Geographic European map of the Russian Federation. Map of Russia. Water resources of the country on the map

Here you can look at a physical map of Russia in Super Ultra HD quality and a huge resolution of 10350 by 5850 pixels (over 60 megapixels) - this is the largest map resolution that can be found on the Internet.

(the map can be enlarged in a new window for detailed consideration)

Attention, the attraction of unheard-of generosity is open! This map is free to download and print.

I know that many users are looking on the Internet for a physical map of Russia in full screen, maps of Russia in good quality close-up, cards in high definition etc. Here everyone will find what they expect to see and more.

The resolution of the card is huge, the quality is high. That is why the map is very, very, very detailed. Map scale: 1: 8,000,000 (1 cm - 80 km on the ground). All inscriptions on the map are in Russian.

If you look closely, then on this map of the Russian Federation you can also see Ukraine, part of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and other parts of the Eurasian continent.

This general geographic map conveys the external appearance of the territory and water area. The physical map shows in detail the relief and hydrography, as well as sands, glaciers, floating ice, reserves, mineral deposits. Thanks to high resolution on the map you can see cities, towns, villages and other settlements, communication routes, borders, etc.

Hope the large Ultra HD maps and HD pictures will bring more benefits to travelers and ordinary people.

Something about resolving this map

Many people know what 4K and Ultra HD are. This physical map The Russian Federation has 2.5 times higher horizontal pixel resolution than 4K. The illustration below shows the comparative sizes of all HD formats (HD, full HD, 2K, 4K) and this physical map of Russia.

Even more beautiful photos - on my Instagram photographer

You can see even more different photos on my instagram -.

Subscribe, friends. There will be many interesting things.

Links to photo galleries of cities and reserves

For those who like to view photographs rather than maps, this site collects photographs of nature reserves, cities and their attractions. Many of the photos in the galleries below are shown in HD quality.

Map of Russia with detailed regions

Our vast homeland is divided into regions, regions, republics and so on. To better navigate you will need a detailed and large map with the regions of the Russian Federation.

List of maps of regions of Russia:

Map with major cities of Russia

List of maps of major cities of Russia on our website:

A look at the map of Russia

How to get more complete information about Russia and get to know it better? There are several ways to do this:

  • open and explore her;
  • read books about geography, history and customs of the peoples inhabiting this country;
  • come and live here for several months.

And for the most complete immersion, it is better to use all three paths. At least then it will be possible to say that the first acquaintance with the Russian Federation happened to mutual pleasure.

What can you learn from the map of Russia?

Why only the first acquaintance? Yes, simply because how can you quickly find out a country that occupies 1/8 of the land on our planet? How do you get to know the largest state in the world so quickly?

So, before us map what can we learn from it? At the first glance at the map, it is clear that Russia is freely spread over two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. Immediately striking is the vast area of ​​the country stretching along the continent of Eurasia.

You can even roughly determine that about 1/3 of the country's territory is located in Europe, and Asia belongs to a little more than 2/3. Most of Russia is located beyond the Arctic Circle, and the Northern Planetary Zone owns approximately 68% of its area.

Looking at the map, you can even count the number of states with which Russia borders. There are 18 such states: from Norway in northern Europe to North Korea in eastern Asia. With two more countries, Russia has maritime borders - the United States and Japan.

Water resources of the country on the map

The Russian Federation is considered the state with the largest water resources. And it really is, on map of Russia it is seen great amount rivers and lakes. If you look into the encyclopedia, you can find out from it that there are more than 120 thousand rivers, and more than 2 million lakes.

Surely many are familiar with the largest Russian rivers: Volga and Lena, Amur and Irtysh, Yenisei and Ob. There is the world's largest lake with fresh water on the territory of the country - this is Baikal. There is a huge salt lake, which for its large size is called the sea - this is the Caspian Sea.

Russia is washed by the seas of the three oceans of our planet:

  • in the north it is the harsh Arctic Ocean and the Barents, White, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas. It is difficult for ships to navigate these seas, as drifting ice is present for almost the whole year;
  • in the west - the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic, Azov and Black seas;
  • in the east - the Pacific Ocean and its Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas.

Extreme geographic points of Russia on the map

See for yourself: the most extreme northern mainland point is Cape Chelyuskin, it is located on the Taimyr Peninsula. The same extreme northern point, only insular, is called Cape Fligeli, it is located on an island in the Franz Josef archipelago.

The southern border of the continent of Eurasia and Russia is a point on the main Caucasian ridge on the border between Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

Further we look to the west. There in the Baltic Sea near Kaliningrad on the spit is the westernmost point of Russia. On the opposite side of the map, in the east, is Cape Dezhnev, considered the extreme continental point. And the extreme island point is on the Rotmanov Island, located near America in the Bering Strait.

Due to the large extent of Russia from east to west, its entire territory is divided into 10 time zones. In sparsely populated areas, their borders run along the meridians, and where there is a large population, they are drawn along the borders of administrative entities.

How the borders go

The length of the borders of the Russian Federation exceeds 60 thousand km, of which about 20 thousand km are land borders, and the rest are sea ones. It is generally accepted that sea ​​border passes at a distance of 22.7 km from land. And the space, limited by the distance from the coast of 370 km, is considered the maritime economic zone of the country.

In this space, limited by a 370 km zone, ships can be different countries, but only the Russian Federation has the right to extract natural resources.

Russia or the Russian Federation is a unique country that combines European and Asian features. The map of Russia is striking: the country occupies a huge territory of 17 million km 2 and is located simultaneously on the territory of North Asia and Eastern Europe.

143 million people live on the territory of Russia. The Russian Federation is a kind of "melting pot of nations": representatives of more than 200 nationalities live here. The country is a federal republic with a presidential form of government. The territory of the country is divided into 46 regions, 9 territories, 21 republics, 4 autonomous regions, one autonomous region and 2 federal cities. It is noteworthy that Kaliningrad region is located on the territory of the European Union and has no borders with the Russian Federation.

Today Russia is one of the dynamically developing states that govern world politics. The Russian Federation is a member of numerous world political organizations such as the UN and the G8. Despite the relative stability and significant development of the country since the fall of the Soviet regime, the Russian economy is largely dependent on energy resources, in particular on oil and gas prices.

The capital of Russia is Moscow - one of the most expensive and beautiful cities in the world.

Historical reference

The Russian Federation is the successor to several states. The country traces its history back to 862, when it was formed Kievan Rus... In the 12th century, numerous Russian principalities were located on the territory of Russia, which in the 15th century merged into the Russian state. Since 1721, Tsar Peter I created Russian empire... In 1917, the revolutionary movement of socialism overthrew the monarchist regime and formed first the Russian Republic, then the RSFSR, and in 1922 the USSR.

During the Soviet regime, the country was separated from other countries of the world by the "iron curtain", some of the consequences of which have not yet been eliminated. In 1991 the USSR collapsed and the Russian Federation appeared.

Must Visit

Russia is a country with many cultural, historical and natural monuments. It is recommended to visit the business and cultural centers of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Lake Baikal, the cities of the "Golden" and "Silver" rings, Orthodox monasteries and temples, the Caucasian reserve, the volcanoes of Kamchatka and much more.

Interactive map of Russia- a modern and convenient way to find desired card any region or city. This card allows you to view cities as in satellite mode and in schematic map mode. You can watch from the satellite with the ability to zoom in on any city and switch between different providers and types of maps. Additional services are available - real-time cloud photos, traffic jams (only for large cities), terrain photos, a weather layer with the current weather display for each settlement, and a short forecast for the next 4 days.

For most objects on the map of Russia - Google Maps satellite photos are considered the best in quality

The quality of satellite photography often depends on the region, as satellite images need to be constantly updated. Therefore, different providers may have different photo quality for a particular city or region. However, the best quality photos in most cases turn out to be Google maps... Photos of Yandex maps are often worse in quality, but they can be newer, so you can do with Yandex for new buildings. OVI maps - surprisingly, in some cases, it has better photos than even in Google Maps,

Open street maps

OSM is a phenomenon of the modern computer society, because the map is made by ordinary people (volunteers, volunteers), (unlike the 2gis map and others). But despite this, OSM is considered the most accurate and detailed map not only for Russia, but for the whole world. Even such giants as Yandex or Google cannot make maps as accurately and efficiently as the community of passionate amateur cartographers does. New buildings (namely, by them it is easy to determine the relevance and "freshness" of the map) are almost always present on OSM (and even the foundations of new buildings), while in Google and Yandex they may be present alternately, or not at all. In addition, Open Street Maps is probably the only map that displays paths in parks and forests and many other additional objects that are usually not found on other services.

Russia - physical map one file, which shows the most big cities, main ridges and plains. The map is very clear and easy to understand, although not detailed enough.

Physical map - option 2