Folk games and entertainment in ancient China. Games People Play. The girls' favorite hobbies and toys are

Modern children spend less and less time on the street when fresh air... For them modern games do not seem as interesting as they did to their parents. With the advent of the computer era, children are more willing to play computer games rather than outdoor games. However, it does not apply too much to Chinese children, who continue to play a variety of national yard games. It should be noted that Chinese children do not hesitate to purchase various elements in order for their logical - free games have become more perfect. Similar stores with play attributes in the Middle Kingdom are located almost at every turn, and most children can afford them. Educators notice that the more extraneous elements are present in the game, the more it is fascinating.

One of the most common Chinese games is Catch the Dragon's Tail. This game is not fully suitable for Russia and European countries, since in our countries children rarely gather in a company of more than ten people. In China, on the contrary, usually ten or more people participate in yard games. However, such a game is perfect for a holiday or birthday - an adequate number of people in this case is guaranteed. By the way, it does not require any extraneous things and elements. The essence of the game is simple: children initially form a row and build one after another, after which they put their hand on the right shoulder of the one who is in front of them. With the help of a lot, the tail is chosen - the person standing at the end of the row and the head - the person standing at the beginning. The point of the game is that the head must catch its tail. The body of the "dragon" is in motion and, accordingly, complicates the task of the head. Gradually, children change roles, and everyone can feel like a "dragon". Overall very fun and active play, suitable for any company. In China, it is wildly popular for lack of electronic entertainment.

Another game popular among Chinese kids is "Yes zrr", which can be played with a small number of people.

This game requires a certain toolkit - two sticks 70 cm long and 10 cm long. A 70 cm stick is a kind of bat. The second, 10 cm long, should be pointed at both ends.

On the ground or asphalt, you need to draw a square, each side should be at least one and a half meters.

The "club" is given to one of the players, and the "stick" 10 cm long is placed in a square. The player with the club hits the stick and it takes off, and the moment it is in the air, the player must hit it again and throw it as far as possible. The second player from the place where the "stick" is located must throw it as accurately as possible into the square. If he succeeds, he gets a point. The rules are usually regulated depending on the wishes of the participants.

All over the world, children and adults play games, cans, stones, slippers, old socks, wheels are used ...

Bank and slippers

In the Philippines, the game Tumbang Preso is popular, a bit similar to our towns: a team of players, armed with their own shoes, tries to hit a tin can, being 5-6 m before it. One man stands by the bank and guards it, covering it with his shoe. If the can is knocked down, the "guard" must quickly return it to the circle, while everyone else runs for shoes and they can be brushed as soon as the can is in place, or they can capture someone else's shoe by stepping on it and the can at the same time. There is a similar game in neighboring Malaysia.

Through thorns

Another traditional game for Filipinos is Luksong-tinik, which translates as "jump over the thorns of the plant." Two participants sit on the floor, connect the soles and depict thorns, the rest must jump over without hitting the obstacle.

Rubber band

In Asia, our favorite game of rubber bands has not been forgotten. It is called the Chinese Garter, but it is more popular in the Philippines than in China. Children jump with a turn and so masterly that what is happening sometimes resembles a dance. Young people compete in high jumps, the top of the art is to jump over an elastic band stretched between the necks of your comrades. Rubber band games are also popular among African children.

Chinese checkers

The traditional entertainment of Chinese men is xiangqi, somewhat reminiscent of chess. Tournaments are often held on street benches, with everyone from young people to old people playing.


In Ghana, children play in twos or in a group a game of songs, clapping and jumping Ampe: the leader starts jumping and, upon landing, throws one leg forward. Each of the team in turn repeats the movements and, depending on which leg puts out - right or left, gets points and a chance to become a leader.


While the children jump and run, the adults sit behind board games mancala: in a special sequence, they put multi-colored stones on the holes: whoever has more, he won. According to legend, this game originated in Africa, when two caravans stopped in an oasis to water camels and drovers to pass the time, dug holes in the sand, took grain and came up with rules that have survived to this day.

World Games

Wheel and stick

Rolling a wheel with a stick is a game with a long history: children and young people played it Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantium, in China it existed for 1000 years BC. e. Back in the 19th century, little residents of Europe, Asia, Africa and America had fun with hoops. Now this simple game is played in Africa, India and Malaysia.

Kicking the shuttlecock

Kicking the shuttle or the ball is an international youth game common in America, Europe and Asia, known as different names... Its prototype is ancient chinese game jianzi (Jiànzi), which originated in the 5th century BC. e. In China, the game has not only survived to this day, but has also become a national sport. Not only children, but also adults are happy to kick balls in parks, squares and markets in anticipation of buyers. There are several jianzi options: a duel between two players, in a circle like team play as well as through the mesh.


In America, a similar game appeared in 1972 in Oregon, receiving the name T-shirt, or Hack The Sack. A small soft ball is used as a shuttlecock. The game came to Russia in the early 90s, it was called a sox - often the ball was made from a sock and stuffed with cereals. Central Asia, including Kazakhstan, has existed for centuries similar game langa: instead of a shuttlecock, a piece of goat or sheep skin with a piece of lead sewn to it is used.

Marble balls

Another one in between folk game- marbles, marble, or clicker, in Afghanistan - Tushla bazi, in Malaysia - guli. Children from prosperous countries like America, Canada, Australia also love to play with colored marble balls. The rules are simple: a circle is drawn on the sand or ground, a small hole is made in the center, the players move back a distance and try to get into the hole, in another version - knock out the opponent's balls outside the circle. Archaeologists suggest that the game came from Pakistan, as the earliest balls of stone and clay were found at the Mohenjo-Daro site. Many centuries have passed, and boys all over the world continue to fight for "treasures", filling their pockets, and growing up become collectors of "marble".

Street games in China originated in ancient times and became widespread throughout the country for many centuries to come. Interestingly, many of them are the forefathers of modern sports. Often, the games used items that did not require special skill in manufacturing: wooden spools, sandbags, pebbles, sticks. Many of the games that will be discussed later persist to this day in remote, usually relatively poor areas of China. Historically, girls have barely participated in street games... They had their own, verbal entertainment, which could be played without being distracted from sewing and household chores.

Swallow game

There is another name for this entertainment - "Chicken Game". Gained popularity during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In one of the books of that time, you can read a legend: a long time ago, a wandering monk from the Shaolin monastery arrived in Luoyang. During one of his walks through the streets of the city, he noticed a 12-year-old boy. He tossed the shuttlecock 500 times on each leg, never dropping it to the ground. The tomboy made a living with this attraction, entertaining spectators on the streets of the city. The monk was so impressed by the boy's abilities that he immediately invited him to his study. Since then, the game has gained unprecedented popularity. It was believed that thanks to the skill of the feet, one could get into the Shaolin disciples. Over time, other varieties of it appeared: a pair for a couple, four for four, etc. The goal, however, remained unchanged: to toss the shuttlecock, without dropping it to the ground, for the longest time. The swallow game reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). We can say that at that time they played swallow in all corners of China. She gained such popularity also because she could be played with the whole family. The swallow is still popular among the elderly, who often play it in city parks. Entertainment has long become an integral part of Chinese culture, which is why many songs, poems and even paintings have survived about this game. This is truly the people's game of China.

Playing kunzhu (yo-yo), or juggling diabolo

The appearance of the game is associated with the period of the Three Kingdoms (220 - 280). It was then that the first mentions of the poet CaoZhi about “ great game yo-yo". The children's song "Oh yo-yo" has even survived from the Ming Dynasty. All this only proves once again that the game of gongju has a long history. It was during the Ming dynasty that the first rules and attributes (actually, yo-yos) were developed for this entertainment, which were made of bamboo or wood. The yo-yo is shaped like a hollow coil, on the sides of which small holes are made, they can be from 4 to 6. There are embedded wooden blocks to produce a yo-yo-like sound while spinning. The player pulls the rope on two sticks, lifts the reel over his head and throws it up. The aim of the game is to spin the reel faster and longer than other opponents. In a game that contributed physical development toddlers and reaction rates, children of all ages participated.

Fight for the crickets

In the original version, the game was called "autumn battle" or "autumn mood". In the ancient spelling, the hieroglyph "autumn" resembles the image of a cricket. The second reason for this name is due to the fact that crickets live only in the fall and only 100 days. It was during this period that a serious struggle was played out among peasant families. The game appeared during the Tang Dynasty. In the books of those years, there is even a mention of the fact that one of the emperor's concubines every night before going to bed put a live cricket under the pillow. Entire families organized competitions to catch these chirping insects. Every evening they got together and counted the number of "artifacts" caught. It is not difficult to guess that the winner was the family that caught the most crickets.


This entertainment is considered one of the forerunners of football. During the Hancuju dynasty, it was included in the list of martial arts. This type of physical activity developed agility, endurance and dexterity, and first became widespread in the imperial army. Later the game "came out" to the masses and they began to play it in every yard. It all started with a story that happened to the emperor of the Han Dynasty Liu Bang. He did not deny himself the pleasures, and all day long he watched the performances of musicians and dancers. But nothing made an impression on him, life ceased to please, and the days seemed insipid. The blues overcame him. Then his great-grandfather told him about his favorite hobbies: cockfighting and tsuju. Liuban not only became interested in the game, but later became a first-class player. It was during his reign that the game became widespread at court. At the same time, Cuju is becoming the favorite game of the lower strata of the population. Liubang even obliged every resident of China to be able to play Cuju and know its rules.

During the game, you need to not only score a goal for the opposing team, but also have time to show the mastery of ball control with the help of arms, legs or head. The main difference from modern football is that Tsujue has never had a wide goal. Instead, a ball hole was pulled out in the ground. It was in her that the ball should have hit. There were no "gentlemanly" rules at all, and therefore pushing and tripping were only welcomed.

Tug of war

The fun, known to this day, originated more than 2400 years ago. At that time, the Chubylo kingdom was known far beyond its borders with a powerful army and ships. Military clashes mainly took place on the water. Then a weapon was invented for capturing the retreating enemy ship - a hook on a strong rope. When the enemy was defeated and intended to hide in the endless waters, the military threw a hook on the ship and dragged it towards them. Later on the shore, they often spoke loudly about the events of the day and depicted "throwing a lasso." And so the idea of ​​tug of war came about. The first military competitions appeared. But the game quickly spread to the populace. During the Tang Dynasty, a bamboo stick was pulled over. Then they began to use a rope about 16 meters long. The tug of war attracted thousands of spectators. There are mentions that even foreigners who come to China enjoyed attending such events. And on the streets of cities simple boys competed with each other.


This national ball game dates back to the Tang Dynasty. Before starting the game, you need to split into teams. Each player has a stick in his hands with which to hit the ball. The goal is simple - to get into the enemy's gate. Entertainment vaguely resembles modern hockey. Under the dynasty, Sunigra turns into a sport. Trainers appear, teaching the game with early age, competitions are held. Over time, the game becomes not a team, but a pair. Chuiwan was especially popular with children (of all ages).

"The eagle caught a chicken"

This game has several names: "yellow hawk eating chicken", "weasel eating chicken", and in Cantonese - "eagle grabs chickens." The exact time of the appearance of the game is unknown, but the first mentions go back to the time of the Ming dynasty. it fun entertainment, assuming a large number of participants.

One player becomes an eagle, his task is to grab and pull out a chicken. The rest of the players are "attached" to each other in a row. The first person in the row is the chicken, the rest are chickens. The chicken's job is to protect the chickens from the eagle. The chick that got pulled out is not involved in further game... Only in the next round will he be able to "return to duty." This outdoor fun perfectly developed endurance and supported physical activity, because I had to run so much! Children of all ages took part in it.

Tossing a sandbag

Another traditional Chinese game is tossing a tiny sandbag. In order to play the "bag", it was necessary to sew several rags into one in the form small pocket, pour sand in the middle and sew it up. We played outdoors in a large company. Players are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other at a certain distance. The order is determined. The first team throws a sandbag at the opposite team. If the bag hits someone, he must shout: "Dead!" The adjacent player picks up the bag and throws it back. And the one who turned out to be "dead" goes to another team. The team that managed to get more players wins. The game is popular among all ages to this day.

Glass marbles game

The entertainment is primordially popular among boys. Small holes are dug in the ground, where pebbles are placed. Whoever fills all the holes faster than anyone else wins. In wealthier families, children used special glass beads. Children from poor families used balls of iron and clay. There was another way of playing. They put a ball on the ground and tried to hammer it into the hole with another ball from a distance of several meters. Sometimes one big hole was pulled out, where the "targets" were hammered. The most accurate one won.

Most of the time, children in China are busy with their studies, which starts at eight in the morning and ends at eight in the evening.

The brain of a Chinese child continuously absorbs an endless stream of information and this stimulates its development. The task of the stream of knowledge absorbing the child is to ensure the child a prosperous future in the conditions of fierce competition in the Middle Kingdom. The slogan of Chinese childhood: "Study always - study everywhere!"
At the end of each school day, the kids will have homework, which is a kind of entertainment for them (at least that's what they call it).

Doing homework is a mandatory process and there is simply no such thing as "not doing" in a child's head. The system develops in the Chinese "Frames and borders" from the earliest times, and this completely forms the picture of their thinking in adulthood.

In this article, we want to tell you what the children of the Celestial Empire are fond of, which is most popular among the younger generation of the Mao Zedong people.

After chatting with more 500 Chinese children aged from 5 to 12 years old, you can sum up some statistics of their hobbies.

So, for example, boys cannot live peacefully without such things as:

1. Constructor "LEGO"
2. The game "MineCraft"

3. Comics about mysterious "purely Chinese" superheroes

4. Watch phone

5. iPad

6. Collecting miniature robots, soldiers

Favorite hobbies and toys girls are:

2. Collecting Stickers

3. Dancing

4. Playing a musical instrument

5. Books about princesses

Catch the dragon by the tail!

"Catch the Dragon by the Tail" is very similar to our popular "Snake". This game is best played big company(from 8-10 people). Participants stand behind each other and place their right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front. The first player in the chain is the head of the dragon, and the player at the end is the tail of the raptor.

A chain of players follows the head as it tries to catch the tail. At the same time, the participants who are closest to the tail try with all their might to prevent the presenter from reaching the last player. If the dragon still manages to "bite" itself by the tail, then the participant who is the last in the chain runs forward and becomes a new head.

Chinese badminton

This version of the game differs from ordinary badminton in that it is played not with rackets, but with feet, and instead of a shuttlecock, a cardboard or foam circle with large feathers stuck into it is used. The participants in the game take turns starting to fill the circle with their feet. The player who hits the shuttle the most times wins.

Lame chicken

Participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which is given 10 sticks 20-25 cm long. One of the team members places sticks at a distance of 40 cm from each other using a ladder (i.e. 2 such ladders are needed for the game).

The players stand one after another and take turns jumping up the ladder on one leg. The task of each of the participants is to jump over all the sticks in turn without touching them. If the player goes all the way without making mistakes, he, without getting up on the second leg, takes the last stick, jumps back and puts the stick near the beginning of the ladder. After that, the participant again begins to "climb" the stairs and picks up the ninth stick from the bottom. This is repeated until the player has collected all the "steps".

Then the next participant comes into play. He lays out the sticks again and starts jumping over them. The game continues until all players of one of the teams have passed the relay.

"Yes spr"

This outdoor game is played outside. You can play with the whole family.

You will need two sticks. One should be pointed at both ends and be about 10 cm long, and the other should be about 70 cm long. This is a "club" or bat. You can even use the brush handle, as it is strong and thick enough.

A square field should be drawn on the ground. Each side should be one and a half meters long. This game is played together, but you can also play in teams. The stick should be in the square, and the club should be with the player who starts first. He hits one of the ends of the stick with it, and it takes off. When she flies in the air, he hits her in such a way that she falls as far as possible. The other player's goal is from the place where the stick fell, try to throw it back into the square. If he succeeds, he is awarded one point, and he becomes the player who starts the game.

If there are many players, they should be divided into equal teams. The players of the teams alternate the initial kicks, as well as back throws. The beginner player throws the stick out of the square as far as possible. The first player of the other team kicks back in the direction of the square. If the stick gets in the wrong place, his teammate hits it further in the air.

Only the players of the battering team receive points. The team that scored more points in ten rounds wins.

Hit the ball!

As many people as you like take part in the game. To play, you need two large balls (at least 3-4 cm in diameter), but you can use golf balls and tennis balls.

The beginner puts the ball on the ground and kicks it. Then he puts the second on the ground and kicks towards the first. The goal is to hit the first ball. Each hit is one point. But the enemy can order the player: "Hit the ball to the north of the first!" Or south, east, etc. If the player does this, he scores a point. In this case, he has the right to try to hit the first ball from a new point. If he succeeds, he will score another point. (Of course, the opponent tries to make it difficult for him. Therefore, he gives orders when he thinks that the player can easily hit his first ball second.) When one player finishes, his opponent comes into play. After ten to fifteen rounds - in accordance with the agreement - the game ends. Whoever scored more points won. If, when executing the opponent's order, the player managed to hit the first ball, he gets 2 points and the right to a new blow.

Competition with the bowls

Teams play against each other. Each player has a wooden tong or clamp, bowl or goblet. These bowls are placed on chairs next to each other at a distance of 3 m. In the other corner of the site, a large bowl or dish is placed, in which so many balls are placed so that there are at least four or five balls for each player. Sometimes they take nuts and replace balls with them.

At the signal, the player goes to the large bowl and tries to pick up the ball with tongs. Then he carries it to his bowl and puts it there.

Whoever takes all four or five balls first to his bowl wins.

A player can only carry one ball at a time.

Do not touch the balls with your hand.

If the player drops the ball, he must again pick it up with tongs, take it to the common bowl, and from there pick it up again and carry it to him.



What games do children play in China?

Catch the dragon by the tail!

"Catch the Dragon by the Tail" is very similar to our popular "Snake". This game is best played with a large company (from 8-10 people). Participants stand behind each other and place their right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front. The first player in the chain is the head of the dragon, and the player at the end is the tail of the raptor.

A chain of players follows the head as it tries to catch the tail. At the same time, the participants who are closest to the tail try with all their might to prevent the presenter from reaching the last player. If the dragon still manages to "bite" itself by the tail, then the participant who is the last in the chain runs forward and becomes a new head.

Chinese badminton

This version of the game differs from ordinary badminton in that it is played not with rackets, but with feet, and instead of a shuttlecock, a cardboard or foam circle with large feathers stuck into it is used. The participants in the game take turns starting to fill the circle with their feet. The player who hits the shuttle the most times wins.

Lame chicken

Participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which is given 10 sticks 20-25 cm long. One of the team members places sticks at a distance of 40 cm from each other using a ladder (i.e. 2 such ladders are needed for the game).

The players stand one after another and take turns jumping up the ladder on one leg. The task of each of the participants is to jump over all the sticks in turn without touching them. If the player goes all the way without making mistakes, he, without getting up on the second leg, takes the last stick, jumps back and puts the stick near the beginning of the ladder. After that, the participant again begins to "climb" the stairs and picks up the ninth stick from the bottom. This is repeated until the player has collected all the "steps".

Then the next participant comes into play. He lays out the sticks again and starts jumping over them. The game continues until all players of one of the teams have passed the relay.

"Yes spr"

This outdoor game is played outside. You can play with the whole family.

You will need two sticks. One should be pointed at both ends and be about 10 cm long, and the other should be about 70 cm long. This is a "club" or bat. You can even use the brush handle, as it is strong and thick enough.

A square field should be drawn on the ground. Each side should be one and a half meters long. This game is played together, but you can also play in teams. The stick should be in the square, and the club should be with the player who starts first. He hits one of the ends of the stick with it, and it takes off. When she flies in the air, he hits her in such a way that she falls as far as possible. The other player's goal is from the place where the stick fell, try to throw it back into the square. If he succeeds, he is awarded one point, and he becomes the player who starts the game.

If there are many players, they should be divided into equal teams. The players of the teams alternate the initial kicks, as well as back throws. The beginner player throws the stick out of the square as far as possible. The first player of the other team kicks back in the direction of the square. If the stick gets in the wrong place, his teammate hits it further in the air.

Only the players of the battering team receive points. The team that scored more points in ten rounds wins.

Hit the ball!

As many people as you like take part in the game. To play, you need two large balls (at least 3-4 cm in diameter), but you can use golf balls and tennis balls.

The beginner puts the ball on the ground and kicks it. Then he puts the second on the ground and kicks towards the first. The goal is to hit the first ball. Each hit is one point. But the enemy can order the player: "Hit the ball to the north of the first!" Or south, east, etc. If the player does this, he scores a point. In this case, he has the right to try to hit the first ball from a new point. If he succeeds, he will score another point. (Of course, the opponent tries to make it difficult for him. Therefore, he gives orders when he thinks that the player can easily hit his first ball second.) When one player finishes, his opponent comes into play. After ten to fifteen rounds - in accordance with the agreement - the game ends. Whoever scored more points won. If, when executing the opponent's order, the player managed to hit the first ball, he gets 2 points and the right to a new blow.

Competition with the bowls

Teams play against each other. Each player has a wooden tong or clamp, bowl or goblet. These bowls are placed on chairs next to each other at a distance of 3 m. In the other corner of the site, a large bowl or dish is placed, in which so many balls are placed so that there are at least four or five balls for each player. Sometimes they take nuts and replace balls with them.

At the signal, the player goes to the large bowl and tries to pick up the ball with tongs. Then he carries it to his bowl and puts it there.

Whoever takes all four or five balls first to his bowl wins.


A player can only carry one ball at a time.

Do not touch the balls with your hand.

If the player drops the ball, he must again pick it up with tongs, take it to the common bowl, and from there pick it up again and carry it to him.