Divination ace of tambourine. Ace of tambourine (diamonds) - The value of the card in fortune-telling (Video). The value of the Ace of tambourine

Ace of Diamonds (on the back)

Ace of Diamonds- quadrangular sign yellow color cut on the back of the prisoner's clothes

Wed Balalaikin is honored from the authorities with a one-of-a-kind difference: the right to wear an image on his back Ace of Diamonds ...

Wed Nothing will be new

If tomorrow he has

On the back ace of diamonds

We'll see ... nothing!

But it is much more likely

What is his career ahead of

More delicate, neater ...

Will make millions.

Nekrasov. Contemporaries. Heroes of the time.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., Type. Ak. sciences.... M.I.Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "ace of diamonds (on the back)" is in other dictionaries:

    Tambourine, tambourine, tambourine. adj. to the tambourines. The suit of diamonds. Ace of diamonds. Jack of Diamonds... ❖ Ace of Diamonds transferred. a red or yellow quadrangular patch, which was previously sewn on the back of those sentenced to hard labor. Jack of Diamonds is the name of one ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    ace- a, m. deux deus, south fr. daus cf. top it. tûs, dûs tuz. NarodnoLatin two, deuce. Vasmer 4 115. 1. Playing card, with one point in the middle, in the majority card games considered the senior in the suit. ALS 1. Here is the grandfather ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    tambourine- The ace of diamonds is transferred. a red or yellow quadrangular patch, which was previously sewn on the back of those sentenced to hard labor ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    ACE, ah, wines. ace, husband. 1. Elder playing card with one point. Kozyrnoy t. Tambov t. (Also translated: formerly a red or yellow stripe on the back of a convict's clothes in the form of a diamond). Move with an ace. 2. transfer. About an important, influential person ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    tambourine- see tambourines; oh, oh. B th suit. Ace of tambourines (in fortune telling: about money, finances) Ace of tambourines (also: in Russia before 1917: about a red or yellow rhombus sewn on the back of the clothes of a convict to hard labor) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    - (inosc.) lackey (red suit) Cf. Although the Jack of Hearts is a thief, this does not prevent him from being a charming young man. His manners are excellent, the conversation is fluid ... Saltykov. Collection. Children of Moscow. 3. Wed The jack of hearts is ripe, ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

This is map magic and sorcery; means a penchant for sciences such as astronomy, biology, archeology and especially architecture. This is a symbol of creative power. Ace is not a card of tranquility, satisfaction or luxury. It symbolizes the restless spirit of seeking and is an emblem of energy and dissatisfaction with everyday life, as well as striving for lofty goals that will make humanity happy. Ace of Diamonds can symbolize selfless nobility and selfless service for the good of humanity. Ace of Tambourine is an intelligent and ruthless egoist who can benefit from any situation, so great care should be taken when interpreting the alignment in which Ace of Diamonds... It is necessary to direct the Client's attention to those areas where he can show his abilities in the best possible way, achieving sometimes almost magical results. The “magical powers” ​​of the Client-woman can also manifest within her home, especially with regard to the upbringing of the personality and abilities of young people. She can be a great teacher, etc. If Ace of Diamonds occupies an important position in the alignment of an adult man, then in the near future he will have the opportunity to brilliantly show his organizational skills, symbolically speaking, “to build a house”. This can be understood as a business venture, reorganization of an institution, or the expansion of scientific ties. Ace of Diamonds located in the upper left corner of the layout, then the Client should be advised to be more attentive and not to miss an opportunity that can give him a lot, but which he may not notice without warning. Ace of Tambourine there is a Ten or Seven of Peaks, then he should act with extreme caution so that any haste on his part does not lead to disaster. Ace of Diamonds is located in the upper right corner of the layout, then the Client has either already taken up the implementation of some risky plan, or will begin to execute it in the near future. In this case, it is necessary to carefully study the rest of the cards located in the same corner. Ace of Tambourine There is a Two of Spades, which means a possible delay. If to the right of Ace of Tambourine there is Ten Peaks, then the Client should give preference to any other plan. On the other hand, if in close proximity to Ace of Diamonds there are clubs or worms, this indicates the successful implementation of this plan. Ace of Tambourine in the scenario always speaks of the presence of some irresistible force. A client who is able to take advantage of these opportunities may be faced with the need to dramatically change their lifestyle. Usually, these opportunities bring material benefits, but for the sake of them sometimes you have to sacrifice values, which then turn out to be much more significant.

The passion inherent in this card can be expressed in different ways, but still it is difficult for the Aces of Diamonds to combine money (career) and love at the same time. Perhaps this is because they focus on only one thing, to the exclusion of everything else. This is typical for all aces of diamonds - for both men and women. They can be impatient, selfish and calculating, but they can also selflessly give everything to other people. In the Basic Life Set, their Birth Chart is associated with Jupiter and Neptune, and Jupiter at times takes Neptune's idealism and mercy to the extreme.
On the one hand, Aces of Diamonds are kind-hearted and can help those who are less happy at their own expense. They care about animals and cannot stand the suffering of others. The strong influence of Neptune can spiritually ennoble them. Many aces of diamonds make large donations for worthy causes. Most Aces of Diamonds consider themselves saviors of one kind or another, helping their friends, family, work colleagues, lovers or spouses. But Neptune can create illusions that lead a person along the path of great delusions and false ideals. It all depends on personal discernment. For example, Paul Newman is an Ace of Diamonds who does a lot of charity work. And another Ace of Diamonds, but with a bad reputation, is Adolf Hitler, who believed that he was bringing good to the world and sought to justify by this the destruction of millions of innocent people. These two personalities are representatives of the extreme poles of Neptunian idealism. The dreaminess and optimism of Aces of Diamonds can be expressed in a variety of ways, but they are always present in the character of people with this Birth Card.

A short description of the meaning of the card:

  • desire for money
  • feeling of poverty
  • starting a new financial venture

Aces of Diamonds - creative people capable of doing several things at the same time. They meet new people often, and most of these acquaintances bring them good luck. They are ambitious and may have artistic talent. Aces of Diamonds love travel, which is often associated with their work. Their life is a series of phone calls and various kinds of communication and is usually full of activity. Regardless of their activities, Aces of Diamonds believe that their raison d'être is to help society and make an important contribution to its development.

Ace of Diamonds - Card of people born:
January 26 February 24 March 22 April 20 May 18 June 16 July 14 August 12 September 10 October 8 November 6 December 4

All Aces of Diamonds have the ability of mediums, and many of them are attracted by the metaphysical side of life. If money and power do not come first in their value system, then these people can lead a life full of contentment and prosperity.

Relationships with other people

As mentioned earlier, the main dilemma for Aces of Diamonds is either a career or love, which is achieved through career abandonment. These people are characterized by detached relationships with partners, in which they are seen only periodically. This gives the Aces of Diamonds plenty of time to do the work that usually comes first. In other cases, Aces of Diamonds spend a lot of time with their travel partner. At least once in their life, Aces of Diamonds are faced with an alternative: either to be close to their partner, or to be very far from him.

Aces of Diamonds are strongly influenced by Neptune and Pisces, which affects their love relationship. Although they care about their partners and see them as the most best qualities, sometimes partners do not maintain a worthy relationship to the end, which causes anger and frustration among the Aces of Diamonds. Aces of Diamonds need to learn to explain to their partners what is required of them, and to understand how partners really perceive them.

It may seem that male Aces of Diamonds are incapable of getting married. Indeed, their restless nature is more prone to love affairs than to long-term marital relationships. But still, if they calm down, they will be able to find an ideal partner who will completely share their love feelings with them.

Compatible with other birth charts

Aces of Diamonds women feel best around male clubs - especially with mature personalities. All Aces of Diamonds have many friends among the female tambourines, but the suit of diamonds is not particularly suitable for their marriage relationship. Male Aces of Diamonds should be best suited to women of the heart suit. But still, to get a complete picture of the relationship, you need to consider specific maps on an individual basis.

The love life of the Ace of Diamonds

Aces of Diamonds often create distance between themselves and their partner. This is greatly facilitated by their map of Venus - the Five of Hearts. Streltsov qualities are characteristic of all Fives. Sagittarius is a sign of a traveler, a person seeking to see the whole world. The Five of Hearts as a map of Venus can be compared with Venus in Sagittarius, Venus in the IX House or Venus in aspect to Jupiter (the planet that rules the IX House and Sagittarius). In the natal charts of most Aces of Diamonds, one of these astrological indicators is found.

So, Aces of Diamonds almost always have detachment in personal relationships, or travel is an integral part of the relationship. Aces of Diamonds often fall in love with those who travel a lot and are often absent from home. There are options when Aces of Diamonds travel on their own, and their partner stays at home. In some cases, they will travel with a partner and even give him freedom, not minding and meeting with another person. In short, in all cases and close relationships between Aces of Diamonds and their partners, there will be some distance. Sometimes it's even good if this nature of the relationship suits both partners. But sometimes this alienation becomes a real problem. It is largely due to karmic predestination - Venus in Sagittarius.

In his book Practical Astrology, Hilarion points out that the life task of persons with Venus in Sagittarius is. to learn to appreciate your spouses and lovers. He says that throughout their life these people will have either one or many love relationships maintained "at a distance", and that this distance will generate in them a great desire to be close to their partner. This desire compensates for the fact that in a past life these people always tried to be away from their partners. Apparently, all this is true in relation to people whose Birth Card is the Ace of Diamonds. Ultimately they will learn that in love it is important not only to have a partner, but also to be physically, sexually and emotionally close. To learn this lesson. Aces of Diamonds begin by creating a very detached relationship, but sooner or later their value system in this area changes, and they come to a healthier and more balanced behavior.

Ace of Diamonds card number: 27

Birth card - Ace of Diamonds

Ace of spades- pleasure and good intentions, but caution is required in legal matters. Ardent love is possible depending on the accompanying cards.

In an inverted position - bad news, possibly related to injury; warning about impending failure, risky, shortsighted venture or betrayal of deceitful friends.

From 10 ♦ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

With a six - a ride on a horse.

With Ace ♣ (both in an upright position) - fright.

KING OF PEAK- a person holding a high position, but unreliable as a friend and deadly as an enemy. However, faithful in love.

In an inverted position - a greedy, shameless type, whose maliciousness is limited only by a lack of opportunities.

With the Lady and the Knave - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.

С ♠ - portends good.

From 8 ♠ (on the sides of your card) - long-term troubles and grief; if there is a King ♦ - the help of a noble person.

С - his hatred, opposition and villainy.

С ♦ - its location.

C is its location.

QUEEN OF SPADES- a friendly, generous nature, often very greedy for flattery, but once deceived, it can become unnecessarily distrustful; possibly a widow; the complexion is swarthy.

In an inverted position - a very romantic and at the same time purposeful nature, ready for anything to achieve the goal; her cunning and cunning can harm her; perhaps an old woman.

Between two figures - a disagreement between them, (near your card) - grief, trouble, especially at 7 ♣ or 9 ♠.

With ♠, except for 9 - a kind old woman.

C ♣ is the villainess.

С ♦ - a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.

9 and 10 - happiness.

JACK PIK- quarrel or fight; rude, ill-mannered type, although often intelligent and diligent. Can be a helpful friend by refraining from criticism.

In an inverted position - a hypocrite, outwardly friendly, but loves to spy. Doesn't deserve the slightest trust.

S ♠ is generally a loyal ally.

С ♣ - liar, envious, gossip.

С ♦ - accomplice, messenger, drunken person.

C is a friend.

With Dama ♠ - a big quarrel, a fight.

With 8 ♠ - a big nuisance between lovers.

TEN PEAK- unhappiness, wasted time, possibly ruin, usually as a result of manifestations of jealousy or emotional breakdown.

Upside down - serious shock or illness. Loss of a friend or property. The accompanying cards can serve as a key.

With Ace ♠ - unexpected receipt of money.

From 9 ♠ - misfortune.

With 9 ♣ - a nuisance in money matters.

With Ace ♦ - a mourning, sad letter.

With one of the Aces - a fake letter.

With 8 ♠ - disease.

With one of 8 - bad news.

From 7 ♠ - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With 7 ♦ - an unexpected offer.

From 10 ♣ - recovery from illness.

With 10 - big money interest in the future.

NINE PEAK- conflict, defeat, illness, mourning and other troubles. Extremely unhappy card, but good cards close to neutralize it, though partially.

In an inverted position - trouble does not come alone. God grant that these troubles were not too serious.

With Ace ♠ - disease.

With Ace ♣ - good or bad (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

With Ace - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.

With Ace ♦ - cunning and deceiving loved ones.

From 10 ♠ - unexpected receipt of money.

EIGHT OF PEAK- illness or anxiety, but they can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. The slightest risk is absolutely contraindicated. At nine ♣ - misfortune.

In an inverted position - disappointment in love, which may be followed by unnecessary losses due to wastefulness.

With Jack - the news of illness or death of loved ones or acquaintances.

From 7 ♣ - betrayal of the beloved.

With four Kings - revelry, drunkenness.

SEVEN PEAK- anxiety. However, many of your problems are just a figment of the imagination and hopes for a better future will dispel them. With the Lady - the Lady is in an interesting position.

In an inverted position - indecision both in love and in deeds. Advice of friends and refraining from hasty, ill-considered actions will bring stability.

With Jack ♦ - depicts a merchant.

With Jack ♣ - misfortune from enemies.

From 10 ♠ - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With one of the eights - a treat.

With a figure - a nuisance, especially with 9 ♠ - grief in relatives.

From 6 ♦ - trouble in the house.

SIX OF PEAK- a long journey, a late journey, with your map - a loss.

In an inverted position - deceitful friends.

C is a fun road.

C is a bad road.

From 9 or 10 ♦ - (from the right hand to the left) - the road for money.

With 7 or 8 ♦ - worries and worries about money.

С - road and meeting with dear people.

С ♣ (overhead) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller's bad intentions.


Ace of diamonds- You will receive a certain message in the form of a letter, gift or promise. This is generally good, but weigh everything carefully and decide if you should take it. With a figure - a person engaged in writing.

In an inverted position - a message. Most likely it will be unpleasant and add to your worries.

С ♦ - quick receipt of money.

With 7, 9 or 10 - a joyful or love letter.

With ♣ or ♠ - distance from the desired minute, big trouble.

From 6 ♣ - a date or a conversation at dusk.

With 9 ♠ - cunning, deceiving loved ones.

10 is a love letter.

From 10 ♠ (left) - mourning or sad letter.

From 10 ♦ - money letter.

King of Diamonds- a person with extensive experience in military or government service, influential and able to provide assistance, but can be dangerous because of his excessive pride.

In an inverted position - an influential person who can be dangerous because of his excessive self-esteem. However, because of the minor oversights they make, it is safe for you.

From 10 ♦ (with Jack) - future support from a new acquaintance or future groom.

From 6 ♦ - an indispensable fulfillment of desires.

C - fun, oblivion of the past and a change in life.

DAMA BUBIN- a gossip, a brawler, often ignorant, but with great conceit. Hair and skin are light.

In an inverted position - a malicious gossip and brawler, ready to involve completely innocent people in a dangerous business. Plus, she's terribly flirtatious.

With the Jack of ♦ and 10 ♠ - an unpleasant guest.

With 9 - good for women, for men - stealing.

JACK OF DRUM- official person. Trustworthy if you are in a high position. Otherwise - a deceiver, flatterer and bribe-taker.

In an inverted position - a real bastard, impostor and fraudster.

From 7 ♠ - merchant.

With the King - a commercial, false man.

With 7 ♠ or 9 ♦ - a hostile person, an early treason.

With the Lady ♣ - not good.

From 6 ♣ - an unexpected and fast trip with some kind of King.

When the King, Queen and Jack ♦ with a card of suit of the fortuneteller (s) person - success in money matters.

TEN OF DRAMS- with other favorable signs - a valuable acquisition or a great achievement in work, any other activity. The main thing is not to waste time on trifles.

In an inverted position - the possibility of a valuable acquisition or a great achievement, however, requiring some caution at an early stage. Change can be problematic, so weigh it carefully.

With Ace ♠ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

With 9 ♦ - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

From 8 ♦ - remote receipt of money, big money.

From 7 ♦ - successful money-making.

From 6 ♦ - the fullest fulfillment of desires, receiving money.

From 6 ♠ (right) - road for money.

With Jack ♣ - success in money matters.

From 10 ♣ - an indispensable receipt of money.

with 7 - a large inheritance, receiving money.

With 9 - profitable work.

NINE OF DRAMS- a card of money, a sign of enterprise. The priority of one's own interests guarantees profit, but it can lead to a break with friends and other losses.

Upside down is a major setback due to disagreements in the family and among business partners. Lack of initiative will create obstacles. Try to curb your stubbornness.

With 6 ♠ (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant incident, failure.

With Jack - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 10 ♦ - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

With four Kings - a fun conversation.

EIGHT OF DRAMS- a pleasant trip or vacation in a charming place. A promising hobby or romance. Sometimes it is a belated marriage.

In an inverted position - excessive craving for changing places. A hasty, reckless romance will end in a very annoying way. Think well first!

From 8 and 6 - news of the fire.

With King or Lady ♠ (on the sides of your card) - harm from a fake and bad person.

With Jack - talking about money.

From 10 ♦ - remote receipt of money, large receipt of money.

С 7 ♦ (near the figure) - her infidelity, inconstancy.

SEVEN OF DUBINS- a sign of communication, portends empty talk, a friendly party, unexpected news, in short, a lot of pleasant, but trifling things.

In an inverted position - an elephant will grow out of a fly. Pay attention to your children or pets.

With a figure - a happy incident.

From 10 ♦ - successful efforts about money.

Six of Diamonds- the happiest card, softens even bad meaning Ace ♠. Fast, fun road, wish fulfillment; the road of the King of Diamonds, Ladies.

In an inverted position, losses are likely, but they will be offset by unexpected gains.

From 9 ♠ - grief in the family.

With 10 and 9 ♠ - illness, even death.

From 10 ♦ - the fullest fulfillment of desire in receiving money.

From 9 ♠ - death.

From 7 ♦ - trouble in the house.


ACE OF CREW- wealth, health, happiness. Receiving news, letters or legal documents, and the result is money and success. The marriage will be harmonious.

In an inverted position - success is short-lived or delayed. Receiving a letter can be frustrating. A sudden infatuation or romance is likely to improve the situation somewhat.

With a six - Railway... Under the King (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship.

With 7 ♣ - winning the case, winning.

With 9 - tender love.

From 6 ♣ - meeting and talking on the street, generally on the road, in the evening; at peaks - death.

From 9 ♠ - early news of the benefits; in a direct position - about the benefits.

With the King ♣ - a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, a quick fulfillment of desire.

King of Clubs- a reliable, generous friend. Ideal business companion or partner. Faithful spouse. Swarthy appearance.

In an inverted position - anxiety and disappointment due to the collapse of plans or lack of good intentions. A good mine with a bad game.

С ♣ - close person, friend, husband, groom, lover; in general, it portends happiness.

With 9 ♣ (in an inverted position) - an influential person, a supportive person; (in an upright position) - trouble with this person.

From 8 - rumors about enterprises at sea, the sinking of a ship.

With Ace ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned business, fulfillment of desires.

Jack with your card (if you are not ♣ suit) is a big grief.

With one of the sixes - the road to get interest. If King ♣ does not fall into fortune-telling - failure.

LADY TREF- an extremely romantic nature, enthusiastic and talkative, warm-hearted, sympathetic, but prone to posturing. Swarthy appearance.

In an inverted position - a cunning vengeful nature, can be dangerous, especially when deceived or rejected.

With a Lady ♠ (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.

From 8 ♣ - help from a relative or close woman.

CREW JACK- quick-witted, energetic, enterprising nature. A good friend and loyal spouse. Very reliable. Swarthy. Without the Ace or without the King, there are big troubles, the state troubles are in the heart, the thoughts of the King ♣. If Jack ♣ falls first in fortune-telling, it is a sure fortune-telling.

Upside down is a professional flatterer. An insincere deceitful nature, but quite harmless, if you do not infuriate her.

With 7 ♠ (rarely) - misfortune due to the intrigues of enemies, between two Ladies - an unfaithful wife.

From 10 ♦ - success in money matters.

From 8 ♣ - a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.

Between the two Jacks is a troubled future.

TEN Clubs- Money sign. Promises a steady income or a great future in the financial sector. It can bring good luck and exciting adventures, but be prepared for something sad. With ♠ - deception of hope, poverty, work, with a figure - a business person, great danger, fires; pri - a find, happiness in the lottery; with the same King, Lady - someone is interested in you.

In an inverted position - quarrels can interfere with the achievement of wealth. Long trip possible. Luck makes up for minor losses.

From 7 ♣ - joy, news of business.

From 6 ♣ - an unintentional offer of departure.

From 10 ♦ - an indispensable receipt of money.

From 10 - success in love.

From 9 ♣ - fun with loved ones, surprise.

From 8 ♣ - quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.

9 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the happiest combinations, very good.

With Ace ♣ - a change for the better.

With 7 ♠ (without Ace) - deception, tears.

7 and 6 ♣ - large society.

NINE OF Clubs- a sign of an immediate result - it can be an unexpected gift, an interesting offer, an inheritance, etc. Don't miss your chance! With a figure indicates that it will disappear from your life; With the same King, Lady - to love.

Upside down - a minor gift - you expected more. Strong desire to take risks for future success. The danger of losing what you already have.

With 9 or 10 worms - success in love.

С ♦ - the right receipt of money and its useless waste for pleasure.

C - mutual love.

With 10 ♠ - a nuisance in terms of money.

With Jack - travel.

With the King ♣ - powerful person, supportive person.

From 10 ♣ - fun with loved ones, surprise.

10 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the happiest combinations.

EIGHT OF Clubs- love and abundance. Choose your spouse or partner carefully and avoid the all-or-nothing principle.

In an inverted position - love for an unworthy person can bring financial difficulties. Avoid making mistakes in your choice!

With Ace ♣ - success, inverted - failure.

With the King ♣ - rumors about the sea, the death of a ship.

With Dama ♣ - help from a relative or close woman.

With Jack ♣ - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of a fortuneteller.

From 10 ♣ - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.

With Jack - talking about losses.

With 7 ♣ (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.

With 7 ♣ and Ace - happy marriage, or inheritance.

SEVEN OF CUBES- the lowest, but important card. The repaid debt will strengthen friendship and goodwill. Pay attention to the children.

In an inverted position - minor financial problems can damage harmonious relationships in friendship, union. Please bear this in mind.

With Ace ♣ - winning the case, winning.

With 10 ♣ - wealth and happiness (the same as 9 and 8 clubs).

From 8 ♠ - a fortuneteller is cheated on by his wife, beloved.

With Jack (with 4 queens and sevens) - the close birth of a son.

C 10 (with the other three 7s and Queens or Jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.

SIX OF Clubs- sea road, useless road, meeting on the street, in the garden; path to the specified location; the road of the person of clubs; there is a lot of festivities between the figures.

In an inverted position - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, friends may turn away.

From 10 ♣ - an unintentional offer of departure.

With Ace (with a figure) - a date in the morning.

With Ace ♦ - date in the afternoon.

With Ace ♣ - date in the evening.

With Ace ♠ - a date at night.


Ace of hearts- a successful marriage, happiness in the family, satisfaction with the existing environment. Joyful meetings are possible, most likely of a romantic nature.

In an inverted position - unsettled problems, unexpected guests. The likelihood of moving or changing the environment.

With Ace ♣ - a joyful letter.

C 10 ♠ is a sad letter.

With Jack - good news.

From 6 ♣ - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening.

From 9 ♠ - revelry and pleasure, date and friendliness.

THE KING OF WORM- a generous, just friend or advisor. Success in professional activity. Willingness to help. Influential position. A man with a pale face.

In an inverted position - a changeable, indecisive nature, prone to breaking their own promises. Friendly but unreliable. Often pompous.

C is a nuisance.

С ♣ - receiving money.

С - chores.

C - success.

LADY OF WORM- kind, attentive, romantic, cheerful nature. Dark hair, average build.

In an inverted position - it is able to harbor resentment and severely avenge rejected love. In other cases, such a Lady can be propitiated.

With 6 and 10 - tears for a fortuneteller, but with Jack of clubs - an unexpected joy.

C - success in love for a man.

With other colors - success in an uncertain future.

With 10 - a friend.

JACK OF WORM- a cheerful, carefree person, good friend... Prone to romantic hobbies, especially if young and unmarried.

In an inverted position - a serious failure or resentment. A person from the military sphere may be involved. Antagonism must be mitigated.

C - success.

With Ace - good news, declaration of love.

From 9 ♣ - travel.

From 9 ♣ - avoidance of an unpleasant trip.

With 8 - heartfelt conversation.

With 8 ♣ - talking about monetary interest.

From 8 ♠ - the news of the illness or death of a neighbor.

8 ♣ is an unpleasant conversation.

With the Lady or the King - a guest.

With 7 ♣ (with 4 Ladies or sevens) - the imminent birth of a son (with 4 Aces denoting the mind and wealth of the son).

TEN WORM- satisfied ambition. Light, cheerful disposition. Overcoming all obstacles. This card enhances good readings and neutralizes bad readings.

In an inverted position - temporary disappointment or uncertainty may require a change in plans, which is probably somehow related to relatives. Limited success.

With the King - love and loyalty of a loved one.

With 10 ♣ - a large monetary interest in the near future.

With 7 ♣ - with the other three 7, with Queens or Jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for a fortuneteller.

With 8 - a secluded date with your beloved woman.

With 7 - a solitary date, consolation in grief.

From 6 ♣ - fun at a party.

From 9 (with a full red suit) - complete enjoyment of love, with a Lady or King - a wedding; otherwise a change in the apartment.

With 6 - a joyful date.

From 9 ♣ - the beloved person will give you her heart, message or thing from her beloved one.

From 10 ♣ - success in love.

With Ace ♣ - love or joyful letter.

NINE OF WORM- fulfillment of desires. Future honors can bring wealth. Achieving harmony through sincerity and effort. This card is very lucky. With every King, Lady - to love.

In an inverted position - a short unlucky period. Tired of overworking or too much interference. Luck and self-confidence will help you overcome difficulties.

From 10, with a full suit of hearts - complete enjoyment of love, with a King, a Lady - a wedding.

From 8 or 7 - a date with your beloved person.

From 9 ♣ - your beloved person will give you her heart; a message or thing from a loved one.

With some six - an unexpected meeting.

With a Lady ♠ - happiness.

EIGHT OF WORM- love affair, romance. The fulfillment of a long-standing desire. Friends, invitations. The solution to all problems.

In an inverted position - indifference to the opposite sex. The need for helpful friends. A great joy of a personal nature, but a quarrel over a trifle can overshadow it.

With Knave - a cordial conversation.

With 7 ♣ - unexpected happiness (left).

From 10 - a secluded date.

With 9 - a date.

With 10 ♣ (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

SEVEN OF WORM- a sign of wisdom. A penchant for contemplation and reflection, combined with a rich imagination. Self-reliance, love of solitude.

In an inverted position - a strong desire for recognition, despondency and depression in its absence. Amorous, flirtatious, jealous nature.

From 10 ♠ - an unexpected offer.

From 10 - a pleasant secluded date.

With 9 - a date.

With 4 Kings is a fun conversation.

SIX OF WORM- complete success, recognition is guaranteed.

In the inverted position - the road for the King, Lady.

C - the path to the dear person.

From 10 - a road and a heartfelt date.

All nine are undoubted success in love.

personality description

The passion inherent in this card can be expressed in different ways, but still it is difficult for the Aces of Diamonds to combine money (career) and love at the same time. Perhaps this is because they focus on only one thing, to the exclusion of everything else. This is typical for all aces of diamonds - for both men and women.

They can be impatient, selfish and calculating, but they can also selflessly give everything to other people. In the Basic Life Set, their Birth Chart is associated with Jupiter and Neptune, and Jupiter at times takes Neptune's idealism and mercy to the extreme. On the one hand, Aces of Diamonds are kind-hearted and can help those who are less happy at their own expense. They care about animals and cannot stand the suffering of others. The strong influence of Neptune can spiritually ennoble them. Many aces of diamonds make large donations for worthy causes. Most Aces of Diamonds consider themselves saviors of one kind or another, helping their friends, family, work colleagues, lovers or spouses. But Neptune can create illusions that lead a person along the path of great delusions and false ideals. It all depends on personal discernment. For example, Paul Newman is an ABB who does a lot of charity work. And another ABB, but with a bad reputation, is Adolf Hitler, who believed that he was bringing good to the world and sought to justify the destruction of millions of innocent people by this. These two personalities are representatives of the extreme poles of Neptunian idealism. The dreaminess and optimism of Aces of Diamonds can be expressed in a variety of ways, but they are always present in the character of people with this Birth Card.

Aces of Diamonds are creative people who can do several things at the same time. They meet new people often, and most of these acquaintances bring them good luck. They are ambitious and may have artistic talent. Aces of Diamonds love travel, which is often associated with their work. Their life is a series of phone calls and various kinds of communication and is usually full of activity. Regardless of their activities, Aces of Diamonds believe that their raison d'être is to help society and make an important contribution to its development. All Aces of Diamonds have the ability of mediums, and many of them are attracted by the metaphysical side of life. If money and power do not come first in their value system, then these people can lead a life full of contentment and prosperity.

Aces of Tambourine relationship with other people

As mentioned earlier, the main dilemma for Aces of Diamonds is either a career or love, which is achieved through career abandonment. These people are characterized by detached relationships with partners, in which they are seen only periodically. This gives the Aces of Diamonds plenty of time to do the work that usually comes first. In other cases, Aces of Diamonds spend a lot of time with their travel partner. At least once in their life, Aces of Diamonds are faced with an alternative: either to be close to their partner, or to be very far from him.

Aces of Diamonds are strongly influenced by Neptune and Pisces, which affects their love relationship. Although they care about their partners and see them as the best qualities, sometimes partners do not maintain a worthy relationship until the end, which causes anger and frustration among the Aces of Diamonds. Aces of Diamonds need to learn to explain to their partners what is required of them, and to understand how partners really perceive them.

It may seem that male Aces of Diamonds are incapable of getting married. Indeed, their restless nature is more prone to love affairs than to long-term marital relationships. But still, if they calm down, they will be able to find an ideal partner who will completely share their love feelings with them.

compatibility of Aces of Diamonds with other birth cards

Aces of Diamonds women feel best around male clubs - especially with mature personalities. All Aces of Diamonds have many friends among the female tambourines, but the suit of diamonds is not particularly suitable for their marriage relationship. Male Aces of Diamonds should be best suited to women of the heart suit. But still, to get a complete picture of the relationship, you need to consider specific maps on an individual basis.

The love life of the Ace of Diamonds

Aces of Diamonds often create distance between themselves and their partner. This is greatly facilitated by their map of Venus - the Five of Hearts. Streltsov qualities are characteristic of all Fives. Sagittarius is a sign of a traveler, a person seeking to see the whole world. The Five of Hearts as a map of Venus can be compared with Venus in Sagittarius, Venus in the IX House or Venus in aspect to Jupiter (the planet that rules the IX House and Sagittarius). In the natal charts of most Aces of Diamonds, one of these astrological indicators is found.

So, Aces of Diamonds almost always have detachment in personal relationships, or travel is an integral part of the relationship. Aces of Diamonds often fall in love with those who travel a lot and are often absent from home. There are options when Aces of Diamonds travel on their own, and their partner stays at home. In some cases, they will travel with a partner and even give him freedom, not minding and meeting with another person. In short, in all cases and close relationships between Aces of Diamonds and their partners, there will be some distance. Sometimes it's even good if this nature of the relationship suits both partners. But sometimes this alienation becomes a real problem. It is largely due to karmic predestination - Venus in Sagittarius.

In his book "Practical Astrology" Hilarion indicates that the life task of persons with Venus in Sagittarius is. to learn to appreciate your spouses and lovers. He says that throughout their lives these people will have either one or many love relationships maintained "at a distance", and that this distance will generate in them a great desire to be close to their partner. This desire compensates for the fact that in a past life these people always tried to be away from their partners. Apparently, all this is true in relation to people whose Birth Card is the Ace of Diamonds. Ultimately, they will learn that in love it is important not only to have a partner, but also to be physically, sexually and emotionally close. To learn this lesson. Aces of Diamonds begin by creating a very detached relationship, but sooner or later their value system in this area changes, and they come to a healthier and more balanced behavior.