Klondike cheat codes for money and emeralds for free. Energy without download. Klondike buildings from a to z Round Klondike altars where they are

Klondike- fascinating, interesting game about a brave young man who, in the valley of the Blue Peaks, is looking for his father, a gold digger. In the process of searching for the missing father and his expedition, the player, together with the main character, will plunge into wonderful world adventure. He will have to overcome many difficulties and fight dangers, and also to turn a temporary station into a beautiful city. Just like that, without energy, it is impossible to do this, and therefore energy is one of the most important elements of the game.

Energy is spent on everything - sowing seeds, cutting down forests, harvesting and delivering stones, cutting shrubs and grass, chopping firewood in a barn, and overcoming obstacles. When the energy supply runs out, you have to wait for it to be restored: one energy supply is added every three minutes. And yet energy is constantly lacking, so the question of where and how to get energy, excites all players, as well as how to save. Energy in the game can be obtained (obtained):

  • in caches located under stones, trees and deposits of coal, clay and ores (caches do not have to be their own - neighbors will do as well),
  • cutting down acacia thickets, snow-covered and autumn bushes at their station,
  • digging at the neighbors: under the flooring, lanterns and buildings, fences and mailboxes, doghouses and poles, ferns and sequoias, under benches and in flower beds, near gnomes and in poultry houses,
  • for completed quests;
  • eating pies, breads and cookies and cheesecakes made in the Bakery, or eating edibles brought from the expedition,
  • from gifts received in Christmas trees,
  • receiving from neighbors - in gratitude for the gifts purchased in the player's Christmas tree,
  • chopping down a palm tree or rummaging in a cache located under it.

If all methods have already been tried, but there is not enough energy, quickly restore energy it is possible if there are reserves that were purchased in the Shop in exchange for emeralds.

Accumulate more energy every player strives, and it is quite possible to do this. To do this, you need to know a few tricks. For example, trees cut down by workers from a sawmill will only yield a clean product. If a gamer cuts them himself, he gets not only additional experience but also energy.

With each next level, energy is restored. The player must keep track of the number of stars, and when there are several of them left to a new level, you need to try to fully use the remaining energy: uproot or plant something. Then you need to dismantle one of the caches, exchange your golden statue or collection. Then in the next level the energy scale will be filled to capacity.

successful walkthrough "Klondike" you will be provided with knowledge of secrets, tricks and many nuances that will greatly simplify the gameplay, because you have been given a responsible task - to find the missing expedition. Our knowledge base contains the most basic of them. We hope that by using them, you will be able to find your father along with his colleagues.

First of all, it is worth noting that the entire gameplay is simply saturated with various secrets, which makes the game even more interesting.


It is best to extract such a resource as coal manually, using only energy, so you get not only the necessary resource, but also additional experience, or maybe you are lucky and you will find some of the elements of the collection.

Regarding stonemasons, it is worth using them to break large stones into rubble. When the main character will also have the opportunity to break large boulders, then it is worth using the stonemason. The same can be said for lumberjacks, during deforestation with the help of lumberjacks, the chances of finding something useful are greatly reduced.

If you want to hire your friends to work in a sawmill or a quarry, then it is worth hiring those who have very few friends and visit the game quite rarely. For you, this will only be a plus. You can hire three people for each of them.

The game also provides assistants, who will help completely disinterestedly. These assistants are the Eskimos, who will meet you immediately upon arrival at the station. Everyone else has to pay.

When hiring workers, it is worth remembering that they need housing. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the additional construction of residential buildings immediately. The better the living conditions of the worker, the better he works and agrees to do his job for a lower salary.


During the passage of tasks, it is necessary to collect as many products from animals as possible. Each of the animals has its own life limit, after which it dies, turning into a golden statue, which only its owner can open. Collection items and many other useful things can fall out of such statues. Also, while cleaning the area from weeds, do not rush to remove all the grass, because your animals need to graze somewhere, otherwise you will have to buy hay.

Limits on animal resources, upon exhaustion of which animals die:

  • for sheep wool in the amount of 25 units;
  • for birds 25 nests;
  • for a cow, milk in the amount of 50 units;
  • for a thoroughbred cow, milk in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a thoroughbred sheep wool in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a rabbit, grass in an amount of a maximum of 26 units.

Friends Neighbors

The passage of this game project will be much more interesting together with friends and not only. Co-op will be much more productive. Add yourself new friends, send them gifts, you may receive useful things in return.


Having found a gold mine, you should not relax. In this game project, she changes her position weekly. Therefore, you are constantly in search of a gold mine. Every time you dig under a new building, because the gold mine will bring you useful things in large quantities.

It is also worth remembering that more gold falls during the last energy strike on a resource such as pyrite. The resulting gold can be sold to purchase useful items or other resources. If you put a stonemason on this process, he will be able to mine only ordinary stone.

It will not be redundant if you dig next to your friend's new building, because it is much easier to find a gold mine. Digging in a new place where no one has dug before is very rewarding. Sometimes in this case, very interesting things fall out in the form of a treasure from a pile of gold and experience.

Every week, twenty veins appear on each lot in any of the places. At the same time, veins can be found anywhere and buildings, stones, grass with decorations are no exception. The more items you concentrate in one place, the more likely it is to find a gold mine. It is worth noting that the search for gold veins is quite a profitable occupation that allows you to get rich.


In order to earn money in the game, you should not sell products from the warehouse, they will still be useful to you in the future. If you still need to make money quickly, then it’s worth selling in small batches, because you don’t know what kind of resource, and at what point you may need it.


Finding any item from the collection is quite difficult, so before you exchange or sell the collection, you should think carefully whether it is really necessary. At any time, you may need one of the collections. It is worth noting that the most interesting collections can be obtained from golden animal monuments.

Important point

When you send your Eskimo assistants to work, you can do other things yourself - extract and develop other natural resources: ore, clay, coal and pyrite. By extracting minerals, you get energy, experience and money. But the last unit of the resource is worth extracting yourself, thanks to this you will increase your experience. Sometimes it will bring gold and parts of the collection.

One of the secrets

Every day in the game you are given 100 shovels for free. They should definitely be used to dig neighbors and friends. With the help of a shovel, you can even take eggs from nests from a neighbor, provided that the egg is covered with some kind of plant.

To get eggs, you must first click on the thing that covers the eggs, and then on the nest itself.


During gameplay you need to control and take care of increasing energy levels. The hero's energy grows rather slowly. At the beginning of the game, her level is 15. In the process of passing, its level gradually increases. Upon reaching level 20, you will receive twenty energy.

There is also the possibility of increasing the limit, but this is a short period of time. When the energy level drops and approaches more and more to zero, then try to break stones, cut trees and some other resources, the more the better. Energy caches are under all of these resources. Also, energy can be found in bread, various pastries, rabbits and golden monuments.

  • Game tips from Klondike.
  • Workers.
  • Resources.
  • Animals.
  • Shovels.
  • Golden veins.
  • Friends neighbors.
  • Coins.
  • Collections.
  • Energy.
  • Adventures.
  • Questions about animals.
  • Questions about energy, emeralds, coins.
  • Questions about neighbors.
  • Questions about materials and collections.
  • General issues.

Video resources for the passage of the game "Klondike"

Where to find a gold mine

how to make a million

Klondike free game vkontakte and others in social networks. According to the plot, your hero goes in search of a gold digger's father. To do this, you have to follow the steps of your father and overcome obstacles and explore the entire northern region. In addition to the main mission, you need to survive in harsh areas, build a hut and develop a household so that there is something to eat. Do farming, grow animals and plants and earn money for it. Although the game is free, there are in-game purchases to speed up the process of passing the game. Gold coins and emeralds will be needed to make purchases, unlock items. But all this costs money, often players try to download cheats Klondike to get money for free. But breaking the rules of the game can lead to loss account. To avoid this, you need to use the play store. Using bonus codes, you can get a lot of money in the game for free and enjoy the game without restrictions. Show your achievements to your friends and surprise with your high level.

Klondike codes for free:

  • 500 emeralds - lcz#t5s1ugq
  • 1,111 emeralds - ljz#8o52tf1
  • 600,000 coins - thl#ez5nzig
  • 2 700 000 coins - bx4#zdgjxho
  • Restore energy - zdh#3sn7sdh

We need money for the expedition. Using secrets, you can quickly unlock all the items in the game, buildings and animals. Accelerate experience gain and quickly level up. Using emeralds klondai to the player instantly loses units of energy. There are codes for their instant recovery. This allows you to quickly advance in the game and complete tasks. Speed ​​up the construction process and buy the necessary things.

This is a browser game with nice graphics that you can play on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and mail.ru. The main mission of the game is expeditions in search of a father, but we will spend most of the time on the farm. After all, we have very little money and in order to develop in the game you need to buy resources for emeralds, or spend all your free time on the game. From the very beginning, we have to learn all the basics of agriculture, how to manage the economy and build key buildings.

The economic part of the game limits the speed of passing. To get significant success, there are not enough coins and emeralds. Performing actions, building, or harvesting a unit of energy is taken from us. This does not allow you to quickly gain experience, which is required to unlock buildings and animals. The Shop and the Warehouse are key locations in the game where the player can purchase new items. To unlock the most interesting of them, you need emeralds, or hacking klondike. This allows you to buy animals and premium buildings and get more variety of items in the Warehouse. In the latter, you can sell things and make money from it.

Polyana - Expedition

Second location Of the nameless forest. To get to it you need: Hunting Knife, Sleeping Bag and Camping Cauldron. And drive from home location 346 km. This is a sunny, friendly location, where many surprises await you. In the Glade, you will need to complete a series of 10 quests and the search quest Altar, which will require you to find 6 Altars, for which you can get a maximum reward of 10 emeralds. The glade is rich in resources. Here and coal, and clay, and ore, and gold-bearing pyrite. And a whole scattering of Amanitas and Chanterelles. The highlight of this location is the Black Rabbits. You can create them on the Altar by reviving the Wilderness Rabbit. Being engaged in rabbit breeding in Polyana, you will receive many useful materials and collections.

Travel inventory

To go to the location, we need some inventory.

main building

Construction stages

Having found the Sanctuary, proceed to its construction. To do this, you will have to go to the station several times and come back and bring all the necessary materials. Arriving at the location, click on the building and count all the materials brought. They will lie nearby, and at this time you can go for the next batch. For the construction we need the following materials:

Additional building

Description of the building

The six Altars that you found on the location must be placed on the grounds around the Sanctuary. You don't need to build altars. They are designed to create Forest Brew in them, the recipe of which must first be opened in any of the Altars. Be careful: all these operations should be done only when the corresponding quests of the Glade open on them!


We need the building not only for storing things, but also for the production of some necessary materials. From improvised means in Polyana you can make:


After you build the Sanctuary, you will open a series of tasks that you will need to complete in order to move further through the locations. Do not rush to immediately cut down the entire location, first carefully read the quests. Some resources will need to be cut down by quests.