Fallout shelter combat skills. What is SPESIAL Fallout Shelter. how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - follow the fashion

essence fallout games Shelter from the world-famous Bethesda - you need to develop an underground shelter called "Volt-Tech" right in the middle of an endless wasteland, repel attacks and make sure that everyone does not die, but also remains in good health and is happy. All this is seasoned with healthy irony and humor, as well as characters from all over the world. famous game fallout. Dress your wards, arm. Give them some fun, sex and rock 'n' roll and they'll have healthy offspring that can handle all the dangers. We will tell you secrets and tricks Fallout Shelter and write a small guide for beginners. You just have to stick to tactics and follow the advice, and then all the inhabitants of your dungeon will survive.

  • There should always be water in the shelter, keep an eye on it. Without water, radioactive contamination will begin and then everyone will become ill.
  • When releasing one of the inhabitants to hunt in the wasteland, hand over: 20 stimpacks and 10 radx.
  • To earn money in Fallout Shelter, use rush. To do this, you need to have enough water and weapons on the inhabitants of your shelter. Protect your shelter from cockroaches.
  • Bring the best couples together. Is always. An important note - men in the park must have charisma, the higher the better. Remember that pregnancy takes 3 hours. The child grows in the same way for 3 hours.
  • It is desirable to build a radio for 1-2 cells as a replacement for childbearing.
  • Be sure to build production facilities for 3 fields, and training for 1 cell.
  • Don't forget to constantly train someone for production.
  • Simple armor and weapons for your villagers are obtained from the wastelands. Good ones - mainly through lunch boxes.
  • You can't turn off the room. You can only sell.
  • Parameter good luck affects the chance and size of the reward for the production of water / energy / food, so you need to download L (luck) first of all. It also affects the degree of coolness of the campaign in the wasteland, more precisely on the items found there.
  • If you build rooms in a checkerboard pattern, cockroaches, rats, fires will not spread to neighboring rooms. This is useful especially for survival mode.
  • Immediately after collecting the resource from the room, activate the acceleration. This is not necessary for an additional amount of resources, but for pumping people in the room. It's not scary if the acceleration fails, people will still get experience exactly.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L - Fallout Shelter RPG System

  • Strength: Decreases the timer when working in a power plant
  • perception: Increased chance to win in combat
  • Endurance: affects health points (inside and outside the hideout)
  • Charisma: reduces the time required for girls to become pregnant. Also gives a chance to befriend enemies outside (gain experience, zero damage).
  • Intelligence: Affects drug production timers (Stims and Radaway)
  • Agility: Affects the cooking timer
  • Luck: Affects the number of things collected outside, the number of caps when the work is finished.

Some tips for newbies on building a shelter in Fallout Shelter

The width of the "hole" under the shelter is ideal for each floor (except the first) to be built in the configuration "three-room premise (A) - elevator (1) - three-room premise (B) - elevator (2) - two-room premise (C)" . Probably for a reason. It makes sense to build in this configuration. The “three-room premise” in the previous paragraph is a three-room premise. And not three rooms of different premises. Strategically it makes no sense to build a room if you don't want to grow it to the maximum (in this place).

The only difference on the first floor is that the vault door has two rooms (and, strangely, it can accommodate two people, not four), and the elevator (1) will start right after it.

If you don’t know yet, then, despite the fact that there is a mountain above you, and it would seem that something could be built in it, the second floor, the third - no, you can’t build anything up. The first floor - with an entrance door - and from it only downwards.

Building three-room versions of the premises is more profitable than upgrading. Of course, provided that you have people to work in it. If there are no people - it's urgent time for your non-pregnant ladies to relax in living quarters / apartments ... After all, you will have many floors and many rooms. A very good way to make it easier for yourself to navigate them is to build rooms in vertical pairs (eg Garden and another Garden below it). This does not apply to training rooms - you will not need so many of them. To the production of stimpacks / radpacks and a radio station - perhaps, too.

How easy is it to navigate the training halls? And build them one under the other, in the order of the letters of the word SPECIAL.

What to build in column A, what - in column B, what - in column C (with two rooms)?

As the game progresses, the more expensive but more efficient Nuclear Reactor can be built instead of the Power Generator; instead of Water Treatment - Water Purification; instead of Diner - more efficient Garden. Therefore, it is logical to plan that you will demolish all these premises at some point in order to make room for more advanced options.

For the same reasons, maybe try not to upgrade the Power Generator/Water Treatment/Diner. And money is not a pity when you demolish; and the drawdown on this resource in the period from demolition to the construction of an advanced version will be less noticeable.

You can only demolish a room, on one of the sides (left or right) of which there is nothing! Due to the above factors, it makes sense to build in column A - industrial premises (Power / Water / Diner), because to the left of them it will always be empty , and they can always be demolished; in column B - living quarters, training halls, the production of stimpacks / radpacks, a radio station; in column C are warehouses and possibly small branches of training halls. By the time you unlock the Nuclear Reactor/Water Purification/Garden, Pillar B will be able to build them as well.

Have you thought about what to train Endurance for? (well, except for increased survivability in incidents and in the desert) The warehouse is marked with the letter E, and people with high Endurance can be sent there, ... but this, in general, does not work. Well, besides that there will be someone to put out the fire or drive away the cockroaches. Warehouses work fine even without people. But people with pumped Endurance will work in ... Nuka-Cola Bottler. Of course, the Nuka-Cola Bottler will not replace Gardens and Water Purifications, but extra resources will not hurt; Again, diversification.

Several hacks and cheats for Fallout Shelter

Quests like "dress up 10 people" or "give 5 people weapons" are completed in a couple of minutes if you already have enough clothes or weapons (even if it is already worn / given to someone). It doesn't matter if someone was put on this clothes (weapon) before this quest or not - the quest counter only records the fact that some particular item has already been put on within this quest, or not! Has this quest started? - OK, you look for a dressed person, take off his clothes, put them back on (the counter increments), look for the next person.

Quests like “five people went to the desert” are also not more difficult. After all, no one forces us to travel there for a long time, the main thing is to leave, right? OK; you throw a person into the desert, the counter increments, you immediately recall him back, repeat.

Since you already know how the elevators will go, here you are cunning: for the cost of one section of the elevator, you can build two - where you want, and (automatically) right under it! For example, if you have just completed a three-room building in column B; under it the room is not yet a three-room (!); you are going to build elevator 2 to the right of this room; there is no elevator under it yet (no stones interfere with its construction, but you cannot build it yet, because there is not yet a three-room room). If you build an elevator section 2 in such a place, another section will be completed right under it!

Did high-level “named” heroes come to you? At first, because they usually good level, they can be thrown into "hot places" in production; but in the end they will most likely be the best dullers. Although between sorties it would be nice to pump them up to the maximum.

Its essence is that you can set a new time on your phone. Let's say you run a getter for 5 hours. OK. We set the time on the phone to 5 hours, start the game - the resident is already standing at the gate, ready to hand over the booty. Cool, right? There is one unpleasant trifle, on Android this bug works over time, but on the iPhone, no matter how much I tried it, it doesn’t work.

The lunchbox bug is simpler. It allows you to get lunch boxes almost non-stop. Naturally - this will come with enriching you in the game. So, how to get rich in Fallout Shelter without much effort? This is pretty easy to do at the start of the game. To do this, you must wait for the presence of two of the three tasks:

  1. Issue a suit to 1 villager (Equip 1 Dweller with an Out fit);
  2. Sell ​​a weapon or outfit (Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit);
  3. Issue weapons to 1 villager ( Equip 1 Dweller with a Weapon).

IMPORTANT! Do not complete these tasks. You only need to complete the third (not these) tasks. Then it is guaranteed that you will receive a lunchbox for completing the third task. Okay, I was joking about the guaranteed one, but 1 of the two tasks is right. Of course, this will slow you down a bit in completing tasks, but this way you will definitely collect a lot of lunchboxes.

Another way to get free lunchboxes is to follow the official account

Let's start from afar...

First, let's delve into the history of the game. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. was specially created for Fallout in 1996. This is a system that affects the skills of the characters. Over time, it changed, and in the fourth part they promise to completely abandon its usual form, and as we have already noticed, they succeeded. But the threshold of 10 points for one characteristic has always remained unchanged, just like in Shelter.


» Shelter:

Reduces energy generation time (for "Power ganerator" and "Nuclear Reactor" rooms)

» Wasteland:

Needed to open closed containers, and can also affect weapon damage (if the level is insufficient, the containers will not be opened and the resident will not receive rewards)


» Shelter:

»Chance to hit the target in combat (Slows down the movement speed of the Crosshair during Critical Hit)

»Chance to deal the most damage when using a weapon with inaccurate damage

»Reduces the time to get water (for "Water Treatment" and "Water Purification" rooms)

» Wasteland:

Increases the chance to find abandoned buildings and the like (with insufficient level, a villager can also find abandoned buildings, but fail to find the entrance, while not receiving a reward)


»Number of lives
»Damage Resistance
»With Stamina from 11, the Character does not receive radioactive damage.

» Shelter:

Reduces the time it takes to get water and food (for the Nuka-Cola bottler room)


» Shelter:

‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ Necessary for "crafting" a childツ)
≥ Increases the chance of summoning a new inhabitant from the Wasteland (for the "Radio Station" room)
≥ Reduces the time required for the next call (for the "Radio Station" room)

» Wasteland:

≥ Increases the chance to befriend the inhabitants of the Wasteland (this is an event where you can get experience and caps, but do not take damage)
≥ Needed when meeting with a group of ghouls (if there is not enough level, they will not want to talk with and the villager will not receive rewards)


» Shelter:

» Decreases the time to receive Stimpack (restores life) and RadAway (removes exposure to radiation)

» Wasteland

» Needed to provide first aid to people you meet (if the level is insufficient, the villager will simply pass by and be left without a reward).


» Shelter:

» Decreases the time to get food (for Diner and Garden rooms)
Increases attack speed, but, alas, only slightly.

» Wasteland:

» Reduces damage taken when fleeing combat.


» Shelter:

» Increases the number of caps received upon completion of work
» Increases the chance of getting caps upon completion of work
"Reduces the chance of a crash when starting Rush mode
» Slightly increases the charge of critical strikes

» Wasteland:

» Increases the number of items found

How to increase S.P.E.C.I.A.L skills?

There are legendary characters in the game (they can be found in lunchboxes), whose characteristics have already been pumped to the full, but what should mere mortal inhabitants of the shelter do, how to download SPECIAL in Fallout Shelter for them. There are two ways!

The first available in the earliest stages of the game is clothes. Each outfit has its own additional characteristics that are valid while it is worn on the character. But this method is very limited.

The second way is to pump Fallout characteristics Shelter with the help of special rooms in which your survivors will work. There are several special rooms for this:

  • Weight Room - A room with exercise equipment for pumping Strength;
  • Armory - Armory for leveling Perception;
  • Fitness Room - Fitness room for pumping Endurance;
  • Lounge - Living room for pumping Charisma;
  • Classroom - Classroom for leveling Intelligence;
  • Athletic Room - The gym for athletics pumps Agility;
  • Game room - Game room for pumping Good luck.

Endurance (Stamina) most affects the HP points of the inhabitants of the Vault BEFORE the character's lvl leveling begins.

I was interested in what MatthewMMorrow wrote in his post about Endurance (E) and HP points (https://www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/3i2...) and wanted to experience it myself. I have long suspected that there is some kind of hidden Characteristic or that Endurance (E) does not affect HP points in the same way, since several different characters lvl 50. with the same characteristics S.P.E.C.I.A.L., with the same weapons in the Wasteland behaved completely differently: some successfully survived for 4 days, others could not even reach the National Guard Depot. To experience this, I singled out 6 characters:

1) Scott Martin-E1 - upgraded lvl 1-50 from E1, then upgraded E10

2) Tiffany Sanders-E10 - upgraded 1-50 lvl with E10

3) Ashley Jones-E10+ - upgraded lvl 1-50 from E10+7

4) Jerry Jones-E1* - upgraded lvl 1-47 from E1, then upgraded E to 10, after that upgraded lvl 47-50

5) Jerry Rice-E5+ - upgraded lvl 1-50 from E2+3, later E upgraded to 10

6) Eliz Jones[email protected]- random Vault dweller 49 lvl c 10E, wearing E+5 and leveled up to 50 lvl

Then I dressed all 6 villagers in a normal Vault Suit and an Enhanced Flamer. Then I put them all in a fully upgraded Nuka Bottler x3. I thought that this room would be the easiest to experiment with since each room has its own depth and in some rooms the inhabitants are in the back of the room, the rest in the front of the room. I've noticed that villagers at the front of the room during incidents start taking damage immediately, and villagers from the back of the room when they move to the front of the room to deal with the incident. The Cola Nuts Spill Point is a relatively flat room, which means everyone starts taking damage at the same time. I then sped up production until the incident started and recorded the amount of damage each of the 6 inhabitants of the room received. To be accurate in the calculations, I took screenshots of each of the residents after the incident and using Paint in the number of pixels calculated the amount of damage received by each inhabitant, after which I wrote it all down in spreadsheet. This allowed me to compare the damage received by the inhabitants. Then, to be sure of the results, I brought 2 times to each type of incident (Radroaches, Mole Rats, Fire), in order to receive different damage (since, for example, Mole Rats do much more damage than Radroaches, etc.)

Results: As expected, damage taken by villagers as a percentage of their filled HP bar - from lowest to highest:

1) Ashley Jones-E10+

2) Tiffany Sanders-E10

3) Eliz [email protected]

4) Jerry Rice-E5+

5) Jerry Jones-E1*

6) Scott Martin-E1

The difference between the last inhabitant Scott Martin-E1 and first Ashley Jones-E10+

was quite large, in most cases it was a difference of 3-4 times. Then I repeated the experiment, giving E+7 thing for Scott Martin-E1 and Jerry Rice-E5+ to see if the results change. The results have not changed. No changes at all.

To continue checking my results I used the save editor, opened my save and looked at the HP points of each of the villagers (the HP points are hidden via the Graphical Interface - GUI). The result was quite expected:

Scott Martin-E1- 252HP

Tiffany Sanders-E10- 472.5HP

Ashley Jones-E10+- 644 HP

Jerry Jones-E1*- 265.5HP

Jerry Rice-E5+- 350HP

Eliz [email protected] - 421HP

To cut a long story short: if you want to max out HP for your Vault dwellers, get them Stamina (E) at level 1 before they get to work and start leveling up, equip them with E7+ items and only then start leveling up your dwellers to level 50. . Pumping Endurance (E) after villagers have reached level 50 will not increase the amount of HP. Dressing already pumped guards in things with a bonus to Endurance will also not increase their HP.

This mobile game, which was released by Bethesda. It was presented without too much promotion and advertising, but, nevertheless, it already leads all kinds of popularity ratings. She was loved as fans of the main Fallout versions and seeing the strategy for the first time.

Fallout Shelter skill decoding

Each person who lives in the bunker has its own characteristics and skills. You should definitely pay attention to them before sending a character to a particular job. In order to get acquainted with this information, simply click on the person, in addition, such an operation is possible by pressing the button with the image of a gear. This is located at the top of the screen and shows the characteristics of absolutely the entire population of the shelter.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L skills are very important in the world of Fallout. But if we talk about this part, then here they are a little simplified, which allows the gamer to go through the strategy without much difficulty.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. has its own decoding, which is as follows:

From the foregoing, we can conclude how to raise SPECIAL in the Fallout Shelter.

It is very important in the game not to forget to give the job to the residents that matches their skills. At the same time, the productivity of their work will remain at its best, and all resources will be replenished on time.

Do not forget about the possibilities to resurrect the dead tenants. This is done only in cases where a very important character has died. To bring a person back from the other world, you will need to spend a lot of money. But developers and advanced gamers advise not to skimp on this, because growing a new high-quality character is much more difficult than simply paying for the resurrection of the old one.

It is advised not to ignore the implementation of tasks. Their list can be found in the menu of the radio station, and immediately proceed to the decision. For the fact that they are fulfilled, the player will receive a special reward, as well as some boxes with valuables. Very often, shelter managers prefer to buy them, but why spend extra money if add-ons are available and free.

Fallout Shelter (Fallout Shelter) - a game for android and iphone, created by computer game. The plot is to create an underground bunker and its arrangement. You have 3 resources available (water, energy, food), the balance of which must be maintained with a margin.

Fallout Shelter walkthrough / Complete guide

SPECIAL system

  • Strength (Strength) - increases the chance of damage from the enemy
  • Perception - Increases the quality of items found
  • Endurance (Stamina) - increases the time spent in the wasteland
  • Charisma (Charisma) - the probability of negotiating with the enemy without a fight
  • Intellegence (Intelligence) - profitable deals with a merchant, breaking safes
  • Agility (Dexterity) - increases the likelihood of avoiding dangerous enemies
  • Luck (Luck) - increases the likelihood of finding things


In case of accidents and transitions to other rooms, the learning process is not reset. That is, for each room learning is saved. Upgrading these rooms speeds up learning by 5%.


Leveling up increases health. Max level — 50.

The maximum number of inhabitants is 200.

You cannot mix relatives - this shows the message "Nothing like handing out at home with my family".

Mood. It depends on the health and activities in which he is engaged. During the conception of children, the mood rises to 100%.


Rooms of the same type are combined with each other, increasing efficiency. Maximum 3 rooms connected.

Elevators - Needed to connect between floors.

Living quarters. Increases the maximum number of inhabitants in the shelter.

Electric generator, nuclear reactor(Power generator, Nuclear reactor) - energy production, people are needed with pumped power (S). With a lack of energy, rooms are turned off - they do not produce resources.

Diner, Garden - Provides food to villagers with high Agility (A). With a lack of food, hunger begins - the health of the inhabitants decreases.

Water treatment (Water purification) - disinfects water from radiation. With a shortage of clean water, people are exposed to radiation.

Radio - improves the mood of residents and finds new people in the wasteland The level of charisma (C) affects the speed of finding people. Each room improves mood by 1% when fully loaded. Possibly attracted by the Deathclaw.

Nuka-Cola plant (Nuka-Cola bottler) - production of the Nuka-Cola drink, boosts food and water at the same time.

Fortified vault door - Delays attackers to move villagers for protection.

Upgrade rooms (arrow icon in the top right) to improve its performance. Each purchase of a room increases the cost of the next purchase.

Bonuses (Lunchbox)

When completing tasks, you can win a Lunchbox (Lunchbox). It contains money, resources, weapons, clothes. Sometimes rare and valuable specimens come across.

Fallout Shelter

sturdy vault suit P5

Fires and attacks

Mutant cockroaches (radroach), mutant rats (molerats), raiders (raider), Deathclaw (Deathclaw) can attack your bunker. As they steal your resources, they start blinking red.

How to protect yourself from the Deathclaws- it is necessary to build immediately opposite the entrance a power plant of three sections, where everyone has pumped strength, and distribute improved weapons to them.

Children and pregnant women are not involved in the elimination emergency situations, but they run in a panic and scream =).

Increase the level of your inhabitants - with a low level they die very quickly.

Video review


objective (Tasks)

Assign 24 Dwellers in the right room - Assign 24 Dwellers to the right room, i.e. by his strongest skill

Everything you didn't know about Fallout, secrets
Well, at the end I will add a video about the computer game Fallout