Name of the first world map. The history of the geographic map is a presentation. What do you need cards

Tasks to study additional literature on this topic to get acquainted with the role, the value of the map; By paying particular attention to what influence the country has to trace the "fate" of a geographical map from "birth" and to modern times. Purpose: to get acquainted with the history of creating a geographic map

Introduction Cartography - Science of mapping and knowledge of natural and socio-economic geosystems through cards as models. Cartography originated in deep antiquity, mention of maps is even in the Bible. The first cartography manuals are composed of ancient Greek. Scientist K. Ptolemy. Cartography flowering falls on the era of the revival and great geographical discoveries. The authors of the famous maps of the world and first atlases were the Netherlands cartographers of Mercator and A. Ortali. In Russia, the development of cartography is associated with the names of S. U. Remezov, V. N. Tatishcheva, F. F. Schubert,

The creator of the first geographical map is considered an ancient Greek scientist Anaximandra. In the VI century BC. He drawn the first card of the world famous then, depicting the land in the form of a flat circle surrounded by water. In the III century. BC. Ancient Greek scholar Eratosthen wrote the book "Geographic", for the first time applying the terms "Geography", "Latitude" and "Longitude". The book consisted of three parts. In the first part, the history of geography was presented; The second describes the shape and magnitude of the Earth, the boundaries of the sushi and oceans, the climates of the Earth; The third conducted the division of sushi on parts of the world and Sfrageda - prototypes of nature zones, as well as a description of individual countries. They also prepared a geographical map of the locality of the Earth.

In II century AD The ancient Greek scientist Claudius Ptolemye generalized and systematized the knowledge of the ancient scientists about the land and the Universe in his eight-year essay of the "Geography Guide", which during the I4 centuries was so highly popular among scientists, travelers, merchants, which was reprinted 42 times.

Ptolemy amounted to detailed map Earth like that no one has created before him. Three parts of the world were depicted on it: Europe, Asia and Libya (as they called Africa), Atlantic (Western) Ocean, Mediterranean (African) and Indian seas. Pretty exactly the famous rivers, lakes and the European Peninsula and North Africa were depicted.

The first map of Russia called "Big Drawing" was drawn up, as scientists suggest, in the second half of the XVI century. However, no "big drawing", and its subsequent supplemented and changed copies did not reach us. Preserved only the app to the map - "Book Big Drawing". It contained interesting information about the nature and economic activity of the population, the main roads and the main rivers as a message paths, about the "cities" and various defensive structures at the borders of the Russian state.

Peter I considered the state of state importance to draw up a map of Russia, which would help in mastering the little-known areas of the country, in particular in the study sea Path From the new land to the "Tatar Sea" (obviously, the Pacific Ocean), where he wanted to establish shipyards for the construction of ships to send them to China, Japan and other countries.

Conclusion. Geographical maps do not just help us get from point A to item B. They can serve as a policy tool and a snapshot of history, can reflect the fears and prejudices of their era, says the historian Jerry Brotton. One of the amazing properties of geographic maps is that people do not wish to agree with the most basic fact of cartography, namely, that the card cannot be 100% an objective, accurate image of our world. Talk to any cartographer - and he will tell you that the globe transformation algorithm in a flat image always leads to certain distortions, to manipulation and selectivity. Just because it is impossible to turn a circle into a square. But for most people who use cards from day to day - be it satellite navigation, online cartography, application on a mobile phone or even old kind paper card - The idea that the card is only a partial, selective picture of the Earth, is simply unbearable.

The creator of the first geographical map is considered an ancient Greek scientist Anaximandra. In the VI century BC e. He drawn the first card of the world famous then, depicting the land in the form of a flat circle surrounded by water.
In the III century. BC e. Ancient Greek scholar Eratosthen wrote the book "Geographic", for the first time applying the terms "Geography", "Latitude" and "Longitude". The book consisted of three parts. In the first part, the history of geography was presented; The second describes the shape and magnitude of the Earth, the boundaries of the sushi and oceans, the climates of the Earth; The third conducted the division of sushi on parts of the world and Sfrageda - prototypes of nature zones, as well as a description of individual countries. They also prepared a geographical map of the locality of the Earth.
In II century n. e. The ancient Greek scientist Claudius Ptolemye generalized and systematized the knowledge of the ancient scientists about the land and the Universe in his eight-year essay of the "Geography Guide", which during the I4 centuries was so highly popular among scientists, travelers, merchants, which was reprinted 42 times.
"Geography" Ptolemy contained how all the information about the Earth has already been said. Great accuracy differed applied to her cards. They have a degree grid. Ptolemy made a detailed map of the land like that no one had created anyone before him. Three parts of the world were depicted on it: Europe, Asia and Libya (as they called Africa), Atlantic (Western) Ocean, Mediterranean (African) and Indian seas. Quite exactly the famous rivers, lakes and peninsulas in Europe and North Africa were pretty depicted, which cannot be said about the less well-known areas of Asia, recreated sleep foundation of fragmentary, often contradictory geographical information and data. 8000 (eight thousand) and the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean were deposited by coordinates; The position of some of them was determined astronomically, and most are applied along the routes. The map is elongated in the east direction. Half cards are assigned to famous countries. In the southern part of it, a huge continent is depicted, called unknown land.
The first map of Russia called "Big Drawing" was drawn up, as scientists suggest, in the second half of the XVI century. However, no "big drawing", and its subsequent supplemented and changed copies did not reach us. Preserved only the app to the map - "Book Big Drawing". It contained interesting information about the nature and economic activity of the population, the main roads and the main rivers as a message paths, about the "cities" and various defensive structures at the borders of the Russian state.
The first globe was created by the German scientist Martin Behaimim. His model of the Earth saw the light in the I492, a year, when Christopher Columbus went to the shores of fabulous India with Western way. On the globe were depicted Europe, Asia, Africa, which occupy about half of all surfaces of the Earth, and no North and South America, Antarctica, Australia. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are represented as a single water pool, and at the site of the Indian Ocean are located the East Indian Ocean and the Stormy South Sea, separated by an extensive architele of the islands. The outlines of the oceans and the continents are far from valid, since the basis of the creation of the globe was the information based on the ideas of antique geographers and data of the Arab and other travelers who visited the countries of the East, India and China.
The first geographical atlas was created in I570. All XVI navigators and early XVII century. We used this atlas, which has numbered 7o (seventy) cards of a large format, accompanied by explanatory text.
It is created - the famous Dutch cartographer Abraham Oreli. Each card of its atlas is carefully engraved on copper and is equipped with a degree grid. On the map, the hemispheres of the mainland of old and new light were depicted with all the details, but their outlines have not yet matched reality. One of the maps is devoted to the southern mainland (Magelialia

It is impossible to establish when a person has compiled a first card. It is known only that for many millennia BC, a person has already known the surrounding terrain and knew how to portray it on the sand or tree bark. These cartographic images served to indicate ways of nomads, hunting places, etc.

As the farm and the cultural needs of people expanded their horizons. Many hundreds of years passed. People, except hunting and fisheries, began to engage in cattle breeding and agriculture. This new, higher level of culture is reflected in the planning plans. They become more detailed, more accurately convey the nature of the area.

One of the oldest images has been preserved to this day hunting North Caucasus. It is engraved on silver about 3 thousand years before. e., i.e. about 5 thousand years ago. The figure shows the lake and rivers flowing into it flowing from the ridge. The beasts inhabited in those days on the slopes of the Caucasian mountains or in the valleys are depicted.

This most valuable monument of the cultural of the ancient inhabitants of our country was found by scientists in excavations of one of the Kurgans on the bank of the river. Kuban from Maykop.

With a slave-owned strict in the ancient world, the preparation of geographic maps has reached a large development. Greeks set the shag-likeness of the Earth and its size, introduced into science cartographic projections, Meridians and parallels.

One of the most famous scientists of the ancient world, geographer and astronomer of Claudius Ptolemy, who lived in Alexandria (at the mouth of the r. Nila) in II century, compiled a detailed map of the land, which no one has created before him.

This map shows three parts of the world - Europe, Asia and Libya (so called the then Africa), as well as the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and other seas. The card has a degree grid. Ptolemy introduced this grid to more correctly portray the ball shape of the Earth on the map. Known at the time of the river, lakes, the Peninsula of Europe and North Africa on the map Ptolemy show quite accurately.

If you compare the Ptolemy card with modern, it is not difficult to note that the terrain located far from the Mediterranean area, i.e., the famous ptolemia only on rumors, received fantastic outlines.

It is especially striking what Asia is depicted entirely. Ptolemy did not know where she ends in the north and east. He also did not know about the existence of the Northern Ocean and Pacific Oceans. Africa continues on the map to the southern pole and goes into some kind of land connecting in the East with Asia. Ptolemy was not known that Africa ends in the south and washed by the ocean. He did not know about the existence of independent continents - America, Antarctica and Australia. The Indian Ocean Ptolemy depicted a closed sea, which is impossible to go on ships from Europe. And yet in ancient world and in subsequent centuries, up to the XV century, no one has compiled best card Peace than Ptolemy.

Ancient Egyptian map of gold deposits, the so-called Turin Papyrus. The card is a compound of a planned pattern with profile. This is a cartographic reception that used until the XVIII century. Mountains are shown in profile. In the plan depicted: gold-bearing veins; Temple consisting of two rooms and rooms adjacent to them; settlement of deputy workers; Swimming pool for rudding.

Romans widely used cards in administrative and military purposes; They were drawn up road maps.

Throughout the average centuries, the achievement of ancient science was forgotten forgotten. The church entered into a brutal struggle with scientific ideas about the structure and origin of the world.

In schools were taught non-residents about the creation of the world by God in six days, about the World Flood, about Rae and Herde. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe shag-likeness of the Earth was considered to be the "heretical" clerks and strictly pursued. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Earth received a completely fantastic form. In the VI century Byzantine merchant - the monk of the goat of Indicoplov depicted the ground in the form of a rectangle.

The main type of cards are rude, distant from reality and deprived of the scientific basis "Monastic Cards". They testify to the decline of cartography in medieval Europe. During this period, many small closed states appeared in Europe. With natural economy, these feudal states did not need connections with the outside world.

By the end of the Middle Ages in the cities of Europe, trade and navigation began to develop, art and science flourish.

In the XIII-XIV centuries. Compass and marine navigation maps appear in Europe, so-called portolane.

On these maps, the coastline was very accurate and very accurately depicted, and the inner parts of the mainland remained empty or filled with paintings from the life of their peoples.

The era of great geographical discoveries created the conditions for lifting map science: navigators needed a good, truthful geographical map. In xѵі c. There were more correct cards built in new cartographic projections.

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It is impossible to establish when a person has compiled a first card. It is known only that for many millennia BC, a person has already known the surrounding terrain and knew how to portray it on the sand or tree bark. These cartographic images served to indicate ways of nomads, hunting places, etc.

Many hundreds of years passed. People, except hunting and fisheries, began to engage in cattle breeding and agriculture. This new, higher level of culture is reflected in the planning plans. They become more detailed, more accurately convey the nature of the area.

To this day, a very valuable oldest drawing of the hunting ground of the North Caucasus has been preserved. This engraving is made on silver about 3 thousand years before. e., i.e., this monument of cultural residents of the Ancient Caucasus was found by scientists during the excavations of one of the Kurgans on the banks of the river. Kuban from Maykop.

In the ancient world, the preparation of geographic maps has reached a large development. The Greeks set the shag-likeness of the Earth and its size, introduced in science cartographic projections, meridians and parallels.

One of the most famous scientists of the ancient world, geographer and astronomer of Claudius Ptolemy, who lived in Alexandria (at the mouth of the r. Nila) in II century, compiled a detailed map of the land, which no one has created before him.

This map shows three parts of the world - Europe, Asia and Libya (so called the then Africa), as well as the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and other seas. The card has a degree grid. Ptolemy introduced this grid to more correctly portray the ball shape of the Earth on the map. Known at the time of the river, lakes, the Peninsula of Europe and North Africa on the map Ptolemy show quite accurately.

If you compare the Ptolemy card with modern, it is not difficult to note that the terrain located far from the Mediterranean area, i.e., the famous ptolemia only on rumors, received fantastic outlines.

It is especially striking what Asia is depicted entirely. Ptolemy did not know where she ends in the north and east. He also did not know about the existence of the Northern Ocean and Pacific Oceans. Africa continues on the map to the southern pole and goes into some kind of land connecting-Xia in the East with Asia. Ptolemy was not known that Africa ends in the south and washed by the ocean. He did not know about the existence of independent continents - America, Antarctica and Australia. The Indian Ocean Ptolemy depicted a closed sea, which is impossible to go on ships from Europe. And yet in the ancient world and in subsequent centuries, right up to the XV century, no one has compiled a better world map than Ptolemy.

The Romans widely used the cards in administrative and military purposes them were drawn up road maps.

Throughout the average centuries, the achievement of ancient science was forgotten forgotten. The church entered into a brutal struggle with scientific ideas about the structure and origin of the world.

In schools were taught non-residents about the creation of the world by God in six days, about the World Flood, about Rae and Herde. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe shag-likeness of the Earth was considered to be the "heretical" clerks and strictly pursued. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Earth received a completely fantastic form. In the VI century Byzantine merchant - the monk of the goat of Indicoplov depicted the ground in the form of a rectangle.

The main type of cards are rude, distant from reality and deprived of the scientific basis "Monastic Cards". They testify to the decline of cartography in medieval Europe. During this period, many small closed states appeared in Europe. With natural economy, these feudal states did not need connections with the outside world.

By the end of the Middle Ages in the cities of Europe, trade and navigation began to develop, art and science flourish.

In the XIII-XIV centuries. Compass and marine navigation maps appear in Europe, so-called portolane.

On these maps, the coastline was very accurate and very accurately depicted, and the inner parts of the mainland remained empty or filled with paintings from the life of their peoples.

The era of great geographical discoveries created the conditions for lifting map science: navigators needed a good, truthful geographical map. In the XVI century There were more correct cards built in new cartographic projections.
Geographical maps include many scientific material. If you compare various cards of the same area, learn them, you can get a very detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthis area.

Therefore, geographic Maps are a huge source of knowledge. But the card can be a real source of knowledge only when you possess a certain margin of geographic knowledge.

Anyone who has knowledge of geography and can read the card can accurately understand the terrain, rivers, mountain lakes, high or low hills, cities and villages, railways depicted on it.

For our long-time ancestors, the world was often limited to the earth, which surrounded and fed them. But even the earliest human civilizations still tried to measure the scale of this world and made the first attempts to make maps.

It is believed that the first such card was created in Babylon more than 2500 years ago, and it shows the world outside the Babylonian kingdom in the form of poisonous waters and dangerous islands, where (as they thought) people could not survive.

Over time, the cards gradually became more and more large-scale as the knowledge of people's knowledge about what is outside the Mediterranean. With the beginning of the era of wanderings and research in the 15th century, the concept of vision of the world has changed, the East began to appear on the maps, an enormous unexplored ocean appeared on the spot of America. And with the return of Columbus, the world map began to acquire the appearance, already understandable to us, modern people.

1. The most ancient famous world map from Babylon (6 century BC). In the center of the world, the Babylonian kingdom itself. Around him "bitter river". Seven dots behind the river is the islands where it is impossible to get.

2. World map Hecatery Miretsky (5-6 century BC). Hektei divides the world into three parts: Europe, Asia and Libya, located around the Mediterranean Sea. His world is a round disk, surrounded by the ocean.

3. Map of the world of Posidonon (2 century BC). This card expands the early Greek vision of the world, including the conquest of Alexander Macedonsky.

4. World Map Pomponia Chala (43 years old)

5. Map of the world Ptolemy (150 years AD). He first added a latitude and longitude line to the world map.

6. Petering Skriegalval, Roman card of the 4th century, which shows the network of roads of the Roman Empire. The full card is very long, it shows the Earth from Iberia to India. In the center of the world, of course, Rome.

7. World map of Kozma Indicoplov (6th century AD). The world is depicted as a flat rectangle.

8. Later Christian map in the form of a multicolored leaf of clover compiled by Heinrich Banting (Germany, 1581). In fact, it does not describe the world, or rather on this map, the world is a continuation of the Christian Trinity, and Jerusalem is his center.

9. Map of the world Mahmoud al-Kashgari (11th century). The world is concentrated around the ancient city of Balasagun, now the territory of Kyrgyzstan. This includes places (countries), which, according to predictions, will appear by the end of the world, such as Gogh and Magog.

10. Map "Rozhor Book" Al-Idrisi, compiled in 1154. It was created on the basis of information received from Arab traders who traveled around the world. At that time it was the most accurate and extensive map of the world. Europe and Asia are already clearly visible, but from Africa, there is only its northern part.

11. Hereford world map of the 14th century of the authorship of some Richard from Haldingham. In the center of Jerusalem, at the top of the East. A circle in the southern part of the map is the Eden Garden.

12. Chinese card "Da Ming Hunyi Tu" of the late 14th century. The world through the eyes of the Chinese times of the Ming dynasty. China, of course, dominates, and the whole of Europe is squeezed into a small space in the West.

13. The Genoese map compiled in 1457 on the basis of the descriptions of Niccolo and Conti. So the Europeans see the world and Asia after the opening of the first trading routes in Mongolia and China.

14. Projection of the Globe Erdapfel ("Earth Apple") of the authorship of Martin Beyma (Germany, 1492). Erdapfel is the oldest famous globe showing the world as a sphere, but without America - instead of her still a huge ocean.

15. The world map of Johann Ryuysh, compiled in 1507. One of the first images of the new light.

16. Map Martin Waldzeryller and Mattias Ringmanna 1507. It was the first card on which the new world was named "America." America looks like a thin strip of the east coast.

17. Map of the world of Gerard Wang Sterena 1689. By this time, most of the world is already applied to the card, and only small parts of America remain empty.

18. The map of the world Samuel Danna is 1794. By making the opening card of Captain James Cook, Dunn became the first cartographer, which correctly portrayed our world.