(2012). Captain Brav. Eh, wonderful new world! Nevosoft Captain Bravo Eh Brave New World

In simple mode, control is simple: The cursor takes the desired view when you hover on the object automatically - it remains only to click. In difficult mode, only its signature appears on the object, when you click the menu in which you can select "View" or "Use". When the wording is found in the passage "Look at ...", it means that it is necessary to really inspect the item with the help of an appropriate icon.

This passage is written for a complex variant, the passage of simple from it easily follows the "simplification".

On the ship
We go to the left. We take a potato with a cabinet shelf (peler), look at the cup standing on the table, then we take it - get a CD. Take an empty bucket with a shelf above the stove. Open the lower wardrobe sash and take the wire from the top shelf. Go down the stairs to the left. We go to the right side of the screen, open a wooden closet and take silicone from the upper shelf, and with the average - instruction. Open the metal cabinet and take from the top shelf locators. Return to the stove. We use the silicone block in the inventory to the bucket in the inventory, we open the stove, put a bucket in it, click on the red button on the stove - we get a melted silicone. Put in inventory wire into a melted silicone, then use this wire on the locator without an antenna - we get a working locator. We go to the cradle and talking to him - "Here Are the Locators, Kralek!" - The first task is made.

We look at the translator (Translator), standing on the left - it does not work. We speak with the crash about it - that we give a scheme for which you need to rebuild food. On the left to the device fit the wires - it can be seen what color. And the scheme shows which numbers must match these wires. We go to the door to the left, then go down the stairs down, and there - right before the transition to the next location - to the engines. We look at the camft on the right. We establish the following values: yellow - 3, blue - 2, green - 1, red - 2. Click on the red button in the middle. Return to the cockpit. We put the book-instruction in the rectangular hole of the translator. We clean in the inventory with a cloth, which was taken from a cup, insert a fixed disk into the slot for the translator disks. The device works, after which we take the translated instruction. Again we go to the bottom deck - to the robot, "we use" it - turn on. After returning to the cockpit, they say painted - we inform him that everything is ready.

Jama Spacea.
We go up to the motel, talking to the clerk to all themes. We go right to the park, talking about everything with an old man. We return to the cradle, we repeat the situation, get the tasks to find a card and boat.

In the park we look at the bush on the left - on it flowers. We tear two flower in turn, one of which is "tapping" in the inventory, so that it has not 5 petals, and 4. We go to the place of planting the ship, go to it and take turns in turns in both flower. We go to the motel, talking to the clerk: We ask if he has a card, please give a brochure, learn that you need a lying flower with 4 petals, we say that we have. Take from the push of a brochure with a map.

With a crossroads we go to the Pier at the swamp. We raise the scolder, stuck in the Pier. We return to the intersection, we look at the stone wall - it has a black stone, different from the rest. Using the scolding to it - you have it. We go to the motel, we use sharpened scolding on the wheel with blades to the right of the counter - unscrew it. Take the wheel. We go to the pier, we use a robot from the inventory on the swamp - we get a boat without a propeller. After the roller, we use the wheel with blades to the robot - we get a boat. "We use" it and go to the dam.

We are trying to open the dam with the help of the mechanism on the left - it is closed on the key. We return to the motel, ask about the dam, about its owner and his name - we get the task of finding the grave of the owner of the dam. At the same time in this conversation, you need to ask about the old man in the park - learn that he is a veteran of war. We go to the mill and go inside. We remove the fabric to the left at the entrance, take the discovered piece of the plate. We look at the box from which a piece of signs took - we also get a diary. Take the hammer hanging over the locked in the chest. Right from the windowsill take the windows cleaning fluid. We look in inventory on the diary - learn the nickname of the owner - Fuseman. Go to the old man in the park. If you asked the clerk about him, now you can ask the old man about the war, in particular, ask about the battle at Burnfield Canyone. We learn that Fuseman is the nickname Grabby Larson. We go to the dam, go to the cemetery. In the inventory "dip" a piece of signs in silicone, and then use it on a broken plate on the pedestal on the right. We look at the resulting whole plate - Grabby Larson is buried in the grave x2. We go to the old man in the park, tell him that they found a grave; He asks tobacco. Flimming the "hand" in the inventory was a dried flower in powder, we give the powder an old man, raise the kennel left it. Back on the cemetery. Cut the key to potato and stick it into the grave x2 on the left. Hammer drive the key until it stops. We leave from the cemeteries, cross the dam, after the roller, raise the ashes and a strange device. We look at the boxes standing in the background - we get the battery. We go to the cradle, telling him that they found the device - he shifts the place of falling the ship. We go to the mill, to the right side of the screen and use the battery to the ion generator - an extreme device. Battery charged. Again to the dam and go to the cave left. We use the charged battery on the power supply, hanging on the wall, then "use" it - turn on the light. We use a dummy to sticking a piece of kelits. We take the key at the dropped skeleton. We go out, we use the key on the dam mechanism - and it does not fit!

We go to the mill, go inside. We use the found key on the chest castle. We look into the open chest - we get dynamite and note. We look at the note in the inventory - learn what page to watch the diary. We look into the diary in the inventory - see verse, with the help of which we will get the fittils for dynamite. It can be seen that we need the date of the birth of the diary - it can be seen on the calendar above the chest. We go to the park to the old man, we use a liquid to clean the windows on the bark of a large tree, three sprayed place with a cloth. We click on the "hand" on the hoppot - open it. We look at the safe, enter the code - (1 May 1821) - the lock is open. We click on the "hand" to the safe - we open it, we take it off. We are going to the dam, in the inventory insert it into dynamite phytilis, we use dynamite on the dam. After you go out to the pier on the swamp, we go to the intersection to the cradle and a stone wall. We use scolding on a black stone in the wall, then beat the hammer on it. We raise the falling slices of silicon. We go to the pier and use these pieces of wick. Dam blew.

Swim to the place of falling the ship. We use scolding on a steel container. Open his door. After talking and roller, we use ashes on the overall. Open the container again and look a long roller, after which we turn out again on the ship.

On the ship
We go to the left, go down the stairs down. After a long conversation with the Moon, we get the opportunity to switch between two characters. Moon we go to the cradle, ask him to show spacecraft (Router). While the moon is talking to the crash, the automatic control switches to the captain. We go there, in the motor compartment, and beat the painting with a hammer. We go to the cockpit, click on the map on the wall, then on the left lower planet - SchminKell 7 to learn its code. This is 7715-882. We leave from the card, click on the "Tools" (on the monitor) on the right and enter this code. Get a printout with calculations and use it on the Navig-O-Tron. Click on the Navig-O-Tron "Hand".

Schminkell 7.
After the roller, we look at strange railing. Shake a piece in the form of a five-pointed star. We go to the right until the stop - go down to the DNA replicator. We look at him - it must be fixed. Take dirt from a heap at the foot of the legs on the left - it turns out to be wet clay. We go to the left pass, we use a hammer on a red crystal - pick it up. We take the container from the box on the bottom shelf and the ion cube - from the middle shelf. We go right to the next room. We use the hammer on the blue crystal - pick it up. Give the tube from the exhaust pipe of a flying plate. We go to the long pass - in the computer room. We go to the extreme on the right metal apparatus, put into a rectangular hole on the side of the ion cube. The plug insert into the hole for the button and clog it with a hammer - the generator is enabled.

We return to the flying saucer and look at the computer screen on the left. It is turned on, but something does not work. We put the star, broken from the railing at the beginning, to the workspace under the press on the right. Being with her hammer - one of the rays is littered. We put in the inventory a pile of dirt into a metal container, put the star without a beam. The resulting workpiece carry in the computer room, put on the heating fool of the right apparatus and click the red button. We take the finished shape for the star (Stone Mold). We go to the first room, we take another ion cube there, we carry it to the press near the flying saucer, put onto the working surface and press the red button on the left. We get a "ion pancake", again put it onto the working surface, but this time first use the shape for the star to the press itself above the working surface, and only then press the button - we get a "ion star". We use it on the same form slot to the left of the computer screen.

We return to the warehouse and take another titanium container. We go to the DNA replicator and take another pile of wet clay. We take out the left lower non-working crystal from the replicator. We put into the clay container and non-working gray crystal. The resulting workpiece is burning in the same way as the previous one: we carry the right apparatus on the computer's heating fool and press the red button - we obtain the finished shape for the crystal. We go to the press, we remove the shape for the star from it. We put onto the working surface alternately red and blue crystal, for each pressed the red button - we obtain the powders of the corresponding color. We put both bug powders into a crystal form, warm it again on the heater - we get a purple crystal. We carry the crystal to the DNA replicator and insert into it. We put into the replicator ash from inventory and click on the red start button.

After a conversation with a replicated Danny, we continue to control the moon: we go to the left corridor to the warehouse, take another titanium container, put it on the mass magnifier platform. We look at the instructions on the wall, then click on the red button on the right. We use a robot from the inventory on a weighted box. Now we use a robot on the mass magnifier platform so that it stands on it, and press the red button again. We go to the room with a flying saucer and put a waste container on the platform plate near the computer. We go to the computer room and put the robot on the plating plate at the left screen. We switched to Danny and get up with them (click "with hand) on the plate platform near the Mass Magnifier button. Switch to the moon and get up to it (click" with hand) on the Platform Platform on the computer, which is already a weighted container. All three characters are burning. We twitch for the lever - the hatch opens in the ceiling. We take a green meal container from the side of a flying saucer, carry it into the computer room, connect to the plug of the right unit - we get a recharged container. Insert it back into a flying plate, "We use" a plate.

Play for Danny. We tear the red pepper from the bush, go up through the bushes on the next location. We ask the guards that you need to go through - learn that S.C.A.D. We go around the warehouse on the left. We come to the booth of the guard and speak with him about everything. After that, we show the ID, confirm that the clone is open. We go inside, take the sprayer and go to the right. We speak with a clone on all topics, including, we promise to cure his headache. We go to the moon, ask her if she knows how to treat a hangover - learn a recipe. Returning to the clone, we leave it up on the runway. Click on a bush on the right - break yourself a branch. We go inside the ship, we take a cup from the table. We return to the entrance to the complex, we raise the nest, floating on the water at the entrance, take an egg from it and use it to the cup in inventory. We immediately type the same cup of water from the swamp. Again on the ship. From the bottom shelf of the cabinet we take a liquid soap, we use it to the same cup. Now a cup with all the ingredients put in the stove. Click on the switch on the stove - prepares medicine. Open the stove door - take the medicine. Take it clone - he leaves, leaving his ID card (green).

Click "Hand" on the computer immediately in the right corridor - we get printed, but not signed by S.c.a.d. We look at the note on the wall. Take the right yellow-black ribbon to right. We go to the left and left to the left, with the pedestal of the sculpture, we remove the pirate emblem. We leave the outside, ask the guard sign S.C.A.D .. Go to the moon, we use a yellow-black ribbon to the robot and a pirate emblem. We go up to the warehouse and go inside.

We switched to Danny, we use red pepper on the sprayer in the inventory, we give the resulting moon. We switched to the moon, take a red ion soldering iron in the lower left corner, we use it on the grid in the upper right corner. Open the feed grille and go down. We switched to Danny, we leave from the warehouse to the left, go to the left corridor to the guard, tell him that there is important information about the prisoners. Swiss on the moon, go to the left underground corridor, climb up the left staircase, give the captain the sprayer with pepper. We switched to the captain and use the pepper sprayer to the machine. Switching to the moon, climb upstairs, search for a lying equipment - we get the key. We use it to the captain's grid - we liberate prisoners.

We switched to the captain, go down, pick up a purple ball, climb on the right stairs, go out from the warehouse to the left and go to the door that the clone guarded. Use a purple ball on a purple computer. We switched to the moon, we go to the warehouse through the underground lase, we look at the yellow terminal - we see that it is P.P.A. We return to prison and ask Albert with Robert about what P.P.A is. Again to the terminal, click on it with "hand" and answer questions so that a strong card is: 2, 1, 1, 3, 2. We go back to prison, we leave it left and immediately go to the right door. Use a strong character card to a red terminal. Switch to Danny, go to the warehouse, click on P.P.A. "Hand" and answer questions so that the pacifist card is: 3, 2, 1, 3, 3. We go to the main elevator (doors with an inscription 705), we use a green ID card on the terminal on the left - turn out inside. We use the pacifist card on the green terminal.

Schminkell 7.
After the roller we go to the left pass, put the detonator on the mass magnifier platform. When the crap there is "hooked", go to the right and once again right - in the computer room. We look at the middle terminal, and then click on it with "hand". We look at the final video.


Captain Brav. Eh, wonderful new world!

Year of release: 2012
Genre: Quest
Developer: Cateia Games
Publisher: Nevosoft.
Developer site: http://www.cateia.com.
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
Tabletka: Not required

System requirements: Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Pentium IV - 1.4 GHz
RAM: 512 MB.
Video card: 128 MB
HDD 151 MB.

Description: James Watt's engine development leads to the fact that in the XIX century, humanity has reached the farthest corners of the space. But with this a new problem arises - piracy. To fight them, the Space Union creates a special space police, in one of the departments of which also serves a brave and honest captain Brave.

Extra. information:
turn off antivirus


Donna Brave: And The Strangler of Paris. Collector "S Edition / Donna Brava: Paris-shaker. Collector's Edition

Year of release: 2017
Genre: Quest, Object Search
Developer: Mad Head Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer site: www.madheadgames.com
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
System Requirements: OC: Windows XP / 7/8/10
Processor: 2.0 GHz and above
RAM: 2048 MB and above DirectX 9.0 or above HDD: 605 MB
Description: Under the sky of Paris, the warm summer evenings are primarily and languidly shares their creative achievements of a local bohemian. The spirit of aristocracy and high bohemia vitates in the elite club of the Golden Circle, where the chosen elected to discuss their creative plans and, as the aristocrat is laid ...


Donna Brave 2: And The Deathly Tree. Collector "s Edition / Donna Brav 2: Tree Death Collector's Edition

Year of release: 2018
Genre: Quest, Object Search
Developer: Mad Head Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer site: Madheadgames.com
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
System Requirements: Windows XP / 7/8/10 CPU: 2.0 GHZ RAM: 2048 MB DirectX: 9.0 or above HDD: 634 MB of free space
Description: Continuation of Mystical Adventures Donna Brave. Donna Breiv is again in business. She is investigating a case with a strange tree, which is enough and poisoned by his victims. But when her friend of childhood Katie becomes another victim, the case acquires a person. Explore the mysterious estate ...


Warranty Garden 2. Collector's Edition / GardenScapes 2. Collector "S Edition

Year of release: 2013
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Playrix Entertainment
Publisher: Nevosoft.
Developer website: www.playrix.com
Interface language: Russian (official translation)
Platform: PC.
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / VISTA / SEVEN
Processor: Pentium IV 1 GHz or similar Athlon
RAM: 1 GB 3D video card: 128 MB
Sound card: DirectX-compatible DirectX: Versions 9 or above HDD: 832 MB
Description: Continuation of the famous Willing Garden will delight all fans and lovers of this genre. A new game, ...


New Yankees at the court of King Arthur 2 parts + New Yankees in the service of Santa Claus / New Yankee in King Arthurs Court 1-3

Year of release: 2012
Genre: Business Simulator, Arcade
Developer: Alawar Entertainment
Publisher: Alawar Entertainment
Developer's website: http://www.alawar.ru/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / VISTA / 7
Processor: 1.0 GHZ
RAM: 512 MB on disk 100MB Additional software: DirectX 9.0.
Description: Farm life may not be the most exciting. But it is for the time being! Once zipper falls into one of the farmers, and through the spatial tunnel he throws him during the reign of King Arthur. TO...


Captain Claw / Captain Claw (2003)

Year of release: 2003
Genre: Arcade
Developer: Takarajimasha.
Publisher: Russobit-M
Publication Type: License
Interface language: Russian only
Medicine: Not required
Platform: PC.
System Requirements: Windows 98/2000 / XP Pentium / Aphlon 133 MHz 32 MB RAM VideoOcard 2 MB of CD-ROM X 4 300 MB of Clear Place on Hard Disk
Desired: Windows 98/2000 / XP Pentium / Aphlon 133 MHz 32 MB of RAM VideoOcard 16 MB of SD-ROM X 12 300 MB of Clear Place on Hard Disk
Description: Ship guns will rattling, sharp blades ring, and the most courageous cat-pirate Captain Klyk takes another frigate on the board! ...


Year of release: 2012
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Wizarbox
Publisher: Reef Entertainment
Developer website: www.wizarbox.com
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
System requirements:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows. Xp | Vista | 7.
Processor: Pentium IV 2.2 GHz
RAM: 1 GB Hard disk space: 2 GB
Sound device: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Video card: DirectX compatible, memory capacity of 512 MB of free space on a rigid disk: 2857 MB
Description: Your attention is a unique adventure that is based on the famous Hita Captain Morgay ...


New Robinzon

Year of release: 1999
Genre: Quest
Developer: Nikita.
Publisher: Nikita.
Developer's website: http://nikita.ru/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC Win95 / 98 / ME / XP
Medicine: The file is not required to start using: Daemon Tools, Alcohol120%, Ultraiso
File format: .iso
System Requirements: CPU 200 MHz, RAM 32 MB, Video 3D 16 MB, Win95 / 98 / ME / XP
Description: There are plots who have become almost classic. One of these plots is rightfully considered the story of a sailor that fell on a deserted island. As you guessed it is about the book "Life and the amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo" Daniel Defo.


Year of release: 2008
Genre: Hidden Objects / Sasual Games
Developer: Fractal Games
Publisher: alawar
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
System Requirements: PII-600 64M RAM 16M Video 3D Windows XP DirectX 9.0 HDD: 60 MB
Description: New Year detective festive puzzle in the genre "I am looking for" about the extraordinary adventures in Lapland. This story began on the eve of the New Year, when Ellie's girl met the real elf from Santa Claus's suite. Little man He said that something strange was going on in Lapland. The main conveyor of the gifts factory stopped, and Santa still sleeps ...


Magic Puzzles: New Year!

Year of release: 2010
Genre: Arcade
Developer: DeKan.
Publisher: Dekan.
Developer's website: http://www.dekan.ru/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
System Requirements: Microsoft® Windows® 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / SE7EN Operating System Pentium® III 500 MHz 256 MB of RAM 12 MB of Hard Disk Video Adapter With Memory 64 MB Sound Device
Description: Entertaining game! Tens of magical images, light and sound effects, the ability to rotate and turn the figures, various levels of complexity. The game will help you relax and relax, without departing ...


Panzar: New Dawn

Year of release: 2012
Genre: MMORPG, MOBA, Action
Developer: Panzar Studio
Publisher: Panzar Studio
Developer's website: http://www.panzar.ru/
Version: 45.4.
Interface language: Russian, English
Platform: PC.
System requirements:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
Processor: Intel® Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon ™ 64 x2 5600+ 2.8 GHZ
Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT or ATI Radeon HD 4870 or better
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Sound Device Free Hard Disk: 10 GB
Description: Panzar: Forged by Chaos - free ...


Captain Brav. Eh, wonderful new world! (2012)

Year of release: 2012
Genre: Quest
Developer: Cateia Games
Publisher: Nevosoft.
Developer site: http://www.cateia.com.
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
Tabletka: Not required

System requirements:
Processor: Intel Pentium IV - 1.4 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Video card: 128 MB
HDD 151 MB.

Description: James Watt's engine development leads to the fact that in the XIX century, humanity has reached the farthest corners of the space. But with this a new problem arises - piracy. To fight them, the Space Union creates a special space police, in one of the departments of which also serves a brave and honest captain Brave.

Extra. information:
turn off antivirus


A unique adventure is presented to you, which is based on the famous hit Captain Morgane and Golden Turtle. The Caribbean Sea is waiting for its heroes, hiding many secrets and lost treasures, which have several hundred years. You have to find the lost track of the golden turtle, which is a pirate island ...

Year of release: 2012
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Wizarbox
Publisher: Reef Entertainment
Developer website: www.wizarbox.com
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP | Vista | 7.
Processor: Pentium IV 2.2 GHz
Hard disk space: 2 GB


New Robinson (1999)

There are plots who have become almost classic. One of these plots is rightfully considered the story of a sailor that fell on a deserted island. As you guessed it is about the book "Life and the amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo" Daniel Defo.

Year of release: 1999
Genre: Quest
Developer: Nikita.
Publisher: Nikita.
Developer's website: http://nikita.ru/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC Win95 / 98 / ME / XP
Medicine: Not required
The file starts with: Daemon Tools, Alcohol120%, Ultraiso
File format: .iso CPU 200 MHz, RAM 32 MB, Video 3D 16 MB, Win95 / 98 / ME / XP


Dark World 3: Lord of the Winds. Collector's Edition / Dark Realm 3: Lord of the Winds. Collectors Edition (2016)

No matter the Valerie, so that in her kingdom there is no longer wars, but the villains will always have ... The expected agreement on the world has not been concluded, but she herself had to go on a long journey to save not only his love, but also His kingdom. Features of the collector edition: Additional chapter Built ...

Year of release: 2016
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Mad Head Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer site: www.madheadgames.com
Interface language: Russian


Bridge to another world 3: Alice in the Kingdom of Shadows / Bridge to Another World 3: Alice in Shadowland (2016)

You have just been kidnapped and found yourself in a place called the kingdom of shadows. The person who kidnapped you claims that according to the prophecy you are the Savior of the besieged kingdom. You have to help the rebel group to overthrow the vengeful princess and its cruel minions. Whether you are ready to cope with this task and returns to ...

Year of release: 2016
Genre: I'm looking for, quest
Developer: 4 Friends Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer website: http://www.fourfriendsgames.com
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC - OC: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 -
Processor: 2.0 GHz and above - RAM: 2048 MB and above - DirectX 9.0 or higher - HDD: 1.36 GB of free space


Seasons After Fall (2016)

Seasons After Fall is a two-dimensional adventure puzzle platformer, the main character of which is a wild fox. He has an unusual gift - the ability to manage the time of the year, which in turn helps him survive in his difficult journey around the world. The protagonist will use their own features, for example, to overcome it ...

Year of release: 2016
Genre: Arcade / Adventure
Developer: Swing Swing SUBMARINE
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Developer site: www.swingswingsubmarine.com
Interface language: multilingual including Russian
Platform: PC.
Operating system: Windows 7 +
Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO E4500 (2.2GHZ)


The Dark Eye: Chains of SatinaV (2012)

History The Dark. Eye: Chains of SatinaV develops far from Aventuria. The main character, Young Heron Slavs, lives in a small kingdom in the northwest, called Andergast. Residents of this remote region are very superstitious - signs are almost any event. When the king is waiting for the ambassador from the neighboring kingdom to put to ...

Year of release: 2012
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Daedalic Entertainment
Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer's website: http://www.daedalic.de/
Interface language: English
Platform: PC.
Operating system: Windows XP / VISTA / 7
Processor: Intel with a clock frequency of 2.5 GHz


Homesick [License] (2015)

Homesick - Indie Project Lucky Pause Studio, which successfully conducted a company on Kickstarter and collected the required amount. The player has to explore the abandoned house, full secrets and counted corners to understand yourself and find an answer to the philosophical question: who am I? From the moment you hit the territory of the house, the nightmares began the prest ...

Year of release: 2015
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 1ST Person
Developer: Lucky Pause
Publisher: Lucky Pause
Interface language: ENG
Platform: PC OS: WindowsXP SP3 OR HIGHER Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHZ
Video card: Video Card WITH 512MB of VRAM DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 2 GB Available Space


Lex Mortis (2015)

Lex Mortis is a new harrore harrore with science fiction elements. It is science fiction. The developer said approximately the following: "In the afternoon, you will study the fully studied island and all of its inhabitants, but at night ... something strange will begin." Interestingly true? Only here trailers do not show that such a strange way there is a speech ...

Year of release: 2015
Genre: Adventure ( Survival Horror)
Developer: Denis Esie
Publisher: Denis Esie
Interface language: English


Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two. Episode 1-2 (2017)

Jesse and his team defeated Wither Storm, saved the world and became superisavative heroes, but their lives became a little ... intricate. Old friendship began to fade under the burden of responsibility and because of the lack of time on the adventure, so it was before Jesse's hand stuck in a terrible glove belonging to an ancient underwater temple. Together with ...

Year of release: 2017
Genre: Adventure, 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: TellTale Games
Publisher: TellTale Games
Platform: PC.
Interface language: RUS | ENG | MULTI7
Voice language: ENG
Tablet: Write (Codex) ✔
Operating system: Windows 7/8.1 / 10 (64-bit) ✔
Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4GHZ ✔


Alan Wake (2012)

The main hero of the game is the writer Alan Wake, a recognized master of thrillers, is experiencing a creative crisis. In search of inspiration, he leaves with the bride in a quiet town Bright Falls. However, there the beloved Alan mysteriously disappears, and a series of chilling blood of nightmares begins. Reality and fantasies have merged, and to survive ...

Year of release: 2012
Genre: Adventure, Action (Survival Horror), 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Remedy Entertainment
Interface language: Russian, English
Voice language: English
Publication Type: Repack
Tablet: Write (Unprotected EXE)


DELAWARE ST. John Volume 1: The Curse Of Mignight Manor (2005)

Adventure adventure game! A very mysterious guy named Delaway Sen-John is endowed with a mystical gift to communicate with the souls of the dead, which allows him to see and the past and the future. Partly, Dalawar works a private detective and, together with his Kelly's assistant, takes care of the investigation of the hardest affairs in his own paran ...

Year of release: 2005
Genre: Quest
Developer: Big Time Games
Publisher: Akella
Publication Type: Pirate
Interface language: English + Russian medicine is not required


Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 3 Lair of the Leviathan (2009)

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 3 - Lair of The Leviathan will offer you along with the main character to survive a unique trip to the intestine of Giant Laminean. In the womb of the inhabitant of sea depths, you will meet many colorful characters, solve a lot of problems, solve dozens of riddles and get answers to questions that have arisen after ...

Year of release: 2009
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: TellTale Games
Publisher: Lucasarts Entertainment
Interface language: English
Platform: PC.
System: Windows XP / Vista
Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or similar)


Bootillo goes on the following (2010)

The main character of this classic quest is a wooden hooliganian maluggan named Bootillo. In the morning he went to school, as always overwhelming and late for a lesson. And it saved his life. A policemen were standing near the schools, and fed furious Karabas Barabas - the director of the school. With empty corridors, he reached its class. But the door to the class is closed ...

Year of release: 2010
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Saturn +
Publisher: Nevosoft.
Developer's website: http://www.saturnplus.ru/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC.
Recommended: -
System: Microsoft Windows® 2000 / XP / VISTA / 7; -
Processor: Intel Pentium® IV; -


The Lift / Elevator (2012)

You wake up early in the morning with some strange feeling. Get out of the apartment and call an elevator in which only one button is provided ... - Explore small worlds created by the fantasy of an unknown writer and his friends - solve simple and complex puzzles and mini-games

Year of release: 2012
Genre: Adventure, Quest
Developer: Nightcoffeegaems
Publisher: Nightcoffeegaems.
Developer's website: http://nightcoffeegaems.org/
Interface language: Russian / English
Platform: PC OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 256 MB DirectX: 9.0 or higher HDD: 200 MB


Revived legends 7. The secret of life. CHALLECTION EDUCATION (2016)

In search of medication from your deadly disease, you traveled all the world! Tedious travel, long searches and now you will learn that the medicine is located in one small town. A week ago, a young girl died there and now her soul is cursed. If you do not spend a three-day ritual of purification over her body, the terrible curse will destroy the whole g ...

Year of release: 2016
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Ers Game Studios
Publisher: Nevosoft.
Developer site: www.ersgamestudios.com
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC Options: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10
Processor: 2.0 GHz and above RAM: 2048 MB and above DirectX 9.0 or above HDD: 998 MB

To save the whole universe, you are not ready yet? Then help Captain Brava!

The responsible mission lay on the shoulders of the Savior of the world, but without your help he will be very hard to fulfill all the tasks. Captain Brave is famous for the brave warrior, who does not know fear, but a fight is not on life ahead, but to death - with the universe evil! Support it on the battlefield and destroy the hordes of opponents!

At the universe are attacks of cosmic pirates of Cribs! In their plans - to capture power over all the planets and get sole management over the whole world. Everything went according to the plan, until the fearless brave flying with a rescue operation on his faithful Mazslow did not intervene in the case. The faithful assistant, the wonderful agent of the moon, will cope with any task thanks to his tricks and dexterity.

Video gameplay

Turn on the logic and train the reaction rate, helping the heroes to get to the goal, remaining integer and unharmed. Will you be able to go a hard way with a highly raised head, not committing rapid actions?

Make your changes to the cunning plans of greedy pirates and prevent the invasion of clones in an exciting game.

Pictures from the game (click to enlarge)

File size: 171.88 MB
Russian language
System Requirements: Windows 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP | DirectX 8.1 | Pentium II, 500 MHz | 64 MB Ram | 16 MB 3D Video Card

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