Interesting facts about rare coins. Interesting facts about the ruble. What does the name mean

The coin is one of the names of Juno, which meant the "advisor". Ancient Roman workshops on the chasing money were just near the temple of the goddess. Very soon they became so called. By the way, to the English Word "Money" denoting any cash, it has a direct relationship.

If you submit a million dollars with numbers in a bank account, but in a specific expression - one-charged coins - its weight will be approximately 246 tons.

The most ancient coin in the world detected by archaeologists is considered to be Stater found in place of Lydia. The material for it was the electro-existing gloss of gold with silver in nature. Experts date it with the fifth century BC.

In Japan, the bells of the world are cast from coins, and their children collect.

A woman just appeared on a monetary unit of states. It was Martha Washington, depicted on a silver dollar.

The first Russian coin was a scenario: he was released at the end of the 10th - early 11th century at Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

The hardest coin in " Russian Empire"- Imperial - was produced by the permissions of Catherine second and weighed more than 11 kilograms. And the biggest one was made on behalf of her thesis, Catherine first. The copper ruble of the square shape weighed more than one and a half kilos, and its parties were equal to 18 cm.

And yet, the hardest coin in the world was cast out of the stone on the island of Yap. She weighs five tons.

For the word "kopeck" we must say Thanks to Ivan Grozny. She was writing a knight with a spear, and called this money "Kopeynaya". So she has the most direct attitude.

In the USSR, for all the years of its existence, only one was released gold coin - Soviet Chervonets.

One of the most unusual coins In the world - Russian zero rubles. The nominal value of this money is really zero. And was released a very limited party: 50 pieces.

One of the curiosities was associated with the Estonian crown released immediately after the collapse of the USSR - in 1991. Estonian emigrants who moved to Germany on permanent residences, noticed that their native money, which is actually eight times cheaper than the German brand, fully correspond to it by weight and quality of the alloy. This random hit turned out to be so accurate that the German automata solding cigarettes and beer did not feel any difference. Their owners matched the wrong only when the cars were covered with Estonian crowns.

In New Zealand, a two-dollar coin with an image of this weapon was released to the anniversary of the invention of the Kalashnikov machine.

The famous guitarist Brian Mei has always used a six-weeks instead of the mediator and said that she removes a special sound from the string. After stopping the release of six-weeks in 1970, in 1993 the Royal Mint of Britain made a special batch for Maja.

A sufficiently long history of the existence of money has accumulated in about Russian money in quantities, comparable to a total volume similar information worldwide. The first interesting facts about money in Russia refer to the time of the formation of the state.

1. Name "Kopeika" It came to us since the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when coins were printed with his portrait and spear, which he commanded to call "spear money."

2. Earlier there were no paper billsThere were only metal money. In the time of Lomonosov, an interesting fact occurred: when he was given a premium in 2000 rubles, the total weight of this premium was almost a ton, so he had to hire a cart with the workers to take his money home.

3. The Russian coin - semi-money (half) is recognized as the smallest weight and raid in the world. She equated to ¼ penny, and weighed 0.17 g.

4. The largest silver coin in size was minted during the reign of Catherine I in 1725. Its size was 18 per 18 centimeters, the thickness of 5 millimeters. She had a serious weight: 1 kilogram 636 grams.

5. In the history of modern Russia the largest silver coin Weight of 3 kilograms was released in 1999.

6. Imperial, released during the Board of Catherine II, was the most severe Russian gold coin. Its nominal value was equal to 10 rubles, and the weight was 11.61 grams.

7. The most interesting material for money was the skin of the seal. The Russian-American company at the beginning of the 19th century released 10 thousand monetary units in the amount of 42 thousand rubles. Until 1826, this money was in circulation. Interestingly, at the moment one of these coins costs as much as a piece of gold equal to it by weight.

8. The most expensive Russian coins are annually produced by the Central Bank. They weigh 1 kg and differ from gold. Their nominal value is only 10 thousand rubles.

9. In Russia, in the early 18th century was released square copper ruble With the parties of 20 cm and weighing 1.4 kg

10. The most unnecessary money was released in Russia after the death of Tsar Alexander I. Even before the coronation, a Paria coin was minted with a portrait of the senior heir to Konstantin, who refused the throne in favor of Nicholas and the circulation was sent to the smelter.

11. One interesting fact was with a Soviet gold coin - Chervonets was produced from 1923 until the 80s and was the only solid currency in the history of Soviet Russia.

12. In 1897, Russia at the initiative of Finance Minister S.Yu. Witte almost lost the ruble as a monetary unit. He offered to enter a new currency with the name "Rus" or "Rus".

13. In 1704 Russia, the first in the world equated one coin to 100 other, by assessing the ruble in 100 kopecks. We were in this first and this is a fact.

14. Statistics: more than 92% of Russians keep money at home in cash currency. On average, each Russian family holds at home 860. At the same time, 77% of families are worried about the preservation of their cash savings, because according to statistics in Russia every 3.5 minutes, apartment theft occurs.

15. The Book of Records of Russia claims that our domestic "Storublevka", which depicts a large theater, the sexiest bill in the world!

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In our world, money constantly appear. In any country, in any currency and in any form, be it paper or metal money, but only thanks to them we can purchase something.

We want to introduce you closer to one of the money options, with coins. And so some interesting facts about coins.

The information will be interesting both to experienced numismatists and novice treasures that first took the metal detector first and went to a cop in the field.

1 In the history of Athens was a coin, for which more than 300 thousand dollars at auction gave.

2 B. Ancient ChinaEven before our era, they poured coins with various forms, not only as we used to see round. Thus were created coins in the form of knives, bells, keys, etc.

3 There was a miniature coin, the weight of which was only 0.17 grams. There was such a thing in Russia and equated only to 1/4 kopecks.

4 In the struggle for the "beauty", the Mexican coin was defeated, which is decorated with the National Coat of Arms Mexico and the Aztec calendar.

5 In 2011, the world was able to see the coin, the mass of which is more than a ton, and it is made by more than 99% of gold. They poured such a bullfin in Australia, in Perth. It is equal to 1 million Austrian dollars, and its price itself is more than 54 million American dollars.

6 Do you know that coins can act not only as money, but also "judge" the quality of alcohol? In Germany, residents are so tasting beer. They put the coin on the foam and, if it does not go to the bottom of the glass, then beer an excellent quality.

7 In 1740, a coin was existed in Nepal, whose weight was 0.002 grams. They made it from other coins, larger.

8 Do you know that the word "penny" exists thanks to Iwan Grozny? On silver money, the prince was depicted with a spear, and Grozny created a decree, which should be supposed that such coins should be called "a penny".

9 Coins also serve as a faith for many nations. So, for example, the Americans from the first salaries leave the dollar on happiness, the Germans make holes in coins and wear on the neck in the form of a culon, but the Russians throw a coin-other in the sea to return back in the favorite place.

10 Contemporary coins are created not only to be able to pay for purchases, but also in order for it to be a rarity and an expensive product, thanks to which you can create auctions and all kinds of "purchase" events. Take a look at yourself on the mezzanine, maybe there you will find what has the price of more than a million. Not rubles, of course.

In our world, money constantly appear. In any country, in any currency and in any form, be it paper or metal money, but only thanks to them we can purchase something.

We want to introduce you closer to one of the money options, with coins. Some interesting facts about coins.

one). In the history of Athens was a coin for which more than 300 thousand dollars at auction gave.

2). In ancient China, even before our era, they poured coins with various forms, not only as we used to see round. Thus were created coins in the form of knives, bells, keys, etc.

3). There was a miniature coin, the weight of which was only 0.17 grams. There was such a thing in Russia and equated only to 1/4 kopecks.

Money and coins have a property suddenly end, everyone knows. So it was before, so there is now. But what to take just a loan, then the loan design on bail will be much more profitable (it also concerns the interest rate), does not take much time in comparison with any other monetary duty operations. Follow the link and make sure everything is drawn up literally for 30 minutes.

four). In the struggle for the "beauty", the Mexican coin was defeated, which is decorated with the National Coat of Arms Mexico and the Aztec calendar.

five). In 2011, the world was able to see the coin, the mass of which is more than a ton, and it is made by more than 99% of gold. They poured such a bullfin in Australia, in Perth.

It is equal to 1 million Austrian dollars, and its price itself is more than 54 million American dollars.

6). Do you know that coins can act not only as money, but also "judge" the quality of alcohol? In Germany, residents are so tasting beer. They put the coin on the foam and, if it does not go to the bottom of the glass, then beer an excellent quality.

7). In 1740, a coin existed in Nepal, the weight of which was 0.002 grams. They made it from other coins, larger.

eight). Do you know that the word "penny" exists thanks to Ivan Grozny? On silver money, the prince was depicted with a spear, and Grozny created a decree, which should be supposed that such coins should be called "a penny".

nine). Coins also serve as a faith for many nations. So, for example, the Americans from the first salaries leave the dollar on happiness, the Germans make holes in coins and wear on the neck in the form of a culon, but the Russians throw a coin-other in the sea to return back in the favorite place.

10). Modern coins are created not only to be able to pay for purchases, but also in order for it to be a rarity and an expensive product, thanks to which you can create auctions and all kinds of "purchase" events. Take a look at yourself on the mezzanine, maybe there you will find what has the price of more than a million. Not rubles, of course.

The coin "100,000" faith released in 2004 in Austria.

Other interesting facts about coins can be found on the web page web pages.

I offer you interesting facts about the ruble, which is a modern currency Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, and Transnistria.

The Russian ruble is also walking in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In the past, the ruble had a walk in the Russian republics and principalities: the Great Principality of the Moscow, Russian Kingdom, the Russian Empire, RSFSR (1917-1923), the Soviet Union (1923-1991).

After the collapse of the USSR, the ruble had a walk in Latvia (1992-1993), Ukraine (1991-1992), Tajikistan (1995-2000).

1. The first references to the ruble is found in the Novgorod Beresian diploma at the endXIII. century. The ruble was a silver ingot of up to 20 cm long, and weighing about 200 grams that cut off the hryvnia.

2 . The first symbol of the ruble appeared inXVIIa century and was used until the middle of the XIX century, he was written over the sum or next to it, to which he treated. The symbol was the intersection of the letters P and y, and the p was rotated 90 ° counterclockwise.

3. In 1704, Russia first in the world conducted decimalization, that is, equated one coin to 100 others (1 ruble to 100 kopecks).

4 . Everyone got used to the "Chervonets" is 10 rubles. However, initially this name was applied to gold coins, a denomination of 3 rubles, which were issued after the reform of 1701. The modern concept occurred from the Soviet Gold Chervonets "The Sewer" released in 1923.

5. In 1897, Russia almost lost the ruble as a monetary unit. And all due to the fact that Minister of Finance S.Yu. Witte offered to enter a new currency with the name "Rus" or "Rus".

6. After the 1961 reform, the Soviet was provided with gold and equal to 0.987412 grams of gold, but there was no possibility to exchange rubles for gold. Currently, the ruble has no gold equivalent.

7. In the mid-1990s, many Muscovites received strange proposals on the phone, to acquire an ordinary banknote in the amount of 5 times higher than the nominal. Many agreed to this proposal, since the banknote number corresponded to the seven-wing telephone number of the buyer.

8 . There are monuments to the Russian ruble, they are established in Tomsk at the Novoborovaya Square, and in Dimitrovgrad in Square Square. But Estonians went even further, and set the ruble gravestone.

9 . The costs of producing Russian coins to 5 rubles exceed the denomination of these coins. For example, in order to calculate the coin with a face value of 5 kopecks, it is necessary to spend 71 kopecks.

10 . The banknote in 100 rubles with the image of the Bolshoi Theater is the sexiest bill in the world! So approve the book of records.

11. In Russia, Ruberoid is made from old money. Experts claim that it serves much longer.

12 . According to experts, in a few years in Russia, the share of five thousandth nominal bills will be 15% of all banknotes.