Good sights for 0.9 17. Download sights for World of Tanks. Artillery, sniper and arcade sights for World of tanks

One of the most important gameplay elements in World of Tanks is the sight. For a long time standard sight in the game it was primitive and had extremely limited functionality - it did not even have high magnification and an armor thickness indicator. Therefore, to make the game easier, modders developed dozens of new sights of various types and shapes, containing various improvements and additions. The appearance of the aiming circle and crosshairs changed, ammunition numbers and other useful things were added. To this day, this type of modification remains one of the most popular among players.

Artillery sights

First of all, depending on the class of equipment, sights can be divided into two groups: for self-propelled guns and for other vehicles. The standard game sight for self-propelled guns was and remains quite simple, and enthusiasts have developed several good modifications. First of all, it should be noted “ Sword of Damocles”, which provides the player with data on the range, time of flight of the projectile, UVN mark and radius of dispersion of fragments. Another good artillery sight is the Taipan, which, despite the seeming oversaturation of information, can be very useful.

You can't ignore the famous Battle Assistant– the most serious modification of an artillery sight for last years. It completely changes the look of a standard scope, making it look like a sniper scope. This allows you to look at enemy tanks slightly from the side, allowing the artilleryman to assess the approximate trajectory of the projectile. It can be a significant help on maps with structures in the form of arches and bridges, allowing you to aim under them and throw a projectile there, which is difficult to do with a standard sight. Despite the fact that the developers introduced their analogue of the Battle Assistant into the game, many players still use the installed modification, since it gives a better viewing angle and contains several other useful and simply interesting things, such as monitoring a projectile in flight.

Sights for tanks

Now the standard tank sight has been developed a little better than before, some useful features have been added, but nevertheless, thousands of players continue to play with the modified one. Some people have simply gotten used to the interface, while for others the capabilities of a standard sight are still not enough. Modifications differ from each other both in functionality and purpose. For example, the improved standard sight adds only a few indicators to the existing information, and is itself quite minimalist. And the “Sword of Damocles” in its “tank” version has a redesigned graphic animation of reloading and an indicator with numbers showing the thickness of the enemy’s armor in the place where the player is aiming.

Some time ago, modifications from well-known watermakers such as Jove or Vspishka were common. But now most of the functions of these sights have been transferred to the game itself, and their relevance has been lost.

And another type of mods are simply original graphical changes to the interface. Basically, they do not stand out in any way, but simply change the appearance of the sight, adapting it to the tastes of the player. These include, for example, “Binoculars”, a Battlefield-style sight or a Hardscope set. The latter are made in the style of real tank sights and look very good.


There is nothing complicated in the installation; the procedure is exactly the same as for most other modifications. You just need to download the archive with the mod and copy the mods folder to the game folder, confirming the replacement. You can download them on our website; the latest versions of all current sights are collected here.

  1. In the game client, go to the res_mods folder, then to the folder1.5.0.4.**
  2. There create a folder gui, in it a folder scaleform
  3. Copy the flash files of the sights to the scaleform folder.

Aim- this is the main element of combat World interface of Tanks. It's extremely difficult to do without a scope accurate shot, with an inconvenient sight it is extremely difficult to show good game. Standard sight World of Tanks is a kind of averaging of players' needs for functionality and comfort. It is quite possible to play well with it and show good results, but for maximum effectiveness in battle, you should choose a sight that will be convenient for you personally.

Sight mods- The oldest category of mods, existing since the earliest versions of the game. Players have long realized the need and ability to customize the sight “to suit themselves.” The interface capabilities allow you to make a variety of changes and create sights with any functionality - from minimalistic to extremely informative, as well as cheat sights, which we have highlighted in a special section.

Main types of sights in WoT

Minimalistic sights differ in that they remove everything possible from the player’s screen, often leaving only an aiming marker and an aiming circle. Such mods are convenient for those who know their combat vehicle and enemy tanks well. If you are an experienced player, then without prompting you know in what situation where to shoot and how successful your shot will be. It will be more convenient for you when there is nothing superfluous on the screen and nothing prevents you from correctly aiming and inflicting damage on the enemy.

Informative sights will be more useful for beginners and intermediate players. These show all the information that may be needed for an effective shot. The type of projectile and flight time to the target, distance, slope and thickness of the enemy’s armor - all these and many other parameters matter. And they can all be displayed in the sight if you install the appropriate mod.

There are also decorative sights, which combine useful functionality with additional elements that add a certain style. This could be, for example, " star Wars"or a sight in the style of World of Warplanes.

The World of Tanks game is dashing across the planet, capturing cities and countries of new players who are ready to plunge headlong into this unusual combat world. Every year the number of fans is steadily growing, which more than speaks volumes about the right course chosen by the developers. However, the desire to improve your favorite game never leaves loyal fans. Therefore, on our portal you can download sights for World of Tanks 1.1.0 for free, thereby improving one of the important components of the strategy. It is the aiming device that often plays a key role in potential victory over the enemy. Opening for the first time game client, any novice tanker uses a standard set of options, which is significantly limited. With each batch it becomes more and more clear that an upgrade is inevitable, since the existing settings cannot meet the necessary parameters. After all, if it is not possible to make an approach even in sniper mode, then what kind of accurate hits can we even talk about? Thus, the most active users invented the first add-ons, which could then be downloaded on the Internet, allowing to increase the quality of the sighting system. Later, she began to improve with more confident steps until she began to meet the needs of all gamers. The official website also agreed to the meeting, posting official sights on its resources. The changes affected not only tanks, but also self-propelled artillery units, of which there are millions of fans in the tank world. The developed aiming devices made it possible to successfully replace the standard ones in both arcade and sniper modes.

Currently, art sights for World of Tanks, which can be downloaded for free on our website, are a unique multifunctional complex that, thanks to high-quality equipment, allows you to decide combat missions of any nature. The presence of a large number of indicators helps to increase the interest and entertainment of the tactical process. Among these, it should be noted that there are graphical indicators of such parameters as the amount of ammunition remaining, the time available, as well as the period required for reloading. Someone might say that this is not enough and they would be absolutely right, since this set is minimal. More advanced aiming systems boast the ability to calculate the distance to the target and even calculate the thickness of the opponent’s armor. With the help of the latter, information about places in the combat vehicle at which it is useless to shoot becomes available to anyone. Players often have difficulty shooting at a moving enemy. In this case, you will come in handy with a lead fire sensor. With the help of visual graphic lines, you can move the target to a certain point, which, when you send your projectile, you will hit with ease. The best modification packages contain such targeting mechanisms as vanga, auto, shaitan, cheater, smart, server, penetration, prohibited. All you need is simple sights for World of Tanks 1.1.0 download from the official website and enjoy new facets of your favorite strategy.

No one will argue with the fact that sights for World of Tanks are one of the most important components of a successful battle. After all, the chance of effectively hitting the enemy depends on them. The standard sight presented in the game does not meet the requirements set by the players. After all, the most it can offer is a color change when reloading. That is why experienced players have developed their own sight designs, which are available for download on our website.

Sight options we offer

To make it easier to navigate, it is customary to divide all sights for World of Tanks into the following categories:

  • Minimalist. Here the sights provide the bare minimum of information that may be needed during a battle. They are simplified as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the output FPS level;
  • Reworked based on the standard one. Added to such sights helpful information, about the level of penetration, reload time, etc. A sight for artillery will be especially useful here, which indicates how long the projectile flies and the reload time;
  • Sights designed by famous tankers. Here it is worth noting the sights from Jove and Kirill Oreshkin;
  • Well, those who like something unusual will like modern sights for WOT Using them, you can feel like, for example, driving a starship.

By downloading and installing the sights presented by us, you will see for yourself that your effectiveness in battle will be increased. They were not designed with the goal of making you a “killing machine.” No additional damage will be added to your gun, and the homing function is not provided. New sights simply change visually, or add additional information that was not originally included in them. And it is this information that makes it possible to quickly make a decision after assessing the situation.

When downloading sights for the game World of Tanks from us, you can be absolutely sure that they have been tested. This means that they are guaranteed to be functional in the specified version of the game. If you have any doubts, simply make a backup copy of the files that are being replaced.

Once the game World of Tanks came out into the world, the company has developed only one sight - it is quite simple and informative and therefore many players have been using it throughout the entire existence of the WoT game.

And yet, some players are tired of the standard WoT sight and want something new. Especially to diversify the game, the mod creators decided to develop their own sights for the game - more attractive appearance and even more informative.

As a result, now players can find on the Internet not tens, or even hundreds of different sights, with their own unique design and functionality - there are even cheat sights, however, we do not recommend you use them, because it is very easy to get a ban.

Are sights modifications?

Yes - sights are unofficial modifications to game World of Tanks. Most sights are far from being cheats, but simply mods that are allowed by Wargaming.

Differences in sights in the game

As some may know, there is not one - but three sights in the game. Arcade, artillery and sniper. We use the arcade sight on all tanks in normal mode guidance - they use it when moving around the battlefield. Sniper scope use all tanks and tank destroyers to target the tank and target its weak spots or simply shoot from a distance. Artillery sight Only artillery is used and it is a top view.

On our website you can download any of three types of sights - they are all free and you will not get a ban for using them, but will significantly diversify your gameplay.