500 evil cards. Board Game Magellan "500 Angry Cards"

From time to time I am planning to talk about board games, but in the end either I do not tell, or I choose some table-top tables.
Humble yourself!
Because we played 500 angry cards the other day, and you're going to have to read about it!

Before continuing to read this post, take a close look at the box. More attentively.
Have you read everything?
Yeah, great. And if you have at least some illusions about my moral character, you better not go to the cat. Or don't complain later!

So, we open the box.
The box contains exactly 500 cards of varying degrees of viciousness (what a surprise!)

There are two types of cards:
- red, with questions (there are 100 of them);
- white, with possible answers (there are 400 of them).

The main thing is to overcome yourself and not start immediately reading out the questions and choosing answers to them. No, this is also funny and beautifully killing time, but if you immediately play by the rules, it will be even more fun. Moreover, he ruled there - two and a half lines. Really!

In general, you recruit a crowd of idiots of positive personalities, a person by 6. You can less, you can more, but the six of us played just perfect.
Each player is dealt 10 white cards. The red ones are stacked in the center of the table.
Everything, preparations are over, you can start playing.

One of the players pretentiously appoints himself as the presenter. He takes a red card from the deck and reads out loud what is written on it.
Anything can be written. For example: "The only thing that any superhero is afraid of is ____________", or "Every girl dreams of ___________", or "There are three troubles in Russia - fools, roads and __________"
I am quoting from memory, so not literally. Sometimes you need to substitute two answers, or even as many as three.

Here all the players (except for the leader) bump into their cards and begin to choose from them some suitable answer. Or the least inappropriate, that's how lucky you are. The answers are very diverse, so in the end the unfortunate superhero may be afraid of a squirrel, an ass with elf ears, Sasha Gray or a huge killer robot.

All options are handed over to the host in private, he mixes them up and presents them to the public.
Sometimes the public freaks out from the surprises of the universe. For example, these are:

Mass patriotism in action;))
No, we weren't cheating! It just happened so!

Well, that's all.
From the offered cards, the presenter chooses one that seems to him the most witty or suitable. The one who placed it receives one point. (Count up to ten).
And the next player becomes the leader.

Sometimes, among the white cards, you come across completely stoned options, such as "a big chocolate dick" or "the legendary plumber from German porn films." Or the magic word, which for us has become just the quintessence of the game. We then substituted him everywhere - and everywhere it was suitable. But at first, Isil for almost a minute could not gather courage and read it aloud.

In short, watch the video, bye characters didn't make me delete it!)))

PS: In our case, Malygin won! But I think it will be worth repeating somehow!

Only 500 cards with questions and answers - and thousands of possible combinations, each of which can cause Homeric laughter. Well, almost every one. Exactly one thing: someone, let him beat the table with his hand, sob with laughter, hold on to his stomach, shout "I can't do this anymore."

How to play

The game has black cards with an intriguing question or phrase and white cards with witty and indecent answers.
At the start, everyone is dealt 10 white cards.
Each move one of those present becomes the leader and takes one card out of the black deck and reads out one card with expression. The task of other players is to choose the funniest answer from their 10 cards. The answers are passed on to the presenter in a closed manner, mixed by him and read out to a general cackle.

Then the presenter chooses the funniest answer (he does not know where whose card is) and the owner of the answer gets a point. We play until 10 points or until the morning, as you like. Everything is simple to disgrace.

The presenter chooses the funniest answer. The one who offered it gets one point, and his chip moves up the table of buns. Now the next one draws an orange card, and the rest, together with the previous leader, choose options.

The composition of the game:

  • 500 very evil cards two colors;
  • 8 brightly colored buns for scoring;
  • spacious bun counter;
  • rules of the game.

Video review

We draw your attention to the age rating of this game "18+"

As distributors, we are committed to informing you of this limitation and asking you to refrain from purchasing if you are under 18 years of age.

Perhaps, in childhood, we all played nonsense - we folded a leaf, answered questions and passed it around in a circle. The result was something like "Hairy Santa Claus with potato lemonade on a tractor went to Honduras." Everyone laughed until they fell, clapped their hands, tremblingly kept and repeatedly re-read the crumpled pieces of paper, like the best collections of jokes in the world.

Well, if you have not played Nonsense, then for sure at least once, yes, and "filled in the gaps" in the educational tasks so that the excellent pupils blushed, and the neighbor on the desk was filled with an indecent cackle. One way or another, a word inserted in time or an ingeniously chosen commentary can turn almost any phrase into a sparkling joke. Especially if you are dealing with a game of 500 Angry Cards!

The rules of the game are simple and clear: give each player 10 white cards, each of which has an answer - a word or phrase, each of which itself is not very humorous. For example, "warm beer" or "loshariki". Shuffle the deck of toxic orange questions and choose a leader. The daredevil must certainly be able to read with expression and have a sense of humor, because it is he who will ultimately evaluate how talented the participants in the game have done.

So, the presenter pulls a card with a question from the deck and reads it out loud, intonationally highlighting the gap, where you need to insert your five cents your answer. For example, "Come to the Dark Side we have ..." or "What prevents me from running in the morning?", And so on. The participants do not think long, activating all the power of their humor, and choose from their ten cards the one that, in their opinion, having barely met the question asked, will turn into a joke, the destructive power of which will be able to tear in half Alexander Maslyakov and Regina Dubovitskaya together. The presenter shuffles the received cards, and then in turn reads all the options that turned out. Naturally, at this time, the participants feel like mischievous fifth-graders, giggle happily and exchange glances.

After the host's humorous benefit performance is over, it's time for him to choose the one who turned out to be the funniest link and vote for the most effervescent answer. The player, according to the moderator, who most skillfully used his answer card, receives a bonus point, and the game continues until all participants tear their tummies. Well, or until someone earns the coveted 10 points.

In total, 500 Evil Cards, which are the Russian brother of the sensational American game Cards Against Humanity, are simply created for a fun party for serious adults who for a while can forget about their serious adult problems and feel like mischievous schoolchildren, painting on Pushkin's black eye or writing obscenities on the desk. This simple and incredibly funny game will not soon bore you, because from 500 Evil Cards you get many thousands of combinations that will make you laugh to tears!

500 evil cardsversion 2.0- tabletop card game with an extremely vulgar set of cards.

500 evil cards - Indecent game - for "decent" money!

The set of this game includes:

  • red cards with questions
  • white cards with answer options

  • set of buns(tokens for player moves)
  • bun counter(planchette with move numbering)

  • instruction

  • The game's plot is primitive and simple. In fact, to play you don't need anything but good mood, friends and a sense of humor.

    But I warn you right away humor sooo specific, definitely not for children and not for family play.

    The Q&A parade is sometimes distinguished by a very vulgar topic and an obscene set of words.

    And so, each participant in the game is dealt 10 white cards with answer options, a red deck is placed in the center of the table.

    The first presenter is selected by random or some other feature. The host takes the red card and reads out to all players question or statement in which there will be 1 or 2 passes... Data gaps participants must fill in the answer options that they have in their hands (out of 10 cards) and throw it off. Further, the presenter collects the players' answers, reads them out and chooses the funniest or most suitable answer.

    by the way ,the player can change all of his cards if none of them fit the question or he just doesn't like his cards, but for this the player must sacrifice his points, by moving your bun back to the cage.

    Here are some examples of the game:

    The player, whose answer is played, moves his bun forward one square, getting 1 point. The rest remain in their places. After that, everyone gets the number of cards that were thrown off in the knight. There should always be 10 cards on hand.

    After the played knight, the leader changes clockwise or the leader becomes the one whose answer won.

    The winner is the player who reaches cell 10 and the game ends.

    That's all the rules, that's the whole game.

    P.S. I will say this: This game is NOT worth your money EXPLICITLY! Its cost - 1750 rubles.

    We got it for a symbolic price. You can say for nothing. We exchanged it for a couple of bottles of beer)))

    I give the game a CREE. Because, after the very first time, it becomes not interesting to play, because half of the questions and answers are remembered and is no longer so funny.

    Due to its vulgarity, this game will be interesting only for teenagers.

    By the way, the game has at least 2 add-ons - 200 cards each. They can be added to the main game so that the interest in the game does not disappear so quickly.

Board game

Number of players
3 to 20

Party time
From 15 minutes

Difficulty of the game

Board game " 500 evil cards»For an adult big company where wicked humor is preferred. The game will allow you to plunge into the world of house and anger. Here you have to answer funny, indecent, funny and tricky questions and you will not go anywhere.

The age limit "18+" applies to the board game.

The goal of the game is 500 evil cards:

  • The main goal of the game is to reach 10 points.

Board game 500 evil cards: rules of the game

  • All players are dealt white answer cards.
  • Question cards are placed in the center of the table.
  • One of the participants reads the first top question card, and all other players choose a card from their hand that fits the question.
  • Then all players read out their answers.
  • The player whose answer provoked a violent reaction and caused the most emotion gets a point.

site - a portal of board games, in which they tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as new items gaming industry... The Board Game 500 Angry Cards page provides an overview of the game, photos, and rules. If you are interested in the "500 Angry Cards Board Game", then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.