How Perk Expert WOT works. How to choose peppers (skills and skills) in World of Tanks? Examples of pepper sets for different crews

The official website of the World of Tanks, although it contains comprehensive information about the skills that each of the crew members of the combat machine can acquire, but first, few people smile to reread several technical text pages, and secondly, official information - Dry and streamlined. There you will not have a straight text there, that this is the skill - nonsense, but this is not bad. Therefore, tankers will have to go to the forums, where it will be necessary to shove many topics for several dozen, then hundreds of pages to find out for themselves the necessary information. The task of this material is in detail and at the same time briefly, it is intelligible and easily described each of the skills for each of the crew members, without taking absolutely nothing.

Skills in World of Tanks are not an empty sound, but an excellent prospect for a multiple improvement in the characteristics of your combat vehicle. Often the skill value is underestimated, and in vain. So, let's go.


By modest view The author, as well as many experienced tank in the least useful skill, which is easier to replace with the usual fire extinguisher. And on the statements, they say what will happen if you set fire for the second time, you can answer that such a probability is extremely small. In general, fire extinguishing - skill with frankly weak utility. In the form of an alternative, you can take the ability to "clean and order", which reduces the likelihood of engine ignition.


This skill is examined in case, especially this makes newcomers, who believe that now their tank will be minority and they can be width to play sniper mode. This is not true. The fact is that not all tanks in the game are capable of disguise. Some do it better, some worse, and some, huge, having a high profile of the machine and do not know how to disguise. For example, the T-62 with a pumped 100% camouflage may remain invisible with almost up to 300 meters, while the same E-100 can hide under similar conditions only at a distance, a little more than 400 meters. In the form of an alternative, it is better for the tank to purchase camouflage, as well as to hide the bushes. In general, disguise - more or use useful skills, but not for all tanks.


The most versatile skill for its utility. Repair can and need to pump. In the form of both alternatives and additions, the box with tools is perfectly suitable, as well as a large or small repair kit. In each tank there must be a tanker trained in repair.

The Brotherhood of War.

One more universal, command skillgiving 5% for the growth of points of all skills for the entire crew. In the form of an alternative, you can purchase ventilation, however, the effect of these two terms is summed up, so it is better and to study the combat fraternity and install ventilation. If you add a cola, chocolate or coffee to all, then the skills can grow to 120%. Not bad skill, which is especially good for artilleryrs.

Now go to the personal skills of each of the crew members.


The ability of the mentor allows the commander to faster to train its wards. The greatest effect is given when studying at the very beginning of development. However, this skill only provides the accelerated pumping of the rest of the skills, and, in fact, does not bring any benefit. In general, for the most impatient, this skill will completely come down.

Skill is not bad. It allows you to see tanks withdrawn or damaged nodes in the enemy technique, but the expert only works with 100% pumping, as well as if the enemy's technique succeeds in the target about 5 seconds, which is not always acceptable in random battles. Outcome: This skill is more suitable for duel. It carries more information assistance, which can not always be useful in battle, where you often shoot there, where you have time, and at all at all at all. Skill with controversial utility.

One of the most important skills in the game, if not the most important. The famous "light bulb" is vital in every battle. Skill, signals the fact of lighting your technology. If the light is caught fire, it means that the tank has discovered. Be sure to study, and the sooner, the better.

This skill allows the commander to replace the resulting crew member. Most often, instead, the skill players prefer to acquire first-aid kits for the treatment of victims. Not the most useful option.

Fully pumped eagle eye allows you to increase the maximum tank overview by 2%. The use of this skill is the lot of experienced players. Newbies This skill is unlikely to be useful, however, if you are fighting on Bat Chat, Patton or other technique with a good review function, then you can take an eagle eye and even need. Outcome: This skill will be useful if you can and like to use a disguise and know how to calculate the detection range. Alternatively, as well as additions, you can take a radio equipment, enlightened optics, stereotrub or an octopenk with ventilation.

Sniper skill will increase the likelihood of critical damage. Quite useful profession. This will especially be seen, after comparing the outcome of the battle on the technique, where the gunner is trained in sniper shooting, and where is not trained. The difference will be noticeable. The tank with this skill will cause much more crits, among which are so useful as a fire or an explosion of ammunition. Does not work with cumulative shells. Very worthy choice, practically, mandatory for study.

This skill allows you to see two additional seconds in the target of the disappearing enemy. It works only if this enemy was lit personally. In other words, artists who dealt swing this skill should be known that it will not be useful, because for artillery, the enemy highlights other tanks, and not Art itself. Outcome: almost useless skill, which is better not to download.

Everything is clear here: in sniper mode it will be easier to take action when turning the tower, if there is such. Do not swing skill if your tower does not rotate. In the form of an alternative, setting the stabilizer. However, the utility is summed up. To be brief, this skill is one of the most useless. You can not learn, lose a little.

Everything is said in the title. After 100 percent pumping, the gun can be predicted with a large share of the probability, which type of projectile will be needed in the future. Skill interesting and even funny, but almost useless. Instead, learn better repairs or the same disguise.

Very important skill, since damage to the ammunition immediately turns your tank into a bunch of scrap metal, and the study of this skill makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of the explosion of the wip of 13%. A fairly useful specialty, although many prefer to learn something else. Outcome: Be sure to learn if you plan on tanks with a traditionally poorly protected waggela.

Pretty original thing. Its essence comes down to the fact that, as soon as the technique remains less than 10% of health, then the charging starts faster by 10% shoot. As a supplement or alternative, the rate is excellent. Pumping this skill is better on the tank with a lot of health. Outcome: Useful, although specific, skill for charging.


This skill increases radiocommunication range. Practically useless specialty. In general, it is worth noting that special radist skills are famous for the greatest usefulness among the rest of the team. Radine is better to train common, not profile skills.

Another useless skill that increases the distance of communication with all the allied techniques. You can try to teach, but only if you play artillery.

This skill increases the review. With full 100 percent study adds + 3% to the range. Conclusion: more or less useful, although not vital skill. You can learn if you really want.

A specific skill responsible for sending information about the location of enemies a few seconds after the destruction of technology. A vengeful skill that makes sense to study only on Firelessness - scout tanks.

Driver mechanic.

This skill will be most useful for managing a tank with bad dynamics. With full study, gives a 5 percent increase to the rotation rate. Not the most useful skill, which can show its utility only when your tactics of fighting will require private turns and the like maneuvers.

At the expense of this skill, the driver's mechanic will be able to add your tank a little more maneuverability on a heavy surface of the type of marshes and other off-road. Almost useless skill that few people study.

This skill allows you to reduce the scatter when shooting on the go. 4 modest percentages are removed from the diameter of the sight. It makes sense to study only on lungs or medium tanks. The tank is slower, the less sense in the study of this skill. Not a very useful acquisition that can be replaced by a stabilizer of a smooth stroke.

Excellent skill, which allows you to increase to 15 percent damage when performing taran reception. It is an excellent supplement for heavy and fast equipment. Armed with the skill of Taran ordinary medium or even light tanks can bring a lot of trouble to the enemy. Extremely recommended for learning.

This skill reduces the probability of fire by 25%. Not bad skill, especially if you do not plan to use fire extinguishers. If the fire extinguisher is always in stock, then it makes no sense to download cleanliness and order. In addition, it can be perfectly replaced by the same overall fire extinguishing skill, although this is not the same thing at all. Alternatively, the "Cyclone" filter will also be suitable.

Additional skills and skills are available to study by a crew member after mastering the main specialty by 100%. When this mark is reached, the "Plus" appears, clicking on which, you can select the required skill or skill. After studying the first skill, it is possible to explore the second, and then the third, etc. Skills. To explore each subsequent skill, you need two times more experience compared to the previous one.

The ability - begins to act from the beginning of the study

Skill - Begins to act only after studying by 100%

General skills and skills

Repairs (skill) - speeds up the repair of damaged modules. The average level of crew skill is taken into account. Per 100% grain repair for each crew member reduces repair time by 2 times. The effect is summarized in conjunction with the equipment "Box with tools". Be sure to need all machines, except SAU - there it is not very critical. If you are going to play without repair, be prepared for the fact that you will often kill, while you are standing on torn caterpillars.

Disguise (skill) - reduces the overall visibility of the tank. The average level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is summarized in combination with the machine "Masking Network". Very important skill, especially for small cars. Large cars like Mouse, Su-14, T92 This skill is unlikely necessary, the gain will be minimal. But if you play on the T-54, Stug III or something like something, then be sure the masking skill will give you a good bonus to secure.

The Brotherhood of War (skill) - improves the level of ownership of the main specialty and all the skills and skills of the crew. Skill "Combat Brotherhood" gives a bonus to the ability "Mentor". The effect is summarized in combination with the equipment "Improved ventilation", Equipment "Openings", "Chocolate", "Cola Box", etc. His uniqueness is that it works only when it is hampered by all crew members by 100%. It is most popular on SAU, because there are often unallocated skills and skills, since repair and fire extinguishing there are not particularly important. + 5% to the crew, but in reality the real increase is twice as fewer to the tank parameters. For example, recharging decreases by 2.5%, as in the case of "Improved ventilation" equipment.

Firefighting (skill) - accelerates fire extinguishing. The average level of crew skill is taken into account. Useful skill for tanks that are often burning. Someone is without it, using fire extinguishers, but if you cut on a technique that is subject to frequent fires, and at the same time you do not have free slots for the fire extinguisher, then the fire extinguishing skill is accurately useful.


Sixth Sense (skill) - allows the commander to determine whether its tank is detected by an opponent. An additional visibility indicator appears in the interface, which fixes the fact of the illumination, but not its duration. The indicator is triggered three seconds. It works in sniper and arcade and artillery regimes. Wonderful skill that will save you from many problems. It can be used on tanks that are fighting on distant distances and use shelters for disguise. Extremely useful on SAU and PT-SAU. On the tanks of the near active battle, this skill is unlikely to be needed, since in this case you yourself know when you see.

Eagle Eye (skill) - increases the maximum range of review. With faulty observation devices, the effectiveness of the skill is higher. The effect is summarized in combination with the ability of the "Radio Hand", the equipment "enlightened optics" and "stereotrub". + 0.2% for every 10% skill, with faulty instruments + 2% for every 10% of the skill. Analogue of enlightened optics, but its action is weaker. You need to put on the "silent" tanks, then the increase will be tangible. On the "blind" tanks of benefit will be little.

Handyman (skill) - allows the commander to master all the specialties and replace the crew members declined. Replaced only the main specialty. The replacement efficiency falls in the conclusion of the next crew member. The useful skill of the commander, especially important on tanks, which are characterized by good vitality and armor. Often there is a situation where on such tanks begin to shoot in countless setlers, which take out the crew. This skill will help save one first aid kit. Efficiency + 50%.

Mentor (skill) - Provides additional experience All crew members except the commander. The ability for those who are going to swing the crew for a long time and stubbornly to the state of Rambo. It takes on long-term use, begins to justify after several hundred battles. Everything other than the commander receives + 1% of experience for every 10% skill.

Expert (skill) - allows the commander to determine critical damage to tanks in the sight. Acts both in direct pressing and artillery aiming mode. Shows critical damage to machines, both enemy and their own. There are only a few nuances: 1) Time delay, 2) The skill shows the cristes of cars in the sector of your gun, i.e. Does not show the crimes of machines that are for obstacles or for your radius of review. Many are surprised why it does not work on SAU - that is why. It works only in direct visibility. +/- 15 degrees from the direction of the gun, shows after 4 seconds after the guidance on the enemy.

Driver mechanic

Virtuoso (skill) - increases the rotation speed of the tank. The effect is summarized in combination with the equipment "Additional primer", equipment "Land-Lizovskoe oil", "twisted engine speed regulator", "100, 105 - octane gasoline". Useful skill for machines for which high rotation speed is important. For PT and TT, this is a patch rather, because often these cars are not particularly quickly unfolded. Naturally, "so" this skill is hardly necessary, he is well spinning without it. But large and severe PTs are slow. It will help them. The same situation with TT, you only need to determine whether you have maneuverability. Well, on the art is the desired skill for aggressive style game. Spin the enemy with virtuoso mehroda will be easier and more fun. For LT, the situation is similar to Art. Very often ask - whether this skill is needed for SAU. Here everyone will have to solve himself: on the one hand, a quick turn, on the other - a stronger spread of the gun when turning the case. + 5% to the speed of reversal on the go or in place.

King off-road (skill) - reduces the resistance of weak and medium soils when the tank moves. Increases tank maneuverability and reduces maximum speed set. The effect is summarized in combination with the equipment "Additional primer". Useful skill for cars that often have to ride where others do not go. "Svellka", riding through the swamp, for example, it will be useful. It will also be useful for PT, as it increases the rotation speed in place. + 10% on soft soil or + 25% by average at 100%.

Smooth move (skill) - Reduces the spread when shooting on the go. The skill does not affect the scatter when turning and when shooting in place. Analogue of the stabilizer, but its effect is weaker. The effect is summed in combination with the equipment "Stabilizer vertical navigation" Very effectively on tanks where you often shoot a similarity. + 4% with 100% learning skill.

Master Tarana (skill) - reduces damage to its own tank and increases damage to the enemy tank during the taran. It only affects moving tanks and is not taken into account in collisions with allied tanks. + 15% with 100% learning skill. One of the most fun and specific skills. It manifests itself on fast and heavy machines, such as E50, AMX 50 100/120 / B, VK2801. If you often love the literal sense to "push" enemies, then this skill is just necessary for you.

Cleanliness and tidiness (skill) - reduces the likelihood of engine fire, prevailing oils and flammable in the engine compartment. The effect is summarized in combination with an automatic fire extinguisher equipment. Skill, which will be advisable to put on the type of IP-7 or Maus type, which have a large amount of strength (HP) and thick armor. It will sorry to light up and lose a lot of HP due to a fire. Coefficient 0.75.


Sniper (skill) - increases the likelihood of critical damage on modules and the crew of the enemy tank. Only for armor-piercing and pyline and cumulative shells. If the skill is purchased by two nodes, the effect does not increase. Excellent skill, useful for everyone, except those who shoot from projectiles. For BB, cumulatives and subcalibular effect is + 3% to probability.

Smooth turn of the tower (skill) - reduces the scatter when turning the tower. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. If the skill is purchased by two nodes, takes into account maximum level Crew skills.

The effect is summarized in combination with the equipment "Stabilizer of the vertical pressing". It is more often used on machines with aggressive style game. Often asked if this skill works on SAU or PT-SAU? Yes, it works within the turn of the gun, as the turn of the instrument in the game is equivalent to the turn of the tower. + 7.5% with 100% grateful skill.

Master-gunower (skill) - reduces the scatter of the damaged gun. If the skill is purchased by two nodes, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is summarized in combination with the equipment "Stabilizer of the vertical pressing".

Skill from the series "For Living Machines". Especially it will be useful for those whom the tool damage more often than usual. Therefore, everyone must determine if it needs this skill or not. -2% to scatter for every 10% skill.

Vintage (skill) - allows the navigation in the visibility zone to see the enemy tank in the target within an additional two seconds. Acts both in direct pressing and artillery aiming mode. If the skill is purchased by two nodes, the effect does not increase. Skill, which allows you to see the goal of shonened longer than usual. It is worth noting that the skill will not work if the goal is beyond the limits of the radius of the review. That is, on SAU, he will work only practically in emphasis. +2 seconds in the 10 degree sector.


Contactless smoking tab (skill) - increases the strength of the wake. Carnations are decomposed in this order that they do not touch each other. The effect is not cumulative if the skill is purchased by two charging. The effect is summarized in combination with the equipment "Wet-step". The growth of HP of the alert is 50%, respectively, the higher the level of the machine, the greater (HP ammunition depends on the level of the car mainly). The skill will be useful on high-level machines.

Desperate (skill) - accelerates reloading tools if the tank remains less than 10% of the strength. If the skill is purchased by two charging effect is not summed. The effect is summarized in combination with the equipment "gun price". Interesting and good skill. Obviously, you need cars with a lot of HP - Mouse, E100. There, the situation "remained with 10% HP" happens often. Another application is on SAU. "Cunning" players leave 10% with their team. Of course, the recharge rate in this case increases, but do not forget that with 10% you will send any shot to the hangar. + 10% to recharging speed if the strength is less than 10%.

Intuition (skill) - creates the likelihood that the necessary ammunition is already charged when changing the type of shells. To reuse skill, you must completely recharge the gun. The effect is enhanced if the skill is purchased by two charging. It is useful if you often change the type of projectile. Depending on the number of charging probability from 15% to 30%.


Radioerekhvat. (skill) - increases the range of review. If the skill is purchased by two radio drives, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is summarized in combination with the ability of the "Eagle eye". + 3% with 100% learning skill. Than better review Tank, the greater the skill increase.

Inventor (skill) - increases the range of radio station. If the skill is purchased by two radio drives, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account. + 20% with 100% learning skill. Useful for tanks with a weak radio station, such as T2LT, for example.

Repeater (skill) - increases the range of communication of all allied tanks within the radius of the player's radio station. If the skill is purchased by two radio drives, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account. + 10% with 100% learning skill. A kind of skill. No benefit for you, but the benefit for the team. Come in handy in tournaments.

Of last forces (skill) - allows the radio set, not disabled at the time of destroying the tank to transfer the coordinates of the enemy tanks within two seconds. The effect is not cumulative if the skill is purchased by two radio drives. Wonderful skill for "Svetlykov". How often it happened that SAU did not have time to come down in illuminated targets? With this skill of such cases will be less.

And especially free with the choice of skills and skills can not be mistaken! In the article, I will give several valuable advice on the selection of perks to different classes of the world of tanks.

Theorest skill in World of Tanks!

To begin with, I would like to immediately decide on the first percom for the crew commander. This, of course, "sixth sense", which is also called a "light bulb". This skill allows the tank commander to feel light, which is called the "spinal cord." At the same time, after 3 seconds from the moment of lighting, the light lights up on the screen. This is the most valuable Perk in World of Tanks. It is necessary to download it at all tanks, including PT and even an ART-SAU.

However, like all the skills, the "sixth sense" begins to work only after 100% study. Therefore, you will have to either ride a very long time with "non-working" first pep, or choose some other skill for the commander and then, after the first skill is pumped up to 100%, to re-write the commander.

Actually, if you are a donator, it is recommended to choose any other skill (for example, "repair" or "disguise") and then re-overcome the commander. If you do not have 100-200 Gold for retraining - choose the "sixth sense" commander and wait until it hits it to 100%.



Total subjective characteristics of different skills and skills in World of Tanks

Below is the overall characteristic of skills and skills. I draw your attention that the characteristic is subjective. My opinion may not coincide with your subjective opinion. It should also be remembered that the skills act in World of Tanks as learning, while the skills begin to act only after 100% of the study (it is usually recommended to study the skills, and then dump the skills and train the crew of the tank of new skills). Be careful!

Overview of the skills of the world of tanks

General skills and skills

Repairs: The lowest skill for crews of heavy and medium tanks, allows you to repair internal and external modules faster, especially relevant when repairing shot down caterpillars.

It should be remembered that the "Repair" skill is considered as an average of the crew, i.e. To get a repair of 100%, it is necessary to completely pump it to all crew members. So, if we pump the "repair" of the gunner, the driver and the driver and the charging, and the commander of the tank to pump the "light bulb", then the average for the crew of the repair will be 75%.

Similarly, there are such skills as "masking" and "fire extinguishing".

Disguise: The lowest skill for carriages of light tanks and small PT-SAU. It is considered as the average for the crew.

Firefighting: Occurs in heavy and medium tanks on the residual principle. It is considered as the average for the crew.

The Brotherhood of War: The skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5%, thereby increasing the characteristics of the tank by 2.5%. Usually rolls out on tanks to reduce the time of recharging tools and increase the shooting rate. It is recommended to use together with the fan equipment (which gives another 2.5% to the characteristics of the tank). Please note that this skill begins to act only if it is 100% stamped at all without exception of the crew members.

Skills and skills of the tank commander

Mentor: I am a useless skill that gives a bonus experience to other tank crew (i.e., at 100% of the ability to "backward" a member of the Tank crew, experience is charged \u003d earned for the battle of the experience). Useful for tanks with a small crew (such as MS-1 or ELC AMX), because Allows you to noticeably speed up the crew pumping. However, since the commander so full of beneficial perks, in general, not recommended.

Eagle Eye: It makes sense to take for fireworks with a high overview. It is not recommended for tanks with a low overview at all.

Handyman: According to the description, practically imba, in fact - nothing. Want - make sure that yourself.

Expert: Nafig does not need skill.

Sixth Sense: The most useful, the latest skill in World of Tanks.

Radine skills and skills

A radio lane in high-level technique is almost anywhere in its pure form. Usually this specialization combines the tank commander.

Radio steering: The action is similar to the "Orlini eye" of the tank commander. Recommendations are also similar. By the way, this is the only really useful skill at a radar.

From the last force: In theory, this skill gives a chance to get some experience and loans for damage and destruction enemy tanks At your light. In practice - nothing.

Inventor and repeater: - Nothing.

Skill and pumping skills

Smooth turn of the tower: Reduces the scatter when turning the tower, it makes sense to take on all tanks without exception, including awesome PT-SAU and ART-SAU. They reduce the scatter with the change in the angle horizontal press guns. Very useful skill.

Master weapon: Almost always a member can pump any other, more useful skills or skills. And so, quite useful skill.

Sniper: Literally a few percent increases the likelihood of a module or crew cry. Begins to act only after 100% learning, i.e. On this skill will have to reubone the gunner! In general, nothing.

Easy: Considering that the game can be quite effectively shooting blinds (i.e., without lighting the well-known coordinates of the tank from lighting), the skill can hardly be attributed to really useful. In addition, like any skill, it begins to act only after 100% learning.

Driver's skills and skills

King off-road: Increases the speed of movement on weak soils. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take on lungs and medium tanks.

Virtuoso: Increases the rotation speed of the tank. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take on PT and ART-SAU.

Smooth move: Reduces the spread when shooting on the go. A very useful skill for lungs and medium tanks, which is written on the go on the rod.

Taran Master: Very useful skill for tanks with a large mass and good dynamics (or at least high speed when driving from a slide, like a koss-5).

Cleanliness and tidiness: Reduces the likelihood of engine ignition. Must Have on tanks with the front transmission / engine.

Skills charging

All the skills of the charging (as, however, and any other skills) are valid only after their 100% study, which significantly reduces their value. Be careful! It makes sense to choose some of the skills in the event that you will still put the second perk "Combat Brotherhood" and move the crew. Then the first perk can take one of the following skills. However, their value is quite doubtful anyway.

Intuition: It makes sense to take except for the fourth or fifth skill, and even that if you often use gold ammunition.

Desperate: Accelerates reloading tools if the tank has less than 10% of strength. Not bad skill, if you take it on the residual principle.

Non-contact welfare: Increases H.P. The internal module "Boy-laying". It makes sense to take on the tanks on the residual principle, and even that, only if this tank really is often criticized by a welfare.

Choice of skips for carriages of light tanks

Light tanks having equally low visibility in a fixed state and in motion, you need to download "disguise". It is this skill, and no other, you should choose the first for light tanks.

To take the first skill "Repair" does not make sense: light tanks do not have good armor and a lot of HP., In addition, their internal modules and crew are easily criticized. It is better to repair the caterpillar to repair a remkomplekt, and not "repair".

After pumping out the "masking" of the commander makes sense to retire on the "sixth sense" and start swing to "camouflage" again. Well, the third skill can be chosen "eagle eye", which increases the range of the review.

  • Commander: Sixth feeling, disguise, eagle eye, repair
  • Powder: Disguise, smooth turn of the tower, repair
  • Driver mechanic: Disguise, king off-road, virtuoso, smooth running, repair
  • Radist: Disguise, radio equipment, repair
  • Charging: Masking, repair

Selection of skips for medium tanks

Further, you can retire the crew of the tank on the "combat fraternity" (after all, the commander is better to take the first percom "sixth sense", i.e. re-teaching is better to carry out when the crew of the tank is completely soldered by the second Perk). Either pumping separate skills like "smooth turn of the tower" and "smooth stroke".

  • Commander: Sixth feeling, (combat fraternity), repair, disguise, eagle eye
  • Powder: Repair, (combat fraternity), disguise, smooth turn of the tower
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (combat fraternity), disguise, smooth move, off-road king, virtuoso
  • Radist: Repair, (combat fraternity), disguise, radio equipment
  • Charging: Repair (combat fraternity), disguise

Choice of skills for heavy tanks

Heavy tanks in the plan for pumping skills and skills differ little from average. The main difference in the size of the tanks - since heavy tanks are usually larger than the average, and their guns in their mass are equipped with dulley brakes, to take "disguise" to them often does not make sense. As with the middle tanks, it is recommended to pump up in the first repair. Next, after the opening of the Third Perk, the crew can be re-overded to the "combat fraternity".

If the tank is often burning, it makes sense to take "fire extinguishing", or wait until GOLDY "will appear in the game Automatic fire extinguishers"For silver.

If the tank has the front location of the transmission / engine, the driver can be downloaded to "purity and order".

  • Commander: Sixth feeling, (combat fraternity), repair, eagle eye
  • Powder: Repair, (combat fraternity), smooth turn of the tower
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (combat fraternity), off-road king, virtuoso
  • Radist: Repair, (combat fraternity), radio tribute, disguise or fire extinguishing.
  • Charging: Repair, (combat fraternity), (masking, fire extinguishing, or any of the available special skills)

It turns out that the crews of heavy tanks and teach something particularly?! It turns out - yes! Those. From really useful skills, you should choose those that are higher. So I, nevertheless, I recommend not to neglect the skill "Martial Brotherhood". The remaining peppers - to taste.

Choice of skills for PT-SAU crews

If PT-SAU is compact enough, the first pep makes sense to take the "disguise" and sit in the bushes. If the monsterous, like Ferdinand, makes sense to take "repair" and a tank. In general, even "Ferdinido-shaped" PT-SAU makes sense to pump out "disguise", because PT-SAU has a class bonus to imperceptibility in a fixed state.

Repair Even for "unobthetic" PT-SAU makes sense to download anyway, for example, by the second pep (or the third, if you swing "combat fraternity"). Those. For ordinary PT-SAU, the first pep is "Masking", then "repair", we reappear (or not) the crew on the "combat fraternity" and again take the "repair".

For huge hard armored PT-SAU, you can take "repair", then "camouflage", to transfer the crew to the "combat fraternity" and start pumping the "camouflage" again. That's the whole difference.

  • Commander: Sixth feeling, (combat fraternity), disguise, repair, eagle eye
  • Powder: Disguise, (combat fraternity), repair, smooth turn of the tower
  • Driver mechanic: Disguise, (combat fraternity), repair, virtuoso, road off-road king
  • Radist: Disguise, (combat fraternity), repair, radio equipment
  • Charging: Disguise, (combat fraternity), repair

Selection of skills for crews art saau

The first pep makes sense to take a "disguise". In any case, it makes sense to swing the "sixth sense", even on an ART-SAU "LIGHT" gives a very tangible advantage. "Repair" can not swing at ART-SAU at all.

  • Commander: Sixth feeling, (combat fraternity), disguise
  • Powder: Disguise, (combat fraternity), smooth turn of the tower
  • Driver mechanic: Masking, (combat fraternity), virtuoso, king off-road
  • Radist: Disguise, (combat fraternity), radio equipment
  • Charging: Disguise, (combat fraternity)

Mini FAQ on skills in World of Tanks

Question: Will the skill "sixth sense" work, if I deal with the commander on new tankAnd he will lose 10% (or even 20%) of the main specialty?
Answer: Incredible, but the fact - will be!

As we know, when mastering the main specialty up to 100%, our crew opens the skills menu

As we know, when mastering the main specialty up to 100%, our crew opens the menu of skills and skills (click on +), but many inexperienced players do not quite understand what they choose and therefore, this article will help you in choosing the right skills and skills, so Consider the most optimal assembly options for different species Technique.

And let's start by S. general descriptionthat every skill and skill represents his need to study.

● Commander. The commander has one of the most useful sets of perks and skills, it is worth choosing them correctly.

1. Increased feeling, or in common "light bulb".

Allows the commander to detect whether our tank is shoneed, but it is necessary to remember that the light is highlighted after 3 seconds lighting us the enemy. One of the most useful peaks, swing the commander first definitely.

2. Master for all hands.

This skill allows you to master the commander of the specialty of the created crew member. With 100% study-50% of the skill of a contused crew member. Useless pep, swing at the very end.


It gives additional experience to all crew members except the commander.
With 100% study gives 10% of the experience. Also, not quite useful ability, we leave at the end.
Skill. Acts as learning.

4. Orline eye

Extremely useful pep for the eyes of the art and Lt, to make its review even better. With 100% study gives 2% to our review, + 20% with damaged observation instruments. It also gives an additional effect in the presence of optics, stereotrubs and the skill of the radio operating.
Skill. Acts as learning.

Allows you to see (even artillery) to see which modules are damaged from the enemy and see a contused carriage. It is worth remembering that it begins to work when holding the enemy in the target within 4 seconds. Extremely ambiguous Perk, on an amateur, unambiguously, if we pump, then at the end.
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

● Press. A set of stupid peaks, except for smooth turn of the tower.

1. Eloquent

Allows us to additionally see the enemy within 2 seconds in the 10 degree sector. Not quite useful perk, it is suitable only for passive light so that your team threw more on the enemy for an extra time.
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

2. Master-gunsmith

Allows you to reduce damaged tools. With 100% study gives -20% to the scatter of the damaged gun. Increased in the presence of a stabilizer vertical tip. Almost stupid Perk, we leave finally.
Skill. Acts as learning.

3. Outlooking the tower

Reduces the spread when turning the tower by 7.5%. Extremely useful for Art, Lt and TT. With the installed vertical tip stabilizer, the effect is enhanced.
Skill. Acts as learning.

4. Sniper.

Increases the chance to cause damage to the crew or module by 3% with a 100% study. Does not work for fugasic shells Useless Perk
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

● Mechanic-driver. A set of peppers, as a rule, to improve the safety of the tank and improving shooting on the go. Extremely useful for LT and Art.

1. Virtuoso.

Useful pep for tanks with a low rotation speed. With 100% learning gives + 5% to the rotation rate of the tank. Increased in the presence of additional primer, lend-lease oil, 100 and 105 octane gasoline and twisted revolutions.
Skill. Acts as learning.

2. Corol off-road

Reduces ground resistance when driving. Useful skill for ST and LT, as well as for tanks with very bad permeability. Strengthens a little tank dynamics in general. Increased in the presence of additional soils. Gives us + 10% to the patency on the soft soil and + 2.5% on the middle soil at 100% study.

3. Master Tarana

Wonderful perk for tanks such as E50M, KV-4.5, etc., allowing the taran to reduce damage to his tank and increase damage to the enemy's tank. With 100% study gives + 15% to damage to the enemy tank with a taranome and reduce damage to our tank on -15%
Skill. Acts as learning

4. Outlook

This Perk reducing the scatter during shooting on the go. Increased in the presence of a stabilizer vertical tip. It is not bad for all types of equipment. With 100% study gives -4% to spreading in motion.
Skill. Acts as learning

5. Clean and order

Reduces the likelihood of engine ignition (does not affect the tanks!) By 25%. It is useful for tanks with a large wagon of the engine. (The probability of fire can be viewed with detailed consideration of the engine in the hangar). Increased in the presence of an automatic fire extinguisher.
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

● Radist. One of the most scarce skills is extremely easy to determine the choice.

1. From the last forces

Allows our radio set, not disabled when the tank is destroyed, to report the arrangement of the enemy's tanks for another 2 seconds. Useless Perk.
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

2. Inventor

Increases communication range. With 100% study gives + 20% to radiocommunication range. Extremely stupid perk. In the furnace.
Skill. Acts as learning.

3. Radioerhwat.

Useful Perk, increasing overview of our tank by 3% with 100% study. Enharged the "Orlini eye" percom and in the presence of optics, stereotrubs. For dormant art and Lt we cultivate.
Skill. Acts as learning.

4. Repeater

Increases the range of allies in the radius. With 100% study gives + 10% to the range of the allies. Again, extremely useless perk.
Skill. Acts as learning.

● Charging. At the charging the smallest set of perks, it is not even necessary to choose.

1. Non-contact beaged.

Increase the strength of the warehouse by 12.5%. The necessary skill for tanks with a weak wagon (for example, Soviet Art T-44 and T-54). Enhanced if presence wet beaged
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

2. Intuition

It gives a chance of 17% instantly change the projectile (for example, with an armor-powered fugas) from the moment the projectile started recharge. It is useful for tanks, where we often change the type of shells, such as E100, 261, etc.
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

3. Desperate

Reduces rehabil to guns by 9.1% with the strength of our tank less than 10%. Controversial skill, an amateur. Increased in the presence of an instrument rate.
Skill. Acts with 100% study.

P.S. All these peppers in the presence of several crew members do not fold! (For example, the desperate pumped in 2 chargers does not fold, so do not forget it and take more useful peppers).

And now consider skills and skills available to all crew members. It is worthwhile that the effectiveness of these skills is taken into account from the average crew that owns this skill (for example, if you have a repair of 2 of 4 crew members, the increase to the repair speed will be 50% and not 100%).

1. Repair

Probably the most useful perk for any type of technology, with the exception of the art. Increases the repair speed of damaged tank modules. Enharged with a large repair kit or drawer with tools. With 100% learning gives + 100% to the repair speed. First, pump almost for any technique.
Skill. Acts as learning.

2. Disguise.

Reduces the notice of our tank. Strengthens if there is a camouflage network. Extremely useful pep for low-speed PT, LT, art. With 100% study gives + 100% to the imperceptibility of the tank.
Skill. Acts as learning.

3. Fire extinguishing

Increases the rate of fire extinguishing during fire by 100% at 100% pumping at the entire crew. It will be necessary for fire hazardous tanks or, if you are a lover not to carry a fire extinguisher with you. We pump out only on burning, like a tree, tanks or last.
Skill. Acts as learning.

4. Combat fraternity

With this pep, newcomers are very confused, because Research requires up to 100% of all crew members for its work. Increased in the presence of improved ventilation, chocolate, pudding with tea, dpuka, a member of a cola, strong tea, an improved diet and onihiri (for each nation, respectively). With full study gives + 5% to all to the basic ability, additional skills and skills.

Heavy tanks (TT)

Commander: Sixth feeling, BB, repair, eagle eye.
Pressive: Repair, BB, Smooth Rotate Tower, Disguise.
Chargeing: repair, BB, disguise, desperate.
Mechanic - driver: repair, BB, king off-road, master of Taran.

(BB-fighting fraternity, on the personal discretion of everyone).

Middle Tanks (ST)

Commander: Sixth feeling, BB, Eagle eye, disguise
Press: Repair, BB, Disguise, Smooth Town Rotation
Charging: Repair, BB, Disguise, Desperate
Mechanic-driver: repair, BB, off-road king, smooth move or disguise
Radist: repair, BB, radio equipment, disguise.

(For the last perks strictly with your choice, depending on your technology).

Light tanks (LT)

Commander: sixth feeling, disguise, eagle eye, repair, BB.
Press: disguise, repair, smooth turn of the tower, BB.
Chargeing: disguise, repair, desperate, BB.
Mechanic driver: disguise, repair, off-road king, BB.
Radist: disguise, repair, radio equipment, BB.

(Combat fraternity on the personal discretion of each).
(For the last perks strictly with your choice, depending on your technology).


Commander: Sixth feeling, disguise, BB, repair.
Press: disguise, repair, BB, fire extinguishing.
Chargeing: disguise, repair, BB, desperate.
Mechanic driver: disguise, repair, BB virtuoso.
Radist: disguise, repair, BB, radio equipment.

(If a lot is huge, first perk instead of disguise repair).
(For the last perks strictly with your choice, depending on your technology).


Commander: Sixth feeling, BB, disguise, repair.
Press: disguise, BB, malic grid, repair.
Chargeing: disguise, BB, intuition, repair.
Mechanic-driver: disguise, BB, virtuoso, road off-road king.
Radist: disguise, BB, repair, radio equipment.

(For the last perks strictly with your choice, depending on your technology).

All skills and skills go consistently for pumping, but you can change them in places if you think it is necessary or they are suitable for your specific techniquebecause It is impossible to choose the peppers for all tanks the same. It is also worth remembering that for each the next skill is required 2 times more experience than in the previous one, we take it with the mind.