Is it possible to catch Pokemon, expert opinion. St. Petersburg Cossacks want to ban catching Pokemon in Russia. Political scientists: soft transfer of power in the Kaluga region - the installation of the federal center and the work of the regional internal political bloc

Even advanced Internet users do not always have time to follow fashion trends. So, you also want to know what the joke is about Pokemon, and why this topic has become so popular? In that case, this article is written for you!

Finding Pokemon is a new game, developed for iPhone and Android. It uses the so-called “augmented reality” technology, that is, it forces the player to break away from the computer and go catch Pokemon on the street. The algorithm of actions is quite simple: you install the application on a phone with a video camera and Internet access, go to the specified coordinates, and then try to “catch the Pokemon” through the lens.

What to do with “caught” pocket monsters? They can be exchanged or trained, developing the abilities of their players. Then you can arrange a full-scale Pokemon battle in the city and take part in the fight for the title of the best trainer.

So what is the danger?

Of course, the virtual universe of Pokemon does not pose any threat to the player, which cannot be said about real world. There are several dangers that can seriously ruin a Pokemon catcher's holiday.

1. Urban infrastructure. Pokemon Go is the world where Pokemon are found in the most unexpected places. For example, in a tram depot, in the middle of a busy roadway, or even in a police station. If you are not careful, you can get hit by a tram/train/car. In addition, law enforcement officers are not always loyal to such a hobby as searching for Pokemon. Especially if you start looking for them in a secure safe deposit box.

2. Hooligans. Those who like to make money at the expense of others are now hiding not only in city gateways. You can encounter them exactly where you plan to catch the next Pokemon. After all, the coordinates of such “Pokemon storages” are available to everyone who installs the mobile application.

3. Enemy spies. It is quite possible that the development of the sensational toy took place with the participation of the CIA or some other intelligence agencies. Well, this is very convenient - in pursuit of Pokemon, gullible gamers will take millions of photographs of various places (possibly even secret objects) with their own hands. The spies will only have to collect and process graphical data.

Infernal forces

Google's Pokemon Go is becoming increasingly popular, but can it be considered just innocent fun? Some psychics and representatives of the occult sciences believe not. It is believed that "Pokemon" may have a connection with the lower. At first glance, such an idea seems absurd. But if you think about it...

Even the most ordinary mirror can become a passage to the other world. Mirrors are used in many magical rituals and, it should be noted, are used with extreme caution. And a video camera, under a successful set of circumstances, can capture a ghost.

Pokemon (literally - pocket monster) is a symbolic personification of an infernal entity, a lower-level demon. It doesn't matter whether the Pokemon is "good" or "evil". From the point of view of bioenergy, this is a creature of the astral plane. So it turns out that by trying to “catch” a Pokemon through the lens of your camera, you invite the real inhabitants of the astral plane to follow you, opening the way for them to the physical world.

Of course, this interpretation of the popular game can be considered simple. And yet, after sunset, it’s better not to get carried away with catching Pokemon. Who knows who you can see at night, instead of the usual Bulbasaur or Pikachu?

Players Pokemon Go warned of criminal liability for catching Pokemon in Russia. the site found out how law enforcement officials can punish for catching Pokemon in the wrong places.

Bringing strangers up to speed, the TV presenter of the popular TV channel “Russia 24” warned of criminal liability for catching Pokemon in the wrong place. If a person roams around someone else’s apartment with a smartphone, he faces a fine of 40,000 rubles. Disruption of the election process will result in a fine of up to 80,000 rubles

Catching Pokemon on the borders of countries will also not lead to anything good, in this case you will have to pay 200,000 rubles and get ready to go to prison for 2 years. Finally, playing Pokemon Go in temples and other sacred places is considered a particularly serious crime. A careless player will catch a fine of half a million rubles instead of a Pokemon and go to jail for 3 years.

According to, the Pokemon Go game was released on July 6. This is a shareware project for mobile devices based on iOS and Android with augmented reality. The user is asked to walk through real places and catch Pokemon that appear in real places. The game is extremely popular, although it has not even been officially released in Russia yet. The leader of the Orthodox movement and the ataman of the St. Petersburg Cossacks have already asked to ban Pokemon in Russia, since people go to churches and educational institutions in search of them. A drop of honey in the ointment - the authorities have officially allowed catching Pokemon in the subway.

Why not, of course, if they themselves go “in hand”, why not catch them. You need to catch everyone, the whole point is that they will never be redundant. If you have several similar characters and you understand that they may not be useful in the game, then simply exchange them for Kandy candies, with their help the characters are fattened up.

I think it's worth it. After all, even if you have a lot of Pokemon of the same type and you realize that you don’t need so many of them, they can be exchanged for something worthwhile (for example, candy), which will help fatten up one of the Pokemon and quickly raise it to new level.

Whoever gets caught, whoever gets caught, catch him, it definitely won’t hurt. And no one can cancel the excitement during the search and capture of Pokemon - I think initial stage In games, a person generally doesn’t care who he caught - the very fact of catching him is already pleasing. And delving into the essence of the game, the player will understand that any Pokemon caught will be beneficial.

Catch a new Pokemon and one of the same type that you already have! In the game "Pokemon Go" any catch is welcome. When you have duplicates, they can be exchanged for candies, which are used to improve virtual toys that you decide to keep for training and battles in the arena. Improving your “pet” without spending money is a good idea.

When you start playing, remember that not everything in the world depends on Pokemon mania. Real life continues, returning to it after some time spent on entertainment is the right step. You can't catch all the Pokemon, you can't win all the battles. The game must know its place.

Yes, you don’t need to pass by the Pokemon that are already in your arsenal - it would be advisable to exchange those creatures that you have two or more for candies, which, in turn, will be used in the process of pumping up those monsters on which you decided to make the main bet in the game.

I’ll probably never get tired of answering questions like these).

In the game Pokemon Go, it happens that you find the Pokemon that you have, but I still catch them and advise you to do the same. Because then you can sell repeated Pokemon and get candies for it. And they are an integral part of the game, because with their help you can improve your Pokemon.

It's not that it's worth catching the same Pokemon, but it's also part of gameplay. To evolve a Pokemon, you will have to catch a considerable number of similar Pokemon. Excess Pokémon are given to the professor for experiments, and they are given candy and stardust in exchange.

Any gain is better than no gain. In addition, Pokemon can be exchanged for candies - a means of improving those Pokemon that you decide to field for battles. So catching any virtual animals that come into your hands saves the player real money.

Naturally, you can catch the same Pokemon in popular game Pokemon go. Even I would say you need to catch all the Pokemon you come across. After all, you can simply give unnecessary Pokemon to the professor for candy.

In any case, they are worth catching because they can be exchanged for special items (candies) and for them you can strengthen your Pokemon, which will fight for you and represent the main force in your collection.

Why did you have such a question? Yes, Pokemon cannot be sold, but there is an opportunity to exchange them for candy from the professor.

Therefore, first, catch all the Pokemon you meet, without regard to whether they are the same or different, and then exchange the ones you don’t need for candy.

After all, candies will help your Pokemon enhance their power. By strengthening the Pokemon you need, you will have more faith in their strength.

In July, Pokémon took sixth place in popularity in the media after the presidents of the Russian Federation, Turkey, the United States, the Prime Minister of Russia and the press secretary of the head of our state. Moreover, virtual animals, despite the saga with domestic Olympians, overtook Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko in terms of mentions. These are the data of the analytical company Medialogia.

The mass hysteria has affected not only Pokemon catchers who bypass all obstacles to get the coveted application, but also those who are “very concerned and alarmed” by the popularity of this game. After the PR given to Pokemon on the Internet and in the media, the RG correspondent, who had never played computer “catch-up shooters,” decided to spend one day registering her Apple ID under the guise of a US resident and downloading these “devil’s spawn.”

Pokemon catching has grown in last days There are so many myths that I wanted to simply check whether there is any real basis for the virtual claims. At the same time, everything said below is absolutely subjective, but I would like to present an alternative point of view on what is happening. Although, naturally, for every argument there is a counterargument, and more than one.

1. Pokemon is played by "zombies". They see nothing around them, their glassy gaze fixed on their smartphone.

The vast majority see and are aware of what is happening around them. If only simply because, in search of Pokemon, you still have to pay attention to the landscape and compare the “map” in the application with the area, navigating the surrounding reality.

Naturally, reading information about how two teenagers are catching animals illegally between the USA and Canada, the “uninitiated” has no choice but to throw up their hands: “That’s really a “zombie”!” However, judging by the map, these two cities are closely adjacent to each other, and the border runs almost along neighboring streets. According to media reports, it is not even guarded by border guards, it is only patrolled by customs officers and police. In a word, something tells me that this is not the only case of her illegal transition, but the only one that has become world famous. You understand, thanks to whom (or what?).

2. Pokemon catchers require

Twenty-five years ago, Russians were enthusiastically catching chicken eggs with the help of a wolf, then Tetris captured the mass consciousness, and then dozens of games rained down on us like from a cornucopia. Someone fights while sitting on the couch, but “thinking” that he is in a tank, another is looking for opponents in virtual universes. Many people play something. Elementary - they play solitaire.

Regarding the statement that playing Pokemon is an attempt to escape from reality, then, in a global sense, it can be attributed to almost any game. After all, the point of entertainment is to temporarily forget about problems. Of course, there are gamers who completely lose their sense of reality. But now we are not talking about them, but about 99.9 percent of ordinary people who, after spending a couple of hours catching Pokemon, return to normal life. But they were already assigned in advance to the “sick people” who see devils on the screen.

Many years ago, everyone, young and old, rushed to raise virtual animals, and then there was also hysteria that this was a replacement for reality. Years passed and everyone forgot about it. Someone is still passionate about this game, but its all-consuming popularity has long passed.

3. The game should be banned because it is dangerous

The problem is that it is impossible to ban everything that is dangerous. How many accidents have occurred in our railway due to the fact that a person was walking along the rails with headphones on and did not hear the whistle of the approaching train. Ban headphones?

Of course, it would be good if there were no criminal or accidental incidents with Pokemon catchers at all. And here, we must pay tribute to our law enforcement officers, they are ringing all the bells and asking us to be careful. And even energy workers. Caution never hurts, whether you are catching Pokemon or not.

By the way, I haven’t yet seen a single player who would crawl under cars to get an unusual monster. But every day I watch dozens of people rush to cross the road at a red traffic light or in the wrong place. And since I live in a resort region, I constantly read news about people who drowned during a storm or got lost (injured) in the mountains. So maybe it's not about Pokemon? And you shouldn’t shift purely human problems onto virtual animals.

4. The game leads to a decline in morals and moral degradation

Of course, Pokémon don't belong in a cemetery, church, or memorial site. But if a person allows himself to catch Pokemon during a funeral or religious service, this already indicates a lack of tact. And in this case, catching Pokemon is a consequence of bad manners, and not its cause. So we're going from the wrong end.

But as for museums, this is where competent management has something to think about. Is there anything wrong with attracting young people to a museum with the help of rare Pokemon, especially since the catchers are not aggressive, they do not need to make any sudden movements and physically disturb someone? And having paid money for a ticket, most will want to look around.

You say this is not the best The best way to attract people to cultural institutions, they say, a person should consciously make a decision to visit them. But here the legendary “queue for Serov” comes to mind. Were all those who froze for several hours in 20-degree frost connoisseurs, considering that the exhibition began in October and the excitement arose in December? However, the PR did its job, and the people flocked, and it is unlikely that such popularity can be explained only by the great power of art.

5. Only poorly educated people with a low cultural level catch Pokemon

I wonder if anyone has already conducted real research and established a correlation between a person’s level of education and his games? Pokemon Go is a fun, unusual game, and not “a sign of the decline of human civilization and a return to a primitive state.” And to attach any existential significance to it is absurd. The feeling is that everyone is trying to promote themselves on something popular. If this game didn’t have so many fans, who would talk about its spiritual meaning?

Taking the same football in a purely sporting sense (without its current economic and political component): what is the uplifting meaning of running after the ball and trying to take it away from the opponent in order to score into the goal? Catchers also run after Pokemon, sometimes reeling them in fresh air ten kilometers to catch the monster. For me, this is better than not getting off the couch for days, armed with a joystick.

At the same time, football is no less, if not more traumatic, and let alone fan battles; unfortunately, some of them have a tragic outcome. But no one is demanding that football teams be disbanded and stadiums locked up. Both big politicians and famous artists play football, and they are not accused of moral squalor. The game is a pure outburst of emotions; it’s strange to approach it with cultural standards.

Pokemania will pass, and in a few months it will be replaced by something else - should we ban everything? The development of technologies, including gaming, cannot be stopped. Instead of banning them, we need to take them into account. In this regard, I am very impressed by the position of the Moscow government, which, instead of shouting about moral decline, decided to develop its own game with educational and entertainment overtones based on the new product. Great idea. In any case, it’s better than the favorite calls to “keep them out.”

The Cossack society from St. Petersburg “Irbis” intends to achieve a ban on the operation of the Pokemon Go application in Russia. “We need to get people out of virtual world, otherwise this generally smacks of Satanism,” said his ataman Andrei Polyakov. The Cossacks intend to win over the FAS and Rospotrebnadzor to their side.

The Cossack society "Irbis" from St. Petersburg is going to achieve a ban on the Pokemon Go application in Russia. The ataman of the society, Andrei Polyakov, announced this on Radio Baltika. “We need to pull people out of the virtual world, otherwise this generally smacks of Satanism. There are so many really interesting things to do and professions on our earth, so many interesting things that can be done, so you can’t be distracted by any nonsense. People waste their lives, and it’s already short, so we need to live it as interesting as possible,” he said.

The Pokemon Go application for devices supporting iOS and Android appeared on July 6 and instantly became one of the most popular in the world. Its essence lies in the fact that players receive messages that in this or that real place a Pokémon has been discovered that needs to be caught and tamed. Users can train their Pokemon and arrange battles between them. These cartoon fighters can show up in the most unexpected places - in museums, churches, even cemeteries. Polyakov, commenting on this circumstance, said: “What concerns churches and temples, holy places, cultural institutions and children's institutions, this must be prohibited unequivocally. It is necessary to respect the culture and faith of people, no matter what. Either there must be a reasonable framework, instructions that must be followed, or the application must be banned altogether.”

Irbis intends, through the FAS and Rospotrebnadzor, to achieve a ban on the Pokemon Go application in the Russian Federation. However, it is worth noting that it has not yet been officially released for our country, and users have to resort to various tricks to get around this limitation.

Earlier, the possible presence of Pokemon in the Kremlin was commented on by presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov. He stated that “Pokémon is not a reason to visit the Kremlin, the treasury of world culture.” When asked whether it is possible to catch Pokemon there, Peskov noted: “The Kremlin is unprecedentedly open, despite the fact that it is the residence of the head of state.”

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