please note that when using VOGUE ENB you are using the built-in SMAA anti-aliasing, so you need to turn off the original anti-aliasing in the game settings and driver settings, otherwise you will face extremely high consumption of system resources. This is true for all presets that add their own anti-aliasing.

According to the developer's assurances, when working on a preset, he tried to minimize the consumption of computer resources. However, there are many effects here, and tests show that, in general, the resource intensity can be estimated as average. The mod loads the processor and the video card in about the same way.

VOGUE ENB is available in three configurations, which mainly differ in color correction methods. The screenshot shows basic version(STANDARD), which has moderately muted colors, but at the same time is generally similar to the default color scheme used in the game. The author offers two alternative schemes, one of which makes the game as dark and faded as possible (DEAD version), and the second, on the contrary, brings more lively, bright colors (VIVID version).

Installation instructions:

  • mod and unpack it into the main directory of the game (where the executable file Fallout4.exe is located);
  • Download the archive with the latest ENB kit (at the time of this writing - 0.289), unpack two files from it (d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll) into the same folder;
  • Download the archive from the most latest version ReShade and SweetFX and unpack the ReShade64.dll file from it into the same folder;
  • Configure enblocal.ini in accordance with your RAM and video memory configuration (we mentioned this in detail in the last one);
Now the mod is installed, you can load the save and admire the updated picture. Use the Scroll Lock key to toggle ReShade effects on and off. You can also manually adjust the effects by pressing the Shift + Enter key combination. All changes are immediately visible on the screen, and to save them there is an “Apply Changes” button at the very top.

Xtreme CinemaX with LFX

As you might have guessed from the name, this modification is aimed at transforming the graphics of the game without any discounts on resource consumption. So we do not recommend installing it for those who do not have a top-end video card in the system unit for fabulous money.

But everyone else will surely appreciate this preset, as it is perhaps one of the most beautiful ones presented at the moment. It's not for nothing that the author proudly calls it cinematic, because it really looks great both in the video and in the screenshots.

  • Download the archive with the latest ENB package, unpack two files from it (d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll) into the same folder;
  • the LFX component (at the time of this writing, it has version 0.4) and install with with Nexus Mod Manager, which we also wrote about in the last article;
  • Place LFX at the very bottom of the NMM download list (Plugins tab);
  • the main archive with the main Xtreme CinemaX mod, and unpack its contents into the game folder.
Since this graphic modification primarily loads the video card, we highly recommend using ENBoost, detailed information about which you can in the last article. It not only describes how this useful tool works, but also describes its configurable parameters with a sample design.

However, practice shows that not everyone will be comfortable playing with such graphics. It looks, of course, great, but it is not only distracting and quite blurry, but in general it is more suitable for creating screenshots and videos, and not for constant use. If anything, we warned you.


Much more mundane in every sense of the preset, the author of which did not try to surpass the previous candidate in the number of used "heavy" effects. Instead, he presented the players with a simple, but at the same time quite beautiful combination of ENB and ReShade. Below is a list of the graphics that come with RealShade:

  • Color Correction (ENB);
  • Depth of field (ENB is used for close-up objects, while ReShade smears out distant surroundings a little);
  • Anti-aliasing SMAA (ReShade).

That is, no light glare, and other frills, only the most useful and necessary in order to make a picture Fallout 4 is more juicy and depth with Depth of Field. By judicious use of a limited number of effects, the author has been able to minimize the computer resource requirements.

During the tests, this was only confirmed: the decrease in the frame rate is observed only in urban areas and is 4-5 fps. At the same time, the graphics are strikingly different from the one that is in the game by default.

Installation instructions:

  • Download the archive with the latest version of ReShade and SweetFX and unpack it into the same folder;
    Rename the ReShade64.dll file to dxgi.dll;
  • Delete the Reshade32.dll file;
  • archive with the mod and unpack it into the game folder (overwrite the matching files).
If your computer is not the most powerful, then we recommend installing this particular mod.

Light ENB with DOF

If you do not want to change the color palette of the original and play without anti-aliasing, then you will surely like this mod. In fact, it only uses depth of field and makes slight adjustments to contrast and brightness, keeping resource consumption to a minimum.

This is also confirmed by tests that show almost no effect on the frame rate. Of course, apart from DoF, there is nothing here, but often people put ENB solely because of it.

The installation is pretty simple too:

  • Download the archive with the latest ENB kit, unpack the files from the "Wrapper version" folder into the directory where the game is installed;
  • archive with the mod and unpack it into the same folder.

Nostalgia Preset

Just an amazing combination of ENB and ReShade, which changes the visuals of the game so that it resembles footage from the movie "Sin City" (Sin City). Those who have watched this film at least once will probably remember its unusual black and white picture interspersed with individual colors. It was she who was inspired by the author when he decided to completely drown out all colors except red.

The rest of the effects that were used in Nostalgia Preset also confirm the desire to create a cinematic image in which graininess and peculiar contrast are well traced.

Of course, not everyone will seriously play with such a visual range, but if you like to just walk around and take screenshots with and without reason, then put them somewhere or make a collage, then you should take a closer look at this preset.

However, the red filter is one of two options. The standard version of Nostalgie Preset offers the user only a black and white palette.

Installation instructions:

  • Download the archive with the latest version of ReShade and SweetFX and unpack it to the game folder;
  • Delete the ReShade32.dll file;
  • Rename the ReShade64.dll file to dxgi.dll;
  • Download the archive with the latest ENB kit, unpack the d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll files from the "Wrapper version" folder to the directory where the game is installed;
  • one of the versions of the mod and unpack it into the game folder with the replacement of files.
That's it, the mod is installed! By the way, it is quite picky about iron, as it includes a large number of effects, full list which we will not cite for reasons of brevity. In general, the load can be assessed as medium.

So, it's time to take stock. We reviewed five different shader presets, among which were both powerful and voluminous, as well as relatively light and affordable for owners of less powerful systems. Thus, we will briefly describe all the considered configurations:

  • VOGUE ENB- a lot of effects and a nice picture that does not distract from the game, the requirements are above average;
  • Xtreme CinemaX with LFX- a heavyweight who will surely squeeze all the juice out of your car, but at the same time give out incomparable graphics;
  • RealShade ENB- the golden mean in our list, which includes only everything you need: color correction, depth of field and high-quality anti-aliasing;
  • Light ENB with DOF- an option for those who do not have powerful processor, no top-end video card, but wants to play with the Depth of Field effect;
  • Nostalgia Preset- a semi-playful set of effects that will make Fallout 4, a black and white game, also includes a version that recreates the style of the Sin City movie.
Of course, these are not all mods that allow the game to use shaders. There are many others that you yourself can check out on the link. The principle of installation is always about the same, but still we advise you to carefully read the descriptions so as not to inadvertently make mistakes and ruin your evening by spending it looking for an error. Although sometimes this cannot be avoided, everything comes with experience.

On that upbeat note, the modding rubric Fallout 4 says goodbye to you until next Tuesday. Write in the comments what mods you would like to see in the next article. And of course we are waiting for your screenshots in the comments!

We've already covered how to improve the performance of the new Bethesda Games Studios project, and now it's time to talk about improving the graphics with ENB and ReShade effects.

For those who do not understand what these graphic frameworks are, let's make a small remark. ENB and ReShade are actually sets of shaders that allow you to implement many high-tech effects in the game, such as Depth of Field, Bloom and others. Conventionally, all shaders presented in each preset can be divided into two types - correcting the original post-processing and, in fact, new effects.

This material will highlight the most popular and high-quality presets that can be used in Fallout 4 to improve the graphical component. You can also find links to the corresponding pages of the NexusMods repository, where you can quickly download them, as well as get comprehensive information from the creators of these mods.

During the modification, we need frameworks. In order not to insert a large number of links in the main text, we list them below:

Before we start, it is worth noting that each preset has a certain load on the computer, since in addition to rendering the game picture, your video card and processor also receive an additional load in the form of a bunch of shaders. The more effects, the more complex they are, the more your system is loaded. However, some effect configurations are in some sense "sparing" and do not require first-class components, we will also touch on them in this article.


At the moment, this shader kit is the most popular among the players. According to the description, it aims to make graphics Fallout 4 is more realistic and atmospheric. In order to achieve this, the author uses a large number of effects from different sets:

  • Color Correction (ENB);
  • Depth of field (ENB);
  • Lighting Effects (ENB);
  • Highlights (ENB);
  • Glow (ENB);
  • Anti-aliasing SMAA (ReShade);
  • Sharpening (ReShade);

Please note that when using VOGUE ENB you are using the built-in SMAA anti-aliasing, so you need to turn off the original anti-aliasing in the game settings and driver settings, otherwise you will face extremely high consumption of system resources. This is true for all presets that add their own anti-aliasing.

According to the developer's assurances, when working on a preset, he tried to minimize the consumption of computer resources. However, there are many effects here, and tests show that, in general, the resource intensity can be estimated as average. The mod loads the processor and the video card in about the same way.

VOGUE ENB is available in three configurations, which mainly differ in color correction methods. The screenshot shows the basic version (STANDARD), which has moderately muted colors, but at the same time is generally similar to the default color scheme used in the game. The author offers two alternative schemes, one of which makes the game as dark and faded as possible (DEAD version), and the second, on the contrary, brings more lively, bright colors (VIVID version).

Installation instructions:

  • mod and unpack it into the main directory of the game (where the executable file Fallout4.exe is located);
  • Download the archive with the latest ENB kit (at the time of this writing - 0.289), unpack two files from it (d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll) into the same folder;
  • Download the archive with the latest version of ReShade and SweetFX and unpack the ReShade64.dll file from it into the same folder;
  • Configure enblocal.ini in accordance with your RAM and video memory configuration (we mentioned this in detail in the last one);
Now the mod is installed, you can load the save and admire the updated picture. Use the Scroll Lock key to toggle ReShade effects on and off. You can also manually adjust the effects by pressing the Shift + Enter key combination. All changes are immediately visible on the screen, and to save them there is an “Apply Changes” button at the very top.

Xtreme CinemaX with LFX

As you might have guessed from the name, this modification is aimed at transforming the graphics of the game without any discounts on resource consumption. So we do not recommend installing it for those who do not have a top-end video card in the system unit for fabulous money.

But everyone else will surely appreciate this preset, as it is perhaps one of the most beautiful ones presented at the moment. It's not for nothing that the author proudly calls it cinematic, because it really looks great both in the video and in the screenshots.

  • Download the archive with the latest ENB package, unpack two files from it (d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll) into the same folder;
  • the LFX component (at the time of this writing, it has version 0.4) and install using the Nexus Mod Manager, which we also wrote about in the last article;
  • Place LFX at the very bottom of the NMM download list (Plugins tab);
  • the main archive with the main Xtreme CinemaX mod, and unpack its contents into the game folder.
Since this graphic modification primarily loads the video card, we highly recommend using ENBoost, for details on which you can read the previous article. It not only describes how this useful tool works, but also describes its configurable parameters with a sample design.

However, practice shows that not everyone will be comfortable playing with such graphics. It looks, of course, great, but it is not only distracting and quite blurry, but in general it is more suitable for creating screenshots and videos, and not for constant use. If anything, we warned you.


Much more mundane in every sense of the preset, the author of which did not try to surpass the previous candidate in the number of used "heavy" effects. Instead, he presented the players with a simple, but at the same time quite beautiful combination of ENB and ReShade. Below is a list of the graphics that come with RealShade:

  • Color Correction (ENB);
  • Depth of field (ENB is used for close-up objects, while ReShade smears out distant surroundings a little);
  • Anti-aliasing SMAA (ReShade).

That is, no light glare, and other frills, only the most useful and necessary in order to make a picture Fallout 4 is more juicy and depth with Depth of Field. By judicious use of a limited number of effects, the author has been able to minimize the computer resource requirements.

During the tests, this was only confirmed: the decrease in the frame rate is observed only in urban areas and is 4-5 fps. At the same time, the graphics are strikingly different from the one that is in the game by default.

Installation instructions:

  • Download the archive with the latest version of ReShade and SweetFX and unpack it into the same folder;
    Rename the ReShade64.dll file to dxgi.dll;
  • Delete the Reshade32.dll file;
  • archive with the mod and unpack it into the game folder (overwrite the matching files).
If your computer is not the most powerful, then we recommend installing this particular mod.

Light ENB with DOF

If you do not want to change the color palette of the original and play without anti-aliasing, then you will surely like this mod. In fact, it only uses depth of field and makes slight adjustments to contrast and brightness, keeping resource consumption to a minimum.

This is also confirmed by tests that show almost no effect on the frame rate. Of course, apart from DoF, there is nothing here, but often people put ENB solely because of it.

The installation is pretty simple too:

  • Download the archive with the latest ENB kit, unpack the files from the "Wrapper version" folder into the directory where the game is installed;
  • archive with the mod and unpack it into the same folder.

Nostalgia Preset

Just an amazing combination of ENB and ReShade, which changes the visuals of the game so that it resembles footage from the movie "Sin City" (Sin City). Those who have watched this film at least once will probably remember its unusual black and white picture interspersed with individual colors. It was she who was inspired by the author when he decided to completely drown out all colors except red.

The rest of the effects that were used in Nostalgia Preset also confirm the desire to create a cinematic image in which graininess and peculiar contrast are well traced.

Of course, not everyone will seriously play with such a visual range, but if you like to just walk around and take screenshots with and without reason, then put them somewhere or make a collage, then you should take a closer look at this preset.

However, the red filter is one of two options. The standard version of Nostalgie Preset offers the user only a black and white palette.

Installation instructions:

  • Download the archive with the latest version of ReShade and SweetFX and unpack it to the game folder;
  • Delete the ReShade32.dll file;
  • Rename the ReShade64.dll file to dxgi.dll;
  • Download the archive with the latest ENB kit, unpack the d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll files from the "Wrapper version" folder to the directory where the game is installed;
  • one of the versions of the mod and unpack it into the game folder with the replacement of files.
That's it, the mod is installed! By the way, it is quite demanding on the hardware, as it includes a large number of effects, the full list of which we will not give for reasons of brevity. In general, the load can be assessed as medium.

So, it's time to take stock. We reviewed five different shader presets, among which were both powerful and voluminous, as well as relatively light and affordable for owners of less powerful systems. Thus, we will briefly describe all the considered configurations:

  • VOGUE ENB- a lot of effects and a nice picture that does not distract from the game, the requirements are above average;
  • Xtreme CinemaX with LFX- a heavyweight who will surely squeeze all the juice out of your car, but at the same time give out incomparable graphics;
  • RealShade ENB- the golden mean in our list, which includes only everything you need: color correction, depth of field and high-quality anti-aliasing;
  • Light ENB with DOF- an option for those who do not have a powerful processor or a top-end video card, but want to play with the Depth of Field effect;
  • Nostalgia Preset- a semi-playful set of effects that will make Fallout 4, a black and white game, also includes a version that recreates the style of the Sin City movie.
Of course, these are not all mods that allow the game to use shaders. There are many others that you yourself can check out on the link. The principle of installation is always about the same, but still we advise you to carefully read the descriptions so as not to inadvertently make mistakes and ruin your evening by spending it looking for an error. Although sometimes this cannot be avoided, everything comes with experience.

On that upbeat note, the modding rubric Fallout 4 says goodbye to you until next Tuesday. Write in the comments what mods you would like to see in the next article. And of course we are waiting for your screenshots in the comments!