Associations to Imaginarium cards. Imaginarium game rules. Alternative base kits

The biggest stress when shopping new game- it is to wade through the intricacies of the rules. In the Imaginarium, the developers approached the description of the rules with special love and told about them in such a way that anyone can figure it out in five minutes.


Each player chooses an elephant and voting tokens of the same color. There are 7 tokens in the game. You need to take as much as the person is involved in the game. If 5 people are playing, then 5 tokens.

Game progress

  • Elephants of all players stand on the field on the cloud with the number "1"
  • The deck of cards is shuffled and the players receive 6 cards.
  • One player becomes the leader and comes up with an association. Next, the next player clockwise becomes the leader.

The presenter comes up with an association with one of his cards, speaks it out loud and puts it face down on the table.

Field Specialist

There are special fields on the playing field that impose conditions on coming up with associations:

the association must contain exactly four words
the association must be invented in the form of a question
the association must be associated with a well-known brand, its slogan or advertising video
the association must be related to a film, cartoon or broadcast
the association is made with the help of a story

You can use these restrictions in the game, ignore them, or, conversely, introduce them as the basis of all your associations.

After the Leader has thought of an association, all players look for a suitable phrase among their cards and put it face down.
The facilitator takes all the cards, shuffles them and puts them in a line on the table. The card on the left is numbered 1, the next card is 2, and so on.

Guessing the leader's card

The task of the players is to guess which card the Host has thought of and vote for it. The leader does not participate in the voting round.
When the player has made his choice, he gives the leader a token with the card number so that no one can see the number.
As soon as everyone has voted, the tokens are revealed and points are awarded.


  • If all players guessed the leader's card, then he goes 3 moves back (or to field 1, if he has not yet advanced beyond the third field), and the rest of the players stand still.
  • If nobody guessed the leader's card, then the leader goes 2 moves back. Plus, points are awarded to players whose cards are guessed right.
  • In any other case, all players who correctly guessed the card get 3 points. The leader gets 3 points plus a point for each player who guessed him.
  • All players receive one point for each player who guesses their picture.

The players move their elephants the given number of steps.

End of turn

At the end of the turn, the players draw one card into their hand so that at the beginning of the next turn each player has 6 cards.
If the cards in the deck are out, then the players continue to come up with associations until the last card.

End of the game

The game ends when the cards in the hands of the players run out. Even if you jumped across the field the second circle with your bishop.

Game with a different number of players

Depending on the number of players, the number of cards in the deck changes:

  • 7 people - 98 cards
  • 6 people - 72 cards
  • 5 people - 75 cards
  • 4 people - 96 cards

If there are more than seven players, you can split into teams and come up with collective associations.

One of the more fun ways to have fun with friends and family is to play something. And if you choose the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which are quite simple, then time will fly by, and you can learn a lot about each other. After all, this board game was created in order to guess other people's thoughts with the help of associations.

"Imaginarium": the rules of the game

Before embarking on a pleasant pastime, it is worth figuring out what the essence of this entertainment is. The main idea of ​​the "Imaginarium" can be expressed as follows: you need to come up with associations for the selected picture and try to guess the drawings of other players through the explanations they provide. Everything is quite simple - turn on logic and imagination, and you are guaranteed a sea of ​​positive emotions, laughter and pleasant emotions.


Before you start playing the Imaginarium, the rules of which are described here, you need to prepare a game deck. To do this, you need to decide on the number of cards. After counting the required number of pictures, set aside the extra ones. For four players (minimum number) you need 96 cards, for five you need 75 cards, for six players - 82, and for seven players (maximum number) - 98. Not logical, these are the rules! Now everyone has to choose a chip and cards of the same color, needed for voting. There are only seven sets in the game, and if, for example, five players are playing, then the extra chips and cards must be removed.

First move

The board game "Imaginarium" (the rules are presented here) does not imply any rivalry, but nevertheless it is necessary to choose a host who will make the first associations. The authors of the game themselves suggest this way: take the voting cards and choose one at random, turn it over and check with other players. The leader is the one with the largest number in the picture. But this is not necessary, and you can choose the player who makes the first move at your discretion.

Now the presenter must choose one of his pictures, make an association on it and put it face down on the table. And here we come to the most interesting in the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which are being analyzed now. An association can be anything from a line of a song or poem to an indescribable set of sounds. It all depends on your imagination.

The rest should choose from their pictures the most suitable one for the explanations of the leading player and also lay it face down on the table. After that, the leader shuffles the cards and lays them out already open. Now you need to number the pictures and try to guess the leader's card, who does not participate in guessing. Everyone chooses a voting chip with the number of the card, which, in his opinion, belongs to the leader, and puts it number down in front of him. Here you need to clarify that you cannot choose your own card. After all the players have decided on their choice, the tokens are turned over and the counting of points begins.

Imaginarium Rules: Scoring

The elephants should be moved around the field in this way: the leader's piece, as well as the players who guessed his card, moves forward 3 steps. Also, the chips of all players move as many steps as the number of people who have chosen their card. For example, the host Sergei, and Katya and Roma guessed his card, and Kostya chose Katina's card. This means that Sergei moves 5 moves forward, Kostya stands still, Katya gets 4 moves, and Roma - 3. But if all the players guessed the leader's association, then his chip moves back 3 cells, and the bishops of the other players stand still. If no one guessed the card, then the leader's bishop retreats 2 cells, and the remaining pieces move as many steps as the players have chosen their card. For example, no one guessed the leader's card, but 4 players chose Masha's picture, and two players chose Mikhail's association, which means that Masha's bishop goes forward 4 moves, and Mikhail's only 2 moves.

The presenter is faced with a rather difficult task - to come up with a not too explicit, but not difficult association at stake. But this is the beauty of the Imaginarium game, the rules of which we are examining. After all, each picture is rather ambiguous and sometimes evokes a variety of feelings, which turns the game into a verbal battle over this or that choice - no one will be bored. At the end of the turn, all played cards are discarded, everyone is dealt new card from the deck, and the leader's right goes to the next player in the circle.

Additional tasks

Some fields on the map are marked with special icons, and the leader, who got to such a cell, must take into account some restrictions. If the chip is on the cloud with the number 4, then the association should consist of 4 words. Once on the field with a picture of a TV, the player must come up with an explanation related to the film, TV series, cartoon, and so on. For a field with an interesting Abibas logo, it is necessary to come up with an association associated with a brand - it can be a slogan or an excerpt from an advertisement, etc. If the leader's bishop hits the field with then the association should be interrogative. And, finally, the sign of the book says that explanations should be given in the form of a story.

The final

You can play the Imaginarium indefinitely. The rules of the game assume the ending as soon as the cards in the deck run out. In this case, the winner will be the one who has moved as far forward on the field as possible. But if you want, you can always shuffle the deck and continue the adventure. And if one of the elephants reaches the last cloud, then you can send him to the next round - it all depends on the wishes of the players. But what to do if it starts to seem that all the cards have been studied up and down and you want to learn something new? In this case, you can always purchase additional decks, because the developers spoil their fans with interesting novelties.

"Imaginarium" for the whole family

Some of the pictures in this wonderful game are provocative enough that many parents feel uncomfortable explaining their associations to their children. In this case, the "Imaginarium: Childhood" option is suitable for the whole family. The rules of this game are almost the same as in the adult version. In the same way, the required number of cards is counted, chips and tokens are divided. After the distribution, the youngest becomes the first leader, and the game continues in the same way as described above, but with some differences. First of all, participants under the age of six do not go back even if they have not guessed the card. Also in the game "Imaginarium: Childhood" there are two points for the guessed move.

Additional tasks: the so stone means that the player does not step back, even if no one guessed his card, or everyone chose his association. If you find yourself on the field with a cat, then your association should be invented about any fairy-tale character. If a stone falls out with a book, then the explanations should begin with the words "Once upon a time." The end of the game comes if one of the players reaches the field at number 30 - he becomes the winner. That's all you need to know about the Imaginarium: Childhood board game. The rules of the game are more simplified and understandable, it will not be difficult to understand them.

A whole box of creative associations!

More great game not to be found. After all, she teaches kindness and creativity. The game does not have any hard and fast rules. They are there, but they are more creative than the rules of other games. Your imagination will enjoy the game to its fullest, and you will discover new world associations.
Board game Imaginarium - amazing game to search for associations that should arise at the sight of unusual pictures. They were created by creative artists who put so much meaning into them that it is sometimes difficult to guess what they meant by that.

Association and imagination! Intuition to help!

Purpose of the game: guess as many as possible from the laid out cards those that the presenter has thought of, and get a decent number of points. Which of the players has successfully coped with the assigned task becomes the main winner.

Why fantasize and imagine?

The presenter takes a card from the deck, and, having shown all the skills of fantasy and imagination, comes up with an association for it. Moreover, such that even your child or friend could not guess quickly, otherwise the whole meaning of the game disappears. While other players should be at a loss and guess what kind of association you have in mind. They have time to think, and then, by voting, they choose what they think is most suitable. It sounds like a secret community of associates, but it's so fascinating ...

Everyone is captivated by associations!

The Imaginarium board game is a magical associative game designed to awaken imagination and creativity in every player. Anyone in the amount of 3 to 7 players can invent and guess associations. And even those who think they have a problem with their imagination or not at all. This is not true. It just needs to be developed ...
The game is designed for childhood over 12 years old and adult parents who do not want to drown in the world of everyday problems. The Imaginarium completely immerses you in an unusual atmosphere and will give you genuine emotions of joy.

The Imaginarium game is a creative hit for everyone!

It miraculously completely deprives the communication barriers of communication, develops you as a person, and you will look at the world with different eyes - full of beauty .... The Imaginarium teaches you to better understand the people around you and strive for the opportunity to guess someone's thoughts and actions. The Imaginarium game is the best gift, from which positive energy emanates from the outside, and a deep and beautiful meaning of associations is hidden inside the box. It will be a great family game, will surprise everyone at any holiday. It is limitless, like all the associations in the box.
It is more than a game - it is the beautiful art of playing coupled with creativity.

How to play?

  • Before the start, each player chooses an elephant of a certain color and to match the voting card. All elephants are placed on the playing field at the starting mark. The deck with pictures is shuffled and 6 cards are dealt to each.
  • Each player becomes the leader at least once during the game. He must make an association to one of his cards. Then he says it out loud to his rivals, thereby laying out this card face down.
  • The rest of the players need to guess the card that the host asked for. To do this, the presenter takes a card and mixes it with the cards of other players and turns it over with the pictures up. Next, the players vote and lay out the voting card with the desired number so that everyone can see it.
  • After that, the points are counted. And according to the points scored, the players move along playing field... The winner is the player who reaches the final mark.

What's in the box?

  • playing field;
  • 98 cards with pictures;
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players;
  • 7 tokens in the form of flying elephants;
  • rules of the game.

If you are bored with gadgets or you just finally want to get away from them, turn your attention to the board games from the category

Imaginarium - board game

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I want to present to your attention an exciting and creative game with which you can develop your imagination and just have a good time. Meet the Imaginarium!

My review of the board game Imaginarium

Game features

This is an interesting board game that you can play for hours, if not days. Its main advantage, in addition to being fun, is its unflagging interest in the gameplay even after the tenth or twentieth game. In addition, the advantages of the "Imaginarium" include:

  • simple rules that can be learned right in the course of the game (more on the rules will be below);
  • development of creative imagination;
  • the ability to increase the level of interest in the game, supplementing and improving the existing rules;
  • the opportunity to play with companies from two to seven people;

It is not compact card game, and therefore taking "Imaginarium" with you on a trip and playing on the bus will not work. But on the other hand, you can have a lot of fun and interesting time with her at home, at a party, in nature.

Completing the box with the game

The standard version of "Imaginarium", which we played with friends, is released in the following configuration:

  • thick cardboard box with a built-in playing field. The box is quite voluminous both in height and in width. The box is inside;
  • 7 multi-colored flying elephants as tokens for players;
  • multi-colored chips with serial numbers from 1 to 7;
  • 98 cards with various images;
  • booklet with game rules and illustrations.

Game cards are quite large and bright, made of thick laminated cardboard. The images are clear and understandable, each drawing indicates some kind of action or plot. It is worth noting that the print quality of the entire publication is excellent - neither the playing field, nor the drawings on the playing cards are erased or damaged during the game.

Included in addition to standard cards there are special ones with additional marks. They may have an image:

  • numbers 4. The presenter must make an association of exactly four words;
  • book. In this case, it is necessary to present the association to the players in the form of a short story;
  • television. Here the presenter will have to associate his association with a famous cartoon, program, book or TV series;
  • question mark. The association is formulated as an interrogative sentence;
  • logo. This mark means that the presenter should use well-known brands of brands or other companies in his tip.

The decision to embed a field with a game in the box itself may seem rather unusual, but it is very convenient. Next to the field there are compartments in which tokens, cards and tokens are stored.

Rules of the game

This board is entirely built on associations and the ability to choose the right definition for a particular image. Official rules recommend playing with a company of at least four people. Otherwise, spending time behind a box of the Imaginarium may lose its charm.

Official rules of the game:

  1. At the beginning, each player is dealt six playing cards.
  2. The leader is selected. It can be determined by a preliminary agreement between the participants or by drawing tokens from the pile. The one who pulled out the token with the highest serial number is appointed as the leader.
  3. Each player chooses the color of the flying elephant. They are placed at the starting position of the playing field.
  4. Each participant is given voting tokens of the same color as the player's token. The number of tokens and their serial numbers must correspond to the number of players. For example, if five people are playing, then each will be given voting tags 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  5. The player chosen as the leader is the first to lay out one of the cards face down on the table and names the association that his image caused him to. A hint can be formulated in the form of a poem, one phrase, a proverb, a set of sounds. You can also use gestures or expressive facial expressions.
  6. The other players take turns laying out one at a time. game map on the table face down, choosing the one on which, in their opinion, corresponds to the association named by the leader.
  7. The presenter collects cards from the table, shuffles and places them in front of the players from left to right, figures up.
  8. All participants except the presenter try to determine his card. To do this, they place tokens with a number corresponding to the location of a certain card face down. By default, all images on the table are numbered from one to four from left to right (assuming 4 people are playing).
  9. The presenter opens the tokens after voting and places them on the corresponding cards according to the indicated numbers.
  10. If no one guessed the leader's card, he takes two steps back along the playing field. The rest of the players move their pieces forward as many moves as the number of players voted for their picture.
  11. If not all participants guessed the leader's card, then he follows the following formula: 3 steps + the number of players who voted for his card.


with four participants, two players voted for the leader card, and the third one gave his vote to another image. Then the presenter moves his flying elephant three main steps and then two more clouds equal to the number of participants who voted for him.

The rules also indicate a special line of behavior for the presenters. They cannot:

  • take part in voting for associations;

"Imaginarium" is very simple and very interesting game, in which you need to come up with associations for unusual pictures out of the box. Pictures were drawn by crazy artists, so associations - from the simplest, like "love", "winter", "adherence to principles", to the most complex and insane, in the spirit of "Did everything right", "Where is the drama? Again, no drama! "," Chak-chak! Run faster! ”, Maybe just the sea.

So. I took a picture, came up with an association: now what?

Now you need to put a card face down on the table. Other players will try to choose among their cards the one that is most suitable for the voiced association, and put it next to it. Then the cards on the table will be shuffled.

Yeah, I get it! Everyone has to guess my card, right?

But no! If everything were that easy, the simplest association would allow you to win. But in order to win, you need to make sure that at least one person guesses your card, and even better - all but one.

So how should I come up with?

If possible, it is difficult and veiled, but it is understandable that opinions are divided. When you start playing, you will quickly understand how to do it correctly. You will feel the rush right after that. creativity and an increase in the skill of understanding the thoughts and emotions of others.

What was there about other people?

"Imaginarium" is one of the most magic games store, which helps a lot in communication. In associations, you learn the most important personal things about a person, learn to understand him better and better predict the way of thinking of different people. In a word, this thing is not only sincere, but also very, very cool in terms of the development of relations.

Who should you give this box to?

  • Take home as family game, great choice.
  • "Imaginarium" is simply created for friendly gatherings in the evenings.
  • This is a very cool gift for any creative person.
  • It can be played at parties.

What's in the box?

  • Scoring field (made directly on the “podium” on the box).
  • 98 large maps with pictures.
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players.
  • 7 flying elephants to move around the field (depending on the edition, there are wooden or plastic ones).
  • Rules in good Russian.

What other sets are there:


“The game is great! The main surprise for me is that interest is not lost when 3 generations (16, 30-35, 55 years old) of players are sitting at the table at the same time. Associations are only getting better :) The rare quality of the game ... "

Pictures for the "Imaginarium" are carefully selected, Kuznetso once told about this procedure.

Sergey Abdulmanov, Head of Marketing

I like the fact that there is a healthier scoring than in Dixit. Most players need to guess your card, but not all.

Maxim Polovtsev, developer

First came out in 2011 year.


What other sets are there:


Russia - Cosmodrome Games

Psychologist's conclusion

Study date: October 2014 - March 2015

Research methods:

  • Test for the diagnosis of independent thinking
  • Amthauer's intelligence structure test
  • Toulouse-Pieron test for diagnosing attention and information processing speed
  • Guildford's Assignments for Assessing Imagination
  • Guildford's Problems for Assessing Divergent Thinking
  • Test for the study of intellectual lability

The study involved: pupils of grades 7-11 (124 people), aged 13 to 19 years
Purpose of the study: Impact study board games and not the mental and cognitive processes of adolescents


As part of the work of the experimental research platform, the work of the circle was organized after school hours for students of the middle and senior level of school education. At the circle, the students were offered to play various board games, and after 6 months of the circle's work, the influence of board games on various mental and cognitive abilities was studied.

Before the start gameplay, in the first lessons, diagnostics was carried out to study visual intelligence, independent thinking, divergent thinking, creative imagination, intellectual lability, information processing speed and attentiveness.

  • Jackal
  • Nefarius
  • Resistance
  • Abracadabra
  • Comparity Cinema
  • You bet.

Analyzing the dynamics of various indicators of intellectual abilities, we note the following features.

Visual structural intelligence

Before the experiment, the majority of students, 31.2%, had an average level of severity. This level is characterized by the fact that the student can understand the meaning of a schematic drawing that explains the condition of the problem or the presentation of textual material, but finds it difficult to translate verbal information into visual-graphic information. After the experiment, this indicator has changed. Most of the students 28.3% have good level severity. This level is characterized by the fact that the child can easily, independently, use graphic material, resort to using pictures for a more complete assimilation and understanding of information. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

Structural dynamic visual thinking

Before the experiment, most of the students showed either a good or a weak level of severity (48.8% and 43.8%, respectively). A weak level is characterized by the fact that the child does not know how to “read” tables, does not understand the meaning of the information presented in the table. If the table is contained in the text, then the child is limited to reading the phrases that explain it. Thinking in general can remain static, descriptive. After the experiment, the distribution for this indicator changed significantly: less than 30% of students have a weak level of severity, and most of the students have a good level - 55.6%. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

Combinatorial visual thinking

Before the experiment, 15.1% of pupils had a weak level of severity, and after the experiment, this indicator decreased almost 2 times, and amounted to 8.1% of pupils. It is also worth noting that the indicator of a good level of expression according to this criterion increased from 47.5% to 52.4% of students.

Abstract thinking

As a result of primary diagnostics, most of the students - 54.1% - have a weak level of expressiveness of abstract thinking; after the study, the result has significantly improved. A weak level of severity is noted in 35% of students, and in the majority of students - 58.9%, an average level of severity is noted. A weak level of expression indicates that the child operates only with specific (qualitative representations) images, objects or their properties and is not yet able to isolate and operate with their relationships. An increase in the general level of expression among students from mild to moderate levels of expression was facilitated by games. Comparity Cinema and Bet.

Figurative synthesis

As a result of primary diagnostics, most of the students - 52.4% - have a weak level of expressiveness of figurative synthesis, and after the study, the result has significantly improved. A weak level of severity is noted in 40.4% of students, and in most of the students - 55.6%, an average level of severity is noted. Figurative synthesis is the ability to form integral representations on the basis of consistently incoming, unsystematized, scattered or fragmentary information. Integrity arises on the basis of figurative synthesis, not logical structuring. It is the general idea that is formed that figuratively unites all the necessary information and therefore needs further logical analysis of its understanding. Figurative synthesis is one of the main operations of systems thinking, which is necessary in empirical research (to comprehend various and disparate information), when working in new directions and at the intersection of sciences. It is also one of the main components of practical intelligence that allows you to quickly understand the situation as a whole and choose the optimal direction for further action. An increase in the general level of expression among students from mild to moderate levels of expression was facilitated by games. Bet and Resistance... Also, in addition to the above games, the development of this ability can be facilitated by the game Evolution .

Spatial thinking

As a result of incoming diagnostics, most of the students - 52.3% - have an average level of expressiveness of spatial thinking, 27.7% have a good level and 4.9% have a high level of expression. After the experiment, the distribution was as follows: average level - 46.8%, good level - 40.3%, high level - 9.7%. Spatial thinking is the ability to isolate the spatial structure of objects and operate not with images of objects and their "external" properties, but with internal structural elements The increase in the general indicators of the level of expression of spatial thinking was facilitated by the game Jackal... Also, the development of this indicator can be facilitated by such games as Unicub, Bricks, Cubes for all, proposed by B.N. Nikitin, as well as more complex construction games and computer games like Tetris.

Independent thinking

Indicators according to this criterion during the experiment did not change significantly, the distribution of the severity level before the experiment: 47.6% of the larger pupils had a weak level, 29.9% had an average, 23.5% had a good level of severity. Distribution according to the level of severity according to the results of the final diagnosis: in most of the students - 48.4% - weak, in 31.2% - average, in 20.4% - a good level of severity.

A weak level of independent thinking is characterized by the fact that the child can act only when, immediately before work, he receives detailed instructions exactly how to act. If the student was told what to do, but not explained how to do it, then he will not be able to do the work. The student may have no difficulty. If the task literally repeats the algorithm of some activity that he performed recently. If some changes are made to the way of working, then the child may no longer cope. If a child encounters any difficulties, then usually he does not try to figure it out on his own, but seeks help from peers or a teacher.

Divergent thinking

According to the results of the experiment, there is no strong dynamics of change in the percentage distribution of responses by severity levels. According to the results of incoming diagnostics, the distribution of answers by severity levels is as follows: weak level - 50%, average level - 37.9%, good level - 7.3%, high level - 4.8% of students. According to the results of the final diagnostics, the distribution according to the severity levels is as follows: a weak level - 57.2%, an average level - 24.2%, a good level - 9.7%, a high level - 8.9% of students. Divergent (creative) thinking is characterized by the breadth of mental search, the ability to use distant analogies and associations, to find non-standard, original solutions, overcoming familiar patterns and established opinions. Often, this property is defined as flexibility of thinking, the ability to apply a variety of approaches and strategies in solving problems, the willingness and ability to consider the available information from different points of view.

A weak level of severity indicates that thinking is convergent, linear (opposite to divergent). The child cannot get out of the habitual patterns of thinking, look at the situation in a new way. “He is convinced” that every problem has only one correct solution. He is always aimed at finding this correct result, he does not know how to try and vary various solutions, algorithms of activity. Play can help develop divergent thinking Abracadabra, Nefarius.

Information processing speed

It is worth noting significant positive changes in this quality, which were identified during the experiment. According to the results of incoming diagnostics, 41.1% of pupils had a weak level of severity. After the experiment, a weak level of severity remained in 35.5% of students, and a good level of severity was noted in most of the students - 42.7%. The development of the skill of the speed of information processing was facilitated by games Bet and Resistance.


As a result of incoming diagnostics, most of the students - 37.1% - have an average level of attentiveness, 25% have a good level, 4.1% have a high level, and a third of the students have an extremely low level of attentiveness (25.7 % - weak level and 8.1% - pathology level). After the experiment, the level of attentiveness increased significantly, a weak level was noted only in 9.7% of students (the level of pathology was not identified), an average level was 33.1%, a good level was 33.8%, a high level was observed in 23.4% of students. The development of mindfulness was facilitated by games Bet, Resistance, Jackal.


For 6 months of operation of the experimental research site Game house, over 120 teenage students aged 13-19 took part in it. It is worth noting the general positive effect of the experimental site on the social and psychological well-being of students: communication with peers in an informal setting, employment of students outside school hours, finding new acquaintances in the circle of peers, relieving psychological stress, emotional relief, an outburst of negative stress in a socially acceptable form, and the positive impact of board games on various mental and cognitive processes, as evidenced by the results described above.

Why did you decide to do?

A long beautiful story - it began about two years ago when Dixit fell into my hands. I got hooked on the game and printed 9 thousand cards to it, and played them until I got bored.

Where did you find so many pictures?

On the Internet there are a bunch of already prepared and selected right for the game. As a rule, they are from people from Russia who liked the game, but who were not satisfied with the quality of the cards, and made additional ones.

And you decided to publish them?

After a while, I thought that if I liked the additional cards so much, someone else would like them, and we decided to produce them. About two years ago, additional sets were published, which they began to sell through Triominos, and then other chains. After that, we realized that it is wrong from the point of view of karma to sell an add-on to someone else's game. And we decided to release our game. We just had a different scoring system, there was a different field. In general, we still played by different rules for a long time. We checked the possibility of releasing our game. It turned out that in Russia mechanics as such is not an object of patent law. If the game is unique in its content, then we are within the legal framework. We redeem all illustrations. For each set, we select the topic that is interesting to us.

How did you select the artists?

Social networks and the basics of crowdfunding helped. The first set is illustrators from There are a lot of Russian illustrators there. We chose the best from our point of view. For subsequent sets, we realized that we cannot be limited to one social network, and then we began to attract more and more small communities of illustrators that we have. They searched there, bought the images.

Was there a special assignment for the card?

We do not ask you to paint for us. It is very difficult to give a technical assignment for 98 cards of the same subject, so that you like them. The illustrator gives us the entire base of images that he can sell, then we choose good cards, form a set. It turns out 500 cards, of which we choose 98, which are included in the set. We redeem them.

That is, some illustrators were so completely stoned at birth, and not when they worked according to your technical task?

Yes Yes Yes. We only select. We very rarely ask for modifications. On fingers I can count the cases when they were finalized. Immediately looking for illustrations with a bunch of small details that are so important for this game.

Many people say that the cards are somewhat gloomy. Why is that?

We wanted to make an adult and expressive game. We decided that we are making a game for adults, and that, I think, is quite. Especially, for example, the friendly atmosphere of Ariadne.

Is it true that you don't know all the artists?

Yes, as a mini-illustration: we were holding a Chimera tournament, a very strange person came. Two meters tall, with loose hair, in a leather jacket, with a white lens in one eye. Nick says and asks for a set. It turned out to be one of our illustrators. Now I know that he is healthy, in a sober memory and draws in a normal state of consciousness.

How many illustrators do you know personally?

6 out of 100 people we work with. As a rule, I do not know who is drawing what. We choose illustrations without captions, that is, first we put the pictures into a set, and then we look at who it is. True, there are, of course, people who draw for fashion magazines - their handwriting is recognizable literally from a couple of strokes, it is still clear who it was.

How many more additions will there be?

We understand that there are not enough additions in the segment of children. Accordingly, we have almost made the new game "Imaginarium: Childhood" a separate box, plus by the end of the year, I suppose, there will be another 2-3 additional sets of cards.

Supplement every six months?

It's hard to judge. We were faced with the fact that we could not find high-quality illustrations, strange, with a lot of details. For example, Chimera was released two months longer than planned. Now we are entering other countries. For example, we want to soon make a set exclusively from illustrations by Indian artists.

Aren't you afraid of being copied?

There is no fear at all. I am for healthy competition. Game mechanics- not the thing that should be copy protected. If they repeat, the segment will develop. We spend a lot of time looking for illustrations. If the copies are the same - great, if not - they are unlikely to sell well.

Tell us about the elephants.

Yes, the story with the chips was interesting. Initially, we decided that the chips should be wooden. For adequate money, no company could provide us with a product. As a result, we found people who can cut plywood with a laser. The second part of the Marlezon ballet. It was necessary to find those who are ready to paint the chips. And it was possible to paint in the volumes of that time only by hand. Found a company that was engaged in small woodworking. It turned out very cheaply. At first we were afraid that it Kindergarten where children paint elephants with watercolors. Then we went and saw grown-up people who paint all this. In any case, we quickly reached the point that we could not produce the game, because there was a physical restriction on elephants per day - we received about 60 sets (about 350 elephants per day). They were greatly lacking, they began to solve. I had to switch to plastic, now we are pouring from it.

And what kind of cat with a bottle in his mouth in the photo with the game?

This is one of the great Lepra memes. Some people on short legs with Photoshop in an ordinary photo with our elephants made a collage with a cat with a pins in its mouth. It was about a year and a half ago. Even now, at every tournament, people come up to me and ask: "Where is the cat with the pins and why are you not supplying it, because this is the perfect chip!" Maybe we will really release limited set cats.

You said you were very passionate. You have three cards in your travel set that cannot be obtained otherwise than by purchasing it. How many people do you think would go for it just for the collectible value of these cards?

I will not answer directly. This set is taken not only for the sake of the cards (although for the sake of them as well). The idea was to save people from buying a new box, because the game is quite expensive even for the regions. And when intense game cards are lost, elephants run away. In general, the components of the most active players are not very good. As a result, we communicate with a bunch of people, they even play with their parents. As a result, many need replacement components. We made this set to give people the opportunity to buy elephants, voting cards and a separate field. A plus Good friends advised to add separate cards there to make it more pleasant for people to buy this set.

Who plays most often?

Judging by Facebook, these are people 25-35 years old, men and women are almost equally divided. Girls play more in tournaments. Maybe they like elephants.

The first installment of the game begins with men trying to take pictures from girls in order to somehow start to play, and not just look at them. Are you thinking of doing something else with these drawings?

Was in the plans for this year. Now we are redesigning the site of the game, we want to add the option of buying illustrations and printing on T-shirts. There are not very many of us in the company, so if we can transfer to outsourcing, we will.

Tell us about your company.

The company consists of three people. It all started like this: we got together and decided to discuss what to do. I had some money, Timur had ideas about the Babylonian phrasebook. We decided to do it.

Timur intervenes: “It wasn't like that. He wrote to me, said that there is an awesome idea - to do naked cleaning. "

Sergey continues: Oh, well, yes. Yes, the business model was ready. I thought that within the framework of the law in the Russian Federation it is possible to study. Special women will come and clean the apartment naked. This is great: firstly, it is legal, and secondly, it is marginal.

Timur: "I decided to save him from the torment of hell and said: let's make another book."

Sergey: Nevertheless, I still have domains for this project. And once a year, reminders of this pop up. But Timur said: let's better invest in a useless book. This is how the Phrasebook appeared. And then we started to implement many other crazy ideas.

Can we wait for new products?

Yes. Fun - in lifestyle and gifts, in games - classic. For example, recently made a Flirtation of Flowers from the nineteenth century.

House rules

Igor sent:

Game rules Imaginarium for two players.

No cards are dealt, the leader opens 5 cards from the deck. The presenter makes an association according to one of open cards... Then the presenter puts (number down) a token with the number of the hidden card as confirmation.

The player puts his 3 tokens on the card that he thinks the leader has thought. If the player is in doubt, then he can put one or 2 tokens on other cards. Those. the player has the right to put one token on 3 cards, or 2 tokens on one card and the remaining third token on another, or all three tokens on one card.

The presenter opens his token, showing which card he called the association.