Fallout shelter room placement. How to build a safe shelter in the Fallout Shelter. Generator and nuclear reactor

It is believed that Fallout shelter- it's like a vitamin for those fans of the game who have been waiting for the real Fallout 4 for so long and have to wait a little longer. This mobile strategy really has a lot of things from the "big" Fallout.

Bethesda provides the user with the opportunity to work as the Guardian of one of the underground bunkers in the post-apocalyptic future. The shelter must be built, improved, protected and managed by its inhabitants, providing them with energy and resources necessary for life and procreation.

And just a lot is connected with the birth rate in Fallout Shelter, because without new inhabitants it will not work to develop the Shelter.

In general, it is not difficult to play in Fallout Shelter, but in practice, in Fallout Shelter (by the way, - Android games full versions download) you constantly have to solve a whole range of various problems and problems that every now and then arise from tenants, therefore it is not boring.

Of course, not to the same extent as in the real Fallout, but there are frankly dead-end moments when you have to strain your favorite brain muscle in search of exit options. Actually.

In this regard, we offer several useful tips from experienced Guardians on solving the most pressing issues in Fallout Shelter and successfully completing the game. So, how to play and win in Fallout Shelter:

we place the rooms correctly

The haphazard placement of rooms in the game is one of the typical mistakes of beginner Guardians who still do not know how to plan ahead when it comes to expanding the Vault. When designing a building, try to group resource and energy generating rooms, and then you will not have to feverishly swipe across the screen and rush around the bunker every time it comes time to collect the generated energy, food and water.

In turn, the timely collected resources, in particular, energy, allows you to maintain a combat-ready weapon, with which residents will defend themselves both from raiders and from more dangerous enemies - death claws, radroaches or mole rats.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - SPECIAL-but we distribute responsibilities between the inhabitants of the Vault

It is imperative to understand the specialization of the characters. Only by the correct leveling of the skills of each and the precise distribution of the residents among the working premises, it is possible to achieve the maximum efficiency of the entire “work collective”. For example, characters with high Strength, which, by the way, are pumped in training rooms, are better placed in rooms with power plants, Attentive - near water treatment equipment, but those who have developed indicator of survivability.

Intellect makes excellent medics (who make Stimulants) and chemists (who produce antiradin). But the charismatic comrades not only work well for Radi, attracting new residents, but also know how to improve the demography more effectively than others, let's say, in a natural way.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - we arm everyone (except pregnant women, of course)

As you explore the surrounding area, residents will drag more and more samples of various weapons to the Shelter. At the very beginning of the game, it should not be stored, distribute it to residents and constantly update their arsenal with more advanced guns and machine guns. Stocks of old and ineffective weapons can be safely sold for caps, but good weapons can be left in one of the warehouses. The main thing is to quickly arm everyone.

Some statistics: if all combat-ready residents have "trunks" in their hands with damage of 4 or more, then the threat from raiders and radroaches can be considered insignificant, weapons with damage from 5-6 are guaranteed to solve problems with mole rats, moreover, without your direct intervention and without loss of personnel, but only on condition that the attacked rooms are completely filled. Pregnant women do not need to be armed at all, since in dangerous situations they, as expected, run away first.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - we are not in a hurry with the production of resources

Fallout Shelter has the option to rush the production of resources, but it should not be overused. Haste is an invaluable tool for the correct risk assessment and strong economy of the Vault, but too frequent use of it inevitably leads to higher resource costs and an increase in the number of "accidents at work". In addition, the planned production cycle (which is marked with a timer) allows you to maximize the income from a particular resource.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - do not leave characters outside the Vault for a long time

Anyone who has played Fallout at least a little is well aware that the wasteland is an extremely dangerous territory, teeming with all sorts of super mutants, places with an increased background radiation and other deadly "joys". But it is also impossible not to go into the Wasteland, since its research gives the inhabitants of the Vault a lot of useful things, and the longer and further they work, the more significant the results. However, one must see their capabilities. Characters with pumped-out Endurance, well-armed and protected, with a large supply of stimulants and antiradiation, should be released outside the gates of the Vault, then they will return alive (and sometimes healthy) and not empty-handed.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - we maintain the birth rate

For children to start appearing in Fallout Shelter, it seems like you don't need to work too much. We bring together in one living room at least one man and one woman with the highest charisma and the same level, and the process will go on. Only a normal number of kids (that is, not a lot, and not a little) in Fallout Shelter is often a problem. Low fertility means economic decline and poor security of the Shelter, too many children and pregnant women - in fact, the same thing. With the development of the Shelter and the growth of the population, it is necessary to constantly take care of the placement of children: it is dangerous to gather them in a heap because of the risk of any emergencies and accidents, they cannot be left unprotected (at least one well-armed resident must always be nearby), otherwise they will be dragged away by raiders.

how to play and win in Fallout Shelter - follow the fashion

From the Wasteland, the inhabitants will bring not only weapons, but also different clothes, which, with their competent use, are an excellent way of pumping characters. The principle is simple: they must be dressed in clothes that increase more than one of the special characteristics. Thus, over time, you will receive one or several super-talented characters who will become a real boon for your Shelter and will themselves help you play fun in Fallout Shelter. As in the case of weapons, ineffective clothing can be sold for caps, but, again, only after all residents are dressed "to the highest standard."

Fallout Shelter is a game that seems simple at first glance. What's difficult: you build rooms, recruit new residents, send them to explore the wasteland. But then there was a fire or the claws of death attacked and the game was lost. All died. The tips below will help you create the safest and most effective hideout possible.

Fallout Shelter room layouts

Location is the most important thing, the most important thing. You need to start thinking about this first. First of all, all the rooms need to be made isolated, in the form of a checkerboard (as in the picture below). What is the point: if an accident occurs in one of the rooms and the residents could not cope with it, the problem will not spread anywhere and the rest of the rooms will be intact.

Create protective rooms

The room next to the main door should contain the inhabitants with the highest levels and very powerful weapons. When the raiders attack, it is these "fighters" who will settle everything. When the population exceeds 40 people, the claws of death will begin to resort, therefore, the most powerful inhabitants should be placed in the next rooms according to the same principle.

Best placed after main door small single rooms one by one. Any enemy attacking from the wasteland will run from the door to the right, as shown by the red arrow in the picture above. Place one or two residents in each room. This is necessary in order to have time to apply stimulants to the defenders located inside. After all, it is always easier to keep track of the health of one or two people than a large crowd.

Lots of stimulants

The sooner the better, it is imperative to build several medical rooms, because each new room expands the total storage limit for stimulants. However, all these rooms can be serviced by 2-3 residents with 100% intelligence pumped (or dressed in robes giving +3 to intelligence). We applied the acceleration of work in one room, transferred the residents to another room, and repeated the procedure. And so in a circle.

And even if there are a lot of stimulants, it is better to save them. If an accident occurs, especially a fire - because he eats a lot of stimulants, just move the inhabitants to another isolated room. The epidemic in the room will end quickly, and the workers, if you started moving them after the outbreak began, will return to their work.

In general, the principle of serving several rooms with a limited number of residents applies to almost all rooms. This is especially true at the initial stages of the game, when there are few inhabitants, especially those who are pumped over.

All unused rooms to the bottom

There are so many types of rooms that are passively beneficial but do not involve residents. These are, for example: warehouses, living quarters (very rarely needed), the caretaker's room. Here they need to be located somewhere at the very bottom of the "map". The principle of "isolated rooms" does not apply to these premises; there are no residents and the epidemic will not harm anyone.

Build elevators to the very bottom, all the way, and there start filling the space as you like. If fires start in one of these rooms, or will be attacked. cockroaches, this will not affect the inhabitants from above in any way. As it begins, so it will end, and quickly enough.

Training rooms in order

A bit of history. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Character Creation System was invented a long time ago for the game Fallout 1. This is an abbreviation of characteristics (strength, perception, endurance, charm, intelligence, agility and luck), but in English, of course. The same characteristics are used in Fallout Shelter. Therefore, there are only 7 training rooms.

So what are we talking about. For ease of access to these rooms and understanding where which one is, they can be arranged from top to bottom in the order of the letters in the word S.P.E.C.I.A.L. That's basically all, perfectionists - a must have.

These basic tips will help you at least not to lose all citizens and not to lose. Now you can easily navigate and know for sure where everything is. And the enemies who come to visit you will not get below the top level. Of course, the game has many more nuances related to other aspects. Apply the tips described here for the Fallout Shelter and complete other hideout rooms as you see fit, the rest is variable. Good luck!

How to Build a Safe Shelter in Fallout Shelter updated: June 3, 2017 by the author: ItsNotMe

The essence of the game Fallout Shelter from the world famous Bethesda - you need to develop an underground shelter called "Vault-Tec" right in the middle of the endless wasteland, reflect attacks and make sure that everyone does not die, but also remain in good health and be happy. All this is spiced with healthy irony and humor, as well as characters from all famous game Fallout. Dress your charges, arm. Give them some fun, sex, and rock and roll, and they will give birth to healthy offspring that can handle all the dangers. We will tell you the secrets and tricks of the Fallout Shelter and write a small guide for beginners. You just have to adhere to tactics and follow the advice, and then all the inhabitants of your dungeon will survive.

  • There should always be water in the shelter, keep an eye on it. Without water, radioactive contamination will begin and then everyone will feel bad.
  • When releasing a villager to hunt in the wasteland, hand over: 20 stimpacks and 10 radx.
  • To make money in Fallout Shelter use rush. To do this, you need to have enough water and weapons on the inhabitants of your shelter. Protect your shelter from cockroaches.
  • Bring the best couples together. Is always. An important note - the men in the park must have charisma, the higher the better. Remember that pregnancy lasts 3 hours. The child grows in the same way for 3 hours.
  • It is advisable to build a radio for 1-2 cells as a substitute for childbirth.
  • It is imperative to build production facilities for 3 fields, and training facilities for 1 cell.
  • Remember to train someone for production all the time.
  • Simple armor and weapons for your inhabitants are mined in the wastelands. The good ones are mostly through lunch boxes.
  • You cannot turn off the room. You can only sell.
  • Parameter good luck affects the chance and size of the reward for the production of water / energy / food, so you need to download L (luck) first of all. It also affects the degree of steepness of the campaign in the wasteland, more precisely, on the items found there.
  • If you build rooms in a checkerboard pattern, cockroaches, rats, fires will not spread to neighboring rooms. This is especially useful for survival mode.
  • Immediately after collecting the resource from the room, activate the acceleration. This is not needed for an additional amount of resources, but for pumping people in the room. It's not scary if the acceleration fails, people will get exactly the experience.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L - role-playing system Fallout Shelter

  • Strength: decreases the timer when working in a power plant
  • Perception: Increased chance of winning a battle
  • Endurance: affects health points (inside and outside the shelter)
  • Charisma: reduces the time it takes girls to get pregnant. Also gives a chance to make friends with enemies outside (experience is given, zero damage).
  • Intelligence: Affects Stims and Radaway timers
  • Agility: Affects the cooking timer
  • Luck: Affects the number of items collected outside, the number of caps when the work is finished.

A few tips for newbies on building a shelter in Fallout Shelter

The width of the "pit" under the shelter is ideal for building each floor (except for the first) in the configuration "three-room (A) - elevator (1) - three-room (B) - elevator (2) - two-room (C)" ... Probably for a reason. It makes sense to build in such a configuration. "Three-room premises" in the previous paragraph is a three-room premises. Not three rooms in different rooms. Strategically, it makes no sense to build a room if you do not want to grow it to its maximum (in this place).

The only difference on the first floor is that the vault door is two-room (and, strangely, it can accommodate two people, not four), and the elevator (1) will start right after it.

If you do not know yet, then, despite the fact that there is a mountain above you, and it would seem that something could be built in it, the second floor, the third - no, nothing can be built up. The first floor - with an entrance door - and from it just down.

Building three-room versions of premises is more profitable than upgrading. Provided, of course, that you have people to work in it. If there are no people - your non-pregnant ladies urgently need to relax in living quarters / apartments ... In the end, you will have many floors and many rooms. A very good way to make it easier for yourself to be able to navigate in them is to build rooms in vertical pairs (for example, a Garden and another Garden below it). This does not apply to training rooms - you will not need so many of them. To the production of stimpacks / radpacks and radio stations - perhaps, too.

How easy is it to navigate the training rooms? And build them one below the other, in the order of the letters of the word SPECIAL.

What to build in Column A, what in Column B, what in Column C (with two rooms)?

Over the course of the game, instead of the Power Generator, it will be possible to build a more expensive but more efficient Nuclear Reactor; instead of Water Treatment - Water Purification; instead of Diner, a more efficient Garden. Therefore, it is logical to plan that you will demolish all these rooms at some point in order to free up space for more advanced options.

For the same reasons, perhaps try not to upgrade the Power Generator / Water Treatment / Diner. And money is not a pity when you demolish; and the drawdown on this resource in the period from demolition to the construction of an advanced version will be less noticeable.

You can only demolish a room on one of the sides (left or right) of which there is nothing! Due to the above factors, it makes sense to build production facilities (Power / Water / Diner) in column A, because the left of them will always be empty , and they can always be demolished; in column B - living quarters, training halls, production of steampacks / radpacks, a radio station; in column C - warehouses and possibly small branches of training halls. By the time you open the Nuclear Reactor / Water Purification / Garden, Column B will be able to build them too.

Have you thought about what to train Endurance for? (well, besides increasing the survivability in incidents and in the desert) The warehouse is marked with the letter E, and people with high Endurance can be sent there ... but this, in general, does not work. Well, besides the fact that there will be someone to put out the fire or drive away the radioroaches. Warehouses work great without people. But people with pumped Endurance will work in ... Nuka-Cola Bottler. Of course, Nuka-Cola Bottler will not replace Gardens and Water Purification, but extra resources will not hurt; again, diversification.

Several hacks and cheats for the Fallout Shelter

Quests like “dress up 10 people” or “give 5 people a weapon” can be completed in a couple of minutes, if you already have a sufficient amount of clothes or weapons (even if they are already worn / given to someone). It doesn't matter whether someone put on these clothes (weapons) on someone before this quest or not - the quest counter only records the fact that a particular item has already been worn as part of this quest, or not! Has such a quest begun? - OK, you are looking for a dressed person, you take off his clothes, put them back on (the counter is incremented), you are looking for the next person.

Quests like "5 people went to the desert" are also not more difficult. After all, no one forces us to travel there for a long time, the main thing is to leave, right? OK; you throw a person into the desert, the counter is incremented, you immediately recall him back, repeat.

Since you already know how the elevators will go, then here's to you cunning: For the cost of one elevator section, you can build two - where you want and (automatically) right below it! For example, if you have just completed a three-room building in Column B; under it the room is not yet three-room (!); you are going to build elevator 2 to the right of this room; there is no elevator under it yet (no stones interfere with its construction, but you cannot build it yet, because there is not yet a three-room building there). If you build elevator section 2 in such a place, another section will be completed right under it!

Have high-level "named" heroes come to you? At first, since they usually good level, they can be thrown into "hot spots" in production; but in the end they will most likely be the best dwellers. Although between sorties it would be nice to pump them up to the maximum.

Its essence boils down to the fact that you can set a new time on the phone. Let's say you run the miner for 5 hours. OK. We set the time on the phone to 5 o'clock, start the game - the resident is already standing at the gate, ready to hand over the loot. Cool, isn't it? There is one unpleasant little thing, on Android this bug works over time, but on the iPhone how many have not tried it - it does not work.

The lunchbox bug is simpler. It allows you to get lunchboxes almost non-stop. Naturally - it will come up to enrich you in the game. So how to get rich in Fallout Shelter effortlessly? This is fairly easy to do at the start of the game. To do this, you must wait until two of the three tasks are available:

  1. Give a suit to 1 resident (Equip 1 Dweller with an Out fit);
  2. Sell ​​a weapon or outfit (Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit);
  3. Issue a weapon to 1 villager ( Equip 1 Dweller with a Weapon).

IMPORTANT! Do not complete these tasks. You only need to complete the third (not these) task. Then it's guaranteed that you will receive a lunchbox for completing the third task. Okay, I was joking about the guaranteed one, but 1 of the two assignments is for sure. Of course, this will put you on a little pause in completing tasks, but this way you will definitely collect a lot of lunchboxes.

Another way to get free lunchbox is by tracking the official account

Bethesda was pleasantly surprised by an extremely high-quality and unusual game for mobile devices called Fallout Shelter, which was named mobile game years, but not everyone managed to play it, and not the last reason was the lack of understanding on the part of gamers - how to play it in general? What to do? Where to press? What to strive for? What is the purpose of the game? In short, if you have similar questions, then we will try to answer them in our detailed guide to Fallout shelter.

Your main goal is to make the inhabitants of the vault happy. A special smiley indicator at the top of the screen will be responsible for happiness. Fallout Shelter is a sandbox that has no goal per se, but the happiness of your citizens is the main goal. You will now find out how to do this by reading a number of, in our opinion, useful tips.

Do not give weapons to pregnant women. When the slightest danger arises, they immediately run away, so handing over the weapon is pointless. Better save it for another person.

Don't try to increase your population too quickly. The old adage will work here: "More people, less oxygen." Firstly, it will take a long time, and secondly, it will greatly worsen the happiness of citizens who will not have enough resources. Only increase the population when you maximize, or just upgrade most rooms very well.

At the same time, try to keep the number of residents in such a way that there are slightly more of them than jobs alone. Free dwellers will help you improve your statistics, or they can simply be sent to the Wasteland to earn money for covers and weapons.
Don't hoard bad weapons. Anything that has 0-1 damage should be sold immediately. In the updated version of the game, the option of mass wholesale of all unnecessary junk has recently appeared - use it.

Child labor is not used in the game. Children do not work at all, so try to maintain the required number of workers, producing water, food and electricity. The more children, the more workers you will need. A large number of children will badly affect the overall harmony in the shelter.

The strongest inhabitants should be placed in the first room, at the front door.

In Fallout Shelter, you cannot engage in incest. Fortunately, weddings between relatives are not allowed here. Therefore, breed couples according to pedigrees. If you get confused and want to "marry" relatives, the game will inform you about it.

Happiness in 100% of married couples is possible only if they have a child. But some couples can live together, but it is not enough to love each other, therefore, to increase the level of happiness to the maximum, it is recommended to “break up” these couples and introduce each of the spouses to some new potential husband or new wife. Luckily, same-sex relationships are not allowed. This is Bethesda, not BioWare.

Sending people to the Wasteland is an essential part of the development of the shelter, so this issue should be approached responsibly. To send to the Wasteland, choose those people who have the highest stamina and luck. The higher the set of these parameters, the more likely it is that these citizens will bring valuable weapons and more covers from the desert.

Engage in selection: the higher the parameters of the husband and wife, the more talented children they will produce. Creating cooler kids will have a beneficial effect on your stats in the overall leaderboard.

On the top floor, preferably in a room near the main entrance door, place several high-level people with powerful weapons. Do the same in the next room. This will help you fight back more effectively, for example, when the Deathclaws attack you. If you don't, the invaders will walk through all your floors and kill everyone they can.

Place the least important rooms at the maximum distance from generators that generate electricity, because if you suddenly do not have enough electricity after starting new equipment, then the generators will not cope, and the light will go out in the rooms farthest from them.

Send those inhabitants who have the most luck and endurance to the Wasteland.

The weaker the characters are in a room, the higher the likelihood that there will be a fire in it, rats or rad cockroaches will come out. Naturally, in empty room the chances of such troubles are several times higher than the chances in the one where there is at least one resident. In general, try to distribute the pumped heroes evenly throughout the shelter. Often, rad cockroaches and fires occur in those rooms where hungry, irradiated or unhappy citizens are working or simply being.

If there is a fire or intrusion in any room, then send as many strong, well-armed people there as possible.
If you return the people sent to the Wasteland ahead of time, they will not receive any damage, but they will not bring anything useful either. Therefore, let them spend there stimulants and anti-radiation drugs, which you, in advance, must provide these travelers. For a hero of the 20th level, on average, you need 20-25 steam packages, at the maximum 50th, 10 is enough.

Try to arrange the inhabitants in the rooms in such a way that they bring the maximum amount of resources. When you start moving a dweller from room to room, you will see how the production rate changes. Leave it where this number will be higher. If a negative number appears, then this job is not suitable for this citizen. To find out the real usefulness of the little man, it is better to undress him, remove from him all the equipment that affects his characteristics. Then you will recognize his real abilities, not hidden by clothing.

The game will offer you daily tasks which can be discarded. If you are not interested in performing some task, then delete the least interesting one. Another will come instead. If you don't want to delete, then these tasks will hang over you forever. You can delete one task per day. Remove those that will not bring you bonuses and will not help you achieve your goal. But never delete the tasks for which you will be awarded Lunchboxes.

Population not growing? Dress villagers in pajamas that add +3 to Charisma.

If your residents do not want to love each other, and you urgently need to increase their livestock, then take out nightgowns and other underwear from the chest of drawers. Dress the villagers. For example, pajamas add +3 to charisma, which will have a positive effect on the personal life of the pajamas owner.

If a resident dies, then he can be revived by giving a certain number of caps for this. The higher the level of the deceased, the more expensive it will be to revive him.

To earn more caps, you need to attract as many lucky residents as possible. The most profitable rooms will be those in which the highest concentration of successful residents is concentrated.

The longer you send the inhabitants to the Wasteland, the more difficult trials they will face, the more they will pump accordingly and bring back more valuable loot. Naturally, if they stay alive. It is better to send a resident of the 10th level for a maximum of three hours, giving him ten stimpacks and antiradics. An inhabitant of the 40th level can safely send hours to 10. Go to bed, and before going to bed send your strongest fighters to work.

When planning a building, try to make sure that rooms of the same type are adjacent to each other, so that later they can be combined (maximum 3 rooms), thereby improving their final usefulness.

Try to build production rooms next to each other. This will allow you to quickly collect the generated resources, rather than poking your finger across the entire display, rotating the camera from side to side. You will have to collect resources very often, so it is better to take care of such trifles in advance, which will then greatly simplify your gaming life.

Pay special attention to vaults that store resources such as weapons, pets, and costumes. Water and food can also overflow, so the resources removed from the rooms will not be beneficial, but will go nowhere. This is unacceptable, so try not to miss this moment, improving existing resources and building new ones. Also, if you have a bias with the extraction of resources, when, say, there is a lot of water and little food, then redistribute the inhabitants among the rooms so as to bring the extraction of resources to a harmonious state.

Be prepared for the fact that the more the room is pumped, the more tough rats and scorpions will invade it. Accordingly, weak characters should not be placed in "strong" rooms. The greater the difference between the strength of a room and the weakness of a resident, the faster such a resident will die. Weak inhabitants should be placed in "weak" rooms, where weak scorpions and rats will appear. Well, don't forget about weapons. For example, in the most pumped cafeteria, rats will kill all residents below level 15, if they do not have weapons with damage of +7 or higher.

Well, and to top it off, it is worth adding that the game has a robot assistant, the famous Mr. Handy. This is a multifunctional companion that will make your life much easier. Its services cost $ 1, but if you are lucky, then this robot can drop out to you in one of the Lunchboxes.

After Fallout 4 was announced at E3 2015, Bethesda developers realized that players needed something that could be used on their mobile devices... What was Bethesda's response? Exciting, in which you build your own shelter and try to manage people and resources as efficiently as possible to create a prosperous society in a post-apocalyptic world.

However, managing an underground city is not an easy task. Of course, the inhabitants do all the hard work: they turn the levers, write notes, shake the beakers of unknown substances, holding them in the clamps. But still, you are a shelter caretaker, and you need to be careful when managing resources and your citizens, you will have to control unemployment and hunger. Tactics are needed here.

Like residents in computer version Fallout, residents in the mobile Fallout Shelter have (Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility Luck) that determines their statistics. Each stat affects a specific aspect of life in the shelter, so the optimal distribution of the abilities of your inhabitants is a key factor in their happy existence.

Force ( S- strength): Residents with a high index of strength are ideal for physically hard work, best of all for work in power plants.

Perception ( P Perception: Discerning residents are well versed in complex information and are best suited to work in wastewater treatment plants.

Endurance ( E- endurance): Residents with high endurance endure harsh conditions better than others, they are suitable for exploring the wasteland and producing Nuka Cola.

Charisma ( C- charisma): Charismatic residents are the most charming and suitable for working in a radio station. They are also better at flirting and attracting Wasteland dwellers, so they can be used to increase the hideout population more quickly.

Intelligence ( I- intelligence): Smart residents are well versed in science, which allows them to work in medical institutions or scientific laboratories.

Agility ( A- agility): Agile and fast dwellers, well suited to work in the dining room.

Luck ( L- luck): Lucky dwellers can be placed almost anywhere, especially if faster production is required. They also have a good chance of finding rare items in the wasteland.

Once the population of your refuge has reached a certain level, you can build training rooms in which residents can train the above skills (the higher the level, the longer the training time), or dress the residents in different equipment, which can also improve the skills.

Fair work for residents

As mentioned above, every vault dweller in Fallout Shelter has multiple S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats that match. Proper placement of workers in the premises not only adds happiness to everyone, but also increases production efficiency. Upgrading production facilities increases their productivity and size, which allows more resources to be obtained. You can plan your expansion in advance by placing rooms next to each other and combining rooms of the same level (maximum 3 rooms can be combined). Expanded production facilities also allow more workers to be hired. The maximum number of inhabitants in the game is 200 people.

You can check S.P.E.C.I.A.L. any resident to figure out which room he is best for, or simply place him in a specific room and see how much he adds to the overall production rating. A plus or minus next to the number indicates whether the villager lowers or increases the overall stats. If there is no sign (as in the picture above), then there is free space in this room, and the number of the resident being moved shows +.

Happiness rating

You think that for the happiness of your inhabitants it is enough to be outside the wasteland and away from the Yao-gai, but no! They also want a certain level of comfort and satisfaction in an underground home. The good news is that if there are no fires, corpses lying around for a long time, and radioactive cockroaches with mole rats, raiders and death claws, then the level of happiness of the population will be at least 50% (it is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen).

You can increase the level of happiness by placing residents in jobs that suit them, or by building a radio. The happier your inhabitants, the more food, energy and water production. You can track the happiness of residents individually by clicking on them directly in the shelter, or by clicking on the button in the upper left corner.

Energy production

If energy production falls below a critical level, then not everything is turned off at once. The first to stop working are rooms far from power plants, and their inhabitants stop working and begin to wander around. Therefore, make sure to locate the most important areas, such as canteen and water treatment plants, close to energy sources.

Lack of energy can reduce the happiness of your residents, so if you have frequent power outages, destroy unnecessary rooms, such as classrooms or radio stations, until you can provide them with energy consistently.

Keep your three essential resources in sufficient stock

Each room in Fallout Shelter has its own specific function, however greatest value Power plants, water treatment plants and restaurants / vegetable gardens have a healthy shelter because the shortages in these production lines can be devastating.

The lack of energy makes the premises non-functioning (starting with those farther from the plant), the lack of clean water causes radiation poisoning (the health indicator turns red, it is treated with Antiradin), the lack of food gradually reduces the health of the inhabitants until they die of hunger. To avoid all this, give preference to the premises that produce these resources, and after achieving stability in their work, build everything else.

Use robots to collect resources. can independently collect ready-made resources from the floor on which it is located.

Reach goals for caps and lunchboxes

You will always have three main goals: to earn caps, arm a certain number of residents and pick up rewards when completing difficult tasks, and with what harder task, the more significant the reward will be. Don't forget to pick up your lunchbox reward right away so you can immediately use the benefits that it will give you.

What's in the box?

You will be using Caps to buy and upgrade rooms in the Fallout Shelter, but what are the lunchboxes? Each lunchbox contains at least one rare or uncommon item, such as rare armor, powerful weapons, or a high S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You will earn lunchboxes when solving particularly difficult problems, or you can simply buy them from the "store" tab for real money.

You don't have to buy anything to enjoy the game and succeed in Fallout Shelter. The weapons, equipment and resources you find in lunchboxes will give you a boost in the development of your hideout.


Don't want to wait long? You can quickly get resources and small bonuses with a certain risk of fire or the appearance of radioactive cockroaches or mole rats.

If the chances of an incident occurring are less than 40%, then it is worth the risk, but the more you speed up, the more chances of failure become.

Send pregnant women to work

Of course, getting to work is not gentlemanly, but wait, this is the post-apocalypse Fallout Shelter and everyone has to do their bit. Once the lady has finished making emoticons with your chosen partner, she can return to the job that suits her. Her hasty return to the workforce is not only a matter of equality, but also of maintaining the amount of resources for the right level... Pregnancy in the game lasts a very long time, and labor shortages can have dire consequences.

Explore the wasteland

You can produce enough energy, food and water, but unfortunately, your shelter is not self-sufficient. You also need S.P.E.C.I.A.L.-boosting weapons and gear to be able to defend against raiders and radioactive cockroaches.

Choose the villagers with the best stamina, arm them, give them armor and Stimpacks with Antiradin, and send them in search of loot. Do not forget to follow their adventures, everything that happens to your researcher is displayed in the form of text messages with the time. Characters will not take damage or absorb radiation for way back in storage after you call them back with the "Recall" button.

So just wait until the character reaches the maximum possible negative state, and then bring him back home. All covers, armor and weapons that your researcher found can only be put in the Depot, so take care of its construction in advance.

Make sure you have Stimulants and Radiators available to heal the Wasteland explorers, otherwise they will not only be vulnerable to raiders and cockroaches, but they will also be quite unhappy.

Who are the Raiders

So, the bad news is that the raiders are about to come and take your property, and the claws of death are ready to attack the hideout and kill all its inhabitants. The good news is that! The first step is pretty simple - upgrade the vault door to make it harder to break. If you have few weapons, give them to the villagers with the best characteristics and assign them to guard the shelter. If you have a lot of cannons, arm each citizen, so if the raiders pass the foyer, then they will continue to face aggressive resistance. You can also drag villagers to a specific room to fight, but only during a raid.

If you want to arm all the inhabitants of your shelter, then at the beginning of the game you will not have enough weapons for this. But infection with radioactive cockroaches can happen anywhere and anytime, raiders' raids on shelters are also completely unpredictable. Therefore, keep a few units in your inventory and hand them out upon the fact of an attack in the right rooms. Thus, you can arm the inhabitants near the source of the threat and quickly eliminate it.

Use the elevators in case of an emergency

One elevator shaft in the middle of your hideout is nice and nice, but it means that the occupants will travel longer from one end of the shelter to the other. The extra walk is good if they just go to the barracks for their love affairs, but in the event of a raider attack, an invasion of radioactive cockroaches, or an indoor fire, a few seconds difference can lead to additional deaths. Be sure to plan several different routes at different levels to facilitate quick movement in case of an emergency.

Improve the statistics of residents with averages

While some inhabitants will have obvious talents in one area or another, many who come from the wasteland will not always be so. Fortunately, there is the possibility of increasing S.P.E.C.I.A.L., for example, in the armory or in the classroom.

When you have 24 residents, you get access to the gym, as well as other additional rooms to increase the parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. After you build a room for developing skills, send villagers there to improve their characteristics.

Radio, radio

You can get a chance to build a radio station if you believe that it increases the happiness of your inhabitants. It is true that making wireless broadcasts lifts the spirits of your underground people, but don't make too quick changes to the layout to save people and energy.

You can also use the radio station to attract wanderers from the wasteland. certainly is good complement to your hideout, but make sure you have a good grasp of the basics of the game before spending covers on it. The time between the arrival of new inhabitants from the Wasteland is long, their characteristics S.P.E.C.I.A.L. leave much to be desired. At the same time, the price of a radio studio is considerable, citizens must work there, and pregnancy gives a much greater effect. With radio in Fallout Shelter, the developers seem to have overdone it a bit.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to attract new people to the shelter sounds like this - through pregnancy.

Right and wrong decisions

True: Expand Slowly

Building your own shelter in Fallout Shelter requires a lot of energy and manpower, and if you expand it too quickly, you will soon exhaust the resources necessary to maintain the functionality of the premises and the level of happiness of the inhabitants. Build slowly. Make sure you can easily maintain the current size of the shelter in order to build additional premises, and then you will be on the path to creating a happy society.

Correct: Focus on building power plants before expanding the shelter

Water treatment facilities, restaurants and living spaces keep residents happy and healthy. But power plants are needed to make it all work. Without energy, no object will function, and you will get many disgruntled residents sitting in the dark. Before increasing the load on a power plant, make sure you can handle it.

Correct: Place important objects near power plants

Sometimes you can accidentally start to build up too quickly or lose some of the resources from the raiders who were not ready to attack. If this is the case, and energy production drops below the critical level required to maintain the storage facility's normal operation, some of the premises away from the power plant will begin to be disconnected from power. To ensure the functioning of the shelter in case of failures, place the most important objects (restaurants, vegetable gardens, water treatment plants, medical rooms) near power plants. This is the last thing they need to stop working.

True: arm the explorers before sending them into the wasteland

The Wild Wasteland is dangerous, an unarmed and easily equipped inhabitant will not be able to defend himself from dutnyas, wild dogs, radroaches, and other mutants that the Wasteland will throw at them. In addition, if a resident can hardly fight off a giant ant, then it is unlikely that he will bring you good prey. If you want to save the lives of your explorers, make sure they are well armed for the journey. Good weapon and equipment should do the trick.

Correct: Place residents optimally for work so they are most efficient

The residents in your shelter are the workforce, and they are much happier when they work in the right job for them. Take this into account and do not assign tasks at random, but look first of all at the statistics of each resident (check the instructions above if you are not sure which job corresponds to a certain skill). This will keep residents happy and increase production efficiency - a double benefit!

True: Watch out for children who are moving into adulthood to get them assigned to work on time

Asylum residents are against child labor, so you will not be able to assign a child to work until he or she has reached the age of majority (this happens a few hours in real time after birth). They recklessly waste their youthful minutes with 50% happiness, so they need to get work done as quickly as possible. If you have so many residents that you cannot determine which of them has already reached the age of majority, see the list of residents. Anyone with a coffee break status is probably who you are looking for.

False: Pregnant every woman in the shelter

In addition to the obvious problem of turning your shelter into a children's farm, having too many pregnant women will also bring a practical problem in the form of an increase in the number of residents not giving you a functional workforce. In the hours it takes for children to reach adulthood, the shelter's infrastructure could be irreparably damaged after all of these new-born adults suffer radiation poisoning.

False: Use haste mode if chances of failure are greater than 40%

This (Rush) mode is one of the fastest and simple ways get resources in Fallout game Shelter, however, there are certain risks of a radroach infestation or fire. This risk is justified if the chances of failure are less than 20%, acceptable up to 30%, but not more than 40%, otherwise you are doomed to permanent disasters. Try using accelerated production in different rooms, or send villagers in search of loot in the Wasteland.

False: Allowing residents not to work

The less a resident works, the sadder he will be, and the less will be the average contribution of each resident to the production process. Look for any inhabitants with a "coffee break" and give them a task, even if it is to explore the Wasteland or to increase their characteristics. Everyone will be happy about it.

False: leave one or two residents to fight radioactive cockroaches

Radroaches are dangerous and quickly reduce the health of any resident nearby, and the greater the overweight in quantity, the faster the health will decrease. Having sent one resident to fight the infection, you can prepare for the funeral and for the fact that the infection will spread to other objects. So send as many people as possible, preferably armed, to fight cockroaches.

False: Worry when exiting the app

You can get nervous leaving your hideout to the mercy of raiders and horrible insects when you put your gadget aside. But there is no cause for concern. As soon as you minimize the application, the hideout goes under auto control, during which only good things will happen: the birth of children, the production of resources, and no fires or raids. So it is very convenient to pump S.P.E.C.I.A.L. for residents, especially when it takes 16 hours of real time.

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