Castle battle history of the creation of the game. How to play Castle Clash: Castle Clash, how to play and where to download. How developers choose when to release

The release date is the time limit after which the game is considered released, which usually means that it can already be downloaded and tested if a licensed copy is purchased. For example, the release date for Castle Clash is August 27, 2013.

V recent times more and more often, developers allow you to buy a game in advance - to make a pre-order. In response to the support from potential buyers, who believe in the success of the project so much that they give money for it even before the release, the developers are sharing various bonuses and exclusive materials. It could be a soundtrack, artbook, or some mini-addons for the game.

Thus, pre-order actually allows you to buy the game before it official release, however, this does not mean that the announced release date loses its significance, since you can fully play only after the release.

Why do I need to know the release dates of games?

If only because it is more convenient to plan your time and finances this way. If you know, for example, when the Castle Clash will be released, then it will be easier for you to navigate: set aside money in advance for its purchase, plan things so that you can immerse yourself in the game as soon as it comes out.

Many gamers keep track of the release dates of games using special calendars and feature articles about the most important releases of the month or season. Both you can find on our game portal site

How do developers choose when to release?

They are guided by many factors at once. First, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join game process, so games are less likely to come out during the vacation season, as well as in those months when the rush is usually at work, and the students have a session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers try to compare their plans with the announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, then releasing it simultaneously with the new Battlefield or Call of Duty is not very reasonable.

Thirdly, the release date marks the so-called deadline - the very line after which the game is ready. This means that it needs to be completed on time. Alas, this does not always work, and therefore the release date of the game can be shifted one or even several times.

In addition, the release of Castle Clash on PC and consoles may differ - often developers try to release one version first, and only then move on to the next.

Aug 11, 2016 Game Guides

The first time you turn on Castle Clash, you might think that first of all you need to build a strong base, hire dozens of soldiers and build as much as possible. more walls to protect your precious resources. Wait a minute! Before starting the massive development, take care of the real strength of your troops - the heroes!

HeroesIs a special type of troops. Unlike standard soldiers, heroes cannot be hired for mana in the army camp - to recruit them you need to use special in-game resources: hero crystals, gems or badges of honor. As you probably already guessed, getting these resources is much more difficult - unless, of course, you don’t invest real money in the game. Nevertheless, you can still get enough good heroes from the very beginning of the game - for example, after starting, you immediately have a melee fighter,Executioner... The Executioner is not the most powerful of the heroes, but belongs to the elite class and can help you quite a lot in the early stages of the game. Also, at the time of this writing, the reward for the first entry into the game is a legendary heroDruidthat attacks from a distance and heals itself well after dealing a certain number of hits. In total, at the moment you can start the game with two heroes: an elite melee hero and a legendary ranged hero. Moreover, together with the Druid, you will receive a set of 10 books of experience and 10 essences of crystalline ectoplasm - the former will increase the amount of experience by 1000 points apiece, and each of the latter will improve the hero's skill by 600 points.

But first things first.

Hero ranks

There are 4 tiers of characters in Castle Clash: Sacrifice, Common, Elite, and Legendary.

Sacrificescannot be used in combat. There are four such heroes in total:Slime(brings 100 experience points),Crystalline ectoplasm (brings 600 experience points),Gelatinous knight (brings 3000 experience points) andGreat slug(brings 15000 experience points). They, as their name says, can only be used as a sacrifice for pumping the skills of other heroes. These heroes have analogues in the form of the aboveentities -items that are stored in a warehouse and can be used in the same way as sacrifices to increase the skill level of another hero.

Regularheroes are the weakest heroes capable of taking part in battles. These heroes are cheaper than others and have the simplest and weakest skills. There are only eight of these heroes:Angel, Raider, Hill Giant, Engineer, Frost Witch, Dryad, Alchemist and Sniper.One of the most useful normal heroes in the early stages of the game can be called Angel, as it is the only normal hero able to heal himself and the surrounding allies. Also, the Witch, able to slow down opponents, and the Engineer, capable of inflicting high damage on multiple targets, have quite good characteristics.

Eliteheroes significantly outperform ordinary heroes in terms of efficiency and can sometimes compete with legendary ones. There are nine such heroes:Executioner, Hired Assassin, Werewolf, Cyclops, Shaman, Panda Destroyer, Snake Queen, Ice Devil and Triton.As stated above, each player receives the Executioner at the start of the game. This is a good melee hero, capable of stopping opponents for a few seconds - as a result, he copes well with enemy heroes, especially in one-on-one combat. Also, their qualities are distinguished by the Queen of Serpents, capable of inflicting huge continuous damage to all surrounding enemies, the Shaman, which reduces the enemy's attack, and the Ice Devil, which slows down enemies.

Legendaryheroes are the most desirable of heroes. They are the most expensive and the strongest, and there are the most such heroes in the game. As many as 37! In addition to the fact that such heroes are much more powerful than others, they are also able to evolve - when reaching the "ceiling" in their development, you can special runes, red crystals and copies of heroes to reach a new level of evolution and further develop the abilities of the heroes. In total, there are two stages of evolution and at each of them the hero changes his appearance, acquires new skills and becomes even stronger. Also, among the legendary heroes, there are those who can only be bought for real money or obtained only randomly - sometimes obtaining such heroes turns into the goal of the game for some players. At the beginning of the game, you will be able to get one legendary hero -Druid, which, as mentioned above, can attack from a distance and heal allies. Try to pump the Druid as quickly as possible - with his help you can easily gain the first thousand points of Strength in a couple of hours of play!

Ways to get heroes:

Of course, his first hero,Executioner, you get it just like that. But how do you get the rest?

There are several ways to get new heroes:

  1. Daily rewards ... This is how you get your legendary Druid - visit the game section every day and get rewards. You will be able to accumulate 150 gems needed to buy a hero in five days - and at the end of the month you can get an additional hero. In total, in a month of the game, you can safely get 7 heroes, which will already strengthen your defense and diversify the game in attack. This method of obtaining heroes is completely free and the least expensive, but the chance of getting legendary heroes is very small.
  2. Purchase for gems ... You can use the game's donated currency to buy a random hero. The game offers two buttons - buy 3 heroes at the same time for 450 gems or one for 150 gems. This method of obtaining heroes will allow you with a fairly high probability of getting a legendary hero and with an extremely high - an elite one.
  3. Purchase with badges of honor ... When fighting in the Arena or participating in raids, you will receive badges of honor. These badges can be spent on a random hero - one hero will cost you 500 badges and then increase the price by 100 badges. The next day, the price will again be 500 pins. Despite the fact that this method is the easiest to implement (it is not difficult to accumulate honor badges), it is not recommended - the probability of a Slime or, at best, an ordinary hero falling out is extremely high.
  4. Purchase for Crystals of Heroes ... it the only way buy a hero is not random. Collect the Crystals of Heroes by going down to the Dungeons and participating in various game modes (or buy them) and choose the character you need. Please note that not every hero can be bought in this way - some drop out only by chance, and some can only be bought for real money.

From the description above, you can do next output: the safest way to use Hero Crystals to buy. The problem is that this resource is the most difficult to earn in the game and you can get it only when you visit the Dungeons, successfully defend against five waves in the “Monster Coming” mode, or complete tasks from the “Notice Board”. Since the last two game modes will not be available to you immediately, it is recommended to go through all available Dungeons to get the Crystals of Heroes. Please note that in those Dungeons with a blue tower, the chance of dropping Hero Crystals is higher - as is the difficulty.

Leveling heroes

In this section, I will try to give small tips for leveling heroes in Castle Clash, which may be useful to novice players.

The first rule to adhere to is try to download one hero at a time. By releasing more than one hero on the battlefield, you divide the experience gained between them equally. It would seem - what's wrong with that? But everyone sways at once! The problem will arise later - after reaching the first ceiling of experience (20th level), the heroes need to buy an upgrade for gold, lights and badges of honor. If you are unlikely to have problems with the first two points, then you may not be able to quickly get several thousand experience points for several heroes. It is much more efficient to quickly pump one hero, along the way earning badges of honor for him in the Arena and in the Dungeons, and then move on to another. Also, when pumping many heroes, there may be a risk that you will spend sacrifices or books of experience on those skills that will not be useful to you later - a thoughtful game for one hero will allow you to study well and feel his strength, speed and special skills and decide in what role would you like to use it. Sometimes some heroes can be immediately sacrificed to others, similar and stronger - and this will make pumping even more effective.

Don't forget to place and replace heroes on the Altars in your castle! They will help you effectively repel enemy attacks, especially if you correctly position the Altar (for example, you can surround the Altar with a ranged hero with walls, and put a defense tower next to it).

In addition to gaining experience points, also use sacrifices to increase the hero's skill level. Hero skills are their most powerful weapon, and sometimes a high skill level of one legendary hero can be more useful than several additional smaller heroes - don't be afraid to sacrifice them.

If your goal is no longer simple pumping, then try to combine heroes - collect units, in which there would be a couple of melee heroes, a couple of ranged heroes, someone could slow down enemies, and someone could heal allies. Some heroes are not so good on their own, but in combination with others they are just great. So, for example, the Frost Witch does not particularly damage, but can slow down the enemy - this is a great reason to launch her into a game with fast characters that can deal a lot of damage, such as the Hired Assassin or the Queen of Snakes. Even a powerful enemy just won't have time to kill you!


Heroes are the most powerful troops in battle. Correct pumping and competent use of heroes gives you the ability to destroy cities with just a couple of units - and it's fun! Do not neglect heroes and do not be greedy for gems - purchase good hero will allow you to become an effective player and reduce the development time of your fortress at times. Heroes are good!

- one of the latest quality strategies for operating system Android and the devices that work with it. As you understand, today we will talk about this toy, which I, your humble servant, play every day. I will not retell other articles here, since I learned everything myself. Let me remind you that the game is free, so do not be fooled by the fact that you need to pay money for a jump or registration.

Before you download

So, the first thing to consider before you download Castle Clash - the game is tied to your device! That is, by deleting the application, the account is no longer deleted, which means that it will simply not be possible to start over again! Your account is stored on the developer's server. By the way, you should also come up with a decent username, not a set of numbers, because you can't change it either.

Moment number 2 - Internet access

In order to play this game, you must periodically access the Internet. I mean, you won't be able to play it offline. Remember this. On the other hand, only the lazy has no access to the network, since it can be found in the most remote villages.

Functionality and rules Castle games Clash

In principle, since this is a strategy, you must understand that you have to build your city, defend it and participate in battles. The available buildings of your city can be developed by spending either mana or gold, which can be earned both in battles (robbing opponents) and with the help of your mines and wells. You also get, buy and develop your heroes along with the army.

For storing gold, they are upgraded with mana, and wells with mana and vessels for storing them are refreshed with gold. Such is the cross procedure. These resources can also be obtained by participating in battles and destroying wells, mines, boxes and vessels of the enemy. That is, your stocks can be done quite easily.

There is also such a thing as Gems (crystals or something), which are awarded for certain achievements. I would recommend not to spend them left and right, as they are replenished quite hard. Their number is available to you on the right of the display. I understand that you can buy them for real dollars in a Google store, but I'm not one of those to spend money on such a thing.

At the top left there is a rating with an image stars... This is an important indicator, since you will need these stars without fail to upgrade your Heroes. Not having the right amount of them, you will be marking time. By the way, for them you can update the hero, train him or buy a new one.

Under the star we see a box with "gifts". When numbers appear on it during the game, you go in and pick up a certain amount of these same precious stones (gems).

In the left corner we see three labels: scroll, sword, gear... The scroll is your reward. If a number appears on it, then we also go in and pick it up gems... The gear is just the settings for sound, language, and so on.

Sword, when pressed, two more buttons pop up, serves to start the battle. Battles can take place in a dungeon, like an arcade, or just with other players like you. The Castle Clash dungeon also serves to earn money, mana, stars and shards. The latter can also be used for upgrades. You can also take part in regular battles with other players (who are offline, since while you are online, no one can attack you), earning mana, stars, money by destruction. By the way, your heroes also earn experience in battles. If you were not able to smash the enemy's city at least by half, then the stars will be removed from you in larger quantities than you can earn with a victory. This only applies to the stars!

In the lower right corner we see cup, hammer and letter... The cup is your ranking in the game. The Hammer are currently available buildings. A letter is a message about who attacked you and with what result (damage to you).

Heroes & Army Castle Clash

Let's start with the army. Initially, you have one barracks, which can then be expanded by the number of troops. With the development of the city, there will also be more barracks. In the barracks menu, you select the unit you want, and it is built for mana. You can develop units in the training center. After upgrades, they will be built stronger and more expensive. But upgrades are carried out for gold. In general, it will not be difficult to figure out which unit is doing what and what kind of weapon it has.

Heroes. I can't tell you much, since I have been playing for 10 days, but I have 7 Heroes. The first Hero will be given to you at the very beginning, the rest are given (one or two) during the game or bought. Overview of Heroes can be done on the Altar of Heroes, where they can be upgraded and bought. Actually there you can see all possible Heroes. The Altar of Heroes is also given to you initially. I almost forgot that in order for the Hero to participate in battles and in general to be visible, he must have a base. There are five bases available and only 5 Heroes can be used at the same time. They say that in battles 2 identical Heroes cannot be used. Probably haven't tried it myself. The bases, by the way, can also be developed.

My Heroes

At the very beginning of the game, the Arena is also available to you, thanks to which you can earn stars by fighting with one (without troops) heroes (maximum 5 pieces at a time). You can fight 5 battles in half an hour. It is interesting that you can both lose and win, getting stars as a plus: for a loss - 4, for a win - 40.

If I remember anything, I will supplement it. Remember, you can only be attacked when you are offline, or you are not active for 15 minutes (then you will simply be thrown out). In general, they are afraid that you should not be attacked, since all buildings and troops will remain intact, but gold and mana will be stolen, albeit not completely, so when you exit the game, spend these things as much as possible.

Questions from visitors

1) How do I change the language of the castle clash?

Unfortunately, changing the language will not work, at least not yet. If you are using the English version, then after downloading the Russian, you start over. Maybe this situation has arisen because they have different versions. Personally, I play English version Kestl Klesh, and I'm not worried))))