What number FIFA will be released 17. Official game of the game in Russia

I am glad and the overall balance of the game: FIFA 17 can not be reproached in "Cavalry attacks" (when the crowd of football players of both teams, like a pendulum, is coming from the gate to the gate), nor in unnecessary dribbling (which was bothering in two predecessors, where the yurik attackers could Going a half-life of rivals), nor in the dominance of scripts. Systems of blows of the penalty, as well as playback of penalties and corners - can be controlled by the player's acceleration and set a specific place of the "landing" of the ball.

The main innovation according to EA Sports was a single campaign, which tells the story of Black Alex Hunter, who conquers England. And she turned out to surprise. The fact is that sports dramas - the genre is very kind. And so that also about football, then the "Goal" series comes to mind. In the storyline there is everything - you start the way with the children-youth school, pass the selection, get into the team, scroll through the rental, train, return and show everyone who is the main one. All this is accompanied by interesting screensavers, in which Alex is revealed as a football player, and as a person.

FIFA 17 is an exemplary work in terms of graphics and an attempt to create a real atmosphere of a football holiday. The "History" mode will be of interest to a new audience, but it is unlikely to be able to offer something really curious to the tested fans. Otherwise it is excellent sport simulatorwho deserves your attention.

Naturally, you should not forget about the magnificent set of licensed tracks, two new leagues and the rustling online features. Of course, I want to get even more from FIFA - an even more lively and believable career, even more lively physics and flexible management, which is still sometimes feeling slightly uncomfortable. But Ea Vancouver has a chic burned for the future, which begins here and now.

Before us is all the same familiar to millions of a football simulator, in which the developers were finally not afraid to add something really new. No, the game did not become a realistic sport - it is still dynamic arcade and cybebel discipline, where what is happening on the screen differs very different from the present football. But no one is waiting for the imitation of the latter from it. And let the changes are quantitative than high-quality, the tendency is pleased. There was hope that EA Sports will add something new every time. Perhaps this is the only thing that the series is missing now.

IGN Russia

This time FIFA received an incredible amount of innovations ranging from a full-fledged storyline and ending with the new Frostbite engine. The EA Sports team perfectly worked, updating key mechanics, but still left intact modes of the coaching and solo career of a football player. FIFA 17 got rid of most hereditary diseases, transformed outwardly and even gained some kind of dramatic strength in the face of the story The Journey..

The slogan "EA again sold fans the same" did not work before, but this year it does not work especially. Large-scale update of the visual part, long-awaited and suggesting scene mode, Finally, competently finalized standards ... Well, what else do you need?

In the attack it became easier to protect the ball from the game by the case, but it works in both directions. And taking into account how AI behaves in defense, it became much more difficult to defend themselves. If you missed FIFA 16 and are going to go to the current version from the seasons before last, get ready to learn how to manage the team - the difference is noticeable. The system of standards recycled: with an angular strike, a sight is shown, and the penalty is now using a stick for running and aiming, which makes a little complicate the task. It is not necessary to doubt the visual component of FrostByTe: the model of football players stopped being pupging, they are poured by liters of sweat and all dirty during the match.

As a result, FIFA 17 brought one truly revolutionary innovation and a bunch of small. The "History" regime gave a good start to the development of this branch of the series and presented a really fresh feeling, for which it is worth thinking about the purchase. Yes, the game on the field loses to its competitor, and yes, the game did not give that breakthrough that in due time I brought FIFA 11. But it is still bright and interesting game With the space number of licensed leagues, teams and stadiums. If you like football and love this series, FIFA 17 will not disappoint you.

Navigator game world

In addition to the appearance of the plot a new game from EA Canada was to be remembered and the transition to new engine - FrostBite Engine. But did it affect the quality of the picture? Perhaps no, although stadiums in FIFA 17 are really looking impressive. Nevertheless, the other innovations, let's say, daily mini-tournaments in Ultimate Team refer to the category "trifle, but nice." That is, in one or another appear in the series every year, but do not change the impression of the game. Another thing is a storyline, this time it has become a really significant advantage.

[email protected].

Perennialist FIFA has learned us that significant changes series is experiencing when moving to a new generation of consoles. This time, the developers decided not to wait for the emergence of new platforms and drew two innovations at once (plot regime and engine), which will determine the cycle face of at least the next five years. With this brainchild, EA Sports, adding in Hollywood gloss, remained friendly to beginners and loyal to the old fans. The perfect vector of development, arranging everyone.

The new FIFA told us two trends: now Football on the FrostBite engine is as beautiful as possible graphically, and now in football you can not just play, but also to look like a movie in the scenario mode the journey. You can not have any claims currently from these directions. All conceived implemented above all silence. And the status of the flagship of a football simulator, FIFA 2017 undoubtedly confirmed. And even gave a little more than usual - emotions. But we still hope that the improvement of physics and mechanics of the game will occur already in the next part, because now the possibilities for this are practically endless. And also I am immensely interested, and what kind of "story" will tell us next time?

The EA Canada team took advantage of the proven formula, slightly changing the ratio of existing ingredients and adding one new, significantly affected the taste of dishes. FIFA 17 is not just an evening football for fans of this sport, with beautiful graphics, Friendly gameplay and many excellent modes. This is a game with a football story in which players can survive an interactive career of a fictional young football player and bring it into the top players of the Premier League. Or drop the talent of the guy under the bench of the spare - all this in your hands.

FIFA 17 proves that the series can not worry - EA Sports clearly demonstrated that they do not run out ideas, it seems never. This year, in addition to the usual point improvements, we were presented with a luxurious storyline and a pretty "pumped" Fut. What will be next?

FIFA 17 made a serious step forward compared to the previous year and gave us a storyline, which gives to look at the game under a new angle and the chance that she will be interested in new players. Already incredibly popular with us sport received another excellent game, and now the question that will torment us for a whole year, only one - will the next year the developers make FIFA even more interesting? But we previously we will not know the answer before 2017, but for us, all the fans of football simulators will have than to take all your free time.

Reliable as you understand it will have to change again: the sensations from the game changed and, as it seems to me, is essential best side. True, it should be said here that we are all who played in FIFA, not very objective. We are waiting for changes. Compare how who inspires, plunge the players, learn better to play and win. For foreign people, FIFA 17 is still the best football simulator, which now has moved to FrostBite and received the "SIMS about football player" mode. Let it: in my opinion, this is a very good status for many years ahead.

FIFA For many years, it is rightly considered to be the king of football simulators. Not because it is best (two), but because there is everything here: almost all the world leagues, a giant football player base, a card mode Ultimate Team, where you can simply guess, collecting players and collecting your perfect team.

This is the way FIFA - Be a simulator for everyone. The series has succeeded in this, now dominates the market and crushes its scale. At the same time, it is not afraid to develop. The current release in this regard is largely determining and experimental.

How stars become stars

Two friends of childhood, Alex Hunter and Garet Walker, dream of becoming professional footballers. Together they passed the children's and youth school and the Academy. They are considered capable of young players applying to a place in one of the clubs of the English Premier League. Soon the dream of the guys comes true, and they sign their first professional contract, and even with one team. Their life changes cool. Press attention to the recruits were chained, but they still need to learn a lot, entry into the composition and not be accused.

The role of Alex Hunter is assigned to us. His appearance will not be able to change how it will not be possible to make it a defender or goalkeeper and send to act in Italy - for all this FIFA There is a "Career Player" mode.

The appearance of the player cannot be changed. But it is better so NBA 2K16 Create albino when, in the story he has all blacks in the family.

"History" talks about the formation of a football player, friendship and rivalry, about how fame and money can affect the person. Separately from gaming elements Her plot is quite suitable for a good cinema drama. Of course, the motives of the characters are not obvious here, and in some moments, the actions of heroes are not enough justification. At the very beginning of history from the family, the father of Alex leaves the family without explanation. Similar situations happen and subsequently.

The childhood friend of our hero Gareth Walker.

But within the framework of the game, such things forgive, because it offers to survive for the hero of his first steps, defeats and victories. Here you go on the field, and commentators note that a talented small Alex Hunter debuts in the "Leicester". It is said that he is a born striker, goes in the footsteps of his grandfather and father. If the game is not glued to the field, Genic (one of the commentators in the Russian version) will noted that today the football player looked somehow faded, but together with Cherdansev (his colleague) will shout when our ward will create a wonderful goal. Also, fans and news publications react to all his failures and accomplishments, expressing their emotions and expert opinions in a local similarity. social networks. Most of the time they create an empty noise, comment about the actions of Alex and the situation in the league, but sometimes there is something interesting in posts, like rumors about the interests of the football player from other clubs.

Thanks to the "story" in FIFA 17. You can visit the locker rooms of all clubs of the English Premier League.

And also to see the arranging coaches of the APL teams. Please: Antonio Conte ... ... and Claudio Ranieri.

How Alex will achieve success and will achieve depends on us. Speaking for him on the field and honing the skills in practice, we develop his talent and knock him out a place in the composition. He worked poorly in training - the confidence of the coach in our abilities will fall and he will think of installing such a player to the next meeting. It was not difficult to spend several matches - we settle on the bench for several following, and there before the reserve is not far. It may reach the top of which Alex will call the assistant coach and say that with such a game cannot include it in the list of European Cups or that in the Cup of England they need only experienced players.

No less to the position in the team affects our behavior outside the field. In some rollers, you need to choose an answer in one or another conversation. After matches, it is often necessary to decide how to respond to the tricky questions of the reporter, and in the locker room, it happens, someone from the partners will offer to score into training and go somewhere to rest. Some answers reduce the confidence mentor, but they raise your popularity in the press and social networks, others - on the contrary.

Gradually, the player's reactions for such situations are his character: the coach trusts the coach even when he is in a bad form, but he will prefer to leave on a bench until he proves his game right to place at the heart or fans will not force him to be at a stormy support for your pet on the Internet.

Everything will fall into place at the end of the season. By that time, the fate of young dating could be in different ways: perhaps Alex will lead his team to victory or it is likely that he will be sad to watch how in decisive matches The partners could not cling to even the first five. It all depends on how we play for it.

The developers consulted about the plot with many athletes, but most of all Alex Hunter's story reminds how the young striker Manchester United Marcus Rashford began his career. He himself recognizes it.

We have previously tried the developers in a sports simulator. Even invited the famous director Spike Lee. Together with him removed the average movie, but they did not take care to tie it with the game and left the plot aside from the actions on the basketball court.

EA Sports. The task coped well. "History" in FIFA 17 seems a pleasant additive to a few most important occupations. She is not here to keep you for a long time, but to entertain the break between the battles in Ultimate Team. We hope the developers will continue their venture and another time will tell a curious story about the player from ... Bundesliga.

Football in all its glory

Last time FIFA Transformed three years ago, with the transition to the Ignite engine. On the new technology I joked, but the engine did not have enough strength, and each new issue of the series was noticeably outdated outwardly. Especially it rushed into the eyes when competing series Pes. transferred to Fox Engine.

Therefore, migration on Frostbite could not not go to the football simulator EA Sports for the benefit.

Stadium "King Power" Club "Leicester" in the marvelous weather.

The first thing amazing is lighting. When the camera at the beginning of the match flies out the stadium, you notice how the beams of the spotlights are gradually scattered in the air. The light itself became bulk and now gently falls on the surface. The faces of the soccer players stopped glistening, and the color of grass became less saturated (in a good sense), the same applies to the shape and ball. Conditionally speaking, the picture became more realistic and ... in a natural, or something.

Everything else is the question of detail, which also has grown. In general, the main thing - on FIFA It became nice to look, "Puppetability" disappeared from the appearance of football players, and the game was caught up with a visual row Pes.. Both series now look at the level.

Just faces Neuer, Ibrahimovich and Diego Costa.

As for the soccer itself, he added in motion. Not in speed - the shrinking winders still decide much, and this is unlikely to fix in the near future, and in the motion of players without a ball. The team's partners have learned to evaluate the free space and are actively moving to open the transmission. In addition, each of the football players began to fully perform more actions, which adds smooth fints, and fighting viscosity.

Do not get bogged in which in turn helps the resistance by the case playing an important role. The developers and the struggle are paying a lot of attention, with a loan to Pes. Trying to make it more contact, tough and realistic. And resistance to the case - hardly the most important step in this direction. Players now engage it with such an ease that almost in any situation can be stopped simply then to turn around, execute Fint and play on a partner. Or not to stop and, instead of Fint, protect the ball with back or sideways. It is more effective to use this trick with angular to push the enemy from the position.

Improving game process, EA Sports focused on four directions and for everyone chose a football player with the corresponding style of the game, consulted with him and recorded his movements. Mentioned struggle transformed not without the assistance of Eden Azara, but for mobility of players It is worth thanks to Marco Royce.

A clear example of how the variatives have become standard positions.

Together with Hammes, Rodriguez EA Sports perforately smashed standard positions. During the supply of angular, it is now allowed to specify the direction of the blow and then switch to the receiving player. And during the penalty and penalties, finally allow you to freely choose a position and scatter. That is, the players are no longer incense in their corporate positions and do not run into the ball on a given trajectory, but follow the direction of the style. It is very similar to how we beat in ordinary game momentsAnd allows you to confuse the goalkeepers before touching the ball.

During the penalty and penalties, we are free to freely choose a position and also freely scatter.

Feeding angular, now you can choose the feed area. However, much is still dependent on the strength and accuracy of the canopy.

Anthony Marsyal helped In work on impacts and transmissions. Powerful passes, for example, softened, shifting their bias from the harness to accuracy. In the attack now, in order to break through the bottom, it is enough to press a separate key combination, which allows you to send the balls to exactly rolling into the distant angle bypassing the goalkeeper. It works and with heads of head, which it became easier to omit into the gate than to send under the crossbar.

Another thing is that, despite all the improvements in the gate guards, with an increase in the number of accurate blows, they again easily make their way with due skills. The same long-distance blows from the penalty line are still easily flying in nine. All this will certainly cause anger on the forums, and the kippers themselves will again make the main object of complaints to the first updates or the next release. But it was so necessary.

Traditional things

Compared with the addition of the plot component, moving to a new engine and changes in mechanics, innovations in traditional modes are not so significant. In the "career of the coach" limited to the general refinements of the team management. And in the "player's career" redesigned a system for the development of a football player. Its growth is now even more tied to how he performs in matches, and grow mainly the characteristics that were used on the game and workouts.

Even in Ultimate Team, it cost without radical change, even there there is a couple of new entertainment. First, finally there is where to give the cards (except to sell on the market) with unnecessary or low-tech players. Using them, you can perform tests under the general name "Selection of the Team". Say, collect the composition of the players different countriesBut with a given teamwork, or from football players only two any leagues, but that everyone is not lower than a certain level. The collected compositions change to the sets of cards, and the new challenges of this kind are promised to throw up regularly.

Features of the game

Between the date of FIFA's release 17 and the last interview with the producer of Game Garreta Rieder - a few months, but then the author of the stimulator in a conversation with Journalists GameRector said that the gamers will have access to three global stadiums: "Suita City Football Stadium", home arena "West Ham "And the Middlesbrough Stadium" Riverside ".

Also in the arsenal of players - 11 teams, among which "Real Madrid", Olimpik Marseille, "Paris Saint-Germain", "Bavaria Munich", "Manchester United", "Chelsea" and others.

In total, 47 national team teams are available, of which 27 are completely licensed, and 20 - partially (that is, they have the real composition of the players, but forms and emblems are not licensed).

Compared to the last season of FIFA release, the new Zealand national team was excluded.

Important facts about Game

FIFA 17 is the 24th on-line football stimulant from Electronic Arts Sports; FIFA face is a participant in the German club "Dortmund Borussia" and the national team of Germany Marco Rois;

Before reading the date of the FIFA's release on the Xbox 360, the authors have already announced important news: the project moved to the Frostbite super power engine, which is the basis for almost all the company games;

Noticeably updated game mechanics FIFA 2017. For example, when performing a free-kick, a player can choose its scatter format, which will affect the trajectory of the sword, the speed of its scrolling and the efficiency of heading;

Scheduled for PC game output, as well as PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.;

New career mode received the name "History". In this case, the FIFA player will be born into the role of a young player Alex Hunter. There is a possibility for any titled Premier League Club under the guidance of the star trainers;

FIFA players are given the opportunity to become authors of exclusive rollers-imitation of press conferences and blisters with journalists. Gamer can personally choose options for answers and parry questions in conversations with the press.

Minimum system requirements for the game

  • Processor - Intel Core i3-2100 3.1 GHz or AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.4 GHz;
  • RAM - 8 GB;
  • Hard disk - 50 GB;
  • Video card - AMD RADEON R7 260 or NVIDIA GTX 460.
  • Operating system - Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10,64 bits;
  • Processor: AMD FX 8150 3,6GHz or Intel i5-3550K 3.4 GHz;
  • RAM - 8 GB;
  • Hard disk - 50 GB;
  • Video card - AMD RADEON R9 270 or NVIDIA GTX 660.

Official game of the game in Russia

Date when the game FIFA 17 will be released, already known. The FIFA premiere in Russia took place on September 27, 2016. The demo version of the iconic football stimulator came out on September 8, 2016.

A realistic football simulator, created on the FrostBite engine, thanks to which players became much more realistic, and their movements are more reliable.

FIFA 17. - Annual football simulator from EA, which acquired a full-fledged plot mode and changed the engine. Release date in Russia and Europe - September 29, 2016, in the USA - September 27, 2016. You can play it at PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This time Antoni Marsyal became persons of the famous football simulator. From Manchester United, Eden Azari from Chelsea, Hones Rodriguez from Real Madrid and Marco Royce from Dortmund "Borussia".

This part of the series has become the first game, which uses the FrostBite graphics engine developed by DICE studio. Electronic Arts translates all his sport games, including NHL, NBA and Madden.. The company is generally trying to actively apply this engine as you can actively, so it is already working on it. Dragon Age: Inquisition, Battlefield., Battlefront. and Need for Speed..

In FIFA 17, a storyline appeared for the first time, which is called The Journey. IN previous versions Career regime was already: a little boring and schematic story, even nearly not transmitting all the nuances of the internal kitchen of football competitions. In many ways, thanks to the FrostBite engine, The Journey mode in FIFA 17 is not much different from large scene games EA: Charming heroes, full cat-scenes, interactive dialogues. In addition, to ensure full immersion in the world of big football, the developers for the first time in the history of FIFA recreated all the stadium premises: from the locker room to the hall of press conferences.

Another interesting find is a postmatch interview. They are presented in the form of mini-games, and everything looks in the best traditions role-playing games From EA: the press throws the main character to questions, and in the menu that appears from four answers it is necessary to choose like. Local journalists are eaten and ask questions, pushing out from answers to previous ones.

The game was noticeably transformed into the picture: Frostbite allowed to recreate the power confrontation on the football field, and if you play not for Ronaldo or Pepa, then before you beautifully fall into the penalty area, you can still remember the ball. Footballers are actively working as a body, it became possible to literally squeeze the opponent from its zone. In addition, for the first time in a long time, standard strikes were seriously edited: usually a penalty in FIFA was implemented by one button, which turned a series of penalty into a random roulette. Now the developers give a combining player full control over the situation: you can move along the line, choosing the best position, then run out and only after that beat at the desired point.

While I only play my career, but I already see all the shoals that kill the whole game tightly.
1. - Linear plot, no matter how you play anything will change, it can better get the entire plot.
2.- Team and players. There are matches when everything flies, but when it is simply unable to score. That is, every your match is scripts, the same plot that does not change anything you do. Computer players can easily teleport for small distances, pass through you, and all for the sake of impact or selection, switching players is also slaughter, when connecting a new player, he will tupit a second, and the opponent has already ran with the ball past him, and he pulls on. Corners are prescribed stupidly according to the script, I do not understand the penalties at all as prescribed, then red, then in general silence. And these type are realistic errors, ... God ... Forcing Jostik to Space, or Claw. Players to the ball constantly does not pull, the falconians themselves simply stand in the specified point, no interaction, no group defense. As a result, it is more difficult to defend themselves how to attack, isn't it vice versa?
3. - Transmission and strikes. You can write about these elements of the game so much that two volumes of the "War and Mira" are enough. Stroy is strong, then so weak that you start to wonder what it was? It was a pass? Or hit?. The rods are generally once, how often in life get into the rods and crossbars? ... and these passes .. always on the distant, just laughter, and if suddenly the ball ride next to your player, but the game considered that it's not a pass to him, and Tom Long Guy near the corner flag, it would just stand and watch how a clip is happening, he will stop him? - No!, He will run back his head? -Not!. He will be trembling to stand.
4. - Finds. Finds are all all, they only need to play, they are panacea from everything. In reality, all strokes pass with a minimum percentage, so it is wild nonsense, cost the game on their prescription.
5. - Graphics. Graphonius is the only plus of this game, and I am surprised by such a review ...
Conclusion: FIFA 2017, these are bugs, glitches, seduction physics in a beautiful wrapper, for so many years, the EA did not bother to make the normal movement of teams, and at least somehow closer this game to reality. To date, this is not a simulator, it is arcade. Arcade is given for the candy and take not enough for it. By purchasing this game, you subscribe to breaking not one of your jacket, or the keyboard, under which the control is not sharpened at all, although the version is also on the PC. My jostyk for some reason worked not in the usual mode, but in the buttons mode, on the contrary, and I could not configure it, only an emulator. Outcome, I think the game will make a lot of even 6 points out of 10, my estimate is 3.5 per graphonium, and for the new movement ... it is its maximum, given the cost, positioning as a simulator, and just a terrible gameplay, people write in online.