How to make in minecraft to teleport. How to teleport home to minecraft. Basic set of teams for players


(Note # 1: Teleportation from the lower world (hell) and edges are possible.)

  • / SETHOME. - Assign a point of the house (the place where you can teleport and where you will reverse after death).
  • / Home. - Teleport to your point at home. Restriction on teleportation - 1 time in 60 seconds.
  • / Spawn. - Teleportation for spawn.

Gaming currency.

  • / ECON. - Learn your balance of gaming writings on the server.

Privat territory, protection against griffers.

  • / Region Claim - Mark the selected area. The name of your 1st privata as your nickname (Arkham), the 2nd as your nickname and "home" at the end (Arkhamhome).
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> <флаг> [value] - Set the value of any flag (Deny / Allow / None or other) to a specific region. If you do not specify the value of the flag, it will become standard.
  • / Region Remove.<название_региона>
    / Region Rem.<название_региона>
    / Region Delete.<название_региона>
    / Region Del.<название_региона> - Delete region (only if you are his owner).
  • / Region info.<название_региона> - View information about the region (only if you are his owner or participant).
  • / Region Addmember.<название_региона> <ник_игрока> - Add a member to the region (only if you are his owner).
  • / Region Removemember.<название_региона> <ник_игрока>
    / Region Remmember.<название_региона> <ник_игрока> - Delete a participant from the region (only if you are his owner).
Flags for regions.

(Note # 1: in all teams/ Region.can be replaced by/ rg.}

  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Pvp Deny. - Disable PVP.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> PVP ALLOW. - Allow PVP.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Creeper-Explosion Deny - To ban explosions of criespers.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> CREEPER-EXPLOSION ALLOW - Allow crops of cries.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> TNT DENY. - To prohibit the installation and explosion of dynamite.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> TNT ALLOW. - Allow the installation and explosion of dynamite.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> CHEST-ACCESS DENY - To prohibit access to the chests.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Chest-Access Allow - Allow access to the chests.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Use Deny - Disable the use of levers and buttons.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Use Allow. - Allow the use of levers and buttons.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Greeting [Message] - Install the message displayed when entering the region (greeting). If [Message] do not write, it will be cleaned.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Farewell [Message] - Install the message displayed when leaving the region (farewell). If [Message] do not write, it will be cleaned.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Lava-Flow Deny - To prohibit lava spill up.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Lava-Flow Allow - Allow lava spill.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Water-Flow Deny - It is forbidden to break water.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Water-Flow Allow - Allow water to spill.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Fire-Spread Deny - To ban fire to spread.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Fire-Spread Allow - Allow the fire to spread.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Enderman-Grief Deny - To prohibit Endermen to steal and put blocks.
  • / Region Flag.<название_региона> Enderman-Grief Allow - Allow Edermen to steal and put blocks.
Brief commands to install multiple flags:
  • / Flagoff<имя региона> - To prohibit PvP, explosion of cries and dynamite.
  • / Flagon.<имя региона> - Allow PVP, explosion of cries and dynamics.

Does not work

Chat control, "bindings" (bunch of a button-button).

black, DarkGreen, Darkblue, Darkred, Darkteal, Purple, Gold, Gray, Blue, Green, Teal, Red, Pink, Yellow, White (White).)
(Note # 2:<тип> This is Bind, Var, Const, Input, Output, Display, Track, Ignore.)
  • ~ Help. - Display help menu with all available commands.
  • ~ Clear - Clean the history of the chat.
  • ~ Stop. - Stop chat display.
  • ~ Start. - Resume chat display.
  • ~ Histcolor.<цвет> - Change the color of the chat history window.
  • ~ Histopacity<прозрачность> - Set the chat history window The transparency value from 0 to 100 (the more, the more opaque).
  • ~ BgColor<цвет> - Change the color of the chat window.
  • ~ BGOPACITY.<прозрачность> - Install the chat window of transparency from 0 to 100 (the more, the more opaque).
  • ~ bind.<клавиша> <сообщение> [\] - Binding messages to the key. If you can add "\\" after the message, the message can be edited before shipping.
  • ~ List<тип> - Display the list of designated<тип>, for example, binds.
  • ~ Delete.<тип> - Delete appointed<тип> with this . To remove bind you need to specify<тип> bind i. Any key bladed. For example, ~ Delete Bind G
Privat chests, tablets, doors, stoves, hatches and distributors.

(Note # 1: For the action of commands working with the subject (Overlay / Removing / Privat and Other), after entering the command, you need to click on the left mouse button.)

  • / LWC. - Display help menu with all available commands.
  • / LWC -C.
    / LWC Create. - Display help by team creation commands.
  • / LWC -m.
    / LWC Modify. - Display help on privata change commands.
  • / LWC -U. - Display Help on Private Access Teams.
  • / LWC -R. - Display Help on Privata Removal Teams.
  • / LWC Limits. - find out the current limitation on the number of private objects and the number of your acting items with private.
  • / Cprivate
    / LWC -C Private - Protect the subject by private privat.
  • / CPASSWORD.<пароль>
    / LWC -C Password<пароль> - Protect a privat with a password.
  • / Cunlock.<пароль>
    / LWC -U.<пароль> - Open a subject with a password.
  • / Cpublic
    / LWC -C Public - Protect the subject with a public privat.
  • / lwc -m [nickname playing] - Add to Privat subject group or individual players. You can register a few nicknames in a row through the space. To add an object administrator, add "@ nickname player."
  • / LWC -M - - - [nickname playing] - Remove the subject of a group or individual players from the Privat. You can register a few nicknames in a row through the space. To remove the object administrator, add "nickname player".
  • / Cinfo.
    / LWC -I. - Display information about the private subject.
  • / Cremove.
    / LWC -R Protection - Removing a private from the subject.
  • redstone (Opening by levers and Redstone), Persist (ONE IS ONLY INTRODUCED), AUTOCLOSE (door auto excretization after 3 seconds).

Other teams:

/ Feed-fills food

/ REPAIR al- finish things

/ Fly-flight

/ Kit - Displays a list of available whales

/ Heal - fills life after a certain time

no comments

Probably, each player in minecraft dreamed instantly move from anywhere on the map home. After all, sometimes you have to go away so far from your native places that you can just get lost and ultimately lose your built-up home forever.

Today you will learn using simple methods.

To move home you need to do the following:

  1. Before getting out of the house, open the Console by pressing the "/" key located next to the right button "SHIFT". You can also use the "T" button to turn on the chat, but before entering the code you need to put "/".
  2. Enter the "/ SETHOME" code and press "ENTER". As mentioned earlier, you should be at home at this point, and it is desirable not to advise such objects as a bed, a staircase, a stove or workbench.
  3. After that, you can safely go where you please. If you want to go home just enter the "/ Home" code and you instantly move At first marked place.

More difficult but effective method It will learn the coordinates of the house and after, using them to move on the map.

  1. To do this, go to the house and press the F3 button. In the inscriptions that appeared, find the coordinates where you are, usually they are displayed so x 70,22312 y 5,0000 z 45,65474 (numbers are taken at random). Remember, and better write the number on paper.
  2. To return home you need to enter the following code in the console "/ TP x Y z" - of course, instead of the letters x Y z, you must enter the coordinates through the space. For example, using the above numbers code, it would look like this: "/ TP 70,22312 5.0000 45,65474".
  3. Using this method can not only teleport home, but also with the possibility of rapid movement as in Skyrim or Fallout. Of course, all this will look less impressive, since it is necessary to use a leaf with recorded coordinates of each place. To do this, you just have to record all coordinates of important places for you, such as home, mines, forest, river and spare asylum.

Now you know, how to teleport home in minecraft. Of course, this method does not always work in online modeSince each server has its own rules and restrictions.

In some cases, for teleport, you can use specially installed modifications or patches.


Fortunately, "Minecraft", as in a variety of other games, a teleportation function is available for you. Moreover, instantly move from one point of the card to another, regardless of whether you are going to meet someone or not there, you can be in several ways. Choose the one that will be the most acceptable for you in a specific situation. Keep in mind that for embodiments in the practice of some methods of teleportation, you will need a preliminary installation of special mods (throw them after downloading in the MODS folder in your Minecraft Forge.).

When noting at least one of the wanderers of the region at least one of the strangers of the edge (Endermen - black milling mobs with long limbs and glowing purple-clicks-alkali), you can use it for teleportation to a friend. True, you will have to go to kill such a creature. Raise the leaving from it - the pearl of the edge. Throw this jewel to go where you want to move. Immediately you will find yourself there. However, be prepared for unpleasant consequences: if the distance distance was too far, you risk is very injured.

Move to a friend also using two-point coordinates - your and its location. To clarify your press F3, and ask you to do the same. Open the chat and enter there / TP, and then through the space of the destination coordinate. After that, press ENTER and after a couple of moments you will find yourself in the specified friend. On some servers, however, such movements are available only to those who have the right to use command block. It works from Redstone and is given only to admins. However, in cases where on this playground There is no ban on cheats, you can get such a block by entering the code / give @p 137.

Teleport Thanks to the knowledge of special teams. Just enter into chat / tp and nickname through the spaces - and you can easily move to it. However, sometimes on such a simple way you may have obstacles. On some servers, your friend will need to pre-give you permission to teleportation. Write a / call command by pointing with a friend's nickname in the game, and ask you to send you / TPACCEPT (of course, after that he will need to be imprinted by your nickname). Get ready for teleportation to the same second when the phrases will fall into the chat.

To help such lovers of teleportation, as you, in Minecraft, special modes were created. Especially pay attention to the TF2 Teleporter. With such a mod, thanks to a borrowed from another game ("Tim Fortress") the idea, you can build real teleports to move between two coordinators. In one, you will need to install the input device, in another - the output (they will only differ in color - red and blue). You have the opportunity, for example, put the first teleporter at your home, and the second is the dwelling of a friend. For the crafting of such things you need a lot of iron ingots, redstone dust, red torches and dyes.

Make one of the details of the teleporter (in the form of the letter H), placing accordingly iron bars In the cells of the workbench. Create a second element of the future appliance, putting in the lower row of the machine ingots, above them - three units of redstone dust and one more in the center of the upper row, and the remaining slots take two red torches. Now collect the device. Put in the center of the workbench, the second from the above parts, right below it - the first, and above them are placed on both the desired dye - red or blue. Krablet as many such teleporters as you need, placing them in those places, from where and where you want to move to the friend. So you will help each other in the gameplay.

Today we will talk about how to teleport to the player in Minecraft. This action It could significantly simplify the process and ensure a serious advantage over rivals.

Important plugin

On servers virtual Mira "Minecraft" There are countless different plugins. These are additions, for example, on a quick fragment of trees, on teleport and so on. Some of them are simply obliged to attend the server. Such plugins include teleport in Minecraft one player to another. There are several options. Now we will consider in detail all possible methods Use of this plugin.

Minecraft: how to teleport to the player with administrator rights

If you are the usual ordinary guest on the server, then the possibilities of using the plug-in are limited. You can only send a request to another player, and he, in turn, has a full right or accept it, or reject. In order to send a request, you need to enter the / call command<имя игрока>. For example, Player. It should work like this: / call player. The player to whom you send a request receives a notification. To accept an offer, you need to use the / TPACCEPT command to reject - / TPendy. If you sent a request unfamiliar player, be careful. He may be a griffer. If you still decided to accept the request, it is advisable to hide all your things in the chest. Then the Griffer disappears all the chances to rob you.

If you are an administrator of the server, then you have opportunities to address the question of how to teleport to the player in Minecraft, much more. To move to any participant, just register the command / TP<имя>. You will not send any requests. You will immediately get to the participant you need. In addition, you have the opportunity to teleport other players to each other or to yourself. To do this, there is a command / TP<имя участника, к которому вы хотите попасть (если к себе, пишите сюда свой ник)> <псевдоним отправляемого жителя>

other methods

We already know how to teleport to the player in Minecraft, however, you can move in a particular place in a certain place in the world or other dimension. There are portals that can make a resident on a server with administrator rights. The portal is made from any material. In order for you to teleport to another point of the world, there must be another, associated with the first, "pass."

If you want to get to the lower world, that is, hell, you will need ten blocks of obsidian and lighter. It is splashing from silica and iron ingot. We put obsidian by the arch on four blocks in height, and in length two and simple manipulation launch the portal. To do this, you just need to set fire to any block inside the design. After the portal earned, you must get inside and wait until you start to boot the lower world.

In addition to the "passage" to hell, we can make doors to Ender's world. With them, everything is not as simple as with the previous one. Such a portal can be found or found, or do it yourself. In order to find, you need to get the Enderman's eye and, throwing it, go behind him. Approach design. Insert the Ender into each frame and simply jump into the portal. You will appear in the mysterious world where you can, defeating the dragon, complete the game. From now on, you know how to teleport to the player in Minecraft.

Standard teams B. minecraft game do not allow teleport, especially if you play in single game. Why is that? Because, in fact, the game is provided simply as the "sandbox". That is, it does not set any additional plugins or mods that would allow you to teleport by coordinates. Moreover, even the card is installed in addition to the game. In standard functions, the card is not provided. Why? With this question, you already need to contact the game developers. Anyway, online game now much more popular than solitary, so many servers took care of mounted mapsand all modes for teleportation.

You can teleport in several ways, but it all depends on what server you play, as well as what access rights you have. Administrator and moderators can produce instant teleport to players using the / TP command. This is the main command that works with Essentials or Commandbook. Also, such people have the opportunity to teleport one player to another. If you do not have access to such commands, then you need to ask moderators to perform this operation. If you do not answer, then obviously a person is busy with his own business. Never flood into your personal chat, because the administrator or moderator will simply close you access to the chat or blocked on the server. In this situation, only you will lose.

Teleport can work on servers for all players with special plugins. Suppose, often on McMoo or Hi-Tech servers, there is the possibility of teleportation of players with invitations. How it works? Suppose you come to the server, and you urgently need to be close to your friend who already plays for some time, but lives far away, somewhere at the end of the card. In this case, you send a request to the possibility of teleport. If the player responds positively to your request, the system automatically teleports you to it. What is the minus of such a plugin? Players forget about the standard features of the game, where you need to run in the mountains, run away from mobs, kill cries, hide in the forests from zombies and much more. In this case, the game acquires a slightly different character, where people do not go on the ground to each other to visit, but simply teleport.

Well, the last. There are plugins to create special teleports on the server. For example, there is a teleport teleport in the forest, a castle ,,,. That is, players with each other can not use teleport, but it is possible to teleport in public places With the help of such facilities. Typically, such ports are in the center of the spawn players, since most of the population of the server appears exactly there. I hope that you will now have no question on this topic.