Download Cool Launcher Minecraft with mods. Official launcher minecraft

We want to officially submit our development - Micraft game monitoring. It is called, it beats all the familiar letter T, in it we embodied all the current knowledge and skills of our team. The site is actively filled with miniskraft servers, categories get more and now players have from what to choose!

To go to the site, click on the Mincraft Server link! And you immediately postpone the monitoring to this cool, it will be very nice, if you read the mini description below!

The project is intended to change the view of the search for servers for the game, our monitoring does not repeat many mistakes of other sites, and also brings many new chips to this area - as we love. Therefore, our Tlauncher fans can be sure that this project is really worthy!

Right from the main page, you can start choosing the server category you need, or try the most topical projects that are on the main thing at the very top of the list! They really had to try to get this place, because monitoring has a lot of factors affecting the place.

Crossing B. full description Any Server, you can get a lot of additional information on which you can judge - what the project is actually. The following factors will help you: Achievements, about which I want to mention separately, because they are very beautifully drawn and their receipt give the server a real uniqueness; The number of votes to which players do not directly give preference to any server; And of course a description and screenshots.

We would not be a TLAUNCHER team if they had not implemented the functionality related to the Launcher himself. On the server page, you can connect to the server in one click (you need a launcher). Enough to click "Go to the server" and the launcher will automatically go to this server.! This chip saves a bunch of time, because no longer need to enter the IP address itself!

Server Mincraft develop, along with the game and ideas of players. Tmonitoring, of course, will follow the trends and adapt to them, not to mention further development, which will bring a bunch of useful functions for players! We hope our new site will also be in demand, like Tlauncher!

True, he is beautiful? You can go to the site on the banner at the top of the news, come in and please yourself with interesting Minecraft servers!

Do we sometimes want something new? For example try to play with various mods, Add a new highlight to minecraft? Excellent. Now you will see the top launchers that allow you to play with mods. We will look at them from several important parties - a game on the network (with friends or on the server), installing your mods, stability. At the end of the article, a comparative table awaits you.

A simple launcher allows you to download any version of minecraft, along with Forge and Oprifine and he is Russian.

But he has a significant minus - all mods must be put on hand, choosing and downloading them on sites. There are no ready-made assemblies, only minecraft himself.

However, downloading fashion, throwing them into a folder and giving them to a friend - you can play together on the network with mods.

Launcher from our overseas family colleagues. In this launcher, there are exclusively assembly of mods, large, on any tastes. Many of them are already debugged and work well.

All Frepacks have the ability to play over the network, many can have something to download the server version (to invite many friends). However, it is possible to go to it, only having a license, because it does not support third-party authorization.

Our server launcher minecraft with mods is very convenient! Also, the launcher has launch settings, for example, you can configure the memory allocated to the game, to clear the game folder or run the debug mode.

In our clients only the most necessary and useful modspopular among Micharmaft players. In addition, we have some of their developments in the field of mods and plug-ins for servers and customers. All our customers support, as well as HD resource-Pak.

Another launcher from our overseas colleagues. He is something mean between T-Launcher and FTB - he can only run Michancraft, but it does it perfectly.

He knows how to copy the archives already collected assemblies, put their avatars for different assemblies, use one nickname to enter them.

So it is a good optionIf you collected good assemblyAnd you want to give her friend to play together, then this is a good option.

Summary rating table

Language Assembly Server On the network Lone License Modified mods
T-Launcher. not not yes yes not Yes
FTB. yes not yes yes yes not
Youvipas World yes yes yes yes not not
not not yes yes not Yes

You can choose your own launcher who will meet the necessary requirements, and download the launcher to taste. List of launcher prepared for you. Taking this opportunity, I invite you to our game servers. If possible, I will add more new launchers here.

Sincerely, the administration of Youvipas World.

The moment came when we can present you new version Our launcher - 3.0. The new version is significantly different from the previous one. We can even call her revolutionary.

The new version is written from scratch, the development lasted for two months. Our main task was to surprise you and we believe that we managed. "Troika" has significant differences from all existing launchers not only in appearance, but also the functionality plan. We decided to break the typical launcher template. Let's now take a look at what we did.

The user interface of the new launcher is built on the new JavaFX technology. Therefore, you will need to upgrade to Java 8. Although this technology is also an obsolete Java 7, it has been significantly improved in Java 8. But the launcher is equally displayed on all operating systems (except for the rendering of fonts).

First glance
When you start the application, the first thing you will meet "Start" screen. You can see that the layout of the window has become more. It takes it to fit more user interface elements.

Login form
At the next stage, you will be found in the login form. Without her anywhere) during the development of its design varied 3 times. Latest version I came out the best. We want to warn you that one designer idea is waiting for you, which the screenshot could not convey.

Actually, it begins to exit from the typical launcher template in the missing server selection (located elsewhere) and the added automatic entry function. About the last item Talk more. In the "Troika" we decided to remove the form of entry into the background. This means that you will see it less often. Turning on the Password Starring Function The Launcher during startup will automatically pass the authorization process. Favoring the head of the input - you immediately get into your personal account.
It became available to use email addresses as a login. In the future, we are going to fully switch to authorization using e-mail as a login. This will improve account safety.

Personal Area
Taking on the form of the entrance we came to the most important thing - personal account.

At first glance, he may seem simple to you, but we assure that everything is "the most necessary" here. Just hidden well) Personal Cabinet with something reminds the one that was in Launcher 1.0.

The settings were made in the form of a traveling panel. You can open them using the "Settings" item in the service menu or using a special window button that allows you to do on any screen.

First, you will rather note that the settings compared to the previous version have become less. Yes, it is so, but the functionality of the application did not deteriorate at the same time, but on the contrary - we only improved some of the options.
We list the options that were in the old launcher:

  • Remember password - moved to where it and place - on the entrance screen.
  • Pull the client - outdated option. Replaced with a new "client configuration reset" function.
  • Full screen mode - saved.
  • Offline mode - only the option is removed, but the function remains and is turned on now automatically.
  • Enable Shader Support - saved (the function appeared in version 2.7 released a year ago - see News).
So we approached the most important thing, what is the meaning of any launcher - loading the client. And the client's loader is not easy, and round) we preferred to refuse typical progress bands (this is noticeable on the example of our server monitoring) in favor of circles. It turned out quite interesting. Even found a place where to shove the cancel button. By the way about the button - we are the first who decided to add it. There is still no one in the launcher. And the button is necessary - suddenly the user will change his mind to download the client. A typical launcher will have to be restarted to him, and we have a button to stop the process (although if we are expressed technically competently - flow).

Having finished the discussion of the design decisions, let's see what we "Troika" brought in the form of a functional.

New Function "Client Configuration Reset"
This feature came to replace outdated client pumping. And you know why was it necessary to pump the client? - To solve problems with incorrect configs due to which the game did not start. True, with such a pumping, precious screenshots were lost, textural purchases and had to wait long until the client was loaded. With a new function, this is all now in the past. The function is still engaged in pumping the client files, but it makes it selectively - only the configs are cleared. Due to this, it works very quickly.

General Library Storage
All customers use the general library repository and other resources. We took this idea from the Mojang launcher. This made it possible to reduce their weight due to the absence of duplicate files and speed up the downloading client - less files need to download. Long will download only the first client. Suppose you first downloaded the Hitech client, then decided to play Magic - you just need to pay his fashion and you can play!

Transferring customers
To implement a common storage, we needed to change the structure of customer folders. For this reason, the new launcher will not find the customers of the previous one. We added a function that will help move them so that they work on the new. It will save you from the need to adjust the client "for yourself" on a new one.

Offline mode
Launcher can even work without connecting to the Internet as in previous version. The only difference is the mode now turn on automatically. The mode allows you to run a previously loaded client for a single game.

Works everywhere
One of our principles is to support all platforms and we are not going to go from this path.
This software was tested on the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP. (Crooked, but works)
  • Windows 7.
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • OS X Yosemite

We worked for a long time on the truly necessary functionality for you - Mod Pak System (mod-pack \u003d assembly of mods), and finally present it to the general public. In this article, you will learn everything about this system and why it is one of the best in the Minecraft launcher market.

Launcher download here:

Attention! This system is available only in the new version of the launcher if you have the current version 2.22 or below, you need to be updated. Direct link download Tlauncher: , .

Given that there is still testing, some errors are possible. We will correct them and after a while, all problems will be eliminated.

With any problems, you can contact us on this!

As soon as you open our new version of the launcher, you can immediately notice a new button " TL MODS.", Near big yellow. It is this new button that opens a page with mod pacas and other control.

By clicking on this button, the cache boot will be downloaded over time and the page with the mod-pack system immediately opens. The interface is intuitive, so you can figure out even without guides. We will look at the main functionality.

The first tab that opens, it is with the "mod packs", it is already finished assemblies With different mods, sharpened under the same topic. In the future, the manual packs created by you will be published in the general list, but it will be later.

A lurate list with packs, you can interest you something, you can immediately click on the "Install" button or click on the Fashion Pak area, it will open a full description.

On this page you can see the text description (now, there is a description in Russian), as well as with the following tabs: pictures, versions (various versions of one mod-pack), mods (those that are included in Pak), Pak and Pak and Pak Maps (if any).

Of course, it is more interesting to collect a fashionable model with your mods. We simply do this, first you need to create the basis - the mod-pack itself. Find from above the "Create" button, Press and fill in the Field of the Mod Poka name - absolutely anyone like you.

Also, you can remove the checkbox near the checkbox "Use a launcher settings" for memory so that you can choose the value you need for this mod Poka, when you use textures high resolution. But if you leave a checkbox in Chekbox, everything will still work fine. And to end the settings, click on "Create".

In the list near the inscription "Mod Paks" will appear the name of your pack, means this successful creation. Now you can go to the "Fashion" page, in order to install them in our new pack.

There are no restrictions on the number of mods in the mod puff, you can score them how much soul, although it is always worth knowing the measure. We have a fairly advanced modow installation system if a API is required for it (library), the launcher will automatically set it for you. Now, you can with a calm soul to say that launcher with mods is Tlauncher!

If you have many mods in Pak, you can easily look for them in your list of installed mods, just click on the name this list (Near the blue magnifier icon) and enter the name of the fashion, it immediately finds it. Plus, the switch near the name of each mod allows you to turn off the mod (translating the switch to the gray state), which accurately saves your time - you do not need to delete from the folder with the game, and then if you need to turn on.

These beautiful icons on the right of each fashion mean categories, visiting the icon, you can find out the name of the category. If you want to sort the list according to you, it is enough to choose from the list of categories on top of the right right.

As soon as they scored mods, you can proceed to the resource-packs. Go to their page and begin the search for you interesting, as you can always use the categories for quick sorting. Do not forget that in the game you need to activate them in the settings!

In addition, if you don't want to build, you can search for, going to the appropriate tab. A large list and various categories will not let you get bored!

It can be said, this is all the main functionality - everything is simple and understandable, and the main thing works. But no one says that this is all, there are still a couple of important functions. One of them is a manual installation, if you need to install the modes of which we do not have (although everything will be added with time), a resource-pack or card.

To do this, click on the screwdriver button to the left of the Mod Paku tab. Select the "Manual Installation" item, a window will appear in which you want to select that you will install and the button to select a file, after selecting simply click on "Set" and Finished!

Another important feature is backups. It needs not only to keep your packs safely, but also to transfer them to other players, for example, your friends. We click on the acquaintance of us a screwdriver and the key, choose "backup mods", we go to the tab you need to create a tab. Where you can choose one mod pack or everything, and make a backup.

Your own friend, in your client, you will only need to go to the "Restore from backup" tab and choose the file of your backup, everything else will do the launcher!