Download alpha version of LOL client. Alpha testing of the new LOL client begins. ARAM and Clause Gorge

Dear calls!

The Alpha version of the updated League of Legends client was launched, and the first wave of players from all over the planet already uses it on gaming servers, leaves reviews and reports errors. This is our second overview of the changes, and we want to recall once again that in such reviews you will find comprehensive information about alpha testing, as in reports on changes in the main client. It is here that the errors have fallen those defeated by us, and it is here that we write about what they learned and what they changed thanks to your reviews. New changes lists are published about every two weeks.

Testing is still focused on the game cycles of the Gorge of the Claries (5 to 5, the choice of blindly) and Aram. In addition to this, we add a small update that unlocks some profile features, including changing the call icon and review account. If you think this is a pretty meager functionality, it is done intentionally. For the next week, we will continue to add new features. And until then, please focus on your reviews and Aram gorge reviews.

Do not forget! Your feedback and error messages are vital for the success of Alfa. Feel free to send feedback at any time using the button located at the bottom of the main page of the alpha client, and please participate in all emerging surveys. You can report an error by clicking the All Topic button or clicking on the beetle image icon in the lower right corner of your friend list.

Thank you for staying with us, and see you in the gorge and on the Ice Bridge. To battle!

Brandon "Capnbranflakes" Felser



The profile overview and the possibility of changing the icon of the specifier are available for testing in the alpha version of the updated LOL client, but we ask you to leave feedback primarily on game cycles until the profile becomes the current testing task - this will happen in a couple of weeks. At the moment, the following functions are available:
  • Profile Overview
  • Change the call icon by clicking on the current icon
  • Portrait of a favorite champion in profile
  • Absolute Image Icons Replace Portrait Animated Pictures
  • Right-click on the name of the friend in the list of friends allows you to view a friend's profile

Game cycle

ARAM and Clause Gorge

Here's how your feedback influenced the current update of game cycles:

Despite the fact that testing is still focused on game cycles and we are still studying your reviews on this topic, we completed the first stage of work and are ready to present to you several updates and corrections.

new live colors Post-game chat is now painted in the colors of the team for which you played

we hope this feature will need you infrequently Now you can complain about players on the post-game screen.

Kidnate friends from other lobby Now you can invite a player from one lobby to another

removed apologize for failures The game will no longer be updated while in the lobby, when selecting players and at the Champions Selection Stage

Accurate cartography Card data (background, map name, etc.) On the post-game screen will now always be displayed correctly.

There is nothing wrong in vacation Now, if you close the client, being on the pre-screen (lobby, the selection of players, the champions selection stage), the background processes are really completed

You really wanted to play Fixed a serious error that caused a failure in the client when you click on the "Play" button

Babylonian fish league Data on the map can now be updated correctly when changing the language or region

Mac Owners also want to play Button "Play again" now running on Mac

The beauty of what Static image on the client start page replaced with animated

Social functions

List of friends and chat

We have slightly improved the list of friends and the chat window.

We received competent reviews related to the size of the chat window during the player's entrance to the lobby, which blocked to friends who accepted the invitation, access to important information. Therefore, we changed something. We also made some improvements to the list of friends, and we would like to hear your feedback.

This is not an accident conveyor We slightly reduced the chat window

new yes will be lighter The chat window has become a little more transparent

new are you sure? Improved system feedback When blocking a player or removing a player from the list of friends

new want to hope that this key is not broken Pressing the ESC key now closes all menu windows in the Friends list

Failed meeting Now it is much easier to notice an invitation to the game if you are in the lobby

For all Amumu Updated view of a blank list of friends

For loving players New folders when creating are placed on the top of the folder list

Apologize for the inconvenience Error adding a friend no longer blocks the operation of the whole group of adding friends.

Better former Chat messages are now manifested

Fixed problem associated with new chat rows Combination SHIFT + ENTER Now correctly displays a new string.

Correction of some other errors List of friends and post-chart now have to function correctly

No, in fact, they are not from wood V Now, when you hover the mouse cursor on a friend, its valid rank is displayed.

Famous errors

Here is a list of well-known errors with which you can encounter in this version - to report them not necessity:


  • If you drag the client to the left beyond the borders of the monitor screen, then this is one-way ticket - it will not be possible to return it back.
  • After changing the current language into a language that was not updated to latest version Client (i.e., during the deployment of the update), the text disappears in the client.
  • During customer correction, the status of the correction process is not displayed.
  • The client can complete the work longer than the usual, if you close it using the "X" button during the update.

Before and after the game

  • If you switched to the game selection screen immediately after creating a group lobby, other available game modes are blocked or becomes inaccessible.
  • If one of the members of your group occurs a coupling, it does not disappear from your lobby.
  • After returning the lobby to the previous owner of the lobby button cease to function.
  • The client ceases to function if your Internet cable is disconnected during the prepaid confirmation process.
  • Using the key combination during the readiness confirmation process leads to a client hang. This is not a secret code!
  • The list of recent champions does not include the champions you played in Aram.
  • The countdown timer is badly visible due to the images with bright pictures at the Champions Selection Stage.
  • Exit from the match in two seconds before the end of the choice of champions is the reason for the launch gaming client without opening the League of Legends client.
  • If a player evades the game at the championship stages, you do not receive a notification of the reasons for re-room in the queue and do not receive information about the name of the player's declared.
  • The countdown timer at the Champions Selection Stage in ARAM mode can make time jumps if the ReaBract function is used.
  • If you come out of the game and connected again after its completion, you will return to the reconnect page.
  • In rare cases, other players in the post-screen chat messages may not be available.
  • In rare cases, the champions are not displayed on the skill scale on the post-game screen.
  • If you play a third game in a row by clicking the "Play again" button, then the music is not played at the Champions Selection Stage.

List of friends and chat

  • The list of friends lives its own life and does what you should not do. As a result, the friends folder may be confused upon completion of the game.
  • Game Mode Not displayed in the list of friends if you are in the queue or receive an invitation to the game.
  • On sending a message takes a few seconds.


  • When you try to open the review page of your profile or friend's profile, they can load longer than usual.
  • From time to time when switching in the profile between an overview and history of games, the background image may be frozen, without having to change completely.
  • In the shift window of the call icon, the scroll bar appears even if all icons are placed in the window.
  • There is the possibility of navigating in any area of \u200b\u200bthe client, even when the shift window of the call icon is open.
  • In the statistics of played rank games in the profile, only victories are displayed, not all games.
  • During navigation between the profile tabs, there are no sound effects.
  • If the score of the champions skill is zero, it is not displayed in the profile. Start to play!


  • If you click on the fixed client icon on the DOCK panel, the application will not start.

Hi, calls!

The next update output for League of Legends means, among other things, the new update of the alpha version of the updated LOL client. In this update, we expand a little, as well as introduce the history of games.

At the moment, alpha tests send us reviews about the profile (review and selection of the call icon) and the collection (champion list, runes, talents and spells) and messages about errors found there. After the update is released 0.04, the testers will be able to view the talents of other players from their profile. And in the update 0.04 will appear the history of games! Thanks to her, you can find an overview, account, details and statistics of any of the past games. We also worked on the performance of an alpha client (especially with regard to animation), so check whether the situation has improved after the update, and do not forget to tell us about it.

Today, all, but after a couple of weeks we will return with another list of changes and new features for the profile and collection, which will need to check before proceeding to the next test object. See you in the game and thanks for being with us. To battle!

Brandon "Capnbranflakes" Felser


Talents of other players

Now, looking through another player's profile, you can also see his talents.

Game cycle

History of games

The History of Games has appeared in the alpha client, and we hope to find testers who will be able to test their past games, including matches from other modes, will tell us how convenient, in their opinion, provides information, and will report notified by errors. This is what is available at the moment:
  • Overview
  • Details
  • Statistics

Social functions

List of friends and chat

This update also includes several changes in the list of friends based on player feedback.

You pointed out that the automatic opening of the chat window at the beginning of a new conversation annoying, as it can interrupt your current lesson - and we fully agree with that. From now on, the beginning of a new conversation will signal the pulsation of the chat button, and not the unceremonious opening of the window. In addition, you were strange to see the folder that you never created, so now the main folder will not be displayed until it is needed.

new here is how to attract attention When starting a new conversation, the chat button starts pulsing.

removed you at the helm The chat window does not open automatically at the beginning of a new conversation..

new yes there will be folders! "Total" folder is now displayed only when you have other folders.


  • Fixed a bug due to which the players sometimes did not see the champ table, which led to the impossibility of choosing champion and forced evasion from the game.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which, after the first input, the ARAM mode selection screen was blocked, so it could not be chosen.
  • The timer at the top of the champion selection window no longer jumps randomly forward or backward in time.
  • By closing an error message that appears in the adding friend interface, you will no longer close the entire window.
  • A missing sound effects are added to the context menu in the game lobby.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the player saw the wrong game mode, if he had selected the mode earlier, but he left the page without confirming his choice.
  • Now, when leaving the lobby, players return to the main page, regardless of which page they were when creating a lobby.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the players did not receive a second invitation if the mode in it was different from the mode in the first invitation.
  • The "Add Friend" icon on the post-game screen is now inactive if this player is already your friend.
  • Fixed a bug due to which pop-up tips on the post-game screen was sometimes not displayed.
  • After the reconnection caused by the breakdown of the communication, the client no longer hangs on the reconnect screen, and correctly loads the gaming client.
  • Pressing the service status icon () No longer leads to the opening of the second alpha client.
  • Some client elements now have more a high resolution on monitors with high density points per inch. We also work on an increase in the definition of the other elements.

Famous errors

Here is a list of well-known errors with which you can encounter in this version - to report them not necessity:


  • Volume settings are reset after downloading the update.
  • The setup window overlaps the message loss message if the communication break occurred when the settings window was open.
  • The uninstaller becomes unavailable for players who have made a copy of their alpha client.
  • When correcting the client is not displayed, which part of the corrections is already done.
  • The notifications pop-up windows are sometimes overlapped by other elements of the interface. In the case of pop-ups of polls, this may prevent you from pressing the closing button ([x]). In this case, to close the window, you will have to get a survey. We did not want to force you to pass polls, but it turned out so (sorry).

Before and after the game

  • Players cannot accept an invitation if one of the other players in the lobby is serving the sentence of the LeaverBuster system and the current group has already been in line, but came out of it.
  • The invitation panel sometimes briefly shows those friends who cannot be invited.
  • If you invite a player's lobby serving the leaverbuster system, and then drive it out, he receives a message "This game no longer exists" when you try to accept a re-invitation.
  • If you send several invitations to your lobby through the "Suggested" panel and do it quickly, information about players who accepted the offer appears and instantly disappears from the lobby screen.
  • If one of the members of your group occurs a coupling, it does not disappear from your lobby.
  • If one of the members of your group changes the call icon, it is not updated from other members of the group.
  • If you press the Enter key or a space after clicking on the "X" button to exit the group, several confirmation windows pop up.
  • The client ceases to function if your Internet cable is disconnected during the prepaid confirmation process.
  • If, while in the lobby, you edit the Rune page and when saving the page appears window with readiness check, the client stops responding to the command.
  • When loading the champion selection window in the uniform gorge, there may be no background picture.
  • A table with champions appears on the champion of champion in Aram for a moment.
  • The countdown timer at the Champions Selection Stage in ARAM mode can make time jumps if the ReaBract function is used.
  • If one of the players using the old client leaves the champion selection screen, you do not receive notifications explaining why you returned to the lobby.
  • Exit from the match in two seconds before the end of the championship selection serves as the launch of the game client without opening the League of Legends client.
  • When you hover the cursor to the IP counter, an excess frame appears on the post-game screen.
  • The pictures of some champions are not aligned in the center in the champions skill block on the post-game screen.
  • After several consecutive gaming cycles, the client can start showing a black window and lose performance on the champion selection screen.
  • After three consecutive gaming cycles, the music on the champion selection screen ceases to play.

List of friends and chat

  • When you hover the cursor on a friend, only his game time is displayed in the list of friends, and the other necessary information is missing.
  • In the queue timer, which is shown at the top of the list of friends if you are looking for a match, the map icon is not displayed.
  • Entrance and outlet of the queue or fast change of active chats can lead to a decrease in the responsiveness of the chat.
  • Fast switching between chats can lead to the fact that the story will appear twice.
  • As long as your friend's status changes with "missing" on "Online", you can see that it is not online.
  • Friends moving from the folder with drag and drop can remain in the original folder if you use the drag function several times in a row.


  • The championship skills are displayed even when this champion is the 5th or 6th grade of skill.


  • If you create a talent page in the current client, and then open it in the alpha client, its name will be incorrect. Attempting to change the name will result in an error.
  • Points of talents and their icons are not updated properly, if you quickly add or take a few points in a row.
  • Icons of some talents look fuzzy on monitors with high density points per inch.
  • Runs with growing effects are not shown the increase values \u200b\u200bfor the level.
  • It is impossible to change the order of talent pages in the drop-down list.


  • If you click on the fixed client icon on the DOCK panel, the application will not start.

Today we are opening the door to alpha testing of the updated LOL client and run inside the first group of testers. This is only the beginning - further more, but even if you did not receive an invitation to Alpha, you are sure to find out about our plans, as well as how we work with tester reviews. We warn you: Alpha testes will have to fly on the plane, which will be accustomed right on the fly. Turbulence is expected (that is, bugs).

Are you still waiting for invitations?

If you did not receive an invitation, remember: you are so many. As already mentioned, not everyone who filed a request will be able to become testers. At first, only a small group of volunteers will be able to take part in testing, but in the future their number will grow, and in the meantime we will work on the client's stability. Since the first alpha versions are not completely optimized, we still exclude candidates with weak computers (We do not want to disappoint them). But do not worry: as soon as the new client replaces the old one, any computer will pull it on which the game starts now.

Have you received an invitation?

If you have applied for participation in alpha testing and it has been approved, you have already had to get an appropriate email letter, as well as alert in the old client. In addition, you can find out the status of the application on the page where it was served. If it was approved, download the client, enter it and proceed to testing!

How to be aware of events

As soon as new versions go to the PBE, we will publish details on the blog of the developers, as well as write what types of feedback we need -. With each update of the alpha client, we will ask you to focus on the components of it (they will be called the current test objectives), and about two weeks we will publish detailed changes in the changes. All as in standard update reviews!

As part of preparation for subsequent releases, we will publish final articles in which we will tell what they have learned and what changes made on the basis of your feedback. Rinse, dry, repeat. While testing is being tested, receive feedback and making changes will not be terminated by any moment, but the goals will change with new releases.

All blog entries and review reviews will be generally available on - even for those who do not participate in it, and we will regularly communicate with players on Alpha forums.

How to leave feedback

Current testing goal:

in each release, we will ask you to focus on a certain part of the client - the current test object. It is she who is currently in active development, and it is with her we need your help.

Developer Blog:

each release will be accompanied by a detailed record of the developer blog for the authorship of Riot employees working on the updated LOL client. We will explain and explore the causes of our decisions, and then - to listen to your opinion about them.

List of changes:

this is your source information about alpha customer updates. It is here that the errors have fallen those defeated by us, and it is here that we write about what they learned and what they changed thanks to your reviews. New changes lists are published about every two weeks.

Report an error (in 2 places):

this is the best tool for sending messages about the specific, repetitive errors with which you will encounter during testing ("when you click on this button, the client crashes" or "every time I choose Timo on the character selection screen, it starts to laugh failure." I do not envy those who will encounter it). Using this tool, you will help us very much on the way to Bethe.

Give feedback:

this is your main tool for sending general reviews about the alpha client, such as: "I do not understand how to get into the game" or "this font is too blurred and generally similar to Comic Sans." Sometimes we will offer you to pass polls to find out your thoughts about something concrete.

Alpha version of the updated client is running!

The League of Legends client served you faithfully for six years, but it has long been updating. We worked for a long time on it, and when the 2016 season starts, we will invite players to test the alpha version of the updated client and share our opinions about it. The number of places for alpha testers is limited, but we will try to connect to the process as many players as possible.

What we cook

New technologies

We refuse the programmatic base of the old client and create an updated client from scratch, so it will be more reliable and convenient. In addition, the development and implementation of new features will be easier for us.

Modern style

Client Update is our chance to change the interface and design using a new graphic design. All sections of the client will be combined with a clear and uniform visual component.

More communication

We are already working on the possibilities that will make the game with friends are easier, for example: groups, clubs and mobile application For friends from LOL. In the updated client, we will imagine you undemanding to resources. exterior Chat Which will allow you to keep your hand on the pulse without opening a full-fledged game client. You will be able to send messages to friends and watch out which of them are on the network while loading last updateAnd also rushed directly into battle by pressing only one button.

And how can I join alpha testing?

By applying an application for participation in alpha testing, you must be ready to face a large number of errors, since work on the client is carried out simultaneously in all directions. If you do not take courage and you want to join the alpha testers team, note that we need 30 level players from different regions and we will prefer those who have never been punished for negative behavior. We will not be able to provide access to everyone who leaves the application, as we need to make sure that testing will pass smoothly.

In order to plunge into the world of League of Legends, you need to download the official client. Download such client League Legends can be from the official site. And, download the game League Legends from the official site is absolutely free. In addition to the client, here you can download the legend league launcher. In addition to the question of how to download a free game, users are often wondering - how to download it in Russian.

League of legends download russian version


About where to download leagues legends (from the official site, of course) we have already talked. Another popular query is "League of Legends to download the Russian version." In solving this issue, the official website will also help with League of Legends - it is where you can download the Russian version. There you can find any of the information you are interested in.

Download the client is simple - for this you need to perform a number of actions. Such as downloading the game, run the installation program. In addition, be sure to run the installation file. After you run the installation file, you will need some time. Then you can run the client.

But this is not enough in order to enter the game and start playing. To play, the publisher provided such an item as the account of the account. This procedure also passes on the official website. Here you need to come up with a login and password. Subsequently, they will be needed to enter the account in the account (or log in).

LOL GAME - free online game Computer game in Moba genre. Today, the number of players of this RPG around the world is calculated tens of millions. it role-playing gamewhich has become popular for a very short period of time. It was developed by Riot Games and published by Thq less than ten years ago, and many old computer games They may envy its popularity. Today it is one of the leading MMORPG and RPG game.

What is the secret of such popularity? Many say that reasons for popularity - the concept of the game and the multiplayer card. Others - that this is a real-time team strategy. Another version is not too high. system requirements. And someone says that everything is the reason - the distribution scheme when some players can invite others to the game.

In addition, the game is available on all types of devices, because the developers from Riot Games made it available for the Windows platform and Mac OS X. It can also be downloaded for the phone. Another developers have released an application that allows notifications if you are not in the game, on the phone. Available such an application for Android users.

The advantages of this game can be listed infinitely. But is it not better to evaluate it on your own experience? Load the game and plunge into the bright and colorful world of legend legends. And we wish you good luck on the battlefield!