What to do in minecraft rules. Minecraft - play for free, how to play for free, how to start playing. How to play offline in Minecraft. If nothing works

So you decided to install minecraft. Not a small number of people play it. We launched the game and then ... how to play?

How to play Minecraft?

In this article, you will find information on how to start playing Minecraft, where to go, what to do, what is the point, and how to survive the first night.

A little about the game itself. Minecraft is a game in which you get to the island and have to survive there, but the feature is the ability to build. Around you great amount blocks, it is from them that you can build your first house, castle or even a subway.

The game has your personal "Achievements", you can get them by completing various tasks - for example, creating your first pickaxe, catching fish, etc.

To extract resources, you need to chop, collect, dig, etc. Come close to the tree and hold down the left mouse button (LMB), after a while a block will drop out on the ground.

Newbie mistake: they click the mouse when you just need to hold it

To mine each type of block, you need the right tools. For example: a tree can be cut down with your hands, but with an ax it is much faster and more efficient. But collecting the blocks is simple, you just need to go to the dropped out block, it will fall into the cage of your inventory (at the bottom of the screen).

How to survive the first night in Minecraft?

At night hostile monsters appear in minecraft - mobs, they are dangerous for you, so you either need to have good weapon, or build a shelter, make the second easier for a beginner, I will explain the points. Look into the sky, when the sun (yellow square) goes beyond the horizon, night falls, before that you need to get materials and craft the necessary items.

Find a tree and cut 3-5 wood blocks, collect them. Then go to crafting mode by pressing the E key (Russian Y). Move the tree to the crafting field and click on the images of the boards until the whole tree turns into boards, then move the boards to one of the lower cells:

Making boards in Minecraft

Now, by moving 4 boards to the "crafting" field, we get a workbench:

Building a workbench in Minecraft

We move the workbench to one of the 9 lowest cells, press "E" to exit the crafting mode, then press the number of the cell in which our workbench is located, for example, 9, the workbench is in our hands. Now we right-click where we want to put the workbench (on any solid surface) and click on it with the right mouse button, now we can create objects in 3 × 3 cells mode, and not 2 × 2, as usual, we will continue to work with workbench.

We make 4 sticks from 2 boards:


With the help of 3 boards and 2 sticks, we make a wooden pickaxe:

As long as there is enough crafting, you need to find coal faster in order to make torches. We break the workbench with the wooden pickaxe we created and pick it up to use elsewhere.

We move to where there are large stone rocks, among such stones there is coal, than a rock, the more chances that we will see vital coal. There is more coal underground, but we do not have torches to go down there, so we are looking for coal in the rocks. This is what coal looks like among stones:


With the help of coal and a stick, we make 4 torches:


We make a door from 6 boards:

Now we gouge a small room in the stone rock (height - 2 blocks, width - 1 block, depth - 3 blocks), put the door outside with a right click, in the right place, open the door with the right mouse button, enter the room and put a torch on the wall ... Everything, you are in the shelter, the mobs will not reach you. Now you can start making your house from the inside, digging, or go outside and fight mobs. By the way, for excavations, do not forget to make a stone pickaxe, it is stronger and more durable.

So, you have installed the game and everything you need software... And they even managed to launch this game. And then the following question arose before you: "but in fact, how to play Minecraft?". There are no specific answers to this question. It all depends on what you want to get in the end. For example, build a city, castle or something else in this spirit. However, in any case, the initial arrangement of Everyone will be approximately the same. Therefore, and the first steps will be the same too.

Step one

First things first, you need resources. You can get them in various ways. The first way is to get them "naturally", i.e. take and slap it on a block of metal, stone, wood, etc. The second way is to find them, for example, in a chest. What is noteworthy is that you cannot gain a lot of resources with the second method, so you should not rely on it.

Our first step will be, because without it it will be impossible to build the most important tools, without which, in the literal sense, it is impossible to get more expensive resources. The tree is very easy to get, just go to it, point the pointer at one of the blocks of the trunk and hold down the left mouse button. It is worth releasing it only after the tree block is "broken". You don't need to pick it up, just get closer to it and it will jump into your inventory by itself.

Step two

The second step we will have is creating tools. Thanks to them, you can understand how to play Minecraft. The most important tool is the workbench. Without it, you will not be able to create either a pickaxe or a shovel, and all other tools, too, are unlikely to work. To create this truly important piece, we need to turn our firewood into planks. This is done in the following way. There are four slots in the character's inventory, the so-called built-in workbench. Here in it we place one block of wood we cut down. Next, click on it with the left mouse button and get the boards.

We arrange these very boards as follows in the same inventory:

After the performed operation, we receive a workbench. We drag it to the quick access panel and set it with the right mouse click in the place we like.

To activate our workbench and start creating things, you need to go to it and press the same right mouse button. After that, you will see the following window.

Perhaps the most important tools that we will need at first are: a pickaxe and axe... The rest is not that important. Of course, you can do without an ax, but we have a limited time before dark, at which time aggressive mobs appear.

To create the simplest pickaxe, you need to get sticks. They can be done as follows:

After that, you can proceed to creating the tools themselves. We must arrange the sticks and boards as shown in the figure to get this or that tool.

After creating these tools, we can start actively extracting resources - wood and stone. This is all done according to the same principle as in the case of tree mining in the first step, only in this case we use tools. In total, ten blocks of wood and eight blocks of stone are enough for us.

Step three

After obtaining the resources, we can begin to create our hideout, where we can wait out our first night.

It will be easiest to go deep into the ground a few blocks and close the entrance with the blocks of earth we mined. But you can do it in a more interesting way - to build a house. For this, it is not necessary to extract a huge amount of stone, earth or wood, it is enough to find a mountain and carve a passage in it. Then seal the resulting entrance with the resulting blocks of earth or stone. And already inside you can begin to deepen and settle down.

How to play Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.2? To prevent the monsters from annoying us indoors, we need to make a number of torches. They are made from stick and coal. In this case, you can use both coal and woody. Stone is mined with a pickaxe, its deposit is not difficult to find. Charcoal created from a crawled tree.

What to choose from this to you to think. After mining coal, you can start creating torches. To do this, we place our sticks and coal in the workbench in the way shown in the picture below.

The resulting torches will burn forever. And they are installed on any solid block.
Finally, I will note - all this must be done in ten minutes. This is exactly how long the day lasts.

| Official distribution

This client allows you to play Minecraft versions 1.0 - 1.7.10 and prepared by thepiratebay.se

Installation order:

1. Unzip the archive:

2. Run Minecraft 1.7.4.exe (you must have administrator rights on your computer):

3. Click “Next” everywhere, until the end of the installation:

4. At the end of the installation, the installer will offer to start the game. Subsequently, the game can be launched from a shortcut on the desktop.

5. Enter your login:

6. You can select the version of the game and in the menu, to start the game, press Play:

The game has started

7. To change the language go to Options ... -> Language ... and find the item "Russian (Russia)"

8. In the menu -> Single player game-> Create new world

9. If necessary, change the name of the world, and the game mode (we recommend not to change the game mode in order to feel the whole fan of the game)

10. Press "Create a new world"

11. Wait for the new world to be generated, and you're done, you're in the game!

3. Classic installation

For this installation, you need to understand a little about game files, and where the game is stored on the computer.

Regular clients (not convenient installers with) look like a simple .minecraft folder and a beginner immediately has a question "What to do with it?" But let's start in order.

1.the version of the game you need (which is better? - the most recent)

2. Unzip the archive:

3. In the archive, find the .minecraft folder and copy it to the Application Data folder, it is located here:

On Windows: C: \ Documents and Settings \ Admin \ Application Data
On Win 7: C: \ Users \ All users \ AppData \ local
On Vista: C: \ Users \\ AppData \

Or another way to find this folder:
Start -> Run ->% appdata% \ -> Click ok and the required folder opens:

Sometimes it is impossible to find the desired folder due to the fact that it is hidden. To do this, in the folder menu -> Tools -> Folder options -> "View" tab -> Check the box next to "Show hidden files and folders" (at least so in Win XP, in other OS it should be the same).

4. After the folder is copied, go into it and run Minecraft.exe

The game has started


6. In the menu -> Single player -> Create a new world

7. If necessary, change the name of the world, and the game mode (we recommend not to change the game mode in order to feel the whole fan of the game)

8. Press "Create a new world"

9. Wait for the new world to be generated, and you're done, you're in the game!

4. If nothing works

It so happens that with the first two methods, something does not work out. Something doesn't open, or something doesn't start - you can't foresee everything. They asked in the comments, but no one answers - what to do?

And in this case, there is a solution. It consists in the fact that you need to go to the site of one of the, where each has its own client, and its own instructions for him. And also every such site has a forum with a technical section where hundreds of people have discussed (possible) installation problems. Read, try, ask - whoever is looking for a solution will find it.

We also try to answer in the comments, but it is worth remembering that we have a general information site, and many are sitting in other sections.

5. Possible errors

The "Play offline" button is inactive- Most likely you forgot to place the downloaded game folder ".minecraft" in the "Application Data" folder - read the manual carefully again.

Slows down / lags - Minecraft game not so demanding on the "hardware" as it might seem at first glance. Especially large maps, lags even on powerful computers. More about

When entering the world of Minecraft, the gamer gains access to the base character. This is Steve. He has minimal skills, but he can be upgraded to a tough hero or replaced with a stronger version. Depending on which mode of passage Steve chooses, he will be able to create, build, walk, fly, fight.

The project provides 4 main modes:

  1. Survival. Requires extraction and rational use of resources - to fight monsters, hunger, current dangers.
  2. Creation. Allows crafting, as well as unlimited use of blocks to change the existing world. The hero is immortal.
  3. Adventures. Offers map travel, requires basic survival knowledge. Destruction of blocks is carried out only with tools suitable for this.
  4. Hardcore. Play "in an adult way" - with the death of a character, the entire game world is immediately erased from memory. It is impossible to restore the hero.

Playing Minecraft is simple and interesting!

The site presents the best free collections for online games. Top headed by:

  • "Paper Minecraft" is a two-dimensional project with even more content, dungeons, blocks, maps.
  • Orion Sandbox is a Minecraft-style game where the action takes place on another planet.
  • Mine Blocks is a challenging 2D game of resource extraction and world development. Resources are located in mines, and you can get them only with the help of special tools.

With each version and development, gamers open up all new possibilities, skins, mods, maps, which makes the universe cooler and more interesting.

Beginner's guide

This guide dedicated for those who have never played minecraft, but heard about it and would like to try. Most computer games when we start, we immediately understand what is required of us and where to go. In minecraft, everything is different, namely - we are not given any hints and are left to ourselves.

How to start playing minecraft? Everything is very simple: first, we must decide whether we want to play alone or with friends (see you for more details on creating your server). This guide will cover the game by oneself.
By choosing "Single player" from the menu, we are offered to create a world in which we will play. There are also three game modes: survival, hardcore and creative.

Survival- a mode in which you need to monitor health, hunger, look for ore and build houses.
Hardcore- also survival, only if we die, then we will not be able to be reborn - the world will have to be deleted.
Creative- a mode in which we do not need to take care of hunger and health - we simply don’t have them. Flight is also available to us (double pressing the spacebar) and unlimited quantity resources.

First day

So you've created a survival world - what do you do? The first tip - don't run far from where you spawn - this is the spawn. Better yet, mark it with, say, a column. In the event of your death, you will be revived in the same place. In the future, you can create a bed that will transfer the place of your respawn. It does not matter in what area you appear - be it mountains, swamps, deserts or forests. The first step is to build a temporary home, like the one in the picture. For this we need various blocks and tools.

We must act quickly, since we only have 10 minutes, while the day goes on, then night falls and the monsters come out. Let's collect some wood - for this we will go to the nearest one and we will beat (aiming at it and holding the left mouse button) on the necessary block, cracks will go and as a result it will fall out in the form of a small cube. The block can be collected, being at a fairly close distance from it - it goes into the inventory (you can open it with the E button).

In the same inventory, there are 4 crafting slots on top. They need to craft a desktop. And on the desktop (3x3 cells) we craft an ax, a shovel and a pickaxe. They are needed for quick collection wood, earth, stone and other blocks.

example of crafting a pickaxe

Let's say we managed to build a more or less usable box before sunset. Now we need to light it up with torches. Torches are made from coal and sticks. You already know how to make sticks, now about coal. The first way is to go to the cave. On the surface, we can find caves leading down, in them you can find coal, iron and other ore. Remember: for the extraction of coal and iron we need a stone pickaxe, it is made like a wooden one, but we replace the boards with a stone. The second way is to fry the wood. For this we need to assemble the oven. Having placed the kindling material in the lower slot and in the upper tree, we wait until coal is formed. Now you can start creating torches. To do this, place the ember above the stick and get 4 torches. They, like other blocks, must be placed with the right mouse button.

By this time, most likely, night has already fallen and it is best to wait it out in our temporary shelter. Why be afraid at night? Monsters! With the onset of darkness, spiders, skeletons, zombies and creepers begin to spawn around.
The night also lasts 10 minutes, but we can't sit at home and get bored ?! Let's go to the mine! Here our task is simply to dig down (preferably with a ladder, or, if there is enough wood, you can make a ladder yourself and dig down). Do not dig deeply, otherwise you can inadvertently fall into the lava and burn up. Your best bet is to get to the bottom of the cave, or just start digging earth and rock in search of ore. But be careful, there are monsters in the caves! So, the first day of our game in minecraft is over.

Second day

In addition to lives (10 hearts on the left above the quick access bar), there are 10 “chicken legs” - this is hunger. Over time, our character loses these "legs", they must be restored by eating something, for example, beef or pork, preferably fried. How do you get food?
Surely on the way to the house, you met pigs, cows and chickens - killing them can drop raw food. Dishes are fried in the oven. In addition to meat, there are other foods in the game, but you can read more about farming later.
You can also meet sheep with the help of scissors, you can cut off wool from them (2-4 blocks of wool in the color of a sheep) or you can kill a sheep, but in this case you can not wait for more than 1 block of wool. Wool serves as a decoration material, and you can also make a bed from it to change the place of our spawn. But you can sleep on it only at night, and the night is skipped and dawn comes.

There are no special assignments on the second day. If you continue To play Minecraft then it is best to prepare for the next night or look for material to expand and decorate your home.

Oh yes! I almost forgot about the chest - a place where you can store things. If there are ores, and just blocks, you can drag them into the chest, where they will remain intact, because in the event of your death, all things fall out of you.

Good luck in your endeavors!

Well, as promised in the title of the article - video about the beginning of the game in Mancraft!