Where Max Max in Wolfenstein. Passage of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - a guide on collectibles. Launch of the side mission toys Max

Chapter 3. New World
Chapter 4. Prison Aisenwald,
Chapter 5. New home,
Chapter 6. London Nature,
Chapter 7. Mystery,
Chapter 8. Belitz Camp,
Chapter 9. New tactic,
Chapter 10. Berlin Catacombs,
Chapter 11. Submarine,
Chapter 12. Gibraltar Bridge,
Chapter 13. Mail Station,
Chapter 14. Return to London Nature,
Chapter 15. Out
Chapter 16. Return to the Fortress of the skull.

  • Deciphering Enigma Codes .
  • Chapter 7. Mystery


    At helicopters, they are imperceptibly flying to the underground tunnel next to their headquarters.

    In the shelter decrypt the records, and we learn a little about Daat Ihud. The Germans found out about this organization, began to capture and pursue their members, and thanks to this they received technological advantage. In one of the records it is said about the superbetone, about its weakness to mold.

    Task: go to the archive

    We go to the room to Vaita for the key. An ally in an depressed state, he regrets that he remained alive, and not Fergus. Listen to claims then get the key from the archive.

    Task: Find Lists in Archives

    Go down to the 1st floor, we find in the archive documentation.

    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    Task: find a plot of concrete with mold

    Go down to the sewer, we reach the hangar. Here in the southwestern part we find a moldy concrete, now it is necessary to sprinkle. Next take circular sawBut then Plywood breaks under us and we fall down.

    Task: Back to headquarters

    We go through the tunnel right, then left, then right.

    In the impasse of the left we find laser improvement (Now his shots will be recorded once). A little further on the way we find an old rifle. At this point, several flying drone attacks us.

    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    Task: Cut the sample concrete

    Return to the hangar. We start off off concrete. From a loud sound, a panic begins at the low-cost Max. Max is removed in his room, and we need to somehow to block your guilt.

    Task: Collect Max toys

    1) In the hangar on the floor we find a toy robot. 2) In the Caroline room we find a color phone. 3) In Caroline's room we climb the secret for the picture, we find cubes. 4) In the archive room we find the machine.

    Found toys attribute to Max's room.

    Task: give the sample ane

    Take documents and a piece of concrete ane. We are waiting for results.

    Chapter 8. Belitz Camp

    Resistance participants are collected at the table. We learn that a special limestone is used in the Superbeton, mined only in Northern Croatia mines. This recipe is described in Daat Ihud documents. And according to the Gestapo documents, one of the members of Daat Ihud named Set Roth is not far from this place - in the Belitz concentration camp.

    Our task is to penetrate the concentration camp and negotiate the set of cooperation. The only chance to penetrate the concentration camp without noise - to surrender to the Germans.

    Arrival in camp
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    We find out in Croatian concentration camp in the flow of arrivals of prisoners. Here, the main warders are Irene Engel and Bubi, with whom we met in the train. We are sent to the work unit. At the entrance, we make a tattoo with the number, and the chevrons of our block are sewn on the sleeve.

    In the next room we get up for the working machine. The black prisoner says that the Roth set is in the 4th block. To penetrate there, you need to get clothes with another stripe. One of the prisoners named Milo wishes to change, but you need to do it imperceptibly from the guards.

    Task: cause a breakdown of concrete mixers

    We work on a concrete mixer. Perform actions on the picture: Press the lever to the right (key d), twist the flywheel on the left (A), press the button in the center (s). We repeat two times, after that the part will disappear from the panel. Sitty, select detail And we throw it into the concrete mixer. Repeat the combination of three buttons again, after that the machine breaks.

    While the guards inspect the concrete mixer, approach cute and change with him jackets. We go to block B4.

    Block B4.
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    Task: find the company's set

    We pass the courtyard, go to Barack.

    In the far left corner we find the old man of the net of the company. He agrees to cooperate in exchange for the liberation of all prisoners of the concentration camp. Seth The mouth is very clever, and he already has a plan of the uprising.

    Task: Disable security system

    We go to the building in the West. The main door is guarded by a video camera.

    Security service building

    Open the cellar sash, we enter the basement of the building.

    We go to the next room. Suddenly, an officer attacks us. After long torture, we find yourself in the krematorium oven. Take a knife and chosen from the furnace.

    Right before us, the guard is a security guard, and next to the dog. Surely eliminate them. On the top platform kill one more fascist. On the wall of the left we find card block B4.. We can go to the previous room and kill one more enemy there.

    We go south, climb to the second floor.

    We go through the floor, we kill two more soldiers. In the northern room you kill behind the back officer named a knife. Call the second knife from the sink.

    We reach the control room, eliminate the soldier.

    Press the button to turn off all machine gun cameras. Now we can quietly return to the concentrationrian courtyard.

    Task: Back to Setu

    We speak the network that the system is disabled. He sends us to another block in search of a battery for a self-made robot control panel.

    Task: find a detrony battery

    We go through the workshop. No one from the guards here. Press the button, pass to another block.

    Building of commandation
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    There is no one on the street. You can go to the building along two ways: on the construction forests on the left or through the side door around the corner on the right.

    3rd floor. For construction forests rise to the top floor. Kill a couple of enemies and a dog.

    2nd floor. In the east side there is a staircase for which we could enter here from the street. And we need to be on the western staircase.

    1st floor. Kill a couple of enemies. Go down along the northern stairs.

    Basement. Two more enemies, kill them.

    Take battery. From the electrical panel, but we are hitting it. Protection is running on the noise, they are captured.

    Riding on robot
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    Come into consciousness. We are tied to the post, near the net of the mouth, the fascists under the leadership of Engel are preparing to execute us. The set takes control over the robot and destroys all the executioners of the fascists.

    Sit down to the robot, take the management of yourself. We go forward, shoot all your enemies. We can switch to the machine gun or on the rocket (key "C"). Enemy robots destroy first. In the small extension to the left behind the bridge you can break all the walls.

    Task: Help the set to get to the roof

    Come to the visor big Building, Look at the roof scientist. While he unlocks the door of the garage from the inside, we need to shoot from numerous enemies.

    Task: climb into the truck

    When all prisoners are sitting on the cars, we choose from the robot and enter the garage.

    Sit into the car and leave. Finally, we see that the Arabic Engel remained alive.

    Chapter 9. New Tactic

    In the shelter, learn from the mouth of the mouth important information. "Daat Ihud" - the secret ancient society of inventors. Community members invented technologies that were out of their time. All technologies were carefully hidden in the caches, but the fascists were able to find one of the secrets, thanks to which they won the war.

    Next, learn that the Germans received access only to one small cache, and such caches are about hundreds around the world. We have a chance to access a bigger cache. Cache Set Rota is at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. To penetrate there, you need to get a submarine. To capture the submarine, it is necessary to repair a small tunnel glader.

    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    Task: find a welding machine

    After the liberation of the concentration camp in our refuge, many new faces have appeared. We pass throughout the rooms, and we look at who is located.

    In Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus you have to find 216 collectible items (15 Max toys, 10 records, 50 gold, 16 posthumous cards of both commandants, 75 stars cards, 50 sketches). Having found all collectibles open the following trophies and achievements:

    • Golden Boy / Golden Boy (Gold)
    • Terror-Billy / Creepy Billy (Wool Commandants Posthumous Cards)
    • Meet The Cast / Meeting with Stars (Stars Card)
    • Art aficionado / art connoisseur (sketches)

    Important: You must collect Enigma codes from officers to later get the Ober Commandants cards! Officers are opponents who raise the alarm and cause reinforcement when noting you. When they are nearby, then the distance meter to them appears at the top of the screen. They are not hiding, and you can farm the enigma codes on them infinitely after the plot, repauing areas. Nevertheless, we recommend that you collect codes from them throughout the plot to minimize the need for farm after and saving your time.

    Nothing can be missed! However, there are no traditional elections in the game. After the plot, you can return to all locations by deciphering the Enigma. Beginning new gameYou fully reset your progress on collectibles, so finding them all needed within one passage.

    As soon as you raise the subject of collectibles, it is immediately saved. You do not need to reach the next control pointand it will not disappear if you suddenly die. In the pause menu you can see how many items of each type have already found. You can also track objects on locations, but not by mission.

    Posthumous Cards of Ober Commandants can only be obtained by deciphering Enigma Codes and Logging Ober Commandants. After deciphering the enigma, you can interact with the console next to the machine to move to the location with the Ober-Commandant. It is best to do this after passing the story of the game. Be sure to kill all officers and collect codes with their bodies. Killing an officer, you also march collectibles on the map! Unfortunately, not all collectibles are marked, but some you can find marked yellow icons on the map.

    Also in the game there are 150 readable items, but it is not necessary to collect them all.

    Hammer Eva:

    • Gold: 0.
    • Star Cards: 13
    • Sketches: 12.
    • Max toys: 0
    • Records: 0.
    • Readable: 30.

    Video guides:


    • Gold: 0.
    • Star Cards: 0
    • Sketches: 0.
    • Max toys: 0
    • Posthumous Cards Ober-Commendacts: 0
    • Records: 0.
    • Readable: 16.


    • Gold: 18.
    • Star Cards: 15
    • Sketches: 10.
    • Max toys: 5
    • Posthumous Cards Ober-Commendacts: 5
    • Records: 4.
    • Ready: 25.

    Video guides:


    • Gold: 10.
    • Star Cards: 14
    • Sketches: 7.
    • Max toys: 2
    • Posthumous Cards Ober-Commendacts: 2
    • Records: 2.
    • Read: 29.

    Difficult to find collective set Of the 15 lost toys of Max in the game Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus? They are scattered around the world and can be anything, from robots and wooden cubes to plastic toy phones. Having found all of them, you will open the achievement. In this guide, we will deal with where to look for lost toys.

    Launch of the side mission toys Max

    To collect collectible items, you need to unlock mission mission commander-in-chief, and then open the quest "Max toys".

    After completing the level in Mescit, Texas, go back to Hammer Eve's submarine and talk to Gizeli Ball, to run the mission. From there, go to the car's puzzles, and get access to each place in a side mission.

    Collecting items in Manhattan

    Toy number 1 - bunker

    This toy is very slyly hidden and easy to skip it. Closer to the end of this mission you can jump onto the area on the second floor with black and yellow stripes. In the corridor next to a red banner, find a bunch of boxes, and on the right several cardboard boxes. You can jump through the boxes, and the drawers will wait for a small blue robot.

    Toy number 2 - Harbor

    Near the destroyed police station, go to an abandoned building with a giant bomber tank in front. Lift into two staircase spans, and at the end of the room at the window after the second staircase, you can find the second toy.

    Toy number 3 - subway

    Next to the northeastern edge of the metro map is rusty green with a brown metro car. Immediately after entering it, turn left and look down. You will see a toy plane on the ground next to the seat.

    Toy number 4 - Ruins

    Coming out of the exploded building and destroying the enemy-robot, enter the open tunnel. The toy is in the train car at the far end of the tunnel.

    Toy number 5 - Penthouse

    Next to the staircase, you can find an empty elevator mine, you need to jump down. Drive through this underground zone until you find an angle with a large wooden table. On the back side of the rack is the next toy.

    Collecting items in Ryswell

    Toy number 6 - city center

    Through the gas station there is a boat shop with a black sign. Take inside the lattice in the window, and take the toy - a baseball bat.

    Toy number 7 - Subway

    Inside the dispatching next to the railway, you can find a toy tank located on the panel next to yellow screens.

    Collecting items in Mecity

    Toy number 8 - Farmhouse

    Under the metal lifting forests, you will see a zone with a broken van and a trash can. Nearby there is a small building with several tables on the street. Find a table with donkeys, it will have a toy.

    Collecting items in New Orleans

    Toy number 9 - ghetto

    For this toy, look for a partially flooded street with a large stone wall. Come to the destroyed two-storey bus and go to the next building. Toy green bus is located at the far end of the rack inside the building.

    Toy number 10 - wall

    The western end of the wall segment (up the stairs) you will find an office filled with green shelves and equipment. The toy stands on the shelf at the table and next to the radiator.

    Toy number 11 -ulitsa Benenville

    In sewage, before colling in the tunnel with a dog-robot, look for a dead-end segment. There will find an alligator toy sitting near the lattice.

    Toy number 12 - Lakeview

    Turn left on the street with all Nazi banners hanging on the wall, then descend along the alley and look for a toy on the ground to the right of the blue garbage.

    Collecting items in Venus

    Toy number 13 - Habitat

    In the area with all the luggage and a small living room, go down the stairs with walls with the inscription A, B, C, etc. D.I. Look for a room 3. The toy is on the counter directly inside the wall near the poster.

    Toy number 14 - transport hall

    In the hall B, pass by tanks and descend through a small ventilation space on the floor. You will fall into a tight space, then jump to the metal railing to top. In the end, you can jump into another hole in the dispatching. A pistol toy lies on the console on the screen.

    Toy №15 - Headquarters

    In a circular corridor, coming out of the control room, find a plot with a white box on a small wheel trolley near the door. The airship toy looks out of the drawer.

    That's all: now you have all 15 collectible items, and you can unlock the achievement of Toy Collector, when you capture the final hidden toy Max.

    Jump into the water from the bridge after the satellites. Swim up to locked hatch. Cut the laser chain in its top. After opening a hatch, swim a little forward, choose from the water along the stairs. After proceeding for satellites on the corridor. You will reach the door to the shelter. Stay in front of her and come in Ana. Click e. Then there will be another video. When it is over, climb to the second floor, negotiate with Claus. After the end of the conversation, go to search for a folder with files about the project "Whisper". In order to find the folder, you just go to the Max room. It is adjacent to the Claus room. You will find a folder in the wall. It is closed by a board. It can be hacked or bypass.

    Wolfenstein game passage: The NEW ORDER continues. After leaving the Max room, go left. Find an empty room. You can sleep in it. After on the box in the bed, see a statuette of a soldier. It increases health. In this room for drawers yellow color Find a gold vase. However, it is possible to get it through the chairp room of the first floor. There it is necessary to open the secret passage behind the poster of the fence on the bomb. So you will reach the vase, and to the files on the project "whisper".

    By the way, you can get to the folder in another way - look on the fombus on the second floor. When you care, hack the board from the Max room. By the way, on the second floor you can find a plate. Be that as it may, but you will receive the desired documents. Look now on the third floor. Here you will find another bed. If you stay to sleep on it, then the captain of Blassovitsi will dream of sleep. It makes sense to get out of the castle. Then the main character wakes up. Then you need to go down to the first floor, talk to Caroline. When the conversation is over, go to the next task. Passage of Wolfenstein: New Orders continues.

    Chapter 6 - London Nature

    So you drove to the place. Get out of the car, look at the explosion. Blassovitsa miraculously did not give the monument. Go to the research center in the maze of debris. Try the left to go and stumble upon Panterage. Go away a little left, slip under the wreckage, cut a piece of grille with a laser. We look into the hole, see the parse serrund. This time it will be littered with fragments. Return to the place where you first met the iron montrol. Quietly pass further. Front on the right side will see the car with burning headlights. We look through it, you will again see the Pantharage, which is approaching the left.

    Slit under the debris on the right side, run away from the monster. Focus on the blue road sign with the image of the arrow. So the dog will be finally littered with fragments. Go further. You will see the wounded German officer. It is necessary to get rid of him. Also along the way to the main entrance, eliminate another fascist along with a combat robot. There will also be a fragment of the Enigma Code ", which should be taken.

    Passage of the game Wolfenstein: The New Order. When you get to the main entrance, go inside it will come across the resistance of the Nazis. Roll into a small room on the left side. There will be found another "Enigma Fragment". In addition, there will also be a safe. Open it and take cartridges for a rifle along with health improvement. Load all the infantrymen, climb the second floor, read everything there. From the second floor it will be more convenient to attack the robot that stands downstairs. To do this, use the machine gun and remove the turret. As a result, you destroy all the enemies. Go to the dining room. Then through it you will fall into the storage room. There in the ceiling will find hatch. Through it, you can get into ventilation. In it will find a "golden knife". On the first floor, the wall with the photo is still "Golden Defense". When you get to the next gate, raise them as high as possible. Then go ahead until they dropped.

    Sense into the lunar dome, clean the terrain from the fascists. Climb up the stairs. When you find yourself at the top, take the "Enigma Code fragment". Activate the lever that lowers the satellite model. Laser cut off the chain. The satellite hangs on it, go through it before exiting the room. Complete along the corridor, killing enemies. Wrap yourself at Luke, which leads to the elevator mine. With the further passing of the game Wolfenstein: The New Order, you need to cut off the chain from the hatch, get into the mine and jump on the elevators until you reach the cable. We climb to the top platform. On the way, you need to shoot from drones and fascists.

    Once at the top, go along the corridor to the right. Open the next hatch. Stand on the site, which is marked yellow. It acts as opposition to the elevator. Shoot the brakes that are marked red. You climb up due to the fall of the elevator. Do not shoot brakes, standing on the elevator. Otherwise, find yourself in hell.

    Upstairs, go through the next hatch, go down down. So get to the laboratory Daat Iud. After watching the next roller, collect the value from the tables, marked "Daat Ihud". Then get from the capsule Lasercrafasso. To get it, you need to rise to the second tier, then cut the chains with a laser. They hold the shield inside the capsule. Then go down and press the yellow button so as to cut the path into the capsule. Take the LaserCrafour, cut the hole with it in the wall, which is marked with a yellow romb. Get to another elevator mine, climb the stairs into two floors up. Again there, shoot the brakes from the elevator, go through the pipes until the next obstacle, cut it out with a lasercrafttail. Go forward, climb the stairs up. So get to the hangar. Wolfenstein's passage: The New Order continues.

    Jump down and immediately neutralize the living force of the enemy. Try first to deal with officers, otherwise they will raise anxiety. On the right in the hangar you will see the room. You can find improvement for your laser accountighter. Then you can shoot queues. In addition, there will also be a fragment of the Enigma Code. In addition to the fascists in the hangar there will be two robots. When you figure it out, the soldiers will resort together with a big robot. After another stripping, go to the room from which a big robot appeared. Close up the stairs. There you are through ventilation in the control room. From there, with the help of the remote, you can open the hangar. The allies will fly to the hangar, a grain of deltaplans. Go down, help Caroline get to the helicopter. On it you can leave the building.

    Chapter 7 - Mystery

    After conversation with Anya, go to search for a piece of concrete with mold. Take the sample, go to the archive for documents. By the way, you can not immediately penetrate the room with the archive. It is closed. You need to take the key from Fergus. Passage of Wolfenstein: New Orders continues.

    Before going for the key, it is worth viewing on the first floor. Here you can find "Letter Bobby", which lies on the bed. When climb on the second floor, negotiate in Fergus. Get the key from it. In addition, on the second floor you can sleep again. This is the same bed as the chapter " New house" Then get health improvement. Next to the stairs, which leads on the third floor, you can find a note about concrete. On the third floor there will be a can, helping to fight mold. Return to the first floor, go to the Angar Krazau. There you will find concrete with mold. To take the sample, you will have to find a circular saw. It is located in the nearest corner of the room where other tools lie.

    When Blassovitz takes the saw, then fall into the sewer. It will have to get out of it. Complete along the corridor, roll up to the left, move to the door, which is guarded by an automatic turret. Destroy the gun, go to the lattice. From her right edge will break the rods. There and it is worth climbing. With the further passing of the game Wolfenstein: The New Order Follow the corridor. So find yourself indoors where a few shelves. On one you will find a plate "House of the Rising Sun". Get out of the room, using a break in the wall. Write in the corridor with an automatic turret. Shoot it first, and then go through the tunnel in the opposite direction. In a dead end, find the improvement reflector for LaserCrafour. Return to the place where the turret was. Cut the chain with a closed door.

    When you find yourself in the next tunnel, pick up a double break, as well as cartridges to it. After that, go ahead, shoot drones. Arriving to a healthy well, where water runs down, go to the prolve in the barrier, jump on the protrusion that on the opposite wall. Then the pipe will fall into the room. There will find "Golden ashtray". She will be on the barrel. To get out of this room, climb the stairs, cut the chain from the door when you return to the sewage tunnel. Roll to the left, get to the hangar. In the hangar cut the mold. Max frightens. After that, go back to the first floor, on the way, pick up a toy robot. So you will receive the next task "Return Max toys." Wolfenstein's passage: The New Order continues. From other toys you need to find a phone, a car and cubes with letters. The phone can be found in the room Carolain. Cubes will be in the cache behind the wall of the Carolian room. Look for the car in the archive. From there, take the necessary documents. Toy return to the Maxu room. All others give Anna Olive.