The command how to call a command unit. How to give yourself a command block in the game "minecraft"? How to activate the command block in minecraft

The command block is a cell in which you can enter various commands. The same block begins to perform the task when it receives a signal from red stone. This unit is well expanding the actions when creating maps in Minecraft, or where there is a right to darish some part or territory. The use of such a block is simply necessary in some gaming situations when everything can depend only on you. And the teams that you can enter can save others, or protect you in this pixel world.

So, consider how to make command block Minecraft 1.8.9 without mods. I want to upset immediately that the command unit is simply impossible. But it is possible to get it, because the administrator of the server is headed. Or a player in single game mode. To get you need to drive / Give Player Command_Block. The player value is the name of the player in need of this block.

After we learned how to make a command unit in minecraft 1.8.9 without mods, you need to disassemble how to write the team itself into it. To do this, you must open the command block, and it is done using the mouse button. You must click the right key on the block. Next comes out the window in which the command fits and itself. By the way, there is a slightly lower log string in which you can conveniently follow the results of the commands performed, as well as errors that could occur.

In order to learn the entire list of available commands, you must dial in the Chat / Help window.

Using the command block will clearly facilitate your game and performance in it, because with such a block you can perform many actions, recording in them the necessary teams. Also, depending on the type of game, some privileges are possible, since you are able to reward comrades, or yourself. Also, the distribution of teams can be adjusted to those nearby, on a random player, on all players in the world, or on all the entities that live throughout the map.

Today we will tell you what is the command block in minecraft, how to get it, why is it needed and how, where and for which it can be used.

What are command blocks?

In the game Minecraft, the command unit (CB) can automatically perform certain console commands until the red stone is activated.

They work in adventure mode, and allow maps creators to improve interaction with the player. At the same time, the player is not able to destroy the blocks and build new ones.

In the "Survival" mode with command units you can not interact or destroy them.

They cannot be created using crafting, and they are not found in the inventory playing in creative mode. Creative Mode Players and Server Administrators can use console team "Give" to get KB or make it accessible to other players. It looks like this:

/ Give Minecraft: Command_Block

When typing, remove the brackets on the edges of the player name and quantity:

/ Give AtomBox Minecraft: Command_Block 1

KB has a graphical interface with a text field, affordable on the right click of the mouse.

Place command units, enter commands and save changes only players in creative mode and players with the administrator status on the server.

To use them in a single game or multiplayer worlds, you must enable LAN mode and allow cheats.

Where command blocks are used

Have you ever played adventure maps, where is always the night, or where the weather never changes? You could download the cards where players receive special awards, improvements or experience by pressing the button or for completing the task. All this becomes possible thanks to the KB. When creating your Minecraft card, you need command blocks if:

  • You want a permanent day or night;
  • You want to change the weather;
  • You want to change the complexity of the game;
  • You want to reproduce a specific sound;
  • You want to send a message to the player;
  • You want to teleport to another location;
  • You want to give to players subjects.

YouTube has many videos describing a variety of Minecraft cards. Multiplayer cards are especially popular. There are many categories available for downloading Minecraft maps that use command blocks to improve the player's convenience. There are a lot of reasons for their use by card developers. They include maps of the following categories:

  • Adventure cards;
  • Parkur cards;
  • Puzzle cards;
  • Cards for survival;

Adventure cards sharpened on the plot, and Gamer acts as the main character of the narrative. Previously, adventure cards relied on the story story through signs and books, and now the narrative is available through dialogues and sounds, and all thanks to the KB.

Parkur cards Forced the player to get from one end of the world to another with a minimum number of deaths. Often they contain incredible jumps and other deadly obstacles. Command blocks make it possible to install spanea points (appearance) of the character in front of complex obstacles.

Puzzle cards They focus on the skills of solving problems, offering labyrinths, traps and other difficulties. Some such maps have a plot, like adventure. The use of KB allows such maps easier to offer directions related to the plot dialogues and sounds.

Cards for survival Can be focused on survival in a single game or in a multiplayer, or simply include the plot. KB can give players a starting point of spauna, as well as the information associated with the plot. Features here are endless.

How to use a command block

Their installation is easier than the most players think in Minecraft. Commands can be confusing, but some of them (such as setting the day) are very simple for programming. Large projects can be planned later, and for beginnings, try to master the basics of placement, settings and use of the KB.

Do not forget that command blocks can only appear in creative game mode. To go to it, you need appropriate privileges on the server (if available) or activated cheats.

In the chat field, type "/ Gamemode C", "/ Gamemode Creative" or "/ GameMode 1" without quotes.

2. Pressing the command block right mouse button

In creative mode, to access the command block, click on it with right mouse button. To generate it, you need to use the "Give" command, as described above in the text:

/ Give Minecraft: Command_Block

Command blocks work, only being connected to the electrical chain of a red stone (by the way, exists good modallowing you to increase energy transmission distance). Pressing the right mouse button opens a dialog box where you can enter the server command. The maximum command length can be 254 characters.

3. Enter the command and click Finish

When you enter the command to the block, you need to specify, on which player it is directed. This can be done by entering a player name or choice. three are different variables: "@p" (nearest player), @R (random player) or @a (all players). These variables are especially useful in situations when the player activating the team is unknown. By setting the command, click Finish to save it.

Remember that one KB can only execute one command!

Practical examples of use

The following examples are simple and practical command bloc applications in a single and multiplayer game in Minecraft worlds.

How to change the rules of the game

Game rules are a relatively new feature that allows players and command blocks to change certain basic settings. minecraft world. There are nine described gaming rules that can be controlled using the command block on the map.

Can be used gaming rules To create a permanent daylight or darkness, disconnect the spun mobs, loss of objects from mobs and much more. When entering the "Gamerule" command, use the following command:

Gaming Rule Effect of rule
commandBlockoutput. Includes / Disables Text Entering to KB
dodaylightCycle. Turns on / off day / night cycle
dofireTrick. Includes / Turns off the distribution / disappearance of fire
domobloot. Includes / disables the loss of objects from mobs
domobspawning Includes / Disables Spauning Mobs
dotiledrops. Includes / disables the loss of objects from the KB when they are destroyed
keepinventory. Includes / Disables the saving of items in the inventory after the death of the player
mobgriefing. Includes / Turns off the destruction of KB cripers or wanderer edge
naturalRegeneration. Includes / Disables Health Regeneration from Players

How to set the weather

Some cards use a dark topic, which is perfectly combined with rainy weather or thunder, whereas to play better with a clear sky. There are many options to manage the weather using the command blocks. Simple example of weather team:

In this case, the word input can be replaced with "Clear" (Clear), Rain (rain) or Thunder (Thunder).

You can connect the button or lever to the command block to switch the weather manually, or create an automatic red stone schema for permanent weather switching. It is easily achieved by using repeaters, buttons and construction block.

How to install a spa point

Spound points are an important component of many. minecraft cards, including adventure, parkur cards, puzzles and others. The need every time with the death of moving the map from the very beginning extremely annoying. Using the SpawnPoint command, you can save game progress and reborn after the death of the nearest checkpoint passed. The team looks like this:

By connecting the command unit to the construction button or pressure plate, players can set the spa point at the location of the KB.

If you need something more complicated, you can add the coordinate command to set the place of the spoun point.

Run from one place to another tires, especially on a multiplayer server. With the use of the Teleport command, players can move on certain coordinates of the world of Minecraft or in the location of other players. Enter the command to the command unit:

With them you can have a specific set of coordinates for the teleportation of the player, such as the location of the next part of the adventure card.

If the block is not intended for a particular player, you can use @p to select the nearest player.

If you are on a multiplayer server, you can bind the command block to yourself by applying your username in Minecraft.

These are just a few options how to use command blocks in single-user and multiplayer Minecraft games. There are many significantly more complex teams and diagrams from red stone that apply maps creators.

Perform any actions appointed by the participants of the game are carried out by command blocks. Fail to create a similar team playing in survival mode. Will not work and their call as tools during use game mode Creative. To functionally get such blocks, you need to apply a pair of sufficiently simple commands, which, in fact, will allow them to call them. Consider a few simple methods.

Get a command block in Minecraft: Method 1

Run Minecraft and select Single Mode. Perform the creation of a world in which cheats are included.

Open the chat window and press the "/" key. This symbol will open the window in which commands can be entered.

Enter the assignment you need by selecting from the following lines:

  • "/ Give" name Minecraft: Command_Block and the desired number - after its introduction to the console, the encountered items will appear among tools;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - this line turns one of the blocks into another, making it command, and to find it, you need to press F3 and select one of the found;
  • "/ Summon Item X Y Z (Item: (ID: Minecraft: Command_Block, Count: 1))" - Entering this sequence, the game participant will call the blocks where he needs.

Get a command unit in Minecraft: Method 2

Run the game, select Single Mode. Log in to the world's existing, it may be the server. Enter the chat required to task commands by clicking on "/".

Enter one of the options proposed:

  • "/ Give name Minecraft: Command_block The desired number" - this line allows you to call the desired number of items and add them to the existing inventory;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - if you enter such a text, you can replace any available command to the command, and to determine the place in which it is located, you need to press the F3 key;
  • "/ Summon Item X Y Z (Item: (ID: Minecraft: Command_Block, Count: 1))" - Blocks will appear on a given plot.

Get a command block in Minecraft: Method 3

  • The "E" key drag the unit and place on the panel. Press the right mouse button and place the item on the ground.
  • Click on it again the same mouse button. After that, a menu will open in which you can configure actions.
  • In this window you need to enter the "/" symbol. The options of these blocks resemble those used in the chat. They are sometimes associated with an electric board. This allows commands automatically.
  • Press the "/" key, the console window will appear in which you write the word "HELP". After it, dial the name of that object to which the command sequence is prescribed.

Probably you know about the existence of teams, to work with blocks in Minecraft, but do not know how to use it. And if you are a builder of cards, then I think it is very and very good for you! Well, let's get finally.

Consider this command in more detail:

X, Y, Z - coordinates of the places where the block will be installed or change

TileName - the name of the block, that is, its id, it should look like this:

minecraft: block name (only small letters)

Example: Minecraft: Wool or Minecraft: Iron_Block

Datavalue - block type, that is, the color of the wool, clay color, sandstone type, etc.

Example: 15 - type of wool, that is black

How it should look like: Minecraft: Wool 15

Oldblockhandling is a new syntax, it happens three types:

keep - checks if there is a block on the specified coordinates, if there is already some block there, then this syntax is not

allows you to put the specified block at this place.

Example: / Setblock ~ ~ 1 ~ Minecraft: Wool 15 Keep

destroy - if the block stands on the specified coordinates, then it breaks it (with the animation of particles and sound)

Example: / setblock ~ ~ 1 ~ Minecraft: Wool 15 Destroy

replace - just replaces the block according to the specified coordinates

Example: / Setblock ~ ~ 1 ~ Minecraft: Wool 15 Replace

DataTag - block tags or object, that is:

We want to establish a command unit in which some kind of team will be recorded, how to do it:

We write the block installation command and add to it (tags are denoted by such brackets ()) (Command:

/ setblock ~ ~ 1 ~ Minecraft: Command_Block 0 Syntax (for example: REPLACE) (Command: / Say @P Ololo)

And when the command unit is established, it will be this command.

I will give another example:

We want to establish a chest so that there is some kind of subject or items, for this there is the Items tag, to him

you can add a tag of the enchantment, but about it in another part of the tutorial.

The Items Tag 4 parameters:

ID - Id object

COUNT - Number of subjects

Slot - slot in which the subject or objects will fit

Damage - a parameter that indicates how damaged item

How to do it all:

/ setblock ~ ~ 1 ~ (block ID to fit this item) 0 replace (Items:

[(ID: 276, COUNT: 1, SLOT: 0, DAMAGE: 50)])

We get a chest in which 1 diamond sword, which is damaged by 50.

If you do not know what sign ~, then I will explain now:

This is a sign of coordinates if you wrote this sign, the block will take the same coordinate where the command unit is.

If you add a digit, it will move the block to the specified number of blocks:

/ setblock ~ 2 ~ 2 ~ -2 Minecraft: Iron_Block 0

The unit will move from the command block (or from the player if you write the command in the chat) on the 2 block up, 2 blocks forward, 2 blocks to the right, well, I think you will figure it out.

On this, my first guide comes to an end. Good luck to all! And wait for the second part of the guide!

After you received a command unit, put it on the Earth and click on it PCM. You will be the menu, and the row where the "Console Command" is written. In this line we will enter all the commands!

But before you enter the team, we need to deal with some words that you see lower!

These are teams, with the help of them you will appoint who will get the effect, things or something else!
For example, you want a friend to give a diamond bib to give it to give you to register in the command block:

How to change the difficulty in the game. To change it, you need to register in the console.

    • / difficulty [Difficulty]

The complexity can be: peaceful, hard, easy, normal.

In this way, you can change the complexity in the game!

There is another lot of an important team, how to clean the inventory, this command can be used on the server!

    • / Clear [to whom]

You can choose, clean the inventory to the nearest players [@p], or to register nickname!

How to make a command block in minecraft?

The command unit appeared in minecraft not immediately. Only in version 1.4, new opportunities appear in the players. It is in these versions of minecraft users who learn what is a command unit that is closely related to the console teams.

What is a command block

Actually, the command unit is a block in which players prescribe certain commands. The command unit can be opened if you click on it with the mouse. After that, the field will appear in which the commands for execution will appear. Below will be displayed information about the result of the commands entered.

How to make a command block

Unfortunately, the usual user to make the command block itself in minecraft can not, despite the great desire of the player, because using the command block in virtual world You can fully control the card and conduct correspondence in the chat with all the players at the same time. It is impossible to make the command block itself, you can only get it. There are several options for how to get a command unit.


To receive you need to full list commands that can be prescribed in the command block, just enter the word Help in the chat window.

Entering these commands, you will receive the required result:

  • give @p iron_ingot 10 - 10 iron bars
  • setblock 42 21 60 Wool - Install the block by coordinates x \u003d 42, y \u003d 21, z \u003d 60
  • tP Player 42 21 60 - teleport to a point with coordinates x \u003d 42, y \u003d 21, z \u003d 60

You can also use pointers to players:

  • @p is the nearest player;
  • @a - all players;
  • @R - a random player;
  • @e - all entities.
  • x - X coordinate of the search center;
  • y - y coordinate center of the search center;
  • z - z coordinate of the search center;
  • r is the maximum value of the search radius;
  • rm is the minimum value of the search radius;
  • m - game mode;
  • l is the maximum number of experience at the player;
  • lM is the minimum number of experience at the player.

With the help of special teams, you can do anything in minecraft - we have a complete list of these teams.

You can add any items to change weather Or just make yourself invulnerable. Some of the teams will only work in a single game or only in a multiplayer, so carefully read their description before entering.

Commands are entered into chat, so in order to start, press - T or / and then write.

Click to go:

Commands for a single game in Minecraft:

Commands for admin in Minecraft:

If you are an administrator of the server, then these commands will be very useful to you. With them you can perform most of the actions necessary for the normal existence of your server.

clear<цель> [Object number] [Additional data] - Clears the inventory of the specified player by all objects or specific ID.

debug. - Runs the debug mode or stops it.

defaultGameMode - makes it possible to change the default mode for new players on the server.

difficulty<0|1|2|3> — Changes the complexity of the game, 0 - peacefully, 1 - easy, 2 - ok, 3 is difficult.

enchant.<цель> [Level] - Engines the subject in the hands, on the level specified in the team.

gameMode. [target] - Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (Survival, S or 0), creativity (Creative, C or 1), adventure (Adventure, A or 2). So that the team worked, the player should be online.

gamerule.<правило> [Value] - Makes it possible to change a few basic rules. Value should be true or false.


  • dofireTick - with False stops the spread of fire.
  • domobloot - with FALSE with mobs does not drop away.
  • domobspawning - with False prohibits spawn mobs.
  • dotileDrops - with FALSE from destroyed blocks, items do not fall out.
  • kEEPINVENTORY - With True after death, the player does not lose the contents of the inventory.
  • mobgriefing - with false mobs can not destroy blocks (cryper explosions do not spoil the landscape).
  • cOMMANDBLOCKOUTPUT - with false, the command unit does not displays anything into the chat when executing the commands.

give.<цель> <номер объекта> [Quantity] [Additional Information] - gives the player the subject specified by software.

help [Page | team] ? [Page | team] - Displays a list of all available console commands.

publish - Opens access to the world on the local network.

say.<сообщение> — Shows all players a message pink color.

sPAWNPOINT [Purpose] [x] [y] [z] - Allows you to install a spa point for the player in the specified coordinates. If the coordinates were not indicated, the point of the spa will be your current position.

time Set.<число|day|night> - allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified in a numerical value where 0 is dawn, 6000 afternoon, 12,000 sunset and 18,000 midnight.

time Add.<число> - Adds the specified amount of time to the current.

toggledownFall - makes it possible to turn on or disable precipitation.

tP.<цель1> <цель2>, TP.<цель> - makes it possible to carry out the teleportation of the player specified by the name to another or by the introduced coordinates.

weather.<время> — Allows you to change the weather for a certain time specified in seconds.

xp.<количество> <цель> — Gives a specific player a specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If, after the number, enter L, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be reduced, for example, -10L will reduce the player level by 10.

ban.<игрок> [cause] - Allows you to block the player's access to the server in Nick.

ban-IP. Allows you to block the player access to the server by the IP address.

pardon<никнейм> — Allows you to unlock the specified player access to the server.

pardon-IP. Deletes the specified IP address from a black list.

banlist - Allows you to see a list of all player blocked on the server.

op.<цель> — Gives the specified player privileges of the operator.

dEOP.<цель> — Selects the player the privileges of the operator.

kick.<цель> [Cause] - Picks the specified player from the server.

list - Displays a list of all players online.

save-All. - will force all changes to the change on the server.

save-ON - Allows the server to automatically save.

save-OFF - It prohibits the server to automatically save.

stop. - completes the server operation.

whitelist List. - Displays a list of players in Whitelist.

whitelist. <никнейм> — Adds or deletes a player on a white list.

whitelist. - Includes or turns off the use of a white list on the server.

whitelist Reload. - Reboots Whitelist, you mean updates it according to the white-list.txt file (can be used when the White-List.txt is modified manually).

Privata Teams in Minecraft

These commands will need you if you are going to move the territory or perform the other related actions.

/ Region Claim<имя региона> - Saves a selected area as a region with the specified name.

// HPOS1 - Sets the first point in accordance with your current coordinates.

// HPOS2. - Sets the second point in accordance with your current coordinates.

/ Region Addowner.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the owners of the region. The owners have the same opportunities as the creator of the region.

/ Region Addmember.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the participants of the region. Participants have limited opportunities.

/ Region RemoveOwner.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Remove the specified players from the owners of the region.

/ Region Removemember.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> Remove the specified players from the regions participants.

// Expand.<длина> <направление> - expands the region in the specified direction. For example: // Expand 5 Up - will expand the release of 5 cubes upwards. Permissible directions: Up, Down, ME.

// Contract.<длина> <направление> - Reduce the region in the specified direction. For example: // Contract 5 Up - will reduce the release of 5 cubes from the bottom up. Permissible directions: Up, Down, ME.

/ Region Flag.<регион> <флаг> <значение> - The region can set the flag if you have sufficient access.

Possible flags:

  • pvP - Is PVP permissible in the region
  • use - Is the use of mechanisms, doors permissible
  • chest-Access - whether the use of chests is permissible
  • l AVA-FLOW - whether spreading lava is permissible
  • water-Flow - Water spread is permissible
  • lIGHTER - whether the use of lighters is permissible


  • allow - turned on
  • dENY - Disabled
  • none - the same flag as not in the private zone

Commands for the WORLEDIT plugin

These commands will need if the WORLEDIT plugin is installed on the server and you have permission to use it commands. On the average server, for most players - these commands will not be available.

// POS1 - Sets the coordinates as the first point where you are standing.

// POS2. - Sets the coordinates as the second point where you are standing.

// HPOS1 - Sets the coordinate as the first coordinate point to which you look.

// HPOS2. - Sets the coordinates as a second point to which you look.

// Wand. - Gives you a wooden ax by clicking on this ax left-click on the block, you set the first point, right-click the second.

// REPLACE. - Replaces all selected blocks to those specified in the selected region. For example: // Replace Dirt Glass - will replace the entire ground on the glass in the selected area.

// Overlay - cover the region by the specified block. For example: // Overlay Grass - Pasting the Grass region.

// Set. - Fill the empty area by the specified block. For example: // SET 0 - remove all blocks in the region (fill with air).

// Move. - shift blocks in the region on<количество>, in<направлении> and replace the remaining blocks on .

// Walls. - creates walls from<материал> In the selected region.

// SEL. - Removes the current selection.

// Sphere. - creates the sphere from , C radius . Raised can be yes or no if yes, then the center of the sphere will shift up on its radius.

// HSphere. - Creates an empty sphere with the specified parameters.

// CYL. - creates a cylinder from , with radius and height .

// hcyl - Creates a blank cylinder with the specified parameters.

// Forestgen. - Creates a forest area x. blocks, with type and density The density happens from 0 to 100.

// Undo. - cancels the specified number of your actions.

// Redo. - Restores the specified number of the actions that have canceled.

// SEL. - Allows you to choose the form of the region allocated. CUBOID - highlights parallelepiped. Extend is the same as CUBOID, but when installing the second point you extend the region without losing the selection from the already dedicated. Poly - allocates only in the plane. Cyl - cylinder. Sphere - sphere. Ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule).

// desel - Removes selection.

// Contract. - reduce to the specified number region in the selected direction (North, East, South, West, Up, Down), if the number is indicated - That and in the opposite direction.

// Expand. - increase the region to the specified number of blocks in the specified direction (North, East, South, West, Up, DOWN), if the number of Reverse-Amount is indicated in the opposite direction.

// INSET [-HV] - narrows the selected region in each direction.

// Outset [-HV] - Expands the selected region in each direction.

// Size - Shows the number of blocks in the highlighted region.

// Regen. - re-generates the selected region.

// Copy - Copies the contents of the region.

// Cut. - Cuts the contents of the region.

// Paste. - Inserts the contents of the copied region.

// Rotate. - turns the contents of the copied region to the specified number of degrees .

// Flip. - Reflect the region in the buffer towards the DIR, or in the direction of your view.

// Pumpkins. - Creates a pumpkin field with the specified size.

// HPYRAMID. - Creates an empty pyramid from the block, with the size.

// Pyramid.Creates a pyramid from the block, with the size.

// Drain. - remove the water on the distance specified from you .

// Fixwater. - Corrects the water level on the distance specified .

// Fixlava. - fixes the level of lava on the distance specified from you .

// Snow - covers the snow area on the distance specified from you .

// Thaw. Removes snow on the distance from you .

// Butcher [-a] - kills all hostile mobs on the distance specified from you . Use [-A] kill both friendly mobs.

// - gives you a super pickaxe to quickly destroy blocks.

And so hello everyone is expensive friends. Today I will tell you how to get a command unit in minecraft. On the review today we have two ways at once, and both methods to this day are relevant and will be relevant (we will update the material in the event of a change in the method of obtaining). How to get a command block And why is it needed? Command Blocks Need to ensure that the player can get a quick way to get a thing, a thing and so on using a specific code. For command Block Creation We will need to use a few simple actions:

First, let's start the minecraft.

If you want to get a command block on the server, then you should go right away to the method 2.

After that, you need to create a world with inclied cheats. To do this, open the advanced settings and change the "ALLOW CHEATS" item with Off on ON.

Then run the world.

After the world boots open the chat using the "/" button.

To get a command unit, use the command:

/ Give [Your Name] Minecraft: Command_Block [Number of Desired Command Blocks]

/ setblock x y z minecraft: command_block"- This command will replace one block on the command block.

Also commands you can take from our catalog ""

Method 2 - How to create a command block on the server

This method will be suitable if you want to get a command unit in the already existing world or on the server.

Select an existing world or server in which you want to get a command block.

Also, command blocks can be used to obtain various mechanisms. Using ready-made commands from our command section for the Michekraft command bloc. Such teams can replace full modifications, for example, there is a command block that will add a weapon to the game.

Command blocks can be used with various red stone torches, mechanisms and various electrical fees.

I bring to your attention small video The instruction in which the author clearly explained how to get a command unit.

How to make a command block in minecraft?

The command unit appeared in minecraft not immediately. Only in version 1.4, new opportunities appear in the players. It is in these versions of minecraft users who learn what is a command unit that is closely related to the console teams.

What is a command block

Actually, the command unit is a block in which players prescribe certain commands. The command unit can be opened if you click on it with the mouse. After that, the field will appear in which the commands for execution will appear. Below will be displayed information about the result of the commands entered.

How to make a command block

Unfortunately, the usual user can make the command block in minecraft, despite the enormous desire of the player, because using the command block in the virtual world you can fully control the card and conduct correspondence in the chat with all the players at the same time. It is impossible to make the command block itself, you can only get it. There are several options for how to get a command unit.


In order to get a complete list of commands that can be prescribed in the command block, it is enough to enter the word Help in the chat window.

Entering these commands, you will receive the required result:

  • give @p iron_ingot 10 - 10 iron bars
  • setblock 42 21 60 Wool - Install the block by coordinates x \u003d 42, y \u003d 21, z \u003d 60
  • tP Player 42 21 60 - teleport to a point with coordinates x \u003d 42, y \u003d 21, z \u003d 60

You can also use pointers to players:

  • @p is the nearest player;
  • @a - all players;
  • @R - a random player;
  • @e - all entities.
  • x - X coordinate of the search center;
  • y - y coordinate center of the search center;
  • z - z coordinate of the search center;
  • r is the maximum value of the search radius;
  • rm is the minimum value of the search radius;
  • m - game mode;
  • l is the maximum number of experience at the player;
  • lM is the minimum number of experience at the player.