The line isotherms of the same atmospheric pressure value. Isketon. Examples of the use of the word isolate in the literature

This method is applied on all geographic maps, no map can do without it, since any card has its own foundation that is mainly depicted by linear signs.

Linear signs are applied to display objects and phenomena localized by lines, while transmitting their location and features (the boundaries of political and administrative division, road network, hydrography, tectonic faults, borders of glaciation, oil pipelines, etc.) (Fig.5.10) . The method of linear signs acts in two versions: as a category of linear signs on the top-shots and as a special way on thematic maps, to display special objects and phenomena (necessarily in the legend there should be an explanation of these objects and phenomena).

Fig.5.10 Linear signs, vary:

a- in width; b-drawing; in lightness

The pattern and color is usually transmitted qualitative characteristics (types of road network, the types of coast, the line of warm and cold fronts, the line of military fronts, etc.), and the width of linear signs - quantitative (the values \u200b\u200bof the tides, the strip of flooding during floors, etc. ). Quality differences in linear signs on the map are facilitated by the fact that many linear objects have their own specific display. For example, the straightness of the motorway contrasts well with the resolutionity of the river network. On topographic maps, linear signs usually have so that their axis coincides with the actual position of objects (for example, roads). On the thematic maps use another reception, having a ribbon on the side or even by making it aside (see page 33 sea atlas, T.II).

Changing the position of objects and phenomena over time is transmitted by a combination of linear characters of different patterns related to a certain time.

5.4 Method of Isol (Isols with layer layer)

Isolates are curves lines connecting points with the same specified value of any indicator. The method of iscion is used for the image of quantitative phenomena with continuous distribution and gradually changing in space, such as relief, temperature, precipitation, air pressure, dates of the occurrence of the phenomenon (Fig. 5.11).

Depending on the displayed phenomenon of the insulation, the name: isogenesis (horizontal) - lines of equal absolute heights, isotherms - lines of equal temperatures, hinders - lines of equal amounts of drop-down precipitation, isobars - line of equal air pressure, isobates - lines of equal depths, isogons - lines of equal depths magnetic declines, isochola - line of equal distortion on maps, isochrons - line of one date of the occurrence of phenomenon, isomed - lines of the same population density, etc.

The characteristics of the phenomena in this method is transmitted by the totality of an isolated. At the same time, it is very important to correct the choice of the interval between the isolated. The intervals between the arrangements are desirable to maintain constant, but for some cards (for example, plasterometric), by virtue of the specifics of the cartographic phenomenon, it is necessary to resort to variable intervals (special exchanging scales). In these cases, it is important to maintain in the scale of the Insislation, which determine the qualitative differences in the placement of the cardboarded phenomenon (for example, a 200-meter horizontal on the relief map that limits the invariance). The construction of an isolated isoline is performed by interpolating (finding along two values \u200b\u200bof the intermediate value). Automatic construction isolines are carried out by digital models With the help of special interpolation programs. The insolig value signs the numbers in the lines break or at their ends. Figures must be homogeneous. are given to a certain value (one beginning of heights on plaster cards; one scale of temperatures, one time or to be medium and obtained at one height from ground surface on temperature maps, etc.). The thicker the network of points in which the measurements were carried out, the higher the accuracy of the card with an isolated.

5.11 Israeling and isolated with layers in color:

Isolastic isolation of the year; isolated with layer-by-layer color

the average annual precipitation amounts

Isolates are sometimes used to show phenomena, the value of which changes not gradually and the phenomena themselves do not have continuous distribution, for example, population density, forestry, etc. Such isolates are called pseudoismiasSince they connect numbers characterizing the phenomena not at the point, but on the area (let small).

It can be shown not only statistical, fixed phenomena, but also to mapping dynamic processes, display the timing of the occurrence of phenomena, the speed of movement of processes, etc. On dynamic electronic circuit cards, it can be shifted by the displays the movement of the phenomenon (for example, cold and warm air masses).

For greater clarity of the area between the isolated isolated color, the saturation of which increases as the quantitative indicator increases or, in some cases, the hatch is applied, the density of which increases with increasing the intensity of the cardboarded phenomenon. On a single map you can combine multiple systems, but only one can apply layer-by-layer color. The qualitative differences between the phenomena are transmitted by the color of the insolig (for example, in red - isotherms of positive temperatures, blue - isotherms of negative temperatures, black - isotherms of zero temperatures).

The method of insulating (insulating with layers in color) is widely used on climatic, hydrological, tectonic, hydrogeological and other maps.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, visibility, lack of great legends. Insisal combined well with other ways.


Insulating (from from ...) line equal value of any value on geographic map., vertical cut or graphics. The isolated is a characteristic of continuous phenomena for some period or moment of time (eg, isobars, exhaust). Apply when mapping of natural and socio-economic phenomena; Can be used to obtain their quantitative characteristics and for analyzing correlation bonds between them.


(from from ...), lines equal value of any value in its distribution on the surface, in particular on the plane (on the geographic map, vertical section or graph). I. Reflect the continuous change in the value under study depending on the other two variables, for example, geographic latitude and longitude on the maps.

The most common isolate


Etymology * characterized by phenomenon


Depth of groundwater mirrors relative to the earth's surface


Height of groundwater mirrors above sea level


click, I Study

Head of Artesian Water

Izallobars (Isoalobrai)

severity, weight

Changing atmospheric pressure per unit time


Changing the height of the isobaric surface per unit of time

Izallotherm (isoalloterma)

Change air temperature per unit time


disproportionate, wrong

The same thing that isanlas

IsoPlitudes (Ioamplotudda)

lat. ampli-tudo ≈


Amplitude change of meteorological elements for any time interval

Izanemia (Izovela)

Average wind speed for any time period

Izanoals (Isamerala)


Deviation of one or another (temperature, amount of sediment, etc.) from the value taken as the norm (average long-term, medium latitudinal)

flower, blossom

Dates of blooming any plants

couples, evaporation

The magnitude of evaporation or evaporates for any time interval

move, movement, base

The magnitude of the tectonic movements (lifts ≈ izanabase or lowering ≈ isocatabase) for any time interval

severity, weight

Atmosphere pressure

Depth of reservoirs


Number of days with thunderstorms

lat. VELOX ≈

fast, fast moving

The same as Izanemia


Salty water


The amount of precipitation for any period

Illegals (horizontal)

Height of the earth's surface above sea level

Orientation of any physical values \u200b\u200b(magnetic slope, wind directions, etc.)


Complete tension of the earth's magnetic field or its components



Magnetic challenge


Isopahite (Isopaha)

thick, massive

Power of geological sediments of any age or composition

travel pass

Changes of the components of earthly magnetism


surf, sea waves

Height of marine tide

Izosaysti (Isoseisis, Isoofigma)

led into oscillation, shaped

Intensity of earthquakes

Handy (isocrous)


Terms of Opening Waters Sushi From Ice

speed, speed

Current speed


Water temperature at reservoirs


Air, Water, Soil Temperature

The highest phases of solar eclipse

i show

Dates or duration of any phenology phases


snow, snow cover

Thickness or duration of snow cover


Dates of the onset of any phenomenon

* Etymology of the initial parts of the terms of the terms: Hello ..., hydro ..., ... See the relevant articles. The subsequent part of the term, as a rule, of Greek origin, so the source language is indicated only in case of deviation from this rule.

I. The cards are most widely used to characterize the values \u200b\u200bof continuous and gradually changing values \u200b\u200bin space (for example, air temperature), but significantly more diverse functions are also performed. Using I. Show on the maps a change in the quantitative characteristics of phenomena in time (for example, the age-old changes of the components of the earth's magnetism), the rate of movement of phenomena (for example, wind speed), the time of the occurrence of any phenomena (for example, the deadlines of the first autumn frosts), the duration of phenomena (for example, the number of days with snow cover), the orientation of any physical quantities (for example, magnetic decline), the repeatability or probability of phenomena (for example, the repeatability of the thunderstorm). Examples I. See on cards to art. Europe. If not the geographical coordinate is taken as at least one of the independent variables, but some other value, I. are called isoples.

Yu. G. Kelner.

Examples of using the word isolate in the literature.

There isolastic In all leads, the database, - interrupted Dali and even under the mask it was seen how much she blushed.

But in many places isolastic The depth of the channel over the earth's surface has bizarre winding outlines.

The cards are flat, and the surface of the earth is uneven. How is the relief form on the map?

Insislation on the map are isoips that connect points located at the same height above sea level. On the map of scale 1:50 000 (one fifty), they are usually carried out every 10 m, and on the map 1:25,000 - after 5 m. On good cards Some isolines are equipped with a height indication.

Learning to distinguish between hills and ravines is not so difficult. The rule here is: the closer to each other there are insulators, the steeper the slope. If they are located far from each other - it means that the slope is flat, and if they are not at all - it means that the plain is here. Having learned to work with the map, you will "see" the terrain shown on it.

Choosing a route

Most often, the route folds in your head before the start of the campaign - you are well imagine its beginning and the end. In this case, at the stage of preparation, you must carefully examine the card. And even if you go along with the group in which someone else is responsible for orienting, you still need to work in advance with the map in order to imagine well for what locality you have to go.

To go out on the road, without having the slightest concept about what your route will be, is the idea very bad. After all, the main condition for a successful campaign is his careful preparation. Working out the route, think over the following points.

Driveways. If you want to take you to the start of the start by car, check on the map, are there an increment pathway. In many cases, there are simply no, and if you can not get to the start of the start, your expedition will end, without starting.

Places for camp. If your trip will continue for a few days, where are you going to break the camp for overnight stay? Check if there are water, firewood and shelter in these places. Are the terrain covered where you go, the forest, or is it completely naked? Do I need to take a tent with you, or on the ground you will find everything you need for the construction of a shala?

What is the terrain on which the campaign will pass? Is there a steep slopes on it, to overcome which you will have a lot of strength, which will reduce the distance covered by you per day?

Do you meet water obstacles on the way? If so, how will you overcome them? Do you have to measure a lot of kilometers in search of the bridge? What is the character of the soil - it is dry and well drained or marsh, which makes it difficult to make your way? (During qualifying tests for the right to serve in the special forces, we learned to be afraid of icons on the map, which denote the "wetlands". How often we remembered them, crawling around the knee in the water!)

Do you have to climb the mountains to such a height, where the forest belt ends? The trees are not growing on high mountains - usually due to very low temperatures. To participate in highland expeditions, special skills, clothing and equipment are required: Mountain tents protecting against wind, warm clothing, shoes with a studded sole for driving around glaciers and stocks of fuel, because there are no firewood.

Is there a sufficient number of guidelines and objects on which it will be possible to identify azimuth and confidently navigate the terrain?

What are the climatic conditions of this area? How can they influence your movement?

I advise you to always choose a route that passes from the lowest resistance to geographical conditions, if, of course, you do not want to test yourself in the most extreme situations. Songs of the slopes laid by other people trails, comfortable waterways - all this will make your campaign less dangerous.

Time and distance

How many kilometers you have to go through and for what time you will overcome this distance - no less important issues during the preparation for the expedition. We are already accustomed to road signs And the speedometer testimony that help us determine where we are when we are going by car. In the campaign we also wanted to know.

But, unfortunately, it is not so easy - measurement of the distance in the steps, especially on the uneven surface, the case is very monotonous and boring. On the map you can determine the overall distance to the place of your destination, but it does not take into account hills, ravines and other obstacles that will add new kilometers to you. So the distance can only be determined approximately. However, there are situations in which the approximate counting of time and the length of the path is not only useful, but also necessary.

Once during the qualifying tests for service in the special forces, I had to search for a tent in which an intermediate control point was located. She stood on top of a hilly plateau open to all winds. There was a winter night, chalk blizzard. I spent on my feet for 17 hours and strongly tired, wet and cereal. It was the last control point in which I had to be celebrated. After that, I could come down from the mountains in the valley, where trucks were waiting for us. Visibility was not almost no one when I crushed in a slight recess to handle the card. The point of my destination was only 250 meters from me, but I knew that if I walk past, I will then wander a lot of hours in a blizzard. I spent more time to work with a card than usual, trying to determine as much as possible azimuth (taking into account magnetic decline) and calculate the number of steps. Moving on the road, I focused on the steps, and in the end, by moving along the slope of a small hill, landed right on the roof of the tent, which I was looking for! "Excellent, Bear," I thought. However, the officers who were sitting in the tent had a different opinion after they saw a foot tent in the 44th boot of the 44th!

ισος - "equal") - symbol On the map, drawing, a diagram or graph, which is a line, at each point of which the measured value saves the same value. Insisal is a way of representing a scalar function from two variables on the plane.

Types of isolated

  • Isaenemone - line of the same average annual wind speeds.
  • Isaway - line on the map, connecting points with an amplitude equal and the direction of non-stock motions.
  • Isobara - isolate the same pressure:
    • isobar in thermodynamics - a graph of the isobaric process;
    • isobar in meteorology - line on the map, denoting an area with a given or another pressure boundary.
  • Isobat - line on the map, or plan connecting the dots of the same depths of the reservoir (lakes, sea).
  • Isochina - line on the geographic map, connecting points with the same water saline.
  • The isogy is an isolated the same atmospheric precipitation.
  • Isogeps (horizontal) - isolated isolate the same heights (usually to display the relief on the topographic map).
  • Isogon - isolate the orientation of any physical quantities.
  • Isoodinama (from from ... and Greek. Dynamis is the force) - the intensity of the total voltage of the earth's magnetic field or its components (horizontal, vertical, etc.) on magnetic maps.
  • Isotherm - isolate the same temperatures:
    • isotherm in thermodynamics - graph of an isothermal process;
    • isotherm in meteorology - line on the map, denoting an area with one or another temperature boundary.
  • Isokvanta - isolate the same product production volume depending on production factors.
  • Izokosta - line demonstrating combinations of production factors that can be bought for the same total amount of money.
  • Isopahite - isolated the same capacity of the layer of rocks.
  • Horp - Isoline of the same wind velocities (on the map of maximum winds).
  • Isoof - isolated the same volumes.


Bergshtri - Chestochka, carried out perpendicular island and indicating the free end direction of reducing the designated insulation of the value (for isogene and isobat - in which direction the slope is reduced). Initially, Bergshtri was used as a terrain image with horizontals, for a more easy definition of the ride direction.

see also

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The regimental commander, at that very moment as he heard shooting and cry behind, realized that something terrible with his regiment happened, and the thought that he, an approximate, who served many years, could not be a guilty officer, could be guilty before the bosses In support or unreasonableness, so struck him that at the same moment, forgetting and dismissed cavalry officer of the colonel and his general importance, and most importantly - completely forgetting about the danger and feeling of self-preservation, he, having grabbed the saddle onion and write a horse, rocked the shelf under hail of overwhelmed, but happily minted his bullets. He wanted one: find out what was the matter, and help and fix by all the mistake, if she was on his side, and not be guilty to him, twenty-two years later, who did not notice anything, an approximate officer.
Happily slipping between the French, he prompt to the field behind the forest, through which we fled and, not listening to the team, descended under the mountain. That minute of moral oscillation came, which solves the fate of battles: they will listen to these upset crowds of the soldier's voice of his commander or looking at him, will run on. Despite the desperate cry before such a formidable voice of the voice commander's voice, despite the angry, the crimson, the wrong face of the regimental commander and Mahana sword, the soldiers fled everything, talked, shot in the air and did not listen to the team. Moral oscillation, the decisive fate of the battle, was obviously resolved in favor of fear.
The general coupled from the scream and powder smoke And he stopped in despair. Everything seemed lost, but at that moment the French, who had advancing on our, suddenly, without visible reasons, ran back, fed out of the forest edge, and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was Note Timokhina, which one in the forest was kept in order and, sowing into a ditch at the forest, unexpectedly attacked the French. Timokhin, with such a desperate cry, rushed at the French and with such an insane and drunken decisiveness, with one spit, came to the enemy, that the French, did not have time to come to his senses, disassembled weapons and ran. Shelokov, who fled next to Timokhin, killed one Frenchman to the emphasis and first took the surrendered officer for the collar. The runners returned, the batalianions were gathered, and the French, divided into two parts of the troops of the left flank, were pushed for a moment. Reserve parts have time to connect, and the fugitives stopped. The regimental commander stood with the Major economy at the bridge, passing his retreating company, when the soldier approached him, took him for the elder and almost leaned against him. The soldier was bluish, the factory Sukna Schinel, the Radders and Ciiver was not, the head was tied, and the French charging bag was hoping over his shoulder. He held an officer sword in his hands. The soldier was pale, his blue eyes looked at the face of the regimental commander, and the mouth smiled. Despite the fact that the regimental commander was engaged in bringing the order by Major Economy, he could not pay attention to this soldier.

... and line), line on geographic. The map, vertical section or graph, passing at points with the same values \u200b\u200bof K.L. Quantitative indicator characterizing the depicted phenomenon (Table).

Maja races about the country
Injection Characterized by phenomenon
HydroisobatDepth of groundwater mirrors relative to the earth's surface
WatercoggpsHeight of groundwater mirrors above sea level
HydroisopianUnderground water
Izallobar (Isoalobrara)Changes in atmospheric pressure during a certain period of atmospheric pressure periods during a certain period of time
IZALLOGIPSAChanging the height of an isobaric surfaces a certain period of time
Izalloterma (isoalloterma)Changing the air temperature during a certain period of time
IzametraalaThe same thing that Isazan
IsaPlituda (Ioamplitude)Amplitude change of meteorological elements of any period of time
Izanimon (Izola)Average wind speed during a certain period of time
Izanan (Izametraul)Deviation of any value (temperature, amount of precipitation, etc.) from the value taken for the norm (average long-term, medium latitudinal)
IoantaThe term of blooming of any plant
IsoatmaThe magnitude of evaporation or evaporation during a certain period of time
IzobazaThe magnitude of the tectonic movements (raising - izanabase or lowering - isocatabase) during a certain period of time
IsobarAtmosphere pressure
IsobataDepth of reservoirs
BraveNumber of days with a thunderstorm during a certain period of time
IzovelaThe same thing that Isanimon
IzoginaSalty water
IsohyetThe amount of precipitation during a certain period of time
Iphype (horizontal)Height of the earth's surface above sea level
IsogonaOrientation of any physical size (magnetic decline, wind directions, etc.)
IsodenzaAir density
IsodinamaEarth magnetic field component
IokatabazLowering earth crust in the process of age-old oscillations
IzoklinMagnetic challenge
IsopagaDuration of ice cover on reservoirs
Isopahite (Isopha)Power geologic. deposits of any age or composition
IsopecticDates of freezing water
IsopicSea water density
IsoporaCentury changes in the components of the magnetic field of the Earth
IsoopyHeight of marine tide
Izosayista (Izosayism)Intensity of earthquakes
Izootka (Isocrion)Terms of Opening Waters Sushi From Ice
IsothaCurrent speed
Isothermobat.Water temperature at a certain depth of reservoir
IsothermAir, Water, Soil Temperature
IsophaseThe highest phases of solar eclipse
IsofenaTerms or duration of any of the phenology phases
IsofotaBrightness of any object
IsohasmRepeatability of polar radiances during a certain period of time
Isohion.Thickness or duration of snow cover
Izokhron.The time of the occurrence of any phenomenon (for example, thunderstorms, freezing or opening water objects)

I. Used to characterize the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bof varying in space (eg, the temperature of the air), but significantly more diverse functions are also performed. With the help of I. show on the maps a change in the quantitative characteristics of phenomena in time (for example, the age-old changes in the components of earthly magnetism), the rate of movement of phenomena (for example, wind speed), the time of the onset K.L. phenomena (eg, the deadlines of the first autumn frosts), the duration of phenomena (for example, the number of days with snow cover), the orientation of K.L. physical. Values \u200b\u200b(eg, magnetic decline), repeatability or probability of phenomena (eg, repeatability of thunderstorms).