Fallout 4 Claw of death companion. Standard with Nexus Mod Manager

Fallout 4 is one of the most outstanding role-playing games Last year. Moreover, it has become a long-awaited continuation legendary Series Postpocaliptic RPGs - in fact, the first part of this series and gave life to this genre. That is why there are very many gamers with impatience waiting for the result. And the result was quite pleased, as the project turned out to be a very high-quality, spiritual spirit of the genre and the series, and also gave way to race for best game 2015 is unless the third part of the "Witcher". However, this article will be discussed not precisely about the game itself, which has already been said already very and very much. Here will be talking about how to go through one of the most difficult side missionswhich is called "Fat Eggs". Fallout 4 has many dozens of side missions, whose feature is the fact that you do not have to pass them. But each self-respecting gamer always tries to pass as many side quests as possible, as they tell their exciting stories, allow you to enjoy gaming process Another longer, and also give you a chance to make money or find rare things for the character. But what is the complexity of the quest "Fat Eggs"? Fallout 4 is a game in which every quest is unique, and this is done in the style of Horror, so you should prepare for a frightening adventure.

Getting Quest

As in the case of other side tasks, you first need to get the Quest "Fat Eggs". Fallout 4 provides you with two different features of receipt. As you understand scene Quests You will receive automatically and you will not miss them, but you need to follow more carefully. After all, even this task, which will now be discussed, you can not do without difficulty and until the very end of the game. The fact is that both ways to get the quest are not so simple. First, you can overhear the conversation that is accidentally generated between non-game characters - in it you can hear about the Museum of Witch Salem, which immediately activates this quest in your journal with the task of finding this museum. Secondly, you can come across it during your travels game world. As soon as you see it, the task is activated automatically, and you can start passing the quest of "fatal eggs". Fallout 4 is a game in which you can not perform side tasksEven if they are already activated in your magazine - True, they will be counted at the end of the game as wrapped, which can affect the ending.

Visiting of museum

What starts in the game Fallout 4 "Fat Eggs"? Once near the museum, you need to try to get inside. Naturally, through the door to do it you will not work - it is closed from the inside. Go to the inspection of the territory, and next to the hatch leading to the museum basement, you will be able to detect the corpse of the ordinary shooter Hart. She is confused by some monster, and you will not be able to save it for sure - but you can find a holographic entry in her things - this is a quest item that will set the next task in the Quest Fallout 4 "Fathers". From now on, the passage will be much more frightening and resembling horror, so be prepared.


So, the next step is to study the holographic record. Such records are quite common in the world of Fallout 4. "Fat Eggs" - a quest that will hold you through a terrifying story starting exactly from this message. It says that the shooter Arrows Hart was attacked by a strange monster and was forced to hide in this museum. However, there is another very important point in this record - it says that the squad had a suitcase with an extremely important cargo with them, so you better hurry and go in search of what is hiding inside to successfully complete the Quest Fallout 4 "Fatal Eggs. " Return a suitcase - this is your first priority, but the quest text states otherwise. Before you put the goal of the museum inspection, so you should take up its execution.

Museum inspection

What happens next in the world of Fallout 4? The task "Fat Eggs" begins to develop in the plot of an infrared horror movie - you are in the basement of the museum and move on it until you surround the various frightening noises, the walls of the walls and other effects that are characteristic of horror films. On the way, you will find the broken bodies of the fighters of the squad - it will continue until you find yourself in the main hall of the museum, finally leaving the basement. You can look around, but as soon as you approach the exit, the cat-scene will start, in which the very monster will appear - the claw of death. He will immediately rush to your character, so you have to flee and hide. Your goal is the second floor of the museum, or rather - a break in the wall. If you have a high stealth rate, you will be easier to go to task. Conduct there, and you will find yourself in a small room, where the broken eggs of the claw death are lying, as well as one whole - you need to pick it up. Also pay attention to the next body is the commander of the arrow unit, which in things you will find another holographic message.


Well, now your task is to listen to the record. It turns out, the eggs of the death of death and were the most important cargo - they ordered them a certain robot Wellingham. However, it turned out to be much more difficult to get them - the death female of death pursued the kidnappers for a very long time, until they had to hide in the museum, where they were overtook death. But now you get a moral choice - one of distinctive features quest Fallout. 4 "Fat Eggs". How to proceed? What to do next?

Completion of Quest

So, it's time to take an important decision. You have several options that will lead to one of the two edges of the quest. You can either attribute an egg to the cogging nest of death, from where it was stolen, or finish what was started by the detachment of mercenaries, and deliver the egg welling. In any case, you need to get out of the museum, and here you need to take the first step to decision making. If your character is already strong enough, then you can try to kill your death claw. But you can avoid the fight and just get out of the building, after which you will go to the nest or to Welling. In the first case, you need, being near the nest, very quickly put an egg there, so that the claws of death did not have time to attack you. If you do it, they will be neutral to you and will not touch you. In the second case, you need to go to the colonial bar located in Diamond City, and convey to the Welling of a sedored egg.


If you have chosen the first option, then you need to return the egg to the cogging nest of death. How to do it - described above, it's time to talk about the award. Naturally, no one will pay anything - your character will receive experience for the successful completion of the quest, but you can also pick up the death claw glove next to the nest, one of the strongest and rare melee guns in the game.


However, not everyone is ready to act for considerations of mercy, so it is worth considering another option. Go to the colonial bar and find there Wellingham there. Tell me what happened and give him an egg that you managed to carry. In return, you will receive 200-500 covers (the quantity depends on how well you know how to convince), as well as the recipe for cooking dishes called "Claw of Death Welling" - this is a rather interesting dish that is not just well restored health, but also makes it extreme fast. So it all depends on you here - what choice you decide to do. Both awards are rather impressive, but the complexity of the quest is quite high. Therefore, you should think before you take this important decision - what is more important for you, what kind of subject you need and will you be guided by the considerations of morality? At the same time, you should remember that your actions affect your partners, as well as on how your game will end. In the world of Fallout 4 absolutely everything is interconnected.

    You can kill the clawing of death in Fallout 4 in several ways, but they all reduce to what they would not allow this creature to themselves, you will have to lead a distant battle. Perfection position above, it can be a roof of a building and shoot it from there:

    • Use a grenade launcher as one of the types of heavy weapons, but when using a grenade launcher, you need to remember that it is not necessary to approach the cogging of death, because the nuclear explosion can destroy not only the creature, but also you.
    • You can use mines, it is quite possible that the claw of death will come on, although the chances are certainly very small, the main thing is not to take aim at Mine.
    • Use homemade darts, they paralyzize the creature and it will start moving very slowly, then you will have more chances to kill him.
    • You can also shoot him in my leg from the rifle, this reception will also slow down the movement of the creature.
  • Methods for killing the death claw little changed with previous partsTherefore, with confidence I give proven ways:

    1. From heavy weapons, such as a fat man (from the 1st shot, the claw of death should lie down)
    2. Lowned weapons, such as a roof-min. It is not difficult to find and create a weight together with dimensions and explosive power - just the perfect murder tool.
    3. Keeping the claw of death Thereby attending his most important advantage - speed. Slow Claw Death \u003d Mr. Claw of Death.
  • You can use several ways to fasten your death claw in the Fallout game. Each of them has like positive sideand negative.

    1. Use heavy weapons, more precisely, grenade launcher. In this case, you need to take into account the distance between you and the creature. In no case do not let it close to yourself, as you can destroy both the nuclear explosion as an creature and yourself.
    2. Use min. In this case, you need to take into account the rate of clawing death. It moves very quickly and very small likelihood that he will come for mine. But it's worth trying. The minus is also not to blew up and himself.
    3. Most reliable way. It is to try to reduce the speed of the movement of the creature. To do this, it is necessary to use homemade darts that falling into the creature paralyzes his legs, he begins to eat barely. That's how to act.

    The main hero along the main scene line You will have to face a lot of problems that will need to quickly decide.

    So to overcome such an enemy, as a clawing of death, thanks to the knowledge of small tricks and dexterity.

    Death Claw - Negative Character, Monster games Fallout 4. What to move on on the game map and go to tasks - this monster you need to kill

    Remember that in the near battle the chance of victory you will have a little. If the claw is very close - move, do not kill him.

    It is best to destroy the monster from afar. Shoot it in it, make traps. And then sooner or later you won the monster.

    To destroy the claw death, you can use different methods in your choice.

    It may be a heavy weapon (in this game - grenade launcher), but shooting it you need to be able to calculate the desired distance. The main thing is not to allow this creature to yourself, since the shot from a grenade launcher can cause self-death.

    You can try mines. At the same time, it is also necessary to strain the brain - take into account the speed of the rapidly moving claw of death. Be careful - on the mine you can also undermine yourself.

    The best way in reliability is to prevent creatures quickly move. This can be done with darts that paralyze legs. Forward!

    The hemalendar animal of death claw was and there are Folaw in all games. It wanders in the vicinity of Boston. He produces claws before attack, because it is called. This animal mutated as a result of chemical developments.

    For the first time with animals, you can meet in the plot when the first thing is power armor. It is better not to join Cogsham in the Middle Fight. It is necessary to climb on the 2nd floor of the building, on the balcony to shoot the beast with the help of any weapon or you can throw it with grenades. With a neighbor, it is necessary to move to the left-right constantly, diagonally, avoid open spaces.

    Death claw is a monster creature present in all parts of Fallout. The Fallout 4 claw death will be found after gaining the first force armor, and the goal will become, of course, his destruction. The most important thing is to avoid in the battle with him of the melee. We use any elevation (balcony, roof), Veda from there Aimicted fire from any weapon, we use grenades. In the event that, in the same way, you have to keep a neighbor, I do not stop the movement for a second, constantly moving to the parties diagonally and leaving the open space in the place where there are at least some obstacles.

The deadly mutants on the wisdom of the Commonwealth is full, but it is better not to approach some individuals. Death claw is one of those.

Messenger of horror

Death claw in Fallout 4 is a strict dong-legged monster that knocks down the legs with the strongest shocks of the paw. In the near battle, the monster is almost invincible, the victim does not allow to budge or accurately aim. The Commonwealth presents in various color with unexpected properties, are found in various parts of the wasteland, but mostly in the luminous sea.

The history of death claws is curious - the first genetic developments started in the United States before the Great War. Scientists have pursued a lot of goals, but the main thing was the idea - to replace human soldiers on fast, invulnerable and fierce fighters. The result of the experiments is still unknown, but most likely the radiation brought the started research to the end and turned out to be terrible results.

In battle, the legendary death claw in Fallout 4 (yes and the usual) causes a shipped damage - makes the seizures, pierces the chest claws, dug into the body, and then flips and rushes from above. Survive such an attack can be only in power armor. It is almost useless to shoot in monster - a large stock of vitality, and high resistance helps to absorb thousands of shots from the machine gun, and sometimes a direct hit from the rocket ...

Monster varieties with a dozen - but they will meet the main character only suitable rivals, for example:
1. The mythical death claw in Fallout 4ces with 85 levels, an aggressive subspecies, knocks down, pierces the armor to the claws, strongly wounds.
2. Chameleon's death claw in Fallout 4 is already found from 55 levels, it is able to move into invisibility mode. Even the damage is even more, the health of the health is.
3. Queen of the claws of death. Rare and not the most dangerous option. It is found in the center of Haymarket.

From the defeated enemy, you can get a paw (in Fallout 4 just a subject of sale or a source of skin and bones). And you can also get a glove of the claw death (harness of paws, ID 000D8576). The most powerful weapon applicable in the near battle is easily enhanced, transmitted in the Quest "Fat Eggs" or is in the garage Atomic cats.

And finally - a modification (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/696/?) Can turn the completely unfriendly clawing of death in the companion in Fallout 4. By the way, the newly-made companion performs all the commands, transfers things and subordinate to all interaction options . In addition, the death claw will not take the place of the official companion! That is, other characters, too, get to take with you!

The best way to add the specified mod to the game is to use a special assistant (NexusmodManager). The utility helps to delete and install all additions!

My first meeting with the claws of death without power armor and miniga was rapidly - I tear off my head. Later I began to tear them them, and it was too fast and easy. This monster is like a tyrantosaurus, but it is quite simple to kill with the help of ordinary magnum. Then I decided to fight with one of them naked and survived the attack, although this event should have become lethal for me. It's time to pump up these legendary monsters.

Note from me personally:

Having played in one part and reading the fiction, I, in words and stories, constantly heard how powerful and the unabiliated these animals. Death claw is the most terrible fairy tale, horror, indescribable horror for any resident of the post-apocalyptic world Fallout. It is strange that they were made by such "posechki" that I, being alone and without armor with Tesacha in my hands, pumped up drugs, separated the carcass of this monster less than a minute. And this is at the difficult level of the game. This mod pleased me very much. Now, when I meet this monster, I need a good weapon, strong armor and a well-equipped partner who will regularly die, distracting this monster from me, so that I hide away with my sniper and chemicals.

Mod increases:
Monster health glasses - 10-21 times.

Damage - 2.5-5 times.

The damage of the legendary claws of death - at 3-6.6 times.

Increase the speed of movement and the size of the monsters themselves, the author decided to be meaningless, because For its sizes, the speed is quite suitable, and they can never get into the buildings because of their sizes, which allows you to hide in the attack of the clawing of death. The decrease in the size would be a completely ridiculous change for such a monster, so the author left them as it is.

The archive has 2 ESP. Use only one of them.

Strongerdeathclaws.esp is the main, increasing all stages, as described above.

Strongerdeathclawsweaker.esp - a weakened version for those who use other fashion to enhance the claws of death (for example, Deadly Predators [increases the level of death claws]) in order not to equate these creatures to the gods.

The only claw of death, which the author did not change is the very first one you meet in Concord.


Unpack the archive at any place convenient for you.

Throw off the desired ESP to the DATA folder in the game directory.

Activate the plugin in the mod manager.



Delete a file from the DATA folder in the game directory.


Have a good game!

Meeting with such an opponent as a claw of death will most likely in the plot, namely, at the same time, when for the first time put on power armor. Home Your goal is to kill a monster. In fact, nothing complicated in this, if you follow one rule - do not enter with him in the near battle. Relieve somewhere higher. Whether it is a roof of a building, his balcony or the second floor. Further shoot a mob with a weapon or use grenades. If a kill death claw You do not come out and he imposes to you near the battle, then act on another scheme: constantly move diagonally in different directions, avoiding open areas. Try to fight in the alleys and hide behind different obstacles.

Death claw tactics

Not subwinskaya mob close to yourself, try to follow easy rules:
  • Use the grenade launcher.
  • Try using mines. If you act with the mind, it may be quite efficient.
  • Darts can help if you need to slow down the enemy, as well as the shooting of the rifle on the legs.

Well, if you do not at all, you can not fight this beast, you can try to climb into such a place where it will not be able to get in its size. If you do it right, then the enemy will stand anything in one place.

That's all. We hope that these are not difficult advice helped you deal with the question. how to kill death claw in Fallout 4. Write in the comments did you manage to defeat the monster and from what attempt.