Board game District. Desktop game Dixit (DIXIT). Impressions from the game "DiCit"

I would never have thought that such a big game with strange shielding pictures and figures of rabbits jumping around the field is so simple rulesthat even there is nothing to write. But I still try.


Immediately start from his admiration for the skill of the author.

You are sitting (at least three, the maximum guide), look at the pictures, you are engaged in a meditative occupation - you look deep into yourself, looking for associations: for children easier, for adults more comprehensive, rearrange rabbits. Beauty!

No, well, you can imagine that all these pictures are associated with five different people with the word "holiday"?

And this is a girl with blue hair. "

And we are surprised in life why people cannot understand each other. Everyone has their own associations

Beginning of the game

Before the start of the game, each player receives 6 cards for 6 cards, they must be kept at home and not to show anyone. Each player chooses her rabbit and put them together on the field of counting points on green grass on "zero".

Then every player takes himself to the rolling concerns according to the color of their rabbit:

- if players 4, then you need to take 4 tokens (numbering from 1 to 4),
- if players 5, then 5 tokens (from 1 to 5),
- if 6 players, then 6 tokens (from 1 to 6),
- The Threesome game have their own modification, about it later.

It is selected by an arbitrary player, which is referred to as the host and must ask the Association.
He looks into his cards, thinks for a long time, chooses one of his cards and calls the Association, which he has connected with this card. And the map (without showing it to anyone) puts on the table shirt up.

Suppose he faded a map with snail and hills and his Strugatsky Association (meaning the work of the "snail on the slope"). Association can be set in any available way. Call the word, offer, quote, sing, tell us, rinse ... As you wish, just see that other players will be broken.

So, the Association is riddled. The remaining players look into their cards and everyone chooses that one! A card that is associated with the fact that he expressed the lead, that is, with Strugatsky. Who does not associate anything, can simply choose any card from the bald.

All fold the selected cards on the leading card. The presenter thoroughly mixes them (so that no one has seen pictures!) And spreads them already drawing up the table in a row. Takes his tokens and numbers cards.
Players watch outdoor a row and try to guess the card that the presenter came. Having made your choice, they choose from their tokens that the number that matches as they think, a mounted map. And put off the token in the direction of the number down (so that no one has seen the numbers!) To give to understand other players that the choice is made. When everyone is determined, the players lay out their concerns under the cards. So they vote for some card.

Let's sum up

The fact is that the creators of the game do not encourage too obvious and too foggy associations. Therefore, the lead, whose association nobody guess or guess literally everything, does not receive a single point! But all the other players, except the lead, move their rabbits for two points ahead. That is, if there is a situation where, all or guess or did not guessed the specified Association, then all players in winning except the lead.

In any other situation (even if only one player voted for a leading card and literally saved him from shame) The lead receives three points and those who voted for his card, also receive three points. If someone from the players voted not for a leading card, and for the map of another player, then this other gets one point from everyone who has voted. That is his card, someone recognized as suitable for this association.

The played cards are sent to the discharge, all players disassemble their tokens and take another card from the deck to add the number of cards up to six.

Now the next player is becoming the next player. The game ends when the deck ends. Whose rabbit was fond of all along the green field, he won!

Playing with a minimum number of players (three)

Table game "Dixit" (DIXIT):
Price (February 2013): from 1450 rubles.
Recommended age: from 7 years
Number of players: 3-6 people.

Threesome game has few other rules

First, each player takes himself six, but seven cards. And after the presenter asked the Association and laid out his card, then the remaining players choose not one card on this association, but two. To play more interesting :). And if only one player gave birth to the leading card, then he should also move the rabbit for three, and four.

Look carefully on the picture. It can only be sinusnrik, seriously. Do not believe? But all the players, he is associated with him. This means that you have chosen the correct associative option. Now look at pictures with star candlestice, a communist chemist, hand with a rocket and a worldwide cobweb with fish. You still do not feel yourself in the book of Carrol? ..

Wow ... What is this psychedelic game?

"DIXIT" is a game about the association. Each player has cards with unusual pictures that need to give names. Other players are trying to guess this association.

I will win if everyone is guessing or everyone does not guess?

And now the most interesting thing is: you can win here only when you can pick up such an association that will not be too complicated or too simple for all players. If no one guess - you took too high and do not get glasses. If everything is guessing - similarly.

How is the game go?

  1. For a start, everyone takes 6 cards.
  2. Then the first player chooses one of his cards and pronounces any phrase about it. Absolutely anyone - if only if it could be understood that it relates to the map.
  3. Other players choose on one of their card suitable for this phrase and give the lead. It mixes the received maps and interferes there its mandated.
  4. Players are trying to understand what kind of card was riddled.

Is it something like an Imajinarium?

Yes, in fact, it is two very and very similar games. The difference is that Imaginarium is created by one of the best illustrators of the Runet - truly insane artists whose pictures can be viewed by clock. Plus, in Imajinarum, more players, a little other rules for calculating points and there are special cells on the field.

Who is suitable for DIXIT?

  • The game is good as a family;
  • DIXIT is a wonderful option for the development of creativity and communicative skills in children;
  • Perfectly suitable for friendly sites in the evenings;
  • Excellent gift to anyone creative person with a thin soulful organization;
  • And finally, it's just a great piece for parties.

What's in the box?

  • 84 large cards with pictures;
  • 36 gifts for voting for 6 players;
  • 6 figures of rabbits for moving along the field;
  • Game field that allows you to count points.

The quality of the publication is quite high, the localization is made at a decent level. The box looks very presentable for a gift.

The dog sits down to play harmonica,
Dive into the aquarium red cats,
Socks begin to knit canary,
Toddler flowers watered from the watering can
The old man on the window lies, sunburst,
And grandchits grandmother in dolls plays
And fish read cheerful books,
Taking a quietly of their boy ...


  • From 3 players
  • From 30 minutes
  • Completeness of the game: Easy

"Dixit" ("Dixit") is a very popular board game of French origin. For the first time came out in 2008 and managed to conquer many prestigious awards. The game is based on associations, sometimes completely sudden.

Wow, what is this psychedelic game?

From Latin "DIXIT" Translated as "he said." The essence of the game "Dixit" - in the inventing and solving associations based on cards with pictures. The game is well developing fantasy and abstract thinking and helps players start better understand each other.

The description of the pictures can be limited to the word "strange". Direct scenes and unambiguous images you will not meet here. But in this and salt! Because it remains more space for fantasy.

And there are a lot of pictures. In addition to the basic set, there are additions:

  • "Dixit: Odyssey" ("DIXIT ODYSSEY"),
  • "Dixit 2: Opening" ("DIXIT 2: Opening"),
  • "Dixit 3" ("Dixit 3: Travel"),
  • "Dixit 4" ("Dixit 4: origins"),
  • "Dixit 5" ("DIXIT 5: Dreams"),
  • "Dixit 6" ("DIXIT 6: Memories"),
  • Dixit 7 ("Dixit 7: Revelations") and
  • "Dixit 8" ("DIXIT 8: Harmony").

And in each set of 84 cards. You can get roaring! But there is also "Dixit Jinx" - a game of association for speed. It differs significantly from the main, but to train the imagination on it is not worse than it.

For whom "Dixit" fits

Each new party is every time a trip to the world of fantasies. Players in "Dixit" are selected a variety of: children and adults, funny and serious. It is primarily recommended for family holidays, the age limit is only 6+. The rules are simple enough to understand them. "Dixit" is also suitable for big companyTrue, if they are more than six people, it will have to be broken by the team.

A, is it something like "Imaginarium"?

Rather, on the contrary. This is designed by the sample "DiCit". But yes, they have one idea, one principle of the game and similar rules. Even the playing field in both cases is built into the box.

What is the difference then?

The Dixit card game is more kind and sweet, while Imajinarium is gloomy, there are many black humor in it.

The pictures for DiCitis were purposefully drawn by one artist, and for the creation of dozens of authors.

What else differs the first game from the second? Packaging. The DiCit trunk box is intended strictly for one deck, and in "Imaginarium", if you raise the playing field, you can fit all additions.

With good thinking it is difficult to say that it is better - "Dixit" or "Imajinarium". Both games are interesting, colorful, developing fantasy. The key difference is in the mood created and, accordingly, the audience to which they are directed. "Dixit" more family game, IMADZHINARIUM is primarily intended for adults. Plus, "IMADZHINARIUM" - the Russian game and is simply cheaper.

Number of players

Dixit game is designed for friends from 3 to 6 people in basic set and up to 12 V "Dixit: Odyssey". For each player has its own bunny chip. If the participants are more than six, then it is better to deal with teams to play in pairs or three.

Purpose of the game

The goal "Dixit" is not in the demonstration of his knowledge, but in the ability to guess, "what the author meant." When solving this puzzle and professor, and the student is in equal conditions. And simple luck will not help, because you need to not throw cubes, but to solve the associations of the storyteller.

I will win if everyone is guessing or everyone does not guess?

Just on the contrary, when the association is too light or too complicated, the presenter does not receive a single point. Ideally, you need to strive to guess all the players, except one, will come out most of all points. And if played, played, and nothing guess or guess everything, the presenter does not earn anything, and the players get two points.


"Dixit" has pretty simple rules of the game. To figure out with them, it is enough to look into the box. The desktop game "Dixit" ("DIXIT") is based on cards with pictures - and this is the main material component. Metaphoric maps make a look and thought delay.

The playing field is embedded in the box, it is not necessary to remove it and lay it. The chips are presented in the form of six multi-colored rabbits made of painted wood.

Slightly different sets in "Dixit: Odyssey". The desktop game "Dixit: Odyssey" is designed for a large company, so there are 12 rabbits in it, the field counting field is declined separately, instead of tokens - markers for voting and each player has a separate marker for voting.

« Dixit 2 "- Supplement containing only new cards, 84 pieces. Just like "Dixit 3", "Dixit 4", "Dixit 6" and other additional sets.

But the game "Dixit Jils" consists of 80 cards (71 cards with pictures and 9 location cards).

If you compare, "diquit" or "imaginarium", then the configuration differences are insignificant. Only in "Dixit" 6 rabbits figures and 84 cards, and in "IMAJINARIUM" 7 features of elephants and 98 cards. Plus games in the Association in Imajinarium are more suitable for adults, and the games can be held in Dixit.


A big beautiful box is designed to prevent her. There is a beautiful dawn on the cover, which flies the aircraft, several examples of cards and slogans: "The picture costs thousands of words". Already the cover can be submitted what "diquit".

What's in the box

In the basic set lies:

  • the deck on 84 cards with drawings. Card size - 8 by 12 centimeters. Their shirt is made in orange tones with the inscription "DIXIT";
  • 36 cardboard tokens for voting (6 per player);
  • 6 multicolored wooden rabbits, they are the chips that players go;
  • the playing field is 30 steps built into the box;
  • regulations.

Rules of the game

"DIXIT" - a board game with fairly simple rules. To figure out how to play "DiCit" even a child. The presenter comes to the association to the card, everyone else is guessing. He who felt well, and those who guessed well, get glasses. Who eventually scored more, he won.

In Dixit: Odyssey, the rules almost do not differ. All features are related to the fact that the game is designed for a greater number of participants. In addition to cards and tokens, players take voting markers if players up to 6 people, then one, if more, then two. Maps are laid out, and participants can give their vote for one of them or for two on a special market for voting, everyone has its own.

The rules of the game "Dixit" are in Russian in every box, published in Russia. The desktop game "Dixit" is completely translated and licensed.

How is the game

The game goes in accordance with the rules move behind. Each move consists of several stages: distribution of cards, pick up the card by the storytellor, response actions of players, voting and counting points.

For "Dixit: Odyssey" in addition to the basic rules, if the rules for Dixit-Party (by 6-12 players) and for the team dixit (on 6, 8, 10 or 12 players). They are described in detail in the attached booklet.

Stroke Game

Do you know who is such a green-eyed catope?

The game begins with the fact that everyone gets 6 cards and in thought they look at them, trying to understand what kind of associations they cause. Flight of fantasies is not limited, and the pictures ask him the direction. Although sometimes it is not easy to somehow change the "this" shown on the map. The first who will come up with at least one association becomes a storyteller.

Gaying the lead card

Each move lead (narrator) is changing clockwise. It is his association that will solve all players. It should be not too complicated, but not too simple. Even in a unchanged company can be used for one or two parties.

The course of the lead and answers of the players

So, the narrator chooses one of his cards and calls the Association on it. It can be a phrase, word or sound. For example, "FA-FIR". The rest should choose a card from their hands, about which you can also say "Fium-FiR" and give it into the hands of a teller, no one else showing. For the threesome cards, they distribute 7, and the participants give 2 cards.

The presenter shifts these cards and lay out on the table with pictures up. Maps are numbered from left to right. Players begin to guess what map was initially. When, as they believe, the answer is found, each participant stealing awareness with the number of the card that he believes right. Puts the shirt up, because the vote is secret. For your card it is impossible to vote.

When all the tokens are laid out, they turn over and transferred to the appropriate cards.

Accrual of glasses

If the map was guessed by all or not guessing by anyone, the narrator is guilty to blame, and it remains without glasses, and the rest receive two points. In another situation, the presenter receives 3 points, as well as players who gave the right answer. Those whose card "guess" by mistake, gets 1 point (but not more than three). In "Dixit: Odyssey" when playing 7 and more participants, one more point is received by those who correctly guessed the card and at the same time voted only for her.

Counting points

When all glasses are accrued, they are counting, and players move their rabbits to the appropriate number of steps forward.

End of stroke

When the rabbits were dragged forward, the move moves to the next participant clockwise, that is, sitting on the left of the lead. Everyone is gaining on one map so that they are 6 in their hands.

Ending games

The game ends at the moment when someone takes the last card from the deck. After that, you can watch than the rabbit advanced on all. Who is the fastest - he won.

In "Dixit: Odyssey" the end of the deck does not mean the end of the game: the reset is shuffled and goes on the second circle until someone reaches 30 points.

Additional materials


All pictures on cards drew French artists Marie Cardua, Xavier Collett and Clement Lefevr.

Marie Cardua worked on the game initially, the illustrations of her authorship you will see in Dixit, Dixit 2 and Dixitis: Odyssey. Xavier Collett (by the way, created comics based on the work of Lewis Carroll) drew "Dixit 3", and Clement Lefevev, Book Illustrator, - "Dixit 4".

All drawings are ambiguous, unusual, as those who come from dreams, and not from reality.

Additional decks to games

Additional cards to "Dixit" can be obtained by purchasing one of the seven additional networks or the "Dixit: Odyssey" set. There you will find even more surrealistic pictures for an exciting game.

Good day.

Imaginarium dixit-imaginarium diquitist in essence is the same for a person who has not come across their stories. But if you pass a bunch of parties, a bunch of parties with people of completely different values, perceptions, the event, you understand that the differences are still big, and not even in the rules, but in the cards themselves, or rather, their elaboration.
1) For a person dealing with any articles, the "walking style" immediately rushes: in Dixit, one author, and in Imajnarium, completely different authors (as on topics, technology and in terms of drawing quality). Partly this walking style and cuts the eyes. And even by some ordinary woman, this was not soul. And if after the party brought not only some emotional influx, but also aesthetic pleasure, then in Imajinarium already "not that." Yes, and after the purchase immediately, I want 1/5 cards to postpone aside. In contrast to the DiCita of this desire, there is no: all cards as one.
2) "Tiles for fantasy." About Dixit 1, 2 (unfortunately did not appreciate Odyssey) It is a rumor that psychologists worked on the cards. I do not know the truth or not, but even before that I noticed that it was in these parts on the maps a lot of details that are exactly the "fantasy of development". The inhabitant will extend the associations from one card more, and the imanor with great pleasure will build a lot of different semantic and interesting associations, which very diverse the game and have enough of them for many parties. Such details can still be called "activators": you are not just looking for visual synonyms in your head, and already invent something and develop the already proposed image. But in Dixit 3, 4 is no longer the case. In the 3rd dixit, mostly direct pictures, in the 4th already changed the artist again (and in best side) And the drawings have become much more complicated with many colorful abstractions, but unfortunately still did not acquire these "turns of development". And so analogue of the same problem: "Imaginarium".
3) "Repeating Elements". In the first parts of DiCita, there are a lot of any interrelated elements. Perhaps the artist has an infinite fantasy and she simply brought the forum for creating many creative pictures, but then it played on her hand. When laying the cards very often happened that under the same association there were many cards at once, and people began to analyze the "leading" and his manner of riddles and values, or still cling to some details, or simply with a satisfied cyl. Map ... And already here it turned out another ethical activation, which served as an excellent twist for a different behavior manner in humans. And as a result: a variety gameplay, Many emotions, conversations, etc. In Dixit 3,4 + Imaginarium, there is still less such.
4) "Topic". It still plays any more taste preferences formed in a person over the years and in a specific environment. But diquita cards "not children's", they are universal. It is easier for them to plant an adult, who all his life engaged in writing paintings (and get a lot of pleasures not only from the game, but it is the most colorful pictures themselves), but also easily to plant some 40-year-old builder, who did not come across With "fantasies" and he will also have fun inventing associations. After all, everyone will find something in them, they play very well on images familiar with each not depending on what the above is written about tastes. "IMADZHINARIUM" is more like a kind of "reanion of time", the maps partly show the values \u200b\u200bof the modern generation (and anti-valuables), and they are unfortunately close to everyone.

Thanks for attention!

  • One game field for counting points
  • 84 cards
  • 36 tokens for voting 6 different colors numbered from 1 to 6
  • 6 wooden features of rabbits
  • Stroke Game

    The narrator says phrase

    Each time one of the players becomes a storyteller. The narrator chooses one of the 6 drawings in his hand, and without showing the card chosen by him to other players, says out loud phrase associated with this pattern or found on it. On the phrase, no restrictions are superimposed: it may consist of one or more words, it may even be just sound. It can be invented by a player, and may be based on any work of art (passage from a poem or song, the name of the film, proverb, etc.) who becomes a storytellor for the first move? The player, the first invented the phrase to one of his cards, speaks about it out loud and becomes a storytellor. Each player transfers on the same map The storytellor players choose among their 6 cards that the drawing on which the best thing is suitable for the phrase said by the storyteller. Each player transmits the selected map of the storyteller, without showing it to other participants. Graduate adds his card to the cards transferred to it the cards of other players, mixes them and lays out on the table in random figure the drawing up. Next in the game, the card lying on the left is considered to be a number 1 card, the next-card number 2 and so on ...

    The goal of the players is to guess which of the drawings posted on the table inspired the storyteller. Each player secretly chooses a map, which, in his opinion, belonged to the storyteller (the narrator himself does not vote). For this, he puts in front of him a face down tool to vote with the number of the card chosen. After everyone voted, the players turn the tokens and put them on the corresponding drawings.

    Counting points

  • If the picture of the narrator guess all the players, or, on the contrary, nobody, the narrator gets 0 points, and the remaining players - 2 points ...
  • In any other case, 3 points receive a storyteller and all the players who voted for his drawing.
  • All players, except the narrator, receive one point for each player who put her tokens on their card.
  • Players move their rabbits per distance corresponding to the number of points won.

    End of stroke

    Each player makes cards from the deck to 6 in hand. A teller becomes a player sitting on the left of the previous storyteller (and the game continues clockwise until the end).

    Ending games

    The game ends when the deck is taken last map.. The player wins, further all the advanced field to count the glasses.