Review of the game "Spiderman" (PS4). New Marvel Universe - Review, Review. Spider Works: Marvel's Spider-Man Review Spider Man Game Review

The Spider-Man game has been asking for a long time. First, why not go the beaten path of Rocksteady Studios and make a modern full-blown project on the Marvel universe... Secondly, upon close examination of the popular characters nowadays, Peter Parker looks like the most winning option as the hero of the new game franchise.

On paper, Insomniac Games' Spider-Man is a pretty ordinary superhero action game. Small open world, many activities, collectibles and minor characters... Everything is according to the precepts of the Arkham series.

Only after a personal acquaintance with a friendly neighbor can you understand that all comparisons with Batman are superfluous. Of course, there are points of contact and they cannot be avoided, but their approach and implementation are completely different.

In Game great amount references to Parker's past, familiar characters and many cameos, familiar places or even scenes.

Gamer Peter Parker has been a superhero and a favorite of the public for eight years. In parallel, she works in a research laboratory, helps Aunt May take care of those in need, builds relationships with Mary Jane. An ordinary guy, if not for the Spider-Man suit and deadly enemies.

After Peter sends Wilson Fisk, the local crime boss, to prison in the prologue, chaos ensues in the city. A new gang appears on the streets, waiting for a convenient moment, and Parker has to save New York again. However, it is also necessary to find time for pressing problems. Aunt May and Mary Jane must not be forgotten.

Parker's main occupation, along with acrobatic scuffle, is moving around the city and above the ground in general. And this became the main feature of the game. The mechanics of flying over dense New York traffic are superb. At first it seems uncomfortable and strange, but after a couple of hours it becomes automatic. There is a sense of rhythm and understanding at what moment it is necessary to release the web, and when it is better to accelerate with a hook on the adjacent cornice. And the brain is already calculating the route 3-4 steps ahead.

When Parker overcomes tens of meters from one skyscraper to another in a few seconds, it really takes your breath away.

The combat system is similar to Rocksteady's Batman, but from a different perspective. Here you do not need to follow the indicators over the enemies - all the attention is on the main character. At the right moment, "Spider's Sense" is triggered and there is an opportunity to counterattack. Parker only dodges and can in response to close up the web in the face, but in response, you have to attack yourself. Thanks to this, battles are full of dynamics and there is a choice between a retaliatory attack or evasion with a further change in the battle vector.

Meetings with the enemy are very variable: to attack in the frontal, dodging in time, you can transfer the fight to a horizontal plane, throw enemies into the air and strike there. It's also fun to circle around enemies on the spider's web and grab everyone in turn. Various gadgets and functions of suits will also help to diversify the battles, and if you learn to use everything organically and at once, then you get pleasure from every even small skirmish. For example, a burst of spider ejectors will bind the enemy, a grenade with a sticky web will neutralize several opponents at once. The costumes are capable of summoning doubles, calling for help from a drone, or stunning enemies with rock music.

Visually, there are no complaints about the game. Shadows, reflections, lighting, cutscenes, sunsets and sunrises look dizzying. Dynamic gameplay and fast-paced flights between skyscrapers only enhance the effect. For 40 hours of playing, not a single broken animation or other bug. Only going down to the streets of the city, the euphoria slightly disappears. Too many poorly drawn twins live in New York.

Upsetting that the world in Spider-Man, he only pretends to be alive. The weather and time of day, although they change, are strictly tied to the current task. If it should rain between quests, it will continue until the next mission is completed. The same applies to the time of day. You can change the weather after passing manually. And it breaks immersion slightly.

A good half of the missions ends with the words of Spider-Man “I completely forgot about the city! It's time to do our daily business, ”and an inscription appears, insisting on the need to explore the world. Spider-Man is pushing for side quests and getting additional experience, but this is not justified either from the plot or from the point of view of game design. The amount of experience and pumping points gained is enough to complete the game without additional tasks. Such a brake in the rapid development of the plot is somewhat annoying.

The pumping itself does not stand out as something special. There are three branches: attack, abilities and gadgets. In addition, each suit has an ability that can be used on others. Gadgets can also be pumped with standard improvements to the radius and number of charges.

There is always something to do in the game. From simple movement on the web, which you can do endlessly, to saving citizens from hooligans, preventing theft or catching robbers. All this either with cinematic inserts, or with beautiful fights and acrobatics. There are also towers here, to activate which you need to solve a simple puzzle, and peculiar outposts, and a paradise for those who like to collect everything on the map - Parker's hidden backpacks and the lost doves of a comrade.

Due to the large number of activities, it may seem that the game requires a lot of grinding, collecting collectibles and doing other monotonous things. However, the magic of Spider-Man is such that it is not boring at all. And I want to come back to finish or finish collecting something else and more.

Sometimes Spider-Man is very similar to Arkham.

It's very easy to emotionally call Spider-Man 2018 the perfect superhero game. It is not common sense to do this. Too many elements have already met somewhere, and the plot is predictable, and the main twist is clear already in the middle of the story. The spider will remain in memory for a long time thanks to its excellent performance, picture quality and players who are hungry for their favorite hero.

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Insomniac Games' Spider-Man may not be the game of the year, but it is definitely the best superhero ever. This is not a particularly outstanding game, but in a very nice and expensive package. The developers managed to translate not the newest ideas into an excellent symbiosis of mechanics, dynamics and sensations. Peter Parker clearly deserves it.

In the case of criminal bases, the tasks look quite similar - the changes mainly concern only the composition of the guards. To win, you need to withstand six waves of attack, and if in the early stages simple infantrymen are chasing you, then snipers and special forces with heat missiles or energy weapons and jets join the later waves, which makes your missions more and more dangerous.

The already mentioned backpacks and points of interest along with fortresses and trials are marked on global map as soon as you open all base stations.

But scientific stations offer slightly more complex tasks than beating or collecting objects. So, on one of them you will need to fish out two dozen barrels of chemicals from the water and then save the fish by spraying a special antidote. In another, you will have to jump from a great height in order to split atoms and activate special tool against toxic algae, in the third - chasing a flock of infected pigeons, hoping to stop a dangerous strain of bird flu.

In addition to the already mentioned tasks for obtaining special points for pumping, sometimes side missions appear on the map. In terms of the depth of implementation and plot, they do not differ much from quests for scientific stations. So, in one of these tasks, I had to follow a man for the sake of a jealous wife, in order to find out that the unfortunate man was being blackmailed by bandits who dreamed of robbing a bank. Naturally, everything ends with a global brawl with a group of armed criminals. In another task, you will have to punish the robbers who are trying to hack the city system for a while, and then protect an important bystander from waves of brutal enemies.

Sometimes violence gives way to exploration, as in side mission, where you need to find the place in the city where the students disappeared from the photo. But one way or another, it all comes down to a global brawl.

Of course, at some points the game allows you to play a little hunter and prey in stealth mode, but if the alarm is raised, you will no longer be able to return to silent elimination, unlike the games in the Batman series.

At the same time, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the authors took quite a lot from Rocksteady... Spider-Man picks up sequences of sound waves to restore transmitters, goes through drug trips, inspects the area and looks for traces of substances in expanded vision mode. It can snatch lonely enemies and hang them by their legs, as well as analyze the environment in search of objects and opponents.

Combat system with throwing electro web and drones emulates Batman solutions, changing the jump over the head of large enemies to tackle at the feet. Sure, Insomniac He also offers his own versions of gadgets, such as a knocking sound wave, a power web, a booby-trap mine, a web bomb or an anti-gravity mine, but the copying is too obvious.

If you detail the combat system, then you can inflict different types of blows, lifting opponents up, throwing at them various subjects and use gadgets between movements that wrap enemies with cobwebs, stick to walls or inflict electrical damage. When you accumulate a sufficient level of concentration, you can activate a heal or carry out a series of special finishing attacks. At the same time, restoring health is a priority, since basic finishing attacks only work against one enemy weak class... Of course, you can pump a special move with finishing off strengthened opponents or swipe in a jump from above, but in real battles, and especially at high difficulty levels, this does not help.

Moreover, almost all the techniques and skills that you are offered to buy for honestly earned experience points are practically useless, except for an additional pull-up in the air or a saving evasion from a deadly attack. The same goes for suit amplifiers and additional options clothes. The second story costume is just perfect as it allows you to complete the entire game by activating additional concentration as a special ability. It allows you to regenerate health, which is much better than even temporary invulnerability from bullets. The special functionality of the suit is recharged after a while.

The authors of the game try to make a single canvas of the story, weaving familiarity with the side villains and missions through the main episodes. So, having got acquainted with the Black Cat figurine in the global storyline, you can complete a series of tasks for collecting cat figurines. Or, having met a famous boss, you will have the opportunity to complete his story in one of the side quests. Perhaps this is not the worst approach, but due to the protracted main plot, the interweaving of references to additional tasks looks like a deliberate stretching of an already too slow novel.

There are too few reasons not to love this game.

To bookmarks

Superheroes nowadays rarely fulfill their duties - they save people. Yes, of course, if the Avengers do not defeat Ultron, then he will most likely destroy half the planet, but what about the danger that threatens ordinary people every day? Who will save the lady in the alley from the bandits, prevent the robbery of the store and stop the stolen car?

Bye Superman flies through the rings, and Batman fights psychos, some of whom he himself gave birth to, Spider-Man is just doing his job - saving ordinary people. Marvel's Spider-Man perfectly portrays the life of a superhero: Peter Parker is invited to a dinner party, he flies there, but is constantly distracted - somewhere down there, on the streets of New York, robberies, thefts and kidnappings take place. a superhero is still helping people.

Insomniac, like no other, shows the life of a real hero who understands: the more strength, the more responsibility.

Causes and Effects

Unlike many other superheroes, Spider-Man has had some luck with video games - just like during the NES and Sega Mega Drive, and then. Corey Barlog can take an arbitrarily long time for a game about Superman, but we are unlikely to see something like this: Superman is an omnipotent deity, it seems impossible to make a good game about him. The same goes for many other comic book heroes: try to imagine a game about Flash running faster than the speed of light. Or about Doctor Strange, with his manipulation of space-time. Or even the Hulk, who can demolish the entire city if he wants to.

Another thing is Batman and Spider-Man, they are perfect for video games. There are no superpowers, it is relatively easy to kill, the villains are mostly of a minor kind. Both rely to one degree or another on stealthy quick attacks and gadgets, there is a lot of room for pumping and implementing various game mechanics.

That is why we now have a series Batman arkham from Rocksteady and a bunch of great Spider-Man games like Web of Shadows and Marvel's Spider-Man.

Unfortunately, the photo mode will appear only on release, so the screenshots in this text with the interface

Comparisons are, of course, inevitable: Insomniac's game takes a lot from both past Spider games and Rocksteady games. But only the best. Almost unlimited movement around the city, acrobatics, simple, but at the same time deep combat system, pumping and different skills, side quests and challenges. All of this has already been in superhero games, including Infamous: Second Son, but never in this form.

The main thing here, of course, is the staging. Everything in Marvel's Spider-Man is made for the sake of entertainment - for the sake of something inside you to turn over, so that goosebumps run down your spine. This applies like flying on a spider web through the city, which requires a minimum of movement, and highly accelerated combat. based on reminiscent of Batman Arkham, and cut-scenes and the plot as a whole.

New tricks are unlocked as you level up. All for the sake of making you feel like a god in the air

In terms of staging, Marvel's Spider-Man is simply one of the most spectacular games generally. The same can be said about the graphics: yes, there are very conditional reflections in the windows, which is somewhat confusing at first, but otherwise it is one of the most beautiful games especially if played with HDR.

For some reason, players claim that from the time of the first screening the project has undergone a downgrade, and to puddles, but this is all nonsense. Marvel's Spider-Man looks great. Better than anything you've played.

The only thing missing is post-rock in the spirit of Second Son

The local Spider-Man is no longer a teenager who knows himself and his powers, but a fully-realized superhero. He has already sent a bunch of villains like Shocker and Rhino to jail, fought Dr. Connors, managed to lose Uncle Ben. He had already worked for Jay John Jameson at the Daily Bugle and safely retired, devoting himself to science and saving people.

Marvel's Spider-Man focuses on something else - first of all, on human relations and on the very essence of a superhero. Here even Mary Jane almost doesn’t have a brain. all parameters.

Insomniac pays special attention to Peter Parker's relationship with Aunt May, Mary Jane and two villains who took the path of darkness for quite understandable reasons - Mr. Negative and another, whose identity you can easily guess from the trailers. In addition to them, there are a few more villains, but they are here more for extras - to make it more epic.

Already at the very beginning of the game, the superhero essence of Spider is questioned: he upsets the complex balance of crime in New York, because of which the streets are flooded with robbers and other antisocial personalities. Jameson carefully informs us about this, in parallel, in his usual manner, blaming Spider-Man for everything.

And, most interestingly, he often turns out to be right. Spider-Man is reckless, from time to time he acts without thinking about the consequences, and then hastily corrects everything. Of course, there is no superhero deconstruction here, as in "Man of Steel" and "Batman v Superman", but Spider still has a hard time.

Every minute he is forced to choose between saving people and his personal life, and this is directly reflected in the gameplay. Crimes are constantly happening somewhere: cars are stolen, bandits shoot at someone, punks take money from law-abiding citizens. But at the same time, Mary Jane is calling Peter Parker for dinner, or Aunt May, who works at a homeless shelter, asks for help.

Of course, no one forces you to sort out the riots in the city - it seems to be the duty of the police. But can you just go about your business, while somewhere below a stranger needs your help? Marvel's Spider-Man constantly appeals to your conscience, and sometimes it is very difficult to refuse it. This is the essence of a superhero - you constantly have to choose between life and work. Insomniac perfectly reflects this inner conflict of Spider-Man. But over time, history wrapped in a knot, and things only get more complicated.

Alas, this is just a gimmick: Mary Jane will not cancel dinner if you suddenly decide to do side quests and catch criminals all night long, so the choice is not entirely fair. However, the brain is easily deceived, and you still get worried when you dive at a gang of robbers, while story quest something important is happening. People will not save themselves after all.

As promised in Insomniac, a lot of attention is paid to the life of Spider-Man in Peter Parker's shoes - he goes to work (though somehow he does little useful, but that's okay), helps Aunt May with a shelter, builds relationships with Mary Jane and in parallel fights crime.

However, although Peter Parker adds an already deep history of drama, he still remains on the sidelines. Marvel's Spider-Man is primarily a game about Spider-Man, but anyway it is a big step forward for superhero games. And for movies too. Marvel films simply do not have enough timing to adequately reveal the human essence of their heroes. and the viewer with popcorn can get bored. But Marvel's Spider-Man lasts 20-30 hours and can afford a leisurely narration, with all the nuances of Peter Parker's life.

Aunt May is amazing. Best Aunt in Video Games

Unforgotten old

Marvel's Spider-Man is old-fashioned. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. It has mechanics like from games of the last century: how do you like the idea of ​​climbing an elevator shaft, dodging falling debris? on "Sega" and "Dandy" before the final of the game.

Or a boss who needs to be avoided until he gets tired? Or stealth missions for Mary Jane, in which you need to drop carefully placed toolboxes to distract the enemy and get around from the other side?

The combat system is clearly based on what Rocksteady did, but it has been heavily modernized. First of all, because the Spider is many times faster than Batman, besides, he has a web. So besides conventional attacks and dodging, you can use the environment - for example, grab a fire extinguisher, scatter enemies with it and seal the most intrusive.

If you've played Batman Arkham, the combat system is easy to master. But this does not mean that the battles will be played playfully - the enemies always have something to surprise. A rocket in the face, for example

Arenas are usually spacious, so there is always room for maneuver. Gadgets also help: a web bomb, for example, can capture several opponents at once - this is especially true when there is a thug in the gang who blocks attacks, or criminals with shields. In the case of rooftop battles, the most correct tactic is generally to throw opponents overboard with powerful kicks.

However, the basis is still the combat system from Batman Arkham, which has become the standard for modern bitmaps.

But what about the towers that open up a host of side quests in the nearest location?

The formula for towers and related side quests was invented by Ubisoft, but over time, it moved further and further away from it. Marvel's Spider-Man, on the other hand, uses all the old Ubisoft developments to the fullest: a bunch of useless towers, a sea of ​​gathering tasks that eventually cover the entire map with icons.

Some third-party tasks also look illogical. IN a certain moment The spider stumbles upon Taskmaster (here he was translated as Brigadier), who has placed bombs throughout the city. Each area has its own test: you find a terminal, you defuse bombs in a while - everything is clear. This is just an optional activity. That is, explosives are scattered all over the city, which may just about explode, but it is not necessary to look for and neutralize it at all.

Do you feel dissonance? A gorgeous production, an emphasis on realism, a prescribed plot, better than in superhero films - and suddenly something like this. But there is also a quest to find escaped pigeons. The effect is sometimes even worse than from the eternally cheerful Drake, who kills people in batches.

There are many costumes. Everyone has their own skill, but once you open a suit, you can use its unique skill with any other

This irrepressible obsession with shoving as many activities as possible into open-world games and doing it at random without caring about the narrative is destructive. The greater the strength, the greater the responsibility. The cooler the setting and plot in the game, the more accurately the mechanics standard for the genre should be entered into the game.

But in Spider-Man, we see conventions like landmarks tokens that are sewn with white thread to the rest of the game. They are spent on pumping skills and costumes from different Marvel universes. Opening the naked Spider-Man costume takes a lot of time to grind.

Another thing is that you want to open all the costumes. This is a collectible, almost a basic need in the case of open world games. And a cool new suit from Tony Stark or "skin" from the animated series is a worthy reward for hours of grinding.

In short, Marvel's Spider-Man is also a wanker. Some will like it, some will not.

However, with all this, side quests are not particularly annoying. Well, unless you want to knock out platinum and collect all the Spider costumes. But if you want, you have to be ready to spend hours cleaning the neighborhoods - it’s better for the games haven’t come up with anything yet.

There are also fast movements, but during loading the game seems to mock you. Like, seriously? Do you prefer to take the subway instead of flying on a spider web through the gorgeous rendered New York, in which we have invested so much effort and money?

However, it seems that all the upcoming Sony exclusives are like that. And God of War, and, apparently, Days Gone. There is a possibility that The Last of Us: Part II. It's not just that they joke that all the last PlayStation games similar to each other - the way it is. But it's another matter entirely that Marvel's Spider-Man handles the new old trend gracefully - gently stimulating you to do side quests, but not making you do it.

Marvel's Spider-Man - definitely Best game about the superhero of all that were. Primarily because it makes you feel what it's like to be a hero who is forced to choose between saving people and personal life. And secondly, because it is perfectly staged, beautiful, well-developed and deep in plot. It is difficult even to imagine a person who will say that the game has failed. Jay Jonah Jameson Medal to him, in that case.

On the one hand, I would like to call Marvel's Spider-Man a natural stage about Spider-Man in the open world. Spider-Man on the first PlayStation, Ultimate Spider-Man, Web of Shadows from 2008 - and now a game from Insomniac. there seems to be no breakthrough in it - everything that was before is only twenty times cooler, with an emphasis on the plot and an excellent production.

How Spider-Man appeared is known to everyone. Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. After which he discovered new abilities in himself. Then his uncle Ben dies and he decides to start fighting criminals on his own, engaging in battles with villains. Most of all developers use this period of the hero's life for games. However, the last part based on comics allows you to get acquainted with the "adult" Spider. Today you have the opportunity to read the review.

The protagonist of Marvel's Spider-Man is already an experienced fighter, fighting for his idea, because he understands the burden of responsibility that rests on him. His relationship with the rest of the characters turned out to be an important part of the gameplay. new game often you have to play as other heroes in order to cover the events of the storyline as best as possible.

Game plot "Spiderman 2018"

For the plot of the last part of Spiderman was taken the 3rd volume of comics " The amazing Spider Man"From Dan Slott, who at the same time developed the script for the novelty. His aunt is an employee of a homeless shelter owned by the mysterious businessman Martin Lee (the antagonist). Needless to say, Insomniac used this line as a starting point, since there are several directions for the development of events here. And all this is at the discretion of the player.

Gamers will need to visit all the nooks and crannies open world, constantly listen to the secret thoughts of Parker, talk with the rest of the characters and engage in scientific research. In addition, the developers have provided the opportunity to play as Mary Jane, who is conducting her investigation. Missions with her participation are held in stealth mode. In addition, the heroine also develops her skills and as she progresses it will become more interesting to play for her. Moreover, the phased disclosure of the sides of the girl's personality makes the game as a whole multifaceted.

The narrative played almost the most important role in the project. Due to certain events, the denouement can completely change, and the actions of the participants have different consequences, seriously affecting the further gameplay. For example, in the end, Spider-Man will need to be in several different locations and the ending depends on his choice. Also, the creators added several situations when even his unique abilities will not help the main character.

Game process

The authors of the project set a huge bar for the campaign, but this is not observed in the side tasks. The superhero will have the opportunity to show his skills, the art of fighting and the skill of stealthy movement. so, he will need to catch pigeons, save classified information or stabilize the pressure of the gas pipeline. It looks amazing, because in the plot he needs to solve more important problems. In any case, such tasks are also important, as they provide an opportunity to rest after difficult missions.
As you progress through the game, Spiderman increases his level by receiving tokens to buy suits, upgrades or gadgets.

Probably the most interesting are "mission challenges", where you need to increase your records for the sake of mining tokens.
An incomprehensible element may seem to be the condition of revealing the card with the use of towers. Initially, Spider-Man is poorly oriented in the city where he lived since birth. To open Manhattan, he needs to activate the towers (so you can connect to the police radio waves to get information about the criminals).

Traveling through the city labyrinths with the help of a spider web is interesting and easy. It doesn't take long to master this technique. When making flights, the player should take into account the terrain (Central Park or Manhattan skyscrapers). Those interested can pump Peter and perform long jumps, allowing you to get into hard-to-reach terrain, get acquainted with the location in detail or unexpectedly meet opponents. Animation of movements, effects and speed of movement of Parker is admirable. Most often it looks unusually colorful. A flight deceleration function is available, allowing the player to properly launch the web for the next support.

Combat system

The battles here are in many ways reminiscent of The Arkham Asylum, where the protagonist can simultaneously destroy a crowd of opponents. Here enemies will meet, able to disable the Spider with a couple of blows. So before starting a battle, you should look in detail in the world for the necessary gadgets or learn new skills. Fighting, Parker needs to use different techniques, perform combinations and use superpowers. The creators did not forget to add a series of hits to complete the battle, so any encounter looks like the first time.

The bosses are also beautifully designed, and the confrontation with them is more like chaos. To save your life from the very beginning, you will need to move more and look out for the weak points of enemies. Most of them are not hard to find, though. In other words, the game was able to reproduce the fighting skills of Spiderman as closely as possible. He will have to gain victories through cunning and dexterity instead of using brute force.


While some flaws were found here, the Insomniac project is the best transfer of the comic to the game screens today. The authors were able to work out well the personality and behavior of Peter Parker, as well as his friends. This allows you to further reveal the storyline.

Fans will love the opportunity to complete multiple quests as the rest of New Yorkers, not just Parker. In addition to clashes with bosses, it offers a large city to explore, fantastic flights over skyscrapers, the passage of an exciting campaign, as well as many funny and interesting secondary tasks. Even those who are skeptical about the game based on comics, the project can take over.

Who can make an almost perfect game about a super-man in tights, if not the creators of the bright Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive? So Marvel and Sony thought so.

While superheroes dominate the box office, fans of interactive entertainment have to replay the trilogy and the prequel Batman: Arkham and fight in multiplayer Injustice... After the success of DC projects, apparently, Marvel decided to also try to take market share. This led to the formation of the Marvel gaming universe, the first in which will be Spiderman.

The writers decided not to take comics or films as a basis, so Mary Janey is a journalist here.

The absence of a subheading plays into the hands Spider-man... Although the game can get lost in the search results, its name speaks for itself: this is a game about Spider-Man and no one else. Yes, there are no Avengers and other heroes here, but there are many villains and other iconic characters who are inextricably linked with Peter Parker.

Insomniac Games decided not to show the formation of the hero again, so here Peter is no longer a schoolboy and has been patrolling the streets of New York for almost 10 years. This plot element helps not only common history but also the gameplay - no one will have any questions about why Spider-Man is so strong. But still a much more important consequence of this is history. Peter's relationship with Mary Jane, who is a journalist here, plays a big role in revealing the character of the local Spider..

Peter Parker is not seriously different from his fellow movies and comics. In many ways, he sounds like the Sam Raimi version. The character of Tobey Maguire is literally read in dialogues, habits and decisions. And the fact that Peter in the game really looks like a graduate without a dollar in his pocket makes him incredibly alive. He also jokes a lot and often, and jokes often make you smile. Even the Russian localization did not spoil Parker's remarks - it is recorded perfectly (you can say that it is perfect), which cannot be said about the other characters.

You can rate the voice acting higher.

Localization can be criticized for the strange translation of some characters, strange emotions and not always suitable voices. Nevertheless, it is pleasant to play in Russian. The voice acting does not cut the ear, allowing you to completely immerse yourself in the local world.

We are provided with a decent open area available immediately for exploration. There are many secondary tasks and they are varied. What's cool is that some of them offer some kind of original mechanics that are not in the story missions. For example, in one branch you need to chase pigeons, in another - find a place from a photograph.

There are puzzles. But simple.

Some missions, apart from clearing the Sobol or Kingpin bases, do not lag behind the main ones at all. Another thing is that the rest, associated with stripping and gathering, at some point get bored with cleaning the prostate map.

But what is interesting to do even after twenty hours - to fly on the web. The movement mechanics are so perfect that you just don't want to use fast movements (in addition, while traveling around the city, heroes contact you, and JJ Jameson broadcasts on the radio). By pumping the hero, new opportunities open up in flights, for example, you can strongly push off the ledge, pulling yourself up with a web, or perform tricks, getting additional character level increases.

People love the Spider.

The Spider's combat skills can also be upgraded. To unlock, new techniques are available that allow you to effectively deal with bandits. But even without improvements, the hero is able to fight back, and game process does not get boring. The spider is able to pull objects with a web, throwing them at enemies, as well as this very web to "fetter" enemies. Interestingly, if the enemy has few lives left and he is standing near the wall, a spider web shot rides him to the building. And such small details, like the very fact of the presence of the cobweb, strongly distinguish battles from the series. Batman: Arkham... Played Spider-man completely different from the Rocksteady project.

Speaking of Batman. There is also stealth in the Marvel project. A spider can quietly pull up enemies while on a lamppost, knock out and, using gadgets, knock out the onlooker. Among the gadgets there are quite interesting ones: a bomb, which immediately disarms the enemy, and a spider drone, which distracts onlookers. The enemies here are not as smart as in "Batman" though stealth itself is pretty interesting.

Some bosses require active movement around the location, and this is very cool. But not all battles with the leaders are interesting.

Various costumes complement the gameplay. There are 27 of them in total, and almost everyone has some kind of bonus. So, the noir suit prevents the call for reinforcements, and the suit from the movie "Spider-Man: Homecoming" allows you to call in a drone for help. And, of course, the costumes can also be modified by choosing additional "goodies".

The technical part is performed at a high level. If you look at a static frame, the graphics look good, without any "wow moments" and other things. But as soon as you take a gamepad and start flying over the city, you realize how beautifully everything is done. But much more important is the design of everything and everyone. The latter not only plays into the hands of the gameplay, but also the overall impression of spending time in this world. In general, the graphics are dragging - and this is a fact.

There are not very many shoals in the game. Without the patch of the first day in 30 hours (the plot takes 12-15 hours), I did not face any serious problems. Once PS4 crashed with an error, but situations that had to be restarted with control point, did not have. It happened that the characters did not open their mouths during dialogues, but this only applies to secondary tasks. There were no sagging frames per second at all.

This picture is given by a regular PlayStation 4.

We should also mention flights on the web. In the first video, they were the ones who impressed the most, and it was hard to believe that they were so cinematic. And to be honest, even after several tens of hours spent in the game, I am still impressed by this mechanic. The hero moves so smoothly, really "clinging" to various objects that you believe it. This is also largely due to the excellent animation, which manages to work out the actions even if you do something stupid. Here one can only praise the studio.

About Spiderman you can talk a lot. This is big game, which is as friendly as possible to all players, and because of this, there are a lot of impressions from her. It is understandable, but complex in mechanics - and this attracts. Insomniac Games will do the painstaking manual work where the rest do everything on a knurled basis. Is not perfect game about superheroes, but she's incredibly close.