The setting was hit by Shaitan under himself. Forbidden Sight "Shaitan" for World of Tanks - What is the secret of Nagiba? Installing Aimbot Shaitan from Zorrojan

New Aimbot from DarkTeam, complemented by showing destroyed objects.


The mod consists of two elements. The first is aimbot, a modification, which is several times improving auto drive mode. The following functions appeared:

  • automatic calculation of the prevention of the moving enemy;
  • intuitive auction weak places (can be turned off using the NUMPAD block);
  • if the enemy is hidden behind the house or landscape, it can still be taken into the sight, the restriction on the capture only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe direct visibility is removed;
  • target capture indicator, distance to the enemy, information about the status of protection and the thickness of the armor at the point where the marker is induced.

In addition to the new aiming, another extremely useful cheat is included in the mod. If the enemy interacts in some place the card with an interactive object (for example, a car or tree), then the marker will appear at that point. The mark appears not only on the minicar, but also on the battlefield itself, which is very convenient. Especially the benefits of such information is tangible when the player remained alone against several enemy tanks.

How is the sight?

  • Copy the Configs folder to \\ WORLD_OF_TANKS \\ RES_MODS \\. The remaining folders and files copy to World of Tanks \\ Res_Mods \\

The first screen demonstrates the destruction of objects, the second is devoted to the sight.

Good day, Tankers and welcome to the site! Surely almost everyone who plays in World of Tanks uses various models of modes or individual modifications, because it allows us to play with great comfort in a practical and aesthetic plan.

However, there are tanks in the world and prohibited fashion that were not approved by Wargaming because they make an imbalance in the game, one of these modifications is Shaitan Sight.

We all understand perfectly well what the word "cheat" and unlose cheaters mean. That's precisely under the definition of cheats fall world of Tanks sights Shaitan. The thing is that this script greatly improves the ability of your tank to aim, while you practically do not need anything. To be clearer, let's list all the possibilities of this fashion with the accompanying explanations:
1. Improved fire shooting - in this context, it is understood that the MOD SCIENCE automatically and independently fixes your sight on the target when you hover on enemy tank. After that, the estimate is calculated depending on the direction and speed of the enemy movement, the distance to it. At this time you can enter the target, even by turning the screen to the other side, you only need to press the shot button.

2. Automatic capture of the objective obstacle - Wot sight Shaitan can take a goal in an automatic sight without pressing the right mouse button, we already know. But he is also able to capture the goal behind the stone, home and any other obstacle, which is impossible to do under normal conditions.
3. Slotting behind the enemy, who left litter - everything is simple, taking the enemy on the fly, the auto sight of Shaitan will lead it, even if he disappears from the light. In other words, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe goal movement always, while do not decide to shoot on someone else.
4. Focusing in a separate section of the armor - another feature is the ability to fasten the sight on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe enemy tank. Thus, the Aimbot Shaitan scope with the absorption allows you to shoot in a vulnerable zone constantly, but no one is insured against the spread of the gun and miss.
5. Calculator for the armor and aulgement of vulnerable points - this mod can also independently find vulnerable points in the opponent's armor, you just need to catch the Sight Silhouette of the tank in Chit, everything else will make a cunning script.
6. X-ray - another no less important point, you can see the silhouette of the enemy tank for any obstacle, even at home or mountain, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere it is sent to the gun, how it is worth it and in which direction is moving, all these opportunities gives cheat sight Shaitan.

In addition to the above opportunities, this script is rich in various information indication. For example, Aimbot Shaitan scope shows the distance from you to the target, there is an indicator that informs that there is some obstacle on the path of your projectile and so on.

As you can see, this modification seriously affects game processMakes it actually automatic and makes serious adjustments to the work of the classic automotion. For these reasons, the Shaitan scope is prohibited by the game developers, because it really contributes an imbalance and kills the idea of \u200b\u200btanks.

All of the above concerns the fighting on artillery. Being full information on the enemy's tank, the Cheat Aimbot Sight Shaitan will automatically adjust your targeting on targets, checked with its movements, correct the focus, and on unconfirmed information, even slightly adjust the trajectory of the shell's flight, which will make it possible to get into the target.

As for its use, the prohibition is not unfounded. Of course you can download sight shaitan WORLD Of Tanks, install it, set up properly, but be prepared for the fact that sooner or later you will just be banned. At the same time, the account lock can take place without the possibility of its recovery.

And on the other hand, why use such modifications? Of course, at first you will have fun, stinging a lot of frags and defeating without much effort. But as already mentioned earlier, the meaning of the game is lost, the interest will also disappear and although everyone who wants to download the scope with the absorption.

There are many legal modes of sights, which also make the game more nicely, somewhat simplify the process of drawing damage, but at the same time they do not threaten the loss of the account. Such scripts for World of Tanks You can download in

Aimbot Shaitan for World of Tanks 0.9.18 is a sight with Aimbot Shaytan's absorption from Zorrojan, which refers to chitams. Now you will not need to guess where the enemy light can go, as soon as it appears in your visibility zone, capture it on the route and then the modification will do everything itself. It reads the speed of the tank, the distance to it, the flight speed of your projectiles and already on this data shoots the opponent's control, and he simply has nowhere to go, thanks to which you will change the damage to moving purposes without any problems. Just do not forget to turn on the cheat before shooting, the designation that this development will work will write over the mini card.

You can configure sight in the file
res_mods \\ 0.9.x \\ scripts \\ client \\ modu \\ zj_mods \\ xml \\ zj_aimbotshaytan.xml
The variability of settings is amazing imagination. Editing is amenable to about 15 different parameters. Any player will be able to perfectly select the settings for modification specifically under your style of play. Do not forget to use NotePad ++ to edit or its analogues.

Remember that the mod will work correctly only after removing alternative automobiles.

We remind you that establishing prohibited modes, you act at your own risk. Do not post repose fights, screenshots from the game.

Copy the contents of the archive in WORLD_OF_TANKS / RES_MODS / 0.9.X /. (X - number of the current patch)

Children's guys! Aimbot Shaitan from Zorrojan for World of Tanks specifically for you! The sight is automatically guided by moving tanks, depending on the distance to the opponent's car. Equipped with the capture of the target behind the obstacle, the possibility of capturing a certain point on the enemy armor. In addition, the sight continues to track the goal that disappeared from lighting. IN aM remains only to click on the shot!


You can configure sight in the file res_Mods \\ 1.3.x \\ scripts \\ client \\ modu \\ zj_mods \\ xml \\ zj_aimbotshaytan.xml.

The variability of settings is amazing imagination. Editing is amenable to several dozen different parameters. Any player will be able to perfectly select the settings for modification specifically under your style of play. Do not forget to use NotePad ++ to edit or its analogues.

Remember that the mod will work correctly only after removing alternative automobiles.

We remind you that establishing prohibited modes, you act at your own risk. Do not post repose fights, screenshots from the game.


Copy the contents of the archive in WORLD_OF_TANKS / RES_MODS / 1.6.X /. (X - number of the current patch)

Download Aimbot Shaitan for World of Tanks dated 09/11/2019

A New Aimbot from Darkteam, Supplemented by a Display of Destroyed Objects.

Features of modification

The MOD Consists of Two Elements. The First Is An Aimbot, A Modification Sevel Times Improving The Auto-Targeting Mode. THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS HAVE APPEARED:

  • Automatic Calculation of AntiCIPATION FOR A MOVING ENEMY;
  • Intuitive Targeting of Weak Points (CAN BE DISABLED USING THE NUMPAD);
  • If the ends Or the Landscape, It Can Still Be Taken Into Sight, The Restriction On Capture Only in the Line of Sight Is Removed;
  • Target Capture Indicator, Distance to the Opponent, Information on The Status of Lead And Thickness of Armor AT The Point Where The Marker Is Located.

In addition to. the New. Aiming, Another Very Useful Cheat IS Included in the MOD. If in Some Place of the Map The Embect (for examples, a car or a tree), Then a Marker Will Appear AT That Point. The Mark Appears Not Only On The Minimap, But Also On The Battlefield Itself, Which Is Very Convenient. Especially The Benefits of Such Information Are Palpable When The Player Is Left Alone Against SEVERAL ENEMY TANKS.

How to Set the Sight?

The Configs Folder is Copied to \\ WORLD_OF_TANKS \\ RES_ODS \\. Copy The Rest of the Folders and Files to World of Tanks \\ Res_Mods \\
The First Screen Shows The Destruction of Objects, The Second Is Devated to the Sight.