How to enchant things in Oblivion. TES IV: Oblivion, Magic, School of Mysticism. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Secrets

This mod adds the "Altar of Drawing Enchantments" to the Magic University, Chironasium - Upper Level.

What is it for?
Just put the enchanted item on the altar and cast the "Dispel" spell on it (in the same way you cast the "Soul Trap" spell to activate the altar of black soul gems). Further, from any item put into the altar, an enchantment will be drawn and placed into a special "Inverted Sigil", inside the altar you will find a stone and an old object, but without enchantment! Be careful, when you cast the spell, you will be hit by a painful shock. You can draw enchantments from more than one item at a time, however, the cooldown is also enhanced.

Why is this needed?
Let's say you downloaded a mod with nice clothes or armor, but you really like the enchantment of your current armor. Just pull the enchantment out of the old armor and place it on the new one! Or, for example, you find a wonderful artifact cuirass with amazing enchantment, but terrible defense rate, just pull the enchantment and put it in something better! You can even rename items with this technique. Just add an enchantment to the item (choose a new name), and then use the altar to remove the enchantment. The possibilities are endless!

What can I NOT do?
- Extraction of enchantments does not work on arrows (generally on any projectiles) and scrolls. Arrows and scrolls are for single use. In addition, you cannot initially enchant arrows and scrolls.
- Extraction of enchantments does not work on staves. There are no unenchanted staves in the original Oblivion, and I don't want to upset the balance.
- Draining enchantments does not work on items with a "script effect". The reason is simple, the scripted effect is only added to a specific item and no other. This also applies to scripted enchantments on armor.

What's wrong? (known issues)
- For the work of the mod creates copies of items that accumulate in your save. Unfortunately, this is inevitable, the creation of the mod would not have been possible without the use of the CloneForm command. Each item you draw an enchant from will create one or two copies. In fact, this is very small, the usual daily practice of alchemy creates many more copies.

The archive contains two versions: "Normal version" and "Anti-cheat version".
- Normal version - you can work with any weapon, armor, etc.
- Anti-cheat version - you can only work with items enchanted by you yourself.

Also in the archive you will find the "Addon for Frostcrag" folder, the folder contains files that add the altar of drawing enchantments to the regular Frostcrag Spire and its improved version Frostcrag: Reborn. Both versions require the Frostcrag Spire DLC, both versions require the main Enchantment Splitter file installed, connect ONLY ONE version, either for a regular spire or for an improved one.

Requirements: Oblivion Gold Edition,

In Oblivion, you can apply a magic effect to an item in two ways:

1. Use Sigil Stone obtained by closing the Oblivion Gate.

Each sigil carries with it two specific magical effects: "on impact" and "on itself". The strength of the effect is determined by the quality of the stone, and the quality directly depends on the level of the hero until he reaches level 17, then the player always receives transcendent sigils.

2. Use Soulgem and Altar of Enchanting.

Altars are available at the Arcane University - public access and in the Archmage's quarters, as well as in the Frostcrag tower from the official Wizard's Tower plugin. To enter the University, the hero must be a full member of the Mages Guild, i.e. e. complete the initial chain of the corresponding group of quests. The player himself chooses what magic effect will be applied to the item. The strength of the magic effect, as in the case of the sigil, is determined by the quality of the stone used, but even a player of the 1st level can get great soul stones. Note that several magical effects can be applied to weapons.

For enchanting, you can use any non-magical weapon, shield, armor, clothing, ring or amulet. Clothes, armor, shields, ornaments are given a permanent effect, and weapons are "discharged" with each impact. After the charges are over, the magical effect ceases to work. Weapons can be recharged for money in the Mages Guilds or on their own by spending a soul-filled stone or using a varl stone from the Ayleid ruins.

There are no non-magical staves in the game. The player will have the opportunity to choose the enchantment for the staff for the only time (see GM quests).

A detailed description of each type of enchantment can be found in the corresponding sections:

Although the range of effects that can be applied to an item using sigils is limited, magic is much more powerful. Let's give in the tablet a comparison of some enchantments (with a permanent effect) using a great soul stone and a transcendent sigil stone:

the effect Great Stone of Souls Transcendent sigil
Fortify Attribute 10
only speed, strength, willpower, int.
Fortify Skill 10
any *
only blades and blunt op.
Fortify Fatigue 25 50
Fortify Health 10 30
Fortify Magicka / Fortify Magicka 24 50
Feather 50 125
Shield 10 20
Fire Shield 9 25
Resist Fire 30 35
Chameleon 20 30
Spell Absorption No 15
Resist Magic No 20

There are magical effects that you cannot give to your items with an altar, but you can with a sigil - these are Resist Magic and Spell Absorption.

Merchants do not sell spells with the "Increase Skill" effect, but you will be able to create such spells yourself and enchant items if you get any ability with this effect, for example, visit the Jone Stone (see section

Enchanted items- these are ordinary items (armor, weapons, jewelry, etc.), which have magical effects. For items directly worn by the player (armor, clothing), effects with a permanent effect are used, for weapons - effects with an effect on impact. Items can only be enchanted using special enchantment altars. The exception is sigil stones, with which the player can enchant items anywhere, but with significant restrictions in the choice of the desired effect. To enchant with altars, you need soul stones with captured souls. Magic effect used to fill soul gems Capturing souls schools of mysticism.

My walkthrough role play The elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion with commentary. Thanks a lot for your comments on the video and the likes! Happy viewing! Signature ...

Using magic

Some effects in the game are not included in spells and therefore are not available for creating other spells and enchantments. These effects are either race or zodiac characteristics of the character (for example, the effect Absorbing spells is one of the features of the sign Atronach, Dragon skin- the ability of the representatives of the race Breton), or only available through ingredients and potions (for example, Restore magic), or are part of gameplay(for example, Stendarr's blessing).

Scrolls, ingredients, and potions can be purchased from merchants. Separate scrolls are given for some quests, they can also be found in various ruins and caves, ingredients can be collected from plants and slain creatures, and potions can be created from ingredients. Ingredients and potions, like scrolls, differ from spells in that they take up space in a backpack and are disposable (they disappear after use). Moreover, they have a non-zero weight (and the weight of the character's luggage is limited by the characteristic). But when using them, magical energy is not wasted.

In total, when creating spells and enchantments, it is possible to use the following effects:

  • Recovery, Increase, Absorption, Decrease and Exhaustion for each of 21 skills, 8 characteristics and 4 derived characteristics of characters and creatures.
  • Increase and decrease resistance to disease, magic, fire, etc.
  • Treatment of diseases, poisoning, paralysis.
  • Summoning Etheric Beings ( Ghost, Daedroth etc.) and materialization of ethereal (Daedric) armor items and different types weapons ( Summon Cuirass, Summon sword etc.).
  • Controlling other characters and creatures ( Enrage the humanoid, Scare away the undead, Enchantment etc.).
  • Other effects: Open, Lock up, Light, Telekinesis etc.
  • Direct Physical Damage Spells: Fire damage, Electric damage etc.


Unlike Morrowind, where there were as many as three types of diseases, in Oblivion there was only one, common diseases, including both simple and pestilence (according to Morrowind). Corprus and lycanthropy are absent in the game. Alternatively, one can also become a vampire. Disease is not magic, but it works in a similar way. Vampirism is a condition for the onset of collateral storyline for a cure.

You can only find Altars of Enchantment in TES 4: Oblivion without add-ons at Arcane University in the Imperial City. Only full members of the Mages Guild can get into the temple of science.

In order to give an item a magical effect, you must not only learn, but also be able to use a spell with such an effect. Suppose you are new to the school of Destruction and know the Spark spell, then you can easily create a weapon that shocks with electricity. If in your spellbook there is only Shock that is not yet available, then you will not be able to use it for enchanting. In addition to spells, you will need a filled soul gem, a non-magical item and, of course, money. The power of the effect depends only on the quality of the soul stone and does not depend on your intellect, or on the degree of advancement in a particular school of magic, or on the quality of the object itself.

The list of magical effects that you can give to an object using the altar is given in the table. If there is no check mark in the column with the letter "E", it means that the effect is unavailable regardless of whether you know such a spell or not. So, for example, it is impossible to create armor that constantly restores health or magic.

The enchanting processes for weapons and all other items of clothing, including the shield, differ significantly.

You can enchant armor, clothing, shields, rings and amulets for only one effect, which acts "on yourself", but is permanent. A weapon can be enchanted with several effects of different duration.

The process goes like this: you go to the altar, activate it. Select an item from your inventory, insert the battery, i.e. filled soul gem, define the effect (s) and the name of the item. Press the button and accept congratulations if you have enough money.

After enchanting, the item always has 100% durability, no matter how worn out it was before. If the item was stolen, then after enchanting it is freed from the "stolen" tag.

Below is a table of the power of enchanting items for a permanent effect. The second line in parentheses indicates the cost of creating an item in septims.

Enchanting power with permanent effect

the effectPetty /
Lesser /
Common /
Greater /
Grand /
Chameleon 8
Feather 14
Fire Shield 6
Fortify Attribute 6
Fortify Fatigue 9
Fortify Health 6
Fortify Magicka / Fortify Magicka 9
Fortify Skill 6
Frost Shield 6
Light / Light 12
Resist Disease 10
Resist Fire 10
Resist Frost 10
Resist Paralysis 10
Resist Poison 14
Resist Shock 10
Shield 6
Shock Shield 6
Water Breathing-
Water Walking-

The permanent effects are uneven. There is no point in creating a thing with the "feather" effect, since an increase in strength will not only allow you to carry the same amount, but will also give an increase in damage. It is also unwise to enchant items to increase intelligence: the increase in mana is maximum 20, and you will not receive other effects.

Pay attention to the possibility of imparting highly negative effects to wearable items. So, by enchanting the magician's weightless hood with a constant decrease in health and placing it on an enemy, you can play a cruel joke with him.

Having enchanted a ring on "Destruction" of armor or weapons, you can spoil your own property and then repair it, improving the skill of the gunsmith.

Oblivion - enchant armor

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Jurij Kashinskij

2006-08-19 01:41:42 UTC

OT> No one will advise - the better to enchant a set with Daedric
OT> reservation?

And why do you need it? Mages usually enchant for mana, preferably with transcendental
sigils. It is also possible on absorption, atronachs can catch up to a hundred. But for magicians
Daedric is bad manners. To carry this scrap metal - you may need to sew in force
or a feather (my Persian walked in the lungs). Enchanting capacity is the same as
heavy and light armor, and even rags. Meaning?

With best wishes Jurij

2006-08-22 02:54:42 UTC

And why do you need it? Mages usually enchant for mana, preferably -
sigils. It is also possible on absorption, atronachs can catch up to a hundred. But for

I have a melee swordsman, throwing fireballs just to heighten the fun.
The flashlight is in my necklace, that's enough. I'm thinking about the "Shield"
an increase in Strength, Dexterity, or Swords. What would be smarter?

It's clear; I already have the Star of Azura. The question is who to shove there. Gold
The holy man, and these, with trunks, it seems, is not observed.

Alexander E. Volkov

2006-08-22 04:19:14 UTC

?? >> And so - whatever, even detect life or a flashlight.
OT> I have a flashlight in my necklace, that's enough.
the flashlight is not very convenient, night vision is more useful. and more free.
detect life with a radius of 180 (sigilstone) is also quite nice.

OT> I'm thinking about the "Shield",
keep in mind that the maximum AC = 85.
a complete set of intact Daedric gives comparable results.
I practiced wearing a shield with a fire shield sewn into it. AC 28 + 25 = 53.
one more elementary shield 25% in some kind of clothes - and the armor is unnecessary.

OT> increase in Strength,
an increase in force above 100 only adds load capacity.
moreover, the "feather" raises the carrying capacity more.

OT> Dexterity or Swords. What would be smarter?
similarly - there is absolutely no point in raising above 100,
and you can swing up to 100.

OT> And what is the point of shoving a long Daedric sword?

?? >>> By the way, is there a list of "weights" of souls?
?? >> Yes. Only grand soul is of interest for enchantment.
OT> This is understandable; I already have the Star of Azura. The question is who to shove there.
senior shouts are of the master level of the summon. with a soul size of 1600.
Gloom wraith
Goblin warlord
Minotaur lord
Savage orge

or unwrites (from black stones)
I preferred to summon a banshee.

?? >> For enchanting items (not weapons) - sigils rule.
OT> While I have one and some kind of bespontovy.
ponty sigilstones - give at hero level 17+
you can dial them dofiga.
And if you play save loads before taking the stone -
then you will pick up the right ones right away.

OT> Why are sigils better? Do they have more capacity?
effects are already sewn into them, and stronger
than you can get in Azura.
for example, a grand soul gives +24 mana, and a sigilstone +50.

Alexander E. Volkov

The patient was on the mend. But did not reach ...