Who takes the last cards to the fool. Rules of the game. How can you play this game

The game uses a deck of 36 cards (in some cases - 52) and involves two to six players; in the case of a 52-card deck, up to 8 players can play. Everyone is dealt 6 cards, the next (or the last, possibly any of the deck) card is revealed and its suit sets the trump card for this game, and the rest of the deck is placed on top so that the trump card is visible to everyone. Ace cannot be a trump card. The object of the game is to get rid of all cards. The last player who does not get rid of the cards remains in the "fools".



The game differs from other varieties only in that the game is played without trump cards.


In this type of game, each player has his own trump card. Thus, if one of the players bets MY trump card, then it will not be a trump card for the opposite player. However, by agreement of the players, the following rule can also be introduced:

  • if one of the players bets Alien a trump card, the opposing player must beat it like a trump card.


In this type of fooling game, the suit plays a role only in the selection of the trump card. That is, you need to beat the cards with a card of a large size (suit does not matter) or a trump card.


The game differs from playing a simple, throw-in, translated or Japanese fool only in that after each "beat" or capture, the players exchange cards with each other. If a lot of players play, they change clockwise: 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-1


This variety differs from the game in a simple, throw-in, transfer or Japanese fool only in that immediately after all players have been dealt six cards, each deck with a trump card is removed from the game.

Piled up

The only difference between this type of fool is that initially the deck is divided equally between the players.

Second try

This version differs from other types of fool only in that if the player has nothing to beat the card with, he must first take another card from the deck. If this card is suitable in order to beat the desired card, the player beats it. But if it does not fit, the player takes. The player can also refuse the second attempt and draw cards immediately.


In this case, the player can resemble not only his own card, but also take one card lying on top of the deck. This action can be done only once per turn (by agreement of the players, this number can be increased to infinity).

Armenian-Second attempt

This kind of fool is a combination of Armenian fool and Fool-Second attempt.

Translated 2

This game differs from playing the translated fool in that you can translate even after the toss. For example: the first player was like ten spades, the second beat the jack of spades, and the first threw the jack of clubs, but the second has a jack of diamonds, then he can transfer it and the first player will have to beat it.

Translated 3

In this version, when transferring one player (1) to another (2), player "2" must beat only the card that was transferred by player "1". That is, if player “2” has bet a seven of clubs, and player “1” has transferred with a seven of diamonds, then player “2” is obliged to beat only a seven of diamonds.


This game differs from playing in a simple, throw-in, transfer or Japanese fool only in that the player draws cards from the deck only if there are no cards left in his hand at all.


In this version of the fool, you can only walk by yourself strong card on hands (you can beat anyone).


This game differs from playing a simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool in the following way: The game is played with 2 decks of 36 cards (72 cards in total). You cannot fight back with a card of equal value or a card of the same suit. The player who has 52 or more cards loses immediately.


This game is played with 2 decks of 36 cards (72 cards in total). You can fight back according to the rules of a simple, throw-in or transfer fool. If a player fights back with a card that is absolutely equal in value, the possibility of throwing up from the side of other players is blocked (this move is not considered a transfer). The player who has 52 or more cards loses immediately.


The royal fool differs from playing a simple, thrown, transfer or Japanese fool in that the lowest card (usually from two to ten) can only be beaten by the highest card (usually ace or joker). And the highest card can be beaten only by the lowest or the trump card (the joker can be beaten only by the junior ones).


This game is generally played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in, translation or Japanese fool, with the only difference that you need to enter immediately with three cards... If a player has only two in his hands - with two, if one - with one.


In a poker fool, before hitting the cards, the player has the right to exchange 2 cards for 2 cards from the deck.

Armenian Poker

A combination of Armenian and Poker fools.

Poker-Second Attempt

Poker Fool and Fool Combo - Second Attempt.

Armenian Poker - Second Try

A combination of Armenian, Poker and Fools' Second Try.


Playing a spectacled fool differs from playing a simple, throw-in, translated or Japanese fool only in that the player who knocks off the most cards wins.


When playing China Fool, the cards are dealt like in Piled Fool. The player with nine diamonds moves first. If a player has beaten nine diamonds, further tossing from the side of other players is blocked (this move is not considered a transfer). If the player could not fight back, he takes only the first card that he has hit back. The rest of the cards go to the "dump". If the player could not beat off the first card, he also takes it. The rest of the rules are the same as in other varieties of the game.


This version differs from the others only in that out of 6 cards dealt, players first have access to only one. With each hang-up, everything becomes available more cards(one for each hang-up). If the cards in the hands of the players run out, the cards are taken from the deck and everything starts all over again. If the deck runs out, all the cards in the hands of the players become available. If a player draws cards, all drawn cards are available to him.


The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in, transfer or Japanese fool, but the cards in the deck are arranged in descending order. That is: aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens, etc.


They play with a deck of 54 cards (2 wild cards). The game is generally played according to the rules of other variants of the fool. Jokers play a special role in the game. If the player plays a black joker, he must give his opponent any two of his cards. If the player looks like a red joker, the opponent must give him any two of his cards. Both jokers can beat any card, and they can also be beaten with any other card. But the following rules must be taken into account:

  • The player who has only the joker at the end of the game loses in any case.
  • If the player bets one joker, the other will be able to transfer it with another joker. The second must deal any five of his cards.
  • If a player bets two jokers, he must give his opponent any five of his cards.
  • If any player does not have enough cards to give them to his opponent (because of the joker), he takes from the deck as many cards as he needs.
  • If any player does not have enough cards to give them to the opponent (because of the joker) and the deck is over, this joker ability is blocked.
  • By agreement of the players, you can enter combinations of cards that block the joker's ability. A hand consists of any 5 cards. It is best if it consists of three paired cards and two more different ones.

Double joker

The game is played according to the rules of simple, throw-in or translation. But the game is played with a deck of 54 cards (2 joker). If hearts or diamonds are the trump card, the red joker is the highest card in the game, and the black one simply beats all spades and clubs (black cards). If the trump card is spades or clubs, the black joker is the highest card in the game, and the red joker simply beats all hearts and diamonds (red cards). If the joker is the trump card, then all the cards of its color become the trump cards. For example, if a black joker has fallen, all spades and clubs are trump cards, if it is red, the trump cards are diamonds and hearts. In another variant, jokers cannot be trump cards and only beat cards of their own color, regardless of which suit is the trump card.


The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in, translation or Japanese fool, but with 53 cards (1 joker). Any card can be beaten with a joker.

Two-joker Novosibirsk

This variation allows in the endgame to achieve a balance between the player who has the trump ace and the player who does not. The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in or transfer fool with a deck of 54 cards, including two jokers. The joker beats any ace, including the trump, but does not beat any other card. The joker can be beaten with any card except aces and other joker. When a joker falls into a trump card, the game goes without trump cards, and the joker itself beats any card, but it can also be beaten by any card, except for aces and another joker.


The game is played according to the rules of other variants of the fool, but with 58 cards (2 wild and 4 wild). Wild cards can cover any card, but they can also be beaten with any card. Then, as after hitting by the joker, "bito" is announced.


This kind of fool differs from the rest in that when players can no longer throw cards to the beating player, he has the right to throw to himself and then beat.


The game is played according to the rules of the transferable fool, taking into account the rules of the transferable-2 and -3 fools. The game is played with a deck of 54 cards (two wild cards). If a player must bet any card and he has a pair, three or four cards of the same rank, he can put them all at once, and not toss them in turn. You can beat any card with the joker, except for twos and threes (an ace is beaten with a deuce, joker or trump card), which themselves beat it.


The game is played according to the rules of the Estonian fool, although the game is possible with a different variation. They play with a deck of 55 cards (2 joker and 1 mega). The only difference between a capital fool and an Estonian one is the presence of a mega-card (superjoker, superjoker, prime minister, green joker). The mega card beats any card except the fours, which beat it themselves.


The game is played according to the rules of the Chinese fool, but if the player was unable to fight off and took, as it should be, only the first card, which was beaten off, the rest of the cards go to the next player, for the release. If the player could not beat the first card, he takes it and skips the move. The turn goes to the next player.


The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in, translation or Japanese fool, but if a player cannot beat the cards and takes them, he does not skip a move, but he goes under the next player.


Each player takes one card from the deck and lays it face down. The first taker from the deck is first determined by the lot, then it is the loser. The one with the highest card goes first. The rest of the players must lay out cards on this card, the highest ones by one.

If some player does not have desired card all cards for himself, he takes all cards for himself. It all starts all over again. This continues until the deck is completely exhausted. If there are two or three highest cards, the card is placed on the adjacent one in a clockwise direction. When the deck is played, the game of the Japanese fool begins, given that the trump cards are always diamonds. However, as a special suit, not spades, but clubs are highlighted, they are beaten only with clubs of a higher value.

With a tossing boob

This game is interesting in that an imaginary player, a "blockhead", participates in the game. The player who wins the toss and gets the right of the first move has the right to toss for the dummy. The idiot has no right to walk and fight back. The game is played according to the usual fool's rules. The dummy is not considered a loser.

With a playing dood

This game is also played by the "blockhead". However, here the player who wins the toss has the right (or rather should) not only toss, but also walk for him. The dummy can win and lose.


This game is played according to the rules of the transfer. But you can't throw in it. If the player has a move and has a group of cards of the same value, he, as in a simple fool, must bet everything at once.


A secret fool differs from playing a simple, throw-in or transfer fool only in that at the beginning of the game, as soon as the trump card becomes known from the deck, in a closed form, they take another card and put it either under the trump card or next to the deck, naturally face down. When the deck ends with the trump card, this card will open up and become a new trump card.


This version of the game of the fool differs from the others in that if any player could not beat off all the cards and takes them, then the player, because of whose card the first participant of the game could not fight off, has the right to beat his own card himself. And thus add cards in the hands of the taking player, and reduce them. After that, all players can throw as much as they like (but, of course, what according to the rules can be thrown in this or that case) and, if desired, beat their own cards. It is worth considering here that the cards with which one player has beaten his own cannot be thrown, unless the cards of this value were encountered in the game when the player who was playing was fought back.


This game follows the rules of a cunning fool, but in order to throw a player must first beat his own card, and only then toss it to the player under whom they were initially playing. The impudent fool is much inferior in popularity to the cunning one, but does not die out.

With couples

The game is played according to the usual fool's rules. But each player is dealt not 6, but 5. If the player has a pair of cards, he has the right to resemble this pair and any other card. If there are two pairs of cards, you can also like them with one more card. You can also walk with one card. But:

  • Other combinations of cards during the move are impossible (you can beat off with any).

From groups

The game is played according to the rules of the fool with pairs, but you can play with threes and fours of cards of the same rank. It is not necessary to add another card to the card groups. It is forbidden to add cards to the troika.


The game is played according to the rules of a thrown or translated fool. But the following concept is introduced into the game - "figure card". These are cards worth more than nine, that is: tens, jacks, queens, kings, aces. During the game, all players write down how many face cards they have recaptured. If the player first recaptured the figured cards, but then more were thrown at him, the figured cards are not counted by the recaptured ones (the player takes).


A comic form of playing the fool. The deck is dealt equally. The first to go is the one with the six, and who sits closest to everyone, to the left of the deliverer

He walks with this six. The turn goes to the next player. If he has a seven, he puts it on a six. The next player will have to bet an eight, then a nine, a ten, ... and so on up to an ace, and an ace is therefore covered by a six. If the player does not have the required card, he skips the move. At the same time, each player in the game is given nicknames, like "cat, donkey, wolf, horse ...". And if the player cannot put the desired card, he makes sounds, in accordance with the nickname. If he did so without any of the players laughing, he draws the cards for himself. The winner is the one who runs out of all cards first.


The first player takes the top card from the deck and places it in the center of the table. Then he takes another card from the deck. If this card is of the same suit as the one originally drawn, and also of higher value, the player draws both of the above cards. Then the same player takes the third card from the deck and the move goes to the next player. If the received card cannot beat the laid out one, the player puts it next to the laid out one, takes another card from the deck and places it in the center of the table. The turn goes to the next player. The second player again takes cards from the deck and repeats everything described above. If he beats, he will take all the cards on the table. The game continues. When the deck is played, the game is played according to the rules of a throw-in or transfer fool.


The game is played by classic rules playing the fool. But during every second release, the cards do not go to the closed pile, but are mixed with the deck.


The version differs from the other variants of the fool, only in that the ace cannot be beaten with the lowest card, but only with a trump card. Therefore, the trump ace in the game plays the role of a "wild" card ("dummy").

With arithmetic progression

The game is played according to the classic rules of the fool, but at first each player is given only one card. After each next move, the cards in the hands of the players are supplemented by 1 more. That is, the second time the number of cards in hand is added to two, then to 3, 4, 5, and so on, until the deck runs out.

With the purchase

A distinctive feature is that when the cards are dealt, each player is given a certain number of cards face down - buy-in. At the end of the game, when there are no cards left in the deck and the player has thrown away all his cards, he takes his buy-in and continues the game.


The game differs from the others in the following way: If one player was like and he can fight off with that card, cards with dignity, which the player already has in his hands, he has the right to put this (these) card, and then the second will have to beat both cards ... For example: player "2" looked like player "1" with a nine of clubs, and player "1" beat with a ten of clubs, but he also has a ten of spades, he can also put it and then player "2" should beat it, he needs beat both tens.


The game differs in that only four players play, sitting opposite each other, who form the playing pairs. During the game, only players of one pair, to which the walking player belongs, have the right to throw up. Accordingly, the win (or loss) is not recorded for an individual player, but for a pair.


  • Trump, trump suit- a suit with special strength, standing above others.
  • Lights out, bito- 1) a situation when the player, under whom they played, covered similar cards; 2) similar and covering cards in such a situation; 3) all cards played by the current moment.
  • Shoulder straps- a situation when the last cards used by the winner are a non-winning six or two sixes. These sixes are placed on the shoulders of a fool, and then the latter is called a "fool with epaulettes" (or with one shoulder strap). Such a loss is considered more shameful than an ordinary one.
  • Wikipedia - Card game, in which you have to throw certain cards to one of the players ... Wikipedia

The fool card game has gained popularity in almost every home. This interesting game will allow you to have fun in the evening and entertain a noisy, cheerful company!

1) How to play a simple fool

Basically, the deck for the card game "Fool" is chosen consisting of 36 cards. From 2 to six people can take part.

The main goal is to replay the entire deck, and at the last stake, fold your cards faster than everyone else.

  • Before starting the game, shuffle the deck well, it is not necessary to move the top.
  • Give each participant in the game 6 cards. After the cards are dealt, reveal the first card in the deck and put it face down on the playing table, this card is the defining trump card.
  • The player with the smallest trump card starts the first move.
  • You can start your turn from any card you like, on the player sitting to your left.
  • Consider an example - if 6 hearts are made on you, you can hit back this card the same suit (suit is the symbol of the card, in this example these are hearts), but with a larger denomination - for example, you have 10 hearts available. In the absence of the same suit, you can beat off the card with any trump card. If you do not have a suitable card for the end of the turn, according to the conditions of the game, you take both cards for yourself.
  • After the completed turn, the participants of the game must, without peeping, draw cards from the deck to 6. The very first card is taken by the participant who started the turn, then the remaining players draw cards, starting the movement to the left.
  • When you beat off a card, it goes into a retreat, which you cannot spy on until the end of the game. The right to the next move for another player starts with you.
  • Participants continue the game until one player is left with the cards. In this case, the player is considered a loser. Next game begins the participant sitting to the left of the loser, making a move under him.

2) How to play fool - various options

There are various variations and additions to the traditional simple fool, combining all the options together to create an interesting and addictive game.

  • Throw-in - the principle of the game is identical with a simple fool, the main difference is the ability to throw cards of the same importance as on the playing table. The player who made the move throws up the card first, then the participants throw the cards in order. No more than 6 cards can be thrown in one move.
  • Translated - the highlight of this variation is that you can transfer the first card that came down under you, picking up the same value, to another player sitting to your left. The participant to whom the cards were transferred also has the right to transfer cards to another player. Let's say you have 10 spades, you can transfer to another participant with a card number 10 of any suit, now another player will fight off these cards. Otherwise, all the rules are the same with a simple fool.
  • Transferable 2 - This is an addition to the transferable fool described above. In this variation, you acquire the right to transfer absolutely all cards at stake to another player. The participant to whom you transferred the cards is obliged to discard or accept all cards transferred to him. Let's say you looked like a card with a value of 9 tambourines, you cover the card with 10 tambourines, the player throws you another 9, but already a trump card, and you cannot beat it off, but you can transfer 9 baptize another participant. The player must cover all the cards, if he cannot, then he takes all the cards for himself.

How to play the fool and win

There are 5 honest secrets on how to play the fool and win consistently:

  • Remember which cards are discarded, thanks to this, in the last decisive game, you will know all the opponent's cards and win by throwing him a card that he cannot beat back.
  • Always leave at least one pair of cards with the same denomination, this is very convenient for a decisive approach to the enemy - you will get rid of the maximum number of cards, and when covering cards there is less chance that you will be thrown more.
  • Try to take the opponent's trump cards by going to him and throwing cards with a large denomination, for example, an ace.
  • If you are playing a thrown fool, throw away all the small cards without regretting so that at the end you will not be left with a full fan of the deck in your hands.
  • During the game try to fight off with ordinary cards, accumulating the maximum number of big trump cards. At the end of the game, you can always fight back, leaving the enemy in the fools.

The Fool card game is considered the most popular on the territory the former USSR... Time decided to conceal the name of its author, but it is believed that it appeared in the 19th century in Russia. The aristocracy was skeptical about the new entertainment. But the common people liked it. This explains the colloquial name: lost - it means, "remained in the fools." In the Soviet Union, its popularity increased even more. Moreover, the rules in the game "Fool" began to be supplemented. So, along with the classic version, new varieties began to emerge.

Basic game features

In spite of great amount varieties of the game (and there are more than 50), mostly they obey general rules... Usually a deck of 36 cards is used, sometimes - of 52 (54 without two jokers). The task of each participant is to get rid of all cards before the opponents. Whoever stays with the cards is a "fool" (just don't be offended, here it is just a joking expression).

Now let's look at the basic rules of the Fool game. At least two, maximum six people play cards. Each must have 6 cards in their hands. The top (less often - bottom) card of the deck is revealed, this is a trump card. This suit takes precedence over the others. If six players take part, then the whole deck is dealt, and the last card is appointed as the trump card. Traditionally, the loser is appointed as the distributor, and for the first time he is determined by lot.

Simple "Fool"

The rules in the game "Fool" are quite simple. The player with the lowest trump goes first. If this suit is not on hand, they decide on the lowest card. When there are more than two players, they walk clockwise, that is, to the one sitting on the left. He lays down one or two cards of the same value. The second player must fight them off. This means that he can cover them with a card of the same suit, but with the highest value, or a trump card. A trump card can only be beaten by a trump card of greater significance. If the cards are discarded, they are discarded, and they are not used until the end of the game. It is forbidden to open a retreat to find out which cards are already out of play. If the player could not or did not want to beat off the move, he takes all the cards from the stake - these are the rules in the game "Fool".

Then the players draw up to six cards from the deck. As a rule, the one who walked takes the first, then the rest of the participants clockwise. But sometimes the bouncer gets there first, so it's better to agree on this in advance. If the player fought back, the right to move is given to him. If not, he misses the move, and the person sitting on the left will "attack". The game continues until the entire deck has been dealt, including the trump card. The player who cannot fight back and remains with the cards after the last round is considered a loser. A simple "Fool" is the main version of the game, a kind of framework for which additional rules are "tuned".

"Throwing fool"

This variety is so popular that many consider it the basic one. The rules in the game "Throw-in Fool" in many ways repeat the simple version. But main feature consists in the fact that the beating player can throw cards. What does it mean? When the player was approached and he fought back, he is thrown cards of the same value that are involved in this knight. If he overlaps the cards, they go off. If not, he takes the entire knight and, accordingly, skips the move. The one who walks first throws up, and then the rest of the participants from left to right. It is forbidden to throw more than 6 cards, because then the player will have nothing to fight back with.

"Fool transferable"

The rules of the game in "Transfer Fool" are a little more complicated than the previous ones. But this makes the game more interesting and exciting. If the participant cannot or does not want to fight back, he can transfer the game to the next player. To do this, he must place a card of the same value on the table. The second player will have to beat off two cards already: transfer and transfer. If he has suitable card, he can translate the move. If the required card is not there, he takes the stake.

There is also another option. Here the rules of the game in "Transfer Fool" are complemented by the ability to throw cards. When the player beats off the move, he can be thrown another card. If he has nothing to beat, he can transfer the entire bet to the next player. You can translate only with a card of the same value as the last one thrown; beaten are not taken into account. But if the second participant does not fight back, he will take all the cards.

"Japanese fool"

Another interesting variation is “ Japanese fool". The rules of the game are slightly different from the classic ones. First, there is no need to appoint a trump suit - it can only be a diamond. Secondly, spades are not fought off with a different suit. Otherwise, the usual rules apply.

"Double fool"

4 or 6 players can participate, which are divided into pairs. At the same time, the partners do not sit next to each other, but opposite each other. In general, the rules are the same as in Throwing Fool. But, of course, you can't go to your partner or throw cards at him. You can only attack the enemy.

The goal of the game is not just the first one to get rid of the cards, but to help the partner "overwhelm" the opponents. If one member of the team leaves the game, and the second is left with the cards, then both of them are considered to be losers. The rules of playing "Fool" in pairs are complicated by the fact that teammates are forbidden to help each other fight back. They can only throw cards to their opponents. The team wins, all members of which leave the game. If one participant remains from each pair, they continue to play according to the rules of the usual " Throwing a fool". If after the last deal all the players got rid of the cards, a draw is declared.


There are different rules for playing the Fool. Both children and adults play cards, so new versions are constantly appearing. But from such a deviation from the norm, everyone's favorite entertainment does not lose in the least. On the contrary, everyone can find a suitable option or create a completely new one.

At a picnic, during a meeting with friends, on a long-distance train and just in the park, you can often hear a perky “beat! Your move ”, and no one will have to explain what is happening there - the people are playing cards. In the post-Soviet space, the game "fool" was and remains the most popular among card games, it is known to everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status. Let's list again its rules in order to learn exactly how to play the fool.

As you know, the game uses a deck of 36 cards with the participation of two to six players. At the first deal, everyone receives six cards, the suit of the next card becomes a trump card for this game... The rest of the deck is stacked on top of the revealed card (face down), from which players take cards as needed. The goal of the game is to get rid of all cards before the other players. The last player with cards remains in the "fools".

The game begins with the player's move with the lowest trump card, then go "out of the fool". The moves are made clockwise, usually with one or more cards of the same value, and the attacked player must cover them with the highest card of the same suit or trump. If the player covers all the cards, the turn goes to him; if not, he takes everything open cards, and after the rest of the players get up to six cards from the deck, the turn goes to the next player.

The types of this game are simple, throw-in and transferable fools, each with slightly different rules. The throw-in got the name because of the granting of all players the right to "throw" cards of the corresponding value to the batter; in the translated fool, the player being targeted has the right to redirect the move to the next player by playing a card of the same value.

To learn to play the fool, it is not enough to know the general rules. This is one of the few card games in which you can develop a specific strategy and tactics. Game strategy is essentially based on memorizing cards and understanding game statistics, game psychology, and probability theory. When playing for two, knowing that the total number of cards is 36, of which 9 are trump cards, we calculate that a third of the deck is dealt at once, and the players have on average one and a half trump cards in their hands, and one trump is open. At the beginning of the game, players do not know 23 cards, and the more cards a player is able to memorize during the game, the more successful he will be - at the end of the game it becomes possible to predict the remaining cards of the opponent in order to plan winning moves.

When you start playing cards as a fool, in addition to keeping statistics, it is also important to closely monitor your opponent, determine his tactics and develop your own counter-tactics in a timely manner - experts in this area have developed a number of specific recommendations for each specific case. General recommendations include the following: at the beginning of the game, you should not fold trump cards, fight back if possible with paired cards, memorize the sequence of cards leaving the game, and, if necessary, resort to bluffing - as in any card game, the method of subtle deception of the opponent remains very effective ...

The rules of the game are quite simple:


The game uses a deck of 36 cards. The smallest card is a six, the highest is an ace. An invariable condition of the game is the choice of a trump, which can beat any non-trump card, but in its suit is only valid in ascending order;

The game can take part from two to six people. Each one is dealt 6 cards face down, the next card is opened and placed on the table, its suit determines the trump card of the current game, the rest of the deck is put on the trump card, without blocking it from the participants in the game.

The first move in the first game belongs to the player with the lowest trump card. In subsequent games of the same game, the move belongs to the player who won the previous game. The move is always to the left. You can walk either with one cards any value, or from several cards of the same value. Player sitting to the left of the incoming player must beat (cover with the highest card in suit or trump) all cards with which the move was made. The number of cards with which the move is made must not be more than the number of cards in the hands of the player under whom this move was made. If he cannot cover at least one cards, he is obliged to take (take) everything cards with which the move was made. The right of turn goes to the next player clockwise. If player covered everything cards, then you can not throw new cards and that's all cards go off the table. You cannot look into the lights out until the end of the game. Stray player gets the right to move. After each move, the players get cards from the deck missing to six. Takes first cards walked player, the bouncer takes the last one. During the game, the deck is dealt with, including the open trump card.

The goal of the game is to get rid of all cards in your hand. Last player not getting rid of the cards is considered a loser, provided that cards the deck is over.

The game is also possible to draw (draw) - when player The player who makes the move moves with the last cards, and the bouncer with the last cards fights back, while there are no more cards in the deck or other players, that is, as a result, at the end of the game, no one has any cards left.


The difference from a simple fool is that:

Walking player has the right to throw cards that match in value with any card on the table, including those that were moved and those with which they were wings. If more than two players participate in the game, then player who walked has the right of the first action, but when he has finished walking, the other players have the right to throw their cards according to the same rules. You can also throw cards, when player decided to accept cards and don't keep fighting back. However, you cannot throw more cards than the beating player has left - that is, if the player has three cards, he was given one, and he decided to accept it, then he can only add two. Throws up cards walking player... If he has nothing to throw, then the players begin to throw in a clockwise direction.

Walking player can throw again when it comes to him again in a circle. Also, you can not throw more than five cards, even if the player has more cards in his hands, that is, the total number of cards for discarding is six. But this rule is valid as long as there is cards, when all cards in the lights out and on hand, you can throw in as many cards as the bouncer has in hand. At the first rebound, you must not throw more than four cards(the total number of cards is five), but if player does not fight back, then you can throw in the 6th card.


The rules are the same as in the flap, but with one complication: if player, under which they go, has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to an already lying card and pass both cards the next player to whip - "transfer". The first round cannot be transferred if the participants play the first game. Next player can re-translate if he has a card of the same rank. You cannot transfer more cards than the next one player has in his hands, as well as if there is a trump card on the table. When cards transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes a beating player, and is obliged to cover everything or accept. Further, the game completely coincides with a throw-in fool.


This is a competition of a large number of players to be eliminated for the total prize fund educated by all participating in the games. That is, at the end of the entire set of games that make up the tournament, the only one player, who, according to the terms of the game, will become the winner of the tournament. This competition is multi-stage.


The game "fool" is one of the few card games in which it is possible to develop a clear plan of action. In terms of the richness of various combinations, the "fool" leaves checkers far behind, and is partly comparable to chess. The strategy of the game is based on memorizing cards, theory of probability and psychology of the game. The more player can memorize cards, the more he has an advantage over the enemy. You also need to take advantage of paired cards. From the beginning of the game, it is advisable to get rid of the cards of the lowest suit.