What to collect Morte Dota 2. Hyde by Fantomic (Mortred, Phantom Assassin). Hyde at the initial stage of the game

Hyde in Fantomic For version Dots 6.83. . Fantomic - One of the most powerful heroes in the game at the expense of its imba-crit and congenital evasion. And the poisoned dagger and Blink make it more and excellent Herokiller.

1. Description of the hero

Born in the Night Elves called Wardens, who does not recognize the authorities and laws of the main society of the night elves, Mortred swore to the faithfulness of the scourge to take revenge. A great combination of strength and speeds and years spent in Ashenvale's forests allowed her to merge with the surrounding landscape, becoming such a phantom, attacking when you least expect it. The deadly accuracy with which she attacks, made her valuable hero of Scourge, and it is quite clear why she is known as Phantom Assassin.

2. Main characteristics

Power: 20 + 1.85
Dexterity: 23 + 3.15 (main skill)
Intellect: 13 + 1.0
Number of HP: 473
Number of MP: 169
Damage: 46-48.
Number of armor: 4.3
Movement speed: 310

3. Pros and cons of the hero

Pluses of the hero:
+ Colossal agility growth with each level;
+ Inborn Herokiller, one of the best in dota, from which it is almost impossible to escape;
+ The most powerful crises in Dota Allstars;
+ Thanks to the pannake, we are pretty hard to kill in the middle of the game and Leite;
+ It is difficult to distinguishable on the ground, which often disoriented even experienced players.

Cons Hero:
- at the beginning there is very little HP, so we can easily kill or drive from the line to the fountain;
- At the beginning of the game, a good ally on Line, who would help us to rake;
- Because of our invisibility, we can lose themselves in the crowd.

4. Description of abilities

Stifling [D] Agger - Throws the dagger, which causes damage and slows down the enemy by 50% for a short period of time. Heroes applies half damage.

Level 1 - causes 60 damage to cripam, slows down for 1 sec.
Level 2 - inflicts 100 damage to cripam, slows down for 2 sec.
Level 3 - causes 140 cripam damage, slows down for 3 seconds.
Level 4 - causes 180 cripam damage, slows down for 4 seconds.
Culdown: 6 sec.
Application range: 1200
Manakost: 30/25/20/15
Starting with Doti 6.79 Stifling Dagger has a chance of a critical strike from the ability of Coup de Grace
Starting with Doti 6.79 from Stifling Dagger It is possible to dodge.

1. A rather large range of application, which is just gorgeous;

2. This skill can be used to achieve other creeps. Quite often, it happens relevant, as everyone knows how dangerous fadomnica is dangerous and therefore trying to attach all the forces to not give her to rush and fell money;
3. We can throw in enemy heroes to bring them down treatment;
4. Throw in the runaway enemy to catch up with;
5. Throw in a pursuing enemy to save yourself or an ally;
6. Damage type - clean;

Phantom Strike [in]
Teleport to the selected unit and attack it. + 100% to the speakers for 3 seconds while attacks the selected unit. The maximum passes 4 attacks with increased speakers.

With each level, Kuldown decreases by 3 sec.: 14/11/8/5 seconds, respectively (also improved in Dota 6.74 )
Distance Blink: 1000 (perfectly increased the range of the blink in Dota 6.74 )
Manakost: 50.

1. One of the best pancakes in the game, as it makes it easy to immediately move to a decent distance, but to make several attacks on an enemy with an increased rate;
2. At the 4th level, very small cd \u003d\u003e We can use very often.

Blu [R]
Phantom Assasin becomes a minority, eroding the outlines of his body, and also disappears from minicards. But when I stay next to the enemy hero, it becomes visible again. Some attacks do not fall on it.

Level 1 - 20% chance to dodge the attack;
Level 2 - 30% chance to dodge the attack;
Level 3 - 40% chance to dodge the attack;
Level 4 - 50% Chance to dodge the attack.

1. Excellent passive ability, giving such a colossal damp, which is even better than that of the butterfly (30%);
2. Thanks to this ability it becomes difficult to see us;
3. Contains the ICD;
4. Hides a fantomic on Minikard, but only if there are no enemy heroes with it nearby.

Morthred makes death blows on weak places enemy.

Level 1 - 15% chance to apply 2.3x critical strike;
Level 2 - 15% chance to apply 3.4x critical blow;
Level 3 - 15% Chance Apply 4.5x Critical Punch.

1. It is this skill that makes one of the most dangerous damaggers in Dota;
2. The highest figure of Crete in the game;
3. With the collected satania allows you to restore your health with a mad speed.

5. Skillbilda

1) Phantom Strike
2) Stifling Dagger
3) Phantom Strike
4) blur
5) Phantom Strike
6) Coup de Grace
7) Phantom Strike
8) Stifling Dagger
9) Stifling Dagger
10) blur
11) Coup de Grace
12) Stifling Dagger
13) blur
14) blur
15) +
16) Coup de Grace
17-25) +

This skillbilde is used if we do not bother to swing on Line, but we do not dominate opponents (i.e., if there is a sluggish game, which is mainly in finishing crips). At the 1st Lvl-e, take blink so that it was possible to escape (if anything), then take the blade (to slow down the enemies) and on the 4th Lvl, the damp so that crimes came to us less. We try to maxi blink to be very mobile. Well, after the blink already Maxim Blade and the damp.

Skilebild number 2:
1) Stifling Dagger
2) Phantom Strike
3) Stifling Dagger
4) Phantom Strike
5) Stifling Dagger
6) Coup de Grace
7) Stifling Dagger
8) Phantom Strike
9) blur
10) Phantom Strike
11) Coup de Grace
12) blur
13) blur
14) blur
15) +
16) Coup de Grace
17-25) +

We use this skillbilde if we fully dominate the opponents of Lain. Maxim Blade and Blink to deliver enemies as much as possible.

1) Phantom Strike
2) +
3) Stifling Dagger
4) Phantom Strike
5) +
6) Phantom Strike
7) Phantom Strike
8) blur
9) blur
10) Coup de Grace
11) Coup de Grace
12) Stifling Dagger
13) Stifling Dagger
14) blur
15) Stifling Dagger
16) Coup de Grace
17) blur
18-25) +


We use this skillbilde if we are very tensioned by opponents on Laine. Initially, we take 2 "+" to increase stats, Maxim Blink so that you can always run away. Instead of 1 "+" or 1 blade, you can take the opposite - here at your own request.

6. Itemordder

Principal Procurement

2 items for treatment to stand at a maximum on line and not return to the fountain

2 spider man sneaker, which can then be turned into or in

2 branches for statists and increase survival

After that, I buy my boots first in the first item), which then need to turn into bots (can also be done using a side store). Next, you need to start collecting a peach or dominator (and this can be started to do before the boots turn into bots). Here you have to look at the situation, if you dominate Line, then you need to start from the dominator (we buy death mask in the side store, and then helmet), if you are practically not allowed to cripmes, then you need to start with a peach (the ring for it can be bought in the side store). After assembling Peach or Dominator Fantomic It can quite successfully swing in the forest. If a the game is coming hard (and fantomic often all possible methods You do not give), then you can collect 2-3 gangs, one of which can even be destroyed to the ring of akville, if the lack of mana is felt.
After the assembly of these two items, it is advisable to turn a peach in Batlfuri, which gives excellent damag, an attack on the area and is relatively simply going. This Art for Fantomic is so good that some collect her 2 batlfuri, which perfectly stuck among themselves. If you have never tried such an assembly, I advise you to try at least once because to watch as a fantomic with two Bethlfuri mowing crips - one pleasure. However, the crowd of enemy heroes with such an assembly, she also mows it quite effectively.
After that, the dominator must be departed to the Satanik, and then Fantomic It becomes a megasnaya ejection sweeping all in its path.
What else can you collect Fantomics:
Vangaard - Collected if the lack of HP is felt. Only it is necessary to collect at the very beginning, since then it will be almost useless;
BKB - Quite often they collect a fantomic, because in the sinks of the nose and the mills fly mainly in her;
ICD - With this item, your crises will apply 1200-1400 Damaga, so it also looks very decently on a fantomic;
MOM - Sometimes they collect instead of Satanik. Gives a mad attack speed, but also enhances the resulting damage, which, however, is partially compensated by our passive;
Bashker - They collect quite rarely, but still I consider it a rather useful art for Fantomic, since after a blinking to the enemy it first produces attacks with an increased speed, so the chance of the Basha's fallout in this series attacks is very large. Basis acts as many as two seconds - in most cases we have time to do the enemy during this time, especially if Crete falls. It is recommended to collect if the opponent's team has such dangerous permobasters, like Trol. And now, starting with Doti 6.73, the Bashker can be upgraded to Abyssal Blade. - scary to think what a Megadamager Fantomic will be with this new artifact;
Sanj and Yasha - before they did not collect a stantomic, because I had an ORB (and the ORB can not be as they collect Lifestil), and now when Dota 6.72. The orb of this artifact was removed, then, in principle, you can assemble a Phantom somewhere at the beginning of the game (his plus is that it is easy) to fix it with HP. In general, not a particularly useful artifact for Fantomic, it is not worth collecting in Leite.

Contraindicated items:
Buriza - Very common mistake among beginners. Thinks that the crit from the Burza will be stuck with his own crit. But it is not. Therefore, it makes sense to spend very considerable money for this artifact;
Butterfly - A rather controversial Item. The damp of the butterfly does not grant with his own damp, so the total damp grows only slightly. Some say that the butterfly is worth collecting at least for the fact that it increases the dexterity and speed of attack, but after all, such an effect can be achieved by other items, and for more modest money, is not it?
Vladimir - often going to the heroes of the melee but in the case of the Phantom of his aura will give it on the ground, so it is rarely collectable;
Ribs - "The leaf artifact for the whole team, but in the case of Fantomic at the expense of Aura will also give it to the location, so it is desirable that the ribs collect anyone else.

7. Tactics games


We must be found on the light line (the upper line in the razz and the bottom of the sedintels) is preferably with an ally, which will make it easier for our survival on the line. Ideally - with a support-nanny.
We try to die as little as possible and accumulate as quickly as possible on the bots, the dominator and Betlefuri.

Mid game

You can already actively ganchat single enemy heroes, participate in the teams of the team. N. and this stage of the game I prefer to swing mainly in the forest. Pharmacy Speed \u200b\u200bAt this stage of the game in the forest in Fantomniki is only slightly worse than on the line, but you get such an important advantage that you do not see enemies on the ministry. And this will inspire fear in them, since everyone is afraid of fantomics, suddenly blowing out of the forest.

We participate in the Puff, since we are now one of the strongest heroes in the team (respectively, on us and responsibility lies great). Death as a result of your error can bring your entire team to defeat. Remember this, and try at this stage of the game not to die. If possible, bulk the shield from Roshan to secure immunity for the time of one death.

8. The best allies / worst enemies

For us, practicals are useful for all students / disakers, but especially for us are useful at the initial stage of the game "Nanniki", the following heroes are well suited for the role:

One of the best supports for fantomic. In the beginning, it will allow us to easily and easily swing on the line, and then with the help of the spell, the Repel will protect us from magic, which will allow us to tear the enemy team simply in the shreds;
TRAKA - after in Dot 6.75 it was significantly strengthened in all the indicators, it became another terrible Megadamager of Doti, and considering that it was easier to rush to her than a fantomy (since she is a long-range hero), then she can pose a threat to us almost on All stages of the game.

Also, theoretically, fantomic enemies include all the characters who collected the studded armor - with the inattention, a fantomic can be killed from his own damage.

Phantom Assassin is one of the strongest leytes in Dota 2, which fully justifies its name. This hero, like any other Kerry, pretty weak at the initial stage of the game. But in Leite, Pretty Morta is able to kill the enemy hero from one Crete. And if you collect a rumble, then you can easily cut the entire enemy team just for a couple of blows. Want to know how to play for Phantom Assassin in Dota 2? Then this guide on Fantomic will help you with this.

Many consider sea very simple in terms of mastering the hero. But it is not. To play well for the sea, you need to understand the basics of the game for this character. This will help this guide.

Skills at the Mortha in Dota 2

Stifling Dagger.

Excellent ability to help Morte throughout the game. At the initial stages of the Fantomic with the help of Dahrager, the crips and the hook of the enemy can be lasthered. Thanks to the low manakost and a small cooldown, the Morta can spam by Dager and thoroughly straining opponents on Line. At the later stages of the game Stifling Dagger use to slow down the enemy and quickly kill it. In addition, using this singer, you can bring down Clarity or Healing Salve.

Phantom Strike

The ability to help the ferake initiate battles or run from them. Apply Phantom Strike is much more complicated than blink kvkop or anti-mage. After all, it will move, we need to choose a goal that sometimes may simply not be close, as a result of which we can perish. But at the same time, Phantom Strike has a huge plus, which is that after applying this ability, the Morta will receive + 100% to the attack speed. This allows us to not collect items on Attack Speed, and fully focuses on damage.


Delightful Pasivka, who probably will save you life during the game. Morta, if there is an enemy nearby, acquires "ghostly" outlines and gets a chance to damp. In addition to the fact that Fantomic becomes unobistant, it disappears in the additives from the mini-card. It is for this reason that the mort is noted - the task is not from the lungs.

It is also worth noting that Utughty from Blur do not stack with fades from other items. And this means that to collect butterfly for the Morty is a rotten undertaking.

Coup de Grace.

Wonderful ultra and the largest attack multiplier in Dota 2, which bears death and destruction enemies. Although the chance of Crete is quite small (only 15%), but this is fully compensated by a huge factor (at the first level of pumping Crete increases the attack by as much as 230%). And if you combine cries from the ultrasound of the Morty and the rumble from Battle Fury, then the enemy team will certainly not be short.

Sequence of pumping skills at Phantom Assassin

LVL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
LVL 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

How to play a fantomic in Dota 2

Want to know how to play for the mort? Read this guide by Phantom Assassin in Dota 2! In this part of the guide, we will tell you that to collect for this character, how to behave at different stages of the game and much more. After reading this guide on the Phantom Assassin on Dota 2, you will significantly increase your game skills and you can learn to play for the Morty.

Hyde at the initial stage of the game

As starting Purchase For the Morty, I acquire Quelling Blade (will help us to finish crips), Healing Salve (in the case of Haras from the enemies, we will be able to restore HP) and 3 Iron Branch (in the future we make Magic Wand from them). As for the line, it is best to go on a line along with a support that will protect us and help farm.

Secret successful game For the sea lies in the farm. The more crips you achieve, the more chances you have to win. The fact is that Mort is rather weak and has a lot of flaws. But all this can easily be corrected by collecting it necessary objects. Accordingly, the faster you will collect them, the faster the gancup can be able to benefit your team.

On the line we finish crips with your hands and get experience. If opponents strongly sharpen you, and you can not approach the pack, then see the mobs using the Stifling Dagger. If mana remains, you can use Dager to kvny enemy (but remember that farm in the first place). We ask our support to make stamps in the forest, which we are in the future Zafarmim.

If it is hard to stand on the line, that is, it makes sense to collect Ring of Basilius, which will save you MP and give a little armor. But do not forget to turn it off so that the line is not fluffled.

Closer to the end of Yerly Game you must collect a boot. The best choice for the Morty - Phase Boots. Faisi will give the comfort of an additional attack that will make our cries even more deadly. In addition, we will get an active ability thanks to which we get a significant advantage in speed, thereby not leaving the enemies and the chance to escape.

Guide in the middle of the game

At this stage of the game, we must shift from the line into the forest and continue to farm. It is advisable not to stick out, but if you see that the team without you can not win the kneading, you can not long suspend the farm to disrupt a couple of killes.

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we must assemble the artifact with Lifstil, which will help us to survive in the most difficult situations and abone from Crit. There are two options - VladMir "s offering or Helm of the Dominator. Vladimir will give us a useful aura. Especially this Imit will be relevant if there are many milk characters in our Timme. In addition, if you already have Ring Of Basilius, That assembly of this subject will be greatly eased. As for the dominator, this artifact will increase us protection and add a little attack. We also get the ability to tame crips (useful to make taps and sauna).

In addition to the above-mentioned Atems, we must collect Battle Fury which will speed up our farm repeatedly and help damage the entire opponent's room. Also useful acquisition will be the Black King Bar, which will increase our survival and will save from enemy pen.

Hyde in Leitheim

At this stage, the game Morta is quite strong and it is very difficult to stop it. But it is not worth "exulting" and attack the entire enemy team alone. Work together with your teammates and, using advice from Hyde, you will probably win.

For a late stage of the game, you should buy Monkey King Bar (useful if the enemy gathered Butterfly), Hearth of Tarrasque (will significantly increase our HP and increase survival rate) and ABYSSSAL Blade (with an additional attack speed from Phantom Strike, we will simply not let the opponent from the mill) . If you have acquired a dominator, then you can make Satanic from it, when you activate which we will become almost invulnerable for as much as 4 sequences.

Phantom Assassin in Dota 2 is also called: Mort, Phantom Assassin's, Fantomic, Morda, Assassinka.

Linging Hero

About the hero on what line hero is better when pumping is visible in the following table.

1. Description of the hero
Mortred was born in the recovery clan of the night elves called "Guardi". During battles with the forces of darkness, her soul captured the evil spiritwho driving the body of Mortred, killed the many her sisters. The Spirit managed to win, but Mortred was forever expelled from the clan. Killed by grief and at the same time covered by rage. She went into the forests of Ashwalle where every day he honed her martial art in the hope of ever to dormant to the whole world for what happened to her. Scourge took her in its ranks, promising that they would help to take revenge on all its enemies. Heavy workouts allow Mortred to beat enemies with such accuracy that getting into the most vital points of the body, her blows become just fatal. Her dexterity does not give enemies to get the archers and spears, hiding in the shadow of Mortred causes sudden attacks, quickly killing enemies.

2. Main characteristics

Power: 20 + 1.85

Dexterity: 23 + 3.15 (basic characteristic)

Intellect: 13 + 1.0

Attack: 46-48.

Health: 473.

Travel speed: 310

3. Pros and cons of the hero

1. A huge agility increase, which means damage and the attack speed increase very noticeable.
2. This can be said almost the very best killer In Dota, it is almost impossible to escape from it.
3. The most powerful crises among all the characters.
4. With the help of the blink it is easy to catch up with runaway enemies.
5. The passage makes us invisible on a mini map, which very often misleads enemies.

1. At the beginning of the game there is little health and can be easily driven from the line.
2. You should go to the line a good ally who will help you to rake.

4. Description of abilities

Stifling Dagger - Mortred throws a dagger on the enemy, inflicting a certain damage and slowing the enemy for a while. Heroes will be applied only half damage.

Level 1 - Cripame 50 damage (heroes 25) | 50% of deceleration for 1 seconds.
Level 2 - Crims 100 damage (heroes 50) | 50% of deceleration for 2 seconds.
Level 3 - cripam 150 damage (heroes 75) | 50% of deceleration for 3 seconds.
Level 4 - Cripham 200 damage (heroes100) | 50% of deceleration for 4 seconds.

Recharge: 8 seconds.

Type of damage: clean

Throw range: 1200

Mana: 30 | 25 | 20 | fifteen

1. The range of daggers is very large, and that's fine.
2. Can be used to achieve crips. At the beginning of the game, a lot of who does so that how quickly it is possible to rake.
3. You can throw in enemies to bring down the effect of treating and restoring mana.
4. It is clear to throw to catch up with the enemy.
5. Slow down the enemies so that they do not catch up with you and your allies.
7. From the dagger cannot be sure.
8. Do not regret throw, mana it requires very little.

Phantom Strike - Mortred moves to the specified unit and attack it with increased attack speed (+ 100%) for 3 seconds.

Level 1 - Recharge 14 seconds
Level 2 - Recharge 11 seconds
Level 3 - Recharge for 8 seconds
Level 4 - Recharge 5 seconds

Land of use: 1000 units

50 mana is needed for use

1. Good Blink, allows you to instantly move to the enemy, and even attack it with an enlarged attack speed.
2. At the 4th level of skill, recharge is simply a meager can practically not produce an enemy from slowing.
3. It is possible to be granted to their allies, which is saved, therefore, from enemies.

Blur (passive ability) - Mortred blurs the outlines of his body, thus becoming invisible on the mini map for enemies. Also, enemies begin to wave in the hero.

Level 1 - Evasion increased by 20%
Level 2 - Evasion increased by 25%
Level 3 - evasion increased by 30%
Level 4 - Evasion increased by 35%

1. A wonderful liable, this is the same effect as a butterfly evasion.
2. We are not seen on the mini map.

3. But they can fall if the enemies gather MKB.
4. If the enemy is nearby, then the hero becomes transparent.

Coup de Grace (Ult and Lassion) - Mortred causes deadly strikes on the vital points of the opponent's body.

Level 1 - 15% probability Apply 2.5x critical strike
Level 2 - 15% probability Apply 3.5x critical strike
Level 3 - 15% probability Apply 4.5x Critical Strike

1. That's what we get almost the best damager of Doti.
2. This is the most powerful crit in the game.
3. If you collect Satanik, then health will be recovered at an incredible speed.

5. How to download?

The first type of pumping:

Such a pumping is used mainly when no one bothers to swing on the line, but we also do not particularly interfere with the enemy ( simple wordsWhen there is a quiet game, consisting in finishing crips). At the 1st level, we study blink to if anything could be saved. Then we take the blade to slow down the enemies and in the 4th level we study the passive for a smaller hit from the crips. We try to learn Blink as much as possible to become very mobile. When Blink is pumped as much as possible, pump the blade and damp.

The second type of pumping:

Choose such a pumping in the event that we dominate the opponent. We study blade and blink, to apply maximum trouble to the enemy.

Third type of pumping:

So you need to swing, if the opponents got very tanty. At the beginning of the game 2 times with a plus card, we study the best possible, if we need to escape. Instead of a plus card or blade

take 1 level of faith. There is already someone who likes.

6. What to buy?

Principal Procurement

2 subjects for treatment so that it is possible to simultaneously at once on the line without returning to the fountain.

2 sneakers, turning into or in. 2 branches are needed to enhance the characteristics. In sideways

Buy the store buy a hatch, he will facilitate the farm. Next, we need boots, which then turn into PTs. Then you need to decide what to collect a dominator or peach. To do this, you need to evaluate the situation if you dominate, then collect the detinter, if the farm you do not have a very good, then start from the peach, namely from the rings. After the assembly of one of these 2 artifacts, Mortred can safely swing in the forest. If the game is generally tight, then collect a couple of gangs, one of which can be turned into a rings of aquist, if you, of course, have a lack of mana. When you have these 2 items in the inventory (peach and dominator), now you need a peach to turn into a BF, it will give you a good damage and an attack on the area. This artifact is so good for our hero that some players collect 2 bf at once. If you have never tried to collect 2 BF, then definitely try the crites will be simply perfect, and the kripov packs will fly away only, in other matters, like the enemy team itself. When you collected BF, you need to turn the dominator to the Satanik, after which the fantomic will be just a yastrah, which demoloses right and left everything and everything.

What else will suit Fantomic:
Wangaard - can be collected, but only at the very beginning of the game, if you have serious health problems, then he will simply be needed.

BKB - going very often, because even with a big damage can focus and merge magicians, studners and other bad individuals.

The ICD - collecting this artifact, your cries will apply 1300-1400 damage, so also a good artifact for Morthred.

The Bashner is also a useful artifact at high speed attack bash will fly very often, especially effectively catch up with runaway enemies or when they are teleported to the base, since there is a big chance to disrupt teleport. Then you can improve to ABYSSAL Blade and then your cries will simply ... It is even scary to imagine, and the enemies will not run away from you.

Sasha and Yasha - you can collect at the beginning of the game because of your light assembly, it will increase the speed of movement, will increase the HP and increase the attack speed, but in the leit game to collect stupid, because you can buy much useful artifacts For this period of the game. Yes, and in general, I rarely see that this artifact collected.

Rapira - With her, your cries will be cooler than Chuck Norris himself, but unlike him you can kill and then we will not be fun. So it is necessary to collect when you are completely confident in your abilities.

What you do not need to collect:
IOM - you should not collect a mask. We are better suited to remember the dominator. Yes, if you turn on the speed of attack, but we will kill as a rag.

Create - never do that, many newcomers think that cries from artifacts are summed up with critters from the Utal, but it is not. Do not spend money on unnecessary things. Remember it.

The butterfly is the same, the damp will not be summed up with the damp of the passive. And to collect the sake of speed of attack and increase dexterity is stupid, as this can be done using other artifacts. Especially this is one of the most expensive artifacts in Dota and spend such money so that in the end do not get maximum effect very stupid.

Vladimir - very often collect melee heroes, but not Mortred, all because of the fact that the aura from this artifact will issue it and the lapse of the passive becomes useless.

The ribs are a good leaf artifact for the entire team, but again only not for Morter, the same as with Vladimir, Aura will give it. So you need to collect them by anyone else.

7. Tactics games

Beginning of the game
Be sure to go on a light line (the top for the SCOURGE bottom for Sentiel). It is better with such an ally that will help us survive on the line. You need to die as little as possible. We need to rake and pull the game in Leite. And in general, we first need to quickly accumulate on PT, Dominator and BF.

Foreign game
You can begin to actively ganting lonely heroes, we also do not forget to participate in the knees along with your team. At this stage of the game it is better to swing in the forest. In the forest you will be farming a little bit weak than on the line, but you will not see the enemies and they will be very careful as they will be afraid that you are sharply attacking them from the forest, because you will not be visible on the map, so Farm in the forest You definitely fit.

Leit game
Participate in all the fasteners and catch enemy heroes. After all, you are now the strongest hero in the team (if it is fingered well and farm). Also, do not forget that your death can become a fatal mistake in the game, and you can lose the game of everything because of one error. Take into account this and try not to die at this stage of the game. For reliability, kill Roshan to be more confident in their abilities.

8. The best allies and worst enemies

All students and dissemibers become our allies, but it is better for us to suit these characters:

Omnik - from the best allies for Morthred. Protects from magic, as well as with him you can do a combo, binked to the enemy, and he is a hilitis, thereby you will apply a huge damage and quickly scratch.

Dazl is also a good ally, it will help to stand comfortably on the line, it is necessary when you need, slow down opponents and enemies will definitely not leave. In the sneake of the scene, and we still have to kill a couple of heroes.

The good allies will be those heroes that will be able to increase our damage, the best for us will be:

Magnus - it will increase our damage that is very and very effective at the initial stages of the game together with him you can deliver a lot of trouble by an enemy team.

Worst enemies
The enemies can be attributed to those who will be able to inflict more damage than we (if they certainly come out).
Even the enemies will be all the magicians, since in the initial stages of the game we are very weak and we can kill us very simply, will kill and not give a swing.

Another enemies:
AKS - stand against him on the line is just hell.

Pug - at the beginning of the game we feed for him.

Lina Lyon - also at the beginning of the game will be separated by meat.

Bar - at the beginning and Foreign Ministry may not release from Basha.

Huscar - if it goes into development, it will be very difficult to kill it.

Everyone who will gather a snap-free armor will become our enemies, because with such crits we can lacquer to kill it.

Finally, I will say that the whole chip in this hero is that how fast it can be raped, it is very light, but very dangerous in leit game. If you quickly naughty and walk, we will distribute the entire enemy team, if you do not swing and do not naphract the right artifacts, we will dissolve you, everything is very simple. On this hyde by Hero Mortred | Mort | Phantom Assassin.. Good luck to you in your games.