World Countries in the Turkish map. Turkey. Coast map. Total detailed map of Turkey with rivers and mountains

Turkey is one of the two states of the world with territory simultaneously in Asia and Europe. Most of the country takes the Peninsula Small Asia and Armenian Highlands, located in Asia.

European lands of Turkey, separated from the Asian Marble Sea and the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits, are limited to Eastern Thrace, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 3% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe state. From the north, the country goes to the Black Sea, from the West is washed by the Aegean Sea, and from the south-west - the Mediterranean Sea. On a detailed map of Turkey, you can see that despite the abundance of the islands in the Aegean Sea, only a few of them belong to Turkey. The largest one is gökcheada Island - At the same time, the largest island of the country.

Turkey on the World Map: Geography, Nature and Climate

Turkey is a fairly large state. Its total area is 783563 km 2. Along the parallel, the country stretches for 1650 km, and north to south - 500 km. Although the overall length of its coastline (7168 km) greatly exceeds the length of the borders (2628 km). 8 states border with Turkey. In the European part, it borders with Bulgaria in northern and Greece in the West. In Asia, Georgia extends in the northeast from Turkey, in the east, the country borders with Armenia, Azerbaijan (at the site of only 10 km) and Iran, in the southeast - with Iraq and in the south - with Syria.

Geographical position

Turkey on the world map is distinguished by the abundance of mountainous areas. Most of the country is located on a low-unity highlands, in the southern regions reaching 2500-3500 meters above sea level. Here prevails a semi-desert and steppe landscape.

In the east is located Armenian Highlands - The most severe region of the country. It is here that the highest point of Turkey is - stratovulican Ararat (5165 meters).

The European lands of the country are predominantly Mediterranean plains. Thanks to the abundance of selflessly valleys, a lot of salt lakes are located on the territory of the peninsula. One of these lakes is Van - The world's largest soda lake. Its area is about 3574 km 2.

Due to the large amount of mountain valleys, the country has a sufficient number of rivers. The largest of them on the map of Turkey in Russian - Kyzylirmak - It has 1151 km long.

Animal and vegetable world

A variety of flora and fauna of Turkey is closely related to its relief. The country's plateaus is characterized by the natural world of subtropical semi-deserts.

In coastal areas there are severe and coniferous forests. Here you can find pine, cypress, laurel, oak and thyme. Lemon, mandar and pomegranate trees are grown as farm crops. Thanks to its "transit" location, the animal world of the country is extremely diverse. About 80000 species of animals live here, while in the whole of Europe their number does not exceed 60,000.

In the large number of country reserves, you can find bears, wolves, deer, carakalov and fish. The coast of Turkey is extremely rich in fishing species of fish and amphibians.


Most Turkey is influenced by the mining continental climate. In the distance from the hovering temperature in the summer ranges in the range of 22-23 ° C, while in the winter it can go to minus values. The amount of precipitation does not exceed 400 mm.

On the Mediterranean coast there is a completely different picture. The climate is more rainy here (up to 1500-2000 mm precipitation per year), the average summer temperature is 27-28 ° C, and the winter does not fall below 10 ° C. The Black Sea coast has a medium precipitation (650-850 mm), warm summer (22-23 ° C) and a cool winter (6-7 ° C).

Map Turkey with cities. Administrative division of the country

Turkey is divided by 81 IL.. If you look at the map of Turkey with cities in Russian, you can see that the population is distributed unevenly in the state. So European lands contain about 20% of the inhabitants of Turkey with a slight area. The most populated by the seaside districts and the North, as well as the eastern coast of the Marmara Sea. Central territories are distinguished by much less population density, with the exception of the metropolitan region.


Istanbul is the country's largest city. It is located simultaneously in two parts of the world on the shore of the Bosphorus and the Marmara Sea. It is considered the largest city in Europe. Due to its location, the key terrestrial transport area of \u200b\u200bEurasia and the Economic Center of Front Asia.


Ankara - the capital and the second largest city of Turkey. More than two and a half times inferior to Istanbul in population (5300,000 people). Located closer to the geographical center of the state in Anatolian Plateau.


On the west coast of Turkey is Izmir - the third largest city and the second most important port of the country. One of the scientific and educational centers of Turkey.

When planning travel, the tourist needs to get acquainted in advance with the country. Geographic large map. Turkey in Russian will help to make it quickly.

Turkey map in Russian geographic large contains important information about geographical position, location of the main resorts and attractions of Turkey, regions, provinces, airports. The following cards presented below will be the main source of information for the tourist.

General map of Turkey with cities

Map of Turkey in Russian Geographic large in this performance provides the following country information to the tourist:

Total detailed map of Turkey with rivers and mountains

In Turkey, many rivers. They are distinguished by the presence of thresholds, so many of them are disadvantaged. The longest is the Euphrates River with a length of 2736 km. Tiger The second largest has a length of 1850 km. The major river of the European part of Turkey is the Maritsa River. It has a length of 480 km and flows in the lower countries.

Turkey is different and a large number of lakes. In the east houses the largest lake van with an area of \u200b\u200b3755 km². It is surrounded by mountains with a height of 1312 meters above sea level. In the central part of the country is Lake Tuz. It has an area of \u200b\u200b1665 km², water in it is 32% of salt.

On the territory of Turkey there are 3 mountain systems:

Map of coasts Turkey

Turkey map in Russian Geographic major introduces basic zones beach holidays in Turkey. The Mediterranean coast is popular with popular among tourists. Conditionally divided into the region from Marmaris to Kemer (turquoise coast) and the area from Kemer to Alanya.

The Black Sea coast has a length of 1,700 km, is the largest part of the country's territory. Differs in a slack-free coastline.

The Aegean coast has a superior climate in comparison with Mediterranean. Thanks to the big length, the climate is permanent. In the Aegean region, the tourist will meet unique mountain landscapes.

The coast of the Marmara Sea from the north-east to the southwest has a length of 280 km. In most of the coast, cloudy. Coral reefs live along the northern coastline. This makes the coast attractive for diving lovers.

Turkey relief map

Turkey by the type of relief is a mountainous country. The height of the territory above sea level is an average of 1000 meters. More than 75% of the country is located at an altitude of 500 meters. Mostly this is an area of \u200b\u200blow-anostic highlands. It consists of the outskirts of the mountains (Pontic, Tavr) and the Anatolian plateau.

Turkey is also characterized by high gorges and snow-covered vertices with deep bars in the eastern region. Along some sea coasts and the mouths of the rivers spread low-albeit plains with rich subtropical flora and fauna.

Map of autobahn Turkey

When traveling around Turkey, the tourist will come to the aid of the Autoban Map. This is a special highway with perfect road surface. The speed movement is allowed to 130 km / h. In Turkey, several paid autobahs allocate. The data are presented in the table below.

High-speed highways:

name Length (in km)
1 Edirne - Istanbul 211,9
2 Istanbul - Ankara 451
3 Czech - Izmir. 67,9
4 Izmir - Aydin 99,6
5 Icel - Gaziantep 232

Railways map

Total length railways Turkey is less than 8,000 km. Railways connect the large cities of the North-West with the capital. In the western part of the country, the post office delivers passengers to large cities in the field of Izmir.

Due to a little developed railway infrastructure, railway transport is the least in demand among tourists. Turkey has a direct railway party with Syria, Iran, Greece and Bulgaria.

Map of airports

More than 50 airfields were built on the territory of Turkey. They are placed evenly throughout the country for the rapid and comfortable movement of passengers.

The map shows the main international airports:

Detailed map of highway

The map of the Turkish road will become an indispensable guide for self-planning travel. The total length of motorways is 426 906 km. Roads with a solid coating in this number make up 177,550 km.

The main highways between major cities are characterized by the high quality of the road surface. Their length is 2155 km. Roads have a wide and comfortable junction. The maximum permissible speed (except autobahn) is 80 km / h.

TCDD network map in Turkey

On this map shows the schemes of high-speed trains.

Two lines operate in Turkey:

  1. Ankara - Region of Istanbul Pendic. 60% of this railway road was specifically built for high-speed movement. The remaining 40% falls on the highway highway. Speed \u200b\u200blimit - 250 km / h.
  2. Ankara - Konya is a completely high-speed road. The maximum speed is 300 km / h.

The total length of speed railways is about 620 km. TCDD plans to launch another 4 high-speed roads.

Map of Regions

A detailed map of Turkey regions in Russian shows their location. 7 regions allocate geographical features.

The basic information about them is pressed in the table below:

Name of region. Population population (million) Area (in km 2)
1 Central Anatolia More than 6. 190
2 Eastern Anatolia 6,13 148
3 Southeast Anatolia about 6. 75
4 Mediterranean 9 93
5 Black Sea 8,43 1/6 from the whole territory
6 Markoromanian more than 17. 72
7 Aegean about 9. 88

Map of provinces

Administrative units of dividing territory in Turkey are yers or provinces. There are 81 in the country. The biggest is the province of Konya. Its area is 40813, 5,200 km 2 at a population of 2 million people. The most tightly populated province is Istanbul. Square in 5315.3300 km 2 lives 13.624 million people.

Map of Stambula counties

The province of Istanbul is administratively divided into 39 districts. These include the territory of the metropolis, suburbs and countryside. For 2017, the population of agglomeration was 15,029,231 people.

In the European part of Istanbul, there are 25 districts, in Asian - 14 districts. The largest territory has a Chatalja district (çaTalca). It is one of the minorized areas of the province. 65,000 people live here.

Map of the sights of Istanbul

The main sights of Istanbul can be divided into several groups:

Silence with unique landscapes are the Bosphorus strait (length of 30 km) and the Bay of Golden Horn.

Tourist map of Turkey

On the tourist map The main places for lovers of active and good rest are depicted. On the Mediterranean coast, you can go on a yacht on a yacht, to do sailing and flying to Paraglian. On the wild beaches of Kemer, Alanya, the Aegean Sea Popular Diving.

Most Turkey regions have seats for hiking and cycling. Bases for rafting are predominantly placed on the rivers Dalaman. Cupriya, Manavgat. For climbing lovers, Geyikbayiri, Olympos, Akyarlar in the Antalya region will be suitable for climbing lovers.

In Turkey, you can go on a tour of the caves. The longest cave Tynaztepe is located in the area of \u200b\u200bKonya. Its length is 22 km. It is the third in the world in length. Popular tours and the cave of Panirkyunya. It is located in the south of Anatolia, is the deepest in Turkey (1429 meters).

Map of sights

The map shows the main sights of Turkey. With its help, the tourist in any region will find interesting and unique places for itself. In the Aegean Sea area there are antique ruins of Troy, Mileta, Ephesus. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Anatolian coast, the remains of ancient Lycia are located.

Nearby are salt terraces Pomokcale. The central part is famous for the ancient capadocy. This is a place with unique volcanic landscapes. On the Black Sea coast Located the monastery was able to in the rocks. In the south of the country, the tourist will get acquainted with Kara's fortress, an ancient city of Ani, a big mosque and other objects of tourism.

Map of Turkey resorts

Map of Turkey in Russian Geographical major introduces resorts. Most are located on the Mediterranean. Antalya is the most popular. Its main resort zones is Kemer, Lara, and Cund. Near Antalya there are three waterfalls, water parks, amusement parks.

Belek is considered an elite resort area. It is characterized by pure eucalyptus and pine forests, snow-white sandy beaches. Here is a famous golf course. It has16 games for games.

Alanya is a resort with sandy beaches, quiet bays and turquoise water. Offers a budget holiday. Many architectural monuments have been preserved here. The main attraction is the Fortress Celhuk.

Side is the large archaeological region of Turkey. The best sandy beaches are in Kumkey 3 km from the resort. The city is characterized by narrow antique streets, orange groves.

Map of ski resorts

Ski resorts Are under development.

The main bases of winter holiday are:

Map of the resorts of the Aegean Sea in Turkey

The Aegean Sea is washes the West and the southwest of Turkey. The season lasts from June to September, the water temperature is +26 0 C.

The main resorts are:

Turkey resorts map with hotels

The map indicates the location of large hotels at the main resorts of Turkey. Most of them work on the "All Inclusive" system. Many hotels personnel own English and Russian languages. In Belek, Antalya, Marmaris is dominated by 5 star hotels. Here and on other resorts are quite a few and economy class. Many hotels have a swimming pool and their own beaches.

The geographical major map of Turkey in Russian will make a trip simple and comfortable. The above information will help carefully plan the rest and make it fascinating.

Article clearance: Vladimir Great

Video about popular resorts in Turkey, their geographical location

Features of the rest in Turkey on the coast of the Aegean Sea. Resorts:


Map of Turkey with resorts and hotels in Russian

Rest in Turkey is one of the most popular destinations for tourists from around the world. The hospitable resorts of the Mediterranean, Black, Marble and Aegean Seas, many entertainment for every taste and relatively low prices, in contrast to other countries - provide the highest interest in Turkey.
For Russian tourists, Turkey is also attractive to the fact that it is not necessary to acquire a visa to visit this country, and fly not so far and a long time, as in other countries, and most hotels have Russian-speaking staff, which makes it easier to stay on their territory and makes it more comfortable.

The most popular Turkey resorts are located on the Mediterranean coast. You can see the map of Turkey with resorts and hotels in Russian to choose the resort suitable for your holiday. The card is completely interactive, it can be closer to it in detail to see the place and panorama of the resort or the desired hotel.

What are the most popular resorts in Turkey?
Of course the resorts of the Mediterranean!

Bright Antalya is the youngest resort of the country where the infrastructure develops every year and attracts more and more attention: bars, restaurants, shops, water parks, well-groomed squares and night discos - will not let you get bored with anyone. And historical and natural attractions will leave the most best impressions. And all this against the background of a transparent warm sea, a bright cloudless sky and a hot sandy beach.

The most southern Turkey resort is a cozy Alanya, which is located between the mountains and the sea, and has beautiful sandy beaches with colorful palm trees on the coast, as well as the quiet bays with crystal clear water. Here you can relax in comfortable hotels, boarding houses or rent apartments for any desired period. Mostly Alanya attracts nightlife lovers due to a large number of night bars, clubs, but also to lovers of a relaxing rest also find the place in this small paradise!
Belek - the most expensive resort of the country whose beach is recognized as one of the best beaches of the Mediterranean coast! And here you will not find architectural monuments or historical cities. This resort is famous for its nature and protected areas, as well as best golf courses, luxurious five-star hotels and luxurious spa salons.

At the beginning of last century, the Turkish Republic became heiress Once a huge Ottoman Empire.

The boundaries of the ruined power of Ottomans were squeezed to the historic core, but this territory makes Turkey to a large state - it it takes the entire peninsula Asia Minor. The country area is comparable to the largest European states.

  • Features of climate
  • Population, language, currency

Where is the political map of the world?

Coast of Turkey close-in four seas: From the north - black and marble, from the south - Mediterranean, and from the West - Aegean. Europe and Asia in the north-west continents share the Bosphorus Straits, Dardanelles and the Marmara Sea.

For Bosphorus, Turkey is bordered by Greece and Bulgaria. Its northeastern regions coexist with mountainous areas of Georgia and Armenia, Eastern - with Iran, southeast - with Iraq and Syria.

In parallel, the Northern coast of Turkey stretches the Pontic Mountain, along the southern shore - the largest mountain chain of Tavr.

Features of climate

On the coasts of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas Typical Mediterranean climate with hot summer (average temperature + 28-32 ° C) and soft winter (about + 7-11 ° C). Bathing season lasts from spring to deep autumn.

On the Black Sea coast, the summer is warm (about + 26 ° C), winter are soft and rainy (about + 8 ° C).

In Central and Eastern Turkey Summer is hot and dry (about + 30 ° C), and in the winter relatively cold (about + 4 °).

How much to fly to Turkey? Distance, travel time, types of flights and much more - here.

Population, language, currency

By virtue of the centuries-old closedness of Turkey - state monofasonic. Almost the entire population of the country (77 million) considers themselves the Turks. Statistics also indicate 25 other ethnic groups living here. Among them: Greeks, Tatars, Armenians, Jews. The largest of the group is Kurd.

The only official language in Turkey is Turkish. 80% of the Turks do not own other languages. But the staff of the resort and tourist centers without any problems is explained in German and English.

Exchange dollars, euros and rubles to local currency - turkish lira- recommended in official exchange offices.

The lists are preferably paid in major cities and the outback. In the resort zone in the course of the euro and dollars. Often to pay and rubles.

Popular resorts of the Aegean Sea

  • Bodrum Located on the peninsula in the Aegean Sea, facing the Greek Island of Kos. It is famous for its restaurants, a festive atmosphere and a bohemian style of life.

    You can see the city in a few hours. From here, excursions are organized around the neighborhood, rich attractions, sea walks towards nearby islands.

    Among the most popular routes: a visit to the medieval fortresses, the ruins of the Mausoleum in Galicarneas, the cities of Milyas - the center of handmade carpets. Two hours per car can be reached from Bodrum to Ephesus - the greatest city of antiquity.

  • Marmaris. Resort town on the shore of the bay. Here is the merger of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. The bay is picturesquely framed by pine forests and fragrant oleandal thickets.

    In Marmaris there is a large yacht club and a whole flotilla of boats ready for a sea trip to the neighboring islands with the purest beaches and virgin nature.

  • Rest in Turkey, Marmaris - In the next video:

  • Fethiye.. Quiet seaside spa town on the southern coast of the Aegean Sea. It is surrounded by mountains whose vertices in winter covers snow.

    Sea excursions are sent from Fethiye to the twelve islands and to Kekova Island, where you can see the flooded ruins of ancient cities.

  • The city serves as a gateway to Liku, famous for its ancient rock tombs, they are more than 2500 years old.

  • Pamukkale. One of the most popular resorts of Turkey is located away from the sea coast. But his healing sources attract millions of tourists annually. The local hotels are crowded, book rooms need in advance.

Holidays on the Mediterranean coast

Landscape of the Turkish coast The Mediterranean Sea is a narrow coastal line, limited mountain varnish areas with ripped cliffs. Here is a particularly favorable climatic zone.

We are going on vacation: Do you need a visa to Turkey and how to extend rest in this country? The answer to these and other questions you will find - here.

Wonderful climate and fertile land of the coast from time immemorial attracted nations Many civilizations. Their traces are visible everywhere. Archaeological excavations of the ancient cities of times Ancient Greece And ancient Rome is conducted here for more than a hundred years, but to this day they bring sensational finds.

The pearl of this region has long been recognized Antalya. The city is picturesquely located on the rocky plateau. The city planners were able to harmoniously combine the spirit of the Old Town and the modern architecture of tourist complexes.

Wide boulevards, alleys, framed by palm trees, planeis and oleander, lead to the medieval city center, where traders and artisans shops are crowded in the alleys.

Port Antalya is beautiful on the Mediterranean coast. The mighty walls of the ancient fortress are focused on the waterfront of the port, around which the restaurants and cafes are offered.

Alanya City Discussed around the rocky peninsula. Speaking in the sea it is crowned with a fortress with a long gear wall, erected back in the XIII century.

Alanya beaches - among the best in Turkey. Alanya is known for both their marine caves. The microclimate in some of them is considered healing.

City of KashGrown on the ruins of the ancient city of Anti-Fellos today is a popular tourist center where you do not need to go far to meet the past. Cash is very picturesque: due to the warm climate, rubber trees, citrus, palm trees and another exotic flora are growing here.

From porridge, excursions are arranged to the village of Kale, famous for its necropolia with Lykyski tomb.

Cache and nearby islands - an ideal place for underwater sports. Water here is transparent and warm, fish - abundant, and the debris of the ancient ships in coastal waters is also plenty.

City Jide - True open-air museum. There are comfortable hotels, cafes and restaurants between the ancient buildings. In the midst of summer, Jeed is filled to failure. So those who love peace are better to come here in spring or late in autumn.

All Beaches Jide free access, they are very popular among surficists.

8 km from Jide is located famous Waterfall Manavgat. Tourists rushing here to admire the local nature and taste the fresh trout in restaurants located under the cascades of the waterfall.

And when it is best to fly to rest in Turkey - read in our next article.

At the beginning of last century, the Turkish Republic became heiress Once a huge Ottoman Empire.

The boundaries of the ruined power of Ottomans were squeezed to the historic core, but this territory makes a large state - it it takes the entire peninsula Asia Minor. The country area is comparable to the largest European states.

Where is the political map of the world?

Coast of Turkey close-in four seas: From the north - black and marble, from the south - Mediterranean, and from the West - Aegean. Europe and Asia in the north-west continents share the Bosphorus Straits, Dardanelles and the Marmara Sea.

In parallel, the Northern coast of Turkey stretches the Pontic Mountain, along the southern shore - the largest mountain chain of Tavr.

Features of climate

On the coasts of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas Typical Mediterranean climate with hot summer (average temperature + 28-32 ° C) and soft winter (about + 7-11 ° C). Bathing season lasts from spring to deep autumn.

See this video Accurate location of Turkey on the world map: