Dead Space 3 What to do with cards. Coop - joint passage

Question: how to kill spider? (in Game Dead Space. 3)
Answer: at the first two meetings with a spider, slow down with the help of a station, shoot all three tentacles, chatting on top. The spider will attack only the taranny attacks from afar, at this moment simply run left or right. By staring several times, all the tentacles, we defeat this boss. During the last meeting with the spider (chapter 13), we do not pay attention to the boss, and we run to the generator and turn it on. The generator will begin to work two harpoon with laser sights. We lure the spider in the blue zones, shoot him the tentacles to stop in place, wait when Garpuna shove into spider. When the harpuna fall into the boss, we run to a small square installation under the left laser, start to turn the valve on the installation, and do not stop until the spider breaks into parts.

Question: how to kill the regenerating monster? (in game Dead. Space 3)
Answer: It is completely impossible to kill it. One can only slow down it with a station, to shoot his arms and legs to him, and then run away from him.

Question: how to pass the boring? (What to do with a brother in chapter 10?) (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: They are driving from the bora, if necessary, shoot constantly emerging enemies. Our main goal is a burden. Necromorphs appear only so that we are from what to take cartridges if they are running out. We use the Stasis to slow down the boring, at this time shoot in his yellow item in the center. After several successful shots, the Boer stops, but then start rotating again. You need to slow down twice and destroy the yellow detail of the Bura, after that it will be completely destroyed.

Question: how to open the door without a rotator? (I can't open the door) (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: Conventional doors open either automatically or manually (the "F" key activate the kinesis's ability, then press "F" a couple of times to turn the lever on the door). But there are doors on which there is no rotator. To open such doors, you need to create a "tungsten torsion shaft" on the machine (approach the included machine, select the 4th item "Creating items", create a "tungsten torsion shaft" for 20 tungsten and 100 scrap metal). We go to the locked door, insert the created torsion shaft, then we turn it several times with the help of a kinosis. The door opens.

Question: how to enable subtitles? (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: Subtitles are included in the initial menu of the game. We go into the section "Settings", subsection "Sound", in the last line of "subtitles" put the value "Enable".

Question: how to collect rosette? (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: In the hall of the laboratory, rosettes (in chapter 15) we need all the collected samples to make a single whole alien creature. We approach the capsule in the center, we use the kinesis to change the blue rectangles in some places. An extremely left and extremely right sample is already standing in their places, you do not need to move. When you collect everything correctly, the samples will gather in the center. (Watch from 12 minutes)

Question: why do you need a bot? (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: Bot search engine can independently collect resources. He collects not the resources that are at the level, and which the player himself can assemble. Bot simply brings a random number of resources from nowhere. It can be launched anywhere, any number of times, it is everywhere and always find resources. But there are such points where the bot will bring resources much more than usual. We press the "3" key, we go on the locator to where the signal comes from, put the bot and forget about it. He will collect resources and automatically deliver them to the nearest machine.

Question: why do artifacts need? (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: Artifacts are almost the same as text messages, but with one difference. If you collect all the artifacts of a certain type (EarthGov, KCCK, unitologists, alien), then all these collected artifacts will turn into the best chains of modification (+3, +3 to the characteristics of weapons).

Question: how and where to collect all the artifacts, drawings, modules and TP? (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: All details with the video you will find in

Question: what are cards for? (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: Cards specified in the last line of resources are needed to buy game items in the official store Electronic Arts. In this store you can buy unique costumes, whole weapons or spare parts for them. The store has the opportunity to buy things both for cards and for real money. Currency exchange: 1 card \u003d 2.5 rubles.

Question: how to open costumes? (in the game Dead Space 3)
Answer: Most of the costumes appear in the game along the passage. Some special costumes can be bought at the ELECTRONIC ARTS official store. In order to get a secrecy suit N7 from Mass Effect.You just need to make any of the Mass Effect games on your computer. Or take advantage of our advice

IN Dead Space 3. So much innovations appeared that the fan series is easily confused. Dead Space., not to mention the one who started familiarizing with a series with Dead Space 3.. Let's try in this guide to give a few useful Soviets by Dead Space 3.Whatever you feel easier to navigate.



IN Dead Space 3. Money completely replaced the resources. Resources can be used for making various items, from the first-aid kits and approach to the new weapon. Resources are found throughout the game and do not take place in your inventory, so leaving the territory, make sure that you have collected all the resources. To save resources at the beginning of the game, skip the creation of a new weapon and focus on improving protective suit X.. Parts of weapons are quite common and there is no particular need for their creation. Does not forget about the bot collecting resources - " Bot-search engine"He constantly should be in business. Otherwise, what is the point of it, if it lies in the inventory. If the bot collected resources and ready to download them, find the nearest machine, unload the bot and run it to collect resources.

If you have little resources, you can disassemble old equipment. From unnecessary aidhechkops can be obtained Somatic gel" Extra clip will give " Screw" Your resources will be saved in the inventory if you decide to go through the previously traveled mission. This means that you can return to earlier levels and pass them with best weapon Having collected more resources. Then you can use these resources to improve equipment or weapons and continue the passage of new chapters.


Isaac is now more mobile than in previous games series Dead Space. And there are new features that can demonstrate. For example, there appeared rolling, if several necromorphs go directly on you, you can make a jump with rolling towards, thereby leaving the attack. You can also sit down at any time behind the protrusion or boxes. Faced with necromorpses always melt in the limb. Dismeavating you slow down the enemy more than shooting through the case. If you have a weapon with a swivel mechanism, you can easily change the plane of the attack, for a more efficient cut-off limb or a suichet. In the near battle it is impossible to cause aimed damage, use it only against weakened or weak opponents. Middle-fight attacks are rather weak, but if combining different types Attacks, then efficient combo strikes can be obtained.

Escape also has Kinesis and Stasis. Stasis can be used against a group of enemies or against fast necromorphs, significantly slowing down the enemy. There is a reward for killing the enemy while he is under the action of a station. Kinesis will come to the rescue if you have little cartridges. Cut off the hands of necromorph? Throw them into it to cause damage or kill.

Coop - joint passage

Joint passage, just new in Dead Space 3.. Passing with a partner is much easier than alone. The second feature, which facilitates the joint passage, is that resources in the lockers are actually doubled. This means that both players will not experience difficulties with suggestions. If one player takes a first-aid kit or something else from the supplies, then the second can easily share with it. Simply select the desired inventory item, and then select " Share"And he will immediately be with your partner.
  • Shot a leg necromorph, it will slow down. In the necromorp lying on Earth it is easier to get.
  • Improve starting weapons as quickly as possible. It is very weak.
  • Modify your weapon at each other case.
  • Always keep a few aid kits in the inventory if you have a little new.
  • Kinesis does not need cartridges and charge, do not forget about him!
  • Go to the old levels behind the supplies.
  • Before creating new parts of weapons modify X.
  • Keep the weapon balanced. If you were driven into an angle with a long-range weapon, you have very little chance to get out. Keep with yourself weapons for your neighbor and long battle, it will help you get out of any situation.

- Did you build a laboratory in the middle of the Lava stream?
- We thought: "Well, in fact, maybe go wrong?"
Comic Mess Perfect 2, Issue 144.


Historically, the announcements of new EA games are found with a fair fraction of skepticism. If this is FIFA - you will be sold a patch with updated team formulations. If Battlefield - wait for the shuffling of the classes and the adjusted picture. Need for Speed. It does not do without unsuccessful experiments, and the mythical Crysis still smews our video cards in the imagination of developers.

And the release of Dead Space 3 did not foretell anything good. The series has never been pure Horror, and those who believe otherwise probably have never heard of Call of Cthulhu and Amnesia, and did not read Lovecraft. But if the first parts with the stretch could be chopped by Survival, then to the trickle and this illusion completely disappeared. What did we suggest in return?


In some kind of galaxy ...

Science fiction - fertile soil for rampant fantasy. You can move away from beaten standards, come up with an interesting task with a terrible form of life without losing in truth and serious tone of the narrative. But if the authors of Mass Effect managed and convey the culture of alien races, and to withstand the atmosphere throughout the trilogy, then the creators of Dead Space 3 did not hold something.

The plot of the game is incredibly heavy for perception. You are stitching with selected scientific office, whether it is plot talk, audiography or text messages. You will not meet either memorable characters, nor the abundance of strong scenes, and during the missions often there are questions "What am I doing here?" And "Why am I doing this?"

Sometimes we can travel between zones. But the feeling of linearity does not save.

Not lucky and those who missed the previous parts, but acquired a novelty for the sake of joint passage. Who is Izek Clark, why does he hide, what is this obeliski and why do they worship the army of fanatics? A short introductory roller is hardly answered to all your questions.


In the near future, humanity feels an acute shortage of minerals and begins to colonize other planets. For these purposes are created spaceshipscapable of recycling whole planets in resources. One day one of them filed a distress signal ...

Little repair shuttle is what is needed when communication is lost with a huge station. Naturally, the crew does not find anything on the ship, except for trouble: only the protagonist remains alive, and it is him destined to destroy Obelisk - a mysterious artifact that has breeding a terrible race of necromorfs.

Do you too, this frame reminded the living deck of "Normandy"?

In the sequel, the events are partially repeated: Isaac arrives in the expression megalopolis, located on the satellite fragment of Saturn Titan, where three years is in a shutdown. During this time, the government has time to erect a copy of the artifact - red obelisk, without leaving attempts to use it as a source of energy. What it ended, and the marketer is understandable.

The hero is already waking up into a habitual setting: the city is covered by the new epidemic of necromorfs, and not only monsters, but also the government, as well as unittologists, fans who worshiped obeliscites are now hunting for him. Both those and others crave to get the scheme of an alien device, hidden in the Consciousness of Isaac, but if the first wish to destroy them, then the second, on the contrary, use to clone the artifact. Well, necromorfs ... they would have something to eat ... or somehow ...

Traveling to open space is not a novelty in the series. But at least somehow distracts from the routine.

Objes all, including hallucinations of the deceased friend, created by Obelisk, the hero decides to "tie" with the salvation of the world, but not there was something: EA is still eager for money and starts plot Dead. Space 3, which means, Isaac Clark is again taken for a plasma cutter to cut into necromorpses according to the most limbs.

On the lunar colony "New Horizons" of our acquaintance, the special forces from the EarthGov squad, kicks and threats make it clear that they could not do without the help of the "main obeliskam". Hearing that those go along the trail of the missing group of Ellie, a familiar Aizek in Dead Space 2, the hero replaces unfortunately to mercy and goes to the crusade along the wounded space stations.

The following ten-fifteen hours of the game are developing history ... almost in no way. Resting, the survivors numbered themselves the last hope of humanity and go to the Motherland of Obelisk - the snow-covered planet of Tau Volantis, in order to solve the problem of necromorphs once and forever.

Tespi, Isaac, Terpi. A little more, and you will pass Dead Space 3.

No "terrible revelations", scenes of jealousy between members of the expedition and unitologists, obsessed with the desire to prevent the heroes. And everything will be over for the canons of Mass Effect: only super remedies will be fighting the enemy, and only one person can defeat the great evil - Isaac, the necromorph of his brings, Clark.

If we are already accustomed to the template scenarios in games, then there are very big questions to working out parts. Why does the ship's ship can't identify mines floating in a vacuum from themselves? Why, at full speed, fight the space dump when you can carefully get out of the dangerous zone, and why Isaac, an education engineer, sits on the site of the pilot, and not follows the machines?

In dark corners often come across artifacts in the form of text messages. They affect 100% of the passage of the game, do not have practical value.

Developers hint: since the game is fantastic, the issues of logic and common sense will not be disclosed in it. What drives unitologists except debris fanaticism? Why did their movement become so popular? Where does the government look when fanatics take control of entire colonies? Never recognize ...

Save the situation could be good actors and bright characters, but in Dead Space 3 there are neither those nor others. Monotonous, devoid of emotions Dialogues and monologues accompany you all the game, and the heroes are so highly melted that they practically do not swear by Mate and, squeezing their teeth, go through plot rails. Charisma, temperament, actor play? This is not about them.



Isaac Clark is taken for the usual matter - long processions on dark corridors space stations and abandoned laboratories, rare outputs in open space and wandering over the snow-covered Tau Volantis, where almost always a blizzard.

Tall premises are sissed by necromorphs: "meat" has become more, and our protege puts them with packs with diligence of Commondo, passing the head and depicting surprise. Monsters are falling aid kits, cartridges and resources, there is no interface for tradition, and all important indicators are displayed on the Aizek armor and in the form of a holographic display.

In one of the missions, you threaten death from frostbite due to low temperatures. To survive, keep closer to fire.

The series finally degenerated into an ordinary shooter about monsters and scares no more than Rage from the Software ID. The so-called survival killed and change roles: if earlier Mr. Clark was a hostage of circumstances and survival was his primary task, now he has a clear task and it is consciously climbs into the pecked.


Comparing the game with predecessors, the contrast is hard not to notice. The game was previously made through the effect of surprises, not fear, but the sensitiveness of hopelessness and doomes, frightening decorations no more. Yes, there were terrible necromorphs left, but replace them with pink ponies and get the same effect - surprise, no more.

Does not add optimism incommensurable ease of the game. For once in a limited edition, a really strong gun was hit, and the whole balance flew to the rush. The combination of a high-precision rifle and shotgun tear into the shreds all from one shot, turning necromorphs into twice dead meat. It is no longer necessary to make your own weapon, but this shotgun can still be improved.

Rock climbing entered only then so that you ever died.

The cartridges became universal, the question of their economy is no longer. Even twisting the complexity to the maximum, you do not feel the deficit of the ammunition and the aidhechki - everything is good. The remaptation of the corpses for the sake of additional production was not anywhere, but the bodies often disappear without a trace before you enhance them. There are no more places where you can save freely - now only checkpoints.

Arsenal Aizek remained Stasis and Kinesis - the first slows down monsters and objects, the second is used to open doors and interact with mechanisms or for throwing in the enemies with something explosive. If we used these pribluds to survive, now we use except in the plot - in battle even on the "impossible" complexity enough enough of a good gun.


The environment is often changing, but the gameplay is deprived of a variety - the creators did not come up with nothing new for replacing the techniques. You are entering the room and already pretend from which Monsters will crawl: it remains to score somewhere into the angle, to cover the back and methodically shoot the enemies - the fire is enough for the eyes, so that they do not even come closely.

Blood brother of bloodsucked from the Chernobyl zone - inseparable. Only here the Stasis and cuts out.

Another extreme is excessive slowness. The passage will delay the clock for fifteen, or even more, due to impertuous video keys and expectations of some event: while the elevator will arrive at you, while you are going on the elevator, while the door or Isaac opens, put the weapon on the workbench. Not to mention the long QTE, when Monsters are attacked on Isaac.

Inspired by educational games for children, Visceral Games stuffed Dead Space 3 bunch of mini games. Elementary tasks in the spirit "Transfer three cubes from one place to another", "Collect puzzle" or "Pull the levers in proper sequence»Do not add interest, but only stretch the already monotonous time.

Schedules with people did not become a revelation: those who are used to surgical accuracy to cut off the limb monsters, will not work to make a tagged head. Innovations in the form of squats and focate difficult to find application, as well as the ability to move the shelter by the kinesis, - against the background of the necromorphs of fanatics, weak and harp, and they are rare.


Mini-game distribution of energy. If Isaac calculates with the calculation, it will hit it with a current.

Disappointed the snow-covered Tau Volantis - the developers did not come up with how to use her environment, so most of the game takes place in the usual corridors. On the fresh air You will be rarely rarely, and there the gameplay is not much different - only necromorphs will move out of the ground, and not falling on the head with mines and ventilation.

The visual number left pleasant impressions. Let it be a direct port from consoles and in graphic settings No longer get lost, the picture does not cut the eye and optimization at the height. It became worse only the disseminated, but the destroyed surrounded is not to stutter at all - not every light bulb can be shifted. Music and sounds are no longer so injected at the first part, as in the first part, but still fall into the beat.

Gather them all!

In Dead Space 3 weapons are no longer scattered over the levels. We collect resources and details to produce it with your own hands on the workbench. Suppose we have no Limited Edition, and the most deadly guns should be collected independently. Why start?


To build weapons, find the face, details for the upper and lower block. The bed is the basis, their types determine the possibilities for nozzles, and occasionally give bonuses to characteristics. Blocks affect the type of damage and fire power. If you connect the burner to the face, it turns out the flamethrower, the Tesla emitter is a laser rifle.

Your inventory. The familiar picture is even on the high difficulties of the game.

Variators are added to both blocks - special segments that change the shooting mode. If you add a cryogenic module to the flamethrower, the enemies will not ignite, but freeze with the effect of the stasis, and the laser rifle in the community with the modulator will shoot the energy pain instead of the cutting wave.

Weapons can be equipped with two nozzles. One will give different bonuses, from increasing the clip to the automatic selection of cartridges, the second will increase damage by any effect, be it fire, electricity or acid.

There are also chain sets - damage modifiers, recharge, closure and shooting pace. Each barrel supports up to eight such improvements (four for each block), which means that even weak pylorez with a low base damage can be turned into an effective murder tool.


Tungsten - the most valuable material at the beginning of the game. It rarely falls out, and with improved maximum health, it is not without it.

Weapons can be disassembled at any time to the details without losing the components, if you did not have to do. The game has even a separate car with a workbench, where you can collect guns, and test them on monsters. If you do not want to experiment, collect the ready-made sample according to the drawings, but if you have little details, such a luxury can fly into a penny.

Money has become a remnant of past parts, now five types of resources are used to buy details of weapons and improvements. Spare parts and resource base in abundant quantities you will collect for one passage, it is worth it to carefully examine all the rooms, caring the corpses and break containers with equipment. Familitate the collection of bots-search engines: Run them in a special place, focusing on the sound signals, and they will be pulled to the workbench of the valuable fossils.

With the upgrade of a suit is easier. No dilemmas, just for the resources improve the maximum health, armor, the effectiveness of the stasis and the kinesis. Modifiers apply to all your wardrobe. Spacks do not give valuable additions and differ only on the appearance.

If you have little resources, you can buy them. And not even for money, but for cards - they bring them bots search engines.


The contents of the inventory is attached to your saving slot and does not depend on the EA servers, and already completed chapters can be controlled via the "Select Chapter" menu. The production of resources and supplies even theoretically can not go to a dead end - if the first-aid kits and cartridges were cleaned, return to the early chapters, in order to sort the only one.

The system of creating and improving weapons is the most interesting thing that is in Dead Space 3, but it is fun from the category "Entertain yourself yourself." The game does not push to the use of different types of weapons and skillful combination, for any gun with high rates of damage and rapidity will cope with small packed, and with huge bosses, and about patch, the ruling balance, until you hear.

Together more fun?

A prominent innovation of the game became a cooperative. It has long been known that the possibility of passing together with friends any game turns into a candy, but is it saved by Dead Space 3? Unlikely.

If frankly: joint game There is almost no different from the single here. Sometimes it even arises the feeling that she was sewed here a couple of months before the release of those threads that were at hand.

Even without DX 11, the game enchants. But only places.

The second character, John Carver, is generally not registered in the script - ordinary warrior, appears in the rollers of a little more often than the Unnamed Morpene from Doom, regardless of the game mode. Under it, they did not even bother to adjust the cat scene: here we look at the video, here the camera smoothly moves behind the back of Isaac and suddenly - the frame breaks up, dramatically changing the plan, and we are already behind the carver.

IN game process Exactly one substantial change: if you or a partner die, both go to checkpoint. Yes, there is an option that allows you to raise each other, but this is not a panacea, when you break from a rock or climbing the rocks and in other places where your body turns into a bloody mince. Monsters at levels also get more, but incommensurable with your fireproof, so in the company a friend the game is easier to pass.

Storage with supplies - a mandatory reward of almost every bonus and cooperative missions.

There is no war for resources - each has its own mining, although you can share the supplies (but not in detail and weapons). There are episodes tied on joint interaction, where one lowers the lever, the other turns the valve or both at the same time doubt the QTE to survive. If you play one, such moments will not notice, - the carnet will appear only in the rollers and will not be present in the role of the bot.

The game has bonus missions. Some of them are available for singles (not related to the plot, but allow you to get several rare parts), but some can only go together. In such tasks, one of the heroes sometimes attend hallucinations and it hits the arena, where it fights without the help of a partner. Logic in this is a bit, but the game is so arranged.


The last drop of the fan patience could be a system with microtransactions, but for justice for the first to note - and the press, and the players themselves swelled the problem in a flat place. Apart from several sets with weapons and costumes, DLC does not contain unique content, and with resources there are no problems in the game.

The most brave prepared additional levels of difficulty. On one of these, you only have one life on the game.

Otherwise, you should not chat, we have a typical example, as using exemplary marketing, aggressive advertising and falsehood, can be moved to the masses of gray and idle media. Even those who sincerely sympathized with the previous games of the series should not be hoped by the meaningful end of the saga. We have the first ruined trilogy finals in 2013.

Dead Space 3 resembles a three-sided tea bag. The first time he pleases with a bright taste, the second no longer gives such impressions, but still recognizable, but in the third one can no longer get rid of the feeling that you were poured just water with sugar.

Verdict: An ordinary militant with monsters wrapped in a glossy cover. It should not be touched until the price falls at a minimum three times. The game is not worth your money.

Evaluation: 6.8.

Between the lines. Dead Space 3 leaves controversial impressions. Sometimes it is interesting to make something intricate and try in combat conditions, but when you understand that the old shotgun is split any enemy faster and more efficiently, becomes sad. Perhaps the game will save open world - Wander on snow vegans and explore the abandoned buildings would be interesting, but, alas, the authors preferred the very same type corridors.

Vitaly Krasnovid. aka. Dezintegration.

  • Dead Space 3: Performance Testing
    Testing nineteen video cards and sixty eight processors in two permissions and two modes of operation.

  • At the site conference.

Despite the fact that any extraordinary secrets in Dead Space 3. Not so much, interesting, hidden from prying eyes, moments in this game still take place!

How to get a suit N7

Dead Space 3 gives players the opportunity to acquire suit N7. Even without prior saving from Mass Effect 3. It's very simple!
- Create a text document in the directory, giving him the name "Local_Profile.sav"

The path should look like this: "C: / Users / Vgtimes / Documents / Bioare / Mass Effect 3 / Save /". If there is no "Save" folder at this address - just create it;
- Create a text document named "DS_SLOT_01.DeadSpace2Saved" to "C: / Users / username / Documents / EA Games / Dead Space 3 /".

We make resources endless

The mission in which the shuttle crashes crawling while trying to dock, is endowed with one secret. One of the booth in which the hero is invited to get started, has constantly emerging resources. In this booth, the audio recording of Aloha station is constantly played, reminding that there should be points for delivery of provisions in the product map in order not to leave anyone hungry.

If you need to get an additional amount of resources, the player should leave the booth through the closest door to the dock, after opening it again, move back so much so that the door closes. This action You can repeat any number of times. And then just go to the booth again and take the resources that appeared!

Bonus tungsten

In the fourth chapter, being in the room, in which Isaac finds on the wall inscription on the key to the car, in a small corrider you can see a deer head suspended under the ceiling. Kill as much as possible, because you need to get exactly in the nose, and then the head of the deer falls, and you get from ten to twenty voltage!

It is exactly what you need to have a slightly update your costume, because a meeting with a turtle will not be uncorrected, and the other opportunity to get a tungsten fate will not provide you!

It's funny that in the event of a re-passing of the chapter, the new portion of tungsten fails, despite the fact that the head is in its place and the shot easily falls.